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The n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) found in fish oil (FO) have been shown to protect against reperfusion arrhythmias, a manifestation of reperfusion injury, which is believed to be induced by the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and intracellular calcium (Ca2+) overload. Adult rats fed a diet supplemented with 10% FO had a higher proportion of myocardial n-3 PUFAs and increased expression of antioxidant enzymes compared with the saturated fat (SF)-supplemented group. Addition of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to cardiomyocytes isolated from rats in the SF-supplemented group increased the proportions of cardiomyocytes contracting in an asynchronous manner, increased the rate of Ca2+ influx, and increased the diastolic and systolic [Ca2+]i compared with the FO group. H2O2 exposure increased the membrane fluidity of cardiomyocytes from the FO group. These results demonstrate that dietary FO supplementation is associated with a reduction in the susceptibility of myocytes to ROS-induced injury and this may be related to membrane incorporation of n-3 PUFAs, increased antioxidant defenses, changes in cardiomyocyte membrane fluidity, and the ability to prevent rises in cellular Ca2+ in response to ROS.  相似文献   

Previous studies showed increased phospholemman (PLM) mRNA after myocardial infarction (MI) in rats (Sehl PD, Tai JTN, Hillan KJ, Brown LA, Goddard A, Yang R, Jin H, and Lowe DG. Circulation 101: 1990-1999, 2000). We tested the hypothesis that, in normal adult rat cardiac myocytes, PLM overexpression alters contractile function and cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) homeostasis in a manner similar to that observed in post-MI myocytes. Compared with myocytes infected by control adenovirus expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) alone, Western blots indicated a 41% increase in PLM expression after 72 h (P < 0.001) but no changes in Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger, SERCA2, and calsequestrin levels in myocytes infected by adenovirus expressing GFP and PLM. At 5 mM extracellular [Ca(2+)] ([Ca(2+)](o)), maximal contraction amplitudes in PLM-overexpressed myocytes were 24% (P < 0.005) and [Ca(2+)](i) transient amplitudes were 18% (P < 0.05) lower than control myocytes. At 0.6 mM [Ca(2+)](o), however, contraction and [Ca(2+)](i) transient amplitudes were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in PLM-overexpressed than control myocytes (18% and 42%, respectively); at 1.8 mM [Ca(2+)](o), the differences in contraction and [Ca(2+)](i) transient amplitudes were narrowed. This pattern of contractile and [Ca(2+)](i) transient abnormalities in PLM-overexpressed myocytes mimics that observed in post-MI rat myocytes. We suggest that PLM overexpression observed in post-MI myocytes may partly account for contractile abnormalities by perturbing Ca(2+) fluxes during excitation-contraction.  相似文献   

The functional consequences of overexpression of rat heart Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX1) were investigated in adult rat myocytes in primary culture. When maintained under continued electrical field stimulation conditions, cultured adult rat myocytes retained normal contractile function compared with freshly isolated myocytes for at least 48 h. Infection of myocytes by adenovirus expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) resulted in >95% infection as ascertained by GFP fluorescence, but contraction amplitude at 6-, 24-, and 48-h postinfection was not affected. When they were examined 48 h after infection, myocytes infected by adenovirus expressing both GFP and NCX1 had similar cell sizes but exhibited significantly altered contraction amplitudes and intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) transients, and lower resting and diastolic [Ca2+]i when compared with myocytes infected by the adenovirus expressing GFP alone. The effects of NCX1 overexpression on sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ content depended on extracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]o), with a decrease at low [Ca2+]o and an increase at high [Ca2+]o. The half-times for [Ca2+]i transient decline were similar, suggesting little to no changes in SR Ca2+-ATPase activity. Western blots demonstrated a significant (P < or = 0.02) threefold increase in NCX1 but no changes in SR Ca2+-ATPase and calsequestrin abundance in myocytes 48 h after infection by adenovirus expressing both GFP and NCX1 compared with those infected by adenovirus expressing GFP alone. We conclude that overexpression of NCX1 in adult rat myocytes incubated at high [Ca2+]o resulted in enhanced Ca2+ influx via reverse NCX1 function, as evidenced by greater SR Ca2+ content, larger twitch, and [Ca2+]i transient amplitudes. Forward NCX1 function was also increased, as indicated by lower resting and diastolic [Ca2+]i.  相似文献   

