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Recent evidence suggests roles for egg derived hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and ovoperoxidase (secreted by cortical granules) in both fertilization envelope hardening and the block to polyspermy in sea urchins. Strongylocentrotus purpuratus eggs were found to release H2O2 during the cortical reaction at fertilization. Treatment of sperm with equivalent concentrations of H2O2 resulted in a rapid loss of sperm fertilizing ability. Attempts were made to induce polyspermy by utilizing ovoperoxidase inhibitors at concentrations known to inhibit fertilization envelope hardening. Eggs fertilized in phenylhydrazine became polyspermic, while 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole-treated eggs did not. These data suggested that a sperm peroxidase might be involved in preventing polyspermy. This hypothesis was tested by the addition of phenylhydrazine or 3-amino-1,2,4-trizaole to H2O2-treated sperm. Phenylhydrazine acted to protect sperm fertility from H2O2, while 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole increased the adverse effect of H2O2. Simultaneous addition of both inhibitors to sperm incubated in H2O2 gave an intermediate value of sperm fertility. These data indicate that (1) H2O2 generated by sea urchin eggs during the cortical reaction at fertilization is used for two separate processes, fertilization envelope hardening and the prevention of polyspermy; (2) ovoperoxidase is probably not involved in preventing polyspermy; and (3) egg-derived H2O2 reacts directly with sperm enzymes to prevent polyspermy. The phenylhydrazine-sensitive enzyme in the sperm is probably a peroxidase that acts to inactivate sperm, while the 3-amino-1,2,4-triazolesensitive enzyme is probably a catalase which protects sperm from H2O2. This hypothesis is consistent with model experiments on horseradish peroxidase and bovine liver catalase.  相似文献   

Many ascidians live in clumps and usually release sperm before the eggs. Consequently, eggs are often spawned into dense clouds of sperm. Because fertilization by more than a single sperm is lethal, ascidians have evolved at least two successive blocks to polyspermy: the rapid release of a glycosidase that inhibits sperm binding to the vitelline coat (VC) and a subsequent change in membrane potential that prevents supernumerary sperm–egg fusion. This paper shows that (1) these two blocks can be uncoupled by the use of suramin, and (2) most of the glycosidase appears to be from the follicle cells, which are accessory cells on the outside of the egg VC. Phallusia mammillata eggs initially bind numerous sperm but, after the glycosidase is released, only a few additional sperm bind. Intact eggs in 20 μM suramin release glycosidase, but the electrical response is inhibited; sperm swim actively and bind to the VC but fail to penetrate. Suramin treatment is completely reversible; intact eggs exhibit the electrical response an average of 11 minutes after the drug is washed out. Sperm must contact the follicle cells before passing through the VC; eggs with the VC removed and fertilized in the presence of 20 μM suramin show the electrical response 35% of the time, thus VC removal enhances sperm entry. Like the intact eggs, 100% of the naked eggs respond electrically to fertilization after the drug is washed out. Follicle cells that are isolated by calcium magnesium free seawater and then returned to complete seawater release N-acetylglucosaminidase activity in response to sperm. Thus, these eggs have two blocks to polyspermy that operate in sequence: an early first block resulting from enzymatic modification of the VC by N-acetylglucosaminidase released primarily from follicle cells and a second electrical block operating at the egg plasma membrane level and requiring sperm–egg fusion. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 48:137-143, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Terada Y 《Human cell》2004,17(4):181-186
In human fertilization, the sperm introduces the centrosome-the microtubule organizing center-and microtubules are organized within the inseminated egg from the sperm centrosome. These microtubules form a radial array, the sperm aster, the functioning of which is essential for pronuclear movement for the union of the male and female genomes. We established functional assay for human sperm centrosomal function, by using heterologus ICSI system with bovine and rabbit eggs. After human sperm incorporation into mammalian egg, we observed that the sperm aster was organized from sperm centrosome, and the sperm aster enlarged as the sperm nuclei underwent pronuclear formation. The normal human sperm aster formation rate at 6 h post-ICSI were 60.0% in bovine egg and 36.1% in rabbit egg, respectively. However, sperm aster formation rate following heterologus ICSI into bovine eggs with teratozoospermia (globozoospermia, dysplasia of fibrous sheath) were low. These data indicate that human sperm centrosomal function is low in abnormal shaped sperm. Wherus, elucidation of human sperm centrosomal function can lead us to find a new type of failure in "post ICSI events in fertilization".  相似文献   

