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Abstract— Glycine was a substrate for d -amino acid oxidase purified from extracts of cat spinal cord and sheep cerebellum. d -Aspartate and N -methyl- d -aspartate were oxidized at a rate similar to that of glycine by the purified sheep cerebellum extract; d -α-alanine and d -serine were oxidized appreciably faster than glycine, while GABA and d -glutamate were not oxidized at a measurable rate. p -Mercuribenzoate and kojate inhibited the oxidation of glycine by the purified sheep cerebellum extract.
d -Amino acid oxidase activity was higher in the grey than in the white matter of cat spinal cord, while the reverse was true for the cerebral cortex; the activity in the cord and cerebral cortex was much lower than that in the cerebellum.  相似文献   

A technique has been outlined for identification of myelin basic proteins in mixtures of CNS proteins. Myelin basic proteins can be recognized easily by high cathodic mobility at low pH, a unique electrophoretic pattern exhibited at high pH and a characteristic colour when complexed with Amido black. The major protein extracted at pH 3·0 from either brain or spinal cord is myelin basic protein. In the low pH electrophoretic pattern of these extracts it is the most conspicuous component and the component migrating farthest cathodically; it does not appear in comparable electrophoretic patterns of liver extracts. Guinea pig myelin basic protein appears as a single dense blue-green band in low pH electrophoretic patterns, in contrast to the other proteins which are stained greyish-blue or greyish-purple by Amido black. The pattern of rat myelin basic protein is similar except that it consists of a pair of dense blue-green bands. A third characteristic which facilitates the identification of myelin basic proteins in mixtures is a considerable cathodic mobility and electrophoretic heterogeneity at pH 10·6. Most other basic CNS proteins barely penetrate the gel at this pH. We have also examined in detail the behaviour of two other components of pH 3·0 extracts which migrate close to myelin basic protein at low pH. Both are present in pH 3·0 extracts of liver and brain but not of spinal cord, and both stain grey instead of blue-green, a characteristic which readily distinguishes them from myelin basic protein. Neither of these components affects the characteristic pattern of microheterogeneity observed in high pH electrophoretograms of myelin basic proteins. One of these components has been purified and tentatively identified as lysine-rich histone F1.  相似文献   

It was attempted to preserve the water distribution in central nervous tissue by rapid freezing followed by substitution fixation at low temperature. The vermis of the cerebellum of white mice was frozen by bringing it into contact with a polished silver mirror maintained at a temperature of about -207°C. The tissue was subjected to substitution fixation in acetone containing 2 per cent OsO4 at -85°C for 2 days, and then prepared for electron microscopy by embedding in Maraglas, sectioning, and staining with lead citrate or uranyl acetate and lead. Cerebellum frozen within 30 seconds of circulatory arrest was compared with cerebellum frozen after 8 minutes' asphyxiation. From impedance measurements under these conditions, it could be expected that in the former tissue the electrolyte and water distribution is similar to that in the normal, oxygenated cerebellum, whereas in the asphyxiated tissue a transport of water and electrolytes into the intracellular compartment has taken place. Electron micrographs of tissue frozen shortly after circulatory arrest revealed the presence of an appreciable extracellular space between the axons of granular layer cells. Between glia, dendrites, and presynaptic endings the usual narrow clefts and even tight junctions were found. Also the synaptic cleft was of the usual width (250 to 300 A). In asphyxiated tissue, the extracellular space between the axons is either completely obliterated (tight junctions) or reduced to narrow clefts between apposing cell surfaces.  相似文献   

A dual-channel integrating micro-flame-photometer was evaluated for simultaneous analysis of sodium and potassium in aqueous extracts from nanogram samples of frozen-dried mammalian nervous tissue. Calibrated quartz constriction micropipettes delivered 10−8 l. of extraction fluid to a 100 μ platinum-iridium wire for insertion directly into the flame. Over-all reproducibility was 4 per cent for twenty samples containing 6.5 × 10−11 g K and 2.2 × 10−11 g Na. Large amounts of anions decreased the emissions for both sodium and potassium, but no interference between sodium and potassium was found over the range adopted for biological analyses. The micro-flame-photometer gave results for a few nanolitres of aqueous extracts of brain homogenates which were within 3-5 per cent of those obtained on larger volumes with a conventional flame photometer. Macroanalysis and microanalyses of microgram quantities of frozen-dried tissue sections of cerebral cortex were also in agreement. Nanogram samples from frozen-dried spinal ganglia of a rabbit gave average values for sodium and potassium (calculated/g wet wt.) which were similar to those for aqueous extracts of rabbit brain homogenates. Samples from peripheral ganglia in vivo, 10 minpost mortem and 20 min post mortem had significantly different average K/Na ratios of 1.97, 2.64 and 3.23, respectively.  相似文献   

