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为厘清三江源地区草地植被返青及其与气候因子的关系。以三江源地区为研究对象,选取该区2003—2012年日照时数、平均气温和降水以及草地植被返青资料,采用线性倾向率和Pearson相关分析法,较为系统地分析探讨了近10年三江源地区气候变化趋势及其与草地植被返青的相关关系。结果表明:(1)近10年来,三江源地区草地植被返青呈"提前—推迟—再提前—再推迟"的变化趋势。(2)海拔4000 m以上的地区草地植被返青期极差较大,相差约40 d;且高寒草原和高寒荒漠草地植被返青时间突变最为显著。(3)三江源地区草地植被返青日期与返青期前30 d光、温、水的相关性较好。除局部地区草地植被返青与光、温、水呈显著负相关外,其余地区均显著正相关。以上研究结果表明,三江源地区草地植被返青期不是由单一因素决定,而是光照、气温和降水等因素综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

青海湖流域草地植被动态变化趋势下的物候时空特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植被物候不仅直接受气候变化的影响,还反作用于气候变化。因此,明确植被物候变化的驱动机制对于进一步研究气候变化与物候的相互作用具有重要的意义。选取位于青藏高原东北部的青海湖流域,利用MODIS 16d增强植被指数(EVI)合成数据,来分析草地物候时空格局特征以及不同EVImax变化趋势下草地物候期(返青期、枯黄期及生长季)的变化趋势。研究得到以下结果:(1)在气候变化和人类活动等因素的共同作用下,青海湖流域的EVImax变化呈现多元化趋势,EVImax增加、不变、降低趋势并存;(2)1990—2012年期间,流域内温度上升、降水量增加趋势显著,温度上升速率为0.42—0.83℃/10a,降水量增加速率为43.20—44.68 mm/10a。刚察、天峻气象站草地返青期在2001—2012年期间呈现延迟趋势,枯黄期变化趋势不显著,生长季呈现缩短趋势;(3)流域内草地返青从4月下旬持续到6月上旬,枯黄期从8月中旬持续到10月上旬,青海湖东岸、南岸、布哈河入湖口区域以及流域西部山坡和平坦的谷底地区牧草最早进入返青期,返青空间格局呈现由湖岸向四周高海拔地区延伸趋势,草地枯黄空间格局与返青期相反;(4)不同EVImax变化趋势下,草地返青期、枯黄期、生长季变化趋势表现出差异。草地EVImax降低趋势下,牧草返青期呈现提前趋势,枯黄期延迟,生长季延长;EVImax增加趋势下,牧草返青期延迟,枯黄期变化不明显,生长季缩短;EVImax不变区、农田的返青与枯黄期变化趋势并不明显,但是农田生长季缩短趋势较明显。  相似文献   

高寒草甸植物物候对温度变化的响应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李晓婷  郭伟  倪向南  卫晓依 《生态学报》2019,39(18):6670-6680
植物物候是植物为适应其生长环境而呈现的规律性变化,是气候变化的指示器。为了解高寒植物物候对温度变化的响应,利用1997—2010年青海湖海北高寒草原生态监测站群落优势种矮嵩草物候观测资料和同时段的气象资料,应用偏最小二乘(PLS)回归定量分析了植物物候期变化特征、趋势及其与气温间的相互关系。结果表明:①1997—2010年青海湖地区年均温度总体上升,倾向率为0.5℃/10a,其中年均最高温度和最低温度呈现出非对称型变化,最低温度显著升高且高于年均温升幅,倾向率为0.7℃/10a(P0.05),而年均最高温度无明显变化。②1997—2010年间,矮嵩草平均返青期和枯黄期分别为4月18日和10月2日,矮嵩草返青期推迟,枯黄期提前,生长季长度缩短。③影响矮嵩草返青的关键时期为每年的1月和3—4月,1月温度升高影响植物休眠进程进而延迟返青,而3—4月温度升高有利于热量积累使返青提前;影响矮嵩草枯黄的关键时期为7月上中旬和8月,期间温度升高使枯黄期提前。④根据PLS分析和相关分析,最低温度在各关键时期内显著影响植物物候,而最高温度仅在8月对枯黄期影响通过显著性检验,因此最低温度是影响高寒草地矮嵩草物候期的关键因子。  相似文献   

