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Although vaccination is a cost-effective way to control infectious diseases, it is often met with popular resistance. Studying smallpox in 19th century Germany, this paper explores how economic incentives contribute to this phenomenon. The paper adds to the literature by combining mathematical epidemiology and unpublished archival evidence from two German states - Baden and Wurttemberg. The two states are an intriguing case because their initial conditions and vaccination laws were similar. Despite this, Baden experienced lower smallpox prevalence and higher vaccination uptake than Wurttemberg. The epidemiological model predicts that incentives to vaccinate decline rapidly when immunization reduces prevalence. The archival evidence reveals that Baden offset this decline by creating a public vaccination system which reduced costs for vaccinees and vaccinators alike. This suggests that the high fixed costs of centralized immunization policies can be compensated by economies of scale and popular acceptance.  相似文献   


Migrants often have lower mortality than natives in spite of relatively unfavorable social and economic characteristics. Although migrants have a short‐run advantage due to the selective migration of healthy workers, persistent health and mortality differences between migrants and natives may be long‐run effects of different experiences in childhood. We made use of a natural experiment resulting from rural‐to‐urban migration in the mid‐19th century. Mortality was much higher in urban areas, especially in rapidly growing industrial cities. Migrants usually came from healthier rural origins as young adults. Data used in this study is available from 19th‐century Belgian population registers describing two sites: a rapidly growing industrial city and a small town that became an industrial suburb. We found evidence of three processes that lead to differences between the mortality of migrants and natives. First, recent migrants had lower mortality than natives, because they were self‐selected for good health when they arrived. This advantage decreased with time spent in the destination. Second, migrants from rural backgrounds had a disadvantage in epidemic years, because they had less experience with these diseases. Third, migrants from rural areas had lower mortality at older (but not younger) ages, even if they had migrated more than 10 years earlier. We interpret this as a long‐run consequence of less exposure to disease in childhood.  相似文献   

Within the framework of the Sicily Mummy Project, the orofacial complex of a significant sample of individuals (n = 111) from the Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo, Italy, was inspected. The heads and dentitions of the mummies were documented and the recorded findings described: the state of preservation of skeletal and soft tissues; dental pathologies such as carious lesions and alveolar bone loss; enamel hypoplasia; and ante- and post-mortem tooth loss. Despite limitations in data collection, the oral health of these mummies was assessed and the frequencies of pathologies were compared to those of similar populations. From their position within the corridors of the Catacombs, sex and social status of the mummies were also inferred, allowing the dental pathologies to be specified in the social and historical context. Most interestingly, the rate of oral health problems did not differ between the groups of the members of the Capuchin Order and the laymen of the city of Palermo, despite their different lifestyles.  相似文献   

Dendrochronology is usually the only method of precise dating of unsigned art objects made on or of wood. It has a long history of application in Europe, however in Russia such an approach is still at an infant stage, despite its cultural importance. Here we present the results of dendrochronological and radiocarbon accelerated mass spectrometry (AMS) dating of three medieval icons from the 15th–17th century that originate from the North of European Russia and are painted on wooden panels made from Scots pines. For each icon the wooden panels were dendrochronologically studied and five to six AMS dates were made. Two icons were successfully dendro-dated whereas one failed to be reliably cross-dated with the existing master tree-ring chronologies, but was dated by radiocarbon wiggle-matching. Wiggle-matching of radiocarbon dates is the most promising method for dating Russian icons in the absence of a dense dendrochronological network. However, for this case uncertainties connected with the radiocarbon method have to be taken into account and further studies of these uncertainties must be undertaken by comparing dendro-dated and radiocarbon-dated wooden works of art. Our results, moreover, showed that in two cases art-historical dates were by five to ten decades older than the earliest possible time of the creation of the icons, based on dendrochronology.  相似文献   

