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E S Fried  J R Udry 《Social biology》1979,26(4):265-274
This paper examines the usefulness of 1-sex and 2-sex utility models of reproductive behavior in predicting births as consequences of wives' and husbands' perceptions of the costs and benefits of another child. We used longitudinal data on a sample of 280 white and 69 black young urban American couples. For whites, the female models proved more useful than the male models. 2-sex models generally predict more variance than do female models. It was shown that the white wife's utility considerations dominate the predictions, with husband as a junior partner and partial redundancy in female and male models. We conclude that neither sex incorporates completely the spouse's utility considerations into its own utility structure. Because some male models are surprisingly strong, researchers cannot omit males without running the risk of excluding an important component of the determinants of fertility.  相似文献   

The role of men's jealousy over a wife's infidelity in precipitating marital conflict and wife abuse is well documented. The role of women's jealousy over a husband's infidelity has received little attention, which is puzzling given high potential costs to women of withdrawal of paternal investment. We address this gap by investigating marital conflict and wife abuse among Tsimane forager–farmers of Bolivia. We test predictions derived from male jealousy and paternal disinvestment hypotheses, which consider threats and consequences of infidelity by women (male jealousy hypothesis) and men (paternal disinvestment hypothesis). The paternal disinvestment hypothesis proposes that wife abuse is employed by husbands to limit wives' mate retention effort and maintain men's opportunities to pursue extrapair sexual relationships. Interviews were conducted among husbands and wives in the same marriages using a combination of open-ended and structured items. Spouses agree that the most frequently reported type of marital argument is women's jealousy over a husband's infidelity (N=266 arguments). Roughly 60% of abusive events occurred during arguments over men's diversion of household resources (N=124 abusive events). In multivariate analyses, likelihood of wife abuse is greater in marriages where husbands have affairs, where wives are younger, and where spouses spend more time apart (N=60 husbands, 71 wives). While we find strong support for both male jealousy and paternal disinvestment hypotheses, it is men's infidelity, not women's, that precipitates most instances of marital conflict and wife abuse. We conclude that men's aggression towards their wives facilitates men's diversion of family resources for their selfish interests.  相似文献   

In sexually size‐dimorphic species, brood sex composition may exert differential effects on sex‐specific mortality. We investigated the sex‐specific mortality and body condition in relation to brood sex composition in nestlings of the black‐billed magpie Pica pica. Neither significantly sex‐biased production at hatching nor overall sex‐biased mortality during the nestling period was found. Sex‐specific mortality as a function of brood sex composition, however, differed between female and male nestlings. We found higher mortality for females in male‐biased broods and higher mortality for males in female‐biased broods, a phenomenon that we call ‘rarer‐sex disadvantage’. As a result, fledging sex ratios became more biased in the direction of bias at hatching, a phenomenon that cannot be readily explained by previous hypotheses for sex‐specific mortality. Two temporal variables, fledging date and laying date, were also correlated with sex‐specific mortality: female nestlings in earlier broods experienced higher mortality than male nestlings whereas male nestlings in later broods experienced higher mortality. We suggest that this unusual pattern of mortality may be explained by adaptive adjustments of brood sex composition by parents, either through the effects of a slight sex difference in offspring dispersal patterns on parental fitness, or owing to sex differences as regards the benefits of early fledging.  相似文献   

