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In view of the increasing and devastating damage by rhinoceros beetle (Oryctes rhinoceros) to coconut palms in the middle of last century, many efforts were made to find an efficient natural control factor against this pest, which could not be controlled by pesticides. The basic procedures of these monitoring programmes are outlined together with the final detection of a virus disease in oil palm estates in Malaysia in 1963. In extensive laboratory studies, the virus was isolated and identified as the first non-occluded, rod-shaped insect virus, morphologically resembling the baculoviruses. Infection experiments clarified the pathology, histopathology, and virulence of the virus and demonstrated that the virus was extremely virulent to larvae after peroral application. These findings encouraged the first pilot release of virus in 1967 in coconut plantations of Western Samoa where breeding sites were contaminated with virus. Surprisingly, the virus became established in the Samoan rhinoceros beetle populations and spread autonomously throughout the Western Samoan islands. As a consequence, there was a drastic decline of the beetle populations followed by a conspicuous recovery of the badly damaged coconut stands. This unexpected phenomenon could only be explained after it was shown that the adult beetle itself is a very active virus vector and thus was responsible for the efficient autodissemination of the virus. The functioning of the beetle as a 'flying virus factory' is due to the unique cytopathic process developing in the midgut after peroral virus infection. Pathological details of this process are presented. Because of the long-term persistence of the virus in the populations, rhinoceros beetle control is maintained. Incorporation of virus into integrated control measures and successful virus releases in many other countries are recorded.  相似文献   

The transmission of the baculovirus of Oryctes rhinoceros, previously called Rhabdionvirus oryctes, was studied. O. rhinoceros adults became infected with the virus when kept in a mixture of sawdust and ground-up virus-killed larvae or together with other virus-infected adults. In the field, mated females were more frequently infected than unmated females. Adults developing from larvae that had survived exposure to various dosages of the virus were not infected. No virus infections occurred in larvae hatching from eggs surface-contaminated with the virus. Larvae hatching from eggs laid by virus-infected females very rarely were infected.In the O. rhinoceros population the virus is transmitted most frequently during mating, possibly when the uninfected partner contacts virus material excreted by the infected partner. The virus can be transmitted in a similar way when infected and healthy beetles feed together in palm trees. Beetles visiting larval breeding sites containing freshly virus-killed larvae can become infected. Virus-infected beetles can pass the infection to healthy larvae when visiting a breeding site.  相似文献   

The Rhinoceros Beetle Project in Western Samoa has developed and successfully applied biological methods to control the rhinoceros beetle, a serious pest of coconut palms, by using two specific pathogens, a baculovirus (Family Baculoviridae), and an entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae. The application of virus particularly has markedly suppressed the beetle population and helped revive the copra industry. The virus disease had established itself in the wild beetle population several years after its introduction at a level between 30 and 50%. At the same time an increase in beetle numbers and damage to palm trees was experienced. Therefore, a continuous release of virus into beetle-infested areas was proposed. It was argued that, considering the relatively high level of “natural” virus incidence, further releases of virus into the population would be futile. In a combined research and control program, virus was again re-released into the wild beetle population which was already virus infected. The results show that through re-release the virus level can be raised and the number of beetles and consequently the damage can be reduced. The techniques of the control methods are described. The virus release is very easy and cheap; it requires no chemicals, no special equipment, and it is particularly recommended in situations where breeding places are inaccessible or other methods such as plantation sanitation are either impossible or economically impractical. Above all, the methods are absolutely safe from the standpoint of environmental protection.  相似文献   

Abstract: On the southeastern Ivory Coast, two coconut plantations were compared with regard to the frequency of the epiphytic fern Platycerium stemaria on coconut trees as influenced by plant collecting for commercial purposes. At each of the two sites, 250 coconut trees were investigated for the presence of P. stemaria and signs of collecting activity. General species richness of vascular epiphytes at the study sites was low, with only three other epiphytic ferns ( Asplenium sp., Microgramma owariensis, Phymatodes scolopendria ) being present. At study site no. 1, which was located directly behind several flower stalls offering P. stemaria for sale, the number of coconuts bearing living P. stemaria was significantly lower than at site no. 2 with no flower stalls in the immediate surroundings. At site no. 1, the frequency of P. stemaria was lowest in the neighbourhood of the flower stalls and increased with distance. Within a distance of less than 50 m from the flower stalls, ca. 70 % of the coconuts showed signs of P. stemaria collecting activity. Compared with site no. 1, the number of palm trees with living P. stemaria at site no. 2 was considerably higher ( ca. 20 %) and only three coconut trees showed signs of Platycerium collection. Over much of the Ivorian rain forest region where the forest has been cut or converted into agricultural land, plantation trees are important phorophytes (in particular cocoa trees). In many West African regions plantation trees form the last remaining sites for vascular epiphytes, which often occur with considerable abundance. In the Ivory Coast, the collecting of P. stemaria in coconut plantations causes locally a drastic decline in the population size. However, much more threatening to the long-term maintenance of epiphyte communities in plantations is their conversion into non-tree plantations (e.g., pineapples, bananas) or their replacement by urban structures and tourist facilities.  相似文献   

