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针对一类具有偏离自变量的离散Lotka-Volterra竞争模型,考虑到不可避免的外界扰动,通过引入反馈控制,基于一定的分析技巧得到该系统持久性与全局稳定性的充分条件.生态意义上表明:在外界扰动下,具有偏离自变量的离散Lotka-Volterra竞争模型仍能持续生存并保持全局稳定发展.  相似文献   

本文考虑无对角时滞的n种群Lotka-Volterra时滞系统,证明了弱对角占优(WDD)为系统关于所有时滞全局稳定的充要条件。  相似文献   

本文利用文献[1]中连续迭代和比较方法,借用Hofbauer,JandSigmual,K的文献[2],再结合自治系统吸引区域的论证方法,给出n维连续时滞Lotka-Volterra共存系统正平衡点的全局稳定性,将自治系统的结果推到了一般n维的时滞系统。  相似文献   

  • 1 Advances in dynamic ecosystem modelling have made a number of different approaches to vegetation dynamics possible. Here we compare two models representing contrasting degrees of abstraction of the processes governing dynamics in real vegetation.
  • 2 Model (a) (GUESS) simulates explicitly growth and competition among individual plants. Differences in crown structure (height, depth, area and LAI) influence relative light uptake by neighbours. Assimilated carbon is allocated individually by each plant to its leaf, fine root and sapwood tissues. Carbon allocation and turnover of sapwood to heartwood in turn govern height and diameter growth.
  • 3 Model (b) (LPJ) incorporates a ‘dynamic global vegetation model’ (DGVM) architecture, simulating growth of populations of plant functional types (PFTs) over a grid cell, integrating individual‐level processes over the proportional area (foliar projective cover, FPC) occupied by each PFT. Individual plants are not simulated, but are replaced by explicit parameterizations of their growth and interactions.
  • 4 The models are identical in their representation of core physiological and biogeochemical processes. Both also use the same set of PFTs, corresponding to the major woody plant groups in Europe, plus a grass type.
  • 5 When applied at a range of locations, broadly spanning climatic variation within Europe, both models successfully predicted PFT composition and succession within modern natural vegetation. However, the individual‐based model performed better in areas where deciduous and evergreen types coincide, and in areas subject to pronounced seasonal water deficits, which would tend to favour grasses over drought‐intolerant trees.
  • 6 Differences in model performance could be traced to their treatment of individual‐level processes, in particular light competition and stress‐induced mortality.
  • 7 Our results suggest that an explicit individual‐based approach to vegetation dynamics may be an advantage in modelling of ecosystem structure and function at the resolution required for regional‐ to continental‐scale studies.

一类具有连续分布时滞模型的稳定性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用一些分析技巧和Lyapunov泛函方法,研究一类具有连续分布时滞模型x'_i(t)=-b_ix_i(t) sumfromj=1to∞()ω_ijf_j(integralfromn=0to∞()k_j(s)x_j(t-s)ds) p_i,i=1,2,……,n平衡点的全局渐近稳定性,并获得了一个新的充分条件.  相似文献   

Recently we have introduced a simplified model of ecosystem assembly (Capitán et al., 2009) for which we are able to map out all assembly pathways generated by external invasions in an exact manner. In this paper we provide a deeper analysis of the model, obtaining analytical results and introducing some approximations which allow us to reconstruct the results of our previous work. In particular, we show that the population dynamics equations of a very general class of trophic-level structured food-web have an unique interior equilibrium point which is globally stable. We show analytically that communities found as end states of the assembly process are pyramidal and we find that the equilibrium abundance of any species at any trophic level is approximately inversely proportional to the number of species in that level. We also find that the per capita growth rate of a top predator invading a resident community is key to understand the appearance of complex end states reported in our previous work. The sign of these rates allows us to separate regions in the space of parameters where the end state is either a single community or a complex set containing more than one community. We have also built up analytical approximations to the time evolution of species abundances that allow us to determine, with high accuracy, the sequence of extinctions that an invasion may cause. Finally we apply this analysis to obtain the communities in the end states. To test the accuracy of the transition probability matrix generated by this analytical procedure for the end states, we have compared averages over those sets with those obtained from the graph derived by numerical integration of the Lotka-Volterra equations. The agreement is excellent.  相似文献   

生态能质(eco-exergy)在水生生态系统建模和评价中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生态能质(eco-exergy)是指系统从给定状态达到热力学平衡状态所做的功,可以度量生态系统的复杂生物化学组分及生态结构。系统具有的能质越大,有序化程度越高,稳定性也越强。生态能质和比生态能质(specific eco-exergy)指标能够评价水生生态系统健康状况,对水生生态系统演替阶段具有指示作用。本文阐述了生态能质的定义、生态学意义以及生态能质值和权重因子fi值的计算方法。对生态能质作为功能函数在水生生态系统结构动力学模型(structural dynamic models,SDMs)中以及作为生态指标在生态系统健康评价、生态恢复研究中的实际应用进行了总结。最后探讨了生态能质指标的局限性以及未来的发展。此外,文中建议将eco-exergy和specific eco-exergy统一翻译为生态能质和比生态能质。  相似文献   

