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Indexes for arterial stiffness are, by their nature, influenced by the ambient blood pressure due to the curvilinear nature of arterial compliance. We developed a new concept of the "Modelflow aortic age," which is, theoretically, not influenced by the ambient blood pressure and provides an easily understood context (biological vs. chronological age) for measures of arterial stiffness. The purpose of the present study was to validate this pressure-independent index for aortic stiffness in humans. Twelve sedentary elderly (65-77 yr), 11 Masters athletes (65-73 yr), and 12 sedentary young individuals (20-42 yr) were studied. Modelflow aortic ages were comparable with chronological ages in both sedentary groups, indicating that healthy sedentary individuals have age-appropriate aortas. In contrast, Masters athletes showed younger Modelflow aortic ages than their chronological ages. The coefficient of variation of sedentary subjects was three times smaller with the Modelflow aortic age (21%) than with other indexes, such as static systemic arterial stiffness (61%), central pulse wave velocity (61%), or carotid β-stiffness index (58%). The typical error was very small and two times smaller in the Modelflow aortic age (<7%) than in static systemic arterial stiffness (>13%) during cardiac unloading by lower body negative pressure. The Modelflow aortic age can more precisely and reliably estimate aortic stiffening with aging and modifiers, such as life-long exercise training compared with the pressure-dependent index of static systemic arterial stiffness, and provides a physiologically relevant and clinically compelling context for such measurements.  相似文献   

We have developed a new technique to estimate the clinically relevant aortic pressure waveform from multiple, less invasively measured peripheral artery pressure waveforms. The technique is based on multichannel blind system identification in which two or more measured outputs (peripheral artery pressure waveforms) of a single-input, multi-output system (arterial tree) are mathematically analyzed so as to reconstruct the common unobserved input (aortic pressure waveform) to within an arbitrary scale factor. The technique then invokes Poiseuille's law to calibrate the reconstructed waveform to absolute pressure. Consequently, in contrast to previous related efforts, the technique does not utilize a generalized transfer function or any training data and is therefore entirely patient and time specific. To demonstrate proof of concept, we have evaluated the technique with respect to four swine in which peripheral artery pressure waveforms from the femoral and radial arteries and a reference aortic pressure waveform from the descending thoracic aorta were simultaneously measured during diverse hemodynamic interventions. We report that the technique reliably estimated the entire aortic pressure waveform with an overall root mean squared error (RMSE) of 4.6 mmHg. For comparison, the average overall RMSE between the peripheral artery pressure and reference aortic pressure waveforms was 8.6 mmHg. Thus the technique reduced the RMSE by 47%. As a result, the technique also provided similar improvements in the estimation of systolic pressure, pulse pressure, and the ejection interval. With further successful testing, the technique may ultimately be employed for more precise monitoring and titration of therapy in, for example, critically ill and hypertension patients.  相似文献   

We developed a mathematical model describing the interaction between the heart and the arterial system. The model was constructed and tested on basis of invasive hemodynamic data in six sheep. Data from a first group of three animals (49 cardiac cycles) were used to assess a template time-varying elastance curve for the left ventricle, while the baseline steady-state data of a second group of three animals were used to assess reference cardiac and arterial parameters in sheep. The model is fully characterized by nine parameters, which were converted into 6 dimensionless numbers using the Buckingham pi theorem. The model was then used to generate LV pressure and volume and aortic pressure and flow for 86 conditions obtained by varying parameters 50 to 200% of their reference value. Systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure and stroke volume (SV) were determined from these model-generated curves and multiple linear regression analysis yielded the following expressions: SBP = Pisovolumic [0.638 - 0.0773 Emax C + 0.0507 RC/T] (r2 = 0.89); DBP = Pisovolumic [0.438-0.0712 Emax C + 0.0655RC/T] (r2 = 0.88) and SV = LVEDV [1.265-1.040 LVEDV/(LVEDV - Vd) + 0.125 Emax C-0.0777RC/T] (r2 = 0.93) with Pisovolumic = Emax (LVEDV - Vd), Emax and Vd being the slope and intercept of the end-systolic pressure-volume relation, R and C the total peripheral resistance and compliance, LVEDV the left ventricular end-diastolic volume, and T the cardiac cycle length. These expressions were validated using data from the second group of three animals obtained during vena cava occlusion at baseline and during administration of dobutamine (61 cycles). The correlation between measured and predicted values was 0.98, 0.97 and 0.92 for SBP, DBP and SV, respectively. Compared to the measured values, SBP and DBP were, on average, underestimated by 5 and 6mmHg, respectively, and SV overestimated by 1.4 ml. We conclude that the derived expressions for blood pressure and stroke volume remain valid in the intact sheep for various hemodynamic conditions, and, taking into account their dimensionless form, may hold in other species and in humans.  相似文献   

