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Legally certified sturgeon fisheries require population protection and conservation methods, including DNA tests to identify the source of valuable sturgeon roe. However, the available genetic data are insufficient to distinguish between different sturgeon populations, and are even unable to distinguish between some species. We performed high‐throughput single‐nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)‐genotyping analysis on different populations of Russian (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii), Persian (A. persicus), and Siberian (A. baerii) sturgeon species from the Caspian Sea region (Volga and Ural Rivers), the Azov Sea, and two Siberian rivers. We found that Russian sturgeons from the Volga and Ural Rivers were essentially indistinguishable, but they differed from Russian sturgeons in the Azov Sea, and from Persian and Siberian sturgeons. We identified eight SNPs that were sufficient to distinguish these sturgeon populations with 80% confidence, and allowed the development of markers to distinguish sturgeon species. Finally, on the basis of our SNP data, we propose that the A. baerii‐like mitochondrial DNA found in some Russian sturgeons from the Caspian Sea arose via an introgression event during the Pleistocene glaciation.  相似文献   

Restriction‐site‐associated DNA sequencing (RAD‐seq) and related methods are revolutionizing the field of population genomics in nonmodel organisms as they allow generating an unprecedented number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) even when no genomic information is available. Yet, RAD‐seq data analyses rely on assumptions on nature and number of nucleotide variants present in a single locus, the choice of which may lead to an under‐ or overestimated number of SNPs and/or to incorrectly called genotypes. Using the Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus L.) and a close relative, the Atlantic chub mackerel (Scomber colias), as case study, here we explore the sensitivity of population structure inferences to two crucial aspects in RAD‐seq data analysis: the maximum number of mismatches allowed to merge reads into a locus and the relatedness of the individuals used for genotype calling and SNP selection. Our study resolves the population structure of the Atlantic mackerel, but, most importantly, provides insights into the effects of alternative RAD‐seq data analysis strategies on population structure inferences that are directly applicable to other species.  相似文献   

Cognitive abilities vary among people. About 40–50% of this variability is due to general intelligence (g), which reflects the positive correlation among individuals' scores on diverse cognitive ability tests. g is positively correlated with many life outcomes, such as education, occupational status and health, motivating the investigation of its underlying biology. In psychometric research, a distinction is made between general fluid intelligence (gF) – the ability to reason in novel situations – and general crystallized intelligence (gC) – the ability to apply acquired knowledge. This distinction is supported by developmental and cognitive neuroscience studies. Classical epidemiological studies and recent genome‐wide association studies (GWASs) have established that these cognitive traits have a large genetic component. However, no robust genetic associations have been published thus far due largely to the known polygenic nature of these traits and insufficient sample sizes. Here, using two GWAS datasets, in which the polygenicity of gF and gC traits was previously confirmed, a gene‐ and pathway‐based approach was undertaken with the aim of characterizing and differentiating their genetic architecture. Pathway analysis, using genes selected on the basis of relaxed criteria, revealed notable differences between these two traits. gF appeared to be characterized by genes affecting the quantity and quality of neurons and therefore neuronal efficiency, whereas long‐term depression (LTD) seemed to underlie gC. Thus, this study supports the gF–gC distinction at the genetic level and identifies functional annotations and pathways worthy of further investigation.  相似文献   

Human longevity is characterized by a remarkable lack of confirmed genetic associations. Here, we report on the identification of a novel locus for longevity in the RAD50/IL13 region on chromosome 5q31.1 using a combined European sample of 3208 long‐lived individuals (LLI) and 8919 younger controls. First, we performed a large‐scale association study on 1458 German LLI (mean age 99.0 years) and 6368 controls (mean age 57.2 years) by targeting known immune‐associated loci covered by the Immunochip. The analysis of 142 136 autosomal single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) revealed an Immunochip‐wide significant signal (PImmunochip = 7.01 × 10–9) for the SNP rs2075650 in the TOMM40/APOE region, which has been previously described in the context of human longevity. To identify novel susceptibility loci, we selected 15 markers with PImmunochip < 5 × 10–4 for replication in two samples from France (1257 LLI, mean age 102.4 years; 1811 controls, mean age 49.1 years) and Denmark (493 LLI, mean age 96.2 years; 740 controls, mean age 63.1 years). The association at SNP rs2706372 replicated in the French study collection and showed a similar trend in the Danish participants and was also significant in a meta‐analysis of the combined French and Danish data after adjusting for multiple testing. In a meta‐analysis of all three samples, rs2706372 reached a P‐value of PImmunochip+Repl = 5.42 × 10?7 (OR = 1.20; 95% CI = 1.12–1.28). SNP rs2706372 is located in the extended RAD50/IL13 region. RAD50 seems a plausible longevity candidate due to its involvement in DNA repair and inflammation. Further studies are needed to identify the functional variant(s) that predispose(s) to a long and healthy life.  相似文献   

