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This population-based study determined the impact of co-twin gender on twin intrauterine growth in addition to their infant gender, maternal height, maternal age and parity on intrauterine growth rate of singletons and twins. All singletons and twins born in Western Australia during the period of 1980 to 1995 were considered for the study. The multiple linear regression models showed that 76% of the variance in the mean birthweight was explained by the selected variables for twins and 51% for singletons. Twins grew more slowly than singletons from 26 weeks gestation. Among twins, opposite-sex twin pairs grew consistently faster than like-sex twins. Primiparous twin pairs grew more slowly than subsequently born twins. These regression equations can be used to assess the appropriateness of intrauterine growth in twin pairs of various gender combinations.  相似文献   

Craniofacial development and behavioral development differs between human twins and singletons in several ways which are related to symmetry development and detectable in adults. In most of those ways, twin zygosity groups do not differ. Here we use distributions of dental diameters, as a model subsystem of craniofacial development, to show that twins, of both zygosities and both sexes, are substantially more symmetrical than singletons. The observed differences are consistent with previous related observations, none of which can readily be explained by any consequence of twin gestation. They seem instead to represent peculiarities of developmental biology familially associated with twinning.  相似文献   

The menarcheal age and frequency of menstrual disorders in mothers of dizygotic (DZ) and monozygotic (MZ) twins born in Denmark in 1984 or 1985 were compared with a control sample of mothers of singleton infants born in the same period. Compared to control mothers, mothers of DZ twins had a lower menarcheal age and a lower frequency of menstrual irregularities--menstrual cycles exceeding 5 weeks duration, varying length of menstrual cycles and episodes of menostasia. Mothers of MZ twins had a higher frequency of intermenstrual bleeding compared to mothers of singletons. All results were adjusted for maternal age and parity. The findings are relevant to the interpretation of aetiological factors leading to twin births and support the hypothesis of differences in sex hormone activity of the mothers of DZ twins in comparison with other women.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to study fetal and infant mortality in Sweden between 1973 and 1996 in twins vs singletons in relation to gestational duration. Analysis was of fetal and infant mortality based on the number of pregnancies at risk as the denominator rather than the number of deliveries each week. The analysis was based on information stored at the Medical Birth Registry (MBR), the National Board of Health and Welfare, Stockholm. The MBR keeps records on virtually all pregnancies (> 99%) regarding delivery and neonatal information, and for infant mortality up to 1 year of age. During the study period, 2,206,738 singleton and 52,658 twin births were registered. Risk evaluation was made as odds ratio (OR) with a 95% confidence interval. The material was stratified according to parity, maternal age, year of delivery, and delivery unit. Results showed the OR for twin births before 34 weeks gestation was 6 to 8-fold increased compared with singletons. The OR for fetal mortality was increased in all gestational weeks, and like-sexed twins had a consistently poorer prognosis compared to unlike-sexed. Between 1989-96, unlike-sexed twins had a fetal mortality approaching that of singletons. In conclusion, real progress in reduction of infant mortality in twins may be impossible until the high incidence of preterm births can be decreased. Hypothetically, about 100 twin labors would have to be induced to avoid one fetal death in like-sexed twin pregnancies.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to obtain mice, hopefully identical multiplets, from single diploid blastomeres isolated at the 4-cell stage, or from pairs of sister blastomeres isolated at the 8-cell stage. To this end isolated blastomeres were aggregated with one or two tetraploid carrier embryos produced by electrofusion of 2-cell embryos. Diploid embryos were albino and homozygous for the "a" allele of glucose-phosphate isomerase (GPI-1a1a) and tetraploid embryos were pigmented and GPI-1b1b. The aggregates were cultured in vitro up to the blastocyst stage. Each quartet (occasionally triplet or doublet) of chimaeric blastocysts was transplanted to the oviduct of a separate pseudopregnant recipient. Altogether 62 blastocysts were transplanted to 17 recipients. Eight full-term foetuses (two singletons and three pairs of twins) were rescued by Caesarian section on day 19, 20 or 21 of pregnancy. Three young (one singleton and twins) were successfully reared by foster mothers and proved to be normal and fertile females. All foetuses and animals were albino. In five individuals only the 1-A form of GPI (characteristic for 2n blastomere) was found. In one adult female traces of the 1-B form of GPI (characteristic for 4n carrier blastomeres) were detected in the heart and the lungs while 4 other organs contained only the 1-A form. These observations strongly suggest that the majority of foetuses/animals produced according to our experimental system are 'pure' diploids rather than 2n/4n chimaeras, and that the described method can be used in future to produce twins, triplets and quadruplets in the mouse. Our study confirms earlier work by Kelly (1975, 1977) that 'quarter' blastomeres of the mouse are still totipotent.  相似文献   