Results are presented from archaeobotanical analyses carried out in ‘The Mirror Pit’, a rectangular pit, situated in the city of Ferrara, in Emilia Romagna—Northern Italy. The study is part of wider research focused on the Mediaeval period of this city. The pit belongs to a building which was in use from the second half of 14th to the end of 15th century a.d. The pit itself was filled with domestic rubbish during a few years in the middle of the 15th century. The layers were preserved by waterlogging and are therefore extraordinarily rich in organic remains and artifacts, among which was the beautiful spherical mirror which gave its name to the pit. Approximately 256,000 well-preserved seeds and fruits belonging to 98 species or carpological types were identified in 12 l of sediment from the different layers. Ficus carica, Brassica rapa subsp. rapa/subsp. sylvestris and Vitis vinifera subsp. vinifera prevailed. Many cultivated plants and weeds were present, together with a smaller number of wild plants of wet environments and woodlands. Altogether they provided much new information on the diet (cultivated and wild fruits, cereals and pulses, vegetables, spices and medicinal/fibre/oil plants) of the middle to upper class inhabitants of a city in Northern Italy during the Renaissance period. The records also yielded evidence of domestic activities such as winemaking, oil making, mustard making and other kitchen practices.  相似文献   

Three new ichnogenera and five new ichnospecies are described for new trace fossils of termitaria (including associated gallery systems) of subterranean termites from upper Eocene through lower Miocene rocks of northern Egypt. All but two ichnospecies (Krausichnus trompitus, ichnogen, and ichnosp. nov., and A’, altus, ichnosp. nov.) show varying degrees of affinity to nests of the extant subterranean termite species Sphaerotermes sphaerothorax (Termitidae, Macro‐termitinae).

Termitichnus qatranii (Bown, 1982) is divided into two ichnospecies, the previously named T. qatranii, and a more generalized form, T. simplicidens, ichnosp. nov. Vondrichnus obovatus, ichnogen. and ichnosp. nov., is named for simple, possibly macrotermitine nests with oblate form, and Fleaglellius pagodus, ichnogen. and ichnosp. nov., records a nest form similar to V. obovatus, but one in which successive vertical growth by chamber apposition has produced a subterranean, tower‐like structure, reminiscent of that built by extant, epigeous Cubitermes. Krausichnus trompitus, ichnogen. and ichnosp. nov., and A’, altus, ichnosp. nov., record two unique nest architectures probably produced by unknown but related species of humivorous termites. The nest architecture expressed by Krausichnus is of wholly unknown affinity and is only distantly related in form to the ichnofossils of other termite nests known from the Tertiary of Egypt.

Study of the architecture of the nests of these ancient termites reveals details important in reconstructing the phylogeny of termite nests and documents two novel blueprints for chamber expansion and society budding in what were probably primitive Macrotermi‐tinae. It also indicates that at least two constructed edifices, earlier known only as epigeous manifestations of extant termite species, were almost certainly first developed by species living underground.

The extant Macrotermitinae are a subfamily of termites originally believed to have evolved in the post‐Eocene of the Ethiopian biogeo‐graphic region. We offer fossil evidence of four distinct, possibly macrotermitine structures from upper Eocene rocks. This evidence suggests that this termite subfamily (or at least their peculiar mode of nest construction) might have evolved considerably earlier, as it is already well established and exhibits several variants by the late Eocene in Egypt.  相似文献   


We investigated the interplay between characteristics of early childhood circumstances and current socioeconomic conditions and health, focusing specifically on diabetes in mid and late life in Mexico. The analysis used data from the 2001 Mexican Health and Aging Study (MHAS), a large nationally representative study of Mexicans born before 1950. We analyzed the extent to which childhood conditions, such as exposure to infectious diseases, a poor socioeconomic environment, and parental education, affect the risk of diabetes in later life. Our results indicate that individuals age 50 and older who experienced serious health problems before age 10 have a higher risk of having late‐life diabetes. There is a significant inverse relationship between maternal education and diabetes in late life of adult offspring. Individuals with better educated mothers have a lower risk of being diabetic after age 50. This relationship remains after controlling for other childhood and adult risk factors.  相似文献   

