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Christensenia gen. nov., C. blocki sp. nov., is described from Signy Island, South Orkney Islands, maritime Antarctic. The new species is identical with specimens that Stephenson (1932) determined as Marionina georgiana (Michaelsen, 1888), but differs from the type material of M. georgiana. The species M. georgiana (Michaelsen, 1888) is also placed in the new genus Christensenia, the main characteristics of which are: possession of sigmoid setae, and the presence of large numbers of small, hyaline, stick-like, anucleate lymphocytes. No other types of lymphocyte are observed. Oesophageal appendages and intestinal diverticulae are absent. Dorsal vessel originates in the clitellar region; blood is colourless. The anteseptal part of the nephridium consists of the funnel and a few canals, with the efferent duct arising postero-ventrally. Spermathecae are without diverticulae, entally connecting with the oesophagus. The known distribution of the genus is currently limited to terrestrial habitats in the sub- and maritime Antarctic. Received: 24 June 1996 / Accepted: 20 October 1996  相似文献   

A new hesionid. Sinohesione genitaliphora gen. et sp. n., is described from intertidal sandy sediments of Hainan Island, China. It differs from hitherto known hesionids by the presence of external genital organs in both sexes. In the males there is one pair of sae-like appendages, each bearing a tube-shaped penis, on chaetiger 10. In the females the paired sae-shaped organs are situated on chaetiger 12. Reconstructions of semi- and ultrathin sections show that a long, heavily coiled sperm duct opens at the tip of each penis. The duct opens with a ciliated funnel into a seminal vesicle in chaetiger 9. Prominent gland cells surround the sperm duct for the most part. The female genital organs each have two openings; one of which leads to a blind ending seminal receptacle. The other is the external pore of a ciliated oviduct that originates as an open funnel in the coelom of chaetiger 10. The functional and phylogenetic significance of these structures is discussed.  相似文献   

Cernosvitoviella ampullax sp.n. is characterized by the long ampulla of the spermatheca (usually 5–7 times longer than the ectal duct), the funnel-shaped sperm funnel and the dorsal vessel which originates in segment XI. The species was found in peat soil on Hardangervidda (1 320 m a. s.l.) in an area where the soil remains frozen for about half the year.  相似文献   

Abstract The gonochoristic syllid Petitia amphophthalma is one of the truly interstitial polychaetes. P. amphophthalma does not show any epitokous modifications at maturity such as those that usually occur in syllids. The reproductive structures are unique: the male genital organs consist of a seminal vesicle in chaetigers 6–10, subdivided into a dorsal part tightly filled with spermatozoa and a ventral part with contents in different stages of spermatogenesis, one pair of sperm ducts and conspicuous gland cells situated in chaetigers 10 and 11. Their glandular secretions are discharged into the sperm duct together with those of other types of gland cells that form the duct. The oocytes develop freely within the body cavity of the females. Each of the fertile segments possesses a paired oviduct ending in a large ciliated funnel. Sperm ducts and oviducts are probably modifications of excretory organs; nephridia are absent in segments where gonoducts occur. A direct sperm transfer by lytic opening of the integument of the female and internal fertilization are inferred. Copyright © 1996 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences  相似文献   

钱静  沈和定  管菊 《动物学杂志》2015,50(4):600-606
雌雄同体贝类精子的储存和利用规律一直是国内外贝类生物学研究的难点之一,本文利用活体解剖、显微观察、组织切片和扫描电镜技术,综合研究了平疣桑椹石磺(Platevindex mortoni)的生殖系统及精子储存场所。结果显示,其生殖系统包括生殖器本部、雌性生殖部分和雄性生殖部分。生殖器本部由两性腺、两性输送管、蛋白腺、黏液腺、支囊组成;雌性生殖部分包括输卵管、受精囊、阴道,位于身体中后方体腔内;雄性生殖部分包括输精管、刺激器、阴茎、阴茎鞘和阴茎牵引肌,位于身体前端右侧体腔内;其阴茎有阴茎鞘,阴茎表面布满倒刺。平疣桑椹石磺阴茎为直线状,无雄性附属腺。未交配的性成熟个体支囊内充满细长精子,受精囊内无精子;而交配后充当雌性个体的支囊内均为细长的自体精子,受精囊内有大量活力较强的粗短精子,其支囊为自体精子的存储场所,而受精囊为异体精子的存储场所。其精子储运情况为:两性腺内精子成熟后暂存于支囊,交配时通过输精管运输至阴茎,由阴茎输送精子至对方的阴道,异体精子进入受精囊内存储待用。  相似文献   