This study examines the reproductive success of men and women in rural Ethiopia as a function of their marital status, specifically by comparing polygamously and monogamously married individuals. In line with predictions from evolutionary theory, polygamy is beneficial to male reproductive success (i.e. producing larger numbers of surviving offspring). The success of polygamously married females depends on wife rank: the first wives of polygamous husbands do better than monogamously married women and much better than second or third wives. These effects are mirrored in child nutritional status: the children of second and third wives have lower weight for height. Due to potential, largely unmeasurable differences in marriageability (quality) between individuals, it was not possible to support a model of either resource-holding polygyny combined with female choice or female coercion into unwanted marriages. First wives of polygamously married men marry at a younger age and attract a higher brideprice, suggesting that both the males and females in the marriage are likely to be of higher quality (due to wealth, family status or some other factor such as beauty). Unions that end up monogamous are likely to be between slightly lower quality individuals; and second and third wives, who marry at the oldest ages and attract the lowest brideprice, may be 'making the best of a bad job'. The relatively long gap between first and second marriages may mean that first wives of highly marriageable males can enjoy considerable reproductive success before their husbands marry again.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory has long generated insights into the nature of natural selection. Classical models have elucidated causal phenomena such as local mate competition and inbreeding on the degree of female bias exhibited by various invertebrates. Typically, these models assume mothers facultatively adjust sex allocation using predictive cues of future offspring mating conditions. Here we relax this assumption by developing a sex allocation model for haplodiploid mothers experiencing local mate competition that lay a fixed number of male eggs first. Female egg number is determined by remaining oviposition sites or remaining eggs of the mother, depending on which is exhausted first. Our model includes parameters for variation in foundress number, patch size, fecundity and offspring mortality that allow us to generate secondary sex ratio predictions based on specific parameterizations for natural populations. Simulations show that: 1) in line with classical models, factors that increase sib‐mating result in mothers laying relatively more female eggs; 2) high offspring mortality leads to relatively more males as fertilization insurance; 3) unlike classical model predictions, sub‐optimal predictions, such as more males than females are possible. In addition, our model provides the first quantitative predictions for the expected number of males and females in a patch where typically only one mother utilizes a given patch. We parameterized the model with data obtained from seven species of southern African fig wasps to predict expected means and variances for numbers of male and female offspring for typical numbers of mothers utilizing a patch. These predictions were compared to secondary sex ratio data from single foundress patches, the most commonly encountered situation for these species. Our predictions matched both the observed number and variance of male and female offspring with a high degree of accuracy suggesting that facultative adjustment is not required to produce evolutionary stable sex ratios.  相似文献   

Most species of birds show bi‐parental or female‐only care. However, a minority of species is polyandrous and expresses male‐only care. So far, such reversals in sex roles have been demonstrated only in precocial bird species, but there was suggestive evidence that such a mating system may occur in one altricial bird species, the black coucal, Centropus grillii. In a field study in Tanzania we investigated whether black coucals are sex‐role reversed and polyandrous. We found that males were mated to one female, rarely vocalized and provided all parental care from incubation of eggs to feeding of young. In contrast, female black coucals were about 69% heavier and 39% larger than males and polyandrous. They spent a large proportion of time calling from conspicuous perches, defended breeding territories, did not help in provisioning young and had a higher potential reproductive rate than males. We conclude that the black coucal currently represents the only altricial bird species with sole male parental care and a classical polyandrous mating system. High nest predation pressure and small territory sizes due to high food abundance may have been important factors in the evolution of sex‐role reversal and polyandry in this species.  相似文献   

乙型肝炎病毒感染是全球性的健康问题,其传播途径各个国家及地区存在差异.通过对543位慢性HBV感染者的调查分析,家庭中女性慢性HBV感染者其子女在无任何免疫预防干预下感染后慢性化的几率76.0%;男性慢性HBV感染者其子女感染HBV后慢性化的几率达22.5%;夫妻之间HBV感染的结局是以形成保护性抗体为主,调查的543对夫妻中,夫妻双方均为HBsAg阳性的有50对,达9.2%;HBV在夫妻之间的传播的特点是丈夫感染HBV后更容易慢性化:妻子为慢性HBV感染者,其丈夫被感染后慢性化的几率为13.8%(27/196);而丈夫为慢性HBV感染者的家庭中,其妻子被感染后慢性化的几率为7.1%(23/322),差异具有统计学意义(χ2=6.146,P=0.013);除母婴传播外,乙肝病毒在夫妻、父亲和子女、孩子之间以及其他家庭接触性传播也很重要.  相似文献   

Why mainly males compete and females take a larger share in parental care remains an exciting question in evolutionary biology. Role‐reversed species are of particular interest, because such ‘exceptions’ help to test the rule. Using mating systems theory as a framework, we compared the reproductive ecology of the two most contrasting coucals with regard to sexual dimorphism and parental care: the black coucal with male‐only care and the biparental white‐browed coucal. Both species occur in the same lush habitat and face similar ecological conditions, but drastically differ in mating system and sexual dimorphism. Black coucals were migratory and occurred at high breeding densities. With females being obligatory polyandrous and almost twice as heavy as males, black coucals belong to the most extreme vertebrates with reversed sexual dimorphism. Higher variance in reproductive success in fiercely competing females suggests that sexual selection is stronger in females than in males. In contrast, resident white‐browed coucals bred at low densities and invariably in pairs. They were almost monomorphic and the variance in reproductive success was similar between the sexes. Black coucals were more likely to lose nests than white‐browed coucals, probably facilitating female emancipation of parental care in black coucals. We propose that a combination of high food abundance, high population density, high degree of nest loss and male bias in the adult sex ratio represent ecological conditions that facilitate role reversal and polyandry in coucals and terrestrial vertebrates in general.  相似文献   