The mechanism of myocardial hibernation, the reversible downregulation of contractile activity on reduction of coronary flow with unchanged cardiac energetics, is presently not understood. The oxygen consumption (VO(2)), shortening fraction (DeltaL), energy status [phosphocreatine (PCr), ATP, and adenosine and lactate release], and free intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) were measured in isolated rat cardiomyocytes at precisely controlled ambient PO(2) (Oxystat). When PO(2) was reduced from 25 to 6 mmHg, VO(2) decreased by 50%, while DeltaL was downregulated from 11.2 +/- 4.1 to 7.6 +/- 4.0%, and energy status was unchanged in the steady state (observation time 12 min). Only transiently PCr decreased, and lactate and adenosine release increased. Further reduction of PO(2) (to 3 mmHg) reduced VO(2) by 80%, decreased PCr by 35%, moderately increased adenosine and lactate release, and progressively reduced DeltaL by 50% (to 5.6 +/- 3.3%). All parameters fully recovered during reoxygenation. PO(2)-dependent downregulation of DeltaL was accompanied by a progressive reduction in systolic [Ca(2+)](i) (from 512 +/- 110 to 357 +/- 91 nmol/l at 6 mmHg and to 251 +/- 69 nmol/l at 3 mmHg), whereas diastolic free [Ca(2+)](i) remained unchanged. Therefore, the mechanism of the reversible, PO(2)-dependent downregulation of contractile activity (myocardial hibernation) involves a substantial reduction of systolic calcium.  相似文献   

Postmyocardial infarction (MI) rat myocytes demonstrated depressed Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchange (NCX1) activity, altered contractility, and intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) transients. We investigated whether NCX1 downregulation in normal myocytes resulted in contractility changes observed in MI myocytes. Myocytes infected with adenovirus expressing antisense (AS) oligonucleotides to NCX1 had 30% less NCX1 at 3 days and 66% less NCX1 at 6 days. The half-time of relaxation from caffeine-induced contracture was twice as long in ASNCX1 myocytes. Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca(2+)-ATPase abundance, SR Ca(2+) uptake, resting membrane potential, action potential amplitude and duration, L-type Ca(2+) current density and cell size were not affected by ASNCX1 treatment. At extracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](o)) of 5 mM, ASNCX1 myocytes had significantly lower contraction and [Ca(2+)](i) transient amplitudes and SR Ca(2+) contents than control myocytes. At 0.6 mM [Ca(2+)](o), contraction and [Ca(2+)](i) transient amplitudes and SR Ca(2+) contents were significantly higher in ASNCX1 myocytes. At 1.8 mM [Ca(2+)](o), contraction and [Ca(2+)](i) transient amplitudes were not different between control and ASNCX1 myocytes. This pattern of contractile and [Ca(2+)](i) transient abnormalities in ASNCX1 myocytes mimics that observed in rat MI myocytes. We conclude that downregulation of NCX1 in adult rat myocytes resulted in decreases in both Ca(2+) influx and efflux during a twitch. We suggest that depressed NCX1 activity may partly account for the contractile abnormalities after MI.  相似文献   

