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A. Gardemann  M. Stitt  H.W. Heldt 《BBA》1983,722(1):51-60
The effect of stromal metabolites on the light-activated form of ribulose-5-phosphate kinase was studied with the enzyme rapidly extracted from illuminated spinach chlorplasts. In some instances, the effect of metabolites on the dark-inactivated enzyme extracted from darkened chloroplasts was also investigated. (1) The light-activated form of the enzyme is competitively inhibited with respect to ribulose 5-phosphate by 6-phosphogluconate, ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate, 3-phosphoglycerate and phosphate. Also, fructose 1,6-bisphosphate is inhibitory. All these compounds, except ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate, show an increasing inhibitory effect at lower pH values. Therefore, in the presence of these inhibitors, ribulose-5-phosphate kinase becomes strongly pH dependent. These compounds also exert an inhibitory effect on the dark-inactivated enzyme. (2) The assay of stromal levels of 6-phosphogluconate showed that this compound increased dramatically during a light-dark transient. (3) The dark-inactivated form of ribulose-5-phosphate kinase is strongly inhibited by ADP, the inhibition being competitive with respect to ATP. (4) A simulation of stromal metabolite levels in the enzyme activity assay indicates that in illuminated chloroplasts ribulose-5-phosphate kinase attains only about 4% of its maximal activity. When the fully light-activated enzyme is assayed under conditions occurring in the stroma in the dark, the activity is further decreased by a factor of 20. The same assay with the dark-inactivated enzyme yields an activity of virtually zero. (5) These results demonstrate that in the chloroplasts ribulose-5-phosphate kinase can not only be very efficiently switched off in the dark, but also be subjected to fine control during the illuminated state through the action of stromal metabolites.  相似文献   

S.J. Coughlan  U. Schreiber 《BBA》1984,767(3):606-617
A rapid quench technique utilizing the addition of excess buffer containing free amine groups (Tris, glycylglycine) to the reaction medium has enabled a detailed study of the time-course of glutaraldehyde inactivation on the spinach thylakoid membrane to be undertaken. The following light-induced parameters were inactivated in the sequence: slow transmittance changes (0–5 s) > coupling factor activity (5–20 s) > narrow angle 90° scattering changes (30–60 s). About 20% of PS II activity was lost by this treatment. No effect on activity, proton pumping and proton gradient formation was observed over the time-course studied. A consideration of these effects led to the proposal that the slow, light-induced transmittance changes reflect reversible thylakoid structural changes (unstacking, membrane flattening) in response to electron transport and the consequent proton pumping. The narrow angle 90° scattering changes were considered to reflect directly microconformational structural changes in response to the light-driven proton translocation as previously concluded from other workers.  相似文献   

Thomas Graan  Donald R. Ort   《BBA》1982,682(3):395-403
Two saturating single-turnover flashes spaced 100 ms apart are sufficient to achieve ATP formation in isolated chloroplast thylakoids. Two turnovers of the electron carriers result in the accumulation of about 7 nmol H+ / mg chlorophyll. Under the same conditions (i.e., ΔGATP = 38 kJ/mol) a solitary flash is inadequate to produce ATP. The electron flux from the third or any subsequent flash is coupled to ATP formation as efficiently as is observed in continuous light (i.e., ) and produces 0.8 molecules of ATP per coupling factor on each turnover. The yield of ATP per flash increases with declining temperature being largest near 4°C, the lowest value tested. The number of H+ accumulated per flash is independent of temperature so the greater yields of ATP near 4°C indicate that fewer H+ are existing the membrane via nonproductive pathways. The yield of ATP per flash near 4°C is largely independent of flash frequency between 1 and 30 Hz. When the formation of an electrical potential difference is prevented by adequate amounts of valinomycin and potassium the accumulated effects of about eight flashes are required before ATP formation is achieved (i.e., about 26 nmol H+/mg chlorophyll), indicating an average ΔpH/flash in excess of 0.3 units. In the presence of the exchange carrier nigericin, the electrical component of the driving force for ATP formation is enhanced at the expense of the ΔpH. In this case, ATP formation is efficiently coupled to electron flux only at flash frequencies rapid enough to allow a summation of the electrical field. These results clearly demonstrate that any processes which are prerequisites for ATP synthesis (i.e., activation of coupling factor or generation of Δp) are fulfilled by a remarkably small number of charge separations.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of luteolin, quercetin, and taxifolin on light induced phosphorylation and electron transport in isolated, greenhouse-grown, spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) thylakoids were investigated. Luteolin and quercetin interacted with components associated with both the ATP-generating pathway and the electron-transport pathway. However, the action of taxifolin involved only the phosphorylation pathway. Interference with the phosphorylation pathway was evidenced by the greater sensitivity of phosphorylation than oxygen uptake in coupled whole-chain electron transport, inhibition of the light-activated Mg2+-ATPase, and inhibition of the Ca2+-ATPase associated with CF1. The following order of decreasing inhibitory effectiveness was exhibited: luteolin > quercetin >>> taxifolin. On the electron-transport pathway, luteolin and quercetin interfered with the activity of the QB-protein complex as evidenced by inhibition of the partial reaction with diphenylcarbazide as the electron donor and 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol as electron acceptor; alteration of the chlorophyll fluorescence transients; and competitive displacement of radiolabeled atrazine [2-chloro-4-(ethylamino)-6-(isopropylamino)-s-triazine].  相似文献   

