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Climate change is likely to disrupt the timing of developmental events (phenology) in insect populations in which development time is largely determined by temperature. Shifting phenology puts insects at risk of being exposed to seasonal weather extremes during sensitive life stages and losing synchrony with biotic resources. Additionally, warming may result in loss of developmental synchronization within a population making it difficult to find mates or mount mass attacks against well-defended resources at low population densities. It is unknown whether genetic evolution of development time can occur rapidly enough to moderate these effects. We present a novel approach to modeling the evolution of phenology by allowing the parameters of a phenology model to evolve in response to selection on emergence time and density. We use the Laplace method to find asymptotic approximations for the temporal variation in mean phenotype and phenotypic variance arising in the evolution model that are used to characterize invariant distributions of the model under periodic temperatures at leading order. At these steady distributions the mean phenotype allows for parents and offspring to be oviposited at the same time of year in consecutive years. Numerical simulations show that populations evolve to these steady distributions under periodic temperatures. We consider an example of how the evolution model predicts populations will evolve in response to warming temperatures and shifting resource phenology.  相似文献   

Because of the modular structure of pearl millet (an annual grass crop, Poaceae), different tillers of a plant share the same genotype but are subjected to different environmental conditions during their maturation. This allows investigation of the effects of tiller flowering phenology on allocation to resource-producing photosynthetic biomass, sexual functions, and thus tiller gender. All tillers of plants of two families collected from individual maternal plants (represented by 33 and 31 plants each) were analyzed. In both families, allocation to aboveground vegetative biomass decreased as flowering was delayed. On average, late-flowering tillers were 65% smaller than the first ones to flower. The proportion of biomass allocated to reproduction significantly increased with the flowering rank of the tillers, suggesting that translocations of assimilates occurred between early- and late-flowering tillers. In both families, late-flowering tillers produced significantly fewer pollen grains per stamen than early-flowering ones, and female reproductive allocation (expressed as seed mass per tiller) was also affected by flowering phenology. Tillers became increasingly female as flowering phenology progressed. This gender variation is possibly adaptive because pollination efficiency is maximized by plant height. Natural selection may favor a shift toward femaleness to maximize reproductive fitness in small, late-developing tillers.  相似文献   

《Cell Stem Cell》2019,24(5):736-752.e12
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Phenology of organismal development varies between growing seasons according to the weather and also varies within growing seasons across topoclimatic gradients. Combining these factors is necessary to predict landscape-level patterns of phenology and their consequences for population dynamics. We developed a model on a Geographic Information System (GIS) that predicts phenology of adult emergence of the threatened Bay checkerspot butterfly across complex terrain under variable weather. Physiological time was modeled by accumulated slope-specific direct insolation. Insolation sums through growing seasons were calculated for each cell of a digital terrain model (skipping over cloudy days) until a threshold for adult emergence was reached. Emergence times of adult butterflies for a given year were then mapped out across a 100-ha area. To generate predicted emergence curves for the population in a given year, these maps ofemergence times were then modified by incorporating microdistributions of postdiapause larvae. Different larval microdistributions changed both the magnitude and shape of emergence curves under the same yearly weather and could change mean population-wide emergence dates by 11 days. Reproductive success in this butterfly is strongly dependent on the timing of adult emergence, and these models provide insights into the effects of weather, topography, and population history on population dynamics. Because adult emergence phenology is often a key component of reproductive success for insects, understanding the components of phenological variation in space and time in complex terrain may provide insights into population dynamics for management of pests and conservation of rare species. Received 2 December 1997; accepted 24 March 1998.  相似文献   

