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基于地理信息系统的红火蚁在中国适生区的预测   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
应用地理信息系统(GIS)对红火蚁在中国的适生区进行了预测.以高于发育起点温度的天数和有效积温作为决定性因子,年均降水量、海拔高度作为限制性因子,应用GIS中的Kriging空间插值功能将红火蚁在我国的适生性分布情况分为高度适生区、适生区、轻度适生区和非适生区.结果表明,广东大部、广西中南部、云南南部的少数地区、海南、台湾、香港和澳门是红火蚁的高度适生区.云南南部、两广北部、河南最南部、安徽西部、浙江大部、湖北中东部、重庆、湖南、江西和福建是红火蚁的适生区.轻度适生区分布于河北中东部、山东中东部、北京、天津、江苏中北部、安徽大部、河南大部、浙江西北部、湖北西北部、陕西南部、四川东部、贵州中西部和云南中部的少数地区.我国的西北、东北和华北的大部分地区为红火蚁的非适生区.  相似文献   

红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren是一种严重危害农林业生产、生命健康、公共安全和生态环境的国际性重大外来入侵害虫。2004年9月中国大陆首次发现红火蚁,2021年12月该蚁已入侵了12个省区近500个县区。本研究根据中国大陆红火蚁入侵发生县区数量变化,结合潜在适生区域评价信息,建立了红火蚁入侵县区数量与入侵时间长度间关系模型,并对入侵县区数量变化趋势作出长期预测。当中国大陆红火蚁潜在入侵县区数量上限分别为1 400、1 500和1 600个时,入侵县区数量与入侵时间长度关系模型分别为N=1400/(1+e5.4048-0.1784T)、N=1500/(1+e5.4335-0.1757T)和N=1600/(1+e5.464-0.1734T)。基于以上模型的分析结果显示,我国红火蚁快速扩散传播从2009-2010年开始,快速扩张期可能持续26~28年,年平均新增县区41~52个/年,预测2035-2037年入侵县区数量增长速率将开始减缓,2...  相似文献   

基于GARP的加拿大一枝黄花在中国的分布区预测   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
加拿大一枝黄花(Solidago canadensis)原产北美,是在中国大陆危害最严重的入侵植物之一。本研究基于大量已有分布点数据,使用生态位模型(GARP)对其在中国的潜在扩散区域进行了预测,结果表明:极端低温、年均温对加拿大一枝黄花的分布限制较小,而坡度、坡向、年降雨量、雨日频率、汇流累积量、水流方向、极端高温和霜日频率对其分布影响显著。加拿大一枝黄花的潜在入侵区远大于目前的实际分布区,因此仍会继续在中国扩散;中国中南部和东北部是加拿大一枝黄花最易形成入侵的地区,应采取措施防止其入侵。  相似文献   

基于GARP 的加拿大一枝黄花在中国的分布区预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加拿大一枝黄花( Solidago canadensis) 原产北美, 是在中国大陆危害最严重的入侵植物之一。本研究基于大量已有分布点数据, 使用生态位模型(GARP) 对其在中国的潜在扩散区域进行了预测, 结果表明: 极端低温、年均温对加拿大一枝黄花的分布限制较小, 而坡度、坡向、年降雨量、雨日频率、汇流累积量、水流方向、极端高温和霜日频率对其分布影响显著。加拿大一枝黄花的潜在入侵区远大于目前的实际分布区, 因此仍会继续在中国扩散; 中国中南部和东北部是加拿大一枝黄花最易形成入侵的地区, 应采取措施防止其入侵。  相似文献   

2003年9月中国台湾、2004年9月大陆相继被发现国际重大危险性外来入侵害虫红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren发生为害。为有效防控该蚁的入侵、扩张与成灾,在过去的19年里我国各级政府部门、科研院所、企事业单位、社会组织等均投入了大量人力物力,组织、开展了卓有成效的科技研发与技术推广应用工作。基于广泛收集分析已有资料,本文总结了自发现红火蚁入侵危害以来我国科技研发/支撑机构/组织建立、科技人才培养、科研课题立项、研究领域及进展、科技成果产出、科学技术普及等总体情况,认为所构建的科技支撑体系在我国阻截与控制红火蚁工作中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