Increased scattering of a weak 535 nm measuring beam which indicates the light-dependent formation of a transthylakoid proton gradient in leaves was used to examine the role of the electron-transport chain in limiting photosynthetic carbon assimilation. The proton gradient is supported by electron flux and indicates thylakoid energization. In CO2-free air, half saturation of thylakoid energization was observed at intensities of red light ranging from 2 to 50 W·m−2 in different plant species. The differences were attributed to different carbohydrate availability for energy-consuming photorespiratory processes when external CO2 was absent. Thylakoid energization of shade leaves (Asarum, Fagus) was saturated at lower light intensities than that of sun leaves (Phaseolus, Fagus). When photorespiratory carbohydrate oxidation was suppressed by decreasing the O2 concentration from 21 to 2% in the absence of CO2, thylakoid energization saturated at lower light intensities than in CO2-free air. CO2 decreased thylakoid energization particularly at low light intensities. Under high intensity illumination, however, thylakoid energization was remarkably high even in the presence of saturating CO2. Apparently, electron transport was capable of maintaining the energy status of the photosynthetic apparatus at a high level even when photosynthetic carbon fluxes were maximal. This suggests that electron transport is less important in limiting photosynthesis than previously thought.  相似文献   

Ribose 5-phosphate (R5P) is a sugar known to undergo the Maillard reaction (glycation) at a rapid rate. In a reaction with the lysines of bovine heart cytochrome c, R5P generates superoxide () that subsequently reduces ferri-cytochrome c to ferro-cytochrome c. The rate equation for the observed cytochrome c reduction is first order in respect to cytochrome c and half order in respect to R5P. The addition of amines to the cytochrome c-R5P system greatly increases the generation with rates of approximately 1.0 μM min−1 being observed with millimolar levels of R5P and amine at 37 °C. Pre-incubation of R5P with the amine prior to cytochrome c addition further enhances the rate of cytochrome c reduction approximately twofold for every 30 min of incubation. While clearly accounting for a portion of the reduction of cytochrome c, is not the sole reductant of the system as the use of superoxide dismutase only partially limits cytochrome c reduction, and the contribution of proportionally decreases with longer amine-R5P incubation times. The remainder of the cytochrome c reduction is attributed to either the Amadori product or a cross-linked Schiff base created when a Maillard reaction-derived dicarbonyl compound(s) reacts with the amine. It is believed that these compounds directly transfer electrons to ferri-cytochrome c and subsequently become stable free-radical cations. ATP, a putative regulator of cytochrome c activity, does not inhibit electron transport from or the cross-linked Schiff base but does prevent R5P from reacting with surface lysines to generate superoxide. The spontaneous reaction between R5P and amines could serve as an alternative system for generating in solution.  相似文献   