Multiple mechanisms that maintain Ca(2+) homeostasis and provide for Ca(2+) signalling operate in the somatas and neurohypophysial nerve terminals of supraoptic nucleus (SON) neurones. Here, we examined the Ca(2+) clearance mechanisms of SON neurones from adult rats by monitoring the effects of the selective inhibition of different Ca(2+) homeostatic molecules on cytosolic Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)](i)) transients in isolated SON neurones. In addition, we measured somatodendritic vasopressin (AVP) release from intact SON tissue in an attempt to correlate it with [Ca(2+)](i) dynamics. When bathing the cells in a Na(+)-free extracellular solution, thapsigargin, cyclopiazonic acid (CPA), carbonyl cyanide 3-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP), and the inhibitor of plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase (PMCA), La(3+), all significantly slowed down the recovery of depolarisation (50 mM KCl)-induced [Ca(2+)](i) transients. The release of AVP was stimulated by 50 mM KCl, and the decline in the peptide release was slowed by Ca(2+) transport inhibitors. In contrast to previous reports, our results show that in the fully mature adult rats: (i) all four Ca(2+) homeostatic pathways, the Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger, the endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) pump, the plasmalemmal Ca(2+) pump and mitochondria, are complementary in actively clearing Ca(2+) from SON neurones; (ii) somatodendritic AVP release closely correlates with intracellular [Ca(2+)](i) dynamics; (iii) there is (are) Ca(2+) clearance mechanism(s) distinct from the four outlined above; and (iv) Ca(2+) homeostatic systems in the somatas of SON neurones differ from those expressed in their terminals.  相似文献   

This study examined Ca2+ handling mechanisms involved in cardioprotection induced by chronic intermittent hypoxia (CIH) against ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to 10% inspired O2 continuously for 6 h daily from 3, 7, and 14 days. In isolated perfused hearts subjected to I/R, CIH-induced cardioprotection was most significant in the 7-day group with less infarct size and lactate dehydrogenase release, compared with the normoxic group. The I/R-induced alterations in diastolic Ca2+ level, amplitude, time-to-peak, and the decay time of both electrically and caffeine-induced Ca2+ transients measured by spectrofluorometry in isolated ventricular myocytes of the 7-day CIH group were less than that of the normoxic group, suggesting an involvement of altered Ca2+ handling of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) and sarcolemma. We further determined the protein expression and activity of 45Ca2+ flux of SR-Ca2+-ATPase, ryanodine receptor (RyR) and sarcolemmal Na+/Ca2+ exchange (NCX) in ventricular myocytes from the CIH and normoxic groups before and during I/R. There were no changes in expression levels of the Ca2+-handling proteins but significant increases in the RyR and NCX activities were remarkable during I/R in the CIH but not the normoxic group. The augmented RyR and NCX activities were abolished, respectively, by PKA inhibitor (0.5 µM KT5720 or 0.5 µM PKI14-22) and PKC inhibitor (5 µM chelerythrine chloride or 0.2 µM calphostin C) but not by Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II inhibitor KN-93 (1 µM). Thus, CIH confers cardioprotection against I/R injury in rat cardiomyocytes by altered Ca2+ handling with augmented RyR and NCX activities via protein kinase activation. cardioprotection; intracellular calcium  相似文献   

Postischemic myocardial stunning halved left ventricular contractility [end-systolic maximum elastance (E(max))] and doubled the O(2) cost of E(max) in excised cross-circulated canine heart. We hypothesized that this increased O(2) cost derived from energy-wasteful myocardial Ca(2+) handling consisting of a decreased internal Ca(2+) recirculation, some futile Ca(2+) cycling, and a depressed Ca(2+) reactivity of E(max). We first calculated the internal Ca(2+) recirculation fraction (RF) from the exponential decay component of postextrasystolic potentiation. Stunning significantly accelerated the decay and decreased RF from 0.63 to 0. 43 on average. We then combined the decreased RF with the halved E(max) and its doubled O(2) cost and analyzed total Ca(2+) handling using our recently developed integrative method. We found a decreased total Ca(2+) transport and a considerable shift of the relation between futile Ca(2+) cycling and Ca(2+) reactivity in an energy-wasteful direction in the stunned heart. These changes in total Ca(2+) handling reasonably account for the doubled O(2) cost of E(max) in stunning, supporting the hypothesis.  相似文献   

