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M Iino  C Long  X Wang 《Plant & cell physiology》2001,42(11):1219-1227
Protoplasts isolated from the laminar pulvinus of Phaseolus vulgaris and bathed in a medium containing KCl as the major salt were found to swell in response to IAA and to shrink in response to ABA. The protoplasts of flexor cells and those of extensor cells responded similarly. The results indicate that the cellular content of osmotic solutes is enhanced by IAA and reduced by ABA. The IAA-induced swelling was abolished when either the K(+) or the Cl(-) of the bathing medium was replaced by an impermeant ion or when the medium was adjusted to neutral pH (instead of pH 6). The response was inhibited by vanadate. It is concluded that the swelling is caused by enhanced influxes of K(+) and Cl(-), which probably occur through K(+) channels and Cl(-)/H(+) symporters, respectively. The ABA-induced shrinking was inhibited by 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)-benzoic acid, an anion-channel inhibitor, suggesting that it is caused by Cl(-) efflux through anion channels and charge-balancing K(+) efflux through outward-rectifying K(+) channels. It appears that the two plant hormones act on pulvinar motor cells to regulate their turgor pressure, as they do in stomatal guard cells. The findings are discussed in relation to the pulvinar movements induced by environmental stimuli.  相似文献   

Measurements were made of the transport of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid-14C (2,4-D) through segments cut from the region of the distal abscission zone in young and old primary leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris L. When old leaves were used basipetal transport of 2,4-D in segments including pulvinar tissue, abscission zone, and petiolar tissue was much less than in wholly petiolar segments. In both young and old plants, segments consisting entirely of pulvinar tissue transported 2,4-D basipetally at a velocity about half that in petiolar tissue. At both ages the flux of 2,4-D through pulvinar tissue was less than that through petiolar tissue. In segments from old leaves the flux through pulvinar tissue was much less than in young plants; the flux through petiolar tissue changed little with age. There was no change with age in the velocity of basipetal transport. The distribution of 14C along segments including the abscission zone showed no marked discontinuity. It was concluded that the pulvinus limited the basipetal movement of 2,4-D through segments from old leaves which included both pulvinar and petiolar tissue, but there was no evidence that the abscission zone itself was a barrier to auxin transport.  相似文献   

Concentration of malic acid was determined in pulvini and petiolesand in isolated parts of the pulvinus, i.e. extensor and flexorregions, in Phaseolus coccineus. In the light period of thecircadian cycle, the concentration of malic acid in whole pulvinireached the highest value of 35.1 mmole CW while in the darkphase the respective value was 21.0 mmole CW. In the petiole,the highest concentration of malic acid was only 15.3% of themaximum concentration in the whole pulvinus. In isolated regions of motor cells, a cyclic alternation inthe concentration of malic acid was observed. In the light phase,the maximum acid concentration of 43.7 mmole CW in the extensorzone corresponds with the lowest concentration of 15.5 mmoleCW in the flexor region. The lowest value of acid concentrationof 30.8 mmole CW in the extensor part corresponds with the highestacid concentration of 31.1 mmole CW in the flexor part in thedark phase. About 22% of the total concentration of malic acid was transportedbetween the two opposite parts of the pulvinus as dependingupon the phases of leaf movement. (Received February 28, 1986; Accepted May 23, 1986)  相似文献   

Although determinations of the ABA content of lateral buds ofPhaseolus vulgaris revealed no difference between decapitatedand intact control plants in the first 12 h following decapitation,a relative decrease in the ABA content of lateral buds of decapitatedplants was detectable 24 h following decapitation. Shoot decapitationwas also observed to result in a decrease in the ABA contentof stem tissue. The application of IAA to the stem of decapitatedplants prevented these changes and increased the ABA contentof stem tissue relative to that of intact plants. The levelsof IAA and ABA were also determined in the stem tissue fromthe nodes of intact bean plants. The possible interdependenceof these two plant hormones was further investigated by a studyof [2–14ClABA metabolism. The results are discussed inrelation to the possible role of these hormones in apical dominance. Key words: Apical dominance, Abscisic acid, Indole-3-acetic acid  相似文献   