Evolution of oxygen and turnover of cytochromes b-563 and ? were measured upon illumination of isolated intact spinach chloroplasts with a series of flashes. The flash yield of cytochrome ? oxidation approximated the sum of the yields of cytochrome b-563 reduction and electron transfer through Photosystem II, regardless of whether HCO?3, 3-phosphoglycerate or O2 served as the terminal electron acceptor. No absorbance contribution from cytochrome b-559 was discerned within the time range studied. Some pseudocyclic electron flow occurred when both HCO?3 and 3-phosphoglycerate were omitted, and possibly also during induction of photosynthesis; however, the flash yield data suggest that O2 is not reduced at a significant rate during steady state photosynthesis. The maximum rate of cytochrome ? turnover (1000 μequiv./mg chlorophyll per h) was adequate to support the highest rates of photosynthesis observed in isolated chloroplasts.These results agree with the concept that cytochrome ? is a component both of the linear and cyclic pathways whereas cytochrome b-563 functions only in the cyclic pathway. NH4Cl decreased the half time of cytochrome b-563 oxidation from 11.6 to 8.2 ms and decreased the half time of cytochrome ? reduction from 7.2 to 2.8 ms. The cyclic and linear pathways thus seem to be jointly regulated by a transthylakoid H+ gradient through a common control point on the reducing side of cytochrome ?. Cyclic turnover also increased during the induction phase of photosynthesis, when linear throughput is limited by the rate of utilization of NADPH. The slow rise in the P-518 transient correlated with increased cyclic activity under the above conditions.It is proposed that flexibility in the utilization of linear and cyclic pathways allows the chloroplast to generate ATP and NADPH in ratios appropriate to varying needs.  相似文献   

Ni2+ inhibits electron-transport activity of isolated barley chloroplasts and this inhibition of electron transport by Ni2+ is distinctly different from other heavy metal ion (e.g., Pb2+, Cd2+, Zn2+)-induced inhibition of chloroplast function. Ni2+ inactivates Photosystem II (PS II) activity at a lower concentration than that required for the same extent of inhibition of Photosystem I (PS I)-mediated electron flow. Ni2+ induces changes in chlorophyll a (Chl a) emission characteristics and brings about a lowering of the Chl a fluorescence yield, and this lowering of Chl a fluorescence intensity is not relieved by the exogenously supplied electron donor NH2OH which donates electrons very close to the PS II reaction centres. Immobilization of the chloroplast membrane structure with glutaraldehyde fails to arrest the Ni2+-induced loss of PS II activity. Also, Ni2+-treated chloroplasts do not regain the ability to photoreduce 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol even after washing of chloroplasts with buffer. These results indicate that unlike Zn2+ or Pb2+, Ni2+ induces alterations in the chloroplast photosynthetic apparatus resulting in an irreversible loss of electron-transport activity.  相似文献   

S Inouye 《FEBS letters》1984,172(2):231-234
The breakage of double-strand (ds) DNA by 13-L-hydroperoxy-cis-9,trans-11-octadecadienoic acid (LAHPO) was investigated by agarose gel electrophoresis of supercoiled pBR322 DNA and the site of cleavage on the DNA molecule was determined by the method of DNA sequence analysis using 3'-end and 5'-end-labeled DNA fragments as substrates. LAHPO caused cleavage at the position of guanine nucleotide in dsDNA. LAHPO caused dsDNA breaks at specific sites, but linoleic acid (LA) and 13-L-hydroxy-cis-9,trans-11-octadecadienoic acid (LAHO) have no such effects on dsDNA. The active oxygen atom of the hydroperoxy group of LAHPO was perhaps responsible for the site-specific cleavage of dsDNA.  相似文献   

P. Horton  P. Lee 《BBA》1984,767(3):563-567
Phosphorylation of chloroplast thylakoid polypeptides by the light-activated protein kinase was found to decrease the light-saturated rate of whole chain and Photosystem-II electron transport. This decrease in electron-transport capacity was reversible and was found to correlate with the phosphorylation-induced decrease in chlorophyll fluorescence.  相似文献   

