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Galls induced by six species of Lixinae weevils from Ukrainian steppes are described. The gall formation by Larinus species is doubtful. One gall may in some cases be jointly occupied by different weevil species. The adaptive significance of gall formation in Lixinae is discussed.  相似文献   

Paleontological Journal - A new genus Rovnoslonik Legalov, Nazarenko and Perkovsky gen. nov. (type species Rovnoslonik damzeni Legalov, Nazarenko and Perkovsky sp. nov.; tribe Stromboscerini,...  相似文献   

Legalov  A. A.  Kirejtshuk  A. G.  Nel  A. 《Paleontological Journal》2019,53(7):729-751
Paleontological Journal - Several new tribes, genera and species of Curculionoidea are described from the earlymost Eocene Oise amber (France), viz., the new tribes Oiserhinini trib. nov. (type...  相似文献   

Naupactini (Curculionidae: Entiminae) is a primarily Neotropical tribe of broad‐nosed weevils with its highest genus and species diversity in South America. Despite several taxonomic contributions published during the last decades, the evolutionary history of Naupactini remains poorly understood. We present the first comprehensive phylogenetic analysis for this tribe based on a data matrix of 100 adult morphological characters scored for 70 species, representing 55 genera of Naupactini (ingroup) and four outgroups belonging to the entimine tribes Otiorhynchini, Entimini, Eustylini and Tanymecini. According to the most parsimonious tree Artipus does not belong to Naupactini; the genera with flat and broad antennae, formerly assigned to other entimine tribes, form a monophyletic group (Saurops (Curiades (Aptolemus (Platyomus)))) related to the clade (Megalostylus (Megalostylodes (Chamaelops Wagneriella))); and the genera distributed along the high Andes, Paramos and Puna form a natural group (Asymmathetes (Amphideritus (Leschenius (Amitrus (Obrieniolus (Melanocyphus Trichocyphus)))))), nested within a larger clade that includes Pantomorus, Naupactus and allied genera. Atrichonotus, Hoplopactus, Mimographus and Naupactus are not recovered as monophyletic. In order to address the taxonomic implications of our phylogenetic analysis, we propose the following nomenclatural changes: to transfer Artipus from Naupactini to Geonemini, to revalidate the genera Mimographopsis (type species M. viridicans), and to revalidate the genus Floresianus (type species F. sordidus). The evolution of selected characters is discussed. This published work has been registered in ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:C8AA4388‐A2F0‐4E2D‐889A‐500BEA5A9DE1 .  相似文献   

New genera, Pseudochirotenon gen. nov. (with the type species P. eocaenicus sp. nov.), Archaeoheilus gen. nov. (type species A. scudderi sp. nov.), Primocentron gen. nov. (type species P. wickhami sp. nov.), and Pseudophaops gen. nov. (type species Otiorhynchus perditus Scudder, 1876), and new species, Pseudochirotenon eocaenicus sp. nov., Perapion rasnitsyni sp. nov., Archaeoheilus scudderi sp. nov., A. ovalis sp. nov., Primocentron wickhami sp. nov., and Eudiagogus vossi sp. nov., from the Early–Middle Eocene of the Green River are described. New combinations of names (Apionion evestigatum (Scudder, 1893), comb. nov., Archaeoheilus packardii (Scudder, 1893), comb. nov., A. provectus (Scudder, 1876), comb. nov., A. deleticius (Scudder, 1893), comb. nov., A. lacoei (Scudder, 1893), comb. nov., Pseudophaops perditus (Scudder, 1876), comb. nov.) are established. The first fossil records of the tribe Ecelonerini from the New World and genus Perapion from the Green River Formation are provided.  相似文献   

