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Differential display in combination with a cDNA cloning approach were used to isolate a novel gene, spergen-2, which has an open reading frame of 1500 nucleotides and encodes a protein of 500 amino acids that contains ankyrin repeat motifs and a putative nuclear localization signal. Expression of spergen-2 is developmentally upregulated in testis. In situ hybridization revealed that spergen-2 mRNA is expressed in spermatocytes and round spermatids (steps 1-6). Immunohistochemical analysis with confocal laser-scanning microscopy demonstrated that spergen-2 protein is predominantly expressed in nuclei of late spermatocytes (stages IX-XIV) and spermatids (steps 1-11), indicating the restricted expression of spergen-2 during spermatogenesis. In nucleoplasm of spermatogenic cell nuclei, spergen-2 tends to localize in the interchromosome space with relatively low DNA density. These findings indicate a potential role of spergen-2 in spermatogenesis, especially in cell differentiation from late pachytene spermatocytes to spermatids or in early spermatid differentiation.  相似文献   

The Frizzled-type cysteine-rich domain (CRD) is a binding motif for soluble-type glycoprotein WNTs, which play key roles in embryogenesis and carcinogenesis. Here, we have cloned and characterized a novel gene MFRP, encoding a type II transmembrane protein with CRD. In addition to CRD, two tandem-repeats containing the Cubilin domain approximately the MFRP domain were present in the extracellular region of MFRP. Although MFRP was homologous to Corin, FZDs, and SFRPs in CRD, amino-acid identities between CRD in MFRP and CRDs in these molecules were less than 40%. The MFRP gene on 11q23 consisted of at least 13 exons. The 4.0-kb MFRP was not detected by Northern blot analysis in normal tissues other than adult and fetal brain. The MFRP mRNA was undetectable in seven gastric cancer cell lines, seven brain tumor cell lines, and other eight tumor cell lines. Regional distribution of the MFRP mRNA in human brain was further investigated, and MFRP was found to be expressed strongly in medulla oblongata, and weakly in hippocampus and corpus callosum. Thus, MFRP with CRD might play key roles in medulla oblongata as a regulator of the WNT signaling pathway.  相似文献   

The epidermal growth factor (EGF) superfamily comprises a diverse group of proteins that function as secreted signaling molecules, growth factors, and components of the extracellular matrix, many with a role in vertebrate development. We have isolated a novel mammalian gene encoding an EGF-related protein with a CUB (C1s-like) domain that defines a new mammalian gene family. The Scube1 (signal peptide-CUB domain-EGF-related 1) gene was isolated from a developing mouse urogenital ridge cDNA library and is expressed prominently in the developing gonad, nervous system, somites, surface ectoderm, and limb buds. We have mapped Scube1 to mouse chromosome 15 and show that it is orthologous to a human gene in the syntenic region of chromosome 22q13. We discuss the possible functions of this novel gene and its role in heritable disease in light of these data.  相似文献   

Antileukoproteinase (ALP) is a low mol wt mucosal secretory protein which, in human tissues, inhibits the activities of the neutral serine lysosomal proteinases elastase and cathepsin-G. In this study a number of recombinant cDNA clones corresponding to porcine ALP (pALP) were isolated from a cDNA library prepared from porcine endometrial poly(A)+ RNAs. The combined nucleotide sequences of the cDNA clones, representing the entire pALP mRNA sequence, are approximately 600 nucleotides long and encode a protein of 114 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence of pALP is 68% similar in primary structure to that of human ALP, is cysteine and proline rich, and exhibits a two-domain structure which, in the human protein, is involved in binding trypsin/cathepsin-G and elastase, respectively. However, pALP appears to lack the internal signal sequence of the corresponding human protein. Northern blot analysis of uterine RNAs using pALP cDNAs as probe demonstrated a single mRNA species approximately 0.8 kilobase in length. Uterine expression of pALP mRNA was highest in mid- and late pregnancy and very low or undetectable in early pregnancy. Estrogen and progesterone increased the levels of uterine pALP mRNA in prepubertal gilts, but not to the levels obtained at mid- and late gestation. pALP mRNA was also abundant in adult pig lung, where its expression was constitutive. Lower levels of pALP were found in fetal and neonatal lung and small intestine and in maternal cervix, spleen, and small intestine. Our study on the molecular cloning and analysis of pALP mRNA represents the first report on the porcine proteinase inhibitor and extends the identification of pregnancy-associated uterine proteins, which may play important functions in embryo or fetal development. The control of expression of pALP mRNA, which is distinct from those of other porcine uterine proteins studied to date, should provide additional insights into the mechanisms of regulation of uterine secretory activity.  相似文献   