In plant cells, the reversible isomerization between fructose 6-phosphate (Fru6P) and glucose 6-phosphate (Glc6P) is catalyzed by a cytosolic and a chloroplastic isoenzyme of phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI, EC The extractable activities of both PGI isoenzymes are in large excess compared with the flux required for product synthesis, but the measured Glu6P/Fru6P ratio in illuminated chloroplasts and in whole leaves is always displaced from equilibrium. Cytosolic (PGI 2) and stromal (PGI 1) isoenzymes were purified from spinach leaves and used to investigate the possibility of metabolic regulation at this step. Several metabolites were found to inhibit PGI, but within the physiological concentration range, only erythrose 4-phosphate (Ery4P) inhibited significantly. The inhibition was competitive, with Ki values below 10 μM for PGI 2 and 1. The physiological significance of the inhibition of PGI by Ery4P was assessed in isolated intact spinach chloroplasts. We conclude that, in vivo, this inhibition is probably responsible for the observed displacement from equilibrium in the chloroplasts, but limits the carbon flow towards starch synthesis only when Fru6P is low. In contrast, the inhibition by Ery4P is unlikely to play any role in the cytosolic carbon metabolism because both Fru6P concentration and PGI activity, are much higher than in the chloroplast stroma.  相似文献   

Photosystem II activity of oxygen-evolving membranes can be quantified by their capacity to do charge separation or their capacity to transport electrons. In this study using flash excitation of saturating intensity, charge separation is measured by absorption changes in the ultraviolet region of the spectra associated with primary-quinone reduction, and electron transport is measured by oxygen flash yield. These methods are applied to thylakoids and three different types of Photosystem II particles. In thylakoids electron-transport activity is 75–85% of charge separation activity. In Photosystem II particles this percentage is 60–70%, except for the BBY type (Berthold, D.A., Babcock, G.T. and Yocum, C.F. (1981) FEBS Lett. 135, 231–234), in which it is only 29%. These estimates of non-functional oxygen-evolving centers agree within experimental error, except for the BBY particle, with the quantum requirement for oxygen evolution measured under light-limited conditions. These reaction centers that are non-functional in oxygen evolution occur during sample preparation and are not a result of inhibition by ferricyanide or quinone acceptor systems. In thylakoids on the first flash, absorption changes at 325 nm do not show significant contributions from oxygen evolution S-state transitions. In the presence of ferricyanide the absorption change at 325 nm does have a significant contribution from Q400 in thylakoids, but considerably less in Photosystem II particles.  相似文献   

The release of protons from intact cells of Rhodopseudomonas capsulata after either 4μs flashes or during brief periods of continuous illumination has been measured with the indicator, cresol red. The half-time for H+-release after a flash was 35 ms and the extent, 1H+ per 134 bacteriochlorophyll. Myxothiazol completely inhibited the flash-induced H+-release and antimycin A reduced it by 37%. The proton-releasing reaction is discussed with reference to the protonmotive Q-cycle. During continuous illumination the rapid phase of H+ release is followed by a lag and then by another period of acidification, suggesting that other protolytic reactions may be in operation.  相似文献   

The stromal concentration of orthophosphate in intact spinach chloroplasts (prepared in the absence of orthophosphate or pyrophosphate but supplied with both in the reaction medium) fell from a value of approx. 20 mM in the dark to a steady-state concentration of approx. 8 mM in the light. Chloroplasts illuminated in the absence of orthophosphate or pyrophosphate showed a similar trend. However, in this situation the stromal inorganic phosphate (Pi) concentration rapidly decreased from approx. 10 mM in the dark to a constant steady-state concentration of between 1.5 and 2.5 mM in the light. This Pi concentration was not further diminished (even though CO2-dependent O2 evolution had ceased) and was therefore considered to be stromal orthophosphate not freely available to metabolism. In the Pi-deficient chloroplasts the rate of photosynthesis declined rapidly after 1–2 min in the light such that CO2-dependent O2 evolution ceased with 5 min of the onset of illumination. The decline in O2 evolution was accompanied by an increase in the transthylakoid ΔpH (as measured by 9-aminoacridine fluorescence quenching) and in the high-energy state, non-photochemical component of chlorophyll fluorescence quenching (qE). Measurements of stromal metabolite concentrations showed that the ATP/ADP ratio was decreased in the Pi-deficient chloroplasts relative to chloroplasts illuminated in the presence of Pi. The stromal concentration of glycerate 3-phosphate was comparable in the Pi-deficient chloroplasts and those to which Pi had been supplied. Chloroplasts which were illuminated in Pi-free media showed a large accumulation of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate relative to those supplied with Pi, suggesting inhibition of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase under these conditions. When Pi was added to chloroplasts illuminated in the absence of Pi, both non-photochemical quenching (qE), photochemical quenching (qQ) and ΔpH increased. This suggests that electron transport was not limited by inability to discharge transthylakoid ΔpH. These observation are consistent with the hypothesis that Pi limitation results in decreased ATP production by the thylakoid ATP synthase. The data presented here show that there are multiple sites of flux control exerted by low stromal Pi in the chloroplast. At least three factors contribute to the inhibition of photosynthesis under phosphate limitation: (1) there appears to be a direct effect of Pi on the energy-transducing system; (2) there is direct inhibition of the Calvin cycle decreasing the ability of the pathway to act as a sink for ATP and NADPH; and (3) feedback inhibition of primary processes occurs either via ΔpH or the redox state of electron carriers. However, ΔpH does not appear to be a limiting factor, but rather an inability to regenerate NADP as electron acceptor is suggested. The addition of DCMU to chloroplasts during illumination in the absence of Pi for periods of up to 10 min showed that there was very little loss of variable fluorescence despite a 60% reduction in the capacity for O2 evolution. This would suggest that photoinhibitory damage to Photosystem II was not the major cause of the inhibition of photosynthesis observed with low Pi.  相似文献   