Five new genera, Turononemonyxn. gen. (type species: Turononemonyxsamsonovin. sp.) (Nemonychidae: ? Cretonemonychinae: ? Cretonemonychini), Falsotanaosn. gen. (type species: Falsotanaos convexusn. sp.), Pretanaosn. gen. (type species: Pretanaosocularisn. sp.), Longotanaosn. gen. (type species: Longotanaosrasnitsynin. sp.) from Brentidae: Apioninae: Tanaini) and Turonerirhinusn. gen. (type species: Turonerirhinuskaratavensisn. sp.) from Curculionidae (Erirhininae: Erirhinini), and seven new species, Falsotanaosconvexusn. sp., Paratanaos samsonovin. sp., Pretanaos ocularisn. sp., Longotanaos rasnitsynin. sp., Turonerirhinus karatavensisn. sp., Turonerirhinuspunctatusn. sp. and Turonerirhinus poinarin. sp., are described from Kzyl-Dzhar locality (Kazakhstan, Upper Cretaceous, Turonian).http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:13E0316E-C229-471A-90AA-2D71253B12F9  相似文献   

A new tribe, Palaeoerirhinini Legalov, n. tribe, two new genera, Cretotanaos Legalov, n. gen. (type species: Cretotanaosbontsaganensis n. sp.) (Curculionidae: Erirhininae) and Palaeoerirhinus Legalov, n. gen. (type species: Palaeoerirhinusponomarenkoi n. sp. (Brentidae Apioninae) and five new species, C. bontsaganensis Legalov, n. sp., P.latus Legalov, n. sp., P. thompsoni Legalov, n. sp., P. longirostris Legalov, n. sp. and P. ponomarenkoi Legalov, n. sp. from the Bon-Tsagaan locality (Mongolia, Cretaceous, Aptian) are described.http://zoobank.org/3D42DB5C-1841-46F1-A2A0-1034DDE10490  相似文献   

The C-banding patterns of twelve weevil species are presented. The obtained results confirm the existence of two groups of species: with a small or large amount of heterochromatin in the karyotype. The first group comprises seven species (Apionidae: Holotrichapion pisi; Curculionidae: Phyllobius urticae, Ph. pyri, Ph. maculicornis, Tanymecus palliatus, Larinodontes turbinatus, Cionus tuberculosus). In weevils with a small amount of heterochromatin, tiny grains on the nucleus in interphase are visible, afterwards in mitotic and meiotic prophase appearing as dark dots. The absence of C-bands does not indicate a lack of heterochromatin but heterochromatic regions are sometimes so small that the condensation is not visible during the cell cycle. The second group comprises five species (Otiorhynchus niger, O. morio, Polydrusus corruscus, Barypeithes chevrolati, Nedyus quadrimaculatus) which possess much larger heteropicnotic parts of chromosomes visible during all nuclear divisions. The species examined have paracentromeric C-bands on autosomes and the sex chromosome X, except for Otiorhynchus niger, which also has an intercalary bands on one pair of autososomes. All the species examined differ in the size of segments of constitutive heterochromatin. The y heterochromosome is dot-like and wholly euchromatic in all the studied species.  相似文献   

The Pantomorus–Naupactus complex is a Neotropical group of broad‐nosed weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) including several parthenogenetic species usually assigned to the genera Naupactus Dejean, Pantomorus Schoenherr, Asynonychus Crotch, Aramigus Horn, Eurymetopus Schoenherr and Graphognathus Buchanan. Sixteen species were studied to test hypotheses on the monophyly of these genera, and on the origin of the parthenogenetic lineages. A matrix of 30 morphological characters and 999 positions of the Cytochrome Oxidase I gene, was analyzed with separate partitions and simultaneously, under equal and implied weights, and with different transversion/transitions costs. The ILD test indicates that the incongruence between the molecular and morphological data is not significant. Under equal weights, the molecular data resulted in a single tree and morphology in 34 trees; under implied weights morphology gave a different tree, and under TV:TS ≥ 4:1 molecular and combined analyses resulted in the same optimal tree. According to the latter, Naupactus includes Graphognathus, and is thus paraphyletic and basal regarding remaining genera, Pantomorus is polyphyletic and includes Aramigus and Asynonychus, and Eurymetopus is monophyletic. The species in which apomictic parthenogenesis has been verified (Aramigus tessellatus, Asynonychus cervinus and Graphognathus lecuoloma), belong to different clades of the Pantomorus‐Naupactus complex, with basal sexual relatives. © The Willi Hennig Society 2005.  相似文献   