The effects of Mg(2+) on reactive oxygen species (ROS) and cell Ca(2+) during reoxygenation of hypoxic rat cardiomyocytes were studied. Oxidation of 2',7'-dichlorodihydrofluorescein (DCDHF) to dichlorofluorescein (DCF) and of dihydroethidium (DHE) to ethidium (ETH) within cells were used as markers for intracellular ROS levels and were determined by flow cytometry. DCDHF/DCF is sensitive to H(2)O(2) and nitric oxide (NO), and DHE/ETH is sensitive to the superoxide anion (O(2)(-).), respectively. Rapidly exchangeable cell Ca(2+) was determined by (45)Ca(2+) uptake. Cells were exposed to hypoxia for 1 h and reoxygenation for 2 h. ROS levels, determined as DCF fluorescence, were increased 100-130% during reoxygenation alone and further increased 60% by increasing extracellular Mg(2+) concentration to 5 mM at reoxygenation. ROS levels, measured as ETH fluorescence, were increased 16-24% during reoxygenation but were not affected by Mg(2+). Cell Ca(2+) increased three- to fourfold during reoxygenation. This increase was reduced 40% by 5 mM Mg(2+), 57% by 10 microM 3,4-dichlorobenzamil (DCB) (inhibitor of Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchange), and 75% by combining Mg(2+) and DCB. H(2)O(2) (25 and 500 microM) reduced Ca(2+) accumulation by 38 and 43%, respectively, whereas the NO donor S-nitroso-N-acetyl-penicillamine (1 mM) had no effect. Mg(2+) reduced hypoxia/reoxygenation-induced lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release by 90%. In conclusion, elevation of extracellular Mg(2+) to 5 mM increased the fluorescence of the H(2)O(2)/NO-sensitive probe DCF without increasing that of the O(2)(-).-sensitive probe ETH, reduced Ca(2+) accumulation, and decreased LDH release during reoxygenation of hypoxic cardiomyocytes. The reduction in LDH release, reflecting the protective effect of Mg(2+), may be linked to the effect of Mg(2+) on Ca(2+) accumulation and/or ROS levels.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effects of mibefradil, a novel T-type channel blocker, on ventricular function and intracellular Ca(2+) handling in normal and hypertrophied rat myocardium. Ca(2+) transient was measured with the bioluminescent protein, aequorin. Mibefradil (2 microM) produced nonsignificant changes in isometric contraction and peak systolic intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) in normal rat myocardium. Hypertrophied papillary muscles isolated from aortic-banded rats 10 weeks after operation demonstrated a prolonged duration of isometric contraction, as well as decreased amplitudes of developed tension and peak Ca(2+) transient compared with the sham-operated group. Additionally, diastolic [Ca(2+)](i) increased in hypertrophied rat myocardium. The positive inotropic effect of isoproterenol stimulation was blunted in hypertrophied muscles despite a large increase in Ca(2+) transient amplitude. Afterglimmers and corresponding aftercontractions were provoked with isoproterenol (10(-5) and 10(-4) M) stimulation in 4 out of 16 hypertrophied muscles, but were eliminated in the presence of mibefradil (2 microM). In addition, hypertrophied muscles in the presence of mibefradil had a significant improvement of contractile response to isoproterenol stimulation and a reduced diastolic [Ca(2+)](I), although a mild decrease of peak Ca(2+)-transient was also shown. However, verapamil (2 microM) did not restore the inotropic and Ca(2+) modulating effects of isoproterenol in hypertrophied myocardium. Mibefradil partly restores the positive inotropic response to beta-adrenergic stimulation in hypertrophied myocardium from aortic-banded rats, an effect that might be useful in hypertrophied myocardium with impaired [Ca(2+)](i) homeostasis.  相似文献   

