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Kondratova  M. S.  Efimov  A. V. 《Molecular Biology》2002,36(1):117-123
Examination of 80 -helical proteins and domains demonstrates that they contain from 1 to more than 20 completely buried (water-inaccessible) polar side chains. As a rule the latter have partners for H-bonding but the resulting H-bond system is often not saturating. Basing on statistical analysis, we determined the optimal number of H-bonds for every type of polar side chain, and discuss the structural role of vacant donors and acceptors. About half of the H-bonds formed by buried side chains pertain to interhelix contacts of the (side chain)–(side chain) and (side chain)–(main chain) types. Such interactions appear to be a most important factor determining the mutual arrangement of -helices in proteins. Analysis of the frequency of occurrence of various interacting pairs reveals that these interactions are selective.  相似文献   


We have synthesized the free amino acid adenylate anydrides of phenylalanine, leucine, isoleucine and valine. These activated compounds are very labile at high pH, but at low pH they become more stable. Proton NMR spectra of these adenylates show that, in every case, the hydrophobic side chains, even in these small molecules at low pH and low concentration, are associated with the “face” of the adenine ring. Although aromatic rings are known to associate with adenine in this fashion, to our knowledge this is the first report of an intercalative-type interaction of aliphatic side chains with nucleic acid bases. Since adenine is the most hydrophobic base, these interactions are of a hydrophobic character, and occur in spite of the fact that the adenine ring is protonated. These results may have implications regarding recognition processes in DNA-protein and RNA-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Possible combinations of βαβ-units and Π-like modules in proteins in both right- and left-handed forms have been analyzed in detail. The correlation between the mutual arrangement of the structural elements in the polypeptide chain and their handedness has been shown. In the βαβΠ combinations, which is encountered most frequently in proteins, the Π-module follows the βαβ unit along the chain and both elements are right-handed. In the Πβαβ combinations, where the Π-module is located at the N end and the βαβ-unit follows it, the former is left-handed and the latter is right-handed. In relatively rare combinations of the left-handed βαβ-units and right-handed Π-modules, the βαβ-unit follows Π-module in the chain. The combinations of left-handed Π-modules and the left-handed βαβ-units are unobservable in proteins. It has also been shown that the Π-modules with a β-strand—α-helix—arch—β-strand structure are observed in proteins only in a right-handed form and half of them (51%) contains cis-prolines in their arches. These arches of nonhomologous proteins, as well as the positions of cis-prolines, nearly coincide when superimposed. The superimposed Π-modules also demonstrate that their overall folds are very similar. Structural alignment of their amino acid sequences has shown that the Π-modules have very similar sequence patterns of the key hydrophobic, hydrophilic, glycine, and cis-proline residues.  相似文献   

《Journal of molecular biology》2019,431(12):2320-2330
Short insertions and deletions (InDels) are a common type of mutation found in nature and a useful source of variation in protein engineering. InDel events have important consequences in protein evolution, often opening new pathways for adaptation. However, much less is known about the effects of InDels compared to point mutations and amino acid substitutions. In particular, deep mutagenesis studies on the distribution of fitness effects of mutations have focused almost exclusively on amino acid substitutions. Here, we present a near-comprehensive analysis of the fitness effects of single amino acid InDels in TEM-1 β-lactamase. While we found InDels to be largely deleterious, partially overlapping deletion-tolerant and insertion-tolerant regions were observed throughout the protein, especially in unstructured regions and at the end of helices. The signal sequence of TEM-1 tolerated InDels more than the mature protein. Most regions of the protein tolerated insertions more than deletions, but a few regions tolerated deletions more than insertions. We examined the relationship between InDel tolerance and a variety of measures to help understand its origin. These measures included evolutionary variation in β-lactamases, secondary structure identity, tolerance to amino acid substitutions, solvent accessibility, and side-chain weighted contact number. We found secondary structure, weighted contact number, and evolutionary variation in class A beta-lactamases to be the somewhat predictive of InDel fitness effects.  相似文献   

The effect of application of jasmonic acid (JA) and salicylic acid (SA) on the induction of resistance in wheat to Stagonospora nodorum and on the induction of -1,3-glucanase and thaumatin-like proteins (TLPs) was studied. Western blot analysis revealed that two -1,3-glucanases with apparent molecular masses of 31 and 33 kDa that cross-reacted with a barley glucanase antiserum were induced in wheat leaves after treatment with JA and SA. When wheat plants were treated with SA and JA, a TLP with an apparent molecular mass of 25 kDa and several other isoforms of TLP were induced. Pre-treatment of wheat plants with SA and JA significantly reduced (up to 56 %) the incidence of leaf blotch disease incited by S. nodorum compared with untreated control plants.  相似文献   

