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Hfq is an important RNA-binding protein that helps bacteria adapt to stress. Its primary function is to promote pairing between trans-acting small non-coding RNAs (sRNAs) and their target mRNAs. Identification of essential Hfq-binding motifs in up-stream regions of rpoS and fhlA led us to ask the question whether these elements are a common occurrence among other Hfq-dependent mRNAs as well. Here, we confirm the presence of a similar (ARN)(x) motif in glmS RNA, a gene controlled by two sRNAs (GlmZ and GlmY) in an Hfq-dependent manner. GlmZ represents a canonical sRNA:mRNA pairing system, whereas GlmY is non-canonical, interfacing with the RNA processing protein YhbJ. We show that glmS interacts with both Hfq-binding surfaces in the absence of sRNAs. Even though two (ARN)(x) motifs are present, using a glmS:gfp fusion system, we determined that only one specific (ARN)(x) element is essential for regulation. Furthermore, we show that residues 66-72 in the C-terminal extension of Escherichia coli Hfq are essential for activation of GlmS expression by GlmY, but not with GlmZ. This result shows that the C-terminal extension of Hfq may be required for some forms of non-canonical sRNA regulation involving ancillary components such as additional RNAs or proteins.  相似文献   

【背景】大肠杆菌中Small RNA EsrE调控琥珀酸脱氢酶的表达并影响细胞生长,对其调控机制的探究有利于加深EsrE对细胞生长影响的认识。【目的】探究大肠杆菌Small RNA EsrE的转录调控机制。【方法】通过双质粒报告系统筛选转录调控因子,并通过凝胶迁移实验(electrophoretic mobilityshiftassay,EMSA)和qRT-PCR研究方法验证转录调控因子。【结果】双质粒报告系统证明RNA聚合酶亚基σ~(32) (RpoH)上调P_(esrE),β-羟酰-ACP脱水酶(FabZ)下调PesrE。EMSA结果和体内实验显示RpoH结合P_(esrE)片段,FabZ不结合P_(esrE)片段。【结论】RpoH直接结合启动子序列参与调控,FabZ以其他方式间接参与Small RNA EsrE的转录调控。  相似文献   

RybB is a small, Hfq-binding noncoding RNA originally identified in a screen of conserved intergenic regions in Escherichia coli. Fusions of the rybB promoter to lacZ were used to screen plasmid genomic libraries and genomic transposon mutants for regulators of rybB expression. A number of plasmids, including some carrying rybB, negatively regulated the fusion. An insertion in the rep helicase and one upstream of dnaK decreased expression of the fusion. Multicopy suppressors of these insertions led to identification of two plasmids that stimulated the fusion. One contained the gene for the response regulator OmpR; the second contained mipA, encoding a murein hydrolase. The involvement of MipA and OmpR in cell surface synthesis suggested that the rybB promoter might be dependent on sigma(E). The sequence upstream of the +1 of rybB contains a consensus sigma(E) promoter. The activity of rybB-lacZ was increased in cells lacking the RseA anti-sigma factor and when sigma(E) was overproduced from a heterologous promoter. The activity of rybB-lacZ and the detection of RybB were totally abolished in an rpoE-null strain. In vitro, sigma(E) efficiently transcribes from this promoter. Both a rybB mutation and an hfq mutation significantly increased expression of both rybB-lacZ and rpoE-lacZ fusions, consistent with negative regulation of the sigma(E) response by RybB and other small RNAs. Based on the plasmid screens, NsrR, a repressor sensitive to nitric oxide, was also found to negatively regulate sigma(E)-dependent promoters in an RseA-independent fashion.  相似文献   

