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Localized muscle fatigue (LMF) during a repetitive task can be influenced by several aspects such as the level and duration of exertions. Among these aspects, though, the influence of cycle time remains unclear. Here, the effect of cycle time on LMF and performance was examined for a simple biomechanical system during repetitive static efforts. Participants performed 1-h trials of intermittent isometric index finger abduction with a duty cycle of 50% in all combinations of two cycle times (30 and 60 s) and two exertion levels (15% and 25% of maximum voluntary capacity). Measures of discomfort, performance (force fluctuations), and muscle capacity (voluntary strength and low-frequency twitch responses) were obtained, all of which demonstrated a beneficial effect of the 30 s cycle time. Specifically, the shorter cycle time led to lower rates of increase in perceived discomfort, lower rates of increase in force fluctuations, lower rates of decrease in voluntary capacity, and smaller changes in twitch responses. These benefits, reflecting less LMF development in the shorter cycle time, were quite consistent between genders and the two levels of effort. Results of this study can be used to modify current models predicting work–rest allowance and/or LMF, helping to enhance performance and reduce the risk of adverse musculoskeletal outcomes.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown an association of visual demands during near work and increased activity of the trapezius muscle. Those studies were conducted under stationary postural conditions with fixed gaze and artificial visual load. The present study investigated the relationship between ciliary muscle contraction force and trapezius muscle activity across individuals during performance of a natural dynamic motor task under free gaze conditions. Participants (N = 11) tracked a moving visual target with a digital pen on a computer screen. Tracking performance, eye refraction and trapezius muscle activity were continuously measured. Ciliary muscle contraction force was computed from eye accommodative response. There was a significant Pearson correlation between ciliary muscle contraction force and trapezius muscle activity on the tracking side (0.78, p < 0.01) and passive side (0.64, p < 0.05). The study supports the hypothesis that high visual demands, leading to an increased ciliary muscle contraction during continuous eye–hand coordination, may increase trapezius muscle tension and thus contribute to the development of musculoskeletal complaints in the neck–shoulder area. Further experimental studies are required to clarify whether the relationship is valid within each individual or may represent a general personal trait, when individuals with higher eye accommodative response tend to have higher trapezius muscle activity.  相似文献   

The study examined the fatigue effect on tennis performance and upper limb muscle activity. Ten players were tested before and after a strenuous tennis exercise. Velocity and accuracy of serve and forehand drives, as well as corresponding surface electromyographic (EMG) activity of eight upper limb muscles were measured. EMG and force were also evaluated during isometric maximal voluntary contractions (IMVC). Significant decreases were observed after exercise in serve accuracy (−11.7%) and velocity (−4.5%), forehand accuracy (−25.6%) and consistency (−15.6%), as well as pectoralis major (PM) and flexor carpi radialis (FCR) IMVC strength (−13.0% and −8.2%, respectively). EMG amplitude decreased for PM and FCR in serve, forehand and IMVC, and for extensor carpi radialis in forehand. No modification was observed in EMG activation timing during strokes or in EMG frequency content during IMVC. Several hypotheses can be put forward to explain these results. First, muscle fatigue may induce a reduction in activation level of PM and forearm muscles, which could decrease performance. Second, conscious or subconscious strategies could lead to a redistribution of muscle activity to non-fatigued muscles in order to protect the organism and/or limit performance losses. Otherwise, the modifications of EMG activity could also illustrate the strategies adopted to manage the speed-accuracy trade-off in such a complex task.  相似文献   

The first aim of this investigation was to quantify the distribution of trapezius muscle activity with different scapular postures while seated. The second aim of this investigation was to examine the association between changes in cervical and scapular posture when attempting to recruit different subdivisions of the trapezius muscle. Cervical posture, scapular posture, and trapezius muscle activity were recorded from 20 healthy participants during three directed shoulder postures. Planar angles formed by reflective markers placed on the acromion process, C7, and tragus were used to quantify cervical and scapular posture. Distribution of trapezius muscle activity was recorded using two high-density surface electromyography (HDsEMG) electrodes positioned over the upper, middle, and lower trapezius. Results validated the assumption that directed scapular postures preferentially activate different subdivisions of the trapezius muscle. In particular, scapular depression was associated with a more inferior location of trapezius muscle activity (r = 0.53). Scapular elevation was coupled with scapular abduction (r = 0.52). Scapular adduction was coupled with cervical extension (r = 0.35); all other changes in cervical posture were independent of changes in scapular posture. This investigation provides empirical support for reductions in static loading of the upper trapezius and improvements in neck posture through verbal cueing of scapular posture.  相似文献   