Physiologically, human atrial and ventricular myocardium are coupled by an identical beating rate and rhythm. However, contractile behavior in atrial myocardium may be different from that in ventricular myocardium, and little is known about intracellular Ca(2+) handling in human atrium under physiological conditions. We used rapid cooling contractures (RCCs) to assess sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca(2+) content and the photoprotein aequorin to assess intracellular Ca(2+) transients in atrial and ventricular muscle strips isolated from nonfailing human hearts. In atrial myocardium (n = 19), isometric twitch force frequency dependently (0. 25-3 Hz) increased by 78 +/- 25% (at 3 Hz; P < 0.05). In parallel, aequorin light signals increased by 111 +/- 57% (P < 0.05) and RCC amplitudes by 49 +/- 13% (P < 0.05). Similar results were obtained in ventricular myocardium (n = 13). SR Ca(2+) uptake (relative to Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchange) frequency dependently increased in atrial and ventricular myocardium (P < 0.05). With increasing rest intervals (1-240 s), atrial myocardium (n = 7) exhibited a parallel decrease in postrest twitch force (at 240 s by 68 +/- 5%, P < 0.05) and RCCs (by 49 +/- 10%, P < 0.05). In contrast, postrest twitch force and RCCs significantly increased in ventricular myocardium (n = 6). We conclude that in human atrial and ventricular myocardium the positive force-frequency relation results from increased SR Ca(2+) turnover. In contrast, rest intervals in atrial myocardium are associated with depressed contractility and intracellular Ca(2+) handling, which may be due to rest-dependent SR Ca(2+) loss (Ca(2+) leak) and subsequent Ca(2+) extrusion via Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchange. Therefore, the influence of rate and rhythm on mechanical performance is not uniform in atrial and ventricular myocardium.  相似文献   

M K Manion  Z Su  M Villain  J E Blalock 《FASEB journal》2000,14(10):1297-1306
Calmodulin (CaM), as well as other Ca(2+) binding motifs (i.e., EF hands), have been demonstrated to be Ca(2+) sensors for several ion channel types, usually resulting in an inactivation in a negative feedback manner. This provides a novel target for the regulation of such channels. We have designed peptides that interact with EF hands of CaM in a specific and productive manner. Here we have examined whether these peptides block certain Ca(2+)-permeant channels and inhibit biological activity that is dependent on the influx of Ca(2+). We found that these peptides are able to enter the cell and directly, as well as indirectly (through CaM), block the activity of glutamate receptor channels in cultured neocortical neurons and a nonselective cation channel in Jurkat T cells that is activated by HIV-1 gp120. As a consequence, apoptosis mediated by an influx of Ca(2+) through these channels was also dose-dependently inhibited by these novel peptides. Thus, this new type of Ca(2+) channel blocker may have utility in controlling apoptosis due to HIV infection or neuronal loss due to ischemia.  相似文献   

Woodcock EA  Mitchell CJ  Biden TJ 《FEBS letters》2003,546(2-3):325-328
Phospholipase C (PLC) activation in neonatal rat ventricular cardiomyocytes (NRVM) generates inositol(1,4,5)trisphosphate (Ins(1,4,5)P(3)) in response to elevations in Ca(2+) or inositol(1,4)bisphosphate in response to G protein stimulation. Overexpression of PLCdelta(1) increased total [(3)H]inositol phosphate (InsP) content and elevated [(3)H]Ins(1,4,5)P(3), but failed to increase [(3)H]InsP responses to the Ca(2+) ionophore A23187. Antisense PLCdelta(1) expression reduced endogenous PLCdelta(1) content but did not decrease the A23187 response. In permeabilized NRVM, [(3)H]InsP responses to elevated Ca(2+) were not inhibited by Ins(1,4,5)P(3), even at concentrations 1000-fold greater than required for selective inhibition of PLCdelta(1). Taken together these data provide evidence that PLCdelta(1) does not mediate the InsP response to elevated Ca(2+) in NRVM.  相似文献   

The extent to which sex differences in cardiac function may be attributed to the direct myocardial influence of testosterone is unclear. In this study the effects of gonadal testosterone withdrawal (GDX) and replacement (GDX+T) in rats, on cardiomyocyte shortening and intracellular Ca(2+) handling was investigated (0.5 Hz, 25 oC). At all extracellular [Ca(2+)] tested (0.5-2.0 mM), the Ca(2+) transient amplitude was significantly reduced (by approximately 50 %) in myocytes of GDX rats two weeks post-gonadectomy. The time course of Ca(2+) transient decay was significantly prolonged in GDX myocytes (tau, 455+/-80 ms) compared with intact (279+/-23 ms) and GDX+T (277+/-19 ms). Maximum shortening of GDX myocytes was markedly reduced (by more than 60 %) and relaxation significantly delayed (by more than 35 %) compared with intact and GDX+T groups. Thus testosterone replacement completely reversed the cardiomyocyte hypocontractility induced by gonadectomy. These results provide direct evidence for a role of testosterone in regulating functional Ca(2+) handling and contractility in the heart.  相似文献   