经过一年来的野外试验,结果表明红火蚁克星对红火蚁具有显著的控制效果.施药后4d,红火蚁全巢死亡率达83.33~92.31%,施药后7~10 d全巢死亡.施药后90d和180d监测结果表明,诱测点在6个月内未出现新的蚁巢.  相似文献   

红火蚁入侵草坪过程中蚂蚁类群变动趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
观察研究了红火蚁入侵草坪之后蚂蚁群落结构的变动趋势。对各处理区在不同时期的蚂蚁优势种进行了分析,结果表明,与对照区相比红火蚁入侵后各处理区的蚂蚁优势种发生了明显改变,红火蚁替代了原来的优势蚂蚁种类,并在数量上占主导地位,而且各处理区的蚂蚁类群多样性、均匀度降低,优势度明显增大。通过分析红火蚁入侵过程中各处理区的蚂蚁类群相似性,表明轻度发生区与对照区的蚂蚁类群相似性系数q一直处在0.25-0.50之间,为中等不相似;中度发生区与对照区的蚂蚁类群相似性系数q一直处在0.075-0.444之间,为中等不相似或极不相似;重度发生区与对照区的蚂蚁类群相似性系数q一直处在0.0-0.222之间,为极不相似,这也说明了不同的红火蚁危害程度对本地蚂蚁类群结构的影响是不同的,红火蚁种群数量越大,对本地蚂蚁类群的影响也越大,排挤或取代它们所需要的时间也越短。  相似文献   

重大危险性入侵害虫红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren在云南已发生10年了,本文基于2013年12月至2022年6月云南省植保植检站统计报表统计数据,分析了红火蚁在云南的分布情况、发生现状,总结了防控成效及存在的主要问题,并对解决这些问题提出了一些建议,以期对云南省红火蚁的防控提供参考。  相似文献   

用GARP生态位模型预测刺萼龙葵在中国的潜在分布区   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
检疫性杂草刺萼龙葵(Solanum rostratum)近年来扩散蔓延到中国华北地区,利用刺萼龙葵在原产地和其他入侵地的分布和14个环境变量,运用GARP生态位模型结合地理信息系统(GIS)对刺萼龙葵在中国的潜在分布区进行了预测,对环境图层的刀切法结果表明, 7个环境变量能提高预测的准确率,适合性卡平方一尾测验表明所建立的模型具有显著的统计学意义,预留数据的受测者工作曲线(ROC)检测表现出很好的预测能力,中国所有已知分布均被正确预测。刺萼龙葵在中国的潜在分布区极广,可以分布在除西藏、青海、海南及两广南部外的其他地区,尤其在华中、华北及华东地区的适生的可能性最高,由此刺萼龙葵可能进入一个危险的快速扩散阶段,应当引起相关部门的重视。  相似文献   

基于MAXENT模型预测齿裂大戟在中国的潜在分布区   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
张路 《生物安全学报》2015,24(3):194-200
【背景】齿裂大戟原产于北美,是近年来入侵我国的一种检疫性杂草。目前,该杂草已在我国的华北、华东和西南建立种群,并呈扩散蔓延趋势。由于该入侵植物具有极强的繁殖能力,一旦大面积扩散势必造成极大损失,急需通过风险评估明确其未来的扩散趋势,进而制定早期预警措施。【方法】使用MAXNET模型,运用齿裂大戟在原产地和中国的已知分布数据及筛选后的环境变量,结合地理信息系统(Geographic information system,GIS)及其生活史特征和环境适应特性,直观和定量地预测了该原产北美的植物在中国的适生范围,并采用受试者工作曲线(Receiver operator characteristic curve,ROC)分析方法对模型预测结果进行了检验。【结果】齿裂大戟在我国有较为广阔的潜在分布区,其中高风险区主要集中在地处33°~40°N,109°~119°E的北京、天津、河北南部、河南北部、山东中北部、山西南部和陕西西安等地。【结论与意义】结合齿裂大戟在我国的分布现状和传入扩散特性,划定了其在我国潜在的高风险区域,为制定预防和控制入侵植物进一步传入和扩散的早期预警和监测措施提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Aim  In response to a recent paper suggesting the failure of ecological niche models to predict between native and introduced distributional areas of fire ants ( Solenopsis invicta ), we sought to assess methodological causes of this failure.
Location  Ecological niche models were developed on the species' native distributional area in South America, and projected globally.
Methods  We developed ecological niche models based on six different environmental data sets, and compared their respective abilities to anticipate the North American invasive distributional area of the species.
Results  We show that models based on the 'bioclimatic variables' of the WorldClim data set indeed fail to predict the full invasive potential of the species, but that models based on four other data sets could predict this potential correctly.
Main conclusions  The difference in predictive abilities appears to centre on the complexity of the environmental variables involved. These results emphasize important influences of environmental data sets on the generality and ability of ecological niche models to anticipate novel phenomena, and offer a simpler explanation for the lack of predictive ability among native and invaded distributional areas than that of niche shifts.  相似文献   