Microbiology of the root region of coconut and cacao under mixed cropping   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Mixed cropping of cacao in coconut plantations improved the microbial activity in the rhizosphere of coconut which may be attributed to an increase in organic matter content of soil due to periodic shedding of cacao leaves. When compared to coconut cultivation without cacao, mixed cropping of coconut with cacao appeared to stimulate the population of bacteria and fungi in the rhizosphere of coconut, including the nitrogen fixing and phosphate solubilising bacteria. The occurrence of indole acetic acid producing Escherichia sp. on the root surface of coconut and the appearance of gibberellin(like-substance) producing Aspergillus flavus and A. fumigatus in the rhizosphere were other salient observations made in a pioneering study on the microbiology of the root region of plantation crops under mixed cropping. re]19750702  相似文献   

Intraspecific phylogenies can provide useful insights into how populations have been shaped by historical and contemporary processes. Taiwan formed around 5 million years ago from tectonic uplift, and has been connected to mainland Asia several times since its emergence. A central mountain range runs north to south, bisecting the island, and potentially impedes gene flow along an east-west axis. The Formosan lesser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus monoceros) is endemic to Taiwan, where it is found mainly at low altitude. To determine the population structure and the demographic and colonization history of this species, we examined variation in the mitochondrial DNA control region in 203 bats sampled at 26 sites. We found very high haplotype and nucleotide diversity, which decreased from the centre to the south and north. Population differentiation followed a pattern of isolation by distance, though most regional genetic variance was attributable to differences between the relatively isolated southern population and those from other regions. A haplotype network was consistent with these findings and also suggested a southward colonization, followed by subsequent secondary contact between the south and other regions. Mismatch distributions were used to infer a past population expansion predating the last glacial maximum, and a neighbour-joining tree showed that R. monoceros formed a monophyletic grouping with respect to its sister taxa. Taken together, our results suggest that this taxon arose from a single period of colonization, and that demographic growth followed in the late Pleistocene. Current genetic structure reflects limited gene flow, probably coupled with stepwise colonization in the past. We consider explanations for the persistence of the species through multiple glacial maxima.  相似文献   

Oryctes monoceros is a serious coconut pest, causing up to 40% damage in tropical Africa. Synthetic aggregation pheromone, ethyl 4-methyloctanoate, has been used to lure adults to traps. Traps with pheromone plus decaying palm material captured a high proportion of males. This raises the question whether individuals, which damage palms are receptive to the pheromone. We studied the sex ratio of the insects feeding on coconuts and those attracted to pheromone traps. Sixty two percent of adults from feeding galleries on living coconut palms were females. Pheromone with rotting palm material lured 43% females. To investigate the reasons for this difference, we compared the reproductive system of females lured to the odour traps or feeding in coconut galleries, or present in old rotting stems. Ninety six percent of the females trapped by pheromone had mated, and were sexually mature. In the galleries on living palms, 46% of females were immature, and 24% had not mated. In old rotting stems where eggs are laid and larvae develop, a mixture of 52% mated and 48% virgin females was found. Therefore, the pheromone together with the odour of rotting coconut stems signals a reproduction site to beetles, particularly mature females. In practice, the pheromone-baited traps will help in reducing the dissemination of gravid females, but will not affect directly the numbers of immature ones attacking palms. Our results show that when using pheromones for monitoring or controlling insects, the physiological status of the insects may have unexpected effects on the outcome.  相似文献   

