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Aim One of the most recognized ecological paradigms on earth is the increase in species richness from the poles towards the equator. Here we undertake a comprehensive survey of the latitudinal gradients of species richness (LGSR) of coastal cephalopod fauna in the western (WA) and eastern margins (EA) of the Atlantic Ocean, and test climate and non‐climate theories to explain the variation in diversity. Location The coastal Atlantic Ocean. Methods The diversity and geographical ranges of coastal cephalopods were investigated by means of an exhaustive survey of the primary literature, reports and on‐line data bases. In order to test the productivity, ambient energy and area hypotheses, we investigated the relationship between diversity and net primary production (NPP), sea surface temperature (SST; measure of solar energy input) and continental shelf area, respectively. Results LGSR of cephalopod molluscs are present at both Atlantic coasts, but are quite distinct from each other. Historical processes (rise of the Central American Isthmus, formation of ‘Mare Lago’ and glaciations) explained much of the shape and the zenith of LGSR. Contemporary climate and non‐climate variables also each explained over 83% and 50% of the richness variation in WA and EA, respectively, and the best fitted models accounted for > 92% of the variance. By combining latitude with depth a strong Rapoport effect was observed in WA but not in EA. Main conclusions Besides the evolutionary history, we demonstrate that the contemporary environmental gradients (SST and NPP), shelf area and extent of coral habitat can predict many of the diversity patterns. The longitudinal difference in Rapoport's bathymetric rule is attributed to western fauna specialization to shallow coral reef habitats and greater ecological tolerance of eastern fauna to upwelling ecosystem dynamics. A combined approach of historical biogeography and species–area–energy theories was essential to fully understand broad‐scale variation in cephalopod biodiversity.  相似文献   

Moura, C. J., Cunha, M. R., Porteiro, F. M., Yesson, C. & Rogers, A. D. (2011) Evolution of Nemertesia hydroids (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa, Plumulariidae) from the shallow and deep waters of the NE Atlantic and Western Mediterranean. —Zoologica Scripta, 41, 79–96. Hydroid species from the genus Nemertesia develop some of the largest and most complex hydrozoan colonies. These colonies are abundant and ecologically important in both shallow and deep waters worldwide. Here, we analyse the systematics of most Nemertesia species from the NE Atlantic and Mediterranean using morphology and phylogenetic inferences of 16S rRNA haplotype data. Phylogeographical analysis revealed multiple movements of taxa to and from the Mediterranean after the Messinian salinity crisis through shallow and deep waters. The nominal species Nemertesia belini and Nemertesia antennina revealed multiple genetic lineages representing cryptic species diversity. Molecular phylogenetic evidence was supported by consistent phenotypic differences between lineages, and three and seven putative species were resolved within the N. belini and N. antennina complexes, respectively. Three putative species of the N. antennina complex found at different seamounts of Azores grouped in a clade clustered amongst the other four cryptic species present at neighbouring bathyal localities of the Gulf of Cadiz. These cryptic species, mostly from the deep sea, form a clade distantly related to the typical N. antennina from European coastal waters. Depth or environmental correlates of depth seem to influence the reproductive strategies of Nemertesia colonies and ultimately speciation. In particular, speciation of these hydroids must have been influenced by hydrography, habitat heterogeneity, isolation by distance and larval dispersal capacity. The deep sea is shown as an important environment in the generation and accumulation of lineages that may occasionally invade coastal waters in the NE Atlantic. Glacial cycles of cooling, along with changes in sea level, and eradication of some coastal faunas likely facilitated speciation and evolutionary transitions from deep to shallow waters.  相似文献   

Exploitation of deep-sea resources is now underway and there is economic pressure to renew and expand currently restricted waste disposal in that environment. Since the deep sea is noted for very high species diversity, it is appropriate that diversity conservation be initiated. Review of current concepts of diversity maintenance finds that the ideas have evolved more through increasing information about sources of heterogeneity than through rigorous testing. This history weakens the immediate value of these concepts for the development of conservation strategies and demonstrates the need for additional investigation. Such inquiry might focus upon the rare component of overall species richness. A comparison of box core samples at 2100m in the western Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico continental shelf reveals that deep soft bottoms are not unique in having many rare species. The rare component at depth is largely comprised of species more common at other locations near and far. The rare component on the shelf is comprised mostly of species which are consistently rare and restricted in distribution. These observations suggest a shallow–deep difference that is more one of degree than fundamental in nature; the deep having larger regions and regional species pools.  相似文献   