Condition‐dependent genetic interactions can reveal functional relationships between genes that are not evident under standard culture conditions. State‐of‐the‐art yeast genetic interaction mapping, which relies on robotic manipulation of arrays of double‐mutant strains, does not scale readily to multi‐condition studies. Here, we describe barcode fusion genetics to map genetic interactions (BFG‐GI), by which double‐mutant strains generated via en masse “party” mating can also be monitored en masse for growth to detect genetic interactions. By using site‐specific recombination to fuse two DNA barcodes, each representing a specific gene deletion, BFG‐GI enables multiplexed quantitative tracking of double mutants via next‐generation sequencing. We applied BFG‐GI to a matrix of DNA repair genes under nine different conditions, including methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), 4‐nitroquinoline 1‐oxide (4NQO), bleomycin, zeocin, and three other DNA‐damaging environments. BFG‐GI recapitulated known genetic interactions and yielded new condition‐dependent genetic interactions. We validated and further explored a subnetwork of condition‐dependent genetic interactions involving MAG1, SLX4, and genes encoding the Shu complex, and inferred that loss of the Shu complex leads to an increase in the activation of the checkpoint protein kinase Rad53.  相似文献   

With the advent of next generation sequencing, new avenues have opened to study genomics in wild populations of non‐model species. Here, we describe a successful approach to a genome‐wide medium density Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) panel in a non‐model species, the house sparrow (Passer domesticus), through the development of a 10 K Illumina iSelect HD BeadChip. Genomic DNA and cDNA derived from six individuals were sequenced on a 454 GS FLX system and generated a total of 1.2 million sequences, in which SNPs were detected. As no reference genome exists for the house sparrow, we used the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) reference genome to determine the most likely position of each SNP. The 10 000 SNPs on the SNP‐chip were selected to be distributed evenly across 31 chromosomes, giving on average one SNP per 100 000 bp. The SNP‐chip was screened across 1968 individual house sparrows from four island populations. Of the original 10 000 SNPs, 7413 were found to be variable, and 99% of these SNPs were successfully called in at least 93% of all individuals. We used the SNP‐chip to demonstrate the ability of such genome‐wide marker data to detect population sub‐division, and compared these results to similar analyses using microsatellites. The SNP‐chip will be used to map Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) for fitness‐related phenotypic traits in natural populations.  相似文献   

Mitogen‐activated protein kinase cascades are conserved in all eukaryotes. In Arabidopsis thaliana there are approximately 80 genes encoding MAP kinase kinase kinases (MAP3K), 10 genes encoding MAP kinase kinases (MAP2K), and 20 genes encoding MAP kinases (MAPK). Reverse genetic analysis has failed to reveal abnormal phenotypes for a majority of these genes. One strategy for uncovering gene function when single‐mutant lines do not produce an informative phenotype is to perform a systematic genetic interaction screen whereby double‐mutants are created from a large library of single‐mutant lines. Here we describe a new collection of 275 double‐mutant lines derived from a library of single‐mutants targeting genes related to MAP kinase signaling. To facilitate this study, we developed a high‐throughput double‐mutant generating pipeline using a system for growing Arabidopsis seedlings in 96‐well plates. A quantitative root growth assay was used to screen for evidence of genetic interactions in this double‐mutant collection. Our screen revealed four genetic interactions, all of which caused synthetic enhancement of the root growth defects observed in a MAP kinase 4 (MPK4) single‐mutant line. Seeds for this double‐mutant collection are publicly available through the Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center. Scientists interested in diverse biological processes can now screen this double‐mutant collection under a wide range of growth conditions in order to search for additional genetic interactions that may provide new insights into MAP kinase signaling.  相似文献   

Mosquitoes belonging to the Culex pipiens complex are primary vectors for diseases such as West Nile encephalitis, Eastern equine encephalitis, many arboviruses, as well as lymphatic filariases. Despite sharing physiological characteristics, each mosquito species within the Culex complex has unique behavioural and reproductive traits that necessitate a proper method of identification. Unfortunately, morphometric methods of distinguishing members of this complex have failed to yield consistent results, giving rise to the need for molecular methods of identification. In this study, we propose a novel identification method using high‐resolution melting (HRM) analysis by examining single‐nucleotide polymorphisms in the acetylcholinesterase‐2 (ace‐2) locus. Our method provides a high confidence for species determination among the three Culex complex mosquitoes.  相似文献   