Effect of coconut oil and defaunation treatment on methanogenesis in sheep   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The present study was conducted to evaluate in vivo the role of rumen ciliate protozoa with respect to the methane-suppressing effect of coconut oil. Three sheep were subjected to a 2 x 2 factorial design comprising two types of dietary lipids (50 g x kg(-1) coconut oil vs. 50 g x kg(-1) rumen-protected fat) and defaunation treatment (with vs. without). Due to the defaunation treatment, which reduced the rumen ciliate protozoa population by 94% on average, total tract fibre degradation was reduced but not the methane production. Feeding coconut oil significantly reduced daily methane release without negatively affecting the total tract nutrient digestion. Compared with the rumen-protected fat diet, coconut oil did not alter the energy retention of the animals. There was no interaction between coconut oil feeding and defaunation treatment in methane production. An interaction occurred in the concentration of methanogens in the rumen fluid, with the significantly highest values occurring when the animals received the coconut oil diet and were subjected to the defaunation treatment. Possible explanations for the apparent inconsistency between the amount of methane produced and the concentration of methane-producing microbes are discussed. Generally, the present data illustrate that a depression of the concentration of ciliate protozoa or methanogens in rumen fluid cannot be used as a reliable indicator for the success of a strategy to mitigate methane emission in vivo. The methane-suppressing effect of coconut oil seems to be mediated through a changed metabolic activity and/or composition of the rumen methanogenic population.  相似文献   

The coconut mite, Aceria guerreronis Keifer, is one of the main pests of coconut palms (Cocos nucifera) in northeastern Brazil. The objective of this study was to evaluate the levels of the coconut mite and other mites on coconut palms in the state of S?o Paulo and to estimate the possible role of predatory mites in the control of this pest. The effect of cultivated genotypes and sampling dates on the mite populations was also estimated. We sampled attached fruits, leaflets, inflorescences, and fallen fruits. The coconut mite was the main phytophagous mite found on attached and fallen fruits, with average densities of 110.0 and 20.5 mites per fruit, respectively. The prevalent predatory mites on attached and fallen fruits were Proctolaelaps bulbosus Moraes, Reis & Gondim Jr. and Proctolaelaps bickleyi (Bram), both Melicharidae. On leaflets, the tenuipalpids Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijsks) and Tenuipalpus coyacus De Leon and the tetranychid Oligonychus modestus (Banks) were the predominant phytophagous mites. On both leaflets and inflorescences, the predominant predatory mites belonged to the Phytoseiidae. Neoseiulus baraki (Athias-Henriot) and Neoseiulus paspalivorus (De Leon), predators widely associated with the coconut mite in northeastern Brazil and several other countries, were not found. The low densities of the coconut mite in S?o Paulo could be related to prevailing climatic conditions, scarcity of coconut plantations (hampering the dispersion of the coconut mite between fields), and to the fact that some of the genotypes cultivated in the region are unfavorable for its development.  相似文献   

The efficiency of local augmentation releases of the egg parasitoid Anaphes nitens to control the Eucalyptus snout‐beetle Gonipterus platensis was tested in Eucalyptus globulus plantations in Galicia (NW Spain). On May–June 2006, at two localities of Pontevedra province, the release of host egg capsules parasitized by A. nitens at a potential rate of 300 adults/ha was compared with a release density of 900 adults/ha, and a control group of eucalypts not subjected to augmentation. Parasitism rate after 1–2 weeks did not significantly increase over the control plots at both localities. The high release rate did not ensure a higher crop protection and therefore could be not economically justified. On March–April 2017, at four localities of Pontevedra province, the test was replicated by releasing 300 parasitoids/ha. Parasitism level did significantly increase over the control just in one locality. Augmentation of A. nitens at small scale generally failed to achieve a higher protection from the pest, possibly due to the large extension of the E. globulus plantations, the magnitude of the G. platensis population and the fluctuations of the established parasitoid population, whose density is in turn affected by host egg availability and density‐dependent dispersal.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effect of fat-rich diets on neutrophil functions, 21 day-aged rats were fed for 6 weeks with a control diet consisting of a regular laboratory rodent chow (4 per cent final fat content), a control diet supplied with soybean oil (15 per cent final fat content), or a control diet supplied with coconut oil (15 per cent final fat content). Glycogen-elicited peritoneal neutrophils from rats fed soybean and coconut oil-enriched diets presented a reduction in spontaneous and PMA-stimulated H2O2 generation relative to neutrophils from rats fed the control diet. The activity of superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and catalase did not change in animals fed fat-rich diets. In addition, the capacity to generate O2-, spontaneously or in response to PMA, did not change in neutrophils from animals fed fat-rich diets. Values attained matched those observed in animals fed the control diet, regardless of the method used to measure O2-, the superoxide dismutase-inhibitable reduction of cytochrome c or the lucigenin-dependent chemiluminescence. However, the initial rate of O2- generation both in resting neutrophils and in PMA-stimulated cells was significantly reduced when animals were fed with coconut or soybean oil-enriched diets due, at least in part, to a reduction in the activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. The concentration of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, an index of lipid peroxidation, was increased in animals fed both fat-rich diets. This was accompanied by an increase in arachidonic acid content in these cells. Results presented suggest that lipid peroxidation in neutrophils from animals fed fat-rich diets may be associated with a consumption of H2O2 yielding more reactive oxygen-derived species such as the hydroxyl radical.  相似文献   