Water Relations in Pulvini from Samanea saman: I. Intact Pulvini   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Gorton HL 《Plant physiology》1987,83(4):945-950
The movement of Samanea leaflets depends upon changes in the curvature of the pulvinus at the base of each leaflet. Pulvinar bending and straightening, in turn, are driven by the movement of water between opposing (extensor and flexor) sides of the pulvinus. Although water movement depends on water potential (Ψ) and thus on osmotic potential (π) and hydrostatic pressure (P), none of these parameters have been measured in Samanea. In this investigation, Ψ and π were measured and P was calculated for extensor and flexor tissues of excised, whole pulvini that were open in the light and closed in the dark. In fully open pulvini, π in the extensor was generally between 800 and 1000 milliosmol per kilogram and exceeded π in the flexor by 300 to 450 milliosmol per kilogram. In fully closed pulvini the reverse was true, with π in the flexor between 800 and 1000 milliosmol per kilogram, exceeding π in the extensor by 300 to 450 milliosmol per kilogram. To obtain approximate values of Ψ of pulvinar tissues, shallow cuts in extensor and flexor sides of oil-covered pulvini were filled with droplets of polyethylene glycol solutions of known Ψ. Droplets maintaining constant size were assumed to have the same Ψ as the tissue. Extensor and flexor halves of open pulvini had very different Ψ (extensor, about −1.4 MPa; flexor, about −0.3 MPa), but both sides of closed pulvini had similar Ψ (about −0.3 MPa). Measurements of Ψ and π and calculations of P indicate: (a) In open pulvini, P is about the same in extensor and flexor. The large Ψ gradient is caused by a large osmotic gradient. (b) In closed pulvini, P is approximately 50% higher in the flexor than in the extensor. This difference in P compensates for differences in π such that the Ψ gradient is small. (c) Pulvini close as P increases in the flexor and reopen as flexor P decreases; extensor P values are similar in open and closed pulvini.  相似文献   

The major cytokinins in stems of decapitated, disbudded bean plants have been identified by enzymic degradation, Sephadex LH20 and reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography, and by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry as 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-trans-2-enylamino)-9--D-ribofuranosylpurine (zeatin riboside), 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methylbutylamino)-9--D-ribofuranosylpurine (dihydrozeatin riboside), and the 5-phosphates of these compounds (zeatin ribotide and dihydrozeatin ribotide). Minor cytokinins in this tissue were tentatively identified as dihydrozeatin-O--D-glucoside and zeatin ribotide-O--D-glucoside. [8-14C-]Dihydrozeatin appeared to be rapidly metabolized to dihydrozeatin ribotide when supplied to segments of stems from decapitated plants. These results are discussed in relation to the metabolism and distribution of cytokinins in the whole plant.Abbreviations TEAB triethyl ammonium bicarbonate - UV ultra-violet - GCMS gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - TMS trimethyl silyl  相似文献   

High yields of viable protoplasts were obtained by enzymatic treatment from cotyledonary leaves of various greenhouse grown Phaseolus vulgaris L. cultivars. The protoplasts divided and formed cell clusters in a liquid medium. Early transfer before 10 days in the same medium was necessary for the development of cell colonies. When transferred to solid medium, the colonies gave rise to proliferating green calli. Deep green patches developed on these calli but failed to form shoots.Abbreviations NAA -NaphtaleneAcetic Acid - BA 6-Benzyl-Amino-purine - 2,4-D 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - GA3 Gibberellic Acid - BCP BromoCresol Purple - MES 2-(N-Morpholino) EthaneSulphonic acid - MS Murashige and Skoog (1962)  相似文献   

Zhang WH  Walker NA  Tyerman SD  Patrick JW 《Planta》2000,211(6):894-898
An outward current that appeared to activate instantaneously in response to depolarising voltage pulses at low sampling frequencies predominated in the plasma membrane of ground-parenchyma protoplasts derived from coats of developing Phaseolus vulgaris L. (cv. Redland Pioneer) seeds. However, the outward current showed time-dependent activation when higher sampling frequencies were used to measure the current. Activation of the current was best described as a double-exponential time course with the fast and slow time constants being 1 and 20 ms, respectively. The current also exhibited a rapid deactivation that followed a double-exponential time course with time constants of approximately 2 and 30 ms, respectively. “Tail-current” analysis allowed us to show that this current exhibited a low selectivity between K+ and Cl (P K:Cl=1.8). Such a fast-activating current may account for some of the reports of time-independent, instantaneous currents that have been observed in plasma membranes of plant cells digitised at low sampling frequencies. Therefore, when “instantaneous” currents appear it is advisable to characterise these currents using higher sampling frequencies with correspondingly higher filtering frequency cut-offs. Received: 12 May 2000 / Accepted: 26 June 2000  相似文献   