Red and white axial muscle activity of adult Atlantic salmon Salmo salar was examined using conventional electromyography (EMG x ) and activity radio-transmitters (EMG i ) at 0·5 and 0.7 body lengths (L) along the body of the fish. Critical swimming trials were conducted and maximum sustainable speeds (Ucrit) were unaffected by the presence of electrodes, being 1·51 ± 21 m s−1 (3.33 ± 0.34 L s−1) ( n =44). Regardless of longitudinal position of the electrodes within the musculature, both EMG x s and EMG i s indicated increasing red muscle activity with increasing swimming speed, whereas white muscle fibres were recruited only at speeds > 86±5% Ucrit. Telemetered EMG i signals indicated that muscle activity varied significantly for electrodes implanted at different longitudinal positions along the fish ( P < 0·001). These results suggest that electrode placement is an important influence affecting the signals obtained from radio transmitters that estimate activity and location should be standardized within biotelemetry studies to allow accurate and consistent comparisons of activity between individuals and species. Optimal location for electrode placement was determined to be in the red muscle, towards the tail of the fish (0·7 L ).  相似文献   

The changes in the soundmyogram (SMG) and electromyogram (EMG) frequency content during exhausting contractions at 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) were investigated by the spectral analysis of the SMG and EMG detected from the biceps brachii muscles of 13 healthy men. The root mean squares (rms) of the two signals were also calculated. Throughout contraction the EMG rms always increased while this was true only at 20% MVC for the SMG. A marked decrease was detected at 60% and 80% MVC. With fatigue the EMG spectra presented a compression towards the lower frequencies at all exercise intensities. The SMG showed a more complex behaviour with a transient increase in its frequency content, followed by a continuous compression of the spectra, at 60% and 80% MVC, and a nearly stable frequency content at lower contraction intensities. This study suggested that different aspects of the changes in the motor unit's activation strategy at different levels of exhausting contractions can be monitored by SMG and EMG signals.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to investigate whether isometric contraction of the right triceps brachii muscle, of maximal duration and at 25% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), would reduce mean fibre conduction velocity (CV) for the active motor units (MU). In addition to the cross-correlation of surface electromyograms (EMG) for CV determination, median frequency (fm) and root-mean-square amplitude (rms-amplitude) were calculated. The initial 5 min of the recovery of the three parameters was also investigated. The MVC were performed before and after the sustained contraction. Seven males-six in their twenties and one aged 43-participated in the investigation. Mean CV for the unfatigued muscle was 4.5 m.s-1, SD 0.38. On average, CV decreased less than 10% during the sustained contraction (P less than 0.05). The fm decreased almost linearly (46%) during the endurance time, while three quarters of the 250% increase in rms-amplitude took place during the last 50% of the contraction (P less than 0.001, both parameters). The MVC was reduced by 39% immediately after exhaustion (P less than 0.05). During the 1st min of recovery the rms-amplitude decreased by 50%, and the fm increased from 54% to 82% of the initial value (both P less than 0.05). No measurable simultaneous CV restitution occurred. A parallel 15% increase in fm and CV took place during the last 4 min of recovery (both P less than 0.001), while the amplitude remained constant. Since mean CV was essentially unchanged during the last 50% of the endurance time where large changes in fm and rms-amplitude occurred, factors supplementary to CV probably caused the striking changes in fatigue EMG, notably-MU recruitment, synchronization of MU activity, and lowering of MU firing frequencies. Nevertheless, during the last 4 min of recovery the entire increase in fm could be accounted for by the simultaneous increase in CV.  相似文献   



Recently, mist saunas have been used in the home as a new bathing style in Japan. However, there are still few reports on the effects of bathing methods on recovery from muscle fatigue. Furthermore, the effect of mist sauna bathing on human physiological function has not yet been revealed. Therefore, we measured the physiological effects of bathing methods including the mist sauna on recovery from muscle fatigue.


The bathing methods studied included four conditions: full immersion bath, shower, mist sauna, and no bathing as a control. Ten men participated in this study. The participants completed four consecutive sessions: a 30-min rest period, a 10-min all out elbow flexion task period, a 10-min bathing period, and a 10-min recovery period. We evaluated the mean power frequency (MNF) of the electromyogram (EMG), rectal temperature (Tre), skin temperature (Tsk), skin blood flow (SBF), concentration of oxygenated hemoglobin (O2Hb), and subjective evaluation.