Fertilization by more than one sperm causes polyploidy, a condition that is generally lethal to the embryo in the majority of animal species. To prevent this occurrence, eggs have developed a series of mechanisms that block polyspermy at the level of the plasma membrane or their extracellular coat. In this review, we first introduce the mammalian egg coat, the zona pellucida (ZP), and summarize what is currently known about its composition, structure, and biological functions. We then describe how this specialized extracellular matrix is modified by the contents of cortical granules (CG), secretory organelles that are exocytosed by the egg after gamete fusion. This process releases proteases, glycosidases, lectins and zinc onto the ZP, resulting in a series of changes in the properties of the egg coat that are collectively referred to as hardening. By drawing parallels with comparable modifications of the vitelline envelope of nonmammalian eggs, we discuss how CG‐dependent modifications of the ZP are thought to contribute to the block to polyspermy. Moreover, we argue for the importance of obtaining more information on the architecture of the ZP, as well as systematically investigating the many facets of ZP hardening.  相似文献   

We investigated whether the incorporation of the sperm membrane into the oolemma contributes to the human plasma membrane block to polyspermy. We used zona pellucida–free oocytes fertilized by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) or activated by parthenogenetic activation. Only two of the 35 pronuclear oocytes fertilized by spermatozoa (control) demonstrated one single penetrating spermatozoa. In contrast, the majority of ICSI and parthenogenetically activated pronuclear oocytes were penetrated with an average of three spermatozoa per oocyte. The number of fused and binding spermatozoa of ICSI and parthenogenetically activated oocytes were significantly higher than in control oocytes (3.5 ± 0.6 and 4.3 ± 0.6 for ICSI; 3.0 ± 0.3 and 3.8 ± 0.4 for activated and 0.2 ± 0.1 and 0.6 ± 0.2 for controls, respectively, P < 0.01). Furthermore, the cortical granules were released from the cortex of ICSI and calcium ionophore‐puromycin‐activated pronuclear oocytes to the same extent as that of pronuclear oocytes fertilized by spermatozoa. These results suggest that the establishment of the plasma membrane block to sperm penetration in the human oocyte may require a fusion process between sperm and oocyte plasma membranes. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 52:183–188, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The block to polyspermy in golden hamster eggs is believed to operate only at the zona pellucida. However, changes in the egg vitellus also prevent further entry of capacitated sperm. When zona-free hamster eggs spontaneously activated in vitro, and in vivo fertilized eggs at pronuclear stage were inseminated with capacitated human sperm, penetration did not occur. In the case of a homologous system using hamster sperm and in vivo fertilized hamster eggs, slight attachment of sperm was observed but no penetration. The cortical granules were found to be released in spontaneously activated and in fertilized eggs as observed by phase contrast microscopy. These observations suggest that the egg vitellus plays a role in the block to poiyspermy in addition to that of the zona block.  相似文献   

Electron microscopic analysis of fertilization in the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, has been carried out in an effort to establish the sequence of events involving dispersion of the paternal chromatin. Subsequent to loss of the nuclear envelope the condensed sperm chromatin begins to disperse under the influence of egg cytoplasmic factors. However, this process does not proceed at a uniform rate as is observed in other species examined to date. Portions of the paternal genome rapidly transform into dispersed chromatin while other adjacent regions disperse at a reduced rate. This variation in the time sequence of dissociation of the paternally derived chromosomes results in a reticulum of electron lucent and electron dense chromatin within the developing male pronucleus. As the paternally derived chromatin is dispersing and migrating centrad, membranous vesicles of maternal origin become aligned along the peripheral aspect of the chromatin. Deposition of a continuous bilaminar nuclear envelope around the dispersing sperm chromatin results in the formation of the definitive male pronucleus. At the time the male pronucleus is formed the paternally derived chromosomes have not completely dispersed and are visualized as a reticulum of condensed and dispersed chromatin. These results indicate that not all the paternally derived chromatin is modified in the same manner during pronuclear development.  相似文献   