Female hymenoptera are renowned for their ability to adjust offspring sex ratio to local mate competition. When two females share a patch, they frequently produce clutches that differ in size, the female with the larger clutch optimally producing a more female‐biased sex ratio and vice versa. Females can base their sex allocation on their own clutch size only (“self‐knowledge”) or on both females’ clutch sizes (“complete knowledge”). Few studies have genotyped offspring so that each mother's contribution can be considered separately while none has found that both sources of information are used simultaneously. We genotyped 2489 wasps from 28 figs and assigned their maternity to one of the two foundress females. We argue that likelihood is a very convenient method to compare alternative models, while fitness calculations help to appreciate the cost of maladaptation. We find that the pollinating fig wasp Platyscapa awekei simultaneously uses its own as well as the other females clutch size in allocating sex. Indeed, the complete knowledge model explains the data 36 times better than the self‐knowledge model. However, large clutches contained fewer males than the optimal predictions leading to a median selection coefficient of 0.01.  相似文献   

Western black‐and‐white colobus and Temmink's red colobus are two forest‐dependent African primates with similar ecological requirements, often found in sympatry. Their most striking difference lies in their social system: black‐and‐white colobus live in small groups with mainly male‐mediated dispersal but where females can also disperse, whereas red colobus live in larger groups with males described as philopatric. To investigate whether genetic evidence supports the reported patterns of dispersal based on observational data, we examined eight black‐and‐white and six red colobus social groups from Cantanhez National Park, Guinea‐Bissau. Microsatellite markers revealed a lack of sex‐biased dispersal for black‐and‐white colobus. Gene flow, mainly mediated by females, better explained the genetic patterns found in red colobus, with some evidence for less extensive male dispersal. In contrast to the microsatellite data, low mitochondrial diversity for the black‐and‐white colobus suggests that historical and/or long‐range male‐mediated gene flow might have been favored. In red colobus, the co‐existence of three divergent mitochondrial haplogroups suggests that the Cantanhez population contains a secondary contact zone between divergent lineages that evolved in allopatry. Female‐biased dispersal in this species may be a major factor contributing to the colonization by such differentiated mitochondrial lineages in the region. Overall, we find evidence for a spatio‐temporal change in the dispersal patterns of the colobus monkeys of Cantanhez, with mitochondrial DNA indicating dispersal by mainly a single sex and microsatellite data suggesting that recently both sexes appear to be dispersing within the population. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   


Data on the health and well‐being of 2,480 married couples in an urban area‐probability sample suggest that parenthood detracts from the physical and psychological health of husbands and wives, particularly among younger couples. Rates of joint marital satisfaction also were lower for active parents than for former parents and childless couples, regardless of the duration of the marriage and the wife's age and employment status. That parenthood may be detrimental to both health and marital satisfaction is suggested by the finding that former parents were better off than active parents on both indices, though not as well off as childless spouses.  相似文献   


Between the early 1970's and 1990's, twelve industrialized nations experienced for the first time a narrowing of their sex differences in life expectancy at age zero. In another set of countries, the differential has not yet reached a stage of convergence, although in some of these nations the female advantage appears to be increasing at a slower pace than ever before. We discuss the demographic and epidemiologic conditions for this new and largely unanticipated trend, as well as its applied and theoretical implications in the context of the following questions: (1) Is the observed change a function of males’ faster pace of gains in life expectancy since the early 1970s? (2) What is the relationship between country differences in socioeconomic development (as measured by GNP) and the degree of convergence in the sex gap in average length of life? (3) What is the degree of association between temporal change in age‐sex specific death rates and change in the sex gap in life expectancy over the twenty‐year interval between the early 1970s and early 1990s? Our results indicate that where some convergence has taken place, in relation to women, men have experienced more rapid gains in survival; the higher a nation's level of social and economic development, the greater the amount of convergence in male and female life expectancies. The most pronounced age‐specific association with the changing sex gap in longevity is that of ages 25–59, where the greater reductions in male mortality, as compared to that for females, contributed to a significant portion of the observed convergence in life expectancy across industrialized nations.  相似文献   


