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The accurate quantitation of high density lipoproteins has recently assumed greater importance in view of studies suggesting their negative correlation with coronary heart disease. High density lipoproteins may be estimated by measuring cholesterol in the plasma fraction of d > 1.063 g/ml. A more practical approach is the specific precipitation of apolipoprotein B (apoB)-containing lipoproteins by sulfated polysaccharides and divalent cations, heparin-Mn(2+) being the most commonly used combination. The present heparin-Mn(2+) procedure was found to be reasonably specific and not often subject to large errors; however, 9% (primarily hypertriglyceridemic samples) of the 966 plasma samples treated with heparin-Mn(2+) had obvious supernatant turbidity, indicating incomplete sedimentation of apoB-associated lipoproteins. Furthermore, 48% of the nonturbid supernates contained more than 1 mg/dl (mean 2.5 mg/dl) of apoB-associated cholesterol when measured by a radial immunodiffusion procedure, indicating slight overestimation of HDL cholesterol. Determination of the extent of the unprecipitated apoB-associated lipoproteins by sensitive radioimmunoassay and of the amount of precipitated high density lipoprotein by radial immunodiffusion assay of apolipoproteins A-I and A-II at various heparin and Mn(2+) concentrations indicated that the usual heparin level (approximately 1.3 mg/ml) was adequate. However, a twofold increase in Mn(2+) concentration to 0.092 M improved precipitation of the apoB-associated lipoproteins without excessive precipitation of high density lipoprotein from plasma. This increased Mn(2+) level also provided improved sedimentation of the apoB-associated lipoproteins from hypertriglyceridemic plasma. Additional observations suggested that, for convenience, the heparin and Mn(2+) can be added simultaneously as a combined reagent, that samples can be incubated for 10 minutes at room temperature before centrifugation, and that turbid supernates from hypertriglyceridemic samples can usually be made free of apoB-associated lipoproteins by centrifugation at 12,000 g for 10 minutes.  相似文献   

The interactions of high density lipoprotein (HDL) and acetylated high density lipoprotein (acetyl-HDL) with isolated rat sinusoidal liver cells have been investigated. Cellular binding of 125I-acetyl-HDL at 0 degrees C demonstrated the presence of a specific, saturable membrane-associated receptor. This receptor was affected neither by formaldehyde-treated albumin nor by low density lipoprotein modified either by acetylation or malondialdehyde, ligands known to undergo receptor-mediated endocytosis by the cells, indicating that the receptor for acetyl-HDL constitutes a distinct class among the scavenger receptors for chemically modified proteins. Parallel binding experiments using 125I-HDL also revealed the presence on these cells of a receptor for unmodified HDL. The ligand specificities of these two receptors were similar to each other except that the acetyl-HDL receptor was sensitive to polyanions such as dextran sulfate and fucoidin. Interaction of HDL with the cells at 37 degrees C was totally different from that of acetyl-HDL. Cellular binding of HDL was not accompanied by subsequent intracellular degradation of its apoprotein moiety, whereas its cholesterol moiety was significantly transferred to the cells. In contrast, acetyl-HDL was endocytosed and underwent lysosomal degradation as a holoparticle. This shift in receptor-recognition from the HDL receptor to the acetyl-HDL receptor was accomplished by acetylation of approximately 8% of the total lysine residues of HDL apoprotein. This unique difference in endocytic behavior between HDL and acetyl-HDL suggests a potential link of the HDL receptor to HDL-mediated cholesterol transfer in sinusoidal liver cells.  相似文献   

Branched polyethylene glycol for protein precipitation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The use of linear PEGs for protein precipitation raises the issues of high viscosity and limited selectivity. This paper explores PEG branching as a way to alleviate the first problem, by using 3-arm star as the model branched structure. 3-arm star PEGs of 4,000 to 9,000 Da were synthesized and characterized. The effects of PEG branching were then elucidated by comparing the branched PEG precipitants to linear versions of equivalent molecular weights, in terms of IgG recovery from CHO cell culture supernatant, precipitation selectivity, solubility of different purified proteins, and precipitation kinetics. Two distinct effects were observed: PEG branching reduced dynamic viscosity; secondly, the branched PEGs precipitated less proteins and did so more slowly. Precipitation selectivity was largely unaffected. When the branched PEGs were used at concentrations higher than their linear counterparts to give similar precipitation yields, the dynamic viscosity of the branched PEGs were noticeably lower. Interestingly, the precipitation outcome was found to be a strong function of PEG hydrodynamic radius, regardless of PEG shape and molecular weight. These observations are consistent with steric mechanisms such as volume exclusion and attractive depletion.  相似文献   

