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Zusammenfassung Es wurden monströse Bildungen beschrieben, welche an Blüten derGentiana crispata Vis. beobachtet wurden und durch überzählige Fruchtknoten bzw. Karpelle entstanden.  相似文献   

Satureja montana and S. subspicata are used as spice, pepper substitute, for preparing tea, juice, and as a medicine. Fourteen populations (seven per species) of Satureja montana L. and S. subspicata Vis . growing in Croatia were examined to determine the chemical composition of the essential oil (analyzed by GC‐FID and GC/MS), the content of macroelements (Na, K, Ca, Mg) and trace elements (B, Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Al, Pb, Cr, Cd, Ni, Hg, As) analyzed by ICP‐AES, antioxidant compounds (analyzed by UV/VIS spectrophotometer), and the types and distribution of trichomes (analyzed by scanning electron microscopy). The main constituents of the essential oil were carvacrol and thymol in S. montana (all populations belong to one phenol chemotype), while α‐eudesmol, β‐eudesmol, and spathulenol dominated in S. subspicata (three chemotypes could be distinguished). Both species possess considerably higher quantities of Ca and Mg, and moderate concentrations of K and Na, while Hg and As levels were below the limit of quantification. Non‐glandular trichomes, peltate trichomes, and three types of capitate trichomes were observed on leaves, stem, calyx, and corolla.  相似文献   

The present paper aims at describing the most relevant background data on geomorphological, economic, ethnohistoric, demographic and linguistic features of the island of Vis. As an introduction to future holistic anthropological research on the island, it seeks to identify both internal and external impulses of change and/or continuity of the island population structure within a wider socio-cultural and historical context. The ethnohistorical and demographic data indicate a higher degree of isolation throughout history as compared to other islands in the region and a continuous depopulation trend during the last century. The analysis of the existing linguistic data on two main settlements shows a certain amount of intradialectal micro-differentiation, which is mainly due to various social and non-linguistic reasons.  相似文献   

Typical early Viséan foraminiferal assemblages documented in outcrops of the Western Meseta of Morocco led to the erroneous biostratigraphic dating of areas that later, after much effort, have been demonstrated to correspond to the mid and late Viséan. These sections are analyzed to decipher if they are formed by reworked specimens or if this fauna really survived into younger rocks. Key sections are located in vast areas of the Western Meseta, in the north of the Azrou-Khenifra basin, Fourhal area, El Hammam Ridge, Oulmès area, Sidi Bettache basin (all on the north of the Western Meseta), and the Skoura region (on the southern border). The environmental settings as well as the taphonomical stage of preservation of the foraminifers suggest that most of the assemblages are composed of autochthonous or parautochthonous foraminifers and, thus, that the fauna really survived into the middle and even upper Viséan carbonate platforms of the Western Meseta. In some sections, the early Viséan foraminifers share the same levels with mid Viséan foraminifers; in others, they share the same levels with mid and late Viséan foraminifers, and in a third group, the early Viséan foraminifers occur in the same stratigraphic sections with mid and late Viséan assemblages, although never in exactly the same stratigraphic levels but alternating. These distributions exemplify the three patterns of interaction between the stratigraphic and biogeographic ranges of the assemblages.The absence of similar patterns is noteworthy in the surrounding regions of the Palaeotethys, and thus, this anomalous distribution can be discarded as a matter of dispersal from neighbouring regions. The absence of similar patterns in basins situated far from the Western Meseta allows abiotic factors to be discarded, such as tectonic/environmental setting, palaeolatitude or isolation. The most plausible hypothesis to explain the survival of these fauna is related to biotic factors, such as species interaction and competition, and they can be compared to some similar modern ecological patterns. However, the primary triggering factor allowing these biotic factors to interact is considered to be the late arrival of the mid Viséan foraminifers to the Western Meseta, allowing them to occupy niches completely different from the rest of the Palaeotethys.  相似文献   

蝇子草茎叶上着生粘液毛,它是由3个细胞构成的单列腺毛。电镜观察表明,在刚形成的腺毛柄细胞中,质体最发达,而且大多数质体内含有淀粉粒。在柄细胞中,有些质体和液泡膜融合产生小泡,可能以胞饮方式将质体内的淀粉粒降解后的产物转以液泡内。有些质体则可能直接突入液泡并在液泡内降解其淀粉粒。在头细胞发育中,含淀粉粒的质体增多。后期大多数质体消失,同时出现了大量的充满纤丝状物质的小不包和大泡。最后,小泡和大泡相琵  相似文献   