Fertilization of an egg by multiple sperms, polyspermy, is lethal to most sexually reproducing species. To combat the entry of additional sperm into already fertilized eggs, organisms have developed various polyspermy blocks. One such barrier, the fast polyspermy block, uses a fertilization‐activated depolarization of the egg membrane to electrically inhibit supernumerary sperm from entering the egg. The fast block is commonly used by eggs of oviparous animals with external fertilization. In this review, we discuss the history of the fast block discovery, as well as general features shared by all organisms that use this polyspermy block. Given the diversity of habitats of external fertilizers, the fine details of the fast block‐signaling pathways differ drastically between species, including the identity of the depolarizing ions. We highlight the known molecular mediators of these signaling pathways in amphibians and echinoderms, with a fine focus on ion channels that signal these fertilization‐evoked depolarizations. We also discuss the investigation for a fast polyspermy block in mammals and teleost fish, and we outline potential fast block triggers. Since the first electrical recordings made on eggs in the 1950s, the fields of developmental biology and electrophysiology have substantially matured, and yet we are only now beginning to discern the intricate molecular mechanisms regulating the fast block to polyspermy.  相似文献   

The egg's blocks to polyspermy (fertilization of an egg by more than one sperm) were originally identified in marine and aquatic species with external fertilization, but polyspermy matters in mammalian reproduction too. Embryonic triploidy is a noteworthy event associated with pregnancy complications and loss. Polyspermy is a major cause of triploidy with up to 80% of triploid conceptuses being the result of dispermic fertilization. The mammalian female reproductive tract regulates the number of sperm that reach the site of fertilization, but mammals also utilize egg‐based blocks to polyspermy. The egg‐based blocks occur on the mammalian egg coat (the zona pellucida) and the egg plasma membrane, with apparent variation between different mammalian species regarding the extent to which one or both are used. The zona pellucida block to polyspermy has some similarities to the slow block in water‐dwelling species, but the mammalian membrane block to polyspermy differs substantially from the fast electrical block that has been characterized in marine and aquatic species. This review discusses what is known about the incidence of polyspermy in mammals and about the mammalian membrane block to polyspermy, as well as notes some lesser‐characterized potential mechanisms contributing to polyspermy prevention in mammals.  相似文献   

Mouse oocytes were fertilized by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and reinseminated after the removal of zonae pellucidae at pronuclear stage or at the 2-cell stage. Although these oocytes were activated normally by ICSI, as evidenced by resumption of meiosis and cortical granule exocytosis, they did not develop oolemma block to sperm penetration. They could be penetrated by spermatozoa at pronuclear stage and even at the 2-cell stage. This supports the notion that incorporation of sperm plasma membrane into oolemma contributes to the changes in oolemma that block sperm penetration. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sperm centrosomal function was assessed by immunocytochemical analysis after the injection of human sperm into mature rabbit eggs. Three hours after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), an astral microtubule array from the base of the human sperm was observed in the rabbit eggs. This sperm aster expanded in the egg cytoplasm, concomitant with pronuclear formation, and a dense microtubule array was organized at the time of pronuclear centration. Using fertile donor sperm, the sperm aster formation rate at 3 hr after ICSI was 35.0 +/- 1.5%. Using sperm from infertile patients, the average aster formation rate was lower (25.4 +/- 14.8%, P<0.05). Among infertile cases, there was no correlation between sperm aster formation rates and conventional parameters of semen analysis. However, the sperm aster formation rate correlated with the embryonic cleavage rate following human in vitro fertilization (IVF). These data suggest that this assay reflects sperm function during embryonic development after sperm entry and that reproductive success during the first cell cycle requires a functional sperm centrosome. Furthermore, sperm centrosomal function cannot be predicted from conventional parameters of semen analysis. We propose that insufficient centrosomal function could be the cause of certain cases of idiopathic infertility. These assays may lead to the discovery of new types of infertility, which have previously been treated as "unexplained infertility," and may also lead to the treatment of infertility incurable even by ICSI. Consequently, an accurate and relevant assay to help assure couples of the success of fertilization is warranted, perhaps prior to ICSI therapy.  相似文献   