Young chickens were administered L-[(3)H]leucine and after 10 or 30 min the livers were removed and fractioned into rough (RER) and smooth (SER) endoplasmic reticulum fractions and into light, intermediate, and heavy golgo cell fractions. The labeled high density lipoprotein (HDL), contained within these intracellular organelles was isolated either by immunoprecipitation using rabbit antiserum to rooster HDL, or by ultracentrifugal glotation between densities 1.063 and 1.21 g/ml. The radioactive apoproteins of nascent HDL were analyzed by SDS PAGE and detected by fluorography. Analyses of radioactive apoproteins obtained by immunoprecipitation from the contents of the RER, the SER, and the three golgi complex fractions revealed only one apoprotein, A1. The C peptide present in serum HDL was not detected intracellularly. The radioactive apoprotein A1 which is present within the cisternae of the RER and the SER fractions failed to float, whereas apoprotein A1, present within the golgi apparatus, readily floated between densities 1.063 and 1.21 g/ml. The HDL particles, isolated by flotation from the golgi apparatus content, were further characterized by lipid and protein analyses and by electron microscopy. Golgi HDL particles have the same density as serum HDL. On a percentage basis, golgi HDL contains less protein and more phospholipids than does serum HDL. Morphologically, golgi HDL is different in appearance from serum HDL. It is more heterogeneous in size, with most of the particles ranging 8.3-25 nm in diameter. The spherical particles contain small membrane tails. Occasionally, a few disk-shaped bilayer structures are also found within the golgi apparatus. These studies show that the newly synthesized apoprotein A1, present within the RER and the SER cell fractions, is not fully complexed with lipid and that apoprotein A1 does not acquire sufficient lipid to float at the proper HDL density until it enters the golgi apparatus. The difference in chemical composition and the heterogeneous size of golgi HDL may be attributed to the different stages of HDL maturation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To investigate long term changes in total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, and low density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations and in measures of other risk factors for coronary heart disease and to assess their importance for the development of coronary heart disease in Scottish men. DESIGN--Longitudinal study entailing follow up in 1988-9 of men investigated during a study in 1976. SETTING--Edinburgh, Scotland. SUBJECTS--107 men from Edinburgh who had taken part in a comparative study of risk factors for heart disease with Swedish men in 1976 when aged 40. INTERVENTION--The men were invited to attend a follow up clinic in 1988-9 for measurement of cholesterol concentrations and other risk factor measurements. Eighty three attended and 24 refused to or could not attend. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Changes in total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, and low density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations, body weight, weight to height index, prevalence of smoking, and alcohol intake; number of coronary artery disease events. RESULTS--Mean serum total cholesterol concentration increased over the 12 years mainly due to an increase in the low density lipoprotein cholesterol fraction (from 3.53 (SD 0.09) to 4.56 (0.11) mmol/l) despite a reduction in high density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration. Body weight and weight to height index increased. Fewer men smoked more than 15 cigarettes/day in 1988-9 than in 1976. Blood pressure remained stable and fasting triglyceride concentrations did not change. The frequency of corneal arcus doubled. Alcohol consumption decreased significantly. Eleven men developed clinical coronary heart disease. High low density lipoprotein and low high density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations in 1976, but not total cholesterol concentration, significantly predicted coronary heart disease (p = 0.05). Almost all of the men who developed coronary heart disease were smokers (91% v 53%, p less than 0.05). CONCLUSION--Over 12 years the lipid profile deteriorated significantly in this healthy cohort of young men. Smoking, a low high density lipoprotein concentration and a raised low density lipoprotein concentration were all associated with coronary heart disease in middle aged Scottish men, whereas there was no association for total cholesterol concentration. The findings have implications for screening programmes.  相似文献   