Employment of Markowitz's Modern Portfolio Theory, economic models designed to predict the effect of variance and covariance on optimal investment allocation, may explain a wide variety of anomalies in reproductive biology. Natural selection appears to favor genetic diversity among offspring to a greater extent than is predicted by current theory. Consideration of the possible increase in fitness by reducing the covariance among offspring may help explain a variety of phenomena from multiple mating to the evolution of recombination (i.e., overcoming “the cost of meiosis”). Modern Portfolio Theory also make novel predictions as to when hermaphrodites should prefer the male vs. female role, i.e., engage in egg- vs. sperm-trading. It predicts that the sexual role with the lower variance in reproductive success will be preferred in hermaphrodites. This contradicts Bateman's principle that the male role is usually preferred due to energetic considerations but is consistent with Gillespie's principle. The available data suggest that mating hermaphrodites are risk-averse; gamete-trading whether of eggs or sperm is a strategy to reduce risk. In addition to overall variance, the skew of the distribution can be used to predict the mating systems of hermaphrodites and thus clarify the factors that are responsible for observed patterns of sex allocation and sexual conflict. The reduction of covariance among offspring may also help resolve “Williams' paradox”; that the observed distribution of dieoecy vs. simultaneous hermaphroditism in the Animal Kingdom cannot be explained by the prevailing models of the evolution of hermaphroditism.  相似文献   


The paper investigates whether there is empirical evidence to support the hypothesis that women's attitudes toward traditionally female family roles affect their expected fertility net of the much‐discussed link between women's employment and fertility. Along with several socio‐demographic variables, the study uses a nonwork related attitude variable comprised of a motherhood role attitude measure and a housekeeping attitude measure. The study uses a probability sample of white, fecund, once‐married women under 35 living with their husbands in the Detroit Metropolitan Area in 1978. Findings suggest that nonwork related attitudes have a significant effect on fertility expectations net of labor force participation. They also suggest that general fertility surveys could benefit from including questions on nonwork related role orientations.  相似文献   

Simulation models of insects encountering sex pheromone with or without mass trapping in which the searching sex is either male (moths and many insect species) or female (some true bugs, beetles, and flies) were developed. The searching sex moved as a correlated random walk, while the opposite sex remained stationary (calling) and released an attractive sex pheromone. The searching sex was caught when encountering a pheromone‐baited trap, and females mated when encountering a male. An encounter with pheromone was defined by the searcher's interception of a circle termed the effective attraction radius (EARc). Parameters of movement (speed and duration), initial numbers of calling sex and searching sex, number of traps, area, and EARc of traps and calling sex were varied individually to evaluate effects on the percentage of females mating. In the natural condition without traps, female mating success in both models was identical. Increasing the EARc of the calling sex caused diminishing increases in female mating success, suggesting that evolution of larger pheromone release and EARc is limited by increasing costs (production/sensitivity) relative to diminishing increases and benefits of mating encounters. With mass trapping, increasing the EARc of traps or density of traps caused similar declines in female mating in both models, but the female‐searching model predicted slightly lower mating success than the male‐searching model. Increasing the EARc of calling insects or the initial density of insects caused similar increases in female mating in both models, but again the female‐searching model had slightly lower mating success than the male‐searching model. The models have implications for mating lek formation and for understanding the variables affecting the success of mass trapping programs for insect pests with either male or female sex pheromones.  相似文献   

Temporary all‐male social groups are formed in a number of animal species. We examined 34 years of data collected from 36 male Thornicroft's giraffe in the Luangwa Valley, Zambia, to test a set of predictions related to five possible functions of all‐male herds (predator protection, practicing aggressive skills, prolonging life, nutritional demands and resource learning). We found that all‐male herds were significantly smaller than mixed‐sex herds, usually contained a mature bull, and were not dependent upon season or habitat. Dyadic associations between males in single sex herds were quite weak, with <25% of potential male dyads sighted together in an all‐male herd. Our data are best explained as a resource learning strategy adopted by males to obtain more extensive knowledge about the habitat, including both food and female distribution. However, other benefits in the form of predator protection, dietary intake and sharpening competitive skills for future contests over estrous females also seem to mediate formation of giraffe all‐male groups. We conclude that the primary advantage of roaming in all‐male herds changes during the life history of males.  相似文献   


In contrast to cues to women's mate value (youth and physical attractiveness), many qualities that men display in lekking are socially and culturally specific. We predict that, for this reason, men avoid exposure to foreign cultures, but such xenophobia should cease once they are married (especially since the presence of their wives can function as a cross‐culturally meaningful lekking device). Analyses of data from Europe and the United States confirm our predictions.  相似文献   