陈文年  吴彦  吴宁  罗鹏 《植物研究》2011,31(2):206-212
在青藏高原东部的一个高山雪床,沿着融雪梯度分别设置早融、中间和晚融3个融雪部位,然后测定川西小黄菊(Pyrethrum tatsienense)、长叶火绒草(Leontopodium longifolium)和圆穗蓼(Polygonum macrophyllum)在3个融雪部位上的物候差异以及种群分布格局的变化。结果表明:从早融到晚融的梯度上,3个物种的物候期都不同程度地有所推迟。其中,开始生长的时间推迟12~14 d,始花期推迟6~8 d,盛花期推迟6 d左右,但同一种植物在不同的融雪部位上的衰老枯黄期趋于一致,这标志着在晚融部位同一植物的生长期要缩短。在种群层次上,长叶火绒草和圆穗蓼的分布格局随着融雪的推迟都发生了一定的变化,基本上表现为从早融部位的集群分布到中间或晚融部位的随机分布。川西小黄菊在各个融雪部位上都表现为集群分布,但集群的强度随融雪的推迟逐渐减弱。  相似文献   

Vitellogenesis of developing oocytes of a Dipteran insect Chironomus thummi has been investigated. The onset of yolk deposition is marked by the differentiation of the oolemma including the formation of microvilli and endocytosis. These changes are accompanied by the appearance of small electrondense granules, similar in density to the yolk platelets, arising through the sequential accumulation of material into the matrices of the multivesicullar bodies (MVBs). These latter structures are produced in the previtellogenic oocytes of the pharate pupae and early pharate adults. Often the limiting membrane of the MVBs bears bristle coats resembling those of the coated vesicles of pinocytotic origin, suggesting that it is through the fusion with the pinocytotic vesicles that the accumulation of dense material in the MVBs results. That the MVBs transform into structures resembling yolk granules is supported by statistical analysis which indicates that the decrease in the number of electron-dense MVBs coincides with the increase in the occurrence of small dense yolk granules.
In the late pharate adult stage the yolk granules are considerably larger than those of earlier stages. It is during this period that at least one type of electron-dense granule occurs at the oocytefollicle cell border, and that these apparently contribute to the formation of the vitelline envelope.
The results of the present study indicate that preformed oocytic elements, the MVBs, play a strategic role in the formation and arrangement of the yolk granules in Chironomus. Since these structures account for the bulk of the ooplasm, it appears that the MVBs are at least partly responsible for the correct ordering of the cytoplasmic constituents of the oocytes, which is critical for the proper development and differentiation of the embryo.  相似文献   

Intraspecific Variation in Chemical Attraction of Rice to Insect Predators   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The olfactory response of predators of the brown planthopper,Nilaparvata lugensStål, to different genotypes of rice (14 cultivars and breeding lines ofOryza sativaL. and 1 wild species,Oryza nivaraSharma et Shastry) was measured in an airflow olfactometer. Odor from rice plants attracted more females of the mirid predatorCyrtorhinus lividipennisReuter than plain air (control) on only 6 of the 15 rice genotypes. Orientation ofC. lividipennistoward volatiles of certain rice genotypes was apparent even when the plants were free of the brown planthopper. However, the predator distinguished between prey-infested and uninfested plants and preferred plants with eggs over plants with nymphs. The predator did not distinguish different stages of plant growth (vegetative, booting, or flowering). Plants artificially injured to simulate brown planthopper oviposition wounds were not as attractive to the predator as plants on which the planthopper had oviposited. The preassay preconditioning on the cultivar TN1 did not produce a predator bias for this genotype. This suggests that rearing effects or chemically mediated associative learning reported for some natural enemies did not influenceC. lividipennis'host response. Results with another predator, the coccinellidMicraspis hirashimaiSasaji, produced less consistent behavior. Planthopper-infested plants attracted more females ofM. hirashimaithan unifested plants in only 1 of the 12 rice genotypes evaluated. Implications for augmenting predators by rice cultivar selection and modification are discussed.  相似文献   