Confocal laser scanning microscopy and fluo 4 were used to visualize local and whole cell Ca(2+) transients within individual smooth muscle cells (SMC) of intact, pressurized rat mesenteric small arteries during activation of alpha1-adrenoceptors. A method was developed to record the Ca(2+) transients within individual SMC during the changes in arterial diameter. Three distinct types of "Ca(2+) signals" were influenced by adrenergic activation (agonist: phenylephrine). First, asynchronous Ca(2+) transients were elicited by low levels of adrenergic stimulation. These propagated from a point of origin and then filled the cell. Second, synchronous, spatially uniform Ca(2+) transients, not reported previously, occurred at higher levels of adrenergic stimulation and continued for long periods during oscillatory vasomotion. Finally, Ca(2+) sparks slowly decreased in frequency of occurrence during exposure to adrenergic agonists. Thus adrenergic activation causes a decrease in the frequency of Ca(2+) sparks and an increase in the frequency of asynchronous wavelike Ca(2+) transients, both of which should tend to decrease arterial diameter. Oscillatory vasomotion is associated with spatially uniform synchronous oscillations of cellular [Ca(2+)] and may have a different mechanism than the asynchronous, propagating Ca(2+) transients.  相似文献   

Abnormal release of Ca(2+) from sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) via the cardiac ryanodine receptor (RyR2) may contribute to contractile dysfunction in heart failure (HF). We previously demonstrated that RyR2 macromolecular complexes from HF rat were significantly more depleted of FK506 binding protein (FKBP12.6). Here we assessed expression of key Ca(2+) handling proteins and measured SR Ca(2+) content in control and HF rat myocytes. Direct measurements of SR Ca(2+) content in permeabilized cardiac myocytes demonstrated that SR luminal [Ca(2+)] is markedly lowered in HF (HF: DeltaF/F(0) = 26.4+/-1.8, n=12; control: DeltaF/F(0) = 49.2+/-2.9, n=10; P<0.01). Furthermore, we demonstrated that the expression of RyR2 associated proteins (including calmodulin, sorcin, calsequestrin, protein phosphatase 1, protein phosphatase 2A), Ca(2+) ATPase (SERCA2a), PLB phosphorylation at Ser16 (PLB-S16), PLB phosphorylation at Thr17 (PLB-T17), L-type Ca(2+) channel (Cav1.2) and Na(+)- Ca(2+) exchanger (NCX) were significantly reduced in rat HF. Our results suggest that systolic SR reduced Ca(2+) release and diastolic SR Ca(2+) leak (due to defective protein-protein interaction between RyR2 and its associated proteins) along with reduced SR Ca(2+) uptake (due to down-regulation of SERCA2a, PLB-S16 and PLB-T17), abnormal Ca(2+) extrusion (due to down-regulation of NCX) and defective Ca(2+) -induced Ca(2+) release (due to down-regulation of Cav1.2) could contribute to HF.  相似文献   

