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The biogenesis and maintenance of asymmetry is crucial to many cellular functions including absorption and secretion, signalling, development and morphogenesis. Here we have directly visualized the segregation and trafficking of apical (glycosyl phosphatidyl inositol-anchored) and basolateral (vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein) cargo in living cells using multicolour imaging of green fluorescent protein variants. Apical and basolateral cargo segregate progressively into large domains in Golgi/trans-Golgi network structures, exclude resident proteins, and exit in separate transport containers. These remain distinct and do not merge with endocytic structures suggesting that lateral segregation in the trans-Golgi network is the primary sorting event. Fusion with the plasma membrane was detected by total internal reflection microscopy and reveals differences between apical and basolateral carriers as well as new 'hot spots' for exocytosis.  相似文献   

Studies using molecular markers have revealed that planarians possess a highly organized brain. Here we separated brain neurons from dissociated planarian head cells by fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS), and characterized them by single cell PCR analysis and cell culture. Dissociated cells were labeled with three different fluorescent dyes, Hoechst 33258, Merocyanine 540, and Propidium Iodide (PI), and fractioned by FACS. Interestingly, we have succeeded in identifying a cell fraction specific to the head, which we have named the head-abundant cell fraction (HAC). Most of the HAC expressed neuron-specific genes and proteins. When they were cultured in vitro, they showed an ability to extend neurites on several types of extracellular matrices (ECMs), and, depending on the ECM type used, presented a high level of plasticity in morphology and gene expression.  相似文献   

I Spadinger  S S Poon  B Palcic 《Cytometry》1989,10(4):375-381
An automated image cytometry device, the Cell Analyzer, was used to locate live V79 cells plated at low densities in a tissue culture flask. Cells and other objects were detected by moving the flask in steps across a linear solid-state image sensor. The step size was selected to be small enough to allow detection of all the cells in the area being scanned but sufficiently large so that most cells would be detected on only one image line. To distinguish cells from other detected objects, a recognition algorithm utilizing 18 characteristic cell signal features was developed. The algorithm first tests whether a set of feature values falls within specified upper and lower bounds, and then applies a linear discriminant function to the remaining data to further discriminate cells from debris. False-positive errors of 5% or less were achieved with this method, whereas 15-35% of cells were misclassified as debris.  相似文献   

Human fibroblasts or mouse teratocarcinoma cells were enucleated by density gradient centrifugation in the presence of cytochalasin B (CB). The resulting mixed population of nucleated and anucleate cells was further purified by flow sorting, using the dye Hoechst 33342 as a fluorescent label for the nucleated cells. The purity of the anucleate cells obtained with this technique was at least 99%, as was shown by histological staining of the sorted fractions. Sorted enucleated fibroblasts were shown to have an intact cell membrane as indicated by their ability to convert fluorescein diacetate into fluorescein and to accumulate this product. They were found to attach and spread when cultured and showed protein synthesis immediately after enucleation, evidenced by the incorporation of [3H]leucine. Sorted enucleated teratocarcinoma cells also had an intact cell membrane, but they did not attach when cultured.  相似文献   

We have modified a FACS I by addition of a tunable dye laser and an optical system for fluorescence detection that allows physically independent measurement of green and red immunofluorescence. These modifications are inexpensive and should be applicable to most single-laser systems. By using the modified machine and double-fluorescence activated selection with H-2Kk-specific monoclonal antibodies labelled with FITC or Texas Red, we have isolated from a murine T-cell lymphoma line variant subclones expressing structurally altered histocompatibility class I (H-2Kk) molecules.  相似文献   

Adhesive interactions between cells are critical to a variety of processes, including host-pathogen relationships. The authors have developed a new technique for the observation of binding interactions in which molecules obtained from excised tissues are resolved by gel electrophoresis and transferred to a membrane. Biotinylated live cells are then kept in contact with that membrane, and their interactions with proteins of interest are detected by peroxidase-labeled streptavidin, followed by a biotin-streptavidin detection system. The adhesion proteins can eventually be identified by cutting the relevant band(s) and performing mass spectrometry or other amino acid-sequencing methods. The technique described here allows for the identification of both known and novel adhesion molecules capable of binding to live cells, among a complex mixture and without previous isolation or purification. This is especially important for the analysis of host-parasite interactions and may be extended to other types of cell-cell interactions.  相似文献   