赵秋叶  施晓清 《生态学报》2017,37(14):4873-4882
产业生态系统发展规律对于产业转型升级至关重要,对其进行研究也是当前产业生态学的新方向。产业生态系统是指在一定区域内,产业组分以及环境组分之间通过物质交换及能量流动等形成的有机统一整体。产业生态网络则是其各组分之间通过物质流等相互作用构成的生态关系的一种拓扑结构。基于货币型投入产出模型通过物质型转化构建城市尺度产业生态网络,借鉴生态网络分析方法,提出通过循环性、生态效率、上升性3类特征指标判定产业生态网络的演进规律。实证研究了2005—2014年北京市产业生态系统的特征及其演进规律,阐明了其发展的趋势。主要结论是:从趋势分析,北京市产业生态系统循环性、生态效率和上升性有随时间而提升的趋势。其中,循环性和上升性变化趋势一致:总体呈现上升趋势,且2007年数值明显高于其他年份;生态效率总体随年份呈现波浪式增速的趋势;从指数分析:各年份循环指数(FCI)介于0—1之间,表明产业系统的物质循环流量均小于直接流量;A/C指数介于0.187—0.256之间,表明离理论可持续发展状态(0.401)还有相当的距离;生态效率10年提高2.4倍,在2013年已经接近1,到2014年实现大于1的水平,其生态效率已达到这10a间的最优的状态。总体上,北京市产业系统正在向物质循环性、生态效率以及系统上升性逐步提高的方向转型。  相似文献   

Vertebrates have repeatedly filled and partitioned the terrestrial ecosystem, and have been able to occupy new, previously unexplored habitats throughout their history on land. The arboreal ecospace is particularly important in vertebrate evolution because it provides new food resources and protection from large ground-dwelling predators. We investigated the skeletal anatomy of the Late Permian (approx. 260 Ma) herbivorous synapsid Suminia getmanovi and performed a morphometric analysis of the phalangeal proportions of a great variety of extant and extinct terrestrial and arboreal tetrapods to discern locomotor function and habitat preference in fossil taxa, with special reference to Suminia. The postcranial anatomy of Suminia provides the earliest skeletal evidence for prehensile abilities and arboreality in vertebrates, as indicated by its elongate limbs, intrinsic phalangeal proportions, a divergent first digit and potentially prehensile tail. The morphometric analysis further suggests a differentiation between grasping and clinging morphotypes among arboreal vertebrates, the former displaying elongated proximal phalanges and the latter showing an elongation of the penultimate phalanges. The fossil assemblage that includes Suminia demonstrates that arboreality and resource partitioning occurred shortly after the initial establishment of the modern type of terrestrial vertebrate ecosystems, with a large number of primary consumers and few top predators.  相似文献   

研究一个具有时滞和反馈控制的单种群模型,通过构造适当的Lyapunov泛函,得到了保证系统的一个正平衡点全局渐近稳定的充分条件,并对一个实例进行了数值模拟。  相似文献   

森林生态系统发展和植物种群变化的热力学过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林华  曹敏 《生态学报》2006,26(12):4250-4256
随着生态学的发展,人们对自然生态系统的认识逐渐从对自然现象的记录、描述,发展为对机制的系统认识。热力学定律为人们提供了认识系统发展规律的理论基础,但在生态系统中的应用还处于起步阶段。基于前人关于生态系统可用能的研究。探讨了森林生态系统和植物种群变化的热力学过程。在生态系统水平上,把可用能耗散分为了植物耗散和环境耗散两个部分,并探讨了这两个过程之间的关系。第一次明确地提出蒸散是植物耗散的主要部分。在植物种群水平上,“可用能储存”与“可用能耗散”是决定植物竞争力的关键因子,在同一区域相同条件下,拥有更大可用能耗散能力的物种应当被优先选择。因此,群落中的优势物种应当比同层次的伴生种具有相对高的生长速度和更强的蒸腾能力。研究试图在热力学理论体系与实际生态系统的生理生态过程之间建立了纽带和桥梁,为开展森林生态系统的健康评估、深刻认识植物与环境的关系、以及评价物种竞争能力提供新的理论视野。  相似文献   

