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1. Gradient elution (sodium chloride concentration gradient) on DEAE-Sephadex columns is used to separate urinary oestrogen conjugates of pregnancy urine. Changes in the shape of the gradient alter the chromatograms in a predictable manner so that the dispersion of peaks can be modified at will. 2. Suitable choice of the gradient results in the separation from each other of oestrogen sulphates, oestrogen 16(or 17)-glucosiduronates, oestrogen 3-glucosiduronates and free oestrogens. 3. Evidence for the presence of oestriol 3-sulphate, oestrone 3-sulphate, 17β-oestradiol 3-sulphate, 16-oxo-17β-oestradiol 3-sulphate and oestriol 16(or 17)-sulphate in the sulphate fraction of DEAE-Sephadex chromatograms of pregnancy urine is provided.  相似文献   

Rabbit aorta smooth muscle cells (SMC) in long-term culture retracted in less than 10 min in response to a sequential order of stimulations by concanavalin A (Con A) and fetal calf serum (FCS). With additional continuous stimulation by FCS, the SMC took on a circular shape and were anchored to the substrate by retraction fibrils. This rounding was observed only when the cells were sequentially stimulated by Con A and FCS. Depletion of intracellular Ca2+ stores by the addition of EGTA and Ca2+ ionophores inhibited the rounding. Transient phosphorylation of MLC20 was observed in the initial stage during the SMC rounding. The extent of monophosphorylated MLC20 increased for up to 5 min to a maximal value of 49%. The diphosphorylated form reached a maximal value of 29% within 2 min; then both forms of MLC20 decreased. The process of the SMC rounding was inhibited by antimycin A or cytochalasins, in a dose-dependent manner, findings which suggested a dependency on both metabolic energy and actin-containing microfilaments. The smooth-muscle-relaxing agent, HA1077, also inhibited the process of SMC rounding. These observations suggest that a cellular contractile process might be involved in rounding of SMC.  相似文献   

Mercenaria regulatory light-chains, specifically labelled at cysteine 50 with N-iodoacetyl-N'-biotinylhexylenediamine, were rebound to regulatory light-chain denuded scallop myosin, and the hybrid myosin formed was decorated with avidin. These hybrid myosins were visualized by rotary-shadowing electron microscopy. Three distinct images of avidin-decorated hybrid myosin molecules were obtained. These comprise singly decorated molecules, where the avidin is bound symmetrically or asymmetrically with respect to the two heads of myosin, in addition to "figures-of-five", where two myosin molecules associate with a centrally placed avidin molecule. Analysis of these images indicates that the Mercenaria regulatory light-chain Cys50 site is located 15 to 35 A from the head-rod junction when the light-chain is bound in situ to myosin. Implications with respect to head topology and probe studies are discussed.  相似文献   

We have isolated two proteolytic fragments of subfragment 1 (S-1) of myosin from rabbit skeletal muscle. These fragments, identified by their molecular weights of 20 and 50 kDa, may be functional domains that, when isolated, retain their specific function. We have studied several structural and functional features of the 20 and 50 kDa fragments. Considerable secondary structure in both fragments has been observed in CD spectrum studies. Previously CD spectra showed 64% ordered structure for the 20 kDa fragment (Muhlrad and Morales, M.F. (1984) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 81, 1003) and here we show 71% ordered structures for the 50 kDa fragment. Fluorescence lifetime studies of tryptophan residues in the 50 kDa fragment and 1,5-IAEDANS-labeled SH-1 in the 20 kDa fragment are used to investigate the tertiary structure of the fragments. We find the tertiary structure relating to this measurement of both fragments to be intact; however, the reaction of 1,5-IAEDANS with SH-1 on the isolated 20 kDa fragment is less specific than with S-1. Furthermore, the fragments showed a tendency to aggregate. The domain concept of S-1 was supported by the characteristic biochemical function of the isolated fragments. Both of the fragments were effective in competing with S-1 for binding to actin in acto-S-1 ATPase measurements. From these studies and in direct binding measurement the 20 kDa fragment proved to bind with higher affinity to actin than did the 50 kDa fragment.  相似文献   

The functional activities of myosin head are located in a 95 kilodalton (kDa) heavy chain which can be divided into three fragments of 23 kDa, 50 kDa, and 20 kDa. ATP hydrolysis sites were suggested to be located in the 23 kDa and 50 kDa fragments, and actin binding sites were in the 50 kDa and 20 kDa fragments. In this study, we obtained electron microscopic images of the myosin molecule bound with antibodies directed to the 23 kDa and 50 kDa fragments. We determined that the antigenic sites for 23 kDa fragment are located at 140-180 A from the head-rod junction of myosin, and those for 50 kDa fragment at 160 A from the junction and at the tip of the head itself. The relationship between the spatial locations and the primary structures is discussed.  相似文献   