Ectotherms, such as insects, experience non-constant temperatures in nature. Daily mean temperatures can be derived from the daily maximum and minimum temperatures. However, the converse is not true and environments with the same mean temperature can exhibit very different diurnal temperate ranges. Here we apply a degree-day model for development of the grape berry moth (Paralobesia viteana, a significant vineyard pest in the northeastern USA) to investigate how different diurnal temperature range conditions can influence degree-day accumulation and, hence, insect life history. We first consider changes in diurnal temperature range independent of changes in mean temperatures. We then investigate grape berry moth life history under potential climate change conditions, increasing mean temperature via variable patterns of change to diurnal temperature range. We predict that diurnal temperature range change can substantially alter insect life history. Altering diurnal temperature range independent of the mean temperature can affect development rate and voltinism, with the magnitude of the effects dependent on whether changes occur to the daily minimum temperature (Tmin), daily maximum temperature (Tmax), or both. Allowing for an increase in mean temperature produces more marked effects on life history but, again, the patterns and magnitude depend on the nature of the change to diurnal temperature range together with the starting conditions in the local environment. The study highlights the importance of characterizing the influence of diurnal temperature range in addition to mean temperature alone.  相似文献   

In communities of tropical insects, adult abundance tends to fluctuate widely, perhaps in part owing to predator–prey dynamics. Yet, temporal patterns of attack rates in tropical forest habitats have not been studied systematically; the identity of predators of insects in tropical forests is poorly known; and their responses to temporal variation in prey abundance have rarely been explored. We recorded incidence and shape of marks of attacks on dummy caterpillars (proxy of predation rate) in a sub‐montane tropical forest in Uganda during a yearlong experiment, and explored correlations with inferred caterpillar abundance. Applying the highest and lowest observed daily attack rates on clay dummies over a realistic duration of the larval stage of butterflies, indicates that the temporal variation in attack rate could cause more than 10‐fold temporal variation in caterpillar survival. Inferred predators were almost exclusively invertebrates, and beak marks of birds were very scarce. Attack rates by wasps varied more over time than those of ants. Attack rates on dummies peaked during the two wet seasons, and appeared congruent with inferred peaks in caterpillar density. This suggests (1) a functional response (predators shifting to more abundant resource) or adaptive timed phenology (predators timing activity or breeding to coincide with seasonal peaks in prey abundance) of predators, rather than a numerical response (predator populations increasing following peaks in prey abundance); and (2) that predation would dampen abundance fluctuations of tropical Lepidoptera communities.  相似文献   

International Journal of Primatology - Effective, targeted management and conservation plans for wildlife populations require reliable population sampling and estimation. Unfortunately, robust,...  相似文献   

Between 1975 to 2011, aphid Relative Growth Rates (RGR) were modelled as a function of mean outdoor temperature and host plant phenology. The model was applied to the grain aphid Sitobion avenae using data on aphid counts in winter wheat at two different climate regions in France (oceanic climate, Rennes (western France); continental climate, Paris). Mean observed aphid RGR was higher in Paris compared to the Rennes region. RGR increased with mean temperature, which is explained by aphid reproduction, growth and development being dependent on ambient temperature. From the stem extension to the heading stage in wheat, there was either a plateau in RGR values (Rennes) or an increase with a maximum at heading (Paris) due to high intrinsic rates of increase in aphids and also to aphid immigration. From the wheat flowering to the ripening stage, RGR decreased in both regions due to the low intrinsic rate of increase in aphids and high emigration rate linked to reduced nutrient quality in maturing wheat. The model validation process showed that the fitted models have more predictive power in the Paris region than in the Rennes region.  相似文献   



Previously, we have shown there is clinal variation for egg-to-adult developmental time along geographic gradients in Drosophila melanogaster. Further, we also have identified mutations in genes involved in metabolic and neurogenic pathways that affect development time (heterochronic genes). However, we do not know whether these loci affect variation in developmental time in natural populations.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here, we constructed second chromosome substitution lines from natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster from an altitudinal cline, and measured egg-adult development time for each line. We found not only a large amount of genetic variation for developmental time, but also positive associations of the development time with thermal amplitude and altitude. We performed genetic complementation tests using substitution lines with the longest and shortest developmental times and heterochronic mutations. We identified segregating variation for neurogenic and metabolic genes that largely affected the duration of the larval stages but had no impact on the timing of metamorphosis.


