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 Plastic responses to photoperiod of Iris pumila leaf phenological traits were investigated in two populations experiencing contrasting light conditions in the dune system at Deliblato Sands (44°48′ N, 38°58′ E; Serbia, Yugoslavia). The population “Dune” occupied an exposed area at the top and slope of a relatively large dune, and the population “Woods” was situated in the understory of a Pinus nigra stand. Plants developed from rhizome segments of 15 and 12 clonal genotypes sampled individually in an exposed and a shaded site, respectively, were grown under alternating daylength conditions (long day, 16 h; short day, 8 h) in an environmentally controlled growth room, and scored for a number of leaf traits (live and senescent leaf number per ramet, leaf longevity, and phyllochron). The photoperiodic treatments used significantly affected the phenotypic values of all traits analyzed, regardless of the population origin. Leaf longevity decreased, whereas the proportion of senescent to live leaves increased under short as compared to long photoperiod. The amount of plasticity to daylength appeared to be strongly trait specific: senescent leaf number was the most plastic, and live leaf number per ramet the least plastic trait, in both populations. The factorial ANOVAs did not reveal a significant population effect on any of the leaf traits observed, except the phyllochron, indicating the presence of genetic variation between populations only for that particular trait. A statistically significant interaction term obtained in each of the ANOVAs provides the evidence of the existence of genetic variation for plasticity in all the leaf phenological traits studied. Genetic correlations among all trait pairs were close to zero and mostly statistically nonsignificant, indicating that the analyzed I. pumila leaf phenological traits are not genetically constrained to evolve by natural selection toward their optimal reaction norms within each light habitat. Received: September 17, 2002 / Accepted: February 28, 2003  相似文献   

Response to environmental heterogeneity caused by human activity was analyzed on Iris pumila reciprocal transplants between native steppe and anthropogenic (planted pine forest) habitats that were monitored during several growing seasons in a protected area of Deliblato Sand. Morphometric traits exhibited significant plastic responses to the environmental variability between native and anthropogenic habitats that differed in light quantity and quality, as well as in some other ecological indices. Significant differentiation between populations occupying those habitats was also detected. Plastic responses and population differences were substantially related to the variation in general size and had the same direction, plastic responses being larger in magnitude. Estimates of reproductive and vegetative performance of reciprocal transplants detected home site advantage in the native open but not in the secondary shade habitat created under anthropogenic influence.  相似文献   

Hao da C  Yang L  Huang B 《Genetica》2009,135(2):123-135
Evolutionary patterns of sequence divergence were analyzed in genes from the conifer genus Taxus (yew), encoding paclitaxel biosynthetic enzymes taxadiene synthase (TS) and 10-deacetylbaccatin III-10β-O-acetyltransferase (DBAT). N-terminal fragments of TS, full-length DBAT and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) were amplified from 15 closely related Taxus species and sequenced. Premature stop codons were not found in TS and DBAT sequences. Codon usage bias was not found, suggesting that synonymous mutations are selectively neutral. TS and DBAT gene trees are not consistent with the ITS tree, where species formed monophyletic clades. In fact, for both genes, alleles were sometimes shared across species and parallel amino acid substitutions were identified. While both TS and DBAT are, overall, under purifying selection, we identified a number of amino acids of TS under positive selection based on inference using maximum likelihood models. Positively selected amino acids in the N-terminal region of TS suggest that this region might be more important for enzyme function than previously thought. Moreover, we identify lineages with significantly elevated rates of amino acid substitution using a genetic algorithm. These findings demonstrate that the pattern of adaptive paclitaxel biosynthetic enzyme evolution can be documented between closely related Taxus species, where species-specific taxane metabolism has evolved recently.  相似文献   