橡胶林固定CO2和释放O2的服务功能及其价值估计   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
蒋菊生  王如松 《生态学报》2002,22(9):1545-1551
橡胶树除生产橡胶和提供优质木材外,还有长期不为人们注意的生态服务功能。以中国的橡胶林为研究对象,采用标准标木生物量法,对橡胶林固定CO2和释放O2的生态服务功能及其价值估计进行了研究。结果表明中国橡胶林目前每年从大气中固定的CO2总量为411万t,所释放的O2为299万t。经分别采用C税法和工业制氧成本法估计了CO2和O2的价值达到1238亿元和12亿元。二者价值之和相当于中国橡胶林每年生产橡胶和提供木材等直接产品价值的28.7倍。橡胶林CO2的固定能力是热带山地雨林的4.7倍。50a来中国橡胶林已累计固定CO2达到11292万t,释放O2达8212万t,对短期内缓解大气的温室效应发挥了巨大的作用。  相似文献   

The incidence and distribution of the baculovirus of the coconut palm rhinoceros beetle was determined in Tongatapu, Tonga, 7 years after being first introduced. Surveys showed the virus to be spread throughout the beetle population, affecting 14.6% of breeding sites and over 84% of all adult beetles taken. Counts of damaged palms and of breeding site occupancy indicated that beetle numbers had remained at low levels. It appears that the virus has the potential for long-term control of beetle populations in these habitats.  相似文献   

For more than three decades the coconut mite Aceria guerreronis Keifer is one of the most important pests of coconut palms and has recently spread to many coconut production areas worldwide. Colonization of coconut palms is thought to arise from mites dispersing aerially after take-off from other plants within the same plantation or other plantations. The underlying dispersal behaviour of the mite at take-off, in the airborne state and after landing is largely unknown and this is essential to understand how they spread from tree to tree. In this article we studied whether take-off to aerial dispersal of coconut mites is preceded by characteristic behaviour, whether there is a correlation between the body position preceding aerial dispersal and the direction of the wind, and whether the substrate (outer surface of coconut bracts or epidermis) and the wind speed matter to the decision to take-off. We found that take-off can sometimes be preceded by a raised body stance, but more frequently take-off occurs while the mite is walking or resting on its substrate. Coconut mites that become airborne assumed a body stance that had no relation to the wind direction. Take-off was suppressed on a substrate providing food to coconut mites, but occurred significantly more frequently on the outer surface of coconut bracts than on the surface of the fruit. For both substrates, take-off frequency increased with wind speed. We conclude that coconut mites have at least some degree of control over take-off for aerial dispersal and that there is as yet no reason to infer that a raised body stance is necessary to become airborne.  相似文献   

Abstract We used radiotelemetry and/or chemical light-tags to track the flight of 15 individuals of Scapanes australis in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea. This species causes severe economic impacts on coconut palms in young plantations. Flights to feeding, mating, resting, and possibly oviposition sites covered distances of 52 to 835 m in males, and from 245 m to>1000 m in females. Upon release, females flew in a tight upward spiral above canopy level (>20 m), then usually flew along a single bearing out of radio reception within 1 min of initiating flight. Dispersing females probably follow scent trails to pheromone-releasing males that occupy feeding galleries excavated most frequently in coconut palms, or search for oviposition sites. Most tagged females were not found again, because they dispersed beyond the tracking capabilities of our radio-receivers, but one female was followed for 245 m to a feeding gallery excavated by an adult male. Males typically flew within 5 m of the ground, took erratic flight paths with numerous turns, and frequently circled coconuts and other host plants. We followed males from the release point until they ceased flight for a night. Males passed daylight hours either in a feeding gallery within a host plant or under soil litter.  相似文献   


Background and aims

In the Jomoro district in Ghana, tree plantations were the first cause of deforestation in the past, drastically reducing the area occupied by primary forests. The aim of this study was to quantify soil organic carbon (SOC) losses due to a change in land use from primary forest to tree plantations (cocoa, coconut, rubber, oil palm) on the different substrates of the district. Secondary forests and mixed plantations were also included in the study.