A phosphoketolase (pk) gene from the fungus Termitomyces clypeatus (TC) was cloned and partially characterized. Oligonucleotide primers specific for the phosphoketolase gene (pk) were designed from the regions of homologies found in the primary structure of the enzyme from other fungal sources related to TC, using multiple sequence alignment technique. The cDNA of partial lengths were amplified, cloned and sequenced in three parts by 3′ and 5′ RACE and RT-PCR using these oligonucleotide primers. The full length ds cDNA was constructed next by joining these three partial cDNA sequences having appropriate overlapping regions using Overlap Extension PCR technique. The constructed full length cDNA exhibited an open reading frame of 2487 bases and 5′ and 3′ UTRs. The deduced amino acid sequence, which is of 828 amino acids, when analyzed with NCBI BLAST, showed high similarities with the phosphoketolase enzyme (Pk) superfamily with expected domains. The part of the TC genomic DNA comprising of the pk gene was also amplified, cloned and sequenced and was found to contain two introns of 68 and 74 bases that interrupt the pk reading frame. The coding region of pk cDNA was subcloned in pKM260 expression vector in correct frame and the protein was expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) transformed with this recombinant expression plasmid. The recombinant protein purified by His-tag affinity chromatography indicated the presence of a protein of the expected size. In vivo expression studies of the gene in presence of different carbon sources indicated synthesis of Pk specific mRNA, as expected. Phylogenetic studies revealed a common ancestry of the fungal and bacterial Pk. The TC is known to secrete several industrially important enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism. However, the presence of Pk, a key enzyme in pentose metabolism, has not been demonstrated conclusively in this organism. Cloning, sequencing and expression study of this gene establishes the functioning of this gene in T. clypeatus. The Pk from TC is a new source for commercial exploitation.  相似文献   

Genomic DNA for a class IV chitinase was cloned from yam (Dioscorea opposita Thunb) leaves and sequenced. The deduced amino acid sequence shows 50 to 59% identity to class IV chitinases from other plants. The yam chitinase, however, has an additional sequence of 8 amino acids (a C-terminal extension) following the cysteine that was reported as the last amino acid for other class IV chitinases; this extension is perhaps involved in subcellular localization. A homology model based on the structure of a class II chitinase from barley was used as an aid to interpreting the available data. The analysis suggests that the class IV enzyme recognizes an even shorter segment of the substrate than class I or II enzymes. This observation might help to explain why class IV enzymes are better suited to attack against pathogen cell walls.  相似文献   

We purified a new EF-hand type calcium binding protein from chicken gizzard smooth muscle, tentatively named calgizzarin (Todoroki, H., et al. J. Biol. Chem. (1991) in press. Based on the internal peptide sequence of calgizzarin, we isolated and sequenced a cDNA clone coding for calgizzarin from a rabbit lung cDNA library. This clone (pCALG) has 309 nucleotides of open reading frame including termination codon TGA, 621 nucleotides of the 5' leader and 186 nucleotides of the 3' noncoding region. The polypeptides deduced from the open reading frame were consisted of 102 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 11,429. Computer aided homology analysis revealed that calgizzarin exhibits a 43.2% homology to S-100 alpha, 38.6% to S-100 beta and 40.0% to annexin II light chain, p10. By Northern blot analysis, with pCALG, a band of 1.1 kbp was detected in rabbit lung, suggesting pCALG contains nearly full length of mRNA.  相似文献   

We used differential display in combination with complementary DNA (cDNA) cloning approach to isolate a novel rat gene designated as spetex-1, which had an open reading frame of 1,668-length nucleotides encoding a protein of 556 amino acids. Spetex-1 mRNA was highly expressed in testis, and weekly expressed in lung, intestine, and spleen. Spetex-1 expression in the rat testes was detected first at 3 weeks in postnatal development and continued to be detected up to adulthood. A search in the databases showed that the amino acid sequence of spetex-1 was 82% identical to that of its mouse homologue found in the databases. Both rat spetex-1 and the mouse homologue contained Ser-X (X = His, Arg, or Asn) repeats in the middle portion of the proteins. In situ hybridization revealed that spetex-1 mRNA was expressed in haploid spermatids of step 7-18 within the seminiferous epithelium. Immunohistochemical analysis with confocal laser-scanning microscopy demonstrated that spetex-1 protein was not expressed in spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and round spermatids in adult rat testis, but was specifically detected in the residual cytoplasm of elongate spermatids of step 15-18 as well as in residual bodies engulfed by Sertoli cells. We interpreted these data as a potential role of spetex-1 in spermatogenesis, especially in cell differentiation from late elongate spermatids to mature spermatozoa.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence for a novel human membrane protein that induces selective potassium permeation by membrane depolarization was deduced by molecular cloning and sequence analysis of its genomic DNA. This protein consists of 129 amino acid residues and shares several structural characteristics with the rat counterpart. These include a single putative transmembrane domain surrounded by many charged amino acid residues, two potential N-glycosylation sites at the amino-terminal portion and a single cysteine residue at the carboxyl-terminal portion. The transmembrane domain and its flanking carboxyl-terminal sequence are highly conserved between the human and rat sequences. Because the slowly activating potassium current elicited by the human protein on its expression in Xenopus oocytes is indistinguishable from that induced by the rat protein, the sequence conserved at the transmembrane domain and its following sequence should play an essential role in the induction of selective K+ permeation.  相似文献   