 对不同海拔梯度高寒草甸群落植物多样性和初级生产力关系的研究结果表明:1)不同海拔梯度上,中间海拔梯度群落植物多样性最高,即物种丰富度、均匀度和多样性最大;2)不同海拔梯度上,群落生产力水平和物种丰富度中等时,物种多样性最高;3)随着海拔的逐渐升高,地上生物量逐渐减少;4)地下生物量具有“V”字形季节变化规律,在牧草返青期和枯黄期地下生物量最大,7月最小,且地下生物量主要分布在0~10 cm的土层中。地下生物量垂直分布呈明显的倒金字塔特征。  相似文献   

近20年青藏高原东北部禾本科牧草生育期变化特征   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:6  
利用1988—2010年青藏高原东北部地区5个站点牧草生育期地面观测数据,分析了近20年代表性牧草返青、开花、黄枯期及生长季的变化趋势,并通过偏相关分析探讨了气温和降水对牧草生育期的关系。结果表明,近20年青藏高原东北部牧草生育期北部推迟南部提前的特征明显。南部的三江源区域返青、开花与黄枯期总体呈显著提前趋势,其中曲麻莱羊茅返青期提前的倾向率达到-4 d/10 a,开花期为-13 d/10 a,黄枯期达到-9 d/10 a,且均通过0.01的显著性检验水平。北部环青海湖区域的海北西北针茅生育期则表现出一定的推迟趋势。生长季长度北部地区延长,而南部除甘德(垂穗披碱草)外均呈明显缩短趋势。近20 a黄枯期的变化幅度明显大于返青期,使得生长季长度的变化更多地受黄枯期变化的影响。1月和3月气温是影响研究区牧草返青最主要的气候因子,气温增高返青提前。开花期南北差异明显,北部与同期气温呈明显负相关关系,南部则主要与开花前2—3个月的降水量密切相关,降水增多大部地区开花期提前。此外,降水也是各地牧草黄枯的主要影响因子。  相似文献   

牦牛暖季放牧对牧草消化率的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
董全民  赵新全  马玉寿 《生态学杂志》2007,26(11):1771-1776
通过垂穗披碱草-星星草混播草地连续3个放牧季的牦牛放牧试验,对不同放牧强度下牧草的消化率进行了研究。结果表明:放牧强度对牦牛所食牧草中酸性洗涤纤维消化率的影响极显著(P〈0.01),对粗纤维消化率的影响显著(P〈0.05),而对所食牧草中的总能、粗蛋白、粗灰分和中性洗涤纤维的影响不显著(P〉0.05);放牧时间对中性和酸性洗涤纤维的影响极显著(P〈0.01),而对牧草总能、粗蛋白、粗纤维和粗灰分的影响不显著(P〉0.05)。尽管牦牛的采食量均随放牧强度的增加而减小,但牦牛对采食牧草各营养成分的消化率并未出现规律性变化。  相似文献   

为了探明香根草〔Vetiveria zizanioides(Linn.)Nash〕在尾矿生态系统恢复中的作用机制,以贵州省六盘水市大河煤矿煤矸石山种植3、6、8和13 a的香根草为研究对象,分别在返青期、快速生长期、成熟期和枯黄期对香根草根、茎、叶和全株的全氮含量及其分配比例进行了比较.结果表明:在种植3、6、8和13 a,香根草根、茎、叶和全株的全氮含量均在快速生长期最高,并显著高于其余生长期.随种植年限增加,返青期、成熟期和枯黄期根的全氮含量,枯黄期茎的全氮含量以及返青期全株的全氮含量均逐渐升高;返青期茎和叶的全氮含量逐渐降低;快速生长期根的全氮含量,快速生长期和成熟期茎的全氮含量以及快速生长期、成熟期和枯黄期叶和全株的全氮含量先升高后降低,并在种植8 a最高.在种植6、8和13 a,快速生长期根的全氮含量分配比例最低,而快速生长期叶的全氮含量分配比例却最高.随种植年限增加,返青期根的全氮含量分配比例逐渐升高,而返青期茎和叶的全氮含量分配比例却逐渐降低;在种植8 a,快速生长期、成熟期和枯黄期根的全氮含量分配比例以及枯黄期茎的全氮含量分配比例最低或较低,而快速生长期和成熟期茎的全氮含量分配比例以及快速生长期、成熟期和枯黄期叶的全氮含量分配比例最高.在相同种植年限和生长期,香根草茎的全氮含量及其分配比例明显低于根和叶;总体来看,返青期、成熟期和枯黄期根的全氮含量及其分配比例高于叶,而快速生长期根的全氮含量及其分配比例却低于叶.研究结果显示:随着种植年限增加和生长期推移,香根草能够合理分配氮素资源,使其在煤矸石山立足,据此认为,香根草可用于煤矸石山的生态恢复和植被重建,但种植年限不宜超过8a.  相似文献   