Bathymetric biodiversity patterns of marine benthic invertebrates and demersal fishes have been identified in the extant fauna of the deep continental margins. Depth zonation is widespread and evident through a transition between shelf and slope fauna from the shelf break to 1000 m, and a transition between slope and abyssal fauna from 2000 to 3000 m; these transitions are characterised by high species turnover. A unimodal pattern of diversity with depth peaks between 1000 and 3000 m, despite the relatively low area represented by these depths. Zonation is thought to result from the colonisation of the deep sea by shallow‐water organisms following multiple mass extinction events throughout the Phanerozoic. The effects of low temperature and high pressure act across hierarchical levels of biological organisation and appear sufficient to limit the distributions of such shallow‐water species. Hydrostatic pressures of bathyal depths have consistently been identified experimentally as the maximum tolerated by shallow‐water and upper bathyal benthic invertebrates at in situ temperatures, and adaptation appears required for passage to deeper water in both benthic invertebrates and demersal fishes. Together, this suggests that a hyperbaric and thermal physiological bottleneck at bathyal depths contributes to bathymetric zonation. The peak of the unimodal diversity–depth pattern typically occurs at these depths even though the area represented by these depths is relatively low. Although it is recognised that, over long evolutionary time scales, shallow‐water diversity patterns are driven by speciation, little consideration has been given to the potential implications for species distribution patterns with depth. Molecular and morphological evidence indicates that cool bathyal waters are the primary site of adaptive radiation in the deep sea, and we hypothesise that bathymetric variation in speciation rates could drive the unimodal diversity–depth pattern over time. Thermal effects on metabolic‐rate‐dependent mutation and on generation times have been proposed to drive differences in speciation rates, which result in modern latitudinal biodiversity patterns over time. Clearly, this thermal mechanism alone cannot explain bathymetric patterns since temperature generally decreases with depth. We hypothesise that demonstrated physiological effects of high hydrostatic pressure and low temperature at bathyal depths, acting on shallow‐water taxa invading the deep sea, may invoke a stress–evolution mechanism by increasing mutagenic activity in germ cells, by inactivating canalisation during embryonic or larval development, by releasing hidden variation or mutagenic activity, or by activating or releasing transposable elements in larvae or adults. In this scenario, increased variation at a physiological bottleneck at bathyal depths results in elevated speciation rate. Adaptation that increases tolerance to high hydrostatic pressure and low temperature allows colonisation of abyssal depths and reduces the stress–evolution response, consequently returning speciation of deeper taxa to the background rate. Over time this mechanism could contribute to the unimodal diversity–depth pattern.  相似文献   

The recently completed European Census of Marine Life, conducted within the framework of the global Census of Marine Life programme (2000–2010), markedly enhanced our understanding of marine biodiversity in European Seas, its importance within ecological systems, and the implications for human use. Here we undertake a synthesis of present knowledge of biodiversity in European Seas and identify remaining challenges that prevent sustainable management of marine biodiversity in one of the most exploited continents of the globe. Our analysis demonstrates that changes in faunal standing stock with depth depends on the size of the fauna, with macrofaunal abundance only declining with increasing water depth below 1000 m, whilst there was no obvious decrease in meiofauna with increasing depth. Species richness was highly variable for both deep water macro- and meio- fauna along latitudinal and longitudinal gradients. Nematode biodiversity decreased from the Atlantic into the Mediterranean whilst latitudinal related biodiversity patterns were similar for both faunal groups investigated, suggesting that the same environmental drivers were influencing the fauna. While climate change and habitat degradation are the most frequently implicated stressors affecting biodiversity throughout European Seas, quantitative understanding, both at individual and cumulative/synergistic level, of their influences are often lacking. Full identification and quantification of species, in even a single marine habitat, remains a distant goal, as we lack integrated data-sets to quantify these. While the importance of safeguarding marine biodiversity is recognised by policy makers, the lack of advanced understanding of species diversity and of a full survey of any single habitat raises huge challenges in quantifying change, and facilitating/prioritising habitat/ecosystem protection. Our study highlights a pressing requirement for more complete biodiversity surveys to be undertaken within contrasting habitats, together with investigations in biodiversity-ecosystem functioning links and identification of separate and synergistic/cumulative human-induced impacts on biodiversity.  相似文献   