Post-translational proteolysis-dependent regulation of critical cellular processes is a common feature in bacteria. The Escherichia coli Lon protease is involved in the control of the SOS response, acid tolerance and nutritional deprivation. Moreover, Lon plays a role in the regulation of toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems and thereby is linked to persister cell induction. Persister cells represent a small subpopulation that has reversibly switched to a dormant and non-dividing state without genomic alterations. Formation of persister cells permits viability upon nutritional depletion and severe environmental stresses. CspD is a replication inhibitor, which is induced in stationary phase or upon carbon starvation and increases the production of persister cells. It has remained unknown how CspD activity is counteracted when growth is resumed. Here we report that CspD is subject to proteolysis by the Lon protease both in vivo and in vitro. Turnover of CspD by Lon is strictly adjusted to the growth rate and growth phase of E. coli, reflecting the necessity to control CspD levels according to the physiological conditions.  相似文献   

The translation of rpoS , which encodes the general stress sigma factor, σS, in Escherichia coli , is stimulated by various stress conditions. Regulatory factors involved in this control are the RNA-binding Hfq (HF-I) protein, the histone-like protein H-NS and the small regulatory DsrA-RNA (with the last being specifically required for increased rpoS translation at low temperature). Here, we report the characterization of a transposon insertion mutant (Tn 10 -8) with reduced σS levels that led to the identification of an additional factor involved in the regulation of rpoS translation, the LysR-like regulator LeuO. Tn 10 -8 decreases rpoS translation predominantly at low growth temperature. The mutation results in similarly strongly reduced DsrA-RNA expression and does not affect rpoS expression in a dsrA null mutant background, indicating that it affects rpoS translation via DsrA-RNA. Tn 10 -8 is inserted 26 bp upstream of the leuO open reading frame, which encodes a putative LysR-like regulator of unknown function. Instead of being a leuO null mutation, Tn 10 -8 activates leuO expression as a result of the pout promoter on IS 10 L reading into leuO , indicating that LeuO represses dsrA and thereby reduces rpoS translation at low temperature. LeuO does not contribute to temperature regulation of dsrA since its own expression is rather low and not temperature dependent. In a mutant deficient for H-NS, however, leuO is strongly derepressed. We conclude that rpoS translation is controlled by a regulatory network that includes Hfq, H-NS, LeuO and DsrA-RNA. In this network, H-NS plays a dual role by interfering with rpoS translation in general and, via LeuO, influencing the synthesis of its own low-temperature antagonist, DsrA-RNA.  相似文献   

The mechanism of RNA degradation in Escherichia coli involves endonucleolytic cleavage, polyadenylation of the cleavage product by poly(A) polymerase, and exonucleolytic degradation by the exoribonucleases, polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNPase) and RNase II. The poly(A) tails are homogenous, containing only adenosines in most of the growth conditions. In the chloroplast, however, the same enzyme, PNPase, polyadenylates and degrades the RNA molecule; there is no equivalent for the E. coli poly(A) polymerase enzyme. Because cyanobacteria is a prokaryote believed to be related to the evolutionary ancestor of the chloroplast, we asked whether the molecular mechanism of RNA polyadenylation in the Synechocystis PCC6803 cyanobacteria is similar to that in E. coli or the chloroplast. We found that RNA polyadenylation in Synechocystis is similar to that in the chloroplast but different from E. coli. No poly(A) polymerase enzyme exists, and polyadenylation is performed by PNPase, resulting in heterogeneous poly(A)-rich tails. These heterogeneous tails were found in the amino acid coding region, the 5' and 3' untranslated regions of mRNAs, as well as in rRNA and the single intron located at the tRNA(fmet). Furthermore, unlike E. coli, the inactivation of PNPase or RNase II genes caused lethality. Together, our results show that the RNA polyadenylation and degradation mechanisms in cyanobacteria and chloroplast are very similar to each other but different from E. coli.  相似文献   