Host microbe interactions frequently involve specific cellular tropism. Accurate characterization of cells involved in these initial interactions is complicated by the response to the microbe. We describe a method utilizing RNAlater for Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting of these critical cells that minimizes the downstream perturbation in the gene expression profile.  相似文献   

We studied non-consumptive (non-predatory) mortality of Daphnia and Cyclops vicinus during four sampling seasons. Mortality estimations were based on live/dead sorting using special staining and measurements of sedimentation rates for dead individuals, depended on wind speed. Original equations were used for calculations. The estimated specific non-consumptive mortality never had biologically senseless negative values, which were often obtained on the basis of the other ways of mortality estimations, and was in a good agreement with other components of population dynamics. As found, the non-consumptive mortality was the important, often the determinant component of the zooplankton population dynamics.  相似文献   

When a strong electric field pulse of a few microseconds is applied to biological cells, small pores are formed in the cell membranes; this process is called electroporation. At high field strengths and/or long pulse durations the membranes will be damaged permanently. This eventually leads to cell kill. We have developed a modified flow cytometer in which one can electroporate individual cells selected by optical analysis. The first experiments with this flow cytometer were designed to use it as a damaging sorter; we used electric pulses of 10 microseconds and resulting field strengths of 2.0 and 3.2 x 10(6) V/m to kill K562 cells and lymphocytes respectively. The hydrodynamically focused cells are first optically analyzed in the usual way in a square flow channel. At the end of this channel the cells are forced to flow through a small Coulter orifice, into a wider region. If optical analysis indicates that a cell is unwanted, the cell is killed by applying a strong electric field across the Coulter orifice. The wanted living cells can be subsequently separated from the dead cells and cell fragments by a method suitable for the particular application (e.g., centrifugation, cell growth, density gradient, etc.). The results of these first experiments demonstrate that by using very simple equipment, sorting by selective killing with electric fields is possible at rates of 1,000 cells/s with a purity of the sorted fraction of 99.9%.  相似文献   

Recent development of detection techniques of molecular particles in live cells has stimulated interest in developing the new powerful techniques to track the molecular particles in live cells. One special type of cellular microscopy images is about the formation and transportation of clathrin-coated pits and vesicles. Clathrin-coated pits are very important in studying the behavior of proteins and lipids in live cells. To answer the question, whether there exist "hot spots" for the formation of Clathrin-coated pits or the pits and arrays formed randomly on the plasma membrane, it is necessary to track many hundreds of individual pits dynamically in live-cell microscope movies to capture and monitor how pits and vesicles were formed. Therefore, a motion correspondence algorithm based on fuzzy rule-based system is proposed to resolve the problem of ambiguous association encountered in these dynamic, live-cell images of clathrin assemblies. Results show that this method can accurately track most of the particles in the high volume images.  相似文献   