Non-invasive estimation of the pressure gradient in cardiovascular stenosis has much clinical importance in assisting the diagnosis and treatment of stenotic diseases. In this research, a systematic comparison is conducted to investigate the accuracy of a group of stenosis models against the MRI- and catheter-measured patient data under the aortic coarctation condition. Eight analytical stenosis models, including six from the literature and two proposed in this study, are investigated to examine their prediction accuracy against the clinical data. The two improved models proposed in this study consider comprehensively the Poiseuille loss, the Bernoulli loss in its exact form, and the entrance effect, of the blood flow. Comparison of the results shows that one of the proposed models demonstrates a cycle-averaged mean prediction error of −0.15 ± 3.03 mmHg, a peak-to-peak prediction error of −1.8 ± 6.89 mmHg, which is the best among the models studied.  相似文献   

State-dependent expression of pressure diuresis in conscious rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 1967, Guyton and Coleman modeled pressure diuresis as the underlying, essential, long-term mechanism that regulates arterial pressure when sodium intake changes. Other mechanisms that influence renal function interact with pressure diuresis to achieve sodium balance and determine the blood pressure. Increases in sodium intake suppress sodium conserving mechanisms and activate natriuretic mechanisms; decreases in sodium intake have the opposite effect. If the Guyton-Coleman model is correct, then pressure diuresis should be more readily detected in animals on a high-salt diet than in animals on a low-salt diet. We measured spontaneous changes in arterial pressure and urine flow in conscious rats fed low-salt (0. 4% NaCl) and high-salt (8.0% NaCl) chow. For 10 rats fed a high-salt diet, arterial pressure and urine flow were positively correlated in 19 of 32 (59%) trials. In 10 rats fed a low-salt diet, a positive correlation was observed in 10 of 33 (30%) trials. Chi-square analysis revealed that differences in Na+ content of the diet were significantly associated with the probability of a positive relationship between blood pressure and urine flow. These results support the hypothesis that the expression of pressure diuresis across time is dependent on the state of sodium balance.  相似文献   

Cheng JH  Wang SY  Zhang LF  Liu X  Liu Y  Ma J 《生理学报》2008,60(1):74-82
本文旨在观察模拟失重28 d大鼠解除尾部悬吊前、后(2 h内),清醒自由活动状态下动脉收缩压(systolic bloodpressure,SBP)、舒张压(diastolic blood pressure,DBP)和心率(heart rate,HR)的变化.采用自回归模型法对不同时间点的收缩压变异性(SBP variability,SBPV)和心率变异性(HR variability,HRV)进行自谱与互谱分析,并比较自回归法与周期图法的自谱分析结果:由传递函数分析得到反映压力感受器-心率反射敏感性(baroreceptor-heart rate reflex sensitivity,BRS)变化的有关数据.结果显示,用自回归模型法对清醒大鼠血压信号进行短时程谱分析可得到较为平滑、谱峰清楚的谱估计曲线.28 d模拟失重大鼠解除尾部悬吊前、后,SBP、DBP和HR及其主要谱指标,以及高、低频段传递函数的平均增益均无显著性变化,不同时间点的谱指标也无显著差别;但模拟失重组的SBP、DBP和HR却显著高于对照组.上述结果提示,中期模拟失重大鼠恢复正常体位后,其清醒状态的BPV与HR均处于升高状态,但其短时程BPV与HRV谱及BRS均无显著变化,与最近报道的航天员HRV与BRS无显著改变一致.  相似文献   

Currently, no reliable minimally invasive method of measuring cardiac output continuously in neonates and children undergoing cardiac surgery is available. An extravascular Doppler probe was used to measure cardiac output in 15 New Zealand White rabbits (average weight 3.5 kg, range 2.5-4.5 kg). The results obtained were compared with cardiac outputs determined using the aortic thermodilution principle. The mean cardiac outputs measured with the extravascular Doppler probe was 0.37 +/- 0.01 l/min as compared with 0.39 +/- 0.01 l/min with aortic thermodilution. Regression analysis revealed a close correlation (r = 0.973) between the two techniques. The extravascular Doppler techniques is an option for continuous and reliable cardiac output measurement in small animals used in surgical experiments (open chest models) and in neonates or children during surgical repair of complicated congenital heart conditions.  相似文献   