Many tree-ring-based climate reconstructions are based on the assumption that the climate reaction of trees is independent of their size. Here, we test this assumption for New Zealand kauri (Agathis australis), one of the longest tree ring-based proxies for the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). The most recent kauri chronology contains a large amount of archaeological material, e.g. timber for which the original tree size is often unknown. We analyzed the climate–growth relationship of different-sized kauri in a pristine forest using different temporal scales, i.e. annually, monthly and daily data on tree growth and climate conditions. Trees of different life stages exhibited approximately the same seasonal growth peaks during austral spring (October and November). The dormancy period overlaps with the period where weekly air temperature maxima are below ca. 17–18 °C, and where the corresponding daily minima are below ca. 8 °C. However, both correlation functions between annual growth and seasonal climate as well as Kalman filter regressions between daily growth and climate conditions suggest an influence of tree size on the climate–growth relationship for kauri. Smaller trees (DBH < 40 cm) contain weaker climate signals than larger trees. Therefore, the precautionary stripping of near-pith material (first 20 cm) from kauri chronologies may result in more uniform responses to climate forcing and thus enhance the reliability of long-term climate reconstructions.  相似文献   

Corimbatichnus fernandezi n.igen, n. isp. is a cluster of fossil bee cells from the Uruguayan Late Cretaceous‐early Tertiary Asencio Formation. It is composed of rows of small excavated cells contained in paleosol peds. Cells have inner surfaces somewhat rough and are closed with loose material. Separation among cells is very thin, and the cells are orientated uniformly, showing a great economy of space as in some halictine constructions. Corimbatichnus can be distinguished from Rosellichnus and Uruguay by its convex face, excavated cells and the spatial arrangement of them.  相似文献   

Researches about the influences of the nutritional conditions on body-height need interdisciplinary co-operation of Anthropology, History, and Dietetics. Such a team will be difficult succeed in joining. Especially interesting for human sciences are nutritional-constitutional researches on German populations in the 19th century, because in this century multifarious varieties exist within the German settlement. Author hopes, that preliminary original researches and first trends in results facilitate the joining of such an interdisciplinary team. In part I of this inquiry, the necessity for nutritional-constitutional researches are justified, problems are treated and mustering-statistics, the most important data-material, are collected for the political regions of that time from North to the kingdom Württemberg. The kingdom Württemberg of course is the political region with the most continuous data-series, but the data-material is poor on body-height-means and needs new statistical treatments. Less data are particularly available from the middle of the German settlement.  相似文献   


In this paper, we provide an overview of the distribution and invasive status of non‐native species in the Italian flora across its administrative regions, biogeographic regions and main land use types, and a synthesis of current knowledge on the threats they pose within the country. The information on non‐native plant species collected during the project “A survey of the non‐native Italian flora” was used to compile comprehensive regional and national databases. The number of non‐native species within a given administrative region increases in proportion to its size, resident population density and latitude, reaching the highest values in the intensively cultivated, heavily industrialized and urbanized Po Plain in northern Italy. The number of casual species is positively correlated with the number of yearly visitors in each region and negatively correlated with the proportion of mountainous terrain within the region. If compared with the Continental and Mediterranean biogeographic regions, the Alpine region yields the lowest number of non‐native species and lowest proportion of casual species. The number and density of introduced species is highest in artificial land use types, particularly in urban areas. A negative impact is reported to be exerted by 203 species, most of which are agricultural weeds.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates the use of tree-ring indices as an indicator of economic stress. In the 19th century the rural economy in the Puna of Jujuy, Northwestern Argentina was based on livestock (llamas and sheep), and was heavily dependant on the availability of pasture and water in this arid landscape. In the absence of traditional indicators of socioeconomic stress, we used tree-ring indices from moisture sensitive trees (Juglans australis Griseb. and Polylepis tarapacana Phil.) as a proxy for droughts and their related economic stresses. Examining the relationship between population mortality and ring-width indices allows inferences to be drawn about the relative importance of environmental and sociopolitical factors in determining mortality patterns that contributed to the depopulation of this area in the late 19th century.  相似文献   