Altitudinal clinal variation in developmental time for natural chromosome substitution lines provides a unique opportunity to dissect the response of heterochronic genes to environmental gradients. Ontogenetic stage-specific variation in invected, mastermind, cricklet and CG14591 may affect natural variation in development time and thermal evolution.  相似文献   

Many insects and other arthropods communicate using plant‐borne vibrational signals. Vibration transmission along plant stems imposes a frequency filter on signals, and may cause signal degradation from reflected waves. Furthermore, different plant species and plant parts can differ in their transmission properties. This variability in the communication channel may constrain the reliability of signals, with important consequences for the evolution of vibrational communication systems, as well as for researchers studying signal variation at an individual, population, or species level. In this study we estimate the magnitude of substrate‐related variation in the mate advertisement signals of a treehopper (Hemiptera: Membracidae: Umbonia crassicornis). We used laser vibrometry to record the signals produced by 25 adult males on two different plant species, one host and one non‐host. We recorded male signals on two plants per species; within each plant, signals were recorded simultaneously at two distances. We measured three spectral characteristics (dominant frequency, relative amplitude of the signals’ high and low frequency components, frequency at the end of the signal) and two temporal characteristics (signal duration and click repetition rate). Spectral characteristics were influenced by the distance at which the signal was recorded, and this influence varied among plant species and individuals. Temporal characteristics were less influenced, although signal length was influenced by distance, an effect that varied among individual plants. Overall, the magnitude of the effects was small. Furthermore, there was significant within‐individual repeatability of almost all signal traits across different plant substrates. Signal characteristics were thus reliably associated with individuals, even when they signaled on different plants.  相似文献   

气候变化对农业害虫的潜在影响   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:19  
气候变化对农业害虫的潜在影响张润杰何新凤(中山大学昆虫学研究所生物防治国家重点实验室,广州510275)PotentialEfectsofClimateChangeonAgriculturalInsectPests.ZhangRunjie,HeXi...  相似文献   

本文立足于对深圳市城区几大公园的园林植物调查和统计,对主要园林树种的抽梢展叶期、生长期、落叶期、开花期、结果期、果熟期等物候指标进行观察记录,确定植物物候特征,并分析其对植被景观的影响,对植被景观改造以及树种的选择提供合理建议。  相似文献   

以11个转外源基因(CrylAc+API-B)系为材料,受体亲本陆地棉品种鄂抗9号为对照,研究其在抗棉铃虫性、产量和纤维品质性状上的差异.结果表明:11个转基因系的抗棉铃虫效果明显,达到中抗和高抗水平;转基因系及其受体、转基因系之间在单铃重等10个性状上均存在极显著性差异;和受体亲本相比,各个转基因系变异方向比较一致的性状有:衣指、衣分降低;而株高、单株结铃数、单铃重、子指、皮棉产量、纤维长度、断裂比强度、马克隆值、伸长率等性状的变化方向不定.  相似文献   

Abstract: A very wide diversity of genome size and phenology has been shown in 75 Allium species belonging to all of the six subgenera. The 2C DNA amounts per genome, which range from 16.93 to 63.57 pg, do not show any significant negative correlation with flowering period or any direct relation with foliage leaf dormancy. This means that there is no general correlation between evolution of genome size and life strategies in the differentiation of the genus Allium. This conclusion is rather unexpected in being contrary to the ecological perspective of the nucleotype theory in the genus Allium.  相似文献   

This review focuses on individual effects of major global change factors, such as elevated CO2, Oa, UV light and temperature,on plant secondary chemistry. These secondary metabolites are well-known for their role in plant defense against insect herbivory. Global change effects on secondary chemicals appear to be plant species-specific and dependent on the chemical type. Even though plant chemical responses induced by these factors are highly variable, there seems to be some specificity in the response to different environmental stressors. For example, even though the production of phenolic compounds is enhanced by both elevated CO2 and UV light levels, the latter appears to primarily increase the concentrations of fiavonoids. Likewise, specific phenolic metabolites seem to be induced by O3 but not by other factors, and an increase in volatile organic compounds has been particularly detected under elevated temperature. More information is needed regarding how global change factors influence inducibility of plant chemical defenses as well as how their indirect and direct effects impact insect performance and behavior, herbivory rates and pathogen attack. This knowledge is crucial to better understand how plants and their associated natural enemies will be affected in future changing environments.  相似文献   

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