Recent evidence indicates that oxidative stress and genetic factors play an important role in the pathogenesis of vitiligo. SNPs in miRNAs involved in oxidative stress could potentially influence the development of vitiligo. In this case–control study, we investigated the association of a functional SNP of rs11614913 in miR‐196a‐2 with risk of vitiligo. A significantly lower risk of vitiligo was associated with the rs11614913 miR‐196a‐2 CC genotype (adjusted OR, 0.77; CI, 0.60–0.98). In addition, TYRP1 gene expression was considerably down‐regulated by the rs11614913 C allele in miR‐196a‐2, which lowered the levels of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reduced the proportion of early apoptosis in human melanocytes in response to H2O2 treatment. Our data suggest that the rs11614913 C allele in miR‐196a‐2 confers potential protection against oxidative effects on human melanocytes through the modulation of the target gene, TYRP1, which may account for the decreased risk of vitiligo in this study population.  相似文献   

The Green‐legged Partridgelike (GP) fowl, an old native Polish breed, is characterised by reseda green‐coloured shanks rather than yellow, white, slate or black commonly observed across most domestic breeds of chicken. Here, we investigate the origin, genetic relationships and structure of the GP fowl using mtDNA D‐loop sequencing and genome‐wide SNP analysis. Genome‐wide association analysis between breeds enables us to verify the genetic control of the reseda green shank phenotype, a defining trait for the breed. Two mtDNA D‐loop haplogroups and three autosomal genetic backgrounds are revealed. Significant associations of SNPs on chromosomes GGA24 and GGAZ indicate that the reseda green leg phenotype is associated with recessive alleles linked to the W and Id loci. Our results provide new insights into the genetic history of European chicken, indicating an admixd origin of East European traditional breeds of chicken on the continent, as supported by the presence of the reseda green phenotype and the knowledge that the GP fowl as a breed was developed before the advent of commercial stocks.  相似文献   

Surveys of genomic variation have improved our understanding of the relationship between fitness‐related phenotypes and their underlying genetic basis. In some cases, single large‐effect genes have been found to underlie important traits; however, complex traits are expected to be under polygenic control and elucidation of multiple gene interactions may be required to fully understand the genetic basis of the trait. In this study, we investigated the genetic basis of the ocean‐ and river‐maturing ecotypes in anadromous Pacific lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus). In Pacific lamprey, the ocean‐maturing ecotype is distinguished by advanced maturity of females (e.g., large egg mass) at the onset of freshwater migration relative to immature females of the river‐maturing ecotype. We examined a total of 219 adult Pacific lamprey that were collected at‐entry to the Klamath River over a 12‐month period. Each individual was genotyped at 308 SNPs representing known neutral and adaptive loci and measured at morphological traits, including egg mass as an indicator of ocean‐ and river‐maturing ecotype for females. The two ecotypes did not exhibit genetic structure at 148 neutral loci, indicating that ecotypic diversity exists within a single population. In contrast, we identified the genetic basis of maturation ecotypes in Pacific lamprey as polygenic, involving two unlinked gene regions that have a complex epistatic relationship. Importantly, these gene regions appear to show stronger effects when considered in gene interaction models than if just considered additive, illustrating the importance of considering epistatic effects and gene networks when researching the genetic basis of complex traits in Pacific lamprey and other species.  相似文献   