 Nephridial diversity is high in Phyllodocida (Annelida) and ranges from protonephridia to metanephridia. The nephridia of Tomopteris helgolandica (Tomopteridae) can be characterized as metanephridia which bear a multiciliated solenocyte. This cell is medially apposed to the proximal part of the nephridial duct and bears several cilia, each of which is surrounded by a ring of 13 microvilli. An extracellular matrix connects the microvilli and thus leads to the impression of a tube surrounding the central cilium. Each tube separately enters a subjacent duct cell and the cilia extend into a cup-shaped compartment within the duct cell. This compartment is not connected to the duct. The funnel consists of eight multiciliated cells and is connected to the nephridial duct, which initially runs intercellularly and later percellularly. The last duct cell bears a neck-like process which pierces the subepidermal basal membrane and is connected to epidermal cells forming a small invagination, the nephropore. The nephridia of T. helgolandica develop from a band of cells and all structural components are differentiated at an early developmental stage. Further development is characterized by enlargment of the funnel, ciliogenesis in the solenocyte, merging of different sections of the duct and, finally, the formation of the nephropore. An evaluation of the nephridia of T. helgolandica leads to the hypothesis that the nephridial diversity in Phyllodocida can be explained by the retainment of different stages in the transition of protonephridia into metanephridia; this is caused by the formation of a ciliated funnel at different ontogenetic stages. Although the protonephridia in Phyllodocida are regarded as primary nephridial organs, protonephridia are also presumed to have evolved secondarily in progenetic interstitial species of the Annelida by an incomplete differentiation of the nephridial anlage. Accepted: 18 December 1996  相似文献   

Summary The seminal vesicle of the African catfish, Clarias gariepinus, consists of 36–44 fingerlike lobes built up of tubules in which a fluid is secreted containing acid polysaccharides, acid-, neutral- and basic proteins, and phospholipids. In this fluid sperm cells are stored. The seminal vesicle fluid immobilizes the sperm cells. After ejaculation, it prolongs the period of sperm activity. The seminal vesicle fluid is secreted by the epithelium lining the tubules. The tubules in the proximal part of the lobes are predominantly lined by a simple cylindrical and those of the distal part by a simple squamous epithelium. These epithelial cells contain enzymes involved in energy-liberating processes, the enzyme activites being proportional to the height of the cells. Interstitial cells between the tubules have enzyme-histochemical and ultrastructural features indicative of steroid biosynthesis. Similar characteristics are found in testicular interstitial cells. The most rostral seminal vesicle lobes and the most caudal testicular efferent tubules form a network of tubules that opens at the point where the paired parts of the sperm ducts fuse with each other. The tubules of most seminal vesicle lobes, however, form a complex system that fuses with the unpaired part of the sperm duct.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa of Tettigoniidae are usually transferred to the female by means of a spermatophore which is also the site of feather-shaped spermatodesm formation. These spermatodesms are then transferred to a spermatheca, composed of a spermathecal duct and of a seminal receptacle, involved in storing spermatozoa. In order to extend the knowledge about sperm transfer and spermatodesms reorganization in the Tettigoniidae, a morpho-structural investigation was carried out on spermatophore and spermatheca of Tylopsis liliifolia and on the reorganization of the gametes from the spermatophore. Our results show that the spermatodesms undergo disorganization in the spermatophore; unlike other Tettigoniidae, however, feather-shaped spermatodesms are never found. The epithelium of the spermatheca consists of two cell types, the cuticle-forming and the gland cells, with secretory features. The gland cells, absent in the distal tract of the seminal receptacle, release their secretion in a “reservoir” where an efferent duct opens. In the distal tract of the spermathecal duct, adjacent epithelial cells show diversified ultrastructural characteristics whose probable role is discussed. A particular feature of T. liliifolia is the genesis of the feather-shaped spermatodesms in the seminal receptacle. This feature and the peculiar organization of the feather-shaped spermatodesm are a possible autapomorphy of T. liliifolia.  相似文献   

The palaeotropical tribe Hymenodictyeae Razafim. & B. Bremer, belonging to the otherwise predominantly Neotropical subfamily Cinchonoideae  s.s. (coffee family or Rubiaceae), is revised here. The tribe as presently circumscribed contains two genera, Hymenodictyon Wall. and Paracorynanthe Capuron ex J.-F. Leroy, and is distinct from the other Cinchonoideae tribes with capsular fruits in having stipules bearing large, deciduous colleters on the margins, valvate corolla aestivation, and lenticellate capsular fruits that contain elongate, bilaterally flattened, and accrescent placentae. We recognize 22 Hymenodictyon species, including four new species ( H. antakaranensis sp. nov. , H. epiphyticum sp. nov. , H. madagascaricum sp. nov. , and H. tsingy sp. nov. ), and the two described species of Paracorynanthe . Hymenodictyon is distinguished from its sister genus, Paracorynanthe , by simple or compound spicate, racemose or thyrsoid inflorescences and corolla lobes without any appendages, rather than compound umbelliform inflorescences and corolla lobes prolonged by ciliate appendages. A full taxonomic treatment, keys, and distribution maps of all recognized Hymenodictyon and Paracorynanthe species are provided. Five lectotypes and one neotype are designated. Finally, six Hymenodictyon species are illustrated for the first time.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 152 , 331–386.  相似文献   