The biodiversity of the deep Southern Ocean benthos   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Our knowledge of the biodiversity of the Southern Ocean (SO) deep benthos is scarce. In this review, we describe the general biodiversity patterns of meio-, macro- and megafaunal taxa, based on historical and recent expeditions, and against the background of the geological events and phylogenetic relationships that have influenced the biodiversity and evolution of the investigated taxa. The relationship of the fauna to environmental parameters, such as water depth, sediment type, food availability and carbonate solubility, as well as species interrelationships, probably have shaped present-day biodiversity patterns as much as evolution. However, different taxa exhibit different large-scale biodiversity and biogeographic patterns. Moreover, there is rarely any clear relationship of biodiversity pattern with depth, latitude or environmental parameters, such as sediment composition or grain size. Similarities and differences between the SO biodiversity and biodiversity of global oceans are outlined. The high percentage (often more than 90%) of new species in almost all taxa, as well as the high degree of endemism of many groups, may reflect undersampling of the area, and it is likely to decrease as more information is gathered about SO deep-sea biodiversity by future expeditions. Indeed, among certain taxa such as the Foraminifera, close links at the species level are already apparent between deep Weddell Sea faunas and those from similar depths in the North Atlantic and Arctic. With regard to the vertical zonation from the shelf edge into deep water, biodiversity patterns among some taxa in the SO might differ from those in other deep-sea areas, due to the deep Antarctic shelf and the evolution of eurybathy in many species, as well as to deep-water production that can fuel the SO deep sea with freshly produced organic matter derived not only from phytoplankton, but also from ice algae.  相似文献   

Despite the plethora of studies, geographic patterns of diversity in deep sea remain subject of speculation. This study considers a large dataset to examine the faunal change and depth-diversity gradient of prosobranch molluscs in the Porcupine Seabight and adjacent Abyssal Plain (NE Atlantic). Rates of species succession (addition and loss) increased rapidly with increasing depth and indicated four possible areas of faunal turnover at about 700, 1600, 2800 and 4100 m. Depth was a significant predictor of diversity, explaining nearly a quarter the variance. There was a pattern of decreasing diversity downslope from ~250 m to ~1500–1600 m, followed by an increase to high values at about 4000 m and then again, a fall to ~4915 m. Processes causing diversity patterns of prosobranchs in the Porcupine Seabight and adjacent Abyssal Plain are likely to differ in magnitude or type, from those operating in other Atlantic areas.  相似文献   

Until the early 1980s, the composition and distribution of the asteroid (starfish), ophiuroid (brittle star) and holothurian (sea cucumber) bottom fauna of the southeastern Weddell Sea was virtually unknown. This southernmost part of the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean is a typical high-latitude Antarctic region located in the circumpolar permanent pack-ice zone. It became accessible for large-scale scientific surveys only through the availability of modern ice-breaking research vessels, such as the German RV “Polarstern”. Here, we describe a dataset of the faunal composition and abundance of starfish, brittle star and sea cucumber assemblages in this area, based on collections from trawl catches carried out during three “Polarstern” cruises in 1983, 1984 and 1985. The set comprises a total of 4,509 records of abundances of 35 asteroid species (with a total of 2,089 specimens) and 38 ophiuroid species (with a total of 18,484 specimens) from 34 stations, as well as of 66 holothurian species (with a total of 20,918 specimens) from 59 stations including zero-abundances (absences). A synthesizing zoogeographical community analysis confirms the presence of three distinct assemblages of asteroids, ophiuroids, and holothurians with highest species richness on the eastern shelf. Overall, starfishes, brittle stars and sea cucumbers were present at all sites investigated in the study area but composition and abundance of asterozoan (asteroids and ophiuroids together) and holothurian fauna varied considerably. A synthesizing zoogeographical community analysis confirms the presence of three distinct assemblages of asteroids, ophiuroids, and holothurians with highest species richness on the eastern shelf. In the case of asterozoans, water depth and latitude seemed to be the most important drivers of assemblage distribution and composition. One of the holothurian assemblages was part of the rich macrozoobenthic community dominated by a diverse and abundant epifauna, mainly sponges and gorgonians. Another one was mainly composed of vagrant deposit-feeding species inhabiting a predominantly non-colonised substratum. In addition, a mixed holothurian assemblage was identified.  相似文献   