Physico-chemical parameters of subtilisins from the original Bacillus subtilis A-50 strain (proteolytic activity, electrophoretic mobility, molecular weight, reactions with specific inhibitors) were similar to those mentioned in the literature for the enzymes of other strains. Immunological experiment has shown, that Bacillus subtilis A-50 subtilisins with various electrophoretic mobility do not differ in their antigenic properties. Enzymes with high electrophoretic mobility from mutant strains were similar to I--III subtilisin fractions from Bac. subtilis A-50 in the antigenic characteristics. However, the antigenic heterogeneity was observed in I, II and III enzyme fractions of some mutant strains. Subtilisins studied appear to form the isoenzyme system.  相似文献   

The myosin SH2-50-kilodalton fragment cross-link: location and consequences   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Some of us recently described a new interthiol cross-link which occurs in the skeletal myosin subfragment 1-MgADP complex between the reactive sulfhydryl group "SH2" (Cys-697) and a thiol (named SH chi) of the 50-kilodalton (kDa) central domain of the heavy chain; this link leads to the entrapment of the nucleotide at the active site [Chaussepied, P., Mornet, D., & Kassab, R. (1986) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 83, 2037-2041]. In the present study, we identify SH chi as Cys-540 of the 50-kDa fragment. The portion of the heavy chain including this residue and also extending to Cys-522 that is cross-linkable to the "SH1" thiol [Ue, K. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 1889-1894] is near the SH2-SH1 region. Furthermore, various spectral and enzymatic properties of the (Cys697-Cys540)-N,N'-p-phenylenedimaleimide (pPDM)-cross-linked myosin chymotryptic subfragment 1 (S-1) were established and compared to those for the well-known (SH1-SH2)-pPDM-cross-linked S-1. The circular dichroism spectra of the new derivative were similar to those of native S-1 complexed to MgADP. At 15 mM ionic strength, (Cys697-Cys540)-S-1 binds very strongly to unregulated actin (Ka = 7 X 10(6) M-1), and the actin binding is very weakly affected by ionic strength. Joining actin with the (Cys697-Cys540)-S-1 heavy chain, using 1-ethyl-3-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]carbodiimide, produces different species than does joining unmodified S-1 with actin.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Three monoclonal antibodies directed against human platelet myosin heavy chains (MCH) that recognize homologous sequences contained within the functionally active subfragment-1, in platelet and rabbit skeletal muscle myosin were studied. These antibodies are distinguished by their affinities to different myosins and their differential effect on various ATPase activities. Epitope mapping was accomplished by analyzing antibody binding to proteolytic peptides of myosin head subfragment-1 under various experimental conditions. The epitopes recognized by these anti-human platelet MHC monoclonal antibodies reside within a small region of the 50 kDa fragment, beginning 9 kDa from its C-terminus and extending a stretch of 6 kDa towards the N-terminus. These epitopes lie between residues 535-586, and are contained within a highly conserved area of myosin heavy chain.  相似文献   

We reported in the preceding paper [Muno, D., et al. (1987) J. Biochem. 101, 661-669] that the dinitrophenyl group exclusively introduced to SH1 on the 20-kDa fragment of myosin subfragment 1 was cross-linked to the 50-kDa fragment by irradiation, and that limited trypsinolysis of the cross-linked S1 generated an 83-kDa peptide, a cross-linking product between the 20- and 50-kDa fragments. This paper will deal with the location of the cross-linked residue on the 50-kDa fragment. When the 83-kDa fragment labeled at SH2 with a fluorogenic SH reagent was subjected to bromocyanolysis, a main fluorescent band, which implied a cross-linked peptide, appeared in the position with an apparent molecular mass of 18.5-kDa on SDS-PAGE. On the other hand, another cross-linked peptide was obtained from a complete tryptic digest of a 83-kDa fragment rich fraction. Amino acid sequence analysis of the two cross-linked peptides revealed that the DNP moiety attached at SH1 was cross-linked with a residue in the segment of the heavy chain spanning the 485-493 region from the N-terminus of the heavy chain.  相似文献   