Pulmonary veins (PVs) contain cardiomyocytes with spontaneous activity that may be responsible for PV arrhythmia. Abnormal Ca(2+) regulation is known to contribute to PV arrhythmogenesis. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether PV cardiomyocytes with spontaneous activity have different intracellular Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)](i)) transients, Ca(2+) sparks and responses to isoproterenol and ryanodine receptor modulators (magnesium and FK506) than do PV cardiomyocytes without spontaneous activity and left atrial (LA) cardiomyocytes. Through fluorescence and confocal microscopy, we evaluated the [Ca(2+)](i) transients and Ca(2+) sparks in isolated rabbit PV and LA cardiomyocytes. PV cardiomyocytes with spontaneous activity had larger [Ca(2+)](i) transients and sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca(2+) stores than PV cardiomyocytes without spontaneous activity or LA cardiomyocytes. PV cardiomyocytes with spontaneous activity also had a higher incidence and frequency of Ca(2+) sparks, and had Ca(2+) sparks with larger amplitudes than other cardiomyocytes. Magnesium (5.4 mM) reduced the [Ca(2+)](i) transient amplitude and beating rate in PV cardiomyocytes with spontaneous activity. However, in contrast with other cardiomyocytes, low doses (1.8 mM) of magnesium did not reduce the [Ca(2+)](i) transients amplitude in PV cardiomyocytes with spontaneous activity. FK506 (1 muM) diminished the SR Ca(2+) stores in PV cardiomyocytes with spontaneous activity to a lesser extent than that in other cardiomyocytes. Isoproterenol (10 nM) increased the [Ca(2+)](i) transient amplitude to a lesser extent in LA cardiomyocytes than in PV cardiomyocytes with or without spontaneous activity. In conclusion, our results suggest that enhanced [Ca(2+)](i) transients, increased Ca(2+) sparks and SR Ca(2+) stores may contribute to the spontaneous activity of PV cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that orthostatic hypotension associated with cardiovascular deconditioning results from inadequate peripheral vasoconstriction. We used the hindlimb-unloaded (HU) rat in this study as a model to induce cardiovascular deconditioning. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that 14 days of HU diminishes vasoconstrictor responsiveness of mesenteric resistance arteries. Mesenteric resistance arteries from control (n = 43) and HU (n = 44) rats were isolated, cannulated, and pressurized to 108 cm H(2)O for in vitro experimentation. Myogenic (intralumenal pressure ranging from 30 to 180 cm H(2)O), KCl (2-100 mM), norepinephrine (NE, 10(-9)-10(-4) M) and caffeine (1-20 mM) induced vasoconstriction, as well as the temporal dynamics of vasoconstriction to NE, were determined. The active myogenic and passive pressure responses were unaltered by HU when pressures remained within physiological range. However, vasoconstrictor responses to KCl, NE, and caffeine were diminished by HU, as well as the rate of constriction to NE (C, 14.8 +/- 3.6 microm/s vs. HU 7.6 +/- 1.8 microm/s). Expression of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)ATPase 2 and ryanodine 3 receptor mRNA was unaffected by HU, while ryanodine 2 receptor mRNA and protein expression were diminished in mesenteric arteries from HU rats. These data suggest that HU-induced and microgravity-associated orthostatic intolerance may be due, in part, to an attenuated vasoconstrictor responsiveness of mesenteric resistance arteries resulting from a diminished ryanodine 2 receptor Ca(2+) release mechanism.  相似文献   

ZM Wang  ML Messi    O Delbono 《Biophysical journal》1999,77(5):2709-2716
Intramembrane charge movement (Q), Ca(2+) conductance (G(m)) through the dihydropyridine-sensitive L-type Ca(2+) channel (DHPR) and intracellular Ca(2+) fluorescence (F) have been recorded simultaneously in flexor digitorum brevis muscle fibers of adult mice, using the whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique. The voltage distribution of Q was fitted to a Boltzmann equation; the Q(max), V(1/2Q), and effective valence (z(Q)) values were 41 +/- 3.1 nC/&mgr;F, -17.6 +/- 0.7 mV, and 2.0 +/- 0.12, respectively. V(1/2G) and z(G) values were -0.3 +/- 0.06 mV and 5.6 +/- 0.34, respectively. Peak Ca(2+) transients did not change significantly after 30 min of recording. F was fit to a Boltzmann equation, and the values for V(F1/2) and z(F) were 6.2 +/- 0.04 mV and 2.4, respectively. F was adequately fit to the fourth power of Q. These results demonstrate that the patch-clamp technique is appropriate for recording Q, G(m), and intracellular [Ca(2+)] simultaneously in mature skeletal muscle fibers and that the voltage distribution of the changes in intracellular Ca(2+) can be predicted by a Hodgkin-Huxley model.  相似文献   

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