Anthoptilum grandiflorum and Halipteris finmarchica are two deep-sea corals (Octocorallia: Pennatulacea) common on soft bottoms in the North Atlantic where they are believed to act as biogenic habitat. The former also has a worldwide distribution. To assist conservation efforts, this study examines spatial and temporal patterns in the abundance, diversity, and nature of their faunal associates. A total of 14 species were found on A. grandiflorum and 6 species on H. finmarchica during a multi-year and multi-site sampling campaign in eastern Canada. Among those, 7 and 5 species, respectively, were attached to the sea pens and categorized as close associates or symbionts. Rarefaction analyses suggest that the most common associates of both sea pens have been sampled. Biodiversity associated with each sea pen is analyzed according to season, depth and region using either close associates or the broader collection of species. Associated biodiversity generally increases from northern to southern locations and does not vary with depth (∼100–1400 m). Seasonal patterns in A. grandiflorum show higher biodiversity during spring/summer due to the transient presence of early life stages of fishes and shrimps whereas it peaks in fall for H. finmarchica. Two distinct endoparasitic species of highly modified copepods (families Lamippidae and Corallovexiidae) commonly occur in the polyps of A. grandiflorum and H. finmarchica, and a commensal sea anemone frequently associates with H. finmarchica. Stable isotope analyses (δ13C and δ15N) reveal potential trophic interactions between the parasites and their hosts. Overall, the diversity of obligate/permanent associates of sea pens is moderate; however the presence of mobile/transient associates highlights an ecological role that has yet to be fully elucidated and supports their key contribution to the enhancement of biodiversity in the Northwest Atlantic.  相似文献   

Biodiversity response to climate change in a warm deep sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Climate changes are expected to induce significant modifications in biodiversity on the global scale, but little is known as to how biodiversity has been affected by recent changes in the deep sea. We have used nematodes to investigate the response of deep‐sea biodiversity to an extensive climate anomaly that modified the physico‐chemical characteristics of the deep waters of the Eastern Mediterranean. Using a decadal data set (from 1989 to 1998), we provide evidence that deep‐sea nematode diversity can be strongly and rapidly affected by temperature shifts. The abrupt decrease in temperature (of about 0.4 °C) and modified physico‐chemical conditions that occurred between 1992 and 1994 caused a significant decrease in nematode abundance and a significant increase in diversity. This temperature decrease also resulted in decreased functional diversity and species evenness, and in an increase in the similarity to colder deep‐Atlantic fauna. When the temperature recovered (after 1994–1995), the biodiversity only partially returned to previous values. We conclude that deep‐sea fauna is highly vulnerable to environmental alteration, and that deep‐sea biodiversity is also significantly affected by very small temperature changes. The results presented here provide new elements towards a better understanding of the potential large‐scale consequences of climate change.  相似文献   

  1. The deep reef refugia hypothesis (DRRH) predicts that deep reef ecosystems may act as refugium for the biota of disturbed shallow waters. Because deep reefs are among the most understudied habitats on Earth, formal tests of the DRRH remain scarce. If the DRRH is valid at the community level, the diversity of species, functions, and lineages of fish communities of shallow reefs should be encapsulated in deep reefs.
  2. We tested the DRRH by assessing the taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity of 22 Brazilian fish communities between 2 and 62 m depth. We partitioned the gamma diversity of shallow (<30 m) and deep reefs (>30 m) into independent alpha and beta components, accounted for species’ abundance, and assessed whether beta patterns were mostly driven by spatial turnover or nestedness.
  3. We recorded 3,821 fishes belonging to 85 species and 36 families. Contrary to DRRH expectations, only 48% of the species occurred in both shallow and deep reefs. Alpha diversity of rare species was higher in deep reefs as expected, but alpha diversity of typical and dominant species did not vary with depth. Alpha functional diversity was higher in deep reefs only for rare and typical species, but not for dominant species. Alpha phylogenetic diversity was consistently higher in deep reefs, supporting DRRH expectations.
  4. Profiles of taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic beta diversity indicated that deep reefs were not more heterogeneous than shallow reefs, contradicting expectations of biotic homogenization near sea surface. Furthermore, pairwise beta‐diversity analyses revealed that the patterns were mostly driven by spatial turnover rather than nestedness at any depth.
  5. Conclusions. Although some results support the DRRH, most indicate that the shallow‐water reef fish diversity is not fully encapsulated in deep reefs. Every reef contributes significantly to the regional diversity and must be managed and protected accordingly.