祁连山东段高原鼢鼠对高寒草甸危害评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周延山  花立民  楚彬  刘丽  姬程鹏  田永亮 《生态学报》2016,36(18):5922-5930
为了客观评价高原鼢鼠(Myospalax baileyi)对高寒草甸的危害程度,在祁连山东段研究了高原鼢鼠不同种群密度与草地质量之间的关系,共设置了3个高原鼢鼠种群密度梯度,调查了3个危害等级变量(鼠丘数、鼠丘面积和鼠丘产草量)和6个生境变量(草地产草量、总盖度、可食牧草产量、植被组成、土壤水分和土壤紧实度),通过One-Way ANOVA检验法研究这些因子与高原鼢鼠危害程度的关系。结果表明:在设置的3个种群密度梯度下,草地产草量、总盖度、可食牧草产量和鼠丘产草量无显著性差异;草地植物群落结构、新鼠丘面积占调查区面积的比例无显著性差异,除高原鼢鼠采食深度(0—20 cm)外,3个种群密度区土壤紧实度无显著性差异,而0—30 cm处土壤水分存在显著性差异,说明本研究中不同高原鼢鼠种群密度区的草地质量没有显著性差异。此外,研究结果表明调查样地大小与危害评价有着密切关系,在高寒草甸区,单个样方调查面积以0.5 hm~2以上为宜。  相似文献   

长期过度利用导致我国草原的生产功能严重衰退,适量补充关键性养分元素是提升牧草产量的关键.以往研究表明,氮素输入可提升牧草产量,但对牧草品质的影响鲜有涉及.本研究以内蒙古草甸草原退化草地为对象开展控制试验,旨在明确氮素补给如何通过改变不同植物类群的牧草品质和植物群落结构影响群落水平上的牧草品质.结果表明: 氮素输入显著提升了牧草产量达23%,主要得益于根茎禾草类群的贡献; 氮素输入对其他植物类群的生产力无显著影响.不同植物类群的粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗纤维含量均存在显著差异.氮素输入显著提高了根茎禾草、丛生禾草、豆科植物、苔草类植物的粗蛋白含量,提高了根茎禾草的粗脂肪含量,而对所有类群的粗纤维含量均无显著影响.在群落水平上,氮素输入显著提高了粗蛋白和粗脂肪含量.这对于理解氮素补给对草甸草原牧草生产的影响具有重要意义.  相似文献   

基于MODIS NPP数据的青海湖流域产草量与载畜量估算研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
快速评价区域草地生产力状况, 是制定牧区草畜平衡策略, 保障草地生态系统健康可持续发展的前提基础。基于MODIS NPP产品数据, 对青海湖流域草地生产力进行了估算和评价。结果表明: (1)牛羊可食性最高的高寒草甸、高寒草原和温性草原, 其单位面积产草量估算值的均方根误差RMSE为26.15 g·m-2, 表明该方法可以快速估算区域尺度的产草量。(2)全年干草产量为145.42万t, 其中能被牛羊直接采食利用的牧草共计59.18万t, 理论载畜量为81.07万羊单位; (3)影响单位面积干草产量的主要气候因子, 海拔3500 m以下地区, 是活动积温且与单位面积干草产量呈负相关关系; 3500 m以上地区, 是温度且与单位面积产草量呈正相关关系。研究结果可为高寒地区合理规划牧业生产活动、生态补偿等提供科学依据和决策支持, 也可为全国其他牧区的草原产草量的估算提供参考。  相似文献   