Abstract  The red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta , a damaging invasive pest, was discovered in February 2001 in Brisbane, Australia at two sites, Fisherman Islands and suburban Richlands-Wacol. Using four microsatellite loci and the protein marker Gp-9 , we compared the two infestations with each other, and with potential source populations in North and South America to better understand the history of their introduction to Brisbane. Based on an analysis of molecular variance, as well as a maximum likelihood tree of colonies from the two Australian sites, we found that the two sites were genetically distinct and were almost certainly introduced separately. All of the colonies at Fisherman Islands were monogynous, headed by a single queen, while the Richlands-Wacol site had a mixture of single-queen monogynous and multiple-queen polygynous colonies. However, the monogynous and polygynous colonies at the Richlands-Wacol site were not genetically distinct from each other, and probably constitute a single, mixed introduction. Based on allele frequencies at the microsatellite loci, and Gp-9 , both Australian infestations were more similar to North American populations than to South American, though the Fisherman Islands infestation was intermediate, making it difficult to assign. Thus, there has been one introduction from either a North or South American monogynous population at Fisherman Islands, and one introduction from a mixed monogynous/polygynous North American population at Richlands-Wacol. These findings have implications for the control of the current infestations, as well as for the quarantine regulations necessary to prevent additional introductions to Australia.  相似文献   

以含1%氟虫腈、植物淀粉、引诱物质及粘附剂等自制的红蚁净(Pyragne)粉剂,在室内测定红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren各虫态的毒力。结果显示:红蚁净粉剂对红火蚁工蚁LT50=20.106h、LT90=23.78h,对有翅繁殖蚁LT50=20.951h、LT90=25.64h;工蚁能将红蚁净传递给蛹和卵引起中毒死亡。  相似文献   

电场对红火蚁工蚁聚集的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究电刺激对红火蚁聚集的影响,本研究通过改变电压、电线裸露程度及电线间距,测定了在不同电场强度下红火蚁工蚁的聚集程度和行为反应。结果表明在不同电压(1.5 V、3 V、6 V)、两根裸露电线不同间距(2 mm、4 mm)条件下,电压6 V、电线间距为2 mm时对红火蚁的吸引效果最强,电线上聚集工蚁最多达59.2头;强电场(电压36 V,电线间距分别为2 mm、4 mm)条件下,电压36 V、电线间距2 mm时电线上聚集工蚁最多达75头;另外,电线裸露程度也显著影响电场对红火蚁的吸引作用。在模拟设备电压(36 V)条件下红火蚁接受电刺激后产生明显的行为反应,表现为身体不断颤抖,在电线周围继续寻找电刺激。  相似文献   