Abstract— Intact neuroblastoma and glial cells in monolayer culture hydrolysed ATP added to their medium. Evidence is presented that ATP is cleaved outside of the permeability barrier of the plasma membrane and the product is liberated in the extracellular medium, i.e. the enzyme is an ecto-enzyme. Divalent cations such as Mg2+, Ca2+, Mn2+ and Co2+ activate the enzyme. In neuroblastoma cells, Ca2+ is the preferential cation for activation; Mg2+ in glial cells. Substrate specificity was very low when different nucleoside-5'-triphosphates were examined. Competition studies have revealed that all of the nucleoside triphosphates are hydrolysed by the same enzyme: divalent cation-activated ecto-nucleoside-5'-triphosphate phosphohydrolase.
Developmental pattern of the enzyme in several lines was established. The role of enzyme in the transport of divalent cations across the plasma membrane and/or in the physical properties of the membrane is suggested.  相似文献   

Abstract— The activity and kinetic characteristics of tRNA methyltransferases were measured with enzyme preparations obtained from neonatal and adult mouse brain tissue. Both neonatal and mature brain enzyme preparations were shown to contain a considerable amount of protein methylase activity which could interfere with the measurement of the tRNA methyltransferases. When increasing amounts of the unfractionated enzymes from young and adult neural tissue were added to reaction mixtures, the saturation kinetics were found to be considerably different. However, fractionation of the samples by precipitation at pH 5 resulted in an increase in the enzyme activity of preparations obtained from adult brain. Although the precipitation at pH 5 allowed a quantitative recovery of the enzyme activity of immature brain samples, this partial purification step led to an apparent activation of the tRNA methyltransferases in adult preparations. This activation was shown to be independent of differential changes in the thermolability of the enzymes but rather to be associated with an increase in the sites methylated and the measured affinity of the adult enzyme preparations with the tRNA substrate. Nicotinamide, a potent inhibitor of tRNA methyltransferase activity in other tissues, was shown to be ineffective in modulating brain tRNA methyltransferase activity. The results are discussed in light of the possible modulation of the activity of specific enzyme species and the alterations in the synthesis of nucleic acid precursors during neural development.  相似文献   

Abstract— Brain, spinal cord and sciatic nerve from rats at different ages were incubated for 2 h in a medium containing [14C]acetate and [14C]leucine as the precursors for synthesis of lipids and proteins. Myelin was purified from the incubated tissues and the specific and total radioactivites of myelin lipids and protein were determined. The uptake of radioactive precursors decreased with increasing age up to 6 months of postnatal age, the decrease following the same pattern for the three types of myelin. After age 6 months the uptake of the protein and lipid precursors reached a plateau that persisted up to 18 months, the oldest postnatal age studied. The amount of myelin isolated and the total myelin lipids extracted from both the central and peripheral nervous systems increased continuously from age 25 days to 18 months after birth. Consequently we suggest that myelination is a process that continues during the whole life of the rat.
The metabolic activity of peripheral nerve myelin was higher than myelin from the CNS at all ages studied. Although myelination in the sciatic nerve begins before that in brain and spinal cord, the three types of myelin apparently reach maturity at the same age. Lecithin exhibited the highest metabolic activity of the individual myelin lipids at all ages in both the central and peripheral nervous system. The metabolic activity of cholesterol in myelin from the 25-day-old rats was similar to that of lecithin but decreased to very low levels in myelin from the 18-month-old rats.  相似文献   

The expression of monoamine oxidase (MAO) in a variety of mammalian cells has been investigated employing tryptamine as substrate. The enzyme present in those cell lines having sufficient activity for detailed analysis exhibited a monophasic response to the inhibitor clorgyline. On this basis the cell lines examined were found to express only A, or only B, type activity. Hypoxanthineguanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HGPRT) deficient derivatives of both MAO type A, or MAOtype B, expressing cells were examined. The HGPRT status of the cells appeared to have little influence on the expression of the enzyme.  相似文献   