本文报道寄生于我国忍冬科植物上的叉丝壳属白粉菌5个种:双盾叉丝壳Microsphacra dipeltae Yu et Lai sp. nov., 二郎山叉丝壳M. erlangshanensis Yu sp. nov.,忍冬叉丝壳M. lonicerae(DC.)Winter,万布叉丝壳M. van-brunctiana Gerard和荚蒾叉丝壳M.viburni(Duby)Blumer,前二者为新种;对新种作了汉文和拉丁文描述,并附有形态图。每一个种都列有寄主种类和国内外分布,并讨论了它们与邻近种之间的区别。  相似文献   

We describe two new extinct caddisflies, Electroadicella kuenowi sp. nov. and Triaenodes simoni sp. nov., embedded in Baltic amber. Both species belong to the tribe Triaenodini and enlarge the family Leptoceridae to a remarkable number of 18 extinct Eocene species from Baltic amber. The extinct Electroadicella and the extant Triaenodes are possibly closely related, by a distinct synapomorphy, a recurved process from the basal plate of the inferior appendages of the ninth abdominal segment in the male genitalia.  相似文献   

Testicular structure of 9 species and sperm head morphology of 19 species of Cottidae were observed in order to clarify relationships between morphological characteristics of the male reproductive organ and reproductive mode (copulation or non-copulation). Morphological structure of the testis was divided into the following five types based on the sperm transfer and reservoir system: (1) a non-duct type in which the sperm duct is not a distinct exterior structure, but the tube for sperm transport traverses along the testis as an interior structure; (2) an anterior duct type with distinct anterior sperm ducts traversing along the testis; (3) a posterior duct type with distinct anterior sperm ducts traversing along the dorsal hilus of testis and posterior sperm ducts extending to the rear of the testis; (4) an anterior duct posterior vesicle type with distinct anterior sperm ducts traversing along the testis, and the right and left sperm ducts fusing in the rear of testis, forming the seminal vesicle; (5) a non-duct posterior vesicle type in which sperm ducts do not accompany the testis, and the testis and seminal vesicle are connected directly or through posterior sperm ducts. It is thought that in Cottidae the non-duct type of reproductive organ is primitive, and the anterior duct type is common to all non-copulating species. The testes and accompanying seminal vesicle were seen only in copulating species. Sperm head morphology was divided into three types according to the length/width ratio: oval type ≤2, intermediate type >2 and ≤3, and slender type >3. The type of sperm head corresponded closely to the reproductive mode; non-copulating species had oval sperm head, and copulating species had intermediate or slender ones. These results suggest that the structure of the testis and the morphology of the sperm head evolved from testes with anterior sperm ducts and oval sperm heads to testes with an associated seminal vesicle and slender sperm heads in association with the evolution from non-copulatory to copulatory reproduction in Cottidae.  相似文献   

Summary Seven species of cestodes and two of nematodes are reported from Phoeniconaias minor from Lake Nakuru, Kenya. Phoenicolepis nakurensis n.g., n.sp. (Hymenolepididae) is characterized by the size and shape of the hooks, scolex and strobila, structure of the terminal genital ducts, presence of an accessory sac, external seminal vesicle and stylet, and absence of an internal seminal vesicle. Gynandrotaenia stammeri. Cladogynia phoeniconaiadis, Flamingolepis tengizi, F. dolguschini and Striatofilaria phoenicopteri are redescribed; all except C. phoeniconaiadis are new for this host and for Kenya. ac]19800210Abbreviations as accessory sac - c cirrus - cs cirrus sac - esv external seminal vesicle - g gland cells - gs glandular sheath - isv internal seminal vesicle - md muscular duct - Mg Mehlis' gland - o ovary - pg prostate gland cells - s stylet - sr seminal receptacle - u uterus - v vagina - vd vas deferens - vg vitelline gland  相似文献   