Soils were sampled at different depths up to 100 cm along a series of chronosequences in each of the three substrates (Granite, Lower Birrimian and Tertiary Sands) present in the area.


The highest SOC losses in the 0–30 cm layer were caused by the conversion of primary forests to tree plantations: cocoa ?61 % of the original SOC stock, coconut ?55 %, rubber ?35 % and oil palm 28 %, while mixed plantations and secondary forests showed a loss of 23 % and 21 % of the original SOC stock, respectively. C losses were less apparent from the entire profile (to a depth of 100 cm).


All conversions to tree plantations caused substantial SOC losses, comparable to the conversion of forests to agricultural systems. Secondary forests and mixed plantations were the only sustainable land uses that restricted SOC losses considerably.  相似文献   

Avocado plantations in Israel neighbouring cotton fields were heavily infested with and damaged by the long-tailed mealybugPseudococcus longispinus Targioni Tozzetti. Drift of pesticides from the aerial sprays of those cotton fields upset the biological equilibrium and resulted in outbreaks of the mealybug population. The honeydew moth,Cryptoblabes gnidiella Mill. is attracted to the honeydew and its larvae gnaw the fruit. Avocado plantations in the vicinity of deciduous fruit trees, vines and citrus orchards treated with non-selective pesticides were also damaged, but to a lesser degree. The annual peak of the long-tailed mealybug population occurs in late spring and early summer, declines from autumn to winter, and is at an ebb usually in April. The parasitic waspHungariella peregrina Compere, the most important natural enemy in Israel of the long-tailed mealybug, was released in the striken areas.Anagyrus fusciventris Girault was introduced from Australia and well established in citrus and avocado plantations. The lady beetleCryptolaemus montrouzieri Muls. did not become established in avocado plantations. Lacewings were less important than parasites as biocontrol agents. Control of ants did not affect markedly the fluctuations in the mealybug populations. As a result of limitations of aerial sprays of cotton near avocado, as well as of release of natural enemies in afflicted plantations, the long-tailed mealybug population and its damage were reduced greatly.  相似文献   

Although coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) is the predominant host for Raoiella indica Hirst (Acari: Tenuipalpidae), false spider mite infestations do occur on bananas and plantains (Musa spp. Colla). Since its introduction, the banana and plantain industries have been negatively impacted to different degrees by R. indica infestation throughout the Caribbean. Genetic resistance in the host and the proximity of natural sources of mite infestation has been suggested as two of the main factors affecting R. indica densities in Musa spp. plantations. Greenhouse experiments were established to try to determine what effect coconut palm proximities and planting densities had on R. indica populations infesting Musa spp. plants. Trials were carried out using potted Musa spp. and coconut palms plants at two different ratios. In addition, fourteen Musa spp. hybrid accessions were evaluated for their susceptibility/resistance to colonization by R. indica populations. Differences were observed for mite population buildup for both the density and germplasm accession evaluations. These results have potential implications on how this important pest can be managed on essential agricultural commodities such as bananas and plantains.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We studied 31 Phytomonas stocks isolated from various hosts and a broad geographical range by isoenzyme electrophoresis (14 loci) and population genetics analysis. The total variability is considerable since many stocks share no allele. Population genetic analysis strongly suggests that Phytomonas zymodemes behave as natural clones, as already proposed by us for several other protozoan species. These clones should be considered as actual taxa in all applied studies. Latex plants and phloemic plants (coconut and palm trees) harbor distinct sets of clones; hence, latex plants studied in this article are probably not a reservoir for parasites of the coconut and palm tree.  相似文献   

1 The pine beauty moth, Panolis flammea, has been a serious pest of lodgepole pine plantations in Scotland since 1976. It historically feeds on native Scots pine throughout Europe but population levels of P. flammea on this host have never been high enough to cause tree mortality in the U.K. 2 This paper reviews recent advances in the biology of the pest and documents control programmes from 1976 to 1999. 3 There has been practically uninterrupted population monitoring of P. flammea from 1977 to the present day in Scottish lodgepole pine plantations. Intervention with chemical spraying has often been necessary. 4 The population data suggest that populations of P. flammea may have had a cyclic pattern over the monitoring period, with outbreaks occurring at regular intervals of between 6 and 7 years. 5 The amplitude of population cycles was large during the 1970s and 1980s, but has dampened in recent years. Natural enemies are believed to contribute to this trend. Fungal disease, specifically, appears to have had a greater effect on pest populations in recent years than in the past and is suggested to have contributed significantly to the population dynamics observed since 1990.  相似文献   

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