寄生物与宿主之间协同进化的研究早已在生命科学领域引起广泛关注。现有研究寄生物与其宿主协同进化的模型几乎都是基于寄生物将会导致宿主种群减少的前提建立的。然而,寄生物在很多情况下也会促进宿主种群的增长,比如低密度的寄生物能提高宿主的免疫力从而提高宿主的存活率。基于这一前提假设,在经典的Lotka-Volterra模型和Leslie型捕食者-食饵模型基础上,引入寄生物对宿主的固有促进水平参数K,建立了一类互惠-寄生耦合模型。利用微分方程稳定性理论对模型进行分析,发现系统平衡点的稳定性与固有促进水平K密切相关。分析显示,在不同的固有促进水平K下,寄生物与宿主将会以稳定均衡或周期振荡的形式持续共存。数值模拟实验表明在一定条件下系统会出现Hopf分岔现象,并且随着固有促进水平K的增大,系统还会出现稳定的极限环,即随着固有促进水平K的增大,寄生物与宿主由稳定共存转变为变振幅、变周期的振荡共存。当固有促进水平参数K为零时,我们的模型就转化为经典的Leslie型捕食者-食饵模型。  相似文献   

特大型露天煤矿区生态系统演变及其生态储存估算   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
露天煤矿区生态系统在人为干扰下具有特殊的演变过程。从土地利用变化的角度描述矿区生态系统演变及生态水平变化,旨在为特大型露天煤矿区生态系统研究提供科学依据。以山西省朔州市平朔大型露天煤矿区为研究对象,以1986年、2000年、2013年的遥感影像为主要数据源,在分析研究区近30年土地利用特征的基础上,探讨矿区生态系统的演变过程;同时利用生态储存模型定量分析矿区生态系统在研究时段内所处的水平。结果表明:(1)1986—2013年耕地和林地大幅减少,城镇建设用地和采矿造成的损毁土地面积迅速增加;(2)矿区生态系统各子系统用地之间的转化均较为活跃,城镇扩张、采矿活动加剧、损毁土地复垦是造成这一现象的主要原因;(3)平朔矿区生态系统演变可划分为原地貌阶段、损毁阶段、重建阶段;(4)研究区生态储存状态呈恶化趋势,生态储存转化表现为逆向过程,生态储存能力增强。研究结果可为中国特大型露天煤矿区生态系统研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   

城市生态系统景观格局特征及形成机制   总被引:31,自引:11,他引:31  
以城市生态系统的格局一过程一功能等相关概念的辨析为基础,重点分析了城市景观格局的基本特征,以及城市格局对生态系统过程和功能的影响。结果表明,高度人工化、高度的时空异质特性、破碎性、不稳定性是城市景观格局最为显著的特征。城市所在区域的自然环境条件,历史文化传统,城市格局的基本骨架——交通系统和城市职能是影响城市格局形成和演变的重要驱动因素。城市景观结构决定了其生态过程。综合研究城市景观格局-过程-功能的关系,认识城市的发展演变过程,可为城市规划、建设和管理提供重要的科学基础。  相似文献   

Biological invasions are a global phenomenon that threatens biodiversity, and few, if any, ecosystems are free from alien species. The outcome of human‐mediated introductions is affected by the invasiveness of species and invasibility of ecosystems, but research has primarily focused on defining, characterizing and identifying invasive species; ecosystem invasibility has received much less attention. A prerequisite for characterizing invasibility is the ability to compare levels of invasion across ecosystems. In this paper, we aim to identify the best way to quantify the level of invasion by nonnative animals and plants by reviewing the advantages and disadvantages of different metrics. We explore how interpretation and choice of these measures can depend on the objective of a study or management intervention. Based on our review, we recommend two invasion indices and illustrate their use by applying them to two case studies. Relative alien species richness and relative alien species abundance indicate the contribution that alien species make to a community. They are easy to measure, can be applied to various taxa, are independent of scale and are comparable across regions and ecosystems, and historical data are often available. The relationship between relative alien richness and abundance can indicate the presence of dominant alien species and the trajectory of invasion over time, and can highlight ecosystems and sites that are heavily invaded or especially susceptible to invasion. Splitting species into functional groups and examining invasion patterns of transformer species may be particularly instructive for gauging effects of alien invasion on ecosystem structure and function. Establishing standard, transparent ways to define and quantify invasion level will facilitate meaningful comparisons among studies, ecosystem types and regions. It is essential for progress in ecology and will help guide ecosystem restoration and management.  相似文献   