Starvation resistance is an important trait related to survival in many species and often involves dramatic changes in physiology and homeostasis. The tropical African butterfly Bicyclus anynana lives in two seasonal environments and has evolved phenotypic plasticity. The contrasting demands of the favourable, wet season and the harsh, dry season have shaped a remarkable life history, which makes this species particularly interesting for investigating the relationship between starvation resistance, metabolism, and its environmental modulation. This study reports on two laboratory experiments to investigate the effects of pre-adult and adult temperatures that mimic the seasonal environments, on starvation resistance and resting metabolic rate (RMR) in adult B. anynana. In addition, we investigate starvation resistance in wet and dry seasonal form genotypes; artificial selection on eyespot size has yielded lines that only produce one or the other of the seasonal forms across all rearing environments. As expected, the results show a large effect of adult temperature. More relevant, we show here that both pre-adult temperature and genetic background also influence adult starvation resistance, showing that phenotypic plasticity in this species includes starvation resistance. The dry season form genotype has a higher starvation resistance when developed at dry season temperatures, indicating a genetic modulation of starvation resistance in relation to temperature. Paradoxically, dry season pre-adult temperatures reduce starvation resistance and raise RMR. The high overall association of RMR and starvation resistance in our experiments suggests that energy expenditure and survival are linked, but that they may counteract each other in their influence on fitness in the dry season. We hypothesize that metabolism is moderating a trade-off between pre-adult (larval) survival and adult survival in the dry season.  相似文献   

We were interested in whether the contrasting regional distribution patterns of three congeneric, frequently co-occurring fern species (Dryopteris carthusiana, D. dilatata and D. expansa) could be explained by differential biomass allocation strategies and different phenotypic plasticities to light availability. The morphology and habitat preference of these ferns are known to be very similar, but in Estonia, their frequencies of occurrence differ sharply––Dryopteris carthusiana is common, D. expansa grows in scattered localities, and D. dilatata is rare. We grew the species under different levels of illumination (100, 50, 25 and 10% of full daylight) in an experimental garden to compare their autecological responses to shading. After one growing season there were clear interspecific differences in total plant biomass accumulation––D. carthusiana > D. expansa > D. dilatata––indicating the possible competitive inferiority of the latter at the young sporophyte stage. D. expansa was the least shade-tolerant, with biomass decreasing sharply under less than 50% illumination; D. dilatata was the most shade-tolerant, with similar growth at all illumination levels. In relative biomass allocation patterns, the most notable differences among species were in the relative shares of biomass stored in rhizomes. In D. carthusiana and D. expansa this share was nearly constant and independent of the illumination conditions. D. dilatata allocated very little biomass into rhizome in deep shade, but was able to increase this share more than twofold in 50% light. Dryopteris dilatata was clearly shown to be morphologically the most plastic of the three. In four traits––rhizome mass, frond:below-ground biomass ratio, stipe length and specific leaf area––its degree of ontogenetic plasticity to light was significantly higher than that of D. expansa and D. carthusiana. While the general performance (biomass production) of species in the experiment coincided with that observed in nature, the results of plasticity estimation were somewhat surprising––it is difficult to explain the inferior performance of a species (D. dilatata) through high morphological plasticity. Probably, the species is rare either because of certain climatic restrictions, or because it is presently expanding its distribution and is in the phase of invading Estonian understory communities.  相似文献   

Jain N  Fries BC 《Mycopathologia》2008,166(4):181-188
Microorganisms that live in fluctuating environments must constantly adapt their behavior to survive. The host constitutes an important microenvironment in opportunistic and primary fungal pathogens like Cryptococcus neoformans (C. neoformans) and Cryptococcus gattii (C. gattii). In clonal populations, adaptation may be achieved through the generation of diversity. For fungi phenotype switching constitutes a mechanism that allows them to change rapidly. Both C. neoformans and C. gattii undergo phenotypic switching, which allows them to be successful pathogens and cause persistent disease. Similar to other encapsulated microbes that exhibit phenotypic variation, phenotypic switching in Cryptococcus changes the polysaccharide capsule. Most importantly, in animal models phenotypic switching affects virulence and can change the outcome of infection. Virulence changes because C. neoformans and C. gattii switch variants elicit different inflammatory responses in the host. This altered host response can also affect the response to antifungal therapy and in some cases may even promote the selection of switch variants. This review highlights the similarity and differences between phenotypic switching in C. neoformans and C. gattii, the two dominant species that cause cryptococcosis in humans.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity of the two salt marsh grasses Spartina alterniflora and Phragmites australis in salt marshes is crucial to their invasive ability, but the importance of phenotypic plasticity, nitrogen levels, and intraspecific competition to the success of the two species is unclear at present. Spartina alterniflora Loisel. is an extensively invasive species that has increased dramatically in distribution and abundance on the Chinese and European coasts, and has had considerable ecological impacts in the regions where it has established. Meanwhile, Phragmites australis Cav., a native salt marsh species on the east coast of China, has replaced the native S. alterniflora in many marshes along the Atlantic Coast of the US. This study determined the effects of nitrogen availability and culm density on the morphology, growth, and biomass allocation traits of Spartina alterniflora and Phragmites australis. A large number of morphological, growth, and biomass parameters were measured, and various derived values (culm: root ratio, specific leaf area, etc.) were calculated, along with an index of phenotypic plasticity. Nitrogen addition significantly affected growth performance and biomass allocation traits of Spartina alterniflora, and culm density significantly affected morphological characteristics in a negative way, especially for Spartina alterniflora. However, there were no significant interactions between nitrogen levels and culm density on the morphological parameters, growth performances parameters, and biomass allocation parameters of the two species. Spartina alterniflora appears to respond more strongly to nitrogen than to culm density and this pattern of phenotypic plasticity appears to offer an expedition for successful invasion and displacement of Phramites australias in China. The implication of this study is that, in response to the environmental changes that are increasing nitrogen levels, the range of Spartina alterniflora is expected to continue to expand on the east coast of China.  相似文献   