Cells activated in unidirectional mixed leukocyte cultures (MLC) have been analyzed on the basis of their light scatter characteristics. C57BL/6 spleen cells were cultured with irradiated (2000 rads) DBA/2 spleen cells for 5 days and the resulting suspension of activated cells was passed on a FACS II flow cytometer. Correlated parameter analysis of forward light scatter (FLS) and perpendicular light scatter (PLS) indicated that the MLC consisted of a heterogenous mixture of viable cells, dead cells, and subcellular debris. However, by appropriate gating of the FLS/PLS distribution, viable cells could be identified as a biphasic FLS histogram. Sorting and morphological analyses of these two FLS peaks demonstrated that they corresponded to almost pure populations of small lymphocytes (lower peak) and lymphoblasts (upper peak), respectively. Furthermore, when sorted cells were tested for their ability to lyse antigenically relevant (DBA/2) tumor target cells in a 51Cr release assay, lymphoblasts were found to exhibit 40-fold greater cytolytic activity (on a per-cell basis) than small lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Diphenyl-1-pyrenylphosphine (DPPP), which reacts with lipid hydroperoxides stoichiometrically to yield fluorescent product DPPP oxide, was used as a fluorescent probe for lipid peroxidation in live cells. DPPP was successfully incorporated into U937 cells. Incorporation of DPPP into the cell membrane was confirmed by fluorescence microscopy. Reaction of DPPP with hydroperoxides was examined by monitoring increase in fluorescence intensity of the cell. It was found that lipid-soluble hydroperoxides such as methyl linoleate hydroperoxide preferably react with DPPP, whereas hydrogen peroxide did not react with DPPP located in the membrane. Linear correlation between increase in fluorescence intensity and the amount of methyl linoleate hydroperoxide applied to the cell was observed. DPPP gave little effect on cell proliferation, cell viability or cell morphology for at least 3 d. DPPP oxide, fluorescent product of DPPP, was quite stable in the membrane of living cells for at least 2 d. Fluorescence of DPPP-labeled cells was measured after treating with diethylmaleate (DEM), or 2,2'-Azobis(2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH), or culturing with low serum content. These reagents and culture condition induced dose- and/or time-dependent increase in fluorescence. Addition of vitamin E effectively suppressed increase in fluorescence. When DPPP-labeled cells and DCFH-DA-labeled cells were treated with NO, H(2)O(2), AAPH, and DEM to compare the formation of hydoperoxides in the membrane and cytosol, distinct patterns of peroxide formation were observed. These results indicate that fluorescent probe DPPP is eligible for estimation of lipid peroxidation proceeding in the membrane of live cells, and use of this probe is especially advantageous in long-term peroxidation of the cell.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry provides a tool to physically sort single algal cells in order to obtain clonal cultures. During sorting, cells are submitted to physical stress factors such as high fluidic pressure, exposure to the laser beam, electrostatic charges, deflection through high voltage fields, and collisions with container surfaces. All of these can damage the cells of interest and success rates for initiation of cultures from flow‐sorted cells are generally very low. We found that the addition of bovine serum albumin in the culture medium into which cells were sorted drastically improved the success of initiation of pico‐ and nano‐eukaryotic phytoplankton strains. Adding a mixture of antibiotics (Penicillin, Neomycin, Streptomycin) to the medium in order to slow down bacterial growth further improved culture development. This approach was successfully used to isolate taxonomically diverse strains, including novel taxa, from a fresh sample obtained in the English Channel and from enrichment cultures established during an Atlantic meridional transect cruise. We anticipate that these improvements will be useful to clone or purify existing cultures and to isolate novel cultures from oceanic samples.  相似文献   

We are in the process of assessing the response of cancer tissues to chemotherapy, evaluating, among other points, the proportion of cancer cells undergoing apoptosis. However, the apoptotic index obtained with the original TUNEL technique was lower than that obtained by evaluation of apoptosis on H&E-stained sections. Here we describe a small modification of the TUNEL technique that significantly increases the sensitivity of the assay. In the nonmodified TUNEL technique, a digoxigenin-labeled probe is detected using a direct peroxidase-conjugated system, whereas here we report the advantage of using a streptavidin-biotin-immunoperoxidase system. This, in conjunction with pretreatment of tissue sections with proteinase K and microwave irradiation, improved the detection of apoptotic cells.  相似文献   

Evidence for a sorting endosome in Arabidopsis root cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In eukaryotic cells, the endocytic and secretory pathways are key players in several physiological processes. These pathways are largely inter-connected in animal and yeast cells through organelles named sorting endosomes. Sorting endosomes are multi-vesicular compartments that redirect proteins towards various destinations, such as the lysosomes or vacuoles for degradation, the trans-Golgi network for retrograde transport and the plasma membrane for recycling. In contrast, cross-talk between the endocytic and secretory pathways has not been clearly established in plants, especially in terms of cargo protein trafficking. Here we show by co-localization analyses that endosomes labelled with the AtSORTING NEXIN1 (AtSNX1) protein overlap with the pre-vacuolar compartment in Arabidopsis root cells. In addition, alteration of the routing functions of AtSNX1 endosomes by drug treatments leads to mis-routing of endocytic and secretory cargo proteins. Based on these results, we propose that the AtSNX1 endosomal compartment represents a sorting endosome in root cells, and that this specialized organelle is conserved throughout eukaryotes.  相似文献   