Shigeru Itoh  Shinji Morita 《BBA》1982,682(3):413-419
(1) The relation between the membrane potential and phosphorylation was studied in chloroplasts rapidly prepared from illuminated spinach leaves (light chloroplasts) and from dark-adapted leaves (dark chloroplasts). Light chloroplasts had a higher ATP hydrolysis activity than dark chloroplasts. (2) In the presence of ADP or ATP, a rapidly decaying phase of the field-indicating 518 nm absorbance change with a half-time of 15 ms became apparent in addition to the slow phase with a half-time of more than 300 ms in either type of chloroplast. Under these conditions, light chloroplasts showed a larger rapid phase than dark chloroplasts. (3) The rapid phase was suppressed by dicyclohexylcarbodiimide and was assumed to reflect the dissipation of membrane potential due to proton movements inside the CF1-CF0 ATP synthetase. (4) A model for the proton movement in ATP synthetase is proposed.  相似文献   

The properties of the system which reverses light modulation of NADP-dependent malate dehydrogenase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in pea chloroplasts were examined. A factor catalyzing dark modulation of these enzymes was found. This factor cochromatographed with thioredoxin in all systems used (Sephacryl S-200, Sephadex G-75, DEAE-cellulose). Inhibition of dithiothreitol-dependent modulation and of dark reversal by antibody against Escherichia coli thioredoxin further suggest that the dark factor is in fact thioredoxin. It appears that the reaction is the reverse of the previously described dithiothreitol-dependent thioredoxin-catalyzed modulation of enzymes. The limiting step in vitro seems to be the oxidation of thioredoxin during the dark period.  相似文献   

Azido-triazinone (3-dimethylamino-4-methyl-6-(3′-azidophenyl)-1,2,4-triazin-5-one) was found to be an efficient inhibitor of Photosystem II electron transport. This compound has an I50 value of 69 nM (extrapolated to zero chlorophyll concentration), a high-affinity binding constant of 12.6 nM, and a number of binding sites of 1.9 nmol/mg chlorophyll. This corresponds to 550–580 molecules of chlorophyll per bound inhibitor; i.e., one molecule inhibitor per electron transport chain. In isolated spinach thylakoids, [14C]azido-triazinone upon ultraviolet illumination covalently binds almost exclusively to a 34 kDa protein. Covalent binding is prevented in the presence of other Photosystem II inhibitors. The protein labeled by azido-triazinone is identical to the 34 kDa herbicide-binding protein which is tagged by another photoaffinity label azido-atrazine (2-azido-4-(ethylamino)-6-(isopropylamino)-s-triazine).  相似文献   