Callus production and plant regeneration from different explants of Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Giza are reported. Calli cultures were induced from leaf, hypocotyl, embryo and root explants. Rapid growth of callus was achieved by leaf explants cultured on MS salts, B5 vitamins and supplemented with 2,4— dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4—D)+0.5 mg/l kinetin (kin). Addition of casein hydrolysate at 2 g/l to maintenance medium enhanced callus growth and hindered the early appearance of necrotic parts. This report also provides a detailed method for production of multiple shoots directly from the wounded edges of immature cotyledon explant via organogenesis on 1 mg/l benzyladenine (BA) or indirectly on 0.5 mg/l naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA)+2 mg/l BA. The regeneration of bean plants through the two ways described here (direct or indirect) may be of use in genetic improvement of bean.  相似文献   

Ureide Metabolism in Non-nodulated Phaseolus vulgaris L.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The distribution of ureide-N was studied throughout vegetativeand reproductive growth of non-nodulated Phaseolus vulgarisL. (bushbean) grown in nitrate nutrient solution. Largest increasesin ureide-N per plant were correlated with flowering and earlypod formation and with seed filling. Highest amounts of ureidesper organ were measured in stems and axillary trifoliates. Highestconcentrations (µmol ureide-N g–1 fr. wt.) weremeasured in young developing organs and stems. Seeds did notaccumulate ureides until the ureide content of pods had reacheda maximum. Results obtained using the inhibitor of xanthine oxidase, allopurinol,are consistent with the origin of ureides via purine degradationbut alternative pathways cannot be discounted. Leaves and stems were shown to have the ability to degrade allantoatevia an enzymic process.  相似文献   

Microsporogenesis in dwarf Phaseolus vulgaris was studied under the electron microscope. Before meiosis the microspore mother cell had a lot of organelles especially plastids and ER in its cytoplasm. There were many osmiophilic granules adhering to the membranes of the plastids and vesicular ER until meiosis began. Some cytoplasmic channels were present between adjacent microsporocytes from pachytene to telophase Ⅱ. The organelles were at early stage in the early rnlcrospore, the plastids and mitochondria of which showed regional distribution. Original vacou[es were produced by smooth ER. The organelles in the tapetum cells were mainly mitochondria, plastids and ER. The ER was concentric circles in shape in transverse section.  相似文献   

Leaf area expansion, dry weight, and water relations of Phaseolus vulgaris L. and P. acutifolius Gray were compared during a drying cycle in the greenhouse to understand the characteristics which contribute to the superior drought tolerance of P. acutifolius. Stomates of P. acutifolius closed at a much higher water potential than those of P. vulgaris, delaying dehydration of leaf tissue. P. acutifolius had a more deeply penetrating root system, which also contributes to its drought tolerance. Root-shoot ratios did not differ between the two species either under well watered or water stressed conditions. Leaf osmotic potential was also similar in the two species, with no apparent osmotic adjustment during water stress. These results indicate that P. acutifolius postpones dehydration and suggest that sensitive stomates and a deeply penetrating root system are characteristics which, if incorporated into cultivated beans, might increase their drought tolerance.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of Stachyose in Phaseolus vulgaris   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Tanner W  Kandler O 《Plant physiology》1966,41(9):1540-1542

The activity of soil pathogens, competition for assimilates, and the changing availability of below-ground resources make root systems subject to a continuous and dynamic process of formation and loss of both fine and coarse roots. As hypocotyl borne roots appear later than other root classes, they may serve to functionally replace basal and primary roots lost to biotic and abiotic stress. Using common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), we conducted experiments in solution and solid media culture with treatments involving the removal of part of the root system (basal, hypocotyl borne or primary roots), phosphorus availability, and depth of seeding to test the hypothesis that there are compensation mechanisms among basal, hypocotyl borne and primary roots to cope with the loss of part of the root system. The root system was highly plastic in response to root excision, which resulted in the maintenance of below-ground biomass accumulation. In most cases, this compensation among root classes was enough to maintain plant performance in both phosphorus sufficient and phosphorus stressed plants. Removal of a specific root class induced an increase in the growth of the remaining root classes. All root classes, but especially the primary root, contributed to the compensation mechanism in some way. Primary roots represented around 10% of the root system in control plants and this proportion increased dramatically (up to 50%) when other root classes were removed. In contrast, negligible compensatory re-growth was observed following removal of the primary root. Greater planting depth increased the production of hypocotyl borne roots at the expense of basal roots. The proportion of hypocotyl borne roots increased from 25% of the whole root system when seeds were placed at a depth of 2 cm to 30% when they were placed at 5 cm and to 38% when placed at 8 cm, with corresponding decreases in the proportion represented by basal roots. The common feature of our observations is the innate ability of the root system for its own regeneration. Total root biomass maintained strict allometric relationships with total shoot biomass in all treatments. Re-stabilization of root to shoot balance after partial root loss is governed by overall plant size following allometric relationships similar to undisturbed plants. However, the pattern of this root regeneration was not uniform since the way the three root classes compensated each other after the removal of any one of them varied among the different growth media and phosphorus supply conditions. The resulting changes in root architecture could have functional significance for soil resource acquisition.  相似文献   