We describe the kinematics and performance of the natural jump in the weevil Orchestes fagi (Fabricius, 1801) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and its jumping apparatus with underlying anatomy and functional morphology. In weevils, jumping is performed by the hind legs and involves the extension of the hind tibia. The principal structural elements of the jumping apparatus are (1) the femoro-tibial joint, (2) the metafemoral extensor tendon, (3) the extensor ligament, (4) the flexor ligament, (5) the tibial flexor sclerite and (6) the extensor and flexor muscles. The kinematic parameters of the jump (from minimum to maximum) are 530–1965 m s?2 (acceleration), 0.7–2.0 m s?1 (velocity), 1.5–3.0 ms (time to take-off), 0.3–4.4 μJ (kinetic energy) and 54–200 (g-force). The specific joint power as calculated for the femoro-tibial joint during the jumping movement is 0.97 W g?1. The full extension of the hind tibia during the jump was reached within up to 1.8–2.5 ms. The kinematic parameters, the specific joint power and the time for the full extension of the hind tibia suggest that the jump is performed via a catapult mechanism with an input of elastic strain energy. A resilin-bearing elastic extensor ligament that connects the extensor tendon and the tibial base is considered to be the structure that accumulates the elastic strain energy for the jump. According to our functional model, the extensor ligament is loaded by the contraction of the extensor muscle, while the co-contraction of the antagonistic extensor and flexor muscles prevents the early extension of the tibia. This is attributable to the leverage factors of the femoro-tibial joint providing a mechanical advantage for the flexor muscles over the extensor muscles in the fully flexed position. The release of the accumulated energy is performed by the rapid relaxation of the flexor muscles resulting in the fast extension of the hind tibia propelling the body into air.  相似文献   

Larvae of three species of the weevil genus Ceutorhynchus (C. subtilirostris Schultze., C. viator Faust, and C. setosellus Voss) are described from Middle Asia for the first time. The larvae differ in the shape of frons, structure of the labrum, and chaetotaxy of the epicranium, frons, and lacinia. A key to the species described is given.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among members of the family Belidae (Curculionoidea) were reconstructed through cladistic analysis using 58 characters and 17 terminals. The characters were from larval morphology (30), adult morphology (25) and biology regarding larval host-plants and feeding habits (three). They were scored for exemplar taxa in 17 genera, representing different belid subfamilies and tribes, plus two outgroup taxa in Megalopodidae and Nemonychidae. The sampled genera included all those for which larval and adult information is available, and two known only from adults. New information on the larvae and biology of two oxycorynines is provided. These are the Chilean Oxycraspedus cribricollis , whose larvae live in decayed female strobili of the gymnosperm Araucaria araucana , and Hydnorobius hydnorae from Argentina, whose larvae, described and illustrated in the present paper, develop inside the flower and fruit bodies of Prosopanche americana (Hydnoraceae), a root-parasitic angiosperm. The relationships proposed by the single optimal cladogram resulting from simultaneous analysis of all taxa and characters are recovered by one of three optimal cladograms based on the larval data set alone. The cladogram justifies a revised classification of Belidae in two sister subfamilies: Belinae (with tribes Pachyurini, Agnesiotidini and Belini) and Oxycoryninae (with tribes Oxycorynini and Aglycyderini). It summarizes larval and adult synapomorphies defining the family Belidae, subfamilies and tribes. Based on the phylogenetic tree, the evolution of biological traits is traced. Larval development in vegetative organs of conifers is ancestral in Belidae. A shift to reproductive structures characterizes the Oxycorynini, a habit which was conserved while several shifts to distantly related host-plant groups occurred.  相似文献   

37 species of the weevil families Brentidae, Apionidae, Nanophyidae, Dryophthoridae, Erirhinidae, and Curculionidae are recorded for Turkey or for the Asian part of the country, most of them, for the first time. Some of the species are also newly recorded for other countries.  相似文献   

Effects of soil condition and burial on boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis grandis Boheman, mortality in fallen cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L., fruit were assessed in this study. During hot weather immediately after summer harvest operations in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas, burial of infested fruit in conventionally tilled field plots permitted significantly greater survival of weevils than in no-tillage plots. Burial of infested squares protected developing weevils from heat and desiccation that cause high mortality on the soil surface during and after harvest in midsummer and late summer. A laboratory assay showed that burial of infested squares resulted in significantly greater weevil mortality in wet than in dry sandy or clay soils. Significantly fewer weevils rose to the soil surface after burial of infested bolls during winter compared with bolls set on the soil surface, a likely result of wetting by winter rainfall. A combination of leaving infested fruit exposed to heat before the onset of cooler winter temperatures and burial by tillage when temperatures begin to cool might be an important tactic for reducing populations of boll weevils that overwinter in cotton fields.  相似文献   