基于1985、1995、2000、2011年的Landsat TM影像解译数据,以河西走廊20个县(市、区)为基本研究单元,运用生态系统服务价值估算法,依据生态系统服务价值指数(ESV)和生态经济协调度指数(EEH),对河西走廊1985—2011年生态经济系统协调度进行评价.结果表明: 研究期间,研究区土地类型结构发生了较大变化,林草地面积减少幅度较大,建设用地和耕地面积增加较快.ESV整体呈下降趋势,研究区东、中部石羊河流域和黑河流域中游ESV变化幅度较大,经济开发方式在本时段发生过显著变化,研究区西部疏勒河流域ESV变化不大.2000年后,研究区经济增长速度明显加快,资源型城市和区域性中心城市是经济增长的热点区,整体上沿走廊中心向两侧递减.研究区生态经济关系整体上经历了“初步恶化-进一步恶化-低度协调”的演变过程,研究区东、中部的石羊河流域和黑河流域中游EEH有较大幅度的变化,生态经济经历了“冲突-进一步冲突-小幅度缓和”的过程,西部疏勒河流域EEH变化幅度较小,石羊河流域和黑河流域高强度的开发模式以及随后的流域综合治理对区域生态经济协调性产生了较大影响.

利用Lyapunov泛函方法和线性矩阵不等式(LMI)技术,通过引入一系列参数,给出全局指数稳定的平衡点的判别条件和时延的最大上界和神经网络的收敛速度,所得结果较之一些文献中的结果简单、实用并且对于具体设计带时延神经网络有重要的指导意义.最后,通过实例表明给出的判定条件是有效、可行的.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a basic reproduction number for a multi-group SIR model with general relapse distribution and nonlinear incidence rate. We find that basic reproduction number plays the role of a key threshold in establishing the global dynamics of the model. By means of appropriate Lyapunov functionals, a subtle grouping technique in estimating the derivatives of Lyapunov functionals guided by graph-theoretical approach and LaSalle invariance principle, it is proven that if it is less than or equal to one, the disease-free equilibrium is globally stable and the disease dies out; whereas if it is larger than one, some sufficient condition is obtained in ensuring that there is a unique endemic equilibrium which is globally stable and thus the disease persists in the population. Furthermore, our results suggest that general relapse distribution are not the reason of sustained oscillations. Biologically, our model might be realistic for sexually transmitted diseases, such as Herpes, Condyloma acuminatum, etc.  相似文献   

为研究成都城市绿地昆虫群落功能团结构及其多样性的变化,于2020年6-10月,采用扫网、网捕、搜寻、目测和振落等方法对成都3种功能绿地(公园绿地、生产绿地和道路绿地)昆虫进行调查。调查共采集昆虫29 382号,隶属15目130科747种。其中半翅目Hemiptera、膜翅目Hymenoptera、双翅目Diptera在3种功能绿地中均属于优势类群;在不同功能绿地,植食性昆虫的丰富度总体高于寄生性、捕食性和中性昆虫;不同功能集团在各功能绿地的α多样性指数均无显著差异,植食性-捕食性昆虫(Ph-Pr)、植食性-寄生性(Ph-Pa)昆虫个体数在生产绿地中呈显著正相关(P<0.05),公园绿地和生产绿地昆虫群落结构最为相似;Ss/Si和Sn/Sp两个稳定性指标表明:3种生境昆虫群落最稳定的时期是9月。结果表明,成都城市绿地昆虫物种多样性较为丰富,3种绿地昆虫群落组成较相似,各绿地间功能团结构特征无显著差异;各绿地功能团丰富度时序变化趋势基本一致,9月是成都市绿地昆虫群落结构最稳定的时期。  相似文献   

陆地生态系统植物功能群研究进展   总被引:5,自引:9,他引:5  
胡楠  范玉龙  丁圣彦  廖秉华 《生态学报》2008,28(7):3302-3311
从植物功能群角度探讨陆地生态系统功能与稳定性维持机理、植物对环境变化的适应与响应以及水分、养分利用效率等成为当前生态系统生态学研究的主要技术路线.植物功能群的提出和研究,为研究复杂的生态系统提供了一个良好的方法和途径.综述了陆地生态系统功能群方面的最新研究进展,介绍了植物功能群定义的发展历程,详细比较了植物功能群划分的依据及方法,对于植物功能群与群落稳定性之间的关系、植物功能群对群落生产力的影响以及植物功能群与环境因子的动态关系等进行了深入讨论.这些研究资料表明,植物功能群整合了功能及对环境响应相似的一类植物,但植物功能特征不是绝对的、单一的,所以对植物功能群就会有不同的理解,会有不同的定义及划分方法.许多研究者从不同的角度、尺度来对植物功能群进行研究,这些研究结果有不同的针对方向和目的,使人们可以从不同的角度更全面的理解复杂的陆地生态系统.学者们在研究生态系统时,或多或少地总要与植物功能群相联系,这大大拓宽了植物功能群的应用范围.所有前人的研究使植物功能群的概念、划分、方向、应用等诸方面越来越清晰.这要求应有一个规范、统一、明确的植物功能群研究方案,这样能使对植物功能群的研究更加深入,能整合全球所有植物功能群的相关研究.  相似文献   

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