The glutamine synthetase (GS) isozymes in the plant fraction of nodule extracts from 62 cultivars of Phaseolus vulgaris L. and one cultivar of Phaseolus lunatus L. were analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. All P. vulgaris nodule extracts displayed two GS activity bands: a nodule-specific band (GSn1) and a band (GSn2) similar to the single band (GSr) present in root extracts. In nodule extracts of P. lunatus, the GSn1 band was detected, but the GSn2 band was barely detectable. In contrast to P. vulgaris, the GSn2 band and the GSr band of P. lunatus appeared to be different. The electrophoretic mobility of the GSn1 band in P. vulgaris was governed by both the plant cultivar and the development stage of the nodule. In nodule extracts of P. vulgaris and P. lunatus, the zone of GSn1 activity coincided with six to nine distinct protein bands as revealed after treatment of gels, which had previously been stained for GS activity, with Coomassie blue. All these protein bands were shown to consist of polypeptides of identical molecular weight (approximately 47,000 daltons) by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Our results indicate that P. vulgaris continuously generates isozymes of GSn1 of increasing electrophoretic mobility during the course of nodule development.  相似文献   

An SH-proteinase (EC 3.4.22.-) has been isolated from beans of the species Phaseolus vulgaris var. Perlicka. The enzyme is homogeneous when subjected to disc electrophoresis, electrofocusing and sedimentation analysis. The molecular weight was determined as 26,000-28,000 by gel filtration, 30,850 +/- 1500 by sedimentation analysis and 26,930-27,410 by calculation from the amino acid composition (Lys20-21, His3, Arg9, Asp21-22, Thr13, Ser18, Pro12-13, Glu23-24, Gly30, Ala16, Cys/29, Val19, Met1, Ile10, Leu13, Tyr14, Phe6, Trp3). The N-terminal amino acid of the proteinase is isoleucine. The effect of concentration, time of hydrolysis, pH, temperature, cations, anions, urea and guanidine - HCl on the proteolytic activity of the SH-proteinase was studied.  相似文献   

The Phaseolus vulgaris isolectins L4,L3E1, L2E2, L1E3, and E4 were isolated by affinity and ion exchange chromatography. Pure isolectins were radiolabeled by the chloramine-T method with Na125IO4 and their binding to human erythrocytes was studied. A normal erythrocyte has approximately 8 times 10(5) receptor sites for each isolectin; however, the association constants (Ka) of binding increased from 1.1 times 10(7) M-1 to 3.8 times 10(8) M-1, with increasing number of E subunits per tetrameric isolectin molecule. Isolectin to erythrocyte binding reached equilibrium rapidly and was reversed by fetuin. All isolectins competed with 125I-E4 for erythrocyte binding sites, with a constant (KI) similar to the Ka calculated for each respective radiolabeled isolectin. When isolectin binding at 0 degrees C, 4 degrees C, or 8 degrees C was compared to that at 25 degrees C, there was no reduction in the number of binding sites per cell, but the Ka of E4 was reduced to 3 times 10(7) M-1. Fixed erythrocytes displayed similar isolectin binding characteristics.  相似文献   

Actin was present at very low levels in the seeds of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) compared with those from other species, and was observed mostly in the embryo. A time-course of actin expression in germinating bean seeds revealed an induced expression of both the mRNA and protein. Initially, the actin mRNA in seeds was barely detectable by northern blot analysis. However, there was a substantial increase in the expression of the actin mRNA at 24, 48 and 72 h after imbibition, compared with an internal control consisting of a late-embryogenesis-abundant (LEA) type IV gene from P. vulgaris. An increase in the amount of actin in total seed extracts that parallelled that of the mRNA was detected by western blotting starting at 24 h after imbibition. This increase was more apparent when the embryo alone was analyzed. Two-dimensional western blots initially revealed three actin isoforms with isoelectric points (pIs) of approximately 5.6, 5.7 and 5.8, the amounts of which increased within a 48-h period, when a new minor isoform of pI approximately 5.5 appeared; however, after 72 h, the pI-5.8 isoform had almost disappeared and the pI-5.5 isoform had disappeared completely, indicating that these two minor isoforms are expressed transiently. These results indicate that actin is at very low levels in the dry seed but undergoes an increased and differential expression during imbibition, an event probably required to carry out all the necessary functions for germination. Received: 21 July 1998 / Accepted: 1 September 1998  相似文献   

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