Convergence in amino acid sequences between proteins can be strong evidence for selection. Here, I look for evidence of convergence in the amino acid sequences of pheromone binding protein (PBP) in response to convergence in pheromones. PBPs are involved in sex pheromone reception by the antennae of male moths. In this role PBPs may selectively bind pheromone components and experience convergent selection in response to convergence in pheromone components. However, examination of the PBPs of the taxa that have converged upon the use of (E)- or (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate as their major pheromone component reveals little evidence for convergence in the PBPs identified from these taxa. A few sites show a pattern consistent with convergence or parallelism; however, it cannot be ruled out that these sites share the ancestral state. Two of these sites fall within the proposed binding region of PBPs. These results suggest that PBPs either have not converged in sequence or have converged at very few sites in response to convergence on the same pheromone component. Received: 29 July 1999 / Accepted: 8 November 1999  相似文献   

C. G. Cupples  J. H. Miller 《Genetics》1988,120(3):637-644
Forty-nine amino acid substitutions were made at four positions in the Escherichia coli enzyme β-galactosidase; three of the four targeted amino acids are thought to be part of the active site. Many of the substitutions were made by converting the appropriate codon in lacZ to an amber codon, and using one of 12 suppressor strains to introduce the replacement amino acid. Glu-461 and Tyr-503 were replaced, independently, with 13 amino acids. All 26 of the strains containing mutant enzymes are Lac(-). Enzyme activity is reduced to less than 10% of wild type by substitutions at Glu-461 and to less than 1% of wild type by substitutions at Tyr-503. Many of the mutant enzymes have less than 0.1% wild-type activity. His-464 and Met-3 were replaced with 11 and 12 amino acids, respectively. Strains containing any one of these mutant proteins are Lac(+). The results support previous evidence that Glu-461 and Tyr-503 are essential for catalysis, and suggest that His-464 is not part of the active site. Site-directed mutagenesis was facilitated by construction of an f1 bacteriophage containing the complete lacZ gene on a single EcoRI fragment.  相似文献   

Major membrane proteins have been quantitatively analyzed in erythrocytes and platelets from patients with homozygous (splenectomized and non-splenectomized) and heterozygous forms of beta-thalassemia depending on severity of clinical manifestation of this disease. Quantitative analysis of erythrocyte membrane proteins revealed increase in alpha- and beta-spectrin. (In non-splenectomized patients with homozygous beta-thalassemia the amount of this protein was lower than in corresponding controls.) Besides spectrin, the increase of 2.1-2.3 fractions of ankyrin, and the decrease of band 3 protein (anion-transport protein), 4.1, palladin, and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase were also found. Analysis of major platelet membrane proteins revealed significant increase in gelsolin. This increase was found in all forms of beta-thalassemia irrespective of gender. Significant changes in platelet membrane protein fractions were found in patients (especially non-splenectomized) with homozygous beta-thalassemia. These included significant decrease in myosin, profilin, and gamma-actin and increase in actin-binding protein in both male and female patients. The content of other protein fractions (alpha-actinin, tubulin, tropomyosin) remained unchanged. Changes in protein fractions of erythrocytes and platelets correlated with severity of clinical manifestation of the disease.  相似文献   

In this study, an attempt has been made to predict the major functions of gramnegative bacterial proteins from their amino acid sequences. The dataset used for training and testing consists of 670 non-redundant gram-negative bacterial proteins (255 of cellular process, 60 of information molecules, 285 of metabolism, and 70 of virulence factors). First we developed an SVM-based method using amino acid and dipeptide composition and achieved the overall accuracy of 52.39% and 47.01%, respectively. We introduced a new concept for the classification of proteins based on tetrapeptides, in which we identified the unique tetrapeptides significantly found in a class of proteins. These tetrapeptides were used as the input feature for predicting the function of a protein and achieved the overall accuracy of 68.66%. We also developed a hybrid method in which the tetrapeptide information was used with amino acid composition and achieved the overall accuracy of 70.75%. A five-fold cross validation was used to evaluate the performance of these methods. The web server VICMpred has been developed for predicting the function of gram-negative bacterial proteins (http://www.imtech.res.in/raghava/vicmpred/).  相似文献   

High-potential iron-sulfur protein (HiPIP) has recently been shown to function as a soluble mediator in photosynthetic electron transfer between the cytochrome bc1 complex and the reaction-center bacteriochlorophyll in some species of phototrophic proteobacteria, a role traditionally assigned to cytochrome c2. For those species that produce more than one high-potential electron carrier, it is unclear which protein functions in cyclic electron transfer and what characteristics determine reactivity. To establish how widespread the phenomenon of multiple electron donors might be, we have studied the electron transfer protein composition of a number of phototrophic proteobacterial species. Based upon the distribution of electron transfer proteins alone, we found that HiPIP is likely to be the electron carrier of choice in the purple sulfur bacteria in the families Chromatiaceae and Ectothiorhodospiraceae, but the majority of purple nonsulfur bacteria are likely to utilize cytochrome c2. We have identified several new species of phototrophic proteobacteria that may use HiPIP as electron donor and a few that may use cytochromes c other than c2. We have determined the amino acid sequences of 14 new HiPIPs and have compared their structures. There is a minimum of three sequence categories of HiPIP based upon major insertions and deletions which approximate the three families of phototrophic proteobacteria and each of them can be further subdivided prior to construction of a phylogenetic tree. The comparison of relationships based upon HiPIP and RNA revealed several discrepancies.  相似文献   