The relationship between Sporidiobolus johnsonii and S. salmonicolor was investigated using rDNA sequence data. Two statistically well-supported clades were obtained. One clade included the type strain of S. johnsonii and the other included the type strain of S. salmonicolor. However, some mating strains of S. salmonicolor were found in the S. johnsonii group. These strains belonged to mating type A2 and were sexually compatible with mating type A1 strains from the S. salmonicolor group. DNA–DNA reassociation values were high within each clade and moderate between the two clades. In the re-investigation of teliospore germination, we observed that the basidia of S. salmonicolor were two-celled. In S. johnsonii, basidia were not formed and teliospore germination resulted in direct formation of yeast cells. We hypothesize that the S. johnsonii clade is becoming genetically isolated from the S. salmonicolor group and that a speciation process is presently going on. We suspect that the observed sexual compatibility between strains of the S. johnsonii and S. salmonicolor groups and the possible genetic flow between the two species has little biological relevance because distinct phenotypes have been fixed in the two taxa and intermediate (hybrid) sequences for LSU and ITS rDNAs have not been detected. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

The ability of a genotype to respond to changes in the environment through modifications in the phenotype is adaptive when the plastic genotypes attain a higher fitness than non-plastic genotypes. In this study we examine whether parasite traits involved in host infection exhibit adaptive phenotypic plasticity to the heterogeneous host microenvironment. We focused on a host-parasite relationship characterized by the holoparasitic mistletoe Tristerix aphyllus and the cactus host Echinopsis chilensis. Unlike most mistletoes, whose seeds are deposited on the host branches, seeds of T. aphyllus are often deposited on the spines of the cactus. The extremely long radicles of T. aphyllus have been suggested to represent a parasite adaptation to overcome the barriers to infection imposed by the spines of cacti. However, plastic rather than canalized phenotypes may represent a better strategy in changing environments. We evaluated whether T. aphyllus exhibits adaptive plasticity in radicle length through a sire half-sib genetic design under field conditions in two contrasting microenvironments (seeds deposited on spines 4 and 28 mm from the host surface). We used phenotypic and genotypic selection analyses to evaluate the relationship between radicle length and seed establishment. Our results revealed significant phenotypic plasticity for radicle length and family level variation among maternal but not paternal families. Short radicles and large seeds were favored in the short-distance environment, and long radicles were favored in the long-distance environment, suggesting that no single optimal phenotype exists for T. aphyllus. The observation that the heritability of radicle length and seed mass did not differ from zero was consistent with this finding. Overall, our results indicate that plastic rather than long radicles seem to be a better parasite strategy to overcome the microenvironmental heterogeneity imposed by host defensive traits.  相似文献   