During maturation in the epididymis, mouse sperm nuclei become difficult to stain with Giemsa and its component basic dyes. Mature sperm from the cauda epididymis can be stained only after DTT treatment. Stainable sperm such as those from the testis accumulate 3H NEM when examined by autoradiography, while unstainable sperm do not, indicating a close correlation between the basic dye binding capacity and SH levels in the sperm nuclei. During insemination of zonafree ovarian oocytes with a germinal vesicle (GV), mature sperm nuclei become stainable and capable of binding with 3H NEM. At the same time, sperm have established pronase-resistant contact with the oocyte. Similarly, sperm nuclei become stainable during fertilization when the sperm attachment to the egg becomes pronase resistant. However, these changes occur before sperm chromatin decondensation begins. Therefore, it is suggested that S-S bonds in sperm nucleoproteins are reduced when the sperm establish a stable contact with the egg plasma membrane, thus reversing sperm maturational changes. The reduction of S-S bonds may be a prerequisite for sperm chromatin decondensation.  相似文献   

Sperm receptor hydrolase, one of two classes of cortical granule proteoesterases (E.C. was purified approximately 30-fold with 80% yield from Strongylocentrotus purpuratus cortical granule exudate. Sperm receptor hydrolase preparations were free of vitelline delaminase activity (the other class of cortical granule proteoesterase) and had less than 1% of the starting levels of cortical granule peroxidase and β-1,3-glucanohydro-lase activities. Native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis coupled with a protease activity stain showed that three proteases were present in the most highly purified preparations of sperm receptor hydrolase. Each of the three proteases has the same molecular weight of 60,000, but different isoelectric points of 2.4, 3.8, and 5.5. The Km value of the mixture of proteases for α-N-benzoyl-L-arginine ethyl ester as substrate was 263 μM at pH 8.4 and 30°C; the pH dependence of Vm showed a single prototrophic group with a pK of 6.7 and an enthalpy of ionization of 8.6 kcal-mol?1. The values of these kinetic parameters are consistent with an enzyme-active site containing histidine. Phenylmethyl sulfonyl fluoride, tosyl lysine chloromethyl ketone, several proteinaceous trypsin inhibitors, and p-aminobenzamidine inhibited the esterase activity of the proteases. These data suggest that sperm receptor hydrolases are serine proteases.  相似文献   

To identify a molecule involved in sperm‐egg plasma membrane binding at fertilization, a monoclonal antibody against a sperm‐surface glycoprotein (SGP) was obtained by immunizing mice with a sperm membrane fraction of the frog, Xenopus laevis, followed by screening of the culture supernatants based on their inhibitory activity against fertilization. The fertilization of both jellied and denuded eggs was effectively inhibited by pretreatment of sperm with intact anti‐SGP antibody as well as its Fab fragment, indicating that the antibody recognizes a molecule on the sperm's surface that is necessary for fertilization. On Western blots, the anti‐SGP antibody recognized large molecules, with molecular masses of 65–150 kDa and minor smaller molecules with masses of 20–28 kDa in the sperm membrane vesicles. SGP was distributed over nearly the entire surface of the sperm, probably as an integral membrane protein in close association with microfilaments. More membrane vesicles containing SGP bound to the surface were found in the animal hemisphere compared with the vegetal hemisphere in unfertilized eggs, but the vesicle‐binding was not observed in fertilized eggs. These results indicate that SGP mediates sperm‐egg membrane binding and is responsible for the establishment of fertilization in Xenopus.  相似文献   