三江源自然保护区高寒草地草情诊断研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三江源生态保护和建设工程的实施对生态环境产生了积极的影响,草地是该地区最主要的生态系统类型,准确的草情诊断对该地区的生态稳定和畜牧业发展具重要意义,可更好的指导三江源区生态环境的保护和发展.基于长时间序列的遥感观测资料和野外采样数据,通过构建草情诊断基准值,结合草地覆盖度和产草量的变化率,根据加权求和计算出草情指数,诊...  相似文献   

利用GLOPEM-CEVSA模型模拟并分析了中国东北地区2000-2008年植被净初级生产力(NPP)时空分布格局及其影响因素,并以4个森林生态站点(大兴安岭、老爷岭、凉水和长白山森林生态站)为例研究了东北地区森林NPP季节变化特征及其环境驱动.结果表明:2000-2008年,东北地区植被年均NPP为445 g C·m-2·a-1;整个研究区沿长白山山脉到小兴安岭山脉地区以及三江平原部分地区的NPP最高,沿长白山山脉到小兴安岭山脉西侧的辽河平原、松嫩平原东部、三江平原和大兴安岭地区次之,西部稀疏草原和荒漠地区的NPP最低.东北地区森林生态系统年均NPP最高,其次为灌丛、农田和草地,荒漠最低.森林生态系统中,针阔混交林年均NPP最大(722 g C·m-2·a-1),落叶针叶林年均NPP最小(451 g C·m-2·a-1).研究期间,森林NPP无显著年际变化,其中2007、2008年较往年NPP大幅增加,很可能与该地区期间气温上升有关(较往年偏高1 ℃=~2℃).东北地区森林自北向南生长季开始时间逐渐提前,生长季变长.  相似文献   

Aims Grasslands are widely used for production of livestock, which depend on the nutritive value of herbage species. However, there are still large uncertainties as to how grazing, precipitation and growing season interactively affect herbage nutritive value.Methods Here, based on a grazing experiment with seven grazing intensities in an Inner Mongolian grassland since the year 2005, we analysed nutritive value of four dominant grass species from June to September in both a relatively wetter year (2008) and a drier year (2010). Herbage with high nutritive value is characterized by high concentration of crude protein, high concentration of cellulase digestible organic matter and low concentration of neutral detergent fibre.Important findings We found that (i) grazing significantly increased the nutritive value of Leymus chinensis, Agropyron michnoi and Cleistogenes squarrosa but had minor effects on the nutritive value of Stipa grandis. (ii) For all species, nutritive values were greater in the wetter year than in the drier year and were greatest in the early growing season (June) and lowest at the end of the growing season (September). Inter-annual and inter-seasonal variations in nutritive value were much greater for L. chinensis and A. michnoi than for C. squarrosa and S. grandis, suggesting higher water use efficiency for the latter two species. (iii) Grazing significantly decreased the drought resistance of three species, but not of S. grandis. (iv) Grazing significantly increased inter-month variation in nutritive value for L. chinensis and A. michnoi but had relatively minor or no effects on that of C. squarrosa and S. grandis. Therefore, grazing effects on species nutritive values showed strong inter-annual and seasonal patterns, and species-specific responses might be related to species traits (i.e. water use efficiency, digestibility). Our results have important implications for ecosystem management of arid and semi-arid grasslands under intense grazing and global climatic change.  相似文献   

Cereal-legume intercropping plays a vital role in the subsistence food production system that prevails in the arid regions. It not only provides profitable crop productivity for agricultural communities but also plays an important role in improving soil fertility. Therefore, the present research was conducted to assess the effect of the organic and mineral fertilizers on the forage yield and nutritional value in barley-pea intercropping system. The results revealed that the quality of forage grass is significantly influenced by both organic and inorganic fertilizer. Thus, organic fertilizer application has significantly influenced the dry matter (DM), crude ash (CA), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and acid detergent fiber (ADF). Among the treatments, organic fertilizer added at rate of 35 m−3 ha−1 produced the maximum fresh and dry matter in barley and peas. In addition, the same level of organic fertilizer also improved silage composition by significantly increasing the protein and fiber content and showed highest the values. Based on overall results, it is concluded that organic fertilizer treatment (35 m−3 ha−1) has the potential as an effective strategy to improve the productivity and nutritional quality of the barley-pea intercropping system in arid areas. The results revealed that organic fertilizer can be utilized in sustainable agricultural as a source of nutrients for numerous various crops under arid conditions.  相似文献   