A reproducible plant regeneration and an Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated genetic transformation protocol were developed for Perilla frutescens (perilla). The largest number of adventitious shoots were induced directly without an intervening callus phase from hypocotyl explants on MS medium supplemented with 3.0 mg/l 6-benzylaminopurine (BA). The effects of preculture and extent of cocultivation were examined by assaying -glucuronidase (GUS) activity in explants infected with A. tumefaciens strain EHA105 harboring the plasmid pIG121-Hm. The highest number of GUS-positive explants were obtained from hypocotyl explants cocultured for 3 days with Agrobacterium without precultivation. Transgenic perilla plants were regenerated and selected on MS basal medium supplemented with 3.0 mg/l BA, 125 mg/l kanamycin, and 500 mg/l carbenicillin. The transformants were confirmed by PCR of the neomycin phosphotransferase II gene and genomic Southern hybridization analysis of the hygromycin phosphotransferase gene. The frequency of transformation from hypocotyls was about 1.4%, and the transformants showed normal growth and sexual compatibility by producing progenies.  相似文献   

A non-invasive genetic approach has been recently employed in the population genetics of wild species, using faeces that could be easily collected, particularly of elusive or endangered species. However, faeces of pine (Martes martes) and beech marten (M. foina) can be morphologically similar and could be confused with those of polecat (Mustela putorius) and red fox (Vulpes vulpes). On this basis, a rapid, simple and inexpensive RFLP protocol using a cytochrome b (Cyt b) gene fragment of mtDNA, isolated from faecal samples, was performed to distinguish the above-mentioned species.  相似文献   

A new source of resistance to the pathotype 4 isolate of Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) CDN 1 has been identified in Brassica napus (oilseed rape). Analysis of segregation of resistance to TuMV isolate CDN 1 in a backcross generation following a cross between a resistant and a susceptible B. napus line showed that the resistance was dominant and monogenic. Molecular markers linked to this dominant resistance were identified using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and microsatellite bulk segregant analysis. Bulks consisted of individuals from a BC1 population with the resistant or the susceptible phenotype following challenge with CDN 1. One AFLP and six microsatellite markers were associated with the resistance locus, named TuRB03, and these mapped to the same region on chromosome N6 as a previously mapped TuMV resistance gene TuRB01. Further testing of TuRB03 with other TuMV isolates showed that it was not effective against all pathotype 4 isolates. It was effective against some, but not all pathotype 3 isolates tested. It provided further resolution of TuMV pathotypes by sub-dividing pathotypes 3 and 4. TuRB03 also provides a new source of resistance for combining with other resistances in our attempts to generate durable resistance to this virus.  相似文献   

A reciprocal transplant experiment (RTE) of the reef-building coral Porites lobata between shallow (1.5 m at low tide) back reef and forereef habitats on Ofu and Olosega Islands, American Samoa, resulted in phenotypic plasticity for skeletal characteristics. Transplants from each source population (back reef and forereef) had higher skeletal growth rates, lower bulk densities, and higher calcification rates on the back reef than on the forereef. Mean annual skeletal extension rates, mean bulk densities, and mean annual calcification rates of RTE groups were 2.6–9.8 mm year−1, 1.41–1.44 g cm−3, and 0.37–1.39 g cm−2 year−1 on the back reef, and 1.2–4.2 mm year−1, 1.49–1.53 g cm−3, and 0.19–0.63 g cm−2 year−1 on the forereef, respectively. Bulk densities were especially responsive to habitat type, with densities of transplants increasing on the high energy forereef, and decreasing on the low energy back reef. Skeletal growth and calcification rates were also influenced by source population, even though zooxanthella genotype of source colonies did not vary between sites, and there was a transplant site x source population interaction for upward linear extension. Genetic differentiation may explain the source population effects, or the experiment may have been too brief for phenotypic plasticity of all skeletal characteristics to be fully expressed. Phenotypic plasticity for skeletal characteristics likely enables P. lobata colonies to assume the most suitable shape and density for a wide range of coral reef habitats.  相似文献   