Abstract The first synopsis of Mesozoic weevils (Curculionoidea: Coleoptera) is presented. Changes of family, genera and species abundance during the Mesozoic revealed three distributional patterns. The Jurassic (Karatau) fauna was dominated by the Nemonychidae. During the Early Cretaceous (beginning at the Jurassic/Cretaceous border), the Ithyceridae was the prevalent group with a significant role played by the Nemonychidae. In the Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian and Turonian), the major groups were the Curculionidae and Brentidae. Obviously, the change of weevil fauna during this period was due to the expansion of the angiosperms, which provided multiple niches in their vegetative and reproductive organs for weevil development.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers and C-banding patterns of sixteen weevil species are presented. The obtained results confirm the existence of two groups of species with either a small or large amount of heterochromatin in the karyotype. The first group comprises twelve species (Apionidae: Oxystoma cerdo, Eutrichapion melancholicum, Ceratapion penetrans, Ceratapion austriacum, Squamapion flavimanum, Rhopalapion longirostre; Nanophyidae: Nanophyes marmoratus; Curculionidae: Centricnemus (=Peritelus) leucogrammus, Sitona humeralis, Sitona lineatus, Sitona macularis, Sitona suturalis). In weevils with a small amount of heterochromatin, tiny grains on the nucleus during interphase are visible, afterwards appearing as dark dots during mitotic and meiotic prophase. The second group comprises four species from the curculionid subfamily Cryptorhynchinae (Acalles camelus, Acalles commutatus, Acalles echinatus, Ruteria hypocrita) which possess much larger heteropycnotic chromosome parts visible during all nuclear divisions. The species examined have pericentromeric C-bands on autosomes and on the X chromosome.  相似文献   

A new genus Lyalia is described in Nanophyidae and three species are included in it: Lyalia curvatasp. n. (Vietnam), Lyalia robusta (Pic, 1921), comb. n. (from Nanophyes) (Java, Bali, Laos) and Lyalia albolineata (Pajni & Bhateja, 1982), comb. n. (from Ctenomerus) (India: Assam). Ctenomerus lagerstroemiae G. A. K. Marshall, 1923 is a syn. n. of Lyalia robusta. Thus, the genus Ctenomerus Schoenherr, 1843 is restricted to the Afrotropical Realm. Kantohiagen. n. is erected for Kantohia taiwana (Kantoh & Kojima, 2009) (from Shiva) (Taiwan). A key to the Nanophyinae genera with six desmomeres is presented.  相似文献   

Entomological Review - Data on two little known weevil species from the Sayano-Shushenskii State Biosphere Reserve (West Sayan Mountains) are reported and three new species of the Phyllobius...  相似文献   

Bark beetles in the genus Dendroctonus may attack and kill several species of coniferous trees, some of them causing major economic losses in temperate forests throughout North and Central America. For this reason, they have been widely studied. However, various aspects of the taxonomy and evolutionary history of the group remain contentious. The genus has been subdivided in species groups according to morphological, biological, karyological or molecular attributes, but the evolutionary affinities among species and species groups within the genus remain uncertain. In this study, phylogenetic relationships among Dendroctonus species were reassessed through parsimony‐based cladistic analysis of morphological and DNA sequence data. Phylogenetic inference was based on 36 morphological characters and on mitochondrial DNA sequences of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene. Analyses were carried out for each dataset, as well as for the combined data analysed simultaneously, under equal and implied weights. According to the combined analysis, the genus Dendroctonus is a monophyletic group defined by at least three synapomorphic characters and there are four main lineages of varied composition and diversity within the genus. Within these lineages, several monophyletic groups match, to some extent, species groups defined by previous authors, but certain groups proposed by those authors are polyphyletic or paraphyletic.  相似文献   

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