We found that the MNF under the full immersion bath condition was significantly higher than those under the other conditions. Furthermore, Tre, SBF, and O2Hb under the full immersion bath condition were significantly higher than under the other conditions.


Following the results for the full immersion bath condition, the SBF and O2Hb of the mist sauna condition were significantly higher than those for the shower and no bathing conditions. These results suggest that full immersion bath and mist sauna are effective in facilitating recovery from muscle fatigue.  相似文献   

Intra-abdominal pressure (IAP), force and electromyographic (EMG) activity from the abdominal (intra-muscular) and trunk extensor (surface) muscles were measured in seven male subjects during maximal and sub-maximal sagittal lifting and lowering with straight arms and legs. An isokinetic dynamometer was used to provide five constant velocities (0.12–0.96 m·s–1) of lifting (pulling against the resistance of the motor) and lowering (resisting the downward pull of the motor). For the maximal efforts, position-specific lowering force was greater than lifting force at each respective velocity. In contrast, corresponding IAPs during lowering were less than those during lifting. Highest mean force occurred during slow lowering (1547 N at 0.24 m·s–1) while highest IAP occurred during the fastest lifts (17.8 kPa at 0.48–0.96 m·s–1). Among the abdominal muscles, the highest level of activity and the best correlation to variations in IAP (r=0.970 over velocities) was demonstrated by the transversus abdominis muscle. At each velocity the EMG activity of the primary trunk and hip extensors was less during lowering (eccentric muscle action) than lifting (concentric muscle action) despite higher levels of force (r between –0.896 and –0.851). Sub-maximal efforts resulted in IAP increasing linearly with increasing lifting or lowering force (r=0.918 and 0.882, respectively). However, at any given force IAP was less during lowering than lifting. This difference was negated if force and IAP were expressed relative to their respective lifting and lowering maxima. It appears that the IAP increase primarily accomplished by the activation of the transversus abdominis muscle can have the dual function of stabilising the trunk and reducing compression forces in the lumbar spine via its extensor moment. The neural mechanisms involved in sensing and regulating both IAP and trunk extensor activity in relation to the type of muscle action, velocity and effort during the maximal and sub-maximal loading tasks are unknown.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of four weeks of training using a knee extension with hip adduction (KEWHA) exercise in asymptomatic participants. In addition, we compared different methods of electromyographic (EMG) onset-time detection. Eighteen participants who achieved earlier activation of the vastus lateralis (VL) muscle compared to that of the vastus medialis obliquus (VMO) muscle performed the isometric KEWHA exercise in the sitting position for four weeks. A 15° hip adduction was added to the existing knee extension in the KEWHA exercise. EMG onset times were detected using a computer-analyzed system and evaluated using two methods in which the thresholds for activity onset were set at two and three standard deviations (SDs) of the mean baseline activity. No significant difference in the EMG onset-time for the VMO muscle was observed compared to that of the VL muscle between the pre- and post-tests (p > 0.05) when data at 2 SDs of the mean baseline activity were analyzed. However, a significant difference in the onset times for the VMO muscle and VL muscle was found between the pre- and post-tests (p < 0.05) when data at 3 SDs of the mean baseline activity were analyzed. In addition, less variation was observed in data analyzed at 3 SDs compared to that of the data at 2 SDs. The normalized VMO:VL muscle ratio was not significantly different between the pre- and post-tests. These findings show that the KEWHA exercise may decrease the difference between the onset times of VMO and VL muscles. In addition, we suggest that task-specific EMG onset-time detection methods are required to minimize variations in the data obtained during the recording of muscle activation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of quiet inspiration versus slow expiration on sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and abdominal muscle activity during abdominal curl-up in healthy subjects. Twelve healthy subjects participated in this study. Surface electromyography (EMG) was used to collect activity of bilateral SCM, rectus abdominis (RA), external oblique (EO), and transversus abdominis/internal oblique (TrA/IO) muscles. A paired t-test was used to determine significant differences in the bilateral SCM, RF, EO, and TrA/IO muscles between abdominal curl-up with quiet inspiration and slow expiration. There were significantly lower EMG activity of both SCMs and greater EMG activity of both IOs during abdominal curl-up with slow expiration, compared with the EMG activity of both SCMs and IOs during abdominal curl-up with quiet inspiration (p < .05). The results of this study suggest that slow expiration would be recommended during abdominal curl-up for reduced SCM activation and selective activation of TrA/IO in healthy subjects compared with those in abdominal curl up with quiet inspiration.  相似文献   