A.W. Rutherford  G. Renger  H. Koike  Y. Inoue 《BBA》1984,767(3):548-556
The thermoluminescence band observed in chloroplasts after flash excitation at ambient temperatures has recently been identified as being due to recombination of the electron on the semiquinone form of the secondary plastoquinone acceptor, QB, with positive charges on the oxygen-evolving enzyme, S2 and S3 (Rutherford, A.W., Crofts, A.R. and Inoue, Y. (1982) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 682, 457–465). Further investigation of this thermoluminescence confirms this assignment and provides information on the function of PS II. The following data are reported: (1) Washing of chloroplasts with ferricyanide lowers the concentration of QB in the dark and predictable changes in the extent of the thermoluminescence band are observed. (2) The thermoluminescence intensity arising from S2QB is approximately one half of that arising from S3QB. (3) Preflash treatment followed by dark adaptation results in changes in the intensity of the thermoluminescence band recorded after a series of flashes. These changes can be explained according to the above assignments for the origin of the thermoluminescence and if QB provides an important source of deactivating electrons for the S states. Computer simulations of the preflash data are reported using the above assumptions. Previously unexplained data already in the literature (Läufer, A. and Inoue, Y. (1980) Photobiochem. Photobiophys. 1, 339–346) can be satisfactorily explained and are simulated using the above assumptions. (4) Lowering the pH to pH 5.5 results in a shift of the S2QB thermoluminescence band to higher temperatures while that arising from S3QB does not shift. This effect is interpreted as indicating that QB is protonated and the S2 to S3 reaction involves deprotonation while the S1 to S2 reaction does not.  相似文献   

This study reports syntheses of d-allose 6-phosphate (All6P), d-allulose (or d-psicose) 6-phosphate (Allu6P), and seven d-ribose 5-phosphate isomerase (Rpi) inhibitors. The inhibitors were designed as analogues of the 6-carbon high-energy intermediate postulated for the All6P to Allu6P isomerization reaction (Allpi activity) catalyzed by type B Rpi from Escherichiacoli (EcRpiB). 5-Phospho-d-ribonate, easily obtained through oxidative cleavage of either All6P or Allu6P, led to the original synthon 5-dihydrogenophospho-d-ribono-1,4-lactone from which the other inhibitors could be synthesized through nucleophilic addition in one step. Kinetic evaluation on Allpi activity of EcRpiB shows that two of these compounds, 5-phospho-d-ribonohydroxamic acid and N-(5-phospho-d-ribonoyl)-methylamine, indeed behave as new efficient inhibitors of EcRpiB; further, 5-phospho-d-ribonohydroxamic acid was demonstrated to have competitive inhibition. Kinetic evaluation on Rpi activity of both EcRpiB and RpiB from Mycobacteriumtuberculosis (MtRpiB) shows that several of the designed 6-carbon high-energy intermediate analogues are new competitive inhibitors of both RpiBs. One of them, 5-phospho-d-ribonate, not only appears as the strongest competitive inhibitor of a Rpi ever reported in the literature, with a Ki value of 9 μM for MtRpiB, but also displays specific inhibition of MtRpiB versus EcRpiB.  相似文献   

A.W. Rutherford  A.R. Crofts  Y. Inoue 《BBA》1982,682(3):457-465
A single flash given at − 15°C to chloroplasts results in charge separation in Photosystem II to form a stable state which, upon warming, recombines giving rise to luminescence. This recombination occurs at 25°C in untreated chloroplasts but is shifted to 0°C in the presence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea or weak concentrations of a reducing agent. The luminescence at 0°C is attributed to recombination of the S2QA state while that at 25°C is attributed to recombination of S2QAQB (and S3QAQB upon further flash illumination). The identification of the thermoluminescence at 25°C is based upon the following experimental evidence: (1) illumination of chloroplasts in the presence of methyl viologen with 710 nm light before and after flash illumination has no effect on the extent or temperature of the thermoluminescence. This is taken as evidence that the plastoquinone pool is not involved in the recombination reaction. (2) Calculations of the extent of thermoluminescence expected after a number of flashes, assuming that S2QAQB and S3QAQB are the thermoluminescent reactants, give a good fit to the experimental results. (3) The effect of continuous illumination at 77 K (i.e., donation from cytochrome b-559 to QA and thence to QB or QB) results in predictable changes in the extent of flash-induced thermoluminescence.  相似文献   

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