Alarm pheromones of social insects are best known for their role in the defence and maintenance of colony integrity. Previous studies with the fire ant Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) demonstrate that the mandibular glands of workers (sterile females) and male and female sexuals produce an alarm pheromone, 2‐ethyl‐3,6‐dimethylpyrazine. The function of alarm pheromones in worker ants is well understood and divergent from the function of these compounds in the winged sexual forms. The present study quantifies the amount of pyrazine in the mandibular glands from male and female alate sexuals, as well as queens. Pyrazine production in female alates starts in the late pupal stage and increases until they reach mating flight‐ready maturity; however, after mating flight participation, the pyrazine level declines by >50%. Interestingly, mature male alates lose >85% of their mandibular gland pyrazine during mating flight activity. The results of the present study indicate that male and female sexuals use mandibular gland secretions for mating flight initiation and during mating flights. Furthermore, the ontogeny of mandibular gland products (pyrazine as the marker) from newly‐mated queens to mature colony queens shows a more than two‐fold increase in the amount of pyrazine by 6 months after mating. However, this is followed by a decline to trace amounts in mature colony queens (>2 years old), suggesting a function for mandibular gland products during colony development. Multifunctional use of social insect pheromones is well documented and data are reported in the present study suggesting new roles for mandibular gland products in fire ants.  相似文献   

严防危险性害虫红火蚁入侵   总被引:40,自引:5,他引:40  
张润志  任立  刘宁 《昆虫知识》2005,42(1):6-10,F004
原产南美洲的红火蚁SolenopsisinvictaBuren,先后入侵美国和澳洲,最近又入侵中国台湾,对人类健康和环境安全构成重大威胁。该文介绍了红火蚁的形态特征、与近源种的形态区别、生物学特性、入侵特性、危害以及预防、控制等方面的知识,最后提出我国大陆需要高度警惕,严防红火蚁入侵。  相似文献   

不同浓度茚虫威对红火蚁的防治效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索适合防治红火蚁的茚虫威浓度,利用丙酮溶解茚虫威原药,使用雾化手段与载体和配方其他试剂充分混合,干燥后保存,进行野外试验测定其防治红火蚁的药效。结果表明,研制的0.025%茚虫威饵剂综合防治效果达85.30%,0.05%茚虫威饵剂达100%,0.1%茚虫威饵剂达100%。3个浓度的茚虫威饵剂拥有良好的防治红火蚁药效,0.05%浓度最适合研制红火蚁饵剂。  相似文献   

Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of eradicating the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, in the hot, humid and rainy conditions of northern Taiwan. Thirteen hectares of the Shihmen Reservoir have been infected with these ants, with a total of 1 578 mounds. Pyriproxyfen was applied at a rate of 2 kg/hectare each season, for a total of four seasons. Surveys using visual examination, bait traps, as well as the population index method showed that the brood, the reproductive ants, and the worker ants within the nests were all significantly reduced 1 month after the first application of pyriproxyfen. Four months after the initial application there were no more brood or reproductive ants. After 8 months there were no longer any active mounds left, and 12 months later there were no more worker ants. After monitoring for 1 more year, it was ascertained that the red imported fire ants were eradicated. The percentages of decrease after 2, 4 and 6 months of treatment were 57.4%, 80.5%, and 98.2%, respectively.  相似文献   

红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren是全球百种最具危险性的外来入侵物种之一,被列为我国农业、林业和进境植物检疫性有害生物。红火蚁入侵我国初期,发生区域数量少、面积小,制定了相应的应急防控和根除策略。随着该蚁在我国呈现扩散加快、多区域多生境发生、多途径扩散等新态势新特点,其防控策略转向“老疫区常态治理、新疫区力争根除”。为了更好地防控红火蚁,未来工作应从部门协作、队伍建设、综合治理、检疫监管和宣传培训等多个方面加强。  相似文献   

We have characterized 11 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the invasive ant Solenopsis invicta. Primer pairs were evaluated on fire ants collected from monogyne mounds in Lauderdale County, Mississippi. The observed and effective number of alleles ranged from two to six and from 1.31 to 2.64, respectively. The observed and expected heterozygosity values ranged from 0.1613 to 0.7826 and from 0.1491 to 0.6242, respectively. The polymorphism information content of the microsatellites ranged from 0.1482 to 0.6208. Probability tests indicated significant deviations from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium at three loci. Pairwise tests did not detect linkage disequilibrium between any pair of loci.  相似文献   

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