This paper aims to determine the force required for holding the objects by human hand. A static analysis is performed on mathematical models to obtain holding force considering lower arm as class three lever and by varying the joint angles. Three mathematical models are discussed to quantify the force required to hold any object, for different weight of the object and the joint angles. A noninvasive experimentation using surface electromyogram was performed to determine the forces required by human hand for the same objects used in the mathematical modeling. Twenty-one male subjects participated in this test and were asked to hold different objects. EMG signals were recorded and converted into grip force in Newton. The EMG to Force conversion was accomplished by the equation derived from the Hills model. The experimentation revealed that subjects in the age group of 20-50 years generated more grip force as compared to those above the age of fifty years. The values of muscle force obtained from the experimentation are optimum values which depend upon the nature of the gripping habits subjects are used to. Whereas, in the case of mathematical models yielded maximum force required to sustain the weight placed on the hand considering it as a mechanical system. The study revealed an average gripping force of 85 Newton required to hold the objects weighing between 0.015 kg to 1.18 kg used in the experimentation. The mathematical model resulted in an average of 162 Newton muscle force to hold the object having similar weights.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to create a model for mapping the surface electromyogram (EMG) signals to the force that generated by human arm muscles. Because the parameters of each person's muscle are individual, the model of the muscle must have two characteristics: (1) The model must be adjustable for each subject. (2) The relationship between the input and output of model must be affected by the force-length and the force-velocity behaviors are proven through Hill's experiments. Hill's model is a kinematic mechanistic model with three elements, i.e. one contractile component and two nonlinear spring elements.In this research, fuzzy systems are applied to improve the muscle model. The advantages of using fuzzy system are as follows: they are robust to noise, they prove an adjustable nonlinear mapping, and are able to model the uncertainties of the muscle.Three fuzzy coefficients have been added to the relationships of force-length (active and passive) and force-velocity existing in Hill's model. Then, a genetic algorithm (GA) has been used as a biological search method that can adjust the parameters of the model in order to achieve the optimal possible fit.Finally, the accuracy of the fuzzy genetic implementation Hill-based muscle model (FGIHM) is invested as following: the FGIHM results have 12.4% RMS error (in worse case) in comparison to the experimental data recorded from three healthy male subjects. Moreover, the FGIHM active force-length relationship which is the key characteristics of muscles has been compared to virtual muscle (VM) and Zajac muscle model. The sensitivity of the FGIHM has been evaluated by adding a white noise with zero mean to the input and FGIHM has proved to have lower sensitivity to input noise than the traditional Hill's muscle model.  相似文献   

Textured insoles may enhance sensory input on the plantar surfaces of the feet, thereby influencing neuromuscular function. The aim of this study was to investigate whether textured surfaces alter postural stability and lower limb muscle activity during quiet bipedal standing balance with eyes open. Anterior–posterior (AP) and mediolateral (ML) sway variables and the intensity of electromyographic (EMG) activity in eight dominant lower limb muscles were collected synchronously over 30 s in 24 young adults under three randomised conditions: control surface (C), texture 1 (T1) and texture 2 (T2). Repeated measures ANOVA showed that the textured surfaces did not significantly affect AP or ML postural sway in comparison to the control condition (p > 0.05). Neither did the textured surfaces significantly alter EMG activity in the lower limbs (p > 0.05). Under the specific conditions of this study, texture did not affect either postural sway or lower limb muscle activity in static bipedal standing. The results of this study point to three areas of further work including the effect of textured surfaces on postural stability and lower limb muscle activity: (i) in young healthy adults under more vigorous dynamic balance tests, (ii) post-fatigue, and (iii) in older adults presenting age-related deterioration.  相似文献   