Immunochemical studies on myosin. II. Cardiac myosin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The upper 50-kDa region of myosin may be critical for coupling between the nucleotide- and actin-binding regions. We introduced a tetracysteine motif in the upper 50-kDa domain (residues 292-297) of myosin V containing a single IQ domain (MV 1IQ), allowing us to label this site with the fluorescein biarscenical hairpin-binding dye (FlAsH) (MV 1IQ FlAsH). The enzymatic properties of MV 1IQ FlAsH were similar to those of unlabeled MV 1IQ except for a 3-fold reduced ADP-release rate. MV 1IQ FlAsH was also capable of moving actin filaments in the in vitro motility assay. To examine rotation of the upper 50-kDa region, we determined the difference in the degree of energy transfer from N-methylanthraniloyl (mant)-labeled nucleotides to FlAsH in both steady-state and transient kinetic experiments. The energy transfer efficiency was higher with mant-ATP (0.65 +/- 0.02) compared with mant-ADP (0.55 +/- 0.02) in the absence of actin. Stopped-flow measurements suggested that the energy transfer efficiency decreased with phosphate release (0.04 s(-1)) in the absence of actin. In contrast, upon mixing MV 1IQ FlAsH in the ADP.P(i) state with actin, a decrease in the energy transfer signal was observed at a rate of 13 s(-1), similar to the ADP release rate. Our results demonstrate there was no change in the energy transfer signal upon actin-activated phosphate release and suggest that actin binding alters the dynamics of the upper 50-kDa region, which may be critical for the ability of myosin to bind tightly to both ADP and actin.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of the 50-kDa fragment that is released by limited tryptic digestion of the head portion of rabbit skeletal muscle myosin was determined by analysis and alignment of sets of peptides generated by digestion of the fragment at arginine or methionine residues. This fragment contains residues 205-636 of the myosin heavy chain; among the residues of particular interest in this fragment are N epsilon-trimethyllysine, one of four methyl-amino acids in myosin, and Ser-324, which is photoaffinity labeled by an ATP analogue (Mahmood, R., Elzinga, M., and Yount, R. G. (1989) Biochemistry 28, 3989-3995). Combination of this sequence with those of the 23- and 20-kDa fragments yields an 809-residue sequence that constitutes most of the heavy chain of chymotryptic S-1 of this myosin.  相似文献   

The synthesis of a mixture of epimeric derivatives of the peptaibol trichotoxin A-50 (G) is described. The 'azirine/oxazolone method' has been used as a superior method for the introduction of the Aib as well as the Iva units into the peptide chain. In this protocol, 2,2-disubstituted 2H-azirin-3-amines are the synthons for 2,2-disubstituted glycines, which undergo coupling with N-protected amino or peptide acids in high yield, and without any need of coupling reagents. The problem of the instability of the amide function of the Gln side chain under the conditions of the acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of Z-Gln-(Aib)(n)-N(Me)Ph was solved by using an appropriate protecting group for the amide function of the Gln side chain, e.g., the triphenylmethyl (trityl; Tr) group. The structures of two intermediate peptides, i.e., the segments comprising residues 1-5 and 10-13, resp., were established by X-ray crystallography.  相似文献   

The patterns of subtilisin molecular forms of streptomycin-resistant (Strr) and streptomycin-dependent (Strd) mutants of Bacillus subtilis A-50, as well as the revertants of Strd to streptomycin-independence (Str1) were studied. Strr mutants had different quantitative pattern of the same subtilisin molecular forms as compared with the initial strain A-50 (the forms with Rf 0.08, 0.16 and 0.3). In comparison with the initial strain A-50, Strd mutants and Str1 revertants revealed three additional forms of the active enzyme with Rf 0.02, 0.5 and 0.7 and the molecular weights less than 35,000, 28,000 and 20,000 respectively. It was suggested that the rate and character of the enzyme secretion of the degree of its post-translational modifications might result in the different pattern of subtilisin molecular forms produced by these streptomycin mutants.  相似文献   

2,4-Dinitrophenol (DNP) increases the affinity of myosin for actin and accelerates its Mg2+ATPase activity, suggesting that it acts on a region of the myosin head that transmits conformational changes to actin- and ATP-binding sites. The binding site/s for DNP are unknown; however similar hydrophobic compounds bind to the 50-kDa subfragment of the myosin head, near the actin-binding interface. In this region, a helix-loop-helix motif contains Lys553, which is specifically labeled with the fluorescent probe 6-[fluorescein-5(and 6)-carboxamido] hexanoic acid succinimidyl ester (FHS). This reaction is sensitive to conformational changes in the helix-loop-helix and the labeling efficiency was reduced when S1 was bound to actin, DNP or nucleotide analogs. The nucleotide analogs had a range of effects (PPi > ADP·AlF4 > ADP) irrespective of the open-closed state of switch 2. The greatest reduction in labeling was in the presence of actin or DNP. When we measured the effect of each ligand on the fluorescence of FHS previously attached to S1, only DNP quenched the emission. Together, the results suggest that the helix-loop-helix region is flexible, it is part of the communication pathway between the ATP- and actin-binding sites of myosin and it is proximal to the region of myosin where DNP binds.  相似文献   

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