Prolonged exposure to microgravity or bed rest produces cardiovascular deconditioning, which is characterized by reductions in plasma volume, alterations in autonomic function, and a predisposition toward orthostatic intolerance. Although the precise mechanisms have not been fully elucidated, it is possible that augmented cardiopulmonary reflexes contribute to some of these effects. The purpose of the present study was to test the hypothesis that sympathoinhibitory responses to volume expansion are enhanced in the hindlimb-unloaded (HU) rat, a model of cardiovascular deconditioning. Mean arterial blood pressure, heart rate, and renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA) responses to isotonic volume expansion (0.9% saline iv, 15% of plasma volume over 5 min) were examined in conscious HU (14 days) and control animals. Volume expansion produced decreases in RSNA in both groups; however, this effect was significantly greater in HU rats (-46 +/- 7 vs. -25 +/- 4% in controls). Animals instrumented for central venous pressure (CVP) did not exhibit differences in CVP responses to volume expansion. These data suggest that enhanced cardiopulmonary reflexes may be involved in the maintenance of reduced plasma volume and contribute to attenuated baroreflex-mediated sympathoexcitation after spaceflight or bed rest.  相似文献   

A method for estimation of central arterial pressure based on linear one-dimensional wave propagation theory is presented in this paper. The equations are applied to a distributed model of the arterial tree, truncated by three-element windkessels. To reflect individual differences in the properties of the arterial trees, we pose a minimization problem from which individual parameters are identified. The idea is to take a measured waveform in a peripheral artery and use it as input to the model. The model subsequently predicts the corresponding waveform in another peripheral artery in which a measurement has also been made, and the arterial tree model is then calibrated in such a way that the computed waveform matches its measured counterpart. For the purpose of validation, invasively recorded abdominal aortic, brachial, and femoral pressures in nine healthy subjects are used. The results show that the proposed method estimates the abdominal aortic pressure wave with good accuracy. The root mean square error (RMSE) of the estimated waveforms was 1.61 +/- 0.73 mmHg, whereas the errors in systolic and pulse pressure were 2.32 +/- 1.74 and 3.73 +/- 2.04 mmHg, respectively. These results are compared with another recently proposed method based on a signal processing technique, and it is shown that our method yields a significantly (P < 0.01) lower RMSE. With more extensive validation, the method may eventually be used in clinical practice to provide detailed, almost individual, specific information as a valuable basis for decision making.  相似文献   

Elevated central arterial (aortic) blood pressure is related to increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Methods of non-invasively estimating this pressure would therefore be helpful in clinical practice. To achieve this goal, a physics-based model is derived to correlate the arterial pressure under a suprasystolic upper-arm cuff to the aortic pressure. The model assumptions are particularly applicable to the measurement method and result in a time–domain relation with two parameters, namely, the wave propagation transit time and the reflection coefficient at the cuff. Central pressures estimated by the model were derived from completely automatic, non-invasive measurement of brachial blood pressure and suprasystolic waveform and were compared to simultaneous invasive catheter measurements in 16 subjects. Systolic blood pressure agreement, mean (standard deviation) of difference was ?1 (7) mm Hg. Diastolic blood pressure agreement was 4 (4) mm Hg. Correlation between estimated and actual central waveforms was greater than 90%. Individualization of model parameters did not significantly improve systolic and diastolic pressure agreement, but increased waveform correlation. Further research is necessary to confirm that more accurate brachial pressure measurement improves central pressure estimation.  相似文献   

The present study investigated whether baroreflex control of autonomic function is impaired when there is a deficiency in NO production and the role of adrenergic and cholinergic mechanisms in mediating reflex responses. Electrical stimulation of the aortic depressor nerve in conscious normotensive and nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME)-induced hypertensive rats was applied before and after administration of methylatropine, atenolol, and prazosin alone or in combination. The hypotensive response to progressive electrical stimulation (5 to 90 Hz) was greater in hypertensive (-27 ± 2 to -64 ± 3 mmHg) than in normotensive rats (-17 ± 1 to -46 ± 2 mmHg), whereas the bradycardic response was similar in both groups (-34 ± 5 to -92 ± 9 and -21 ± 2 to -79 ± 7 beats/min, respectively). Methylatropine and atenolol showed no effect in the hypotensive response in either group. Methylatropine blunted the bradycardic response in both groups, whereas atenolol attenuated only in hypertensive rats. Prazosin blunted the hypotensive response in both normotensive (43%) and hypertensive rats (53%) but did not affect the bradycardic response in either group. Prazosin plus angiotensin II, used to restore basal arterial pressure, provided hemodynamic responses similar to those of prazosin alone. The triple pharmacological blockade abolished the bradycardic response in both groups but displayed similar residual hypotensive response in hypertensive (-13 ± 2 to -27 ± 2 mmHg) and normotensive rats (-10 ± 1 to -25 ± 3 mmHg). In conclusion, electrical stimulation produced a well-preserved baroreflex-mediated decrease in arterial pressure and heart rate in conscious l-NAME-induced hypertensive rats. Moreover, withdrawal of the sympathetic drive played a role in the reflex bradycardia only in hypertensive rats. The residual fall in pressure after the triple pharmacological blockade suggests the involvement of a vasodilatory mechanism unrelated to NO or deactivation of α(1)-adrenergic receptor.  相似文献   