The generation of reproductive incompatibility between groups requires a rare genotype with low compatibility to increase in frequency. We tested the hypothesis that sexual conflict driven by the risk of polyspermy can generate compatibility groups in gamete recognition proteins (GRPs) in the sea urchin Mesocentrotus franciscanus. We examined variation in the sperm (bindin) and egg (EBR1) GRPs, how this variation influences fertilization success and how allele frequencies shift in these GRPs over time. The EBR1 gene is a large, 4595 amino acid protein made up of 27 thrombospondin type 1 domain (TSP) and 20 C1s/C1r, uEGF and bone morphogenic protein subdomain (CUB) repeats. Two TSP and two CUB repeats each demonstrate two common non‐synonymous haplotypes (alleles). Sperm bindin and one of these EBR1 repeats (TSP8) shift allele frequencies from one common to two common types over an approximate 200 year interval associated with the removal of predatory sea otters and rising sea urchin abundances; the egg receptor shifts first, followed by the sperm ligand. Laboratory crosses indicate that the historically common sperm and egg gamete recognition proteins have high compatibility as do the new common proteins, with mismatches having lower compatibility. This process of creating compatibility groups sets the stage for reproductive isolation and speciation.  相似文献   

Developmental failure caused by excess sperm (polyspermy) is thought to be an important mechanism driving the evolution of gamete-recognition proteins, reproductive isolation, and speciation in marine organisms. However, these theories assume that there is heritable variation in the susceptibility to polyspermy and that this variation is related to the overall affinity between sperm and eggs. These assumptions have not been critically examined. We investigated the relationship between ease of fertilization and susceptibility to polyspermy within and among three congeneric sea urchins. The results from laboratory studies indicate that, both within and among species, individuals and species that produce eggs capable of fertilization at relatively low sperm concentrations are more susceptible to polyspermy, whereas individuals and species producing eggs that require higher concentrations of sperm to be fertilized are more resistant to polyspermy. This relationship sets the stage for selection on gamete traits that depend on sperm availability and for sexual conflict that can influence the evolution of gamete-recognition proteins and eventually lead to reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

Sperm competition, in which the ejaculates of multiple males compete to fertilize a female''s ova, results in strong selection on sperm traits. Although sperm size and swimming velocity are known to independently affect fertilization success in certain species, exploring the relationship between sperm length, swimming velocity and fertilization success still remains a challenge. Here, we use the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata), where sperm size influences sperm swimming velocity, to determine the effect of sperm total length on fertilization success. Sperm competition experiments, in which pairs of males whose sperm differed only in length and swimming speed, revealed that males producing long sperm were more successful in terms of (i) the number of sperm reaching the ova and (ii) fertilizing those ova. Our results reveal that although sperm length is the main factor determining the outcome of sperm competition, complex interactions between male and female reproductive traits may also be important. The mechanisms underlying these interactions are poorly understood, but we suggest that differences in sperm storage and utilization by females may contribute to the outcome of sperm competition.  相似文献   

Viable, intact rabbit sperm, prepared, processed, and flow cytometrically sorted, were used in this study to determine the influence of flow sorting on fertilization and embryo development. In experiment I, flow-sorted or control (unstained and unsorted) sperm were surgically inseminated into the uterine horn of hormonally primed does (10 to 12 does per time point). At 42 hr postsurgical insemination, flushed embryos were assessed for development. Fetal development was determined at day 7, day 14, and day 21 post-surgical insemination. Embryos resulting from does surgically inseminated with control sperm at 42 hr post-insemination were observed to be at the early morula stage of development (>16 cell), whereas embryos from does inseminated with flow sorted sperm were at the 8- to 16-cell stage. No difference was observed between treatments at day 7, 14, or 21, however, there was a significant decrease in fetus number per doe inseminated with flow-sorted sperm over time. In experiment II, mature oocytes were flushed from the oviducts of superovulated does and coincubated in vitro (IVF) with flow-sorted or control rabbit sperm. Oocytes observed at 6 hr post-coincubation exhibited swollen sperm heads in the cytoplasm, demonstrating that fertilization had occurred (2 PN + T). There was a higher percentage of fertilized oocytes by 8 hr post-coincubation for both control (31%) and flow-sorted sperm (31%) when used for IVF. By 10 and 12 hr post-coincubation, little difference was observed in the number of fertilized oocytes between sperm treatments (52% and 66% for control vs. 57 and 54% for flow-sorted, respectively). These studies demonstrate that flow-sorted sperm are capable of fertilizing mature oocytes under in vitro conditions. In addition they show that flow sorting may not negatively influence fertilization events, but likely interferes during early embryonic and fetal development. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • 1 This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.
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