The effects of iron-chelating agents on miscellaneous pathologies are currently largely tested. Due to various indications, different properties for chelators are required. A stoichiometry of the complex in relation to pH is one of the crucial factors. Moreover, the published data on the stoichiometry, especially concerning flavonoids, are equivocal.In this study, a new complementary approach was employed for the determination of stoichiometry in 10 iron-chelating agents, including clinically used drugs, by UV–Vis spectrophotometry at relevant pH conditions and compared with the standard Job’s method.This study showed that the simple approach based on absorbance at the wavelength of complex absorption maximum was sufficient when the difference between absorption maximum of substance and complex was high. However, in majority of substances this difference was much lower (9–73 nm). The novel complementary approach was able to determine the stoichiometry in all tested cases. The major benefit of this method compared to the standard Job’s approach seems to be its capability to reveal a reaction stoichiometry in chelators with moderate affinity to iron.In conclusion, using this complementary method may explain several previous contradictory data and lead to a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of chelator’s action.  相似文献   

Kozub NA  Sozinov IA  Ksinias IN  Sozinov AA 《Genetika》2011,47(9):1216-1222
Alleles at the high-molecular-weight glutenin subunit loci Glu-U1 and Glu-M(b)1 were analyzed in the tetraploid species Aegilops biuncialis (UUM(b)M(b)). The material for the investigation included the collection of 39 accessions of Ae. biuncialis from Ukraine (the Crimea), one Hellenic accession, one accession of unknown origin, F2 seeds from different crosses, as well as samples from natural populations from the Crimea. Ae. umbellulata and Ae. comosa accessions were used to allocate components of the HMW glutenin subunit patterns of Ae. biuncialis to U or M(b) genomes. Eight alleles were identified at the Glu-U1 locus and ten alleles were revealed at the Glu-M(b) 1 locus. Among alleles at the Glu-M(b) 1 locus ofAe. biuncialis there were two alleles controlling the y-type subunit only and one allele encoding the x-subunit only.  相似文献   

This study examined absorption properties of 2-styrylpyridine, trans-2-(m-cyanostyryl)pyridine, trans-2-[3-methyl-(m-cyanostyryl)]pyridine, and trans-4-(m-cyanostyryl)pyridine compounds based on theoretical UV/Vis spectra, with comparisons between time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) using B3LYP, PBE0, and LC-ωPBE functionals. Basis sets 6–31G(d), 6–31G(d,p), 6–31+G(d,p), and 6–311+G(d,p) were tested to compare molecular orbital energy values, gap energies, and maxima absorption wavelengths. UV/Vis spectra were calculated from fully optimized geometry in B3LYP/6–311+G(d,p) in gas phase and using the IEFPCM model. B3LYP/6–311+G(d,p) provided the most stable form, a planar structure with parameters close to 2-styrylpyridine X-ray data. Isomeric structures were evaluated by full geometry optimization using the same theory level. Similar energetic values were found: ~4.5 kJ?mol?1 for 2-styrylpyridine and ~1 kJ?mol?1 for derivative compound isomers. The 2-styrylpyridine isomeric structure differed at the pyridine group N-atom position; structures considered for the other compounds had the cyano group attached to the phenyl ring m-position equivalent. The energy difference was almost negligible between m-cyano-substituted molecules, but high energy barriers existed for cyano-substituted phenyl ring torsion. TD-DFT appeared to be robust and accurate approach. The B3LYP functional with the 6–31G(d) basis set produced the most reliable λmax values, with mean errors of 0.5 and 12 nm respect to experimental values, in gas and solution, respectively. The present data describes effects on the λmax changes in the UV/Vis absorption spectra of the electron acceptor cyano substituent on the phenyl ring, the electron donor methyl substituent, and the N-atom position on the electron acceptor pyridine ring, causing slight changes respect to the 2-styrylpyridine title compound.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die ArtAsperula scutellaris Vis. wurde diagnostisch erweitert und genauer präzisiert. Sie zerfällt in folgende Sippen: die typische Form ssp.illyrica Korica, welche zwei Varietäten umfaßt (var.veleensis Korica und var.montenegrina Korica), und ssp.ramiflora Korica mit einer Varietät (var.albanica Korica).Asperula scutellaris Vis. ist ein mediterran-illyrischer Endem und einer der bemerkenswertesten Vertreter der jugoslawischen und albanischen Karstflora. Im mittleren Teil Albaniens tritt sie auch auf Serpentinen auf.In pflanzengeographischem Sinn sind vier Entwicklungsgebiete dieser Art zu unterscheiden: das Entwicklungsgebiet der Veleplanina in der Herzegowina (var.veleensis), das montenegrinische Entwicklungsgebiet (var.montenegrina) mit dem ursprünglichen Ausbildungszentrum in der weiteren Umgebung der Stadt Cetinje, endlich das nordalbanische Entwicklungsgebiet im Stromgebiet der Flüsse Cijevna und Drim. Diese drei Gebiete sind von submediterranem Charakter, das mittelalbanische Entwicklungsgebiet in der Gegend des Flusses Shkumbi (var.albanica) weist dagegen einen mediterranisch-submediterranischen Charakter auf.Auf Grund der festgestellten Tatsachen des heutigen Standes der Verbreitung der einzelnen Sippen dieser Art sowie auf Grund der charakteristischen geomorphologischen und klimatischen Differenzen zwischen den monomorphen Sippen (ssp.illyrica), welche an die Küstenteile des beschriebenen Areals gebunden sind, und den polymorphen Übergangsformen der submediterranen Sippen, welche in den kontinentalen Teilen des Areals überwiegen (submediterrane klimatische Einflüsse), folgt, daß die typischen Formen (ssp.illyrica) im submediterranen Gebiet phylogenetisch nicht mit jenen des mediterranen Gebietes identisch sind.  相似文献   