We have used antibody and complement-mediated cell killing, fluorescence-activated cell sorting and tissue culture to study the development of rat oligodendrocytes. We show that (1) three ligands that bind to the majority of CNS neurons (the monoclonal antibodies A4 and A2B5 and tetanus toxin) also bind to immature oligodendrocytes and to precursor cells in 14-day embryonic rat brain that develop into oligodendrocytes in vitro; and (2) precursor cells in 17- to 18-day embryonic rat optic nerve can develop into oligodendrocytes in vitro in the absence of living neurons.  相似文献   

This work explores the design of a vitrification solution (VS) for scaled-up cryopreservation of hepatocytes, by adapting VSbasic (40% (v/v) ethylene glycol 0.6 M sucrose, i.e. 7.17 M ethylene glycol 0.6 M sucrose), previously proven effective in vitrifying bioengineered constructs and stem cells. The initial section of the scale-up study involved the selection of non-penetrating additives to supplement VSbasic and increase the solution’s total solute concentration. This involved a systematic approach with a step-by-step elimination of non-penetrating cryoprotectants, based on their effect on cells after long/short term exposures to high/low concentrations of the additives alone or in combinations, on the attachment ability of hepatocytes after exposure. At a second stage, hepatocyte suspension was vitrified and functions were assessed after continuous culture up to 5 days.Results indicated Ficoll as the least toxic additive. Within 60 min, the exposure of hepatocytes to a solution composed of 9% Ficoll + 0.6 M sucrose (10−3 M Ficoll + 0.6 M sucrose) sustained attachment efficiency of 95%, similar to control. Furthermore, this additive did not cause any detriment to the attachment of these cells when supplementing the base vitrification solution VSbasic. The addition of 9% Ficoll, raised the total solute concentration to 74.06% (w/v) with a negligible 10−3 M increase in molarity of the solution. This suggests main factor in inducing detriment to cells was the molar contribution of the additive.Vitrification protocol for scale-up condition sustained hepatocyte suspension attachment efficiency and albumin production. We conclude that although established approach will permit scaling-up of vitrification of hepatocyte suspension, vitrification of hepatocytes which are attached prior to vitrification is more effective by comparison.  相似文献   

This work explores the design of a vitrification solution (VS) for scaled-up cryopreservation of hepatocytes, by adapting VSbasic (40% (v/v) ethylene glycol 0.6 M sucrose, i.e. 7.17 M ethylene glycol 0.6 M sucrose), previously proven effective in vitrifying bioengineered constructs and stem cells. The initial section of the scale-up study involved the selection of non-penetrating additives to supplement VSbasic and increase the solution’s total solute concentration. This involved a systematic approach with a step-by-step elimination of non-penetrating cryoprotectants, based on their effect on cells after long/short term exposures to high/low concentrations of the additives alone or in combinations, on the attachment ability of hepatocytes after exposure. At a second stage, hepatocyte suspension was vitrified and functions were assessed after continuous culture up to 5 days.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry is extensively used for the isolation of discreet populations of cells from complex pools. The advent of autofluorescent (AFP) reporters such as wild type Green Fluorescent Protein (wtGFP) (Chalfie et al., 1994) and its variants, including enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) and enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (EYFP) (Cormack et al., 1996), as vital reporters opens up the possibility of sorting live reporter-expressing cells. Moreover the use of these reporters in transgenics (Okabe et al., 1997) or mice carrying homologously targeted loci (Godwin et al., 1998) should enable the direct isolation of reporter-expressing cells from any desired lineage. Here we have assessed this approach in transgenic mice. ES cell-mediated transgenesis was used for generating a line of mice that express an autofluorescent EYFP reporter in the heart and part of the neural tube at midgestation. Pools of fluorescent cells harboring and expressing the EYFP reporter were isolated from defined regions of embryos and their origin confirmed by assaying the expression of domain-defined marker genes. Such a tool should prove useful for gaining access to any given lineage that can be fluorescent protein reporter tagged.  相似文献   

Cultivation of mycoplasmas in a modified tissue culture medium.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
A new medium, which contained a chemically defined tissue culture base ("medium 199"), was developed for the cultivation of mycoplasmas. When supplemented with albumin, glucose, serum, and yeast extract, the new medium adequately supported the growth of Mycoplasma and Acholeplasma species.  相似文献   

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