Obtaining pure mRNA preparations from prokaryotes has been difficult, if not impossible, for want of a poly(A) tail on these messages. We have used poly(A) polymerase from yeast to effect specific polyadenylation of Escherichia coli polysomal mRNA in the presence of magnesium and manganese. The polyadenylated total mRNA, which could be subsequently purified by binding to and elution from oligo(dT) beads, had a size range of 0.4-4.0 kb. We have used hybridization to a specific plasmid-encoded gene to further confirm that the polyadenylated species represented mRNA. Withdrawal of Mg2+ from the polyadenylation reaction resulted in addition of poly(A) to 16S rRNA despite the presence of Mn2+, indicating the vital role of Mg2+ in maintaining the native structure of polysomes. Complete dissociation of polysomes into ribosomal subunits resulted in quantitative polyadenylation of both 16S and 23S rRNA species. Chromosomal lacZ gene-derived messages were quantitatively recovered in the oligo(dT)-bound fraction, as demonstrated by RT-PCR analysis. Potential advantages that accrue from the availability of pure total mRNA from prokaryotes is discussed.  相似文献   

Shiga-like toxin is an iron-regulated cytotoxin quite similar to Shiga toxin from Shigella dysenteriae 1. The structural genes for Shiga-like toxin in Escherichia coli (sltA and sltB) appear to be transcribed as an operon from a promoter upstream of sltA. We used a gene fusion between the promoter and proximal portion of sltA with the gene for bacterial alkaline phosphatase to assess the regulation of toxin expression. Growth in low-iron conditions resulted in a 13- to 16-fold increase in alkaline phosphatase activity. In the presence of a null mutation in the fur locus, however, alkaline phosphatase activity was constitutively high regardless of the iron concentration. These data indicate negative regulation of the slt operon by the fur gene product. We used deletion analysis of the region upstream of the gene fusion to localize the promoter of the slt operon and to show that a region of DNA between the -35 and -10 boxes is necessary for iron regulation of slt expression. In this region, there is a 21-base-pair dyad repeat that is homologous to similar dyads in the promoter regions of three other fur-regulated genes. This region of dyad symmetry may represent an operator binding site for the Fur protein in the presence of iron.  相似文献   

The field of gene regulation underwent a major revolution with the discovery of small non-coding RNAs (sRNAs) and the various roles they play in organisms from bacteria to man. Escherichia coli has more than 60 sRNAs that are transcribed primarily from intergenic regions. They usually target the leader region of mRNAs and prevent their translation. Protein targets are relatively rare. In this issue of Molecular Microbiology, Chant and Summers provide an example of a totally unexpected protein target. They show that dimers of plasmid ColE1 make an sRNA that interacts directly with the enzyme tryptophanase and enhances its affinity for its substrate, tryptophan. A breakdown product, indole, then arrests cell division until the dimers are resolved to monomers. The monomerization helps to prevent plasmid loss. Targeting a catabolic enzyme to buy time for recombination is an amazing example of adaptation, which illustrates the power of a selfish element (a plasmid in this case) to exploit the host cell machinery to its advantage.  相似文献   

The gcvB gene encodes two small, nontranslated RNAs that regulate OppA and DppA, periplasmic binding proteins for the oligopeptide and dipeptide transport systems. Analysis of the gcvB sequence identified a region of complementarity near the ribosome-binding sites of dppA and oppA mRNAs. Several changes in gcvB predicted to reduce complementarity of GcvB with dppA-lacZ and oppA-phoA reduced the ability of GcvB to repress the target RNAs while other changes had no effect or resulted in stronger repression of the target mRNAs. Mutations in dppA-lacZ and oppA-phoA that restored complementarity to GcvB restored the ability of GcvB to repress dppA-lacZ but not oppA-phoA. Additionally, a change that reduced complementarity of GcvB to dppA-lacZ reduced GcvB repression of dppA-lacZ with no effect on oppA-phoA. The results suggest that different regions of GcvB have different roles in regulating dppA and oppA mRNA, and although pairing between GcvB and dppA mRNA is likely part of the regulatory mechanism, the results do not support a simple base pairing interaction between GcvB and its target mRNAs as the complete mechanism of repression.  相似文献   

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