记述了分布于中国宁夏回族自治区的伪黑盲蛛属Pseudomelanopa 1新种:六盘伪黑盲蛛P.liupan sp.nov.,此种与本属中的唯一种类台湾伪黑盲蛛P.taiwana相比较,雄蛛的阳茎和雌蛛的纳精囊明显不同;新种步足上的刺明显小于台湾伪黑盲蛛P.taiwana;新种雌蛛眼丘光滑,而台湾伪黑盲蛛P.taiwana眼丘上具1对小钝突;新种雄蛛触肢膝节和胫节光滑,仅在其膝节远端具1尖刺,而台湾伪黑盲蛛P.taiwana雄蛛触肢膝节和胫节背面具小齿.新种模式标本保存于河北大学博物馆.  相似文献   

Lepidopteran males produce eupyrene (nucleate) and apyrene (anucleate) spermatozoa, but in the female only eupyrene spermatozoa leave the spermatheca and fertilize the eggs. Both kinds of spermatozoa lack intrinsic motility in the male genital duct. They become motile in the spermatophore, in a process involving proteases from the male duct. In vitro, trypsin induces immotile spermatozoa to become motile. We studied the changes spermatozoa of Manduca sexta undergo during trypsin-induced motility and found that (a) they mimick rather closely those occurring in vivo during normal sperm maturation in genital ducts and (b) they are time- and dose-dependent. As in vivo, they comprise, successively, (a) disappearance of an extracellular matrix that maintains the integrity of eupyrene bundles in the seminal vesicle, (b) dispersion of the eupyrene bundles and intermingling of eupyrene and apyrene spermatozoa and (c) "hatching" of eupyrene spermatozoa from individual enclosing envelopes that are formed in the seminal vesicle. "Hatching" may not directly be related to motility since eupyrene spermatozoa become motile before "hatching" and motile apyrene spermatozoa never "hatch". Rather "hatching" may be related to the capacitation of eupyrene spermatozoa to either leave the spermatheca or fertilize the eggs, or both, as neither apyrene spermatozoa, nor those eupyrene spermatozoa that fail to "hatch", leave the spermatheca.  相似文献   

印象初  叶保华  党琰 《昆虫学报》2015,58(3):335-340
记述了中国台湾尼蝗属 Niitakacris Tinkham, 1936 的3新种。新种阿里山尼蝗 Niitakacris arishanensis sp. nov.后足股节内侧非红色和雄性尾须基部的最大宽度为端部宽度的4倍,可与本属所有已知种相区别。新种夏氏尼蝗 Niitakacris xiai sp. nov.与红胫尼蝗 N. rosaceanum 和台湾尼蝗 Niitakacris taiwanensis sp. nov.近似,不同之处为中胸腹板中隔的长度大于最狭处,前翅不到达腹部第1节背板后缘。新种台湾尼蝗 Niitakacris taiwanensis sp. nov.与红胫尼蝗 N. rosaceanum 近似, 不同之处为复眼较小,纵径为眼下沟长的1.4 倍;两尾片分开;肛上板基部纵沟较短,不到达中部,沟端圆,不尖。列出了尼蝗属全部5个种的检索表。  相似文献   

The male genital duct in Tubificidae consists of a funnel, a vas deferens, an atrium, and, frequently, a copulatory structure. There may also be a diffuse or compact prostate gland in association with the duct. The morphogenesis of this duct is described for Rhyacodrilus coccineus and Monopylephorus rubroniveus (Rhyacodrilinae). The funnel and vas deferens in both species originate from peritoneal (mesodermal) cells in the posterior septum in the testis segment. The atrium in R. coccineus develops from a primary epidermal (ectodermal) invagination. A typical atrium is not formed in M. rubroniveus; the entire duct is of mesodermal origin. In the latter species, a shallow epidermal invagination occurs, into which both male ducts open, but it bears resemblance to a copulatory structure, which usually forms from a secondary invagination, rather than to a proper atrium. We therefore conclude that M. rubroniveus lacks an atrium. The copulatory structure is termed the male bursa. Both species have diffuse prostate glands that differentiate from peritoneal (mesodermal) cells surrounding the male duct. In R. coccineus the cells cover the atrium, whereas in M. rubroniveus they cover only a part of the vas deferens. The development of the spermathecae and female ducts is also examined. The spermatheca is of ectodermal origin in both studied species, i.e., it forms as an invagination of the epidermis. The female duct develops from peritoneal (mesodermal) cells in the posterior septum of the ovary segment. However, in M. rubroniveus the first sign of the duct disappears and a proper duct never develops.  相似文献   

The present paper describes a new phlebotomine species, Evandromyia gaucha sp. nov., based on seven females found in the municipality of Ca?apava do Sul, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The new species belong to rupicola series and differs from other sand flies of the genus Evandromyia due to the presence of a rounded spermatheca head with its size very close to that of the spermatheca body.  相似文献   

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