Birch J  Ellis SA 《Immunogenetics》2007,59(4):273-280
Natural killer cell responses are controlled to a large extent by the interaction of an array of inhibitory and activating receptors with their ligands. The mostly nonpolymorphic CD94/NKG2 receptors in both humans and mice were shown to recognize a single nonclassical MHC class I molecule in each case. In this paper, we describe the CD94/NKG2 gene family in cattle. NKG2 and CD94 sequences were amplified from cDNA derived from four animals. Four CD94 sequences, ten NKG2A, and three NKG2C sequences were identified in total. In contrast to human, we show that cattle have multiple distinct NKG2A genes, some of which show minor allelic variation. All of the sequences designated NKG2A have two tyrosine-based inhibitory motifs in the cytoplasmic domain and one putative gene has, in addition, a charged residue in the transmembrane domain. NKG2C appears to be essentially monomorphic in cattle. All of the NKG2A sequences are similar apart from NKG2A-01, which, in contrast, shares the majority of its carbohydrate recognition domain with NKG2-C. Most of the genes appear to generate multiple alternatively spliced forms. These findings suggest that the CD94/NKG2A heterodimers in cattle, in contrast to other species, are binding several different ligands. Because NKG2C is not polymorphic, this raises questions as to the combined functional capacity of the CD94/NKG2 gene families in cattle.  相似文献   

Abstract Numerous miniature inverted repeat transposable elements (MITEs) are present in the rice genome but their transposition mechanisms are unknown. In this report, we present evidence that two novel MITE families may have arisen from Mutator-related transposable elements and thus may use a transposition mechanism similar to that of Mutator elements. Two families of novel MITEs, namely, MDM-1 and MDM-2, were identified by searching for MITEs nested with Kiddo, a previously identified MITE family. MDM-1 and MDM-2 bear hallmarks of Mutator elements, such as long terminal inverted repeats (LTIRs), 9-bp target-site duplications (TSDs), and putative transposase binding sites. Strikingly, the MDM-1 family has a 9-bp terminus identical to that of a rice Mutator-like element (MULE-9) and the MDM-2 family has an 8-bp terminus identical to that of the maize autonomous Mutator element MuDR. A putative transposase homologous to MURA protein is identified for the MDM-2 family. Thus, these two novel MITE families, with a total copy number of several hundred in rice, are designated Mutator-derived MITEs (MDMs). Interestingly, sequence decay analysis of MDM families revealed a number of insertion site duplications (ISDs) in the alignment gaps, and widespread historical nesting events are proposed to account for the existence of these ISDs. In addition to its value for discovering new MITEs, the nesting analysis approach used in this study simultaneously identifies MITE insertion polymorphisms.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic and growth characteristics of Mosla chinensis and M. scabra were compared at three irradiances similar to shaded forest understory, forest edge, and open land. At 25 % full ambient irradiance, M. chinensis and M. scabra had similar photosynthetic characteristics, but saturation irradiance, compensation irradiance, and apparent quantum yield of M. chinensis were higher than those of M. scabra at full ambient irradiance and 70 % full ambient irradiance. At the same irradiance treatment, specific leaf area and leaf area ratio of M. chinensis were lower than those of M. scabra. Photon-saturated photosynthetic rate and water use efficiency of M. chinensis, however, were not significantly higher than those of M. scabra, and the leaf area and total biomass were lower than those of M. scabra. As a sun-acclimated plant, the not enough high photosynthetic capacity and lower biomass accumulation may cause that M. chinensis has weak capability to extend its population and hence be concomitant in the community.  相似文献   

A genetic transformation protocol for green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) hypocotyl explants was developed. Green ash hypocotyls were transformed using Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA105 harboring binary vector pq35GR containing the neomycin phosphotransferase (nptII) and β-glucuronidase (GUS) fusion gene, and an enhanced green fluorescent protein gene. Pre-cultured hypocotyl explants were transformed in the presence of 100 μM acetosyringone using 90 s sonication plus 10 min vacuum-infiltration. Kanamycin at 20 mg l−1 was used for selecting transformed cells. Adventitious shoots regenerated on Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 13.3 μM 6-benzylaminopurine, 4.5 μM thidiazuron, 50 mg l−1 adenine sulfate, and 10% coconut water. GUS- and polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-positive shoots from the cut ends of hypocotyls were produced via an intermediate callus stage. Presence of the GUS and nptII genes in GUS-positive shoots were confirmed by PCR and copy number of the nptII gene in PCR-positive shoots was determined by Southern blotting. Three transgenic plantlets were acclimatized to the greenhouse. This transformation and regeneration system using hypocotyls provides a foundation for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of green ash. Studies are underway using a construct containing the Cry8Da protein of Bacillus thuringiensis for genetic transformation of green ash.  相似文献   

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