Handgrip force (HF), maximal pinch force (MF), muscle endurance (ME), and the median power frequency (MdPF) of the activity shown in the electromyogram (EMG) were studied at various altitudes in eight normal healthy subjects. MF and ME were measured between the index finger and thumb, and all measurements were obtained at altitudes ranging from 610 to 4860 m during an expedition in the Qinghai Plateau in China. With the change in altitude HF, ME, and MF showed no significant change. Compared to the MdPF at 2260 m on ascent, the MdPF at other altitudes showed a significant decrease (P<0.01). Thus, we conclude that muscle performance (HF, MF, and ME) was not affected by the environment at high altitude. However, MdPF was affected and the mean MdPF at 610 m after the expedition did not recover to initial values of MdPF. We suggest these results may have been affected by fatigue and chronic exposure to the hypobaric hypoxic environment, since the members of the expedition party expressed feelings of sluggishness and fatigue after the expedition.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of changing internal mechanical variables and task demands on muscle activity and torque production during high effort isometric contractions of the elbow flexors. The effect of adding a 50% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) of supination to an MVC of elbow flexion was studied over a range of angles from 30° to 110° of elbow flexion. Surface EMGs were recorded from the biceps brachii (BIC), brachioradialis (BRAD) and triceps brachii (TRI) of 10 healthy subjects. BIC was the only muscle to show a consistent trend of increasing root mean square (rms) EMG with increasing elbow flexion angle. BIC activity also remained constant or increased with the addition of the supination task at all angles. In contrast, BRAD showed decreased activity when supination was added at several angular positions. Maximal flexion torque was reduced when the second task of submaximal supination was added. This torque reduction was statistically significant at all angles except 70° and appeared related to the decreased contribution from BRAD. In a small subset of subjects, however, BRAD activity did not decrease when the second degrees of freedom (df) task was added. These subjects exhibited higher flexion torques averaged over task than the majority, at all angles except 30°. These data support the view that internal mechanical considerations influence the manner in which the central nervous system (CNS) distributes activity to muscular synergists in response to altered task demands. Further, subject-specific patterns exist which must be recognized if these findings are to be incorporated in training or rehabilitation programmes.  相似文献   

Frontal plane mandibular movements during mastication and the associated electromyographic (EMG) activity for left and right superficial masseter, posterior temporalis, anterior temporalis, and anterior belly of the digastric (ABD) were studied for two adult male Macaca mulatta by the new technique of “contour” analysis. Contour analysis allowed graphic and quantitative portrayal of multiple chew cycle patterns of mandibular movement and EMG activity during active mastication. A series of computer programs (ATS, ATSED, ATSXYZ) facilitated the collection, editing and definition, and finally processing of these masticatory data into contour plots. These preliminary data indicated the essential symmetry of mandibular movement patterns, high chew cycle variability inferior to occlusion, multiple centers of intense EMG activity for balancing-side superficial masseter, and no difference between working-side anterior and posterior temporalis EMG patterns. Maximum EMG amplitude was found in the area of buccal phase power stroke (BPS). Maximum EMG amplitude for ABD was located medial and inferior to occlusion; all other muscle maximum amplitudes were buccal and inferior to occlusion. The location of maximum EMG amplitudes for superficial masseter and ABD were closer to occlusion (more superior) during mastication of carrot than were maximum amplitudes during biscuit mastication. The absence of any detectable shift of EMG maximum amplitude location between biscuit and carrot for posterior and anterior temporalis suggested, along with the continuous EMG activity of working-side posterior temporalis, a secondary role for the temporalis (compensation for superficial masseter activity) during active mastication.  相似文献   

Summary The atrial musculature of rats given the cholesterol inhibitor triparanol (MER/29) (250 mg/kg daily) for 8 days was examined under the electron microscope and compared with that from untreated animals. The sarcoplasmic core of muscle fibers from animals given triparanol exhibited a new formation of sarcoplasmic granules which displayed a crystalline latticework with opaque lines approximately 40–60 Å separated by clear spaces 50–70 Å. They were partially or completely surrounded by a membrane. The crystalline bodies in cardiac muscle fibers were not as numerous as those observed in adrenocortical, testicular interstitial, or luteal cells as reported earlier by the investigators.This research was supported by USPHS Grants HE 12751, NS 05665, and 00690.Recipient of Career Research Development Award 1 K 3 GM 28064.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare two ways of estimating both fatigue and fitness indicators from systems model of the effects of training on performance. The model was applied to data concerning the training of a hammer thrower. The variations in performance were mathematically related to the successive amounts of training. The model equation was composed of negative (NF) and positive (PF) functions. The NF and PF were associated with the fatigue and fitness estimated in previous studies. Using another method, fatigue and fitness indicators were estimated from a combination of NF and PF. The influence of training on performance was negatively associated with fatigue (NI), and positively to fitness (PI). The changes in performance were well described by the model in the present study (r = 0.96,N = 19,P<0.001). Significant correlations were observed between NF and NI (r = 0.93,P < 0.001) on the one hand and between PF and PI (r = 0.90,P < 0.001) on the other. The absolute values and the time variations of PI and NI were closer to the change in performance than NF and PF. The NF and PF were accounted for mainly by the accumulation of amounts of training. On the other hand, NI and PI were accounted for rather by the impact of these amounts of training on performance.  相似文献   

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