The inter-individual differences of human time-of-day preferences could divide population into “morning”, “intermediate” and “evening” types. This variety of sleep patterns is accompanied by differences in the timing of peak cognitive performance. The morningness–eveningness trait, also known as chronotype, is distributed on a continuum, with unequivocal early morning and night owl types at the opposite extremes of the distribution while most of the population shows an intermediate or neither type weak sleep pattern. Obviously, the discrepancy between biological and the social clocks has a distinct impact on physiological processes in humans with different chronotype. It is known that natural light regime in circumpolar regions influences human performance. Most work focused on the relationship between academic achievement and chronotype in students from middle latitudes. The primary aim of our study is to investigate the relationship between chronotype and academic achievement in schoolchildren (6th–11th grade) from north-west Russia (Russian Karelia). The Munich chronotype questionnaire was used in the study, and all participants were required to answer a question about their school achievement. Early midpoint of sleep and longer average sleep duration were associated with better grades. Large social jetlag was associated with worse grades. In a linear regression, gender was the most important predictor of grades, followed by midpoint of sleep and age. This is the first study that has been carried out among school pupils from Russian Karelia, and it shows that evening orientation linked with poorer academic grades at this high latitude.  相似文献   

The northward and upward movement of the tree line and gradual replacement of lichens with vascular plants associated with increasing temperatures and nutrient availability may change the reindeer pastures in Northern Fennoscandia. The productivity of reindeer forage will most probably increase, but their protein (nitrogen) concentrations may decrease because of higher temperatures and CO2 concentration. In the long term, the nutritive value of forage will depend on the mineralization rate and nutrient uptake from the soil. Enhanced UV-B is likely to increase the concentration of phenolics, decreasing forage quality and choice, but reindeer may adapt to increased phenolics. Increased winter precipitation, the occurrence of ice layers, deeper snow cover, and the appearance of molds beneath the snow cover may reduce the availability and/or quality of reindeer forage, but prolongation of snowless periods might have the opposite effect. The net balance of negative and positive effects will vary regionally depending on the climate, bedrock, vegetation, reindeer herding systems and socio-political factors. Multidisciplinary research is needed most importantly on the effects of the changing winter climate on reindeer forage, and the effect of modified forage quality on reindeer physiology.
Minna TurunenEmail:

Prolonged dysaerobic conditions probably caused the extinctions recorded within many of the late Cenomanian marine benthonic foraminiferal community. The surviving low diversity assemblage contains morphotypic associations that may be recognised over a wide geographical area. Environmental pressure selected for low oxygen tolerant infaunal forms and others that could readily adapt to this mode of life. The recolonisation by the benthonic foraminifera was very slow, in the western Anglo‐Paris Basin and in the southeast Danish‐Polish Trough, in contrast to the planktonic foraminifera. This may be a result of several influences: low migration rates of benthonic foraminifera, appreciably deeper water, the persistance of oxygen‐poor water at depth and/or changes in substrate induced by the radically different Turonian carbonate facies.  相似文献   

Plant macrofossil (carpological) and morphometric analyses were carried out on plant remains from the medieval castle of Miranduolo, Siena, a rural settlement in central Italy with a long sequence of occupation between the 8th and the 11th centuries a.d. The presence of Triticum aestivum/durum and Vicia faba var. minor from the first phase of the Lombard farming village suggests continuity with the agricultural tradition of the preceding Roman world, and the use of good cultivation techniques that allowed quality yields to be obtained from rather poor soils. At the same time, the significant presence of the primitive cereal T. monococcum, compared with the archaeobotanical literature of north-central Italy, allows to us consider it as a “cultural” element of Lombard farming. In the next cultural phases, with the Carolingian manor and then with the feudal castle, the stable presence of T. aestivum/durum and the reduction of T. monococcum in favour of more productive cereals such as Secale cereale and Hordeum vulgare indicate a further improvement in productivity. This is also confirmed by the appearance of fruits and nuts such as Castanea sativa, Vitis vinifera and Prunus persica. The increase in caryopsis sizes of T. monococcum and T. aestivum/durum in the transition from the village to the manorial phase is a consequence of the improvements in farming. The decrease in caryopsis size of T. monococcum from the manor phase to that of the castle testifies the decreasing importance of this cereal. The good date resolution of this research allows us to detect the crops, the storage and the processing practices, as well as the changing role of crop plants in the rural economy. This highlights the geographical, historical-cultural and political factors of the medieval transition from the Lombard to the Carolingian and then to the feudal period in central Italy.  相似文献   

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