A protein with an apparent molecular mass of 30 kDa that cross-reacts with barley glucanase antiserum was detected in healthy leaves of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). When sorghum leaves were infected with Exserohilum turcicum, the causal agent of leaf blight, the 30-kDa glucanase was substantially induced. The 30-kDa glucanase was partially purified from sorghum leaves using ammonium sulfate fractionation and anion exchange chromatography on DEAE-sephacel. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the 30-kDa glucanase shows homology to glucanases of maize, barley, bean, soybean, tobacco and pea. The purified 30-kDa glucanase showed antifungal activity against Trichoderma viride.  相似文献   

Human β2-microglobulin (β2m) aggregation is implicated in dialysis-related amyloidosis. Previously, it has been shown that β2m adopts an ensemble of partially unfolded states at low pH. Here we provide detailed structural and dynamical insights into the acid unfolded and yet compact state of β2m at pH 2.5 using a host of fluorescence spectroscopic tools. These tools allowed us to investigate protein conformational dynamics at low micromolar protein concentrations in an amyloid-forming condition. Our equilibrium fluorescence data in combination with circular dichroism data provide support in favor of progressive structural dissolution of β2m with lowering pH. The acid unfolded intermediate at pH 2.5 has high 8-anilinonaphthalene, 1-sulfonic acid (ANS)-binding affinity and is devoid of significant secondary structural elements. Using fluorescence lifetime measurements, we have been able to monitor the conformational transition during the pH transition from the native to the compact disordered state. Additionally, using time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy measurements, we have been able to distinguish this compact disordered state from the canonical denatured state of the protein by identifying unique dynamic signatures pertaining to the segmental chain mobility. Taken together, our results demonstrate that β2m at pH 2.5 adopts a compact noncanonical unfolded state resembling a collapsed premolten globule state. Additionally, our stopped-flow fluorescence kinetics results provide mechanistic insights into the formation of a compact disordered state from the native form.  相似文献   

Glycocyamine kinase (GK) was isolated from the marine polychaete Neanthes diversicolor by gel filtration, DEAE-cellulose chromatography, butyl-Toyopearl hydrophobic chromatography, and chromatofocusing. The GK was eluted as a single peak on the latter three chromatographies, and the molecular mass for the native GK was estimated to be about 80 kDa. The SDS–PAGE showed that the isolated GK consists of two distinct subunits in equal proportion, α and β chains, with molecular masses of 42.2 and 43.8 kDa, respectively. The present results suggest that the Neanthes GK has a heterodimeric structure. The cDNAs for α and β chains of Neanthes GK were amplified by PCR and their cDNA-derived amino acid sequences were determined. The α and β chains are composed of 374 and 390 amino acids, and the molecular masses were calculated to be 42,392 and 43,966 Da, respectively, in good agreement with the apparent masses on SDS–PAGE. The β chain has a characteristic N-terminal extension of 15 amino acids, and all of the sequence differences between α and β chains were restricted in the N-terminal region of 50 residues. The overall sequence identity was 92%. The occurrence of heterodimeric nature in Neanthes GK is of great interest from the evolutionary point of view, because the heterodimeric structure is only known for creatine kinase MB-isozyme specific for mammalian heart muscle among phosphagen kinases.  相似文献   

The nature of aromatic amino acid residues in Japanese-radish peroxidase a and the apoprotein was investigated by means of spectrophotometry and fluorospectrophotometry. The tyrosine residues in the holoenzyme were masked in the alkali-titration, giving an abnormally high value of 12.6, while they were exposed in the apoenzyme, exhibiting a value of 10.8. The difference spectra in the ultraviolet region between the holo-and apo-enzyme showed characteristic bands of tryptophan and phenylalanine as well as tyrosine. The perturbation of the aromatic amino acid residues by 50% ethyleneglycol was observed in the apoenzyme but not in the holoenzyme. The fluorophotometric experiments also revealed that the aromatic amino acid residues were in different environments in the holo- and apoenzyme. The difference between the conformation of peroxidase and that of the apoprotein was discussed.  相似文献   