The increase in o-diphenol oxidase activity and polyphenol contentwas investigated in slices excised from sweet potato roots.o-Diphenol oxidase activity increased in a sigmoidal fashionover a 100 hour period. The increase in polyphenols occurredover a shorter period of time and was evident before an increasein o-diphenol oxidase activity could be detected. Thus, it seemedthat the increase in polyphenol content might be involved inthe enhancement of o-diphenol oxidase activity. However, theabove correlation was not found in different kinds of experimentincluding pretreatment with either vacuum infiltration or wetconditioning. (Received October 14, 1965; )  相似文献   

Superoxide dismutase was assayed in portions of the nervous system (a) by inhibition of tetrazolium reduction by oxygen radicals, generated enzymically, and (b) by inhibition of tetrazolium reduction by oxygen radicals generated by oxidation of NADH in presence of phenazine methosulphate. Superoxide dismutase activity was found in beef brain, retina and adrenal medulla, as well as in brain, retina and lungs of adult and of newborn rats. Preliminary experiments with rats exposed to hyperbaric oxygen showed no alteration of enzyme activities in tissues of newborn and adult animals. The possible role of superoxide dismutase in the nervous system is discussed.  相似文献   

  • 1 In vitro incorporation of tritiated leucine into nuclear proteins of normal human brain, astrocytoma I and II and glioblastoma multiforme was investigated. The distribution of radioactivity among various protein fractions of nuclei was determined.
  • 2 The results demonstrate that the isolated nuclei of astrocytoma I and II incorporate radioactivity into proteins at least 40 times more actively than nuclei of normal human brain or glioblastoma multiforme.
  • 3 The residual protein fraction was the most highly labelled fraction among the nuclear pioteins. This fraction from astrocytomas incorporates relatively more radioactivity than the similar fraction of normal human brain or glioblastoma multiforme. The buffered-saline soluble protein fraction of astrocytoma nuclei contained a relatively lower amount of radioactivity than the similar fraction of normal human brain or glioblastoma multiforme. The total radioactivity incorporated into the deoxyribonucleoproteins seemed to increase with the malignancy of the tissue investigated. The significance of the results with respect to malignant transformation is discussed.

蔡惠罗  李清焕 《动物学报》1991,37(4):427-430
本文比较研究了年轻鼠和老龄鼠心肌线粒体MAO的活力变化,及MAO活力对温度的依赖性。结果表示老龄心肌MAO对底物的亲合性略有下降,但酶活力增加了近十倍。在12—43℃范围内绘制的MAO活力的Arrhenius图提示老龄鼠线粒体膜脂的物理性状发生了改变。  相似文献   

—Using a simple apparatus designed to perfuse nervous tissue mini-slices retained on glass fibre filter discs, slices of adult (13 week) rat cerebral cortex and spinal cord were shown to release radioactive GABA and glycine, but not 2-amino-isobutyric acid, in response to increased potassium ion concentration of the perfusing medium. A major portion of this potassium-stimulated release was dependent upon the presence of calcium ions in the perfusing medium. Slices of cerebral cortex and spinal cord from rats of 1 day and 10 days postnatal age showed potassium-stimulated, calcium-dependent release of radioactive GABA and glycine respectively. These findings are consistent with other evidence that GABA and glycine are functioning as inhibitory transmitters in rats at least as soon as 1 day after birth.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: By the use of Kovacs'(1956) test, oxidase activity was demonstrated in 23 of 66 strains of coagulase negative staphylococci (or micrococci) but in none of 82 strains of coagulase positive staphylococci. Less sensitive methods showed fewer reactions or failed to demonstrate them at all. Oxidase activity could not be correlated with other biochemical features.  相似文献   

SYNAPSES IN THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
A number of different synapses have been described in the medulla, cerebellar cortex, and cerebral cortex of the rat. All of these possess the same fundamental fine structure as follows: 1. Close apposition of the limiting membranes of presynaptic and postsynaptic cells without any protoplasmic continuity across the synapse. The two apposed membranes are separated by a cleft about 200 A wide, and display localized regions of thickening and increased density. 2. The presynaptic expansion of the axon, the end-foot or bouton terminal, contains a collection of mitochondria and clusters of small vesicles about 200 to 650 A in diameter. Although the significance of these structures in the physiology of the synapse is still unknown, two suggestions are made: that the mitochondria, by means of the relation between their enzymatic activity and ion transport, participate in the electrical phenomena about the synapse; and that the small synaptic vesicles provide the morphological representation of the prejunctional, subcellular units of neurohumoral discharge at the synapse demanded by physiological evidence.  相似文献   

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