Neonatal predation in multispecies aquarium exhibits can prevent detection of captive breeding by wobbegong sharks. We used ultrasonography and isolation strategies to prevent neonatal predation and maximize survival/growth of the dwarf ornate wobbegong (Orectolobus ornatus de Vis, 1883). We captured seven free‐living wobbegongs (two males and five females) and subjected each animal to a health assessment which led to the euthanasia of one female with a retained hook. Ultrasonography showed that females were pregnant, one was preovulatory, and one was in a resting phase. Two females (one pregnant) and one male were placed in isolation in each of two tanks. In October 2006, 25 neonates were born overnight with the two litters placed into separate neonate tanks. Over the ~6.5‐month monitoring period, four neonates with reduced body condition died without premonitory signs resulting in a 63.0% annual survival rate. Finite growth rates did not differ between sexes or litters and averaged (±SE) 12.2 (1.5) cm/year and 156.4 (26.4) g/year. At the cessation of monitoring, total length had increased by ~30%, whereas total weight had almost doubled with neonatal body condition in line with free‐living wobbegongs. Our efficacious, six‐step manipulative, the approach should be applicable with all wobbegongs given their reproductive similarities, but we recommend that efforts focus on the dwarf ornate, tasselled and Japanese wobbegongs because all are small in size and have bred in aquaria. Ultimately, this approach should produce self‐sustaining aquarium populations, place less reliance on the wild acquisition and provide animals for other aquaria, population restocking, or scientific research.  相似文献   

Viséan and Early Serpukhovian ammonoids from the Verkhnyaya Kardailovka section (South Urals, Bashkortostan) are discussed. The ammonoid assemblages include taxa that have not been previously recorded from this region and are probably connected with the open shelf settings of the eastern subregion of the South Urals. For the first time in the South Urals, we were able to recognize the succession of the ammonoid genozones GoniatitesHypergoniatites-FerganocerasUralopronorites-Cravenoceras within the same section that can be correlated with the synchronous zonations of Western Europe, North Africa, and North America. New records allow interpretation of the evolution of the family Goniatitidae in the Ural Paleocean in the terminal Viséan. Two new species, Goniatites altus sp. nov. and Platygoniatites integer sp. nov. are described.  相似文献   

Currently, the different roles of peloidal micrites are not well understood in matrix-supported bioconstructions such as mud mounds. Upper Viséan outcrops from Guadiato Valley, Cordoba Province, SW Spain provide well-preserved peloidal-dominated mud mounds. Microstructual analysis of these mud mounds has allowed us to establish 13 microfabrics. Although peloids are conspicuous constituents in the microfabrics, they have been differentiated into seven peloidal-dominated types, grouped into three categories: (a) homogeneous fine peloidal types (3 subtypes); (b) homogeneous coarse peloidal types (2 subtypes); and (c) heterogeneous coarse peloidal types (two subtypes). Fast cm-scale microfabric changes were mapped directly onto thin sections. This methodology allows the researcher to recognize the micro-framework of these mud mounds as a complex, multiepisodic organization of microframes and intermicroframes that are formed by primary and secondary automicrites (non-reworked and reworked automicrites, respectively), autochthonous internal sediment, and allomicrite and marine fibrous cements. The thin-section mapping was also used to estimate the automicrite-allomicrite relationship, which is crucial in separating the microbial and biodetrital mud mounds.  相似文献   

Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering - Polyhemoglobin produced from pure bovine hemoglobin by reaction with PEG bis(N-succynimidil succinate) as a cross-linking agent was encapsulated in gelatin...  相似文献   


The aim of the present study is to clarify the taxonomic position of Teucrium euganeum Vis. vis à vis T.siculum (Rafin.) Guss. and T.scorodonia L. The study is based on an analysis of macro- and micro-morphological characters, type, and distribution of trichomes in different parts of the plant, chromosome counts, and a statistical analysis of such morphometric data. The results of the study allow one to consider the populations of the Euganean Hills (Padua, north-eastern Italy) as a sub-species of T.siculum, and, therefore, a new combination is proposed: Teucrium siculum (Rafin.) Guss. subsp. euganeum (Vis.) Tornadore, comb. et stat.nov.  相似文献   

An efficient protocol for cryogenic storage of high-pyrethrin-producing cell lines of Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium is described. Optimal survival (92%) was obtained with cells precultured in 1/2 Murashige and Skoog nutrient medium containing 180 g ⋅ l–1 sucrose for 30 days, then incubated in the same medium in the presence of 5% DMSO for 1 h in an ice bath, cooled slowly to –20°C and immersed for 30 min in liquid nitrogen. After cryopreservation, the cells conserved the same growth pattern, but displayed different biochemical properties. The subculture derived from the thawed cells was characterized by a lower chlorophyll content and a higher pyrethrin biosynthesis ability. Received: 17 February 1997 / Revision received: 27 May 1997 / Accepted: 17 June 1997  相似文献   

Morphological characters and the composition of epicuticular leaf n ‐alkanes of two Satureja subspicata Bartl . ex Vis . subspecies (subsp. liburnica ?ili? and subsp. subspicata ) from nine natural populations along Dinaric Alps range were studied. Morphological characters were chosen based on ?ili? ?s subspecies separation. Seventeen n ‐alkane homologues (C19 – C35) were identified using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and GC/flame ionisation detector (FID). The most abundant n ‐alkane in all populations was n ‐nonacosane (C29), followed by n ‐hentriacontane (C31), with the exception of Diva?a population where these two alkanes were co‐dominant. Diversity and variability of n ‐alkane patterns and morphological characters and their relation to different geographic and bioclimatic parameters, including exposure, were analysed by several statistical multivariate methods (PCA, HCA, Discriminant Analysis, Mantel test). These tests showed clear separation of subsp. liburnica from subsp. subspicata , even though population Velebit showed separation from other subsp. liburnica populations based on phytochemical characters. Mantel test showed high correlation with geographical distribution in both investigated data sets. High correlation between morphological and phytochemical characters was also established. However, exposure can influence n ‐alkane profile, suggesting precaution while taking samples from natural habitats.  相似文献   

Virus-like particles (VLPs) have shown great potential as biopharmaceuticals in the market and in clinics. Nonenveloped, in vivo assembled VLPs are typically disassembled and reassembled in vitro to improve particle stability, homogeneity, and immunogenicity. At the industrial scale, cross-flow filtration (CFF) is the method of choice for performing reassembly by diafiltration. Here, we developed an experimental CFF setup with an on-line measurement loop for the implementation of process analytical technology (PAT). The measurement loop included an ultraviolet and visible (UV/Vis) spectrometer as well as a light scattering photometer. These sensors allowed for monitoring protein concentration, protein tertiary structure, and protein quaternary structure. The experimental setup was tested with three Hepatitis B core Antigen (HBcAg) variants. With each variant, three reassembly processes were performed at different transmembrane pressures (TMPs). While light scattering provided information on the assembly progress, UV/Vis allowed for monitoring the protein concentration and the rate of VLP assembly based on the microenvironment of Tyrosine-132. VLP formation was verified by off-line dynamic light scattering (DLS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Furthermore, the experimental results provided evidence of aggregate-related assembly inhibition and showed that off-line size-exclusion chromatography does not provide a complete picture of the particle content. Finally, a Partial-Least Squares (PLS) model was calibrated to predict VLP concentrations in the process solution. values of 0.947–0.984 were reached for the three HBcAg variants. In summary, the proposed experimental setup provides a powerful platform for developing and monitoring VLP reassembly steps by CFF.  相似文献   

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