Apo-A-1, the principal apoprotein of high density lipoprotein, was incubated with cholesterol containing liposomes of dimyristoyl lecithin, lecithin from high density lipoprotein or sphingomyelin. Conditions were chosen to give 100% conversion of cholesterol-free liposomes into recombinants which were isolated by density gradient ultracentrifugation. For all phospholipids, there was a progressive decrease in incorporation of lipid into recombinants with increasing cholesterol/phospholipid ratio. The cholesterol/phospholipid ratio of recombinants was ~ 45% of unreacted liposomes, for all initial cholesterol/phospholipid ratios. The reduced cholesterol content suggests exclusion of cholesterol from a fraction of recombinant phospholipid, probably a boundary layer in contact with apo A-1.  相似文献   

Male squirrel monkeys fed ethanol at variable doses were used to assess whether alcohol enhances de novo synthesis of high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol in vivo. Monkeys were divided into three groups: 1) Controls fed isocaloric liquid diet; 2) Low Ethanol monkeys fed liquid diet with vodka substituted isocalorically for carbohydrate at 12% of calories; and 3) High Ethanol animals fed diet plus vodka at 24% of calories. High Ethanol primates had significantly higher levels of HDL nonesterified cholesterol than Control and Low Ethanol animals while serum glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase was similar for the three treatments. There were no significant differences between the groups in HDL cholesteryl ester mass or specific activity following intravenous injection of labeled mevalonolactone. By contrast, High Ethanol monkeys had significantly greater HDL nonesterified cholesterol specific activity with approximately 60% of the radioactivity distributed in the HDL3 subfraction. This report provides the first experimental evidence that ethanol at 24% of calories induces elevations in HDL cholesterol in primates through enhanced de novo synthesis without adverse effects on liver function.  相似文献   

In this study, free cholesterol (FC) efflux mediated by human HDL was investigated using fluorescence methodologies. The accessibility of FC to HDL may depend on whether it is located in regions rich in unsaturated phospholipids or in domains containing high levels of FC and sphingomyelin, known as "lipid rafts." Laurdan generalized polarization and two-photon microscopy were used to quantify FC removal from different pools in the bilayer of giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs). GUVs made of POPC and FC were observed after incubation with reconstituted particles containing apolipoprotein A-I and POPC [78A diameter reconstituted high density lipoprotein (rHDL)]. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy data show an increase in rHDL size during the incubation period. GUVs made of two "raft-like" mixtures [DOPC/DPPC/FC (1:1:1) and POPC/SPM/FC (6:1:1)] were used to model liquid-ordered/liquid-disordered phase coexistence. Through these experiments, we conclude that rHDL preferentially removes cholesterol from the more fluid phases. These data, and their extrapolation to in vivo systems, show the significant role that phase separation plays in the regulation of cholesterol homeostasis.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicate that free cholesterol moves passively between high density lipoprotein (HDL) and cell plasma membranes by uncatalyzed diffusion of cholesterol molecules in the extracellular aqueous phase. By this mechanism, the rate constants for free cholesterol influx (Cli) and efflux (ke) should not be very sensitive to the free cholesterol content of cells or HDL. Thus, at a given HDL concentration, the unidirectional influx and efflux of cholesterol mass (Fi, Fe) should be proportional to the cholesterol content of HDL and cells, respectively, and net efflux of cholesterol mass (Fe-Fi greater than 0) should occur when either cells are enriched with cholesterol or HDL is depleted of cholesterol. We have examined the influence of cell and HDL free cholesterol contents on the bidirectional flux of free cholesterol between HDL and human fibroblasts and also attempted to detect some dependence of flux on the binding of HDL to the cells. In the range of HDL concentrations from 1 to 1000 micrograms of protein/ml, ke for cell free cholesterol approximately doubled for every 10-fold increase in HDL concentration, reaching 0.04 h-1 at 1000 micrograms of HDL/ml. ke and Cli were not influenced by the doubling of fibroblast free cholesterol content (from 31 +/- 5 to 62 +/- 13 micrograms of cholesterol/mg of protein). There was an approximate exchange of cholesterol between HDL and the unenriched fibroblasts (e.g. at [HDL] = 100 micrograms/ml, Fe and Fi = 3.2 and 3.0 micrograms of cholesterol/[4 h.mg of cell protein], respectively). In contrast, there was substantial net efflux from the enriched cells (at [HDL] = 100 micrograms/ml, Fe and Fi = 5.5 and 3.1 micrograms of cholesterol/[4 h.mg of cell protein], respectively). The rate constants for cholesterol flux were not influenced by changing the free cholesterol content of HDL, so that there was net efflux of cell cholesterol in the presence of cholesterol-depleted HDL and net influx from cholesterol-rich HDL. The Kd of HDL binding to fibroblasts was reduced from 1.7 to 0.9 micrograms/ml by the enrichment of the cells with free cholesterol; this increase in affinity for HDL was not reflected in enhanced rate constants for cholesterol flux. The inhibition of specific HDL binding by treatment of the lipoprotein with dimethyl suberimidate did not affect cholesterol flux using either control or cholesterol-rich cells at any HDL concentration in the range 1-1000 micrograms/ml. The above results are consistent with the concept that net movement of free cholesterol between cells and HDL occurs by passive, mass-action effects.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Transintestinal cholesterol efflux (TICE) provides an attractive target to increase body cholesterol excretion. At present, the cholesterol donor responsible for direct delivery of plasma cholesterol to the intestine is unknown. In this study, we investigated the role of HDL in TICE. ATP-binding cassette protein A1 deficient (Abca1(-/-)) mice that lack HDL and wild-type (WT) mice were intravenously injected with chylomicron-like emulsion particles that contained radiolabeled cholesterol that is liberated in the liver and partly reenters the circulation. Both groups secreted radiolabeled cholesterol from plasma into intestinal lumen and TICE was unaltered between the two mouse models. To further investigate the role of HDL, we injected HDL with radiolabeled cholesterol in WT mice and Abca1(-/-)×Sr-b1(-/-) mice that lack HDL and are also unable to clear HDL via the liver. The intestines of both mice were unable to take up and secrete radiolabeled cholesterol from HDL via TICE. Although a generally accepted major player in the hepatobiliary route-based cholesterol excretion, HDL plays no significant role in TICE in mice.  相似文献   