A tobacco callus strain, OMT-53, was selected from many cultures as a desirable strain having high nicotine producing capacity. Several culture conditions were examined, aiming to get higher nicotine production with the callus strain, OMT-53. It was revealed that the nicotine production was remarkably enhanced when the callus tissues were cultured at a limited concentration of α-NAA in culture medium. The optimal concentrations of sucrose and nitrogen in the culture medium were 3 % and 840 mg N/L respectively. Some precursors in nicotine biosynthesis were examined, and only ornithine gave a slightly positive effect at 2x10-4m concentration. Cultures at 25°C produced the highest yield for nicotine. Considerable amounts of nicotine (ca. 20% of total nicotine) were also recognized in the culture medium. Under the best culture condition mentioned above, nicotine production in tobacco callus tissues has been elevated to 2.14% on D.W, basis at 4 weeks’ culture. This value is near to that of the intact tobacco plants.  相似文献   


Oligonucleotides terminating in a 5′-primary amine group are synthesized using solid phase phosphoramidite chemistry. The 5′-terminal amine group in the deprotected oligonucleotide is further derivatized with N-succinimidyl-3-(2-pyridyldithio) propionate (SPDP) followed by treatment with dithiothreitol (DTT) to produce 5′-thiol terminated oligonucleotides. Introduction of 5′-thiol group is further confirmed by reading the absorbance of the released chromophore, pyridine-2-thione at 343 nm; ?343=8080/M.  相似文献   

GM1 gangliosidosis is a progressive neurodegenerative disease caused by deficiencies in lysosomal acid beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) and involves accumulation and storage of ganglioside GM1 and its asialo form (GA1) in brain and visceral tissues. Similar to the infantile/juvenile human disease forms, B6/129Sv beta-gal knockout (ko) mice express residual tissue beta-gal activity and significant elevations of brain GM1, GA1, and total gangliosides. Previous studies suggested that inbred DBA/2J (D2) mice may model a mild form of the human disease since total brain ganglioside and GM1 concentration is higher while beta-gal specific activity is lower (by 70-80%) in D2 mice than in inbred C57BL/6J (B6) mice and other mouse strains. A developmental genetic analysis was conducted to determine if the genes encoding beta-gal (Bgl) in the D2 and the ko mice were functionally allelic and if the reduced brain beta-gal activity in D2 mice could account for elevations in total brain gangliosides and GM1. Crosses were made between D2 mice homozygous for the Bgld allele (d/d), and either B6/129Sv mice heterozygous for the Bgl+ allele (+/-) or homozygous for the ko Bgl- allele (-/-) to generate d/+ and d/- mice. Specific beta-gal activity (nmol/mg protein/h) showed additive inheritance in brain, liver, and kidney at juvenile (21 days) and adult (255 days) ages with the d/- mice having only about 16% of the beta-gal activity as that in the +/+ mice. These results indicate that the Bgl genes in the D2 and the ko mice are noncomplementing functional alleles. However, the d/- mice did not express GA1 and had total brain ganglioside and GM1 concentrations similar to those in the d/+ and +/+ mice. These results suggest that the reduced brain beta-gal activity alone cannot account for the elevation of total brain gangliosides and GM1 in the D2 mice.  相似文献   

α-Aminoisobutyric acid is the only tertiary amino acid which is reported to occur in the proteins. Nevertheless, this amino acid has not been yet isolated from the proteins. Recently we succeeded in isolating this amino acid as white prismy crystalline substance from both acid and pepsin hydrolysate of horse hind leg muscle proteins, and this crystal was identified to be α-amino-isobutyric acid by elementary analysis, properties of this derivates, etc.  相似文献   

Pancreatic islets of Langerhans regulate blood glucose homeostasis by the secretion of the hormone insulin. Like many neuroendocrine cells, the coupling between insulin-secreting β-cells in the islet is critical for the dynamics of hormone secretion. We have examined how this coupling architecture regulates the electrical dynamics that underlie insulin secretion by utilizing a microwell-based aggregation method to generate clusters of a β-cell line with defined sizes and dimensions. We measured the dynamics of free-calcium activity ([Ca2+]i) and insulin secretion and compared these measurements with a percolating network model. We observed that the coupling dimension was critical for regulating [Ca2+]i dynamics and insulin secretion. Three-dimensional coupling led to size-invariant suppression of [Ca2+]i at low glucose and robust synchronized [Ca2+]i oscillations at elevated glucose, whereas two-dimensional coupling showed poor suppression and less robust synchronization, with significant size-dependence. The dimension- and size-scaling of [Ca2+]i at high and low glucose could be accurately described with the percolating network model, using similar network connectivity. As such this could explain the fundamentally different behavior and size-scaling observed under each coupling dimension. This study highlights the dependence of proper β-cell function on the coupling architecture that will be important for developing therapeutic treatments for diabetes such as islet transplantation techniques. Furthermore, this will be vital to gain a better understanding of the general features by which cellular interactions regulate coupled multicellular systems.  相似文献   

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