The deep‐sea benthos covers over 90% of seafloor area and hosts a great diversity of species which contribute toward essential ecosystem services. Evidence suggests that deep‐seafloor assemblages are structured predominantly by their physical environment, yet knowledge of assemblage/environment relationships is limited. Here, we utilized a very large dataset of Northwest Atlantic Ocean continental slope peracarid crustacean assemblages as a case study to investigate the environmental drivers of deep‐seafloor macrofaunal biodiversity. We investigated biodiversity from a phylogenetic, functional, and taxonomic perspective, and found that a wide variety of environmental drivers, including food availability, physical disturbance (bottom trawling), current speed, sediment characteristics, topographic heterogeneity, and temperature (in order of relative importance), significantly influenced peracarid biodiversity. We also found deep‐water peracarid assemblages to vary seasonally and interannually. Contrary to prevailing theory on the drivers of deep‐seafloor diversity, we found high topographic heterogeneity (at the hundreds to thousands of meter scale) to negatively influence assemblage diversity, while broadscale sediment characteristics (i.e., percent sand content) were found to influence assemblages more than sediment particle‐size diversity. However, our results support other paradigms of deep‐seafloor biodiversity, including that assemblages may vary inter‐ and intra‐annually, and how assemblages respond to changes in current speed. We found that bottom trawling negatively affects the evenness and diversity of deep‐sea soft‐sediment peracarid assemblages, but that predicted changes in ocean temperature as a result of climate change may not strongly influence continental slope biodiversity over human timescales, although it may alter deep‐sea community biomass. Finally, we emphasize the value of analyzing multiple metrics of biodiversity and call for researchers to consider an expanded definition of biodiversity in future investigations of deep‐ocean life.  相似文献   

Dispersal plays an important role in the establishment and maintenance of biodiversity and, for most deep-sea benthic marine invertebrates, it occurs mainly during the larval stages. Therefore, the mode of reproduction (and thus dispersal ability) will affect greatly the biogeographic and bathymetric distributions of deep-sea organisms. We tested the hypothesis that, for bathyal and abyssal echinoderms and ascidians of the Atlantic Ocean, species with planktotrophic larval development have broader biogeographic and bathymetric ranges than species with lecithotrophic development. In comparing two groups with lecithotrophic development, we found that ascidians, which probably have a shorter larval period and therefore less dispersal potential, were present in fewer geographic regions than elasipod holothurians, which are likely to have longer larval periods. For asteroids and echinoids, both the geographic and bathymetric ranges were greater for lecithotrophic than for planktotrophic species. For these two classes, the relationships of egg diameter with geographic and bathymetric range were either linearly increasing or non-monotonic. We conclude that lecithotrophic development does not necessarily constrain dispersal in the deep sea, probably because species with planktotrophic development may be confined to regions of high detrital input from the sea surface. Our data suggest that more information is necessary on lengths of larval period for different species to accurately assess dispersal in the deep sea.  相似文献   

The southwest Greenland coast is made up of large and deep sill fjords. On the shelf, a number of shallow banks separated by deep troughs are located 20–50 km from the coast. We collected three 0.1-m2 van Veen grabs at nine stations along a transect spanning from the inner Godthaabsfjord influenced by glaciers, across the shallow Fyllas Bank and out to the slope of the continental shelf at approximately 1,000 m depth. Along this transect, we explored patterns of macrobenthic diversity, species composition, abundance and biomass. The sampled stations were very different in terms of environmental variables, resulting in large differences in species composition primarily related to differences in depth, silt–clay fraction and chl a content of the sediment (BIO-ENV analysis). Habitat differences also reduced species spatial ranges and the majority of species were found at only one (49%) or two (20%) stations and, consequently, species turnover or beta diversity was high and correlated to differences in depth, silt–clay fraction and median sediment grain size. Species richness and diversity were lowest in sites exposed to sediment disturbance: near the glaciers in the inner fjord (physical disturbance by mineral sedimentation) and at selected stations on the shelf (bioturbation by burrowing sand eel). Alpha diversity and richness were only weakly correlated to environmental parameters, indicating that alpha richness and diversity are influenced by several factors or that relationships are non-linear as was found for species richness and silt–clay fraction.  相似文献   