Separation strategies based on size-selective precipitation of DNA fragments with polyethylene glycol (PEG) have been used for achieving desired DNA interval in automated sample preparation for next-generation sequencing. By varying PEG concentration, DNA fragments of different sizes can be precipitated onto surfaces of carboxyl-coated paramagnetic particles selectively, and therefore, the desired DNA interval can be obtained. However, one of the crucial points in this approach is to determine the critical PEG concentration for DNA fragment of a certain size. The aim of this work was to develop a convenient and reliable method for accurately determining the critical PEG concentration. In our method, at a fixed concentration of sodium chloride (NaCl), recovered DNA samples obtained with different PEG concentrations were directly quantified, and their concentrations as a function of the PEG concentration were fitted by the logistic function. The critical PEG value was easily and accurately determined from the fitted logistic function. The repeatability and stability of the critical PEG value were assessed, showing an excellent reliability of the method. Based on this method, critical PEG values of different-size DNA fragments were determined at different NaCl concentrations. The effectiveness of the method was also demonstrated by selective precipitation of DNA fragments.  相似文献   

The uptake of cholesterol (CHL) by serum high density lipoprotein (HDL) delipidated apoproteins and phospholipid-apoprotein recombinants has been studied with two methods; by incubation with Celite-dispersed cholesterol or with cholesterol crystals. The apoproteins bind very small amounts of cholesterol with a maximum of about 6 micrograms/mg apoprotein. Recombinants with dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) or egg phosphatidylcholine (EPC) as phospholipid component gave similar values for cholesterol uptake. The initial rate for uptake from Celite-cholesterol by recombinants was high (0.1 mol cholesterol/mol phospholipid/h) and somewhat higher than that for phospholipid vesicles. The maximal uptake was by gel filtration shown to depend on the size of the complexes with values about 0.95 mol cholesterol per phospholipid for vesicular complexes, 0.75 for discoidal complexes and between 0.5 and 0.2 for small 'protein-rich' complexes. During the incubation of recombinants with cholesterol there was considerable decomposition of discoidal complexes and formation of larger ones. The results show that phospholipid-apoprotein complexes are efficient acceptors for cholesterol but also that about 25% of the phospholipid in the discoidal complexes is excluded from interaction with cholesterol by interaction with apoprotein.  相似文献   