《Gender Medicine》2012,9(6):424-435
BackgroundEvidence suggests that in response to in utero insults, male versus female infants have greater disadvantages in pregnancy outcome. In addition, there is a growing body of evidence suggesting that there is a sex-specific fetal response to maternal disease during pregnancy. We considered that a sex-specific relationship may exist between preeclampsia and reduced fetal growth.ObjectiveWe investigated if the relationship between preeclampsia and fetal growth was modified by fetal sex.MethodsWe limited the study population to singleton pregnancies of black and white normotensive and preeeclamptic women enrolled in the Collaborative Perinatal Project (1959–1965). The patients were offspring of 516 preeclamptic and 8801 normotensive women. After adjustment for confounders, interaction terms between preeclamptic status and fetal sex were evaluated to determine if the influence of preeclampsia on fetal growth varied with fetal sex. Separate linear and logistic regression models were then fitted for males and females to report the estimate of the relationship between preeclampsia and fetal growth by fetal sex. The results were stratified by preterm status (<37 vs ≥37 completed weeks of gestation). The mean head and chest circumferences, birthweight, ponderal index, and frequency of small for gestational age were examined. A 2-sided P value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant.ResultsThe results were stratified by preterm status. Male preterm offspring of preeclamptic mothers had greater reductions in chest circumference, head circumference, and birthweight than preterm female offspring of preeclamptic women (P = 0.01, P = 0.02, and P = 0.05, respectively, for interaction). Female versus male preterm offspring exposed to preeclampsia were less susceptible to being small for gestational age (synergy index 0.38; 95% CI, 0.00–0.84). The influence of preeclampsia on the growth of term offspring was more modest, and the influence of sex was opposite that in preterm infants. Compared with term offspring of normotensive women, the reduction in mean ponderal index was greater for female versus term male offspring of preeclamptic women (P = 0.02, interaction).ConclusionFetal growth was more impaired among male versus female preterm infants born to preeclamptic women. Our study underlined the importance of incorporating sex differences in the study of biological mechanisms for immediate- and long-term consequences of suboptimal fetal growth.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism describes substantial differences between male and female phenotypes. In spiders, sexual dimorphism research almost exclusively focuses on size, and recent studies have recovered steady evolutionary size increases in females, and independent evolutionary size changes in males. Their discordance is due to negative allometric size patterns caused by different selection pressures on male and female sizes (converse Rensch's rule). Here, we investigated macroevolutionary patterns of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in Argiopinae, a global lineage of orb‐weaving spiders with varying degrees of SSD. We devised a Bayesian and maximum‐likelihood molecular species‐level phylogeny, and then used it to reconstruct sex‐specific size evolution, to examine general hypotheses and different models of size evolution, to test for sexual size coevolution, and to examine allometric patterns of SSD. Our results, revealing ancestral moderate sizes and SSD, failed to reject the Brownian motion model, which suggests a nondirectional size evolution. Contrary to predictions, male and female sizes were phylogenetically correlated, and SSD evolution was isometric. We interpret these results to question the classical explanations of female‐biased SSD via fecundity, gravity, and differential mortality. In argiopines, SSD evolution may be driven by these or additional selection mechanisms, but perhaps at different phylogenetic scales.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is one of the main processes involved in the emergence and maintenance of heritable color polymorphisms in a variety of taxa. Here, we test whether the intensity of sexual selection, estimated from population sex ratio, predicts morph diversity in Podarcis muralis, a color polymorphic lizard with discrete white, yellow, orange, white‐orange, and yellow‐orange male and female phenotypes (i.e., morphs). In a sample of 116 Pyrenean populations and 5421 lizards, sex ratios (m/f) vary from 0.29 to 2.5, with the number of morphs for each sex ranging from 2 to 5. Male‐biased sex ratios are associated with increased morph diversity as measured with Shannon's diversity index. The main factor accounting for this relationship is male morph richness (i.e., the number of morphs). In contrast, female morph diversity is not related to sex ratio. These results suggest a relationship between the intensity of male intrasexual competition and male morph diversity. While other selective forces may interact with sexual selection in maintaining the color polymorphisms in P. muralis, this evidence suggests a complex evolutionary scenario possibly involving frequency‐dependent selection of alternative reproductive tactics and/or complex balancing selection.  相似文献   

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