Objective To compare the perinatal outcome of singleton and twin pregnancies between natural and assisted conceptions.Design Systematic review of controlled studies published 1985-2002.Studies reviewed 25 studies were included of which 17 had matched and 8 had non-matched controls.Main outcome measures Very preterm birth, preterm birth, very low birth weight, low birth weight, small for gestational age, caesarean section, admission to neonatal intensive care unit, and perinatal mortality.Results For singletons, studies with matched controls indicated a relative risk of 3.27 (95% confidence interval 2.03 to 5.28) for very preterm (< 32 weeks) and 2.04 (1.80 to 2.32) for preterm (< 37 weeks) birth in pregnancies after assisted conception. Relative risks were 3.00 (2.07 to 4.36) for very low birth weight (< 1500 g), 1.70 (1.50 to 1.92) for low birth weight (< 2500 g), 1.40 (1.15 to 1.71) for small for gestational age, 1.54 (1.44 to 1.66) for caesarean section, 1.27 (1.16 to 1.40) for admission to a neonatal intensive care unit, and 1.68 (1.11 to 2.55) for perinatal mortality. Results of the non-matched studies were similar. In matched studies of twin gestations, relative risks were 0.95 (0.78 to 1.15) for very preterm birth, 1.07 (1.02 to 1.13) for preterm birth, 0.89 (0.74 to 1.07) for very low birth weight, 1.03 (0.99 to 1.08) for low birth weight, 1.27 (0.97 to 1.65) for small for gestational age, 1.21 (1.11 to 1.32) for caesarean section, 1.05 (1.01 to 1.09) for admission to a neonatal intensive care unit, and 0.58 (0.44 to 0.77) for perinatal mortality. The non-matched studies mostly showed similar trends.Conclusions Singleton pregnancies from assisted reproduction have a significantly worse perinatal outcome than non-assisted singleton pregnancies, but this is less so for twin pregnancies. In twin pregnancies, perinatal mortality is about 40% lower after assisted compared with natural conception.  相似文献   

High rates of twinning have been reported in Africa. This study sought to learn whether mothers of twins experience different stress levels than those who have only singletons. Both twin mothers (101) and singleton mothers (101) were interviewed. Using a scale of 15 stressors the researchers found that the mean stress score was significantly higher for twin mothers than singleton mothers. Higher stress scores were also associated with parity and perceptions of problems in caring for children and inversely related to perceived levels of social support. Confronting stressors or simply accepting them were the two main ways that mothers coped with their problems.  相似文献   

Summary A significant excess of the 1 (protease inhibitor) Pi S allele has been found in 147 pairs of dizygotic (DZ) twins, but frequencies in 170 pairs of monozygotic (MZ) twins do not differ from those in a sample of 1007 blood donors. In 51 mothers of DZ twins the frequency of the Pi S allele was double than in the same sample of donors, but there was no corresponding increase in the fathers of DZ twins nor in the parents of MZ twins. In an independent sample of 66 mothers of twins of unknown zygosity, there was also a significant excess of Pi M PiS and PiM PiZ phenotypes, and this was particularly marked in the subsample of mothers of opposite-sex twin pairs. We speculate that lowered protease inhibitor levels in women carrying the Pi S allele may enhance sperm migration, increase the probability of multiple ovulation, or both.  相似文献   

We compared twins to their gender-matched singleton classmates in peer-assessed behavioral adjustment. Our samples include 1874 11- to 12-year-old Finnish twins (687 monozygotic, MZ; 610 same-sex dizygotic, SSDZ; 577 opposite-sex dizygotic, OSDZ) and their 23,200 non-twin classmates. Data were collected using a 30-item Multidimensional Peer Nomination Inventory containing three factors and their subscales. We found twin-singleton differences: classmates rated twin girls and boys higher than gender-matched singletons in Adaptive Behaviors (constructive, compliant, and socially active behavior), and those effects were particularly evident among OSDZ twins for assessments of social interaction, popularity, and leadership. We found no evidence that individual twins differ from singletons in Externalizing (hyperactivity-impulsivity, inattention, aggression) or Internalizing Problem Behaviors (depressive symptoms, social anxiety). Nor did we find systematic differences between MZ and SSDZ twins. Among both twins and singletons, boys exceeded girls in Externalizing, and girls exceeded boys in Internalizing Problem Behaviors. Results suggest that a twinship forms a positive developmental environment for socioemotional behavior, particularly among OSDZ twins.  相似文献   

The present study deals with the determination of zygosity in twins of childhood age by simple questionnaire. The subjects were 224 twin pairs and their mothers, consisting of 159 monozygotic and 65 same-sex dizygotic pairs, identified by genetic markers including DNA samples. Mothers of twins responded to 19 questionnaire items dealing with twin similarity in 16 items about physical features and 3 items about the degree of similarity and frequency of being mistaken (confusion of identity) when twins were about 1 year of age. The twins themselves responded to three questionnaire items dealing with only confusion of identity items. The results of stepwise logistic regression analysis were as follows: the total accuracy of the mothers' questionnaire was 91.5% when using only the items dealing with confusion of identity. This accuracy was slightly lower than that obtained by twins' self-reports dealing with nearly the same question items of confusion of identity, answered by both twins separately with 93.3% accuracy. The total accuracy of mothers' questionnaire responses rose to 95.1% when we used all 19 items. In addition to "the frequency of being mistaken", two physical features, namely "shape of fingers" and "shape of eyebrow", were very informative. In conclusion, twin zygosity can be estimated by the use of the mothers' simple questionnaire with sufficient accuracy even in very young twins about 1 year of age.  相似文献   