In the steppe of Inner Mongolia, forage is the only source of feed for sheep. The forage intake of sheep can be characterized in both quantity and quality terms, which are determined by environmental and anthropogenic factors and grazing has a strong effect on steppe productivity and the grassland ecosystem. Evaluation of forage quality and quantity is therefore of critical importance. The effects of grazing intensity, interannual variability effects, and species composition on aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) and forage nutritional characteristics were investigated in a controlled grazing experiment along a gradient of 7 grazing intensities (from non-grazed to very heavily grazed) over six years (2005–2010) on typical steppe in Inner Mongolia. Forage nutritional characteristics were defined by the nutritional value (concentrations of crude protein (CP), cellulase digestible organic matter (CDOM), metabolizable energy (ME) and neutral detergent fibre (NDF)) and the nutritional yield. The forage nutritional yield is a function of ANPP and the forage nutritional value. Forage nutritional value increased but ANPP and nutritional yields decreased with increasing grazing intensity. The inter-annual variation of ANPP, forage nutritional value and yield were weakly linked to the inter-annual variability of precipitation. However, ANPP and nutritional value also varied during the growing season, depending on the seasonal distribution of precipitation and temperature, which influence forage digestibility (CDOM) and metabolizable energy (ME), with higher CDOM and ME under high seasonal precipitation and low seasonal mean temperature. Forage nutritional value and yield, as well as ANPP, were predominantly determined by the dominant species rather than by species diversity. The results suggest that forage nutritional yield in the Inner Mongolian steppe is predominantly determined by the ANPP and only to a minor extent by forage nutritional value, and is predominantly determined by the dominant species and only to a minor extent by species diversity. Therefore, herbage productivity seems to be the most limiting factor in managing this steppe ecosystem as a feeding resource for livestock and to be the best ecological and environmental indicator for grassland management practices.  相似文献   

The influence of red deer (Cervus elaphus) grazing on grassland production for forage conservation at the forest border during the vegetation period was studied on three locations (Mala gora, Cvišlerji, and Mačkovec) in the Kočevje region (SE Slovenia). The experiment lasted from the 25th of March until the 8th of October 2002. Portable cages were used to exclude red deer from grazing the herbage. At four sampling dates in the season, herbage air dry matter (DM) yield was measured at three different observations (cage-protected plot, cage-protected plot only two to three weeks before sampling date, otherwise freely grazed (removed), and unprotected plot). The results from the experiment showed that red deer grazed on grassland through the entire season and that the regeneration capability of sward was the highest in summer, middle in spring and smallest in autumn. On unprotected plots, an average reduction of 50% of herbage DM yield was found with the most damaged sites also up to 80% reduction.  相似文献   

王海青  田育红  黄薇霖  肖随丽 《生态学报》2015,35(10):3225-3232
人工草地建设是缓解内蒙古地区草地生存压力的必要途径,而水分短缺是该区人工草地建设中牧草生长的主要限制因素,适量的人工补水以实现牧草的高产节水是解决这一问题的关键。以当地主要牧草冰草和紫花苜蓿为研究对象,开展单播和混播条件下不同灌溉量对牧草产量、光合性能和水分利用效率影响的对比试验。研究结果表明:(1)豆禾混播有利于提高冰草和紫花苜蓿的产量;(2)8月初现蕾期是冰草和紫花苜蓿收割的最佳季节,此时牧草产量最高;(3)灌溉量达到田间持水量的45%(包含降雨量在内的单位面积灌溉量在7月初达到903.8 m3/hm2,在8月初达到1812.4 m3/hm2)是牧草高产节水的最佳补水选择;(4)6—8月水分胁迫更有利于提高牧草的长期水分利用效率(long-term water use efficiency,WUEL),开花期后补水对提高牧草WUEL的作用开始显著;(5)在牧草产量最高的8月初水分胁迫更有利于提高牧草的瞬时水分利用效率(instantaneous water use efficiency,WUEI),而在7月初光照强烈、水分蒸发量大时,较多地补水更有利于提高牧草的WUEI。  相似文献   