Marian Beekman  Hélène Blanché  Markus Perola  Anti Hervonen  Vladyslav Bezrukov  Ewa Sikora  Friederike Flachsbart  Lene Christiansen  Anton J. M. De Craen  Tom B. L. Kirkwood  Irene Maeve Rea  Michel Poulain  Jean‐Marie Robine  Silvana Valensin  Maria Antonietta Stazi  Giuseppe Passarino  Luca Deiana  Efstathios S. Gonos  Lavinia Paternoster  Thorkild I. A. Sørensen  Qihua Tan  Quinta Helmer  Erik B. van den Akker  Joris Deelen  Francesca Martella  Heather J. Cordell  Kristin L. Ayers  James W. Vaupel  Outi Törnwall  Thomas E. Johnson  Stefan Schreiber  Mark Lathrop  Axel Skytthe  Rudi G. J. Westendorp  Kaare Christensen  Jutta Gampe  Almut Nebel  Jeanine J. Houwing‐Duistermaat  Pieternella Eline Slagboom  Claudio Franceschi  the GEHA consortium 《Aging cell》2013,12(2):184-193
Clear evidence exists for heritability of human longevity, and much interest is focused on identifying genes associated with longer lives. To identify such longevity alleles, we performed the largest genome‐wide linkage scan thus far reported. Linkage analyses included 2118 nonagenarian Caucasian sibling pairs that have been enrolled in 15 study centers of 11 European countries as part of the Genetics of Healthy Aging (GEHA) project. In the joint linkage analyses, we observed four regions that show linkage with longevity; chromosome 14q11.2 (LOD = 3.47), chromosome 17q12‐q22 (LOD = 2.95), chromosome 19p13.3‐p13.11 (LOD = 3.76), and chromosome 19q13.11‐q13.32 (LOD = 3.57). To fine map these regions linked to longevity, we performed association analysis using GWAS data in a subgroup of 1228 unrelated nonagenarian and 1907 geographically matched controls. Using a fixed‐effect meta‐analysis approach, rs4420638 at the TOMM40/APOE/APOC1 gene locus showed significant association with longevity (P‐value = 9.6 × 10?8). By combined modeling of linkage and association, we showed that association of longevity with APOEε4 and APOEε2 alleles explain the linkage at 19q13.11‐q13.32 with P‐value = 0.02 and P‐value = 1.0 × 10?5, respectively. In the largest linkage scan thus far performed for human familial longevity, we confirm that the APOE locus is a longevity gene and that additional longevity loci may be identified at 14q11.2, 17q12‐q22, and 19p13.3‐p13.11. As the latter linkage results are not explained by common variants, we suggest that rare variants play an important role in human familial longevity.  相似文献   

Limber pine ( Pinus flexilis ) is a keystone species of high‐elevation forest ecosystems of western North America, but some parts of the geographic range have high infection and mortality from the non‐native white pine blister rust caused by Cronartium ribicola . Genetic maps can provide essential knowledge for understanding genetic disease resistance as well as local adaptation to changing climates. Exome‐seq was performed to construct high‐density genetic maps in two seed families. Composite maps positioned 9612 unigenes across 12 linkage groups ( LG s). Syntenic analysis of genome structure revealed that the majority of orthologs were positional orthologous genes ( POG s) with localization on homologous LG s among conifer species. Gene ontology ( GO) enrichment analysis showed relatively fewer constraints for POG s with putative roles in adaptation to environments and relatively more conservation for POG s with roles in basic cell function and maintenance. The mapped genes included 639 nucleotide‐binding site leucine‐rich repeat genes ( NBS LRR s) , 290 receptor‐like protein kinase genes ( RLK s), and 1014 genes with potential roles in the defense response and induced systemic resistance to attack by pathogens. Orthologous loci for resistance to rust pathogens were identified and were co‐positioned with multiple members of the R gene family, revealing the evolutionary pressure acting upon them. This high‐density genetic map provides a genomic resource and practical tool for breeding and genetic conservation programs, with applications in genome‐wide association studies ( GWASs ), the characterization of functional genes underlying complex traits, and the sequencing and assembly of the full‐length genomes of limber pine and related Pinus species.  相似文献   

Insights into the genetic characteristics of a species provide important information for wildlife conservation programs. Here, we used the OvineSNP50 BeadChip developed for domestic sheep to examine population structure and evaluate genetic diversity of snow sheep (Ovis nivicola) inhabiting Verkhoyansk Range and Momsky Ridge. A total of 1,121 polymorphic SNPs were used to test 80 specimens representing five populations, including four populations of the Verkhoyansk Mountain chain: Kharaulakh Ridge–Tiksi Bay (TIK,= 22), Orulgan Ridge (ORU,= 22), the central part of Verkhoyansk Range (VER,= 15), Suntar‐Khayata Ridge (SKH,= 13), and Momsky Ridge (MOM,= 8). We showed that the studied populations were genetically structured according to a geographic pattern. Pairwise FST values ranged from 0.044 to 0.205. Admixture analysis identified = 2 as the most likely number of ancestral populations. A Neighbor‐Net tree showed that TIK was an isolated group related to the main network through ORU. TreeMix analysis revealed that TIK and MOM originated from two different ancestral populations and detected gene flow from MOM to ORU. This was supported by the f3 statistic, which showed that ORU is an admixed population with TIK and MOM/SKH heritage. Genetic diversity in the studied groups was increasing southward. Minimum values of observed (Ho) and expected (He) heterozygosity and allelic richness (Ar) were observed in the most northern population—TIK, and maximum values were observed in the most southern population—SKH. Thus, our results revealed clear genetic structure in the studied populations of snow sheep and showed that TIK has a different origin from MOM, SKH, and VER even though they are conventionally considered a single subspecies known as Yakut snow sheep (Ovis nivicola lydekkeri). Most likely, TIK was an isolated group during the Late Pleistocene glaciations of Verkhoyansk Range.  相似文献   

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