Complementary DNA clones coding for an Artemia ATPase have been isolated using an oligonucleotide probe for a region highly conserved between P-type ATPases. The nucleotide sequence of three overlapping clones, 3309 base-pairs, has been established. This sequence includes 78 nucleotides of 5' untranslated sequence, an open reading frame of 3009 nucleotides and 222 nucleotides of 3' untranslated sequences. The amino acid sequence predicted for the coding region is 71% similar to that of slow and fast twitch rabbit muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca-ATPases. The homology is specially high in some regions of the protein that include the previously described regions that are similar between all known P-type ATPases, as well as transmembrane domains and intra- and extracellular domains adjacent to the membrane that are not conserved in P-type ATPases but have been proposed to be involved in calcium binding and transport in rabbit sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca-ATPases. Probes of this likely sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca-ATPase hybridize to two mRNAs of 5200 and 4500 bases. Although both mRNAs are already present in cryptobiotic embryos, the levels of the 5200 base mRNA decrease after development is reassumed, being undetectable after hatching of the nauplii. The levels of the 4500 base mRNA increase during development; maximal levels are reached by ten hours and are maintained at later stages of development.  相似文献   

Previously, a single-stranded (ss) DNA element, polypyrimidine (PPy) element, was found to be important for the proximal promoter activity of mouse micro-opioid receptor (MOR) gene in a neuronal cell model. In this study, we identified the presence of unknown ssDNA binding proteins specifically bound to MOR ssPPy element in the mouse brain, implicating the physiological significance of these proteins. To identify the ssDNA binding proteins, yeast one-hybrid system with PPy element as the bait was used to screen a mouse brain cDNA library. The clone encoding poly C binding protein (PCBP) was obtained. Its full-length cDNA sequence and protein with molecular weight approximately 38 kDa were confirmed. Electrophoretic mobility shift analysis (EMSA) revealed that PCBP bound to ssPPy element, but not doubled-stranded, in a sequence-specific manner. EMSA with anti-PCBP antibody demonstrated the involvement of PCBP in MOR ssPPy/proteins complexes of mouse brain and MOR expressing neuroblastoma NMB cells. Functional analysis showed that PCBP trans-activated MOR promoter as well as a heterologous promoter containing MOR PPy element. Importantly, ectopic expression of PCBP in NMB cells up-regulated the expression level of endogenous MOR gene in vivo in a dose-dependent manner. Collectively, above results suggest that PCBP participates in neuronal MOR gene expression.  相似文献   

An antigen-related gene was cloned from a cDNA expression library of Naegleria fowleri by immunoscreening with sera obtained from mice that were either immunized with an amoebic lysate or infected with trophozoites. The coding nucleotide sequence of the cloned gene consisted of 357 bases that were translated into 119 amino acids. This gene was designated as nfa1. The predicted amino acid sequence of Nfa1 protein has two potential glycosylation and three potential phosphorylation sites, and its predicted secondary structure consists of four helices and three corners. The deduced amino acid sequence of Nfa1 protein shares 43% identity with the myohemerythrin (myoHr) protein from a marine annelid, Nereis diversicolor, including 100% identity in conserved regions and iron-binding residues. A phylogenetic tree constructed from amino acid sequences placed the N. fowleri Nfa1 protein outside of a cluster of myoHr proteins from eight invertebrates. A purified recombinant protein that migrated as a 13.1 kDa species in SDS-PAGE was produced. This recombinant protein exhibited a strong immunoreactivity with infected, immune, and anti-Nfal sera. In addition, an anti-Nfa1 serum reacted with an amoeba lysate in immunoblotting analysis. The present nfal gene encoding the myoHr-like protein is the first myoHr gene cloned from protozoa, and the Nfal antigen may be useful in diagnostic studies  相似文献   

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