There are important genetic influences on the tendency to dizygotic (DZ) twinning and it is a plausible hypothesis that these reside in one or more of the genes coding for the major reproductive hormones. We used Southern analysis of DNA from 50 young (<32) mothers of DZ twins, who also had a family history of DZ twinning, and 50 controls, to examine allele frequencies of five restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) in four hormone genes coding for follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), chorionic gonadotropin (CGB), inhibin B and gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH). Comparison of allele frequencies revealed no significant differences between DZ twin mothers and controls. However this does not rule out the role of these genes in the hereditary tendency of multiple ovulation in humans, since absence of linkage disequilibrium does not imply absence of linkage.  相似文献   

Changing fertility and mortality patterns due to socioeconomic forces have a profound effect on natural selection in human populations. The opportunity for selection was estimated in the rural population of Visakhapatnam District, Andra Pradesh, India, in 1979. A total of 1570 women were interviewed, 1544 among them had ever been pregnant. Data were analyzed to compute fertility and mortality components of the population. The index of total selection was found to be low. Selection in relation to birth control reveals that opportunity for selection is lower among women who completed their fertility by family planning methods than in women who completed their fertility by attaining menopause. Further, the results showed that differential fertility and mortality make equal contributions to the total measure of selection in both groups, whereas in developed countries like the US the mortality component contributes only a small fraction to the total index, due to improved health conditions.  相似文献   


The opportunity for selection was estimated in the rural population of Visakhapat‐nam District, Andhra Pradesh, India. The index of total selection was found to be low. Selection in relation to birth control reveals that opportunity for selection is lower among the women who completed their fertility by family planning methods than in women who completed their fertility by attaining menopause. Further, the results showed that differential fertility and mortality make equal contributions to the total measure of selection in both groups.  相似文献   

Selection strategies for linkage studies using twins.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genetic linkage analysis for complex diseases offers a major challenge to geneticists. In these complex diseases multiple genetic loci are responsible for the disease and they may vary in the size of their contribution; the effect of any single one of them is likely to be small. In many situations, like in extensive twin registries, trait values have been recorded for a large number of individuals, and preliminary studies have revealed summary measures for those traits, like mean, variance and components of variance, including heritability. Given the small effect size, a random sample of twins will require a prohibitively large sample size. It is well known that selective sampling is far more efficient in terms of genotyping effort. In this paper we derive easy expressions for the information contributed by sib pairs for the detection of linkage to a quantitative trait locus (QTL). We consider random samples as well as samples of sib pairs selected on the basis of their trait values. These expressions can be rapidly computed and do not involve simulation. We extend our results for quantitative traits to dichotomous traits using the concept of a liability threshold model. We present tables with required sample sizes for height, insulin levels and migraine, three of the traits studied in the GenomEUtwin project.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Quantitative genetic studies revealed that not all of the phenotypic variance in PTC taste perception is heritable. AIM: To study quantitative variations in PTC tasting ability in twins and to estimate heritability of PTC taste perception on the taste of twin data on males and females sexes separately. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: The data for PTC taste sensitivity following the classic method of Harris & Kalmus (1949) were collected on a sample of 141 twin pairs (66 MZ and 75 DZ) and 275 singletons (128 males and 147 females) from Chandigarh, India. Genetic analyses were performed following Christian (1979), Donner (1986) and Sham (1998). RESULTS: Frequency of non-tasters was similar in twins (33 %) and singletons (32 %), but significant sex differences were observed. No differences were found between zygosities for mean thresholds. Similarly, no evidence of variance heterogeneity and environmental covariance was seen between zygosities. Since no basic assumption of the twin method was found violated, within-pair estimates of genetic variance would be unbiased. These estimates were highly significant in both males and females. However, dominance and additive components of genetic variance were found to differ between sexes. CONCLUSION: PTC thresholds do not seem to be significantly affected by environmental factors as no variance inequality was observed between twin zygosities. Intensity of bitterness (scalar dimensions) of PTC is a separate trait having no commonality with the genetic basis of recognition threshold for PTC tasting ability. The receptors recognizing bitter taste are different from the receptors determining intensity of taste. The absolute difference between co-twins in PTC thresholds can be used as a simple tool in the twin zygosity diagnosis. The results show that none of the MZ co-twins had manifested difference of more than 3 in their PTC threshold.  相似文献   


An attempt is made to study the interaction of inbreeding levels with other factors in influencing the intensity of natural selection. Results suggest that selection intensity values are high in the inbred and low socioeconomic groups of Madiga and Mala (1.545, 0.687). On the other hand, the non‐inbred and high socioeconomic group of Maheshwari shows low selection intensity (0.543). Contribution of mortality to total index of selection is greater in the groups of Madiga and Mala (1.059, 1.062) than in the Maheshwari group (0.204).  相似文献   

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