Although stocking rate is a key management variable influencing the structure and composition of pastures, only few studies have simultaneously analysed the seasonal patterns of pasture use by cattle, and the adjustments the animals make to maintain intake of a high-quality diet over the grazing season. Therefore, over a 3-year study, we recorded diet selection, plot use and impact of heifers on sward structure and quality under three different stocking rates (0.6, 1.0 and 1.4 livestock units (LU) per ha) in a species-rich mountain pasture of central France. Measurements were made on three occasions between early June and the end of September each year. Overall, heifers selected for bites dominated by legumes or forbs, and against reproductive grass, whatever the stocking rate or season. Selection for tall mixed (P < 0.05), short mixed (P < 0.05) and short pure grass bites (P < 0.01) was more pronounced in plots grazed at the lowest stocking rate. Although heifers' selection for short patches decreased at the end of the season (P < 0.001), they continued to graze previously grazed areas, thus exhibiting a typical 'patch grazing' pattern, with the animals that grazed at the lowest stocking rate tending to better maintain their selection for short patches in September (treatment × period: P = 0.078). Neither diet quality nor individual animal performance were affected by the different stocking rate treatments despite high variability in the quantity and quality of herbage offered and differences in diet selection. However, at the 1.4 LU per ha stocking rate, the quantity of forage available per animal at the end of the season, 0.79 t dry matter (DM) per ha of green leaves with the median of sward height at 4.6 cm, approached levels limiting cattle's ability to compensate for the effects of increasing stocking rate. In plots grazed at 0.6 LU per ha, the total herbage biomass remained higher than 3 t DM per ha with more than 30% of plot area still covered by reproductive grass patches at the end of the grazing season, which in the medium term should affect the botanical composition of these pastures. Sward heterogeneity was high in plots grazed at 1.0 LU per ha, with sufficient herbage availability (1.1 t DM per ha of green leaves) to maintain animal performance, and more than 15% of plot area was kept at a reproductive stage at the end of the grazing season. Hence, it could represent the optimal balance to satisfy both livestock production and conservation management objectives.  相似文献   

This study’s goal was to better understand the growth pattern and limitations of the herbaceous production that supports South India’s rich large herbivore grazer assemblage. We conducted a fully factorial nitrogen and water (three levels each) treatment field experiment in the herbivore rich South Indian Western Ghats region to determine the seasonal pattern and the extent to which nitrogen and water availability limit herbaceous production. Graminoid production was found to be nitrogen limited. Despite low rainfall, additional water did not significantly increase overall biomass production nor extend growth in the dry season. Accumulated standing biomass was highest in the late wet season (November) and lowest in the dry season (May). Leaf nitrogen was highest in the early wet season (June) and lowest in the late dry season (March). Grazing had a positive effect on grass production by extending the growing season. Biomass production and graminoid leaf nitrogen concentration levels in the study area were similar to other tropical areas in the world. Also similar to other tropical large herbivore areas, the dry season poses an annual challenge for large herbivores in the study area —particularly the smaller bodied species—to satisfy their nutrient requirements.  相似文献   

Remotely-sensed vegetation indices, which indicate the density and photosynthetic capacity of vegetation, have been widely used to monitor vegetation dynamics over broad areas. In this paper, we reviewed satellite-based studies on vegetation cover changes, biomass and productivity variations, phenological dynamics, desertification, and grassland degradation in China that occurred over the past 2–3 decades. Our review shows that the satellite-derived index (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI) during growing season and the vegetation net primary productivity in major terrestrial ecosystems (for example forests, grasslands, shrubs, and croplands) have significantly increased, while the number of fresh lakes and vegetation coverage in urban regions have experienced a substantial decline. The start of the growing season continually advanced in China's temperate regions until the 1990s, with a large spatial heterogeneity. We also found that the coverage of sparsely-vegetated areas declined, and the NDVI per unit in vegetated areas increased in arid and semi-arid regions because of increased vegetation activity in grassland and oasis areas. However, these results depend strongly not only on the periods chosen for investigation, but also on factors such as data sources, changes in detection methods, and geospatial heterogeneity. Therefore, we should be cautious when applying remote sensing techniques to monitor vegetation structures, functions, and changes.  相似文献   

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