Rat models of genetic hypertension include spontaneous hypertension and resistance or sensitivity to mineralocorticoid and salt induced hypertension. Previously, altered aldosterone binding to corticoid receptor I was found in aortic smooth muscle cells cultured from Fischer 344 rats which are extremely resistant to steroid and salt induced hypertension. The corticoid receptor I of Fisher 344 rats had a lower affinity than that of salt sensitive Wistar-Kyoto controls, as well as spontaneously hypertensive rats and Sprague-Dawley rats. In the present study, we have used DEAE-cellulose ion exchange chromatography to compare the structure (charge properties) and steroid specificity of vascular corticoid receptor I and II sites in these same rat hypertension models. No variations in ion exchange properties of type I and II receptors were found. Together with the lower aldosterone affinity of corticoid receptor I sites in Fischer 344 rats these data suggest an altered binding domain which is not seen as a difference in charge density of the receptor protein by ion exchange chromatography.  相似文献   

We have evaluated two mathematical models to describe the increase in coronary sinus pressure (CSP) following pressure controlled intermittent coronary sinus occlusion (PICSO). The models are evaluated and compared on the basis of human and canine data. Both models were fitted by non-linear least squares algorithms. Next, derived quantities, such as plateau, rise-time and mean integral of the coronary sinus pressure were calculated from the model parameters. Corresponding quantities for the two models were compared with regard to mean values, rate of successful calculation and specific features characterizing the human or canine case. One model was found to be superior for investigational purposes. The other model was found to be more stable in critical situations and is therefore suggested for usage in closed loop regulation of PICSO. Physiologically, the differences in mean values of the derived quantities between the two models were found to be negligible. The formal statistical significance of the differences is but a consequence of the large number of PICSO cycles analysed.  相似文献   

Abdominal arterial pressure during parabolic flight was measured using a telemetry system to clarify the acute effect of microgravity on hemodynamics in conscious rats. The microgravity condition was elicited by three different levels of entry gravity, i.e. 2 G, 1.5 G and 1 G. On exposure to 2 G, mean aortic pressure (MBP) increased up to 118.7 mm Hg +/- 7.3 compared with the value at 1 G (107.0 +/- 6.3 mm Hg, n=6). The value at microgravity preceded by 2 G was 118.0 mmHg +/- 5.2 mm HG and it was still higher than at 1 G. When 1.5 G was elicited before microgravity exposure, MBP also increased (1.5 G: 114.9 +/- 5.3 vs 1 G: 105.8+/-5.0 mm Hg) and the value at microgravity was 117.3 + /- 5.3 mmHg. During pre-microgravity maneuver with 1 G, no changes were observed compared with the control level at 1 G (pre-microgravity: 105.0 +/- 5.0 vs 1G: 104.8 +/- 5.1 mm Hg ), whereas the MBP increased up to 117.0 +/- 6.5 mm Hg on exposure to microgravity. From these results, we found that in conscious rat MBP increase during acute microgravity exposure with either 1 G or hyper-G entry.  相似文献   

Left ventricular stroke volume (LVSV) falls during obstructed inspiration in animals and normal human subjects through mechanisms that may be closely related to pleural pressure. In this study we postulated that a similar reduction in LVSV should occur in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Daytime polysomnograms were performed in 10 patients with OSA. A noninvasive electrical impedance method was used to determine LVSV. Pleural pressure was measured by esophageal balloon. In comparison with awake values, during OSA we found reductions in LVSV, cardiac output, and heart rate of 18, 27, and 11%, respectively (P less than 0.01). We observed that systolic pleural pressure did not have a significant effect on LVSV (P greater than 0.05). However, at pleural pressures lower than 10 cmH2O below resting expiratory level, there was a linear relationship between falls in LVSV and falls in middiastolic pleural pressure (P less than 0.0001). We concluded that reduced LVSV shown in patients with OSA was significantly related to diastolic pleural pressure level. Our findings suggested reduced preload as the most likely mechanism for decreased cardiac output in OSA.  相似文献   

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