Two octopod species are reported from the Canary Islands (eastern Atlantic Ocean) for the first time: the deep sea four-horn octopus, Pteroctopus tetracirrhus (Delle Chiaje, 1830) and the gelatinous giant octopus, Haliphron atlanticus Steenstrup, 1861. Both female specimens were caught in Tenerife. Haliphron atlanticus is described from fresh remains found floating close to the southwest coast and the second species, P. tetracirrhus, is described from a specimen captured in a shrimp trap at 200 m depth on the southeastern coast of Tenerife. With these two additions the revised and updated list of octopod species of the Canary Islands now comprises eight families and 18 species, all of them incirrate octopods. The zoogeographic relationships of octopod species from other Atlantic regions, including the Mediterranean Sea, were studied. The likely directions of faunal flows were inferred based on affinity indices, showing that Mauritania could be the most probable source of the octopod species of the Canary Islands and the rest of the Macaronesian archipelagos.  相似文献   

Analysis of the Carboniferous brachiopod zones of eastern Australia shows that they were affected by two major controlling factors - eustatic changes of sea level, and a deterioration (cooling) of climate. Eustatic lowering of sea level caused the removal of the sea from narrow shelf areas and a loss of habitat, and was responsible for the first (late early to middle Visean) of two major episodes of faunal extinction. Subsequent transgression restored a modified warm-water cosmopolitan fauna to the shelf regions. Smaller changes in sea levels were probably responsible for the abrupt disappearance of many species or genera at zonal boundaries and their replacement by a new set of species and genera in succeeding zones. The second major episode of extinction was caused by the lowering of temperature in the latest Visean to early Namurian because of the rapid southerly movement of Australia. The warm water cosmopolitan fauna was eliminated and replaced by the low-diversity Gondwana fauna. Both mechanisms produced particular faunal signatures. The diversity of faunas on either side of the hiatus produced by eustatic lowering of sea level is constant in areas with uniform climatic conditions, and in warm to temperate regions there are low levels of endemism. Faunas associated with a sudden lowering of temperature suffer a significant drop in diversity but are characterized by a high level of endemism.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Faunal composition of South Chinese Arenig benthic trilobite associations is investigated using the multivariate techniques of TWINSPAN, DCA and seriation. Eight fairly distinct benthic associations can be differentiated, organized primarily along a palaeobathymetrical gradient across the Yangtze Platform in southern Shaanxi and western Hubei and the Jiangnan Transitional Belt in northern Hunan: the Taihungshania , Neseuretus , Trinucleid and Asaphid- Pseudocalymene associations (shallow shelf), the Asaphid-Raphiophorid and Nileid-Asaphid associations (< 100 m outer shelf), the Nileid-Illaenid Association (deep outer shelf carbonates) and the Pseudopetigurus Association (deep outer shelf clastics). The highest levels of diversity are displayed by the Asaphid-Raphiophorid Association of western Hubei. Investigation of the biogeographical affinities of this fauna indicates that South China is biogeographically closest to the other Chinese geotectonic units, and displays strong faunal connections to other central and eastern Asian regions as well as to Tethyan and South American regions. Subdivision of the South Chinese trilobite fauna into different depth zones shows a statistically significant correlation between increasing water depth and increasing faunal cosmopolitanism, although taxa endemic to China or Gondwana also occur even in slope faunas. The results of this biogeographical analysis are consistent with a tropical or subtropical peri-Gondwanan association of South China with other Asian terranes.  相似文献   

Explanations for major biodiversity patterns have not achieved a consensus, even for the latitudinal diversity gradient (LDG), but most relate to patterns of solar energy influx into Earth systems, and its effects on temperature (as biochemical activity rates are temperature sensitive) and photosynthesis (which drives nearly all of the productivity that fuels ecosystems). Marine systems break some of the confounding correlations among temperature, latitude and biodiversity that typify the terrestrial systems that have dominated theoretical discussions and large‐scale analyses. High marine diversities occur not only in warm shallow seas where productivity may be either low or high, depending on regional features, but also in very cold deep‐sea regions, indicating that diversity is promoted by stability in temperature and in trophic resources (nutrients and food items), and more specifically by their interaction, rather than by high mean values of either variable. The common association of high diversity with stable but low to moderate annual productivity suggests that ecological specialization underlies the similarly high diversities in the shallow tropics and deep sea. Recent work on shallow‐marine bivalves is consistent with this view of decreasing specialization in less stable habitats. Lower diversities in shallow seas are associated with either high thermal seasonality (chiefly in temperate latitudes) or highly seasonal trophic supplies (at any latitude), which exclude species that are adapted to narrow ranges of those variables.  相似文献   

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