Human high density lipoprotein (HDL3) was reconstituted with the free cholesterol molecules replaced with 4-[13C]-cholesterol. 90 MHz [13C]-NMR spectra were obtained and two cholesterol resonances at chemical shifts of 41.73 and 42.20 ppm could be resolved. The former signal arises from the C-4 atom of cholesterol molecules associated with phospholipids and located in the surface of the HDL3 particle while the latter resonance is due to cholesterol molecules associated with cholesterol ester and triglyceride molecules in the core. HDL3 reconstituted without any cholesterol ester or triglyceride gave a single resonance at 41.73 ppm indicating that all the free cholesterol molecules are in the surface. 60% of the free cholesterol molecules present in normal HDL3 are in the phospholipid monolayer around the surface where they undergo relatively restricted motion compared to the remaining 40% situated in the liquid core. The free cholesterol molecules can equilibrate between the two pools in the timescale 10ms–700s.  相似文献   

Genetic effects on serum high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol concentration and several parameters of a two-pool model of cholesterol metabolism were investigated in 79 baboons, the progeny of 6 sires. Significant differences (P less than 0.05) were observed among the sire progeny groups for HDL cholesterol (HDL-C), cholesterol production rate, cholesterol mass of pool A, and the rate constants KA and KAB. Rank correlations (rs) revealed that the sire progeny group means for HDL-C are closely correlated with those for the cholesterol mass of pool A (rs = 0.89), KA (rs = -0.78), and KAB (rs = -0.94). These strong correlations suggest that pool A, KA, and KAB are influenced to a large degree by the same genes that regulate HDL-C concentration. The strong inverse relationship (rs = -0.78) between HDL-C and KA suggests that the differences among these sire progeny groups for HDL-C are due chiefly to those metabolic processes which regulate cholesterol excretion from pool A. This conclusion is consistent with reports that HDL-C is a preferred precursor for bile acid synthesis.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether high density lipoproteins (HDL) that have been treated with hepatic lipase have an enhanced ability to deliver cholesterol to cells. Human HDL was incubated with rat hepatic lipase, reisolated, and subjected to compositional analysis. Approximately 28% of the HDL phosphatidylcholine was hydrolyzed by the hepatic lipase but no change was detected in the cholesterol or apoprotein content of the HDL compared to HDL incubated with heat-inactivated hepatic lipase. Cultured rat hepatoma cells exposed to hepatic lipase-modified HDL showed an increased uptake of HDL free cholesterol relative to cells exposed to control HDL. This increased delivery of HDL free cholesterol was demonstrated by both isotopic and mass determinations and it contributed to a 1.6-fold increase in total cellular cholesterol content relative to cells treated with control HDL. The free cholesterol delivered by the HDL is functionally available to the cell as evidenced by the conversion of radiolabeled free cholesterol to cholesteryl ester. The stimulation of free cholesterol delivery was dose-dependent up to a level of 100 micrograms of HDL free cholesterol/ml of extracellular medium, and was directly related to the extent of phosphatidylcholine hydrolysis. The enhanced cellular accumulation of HDL free cholesterol observed with hepatic lipase appears to be due to the phospholipase activity of this enzyme, since similar results were obtained with HDL that had been modified by snake venom phospholipase A2.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The capacity of lipoprotein fractions to provide cholesterol necessary for human lymphocyte proliferation was examined. When endogenous synthesis of cholesterol was blocked, proliferation of mitogen-stimulated normal human lymphocytes was markedly inhibited unless an exogenous source of sterol was supplied. All lipoprotein fractions with the exception of high density lipoprotein subclass 3 were able to provide cholesterol for lymphocyte proliferation. Each of the lipoprotein subfractions capable of providing cholesterol was also able to regulate endogenous sterol synthesis in cultured human lymphocytes. Provision of cholesterol by lipoproteins required the interaction of apolipoprotein B or apolipoprotein E with specific receptors on normal lymphocytes. Apolipoprotein modification by acetylation or methylation, which markedly reduced the ability to regulate sterol biosynthesis, also diminished the capacity of lipoproteins to provide cholesterol. In addition, depletion of apolipoprotein B- and apolipoprotein E-containing particles from high density lipoprotein decreased its ability to suppress cholesterol synthesis and prevented it from providing cholesterol to proliferating lymphocytes. Monoclonal antibodies directed against the receptor-recognition sites on apolipoprotein B and apolipoprotein E were used to define the specific apolipoproteins required for the provision of cholesterol to lymphocytes by the various lipoprotein fractions. The antibody to apolipoprotein B inhibited cholesterol provision by both low density lipoprotein (LDL) and other lipoprotein fractions. The antibody to apolipoprotein E did not decrease provision of cholesterol by LDL but did inhibit the capacity of other fractions to provide cholesterol. In addition, a monoclonal antibody against the ligand binding site on the LDL receptor inhibited provision of cholesterol to normal lymphocytes by all lipoproteins. Finally, lymphocytes lacking LDL receptors were unable to obtain cholesterol from any lipoprotein fraction. These studies demonstrate that LDL receptor-mediated interaction with apolipoprotein B or apolipoprotein E is essential for the provision of cholesterol to normal human lymphocytes from all lipoprotein sources.  相似文献   

To examine the effect of incorporation of cholesterol into high density lipoprotein (HDL) recombinants, multilamellar liposomes of 3H cholesterol/14C dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine were incubated with the total apoprotein (apoHDL) and principal apoproteins (apoA-1 and apoA-2) of human plasma high density lipoprotein. Soluble recombinants were separated from unreacted liposomes by centrifugation and examined by differential scanning calorimetry and negative stain electron microscopy. At 27°C, liposomes containing up to approx. 0.1 mol cholesterol/mol dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) were readily solubilized by apoHDL, apoA-1 or apoA-2. However, the incorporation of DMPC and apoprotein into lipoprotein complexes was markedly reduced when liposomes containing a higher proportion of cholesterol were used. For recombinants prepared from apoHDL, apoA-1 or apoA-2, the equilibrium cholesterol content of complexes was approx. 45% that of the unreacted liposomes. Electron microscopy showed that for all cholesterol concentrations, HDL recombinants were predominantly lipid bilayer discs, approx. 160 × 55 A?. Differential scanning calorimetry of cholesterol containing recombinants of DMPC/cholesterol/apoHDL or DMPC/cholesterol/apoA-1 showed, with increasing cholesterol content, a linear decrease in the enthalpy of the DMPC gel to liquid crystalline transition, extrapolating to zero enthalpy at 0.15 cholesterol/DMPC. The enthalpy values were markedly reduced compared to control liposomes, where the phospholipid transition extrapolated to zero enthalpy at approx. 0.45 cholesterol/DMPC. The calorimetric and solubility studies suggest that in high density lipoprotein recombinants cholesterol is excluded from 55% of DMPC molecules bound in a non-melting state by apoprotein.  相似文献   

A pharmacophore for increasing HDLC was proposed based on common structural features of non-thio-containing compounds with HDLC enhancing properties. A search of the compound database identified various series of these non-thio-containing compounds, including a novel tricyclic imidazoisoquinolone. Preparation of 1-aryl-3-oxo-1,3-dihydro-2-benzofuran-1-carboxamides using a novel and widely applicable one-step process from 2-acyl benzoic acids is reported. Reaction of diamines with 1-aryl-3-oxo-1,3-dihydro-2-benzofuran-1-carboxamides and related aza-analogues proceeded with regio-control to furnish imidazoisoquinolones, pyrimidoisoquinolones, and imidazonaphthyridines. NMR studies and X-ray crystallography confirmed the regiochemistry of the products. Compounds of these series increased concentrations of HDLC in test animals following oral administration.  相似文献   

A procedure is presented and evaluated for separation of plasma high density lipoprotein from either capillary or venous whole blood. The lipoprotein is separated by adding 50 microliter of sample to 250 microliter of 0.15 M NaCl solution containing 99.9 g/l polyethyleneglycol 6000, 0.0374 g/l dextran sulfate (Mr 15,000) and 2.6 mM Mg2+. After gentle mixing for a few minutes and standing 10 min at room temperature, mixtures are centrifuged (1,500 g) for 10 min and cholesterol is measured on 200 microliter of supernatant by an enzymatic-colorimetric method. Comparison studies demonstrate a good correlation between high density lipoprotein cholesterol in plasma and capillary or venous whole blood. The procedure is simple, has the advantage of using either K3-EDTA-anticoagulated whole blood, without the need of centrifugation, or capillary whole blood which can also be collected away from the laboratory.  相似文献   

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