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Longitudinal data were used to examine relationships among sibling variables, perceptions of family environments, and measures of educational attainment, occupational status, and occupational aspirations. The analyses involved 21‐year‐old Australians from Anglo‐Australian, Greek, and Southern Italian families. Regression surfaces were plotted from models that included terms to test for possible linear, interaction, and curvilinear associations among the variables. The study indicated that sibsize and birth order continued to have many significant associations with young adults’ status attainment even after taking into account the mediating influence of perceived family environments. Also, the investigation suggested that there are ethnic‐group differences in relations among sibling variables, perceived parents’ support for learning, and young adults’ status attainment.  相似文献   


Hierarchical regression analyses and response surfaces were used in an investigation of relationships between sibling variables and adolescents’ perceptions of their family environments, after the impact on the perceptions of earlier family measures was taken into account. The analyses involved Australian adolescents and included 260 Anglo‐Australian, 120 Greek, and 90 Southern Italian families. Regression models included terms to test for possible linear, interaction, and curvilinear associations between the sibling and family environment variables. The analysis suggested the propositions that: (a) parents from different ethnic groups create different learning environments for their children and that there are ethnic‐group variations in how children perceive their family environments, (b) there are ethnic‐group variations in relationships between sibling variables and adolescents’ perceptions of their parents’ support for learning, and (c) within ethnic groups the relationships between sibling variables and perceived parental support for learning differ, depending on whether the support of fathers or mothers is being considered.  相似文献   

Longitudinal data are used to examine relationships between sibling variables and adolescents' aspirations at different social status, family environment, and ability levels in a sample of 260 Anglo-Australian, 120 Greek, and 90 Southern Italian families. In this follow-up study of an earlier investigation, each family has a 16-year-old child and the analyses relate to these adolescents. The study shows that for the sample, sibling variables have modest associations with their educational and occupational aspirations, even after taking into account relationships involving social status, parents' associations, and ability. However, there are also ethnic group variations in the relations between the sibling variables and adolescents' aspirations. In particular, while sibship size tends not to be associated with aspirations within the different ethnic groups, birth order continues to show several significant relationships. The study suggests that there are differential relationships between birth order and educational and occupational aspirations for adolescents from different ethnic groups, even after taking into account the effect on aspirations of measures of ability and family environment.  相似文献   

Objective : To investigate the effects of mothers’ and fathers’ eating behaviors, child feeding practices, and BMI on percentage body fat and BMI in their children. Research Methods and Procedures : Four hundred fifty‐eight parents (239 mothers, 219 fathers) were asked to complete two questionnaires: the Three‐Factor Eating Questionnaire and the Child Feeding Questionnaire, which measure dimensions of parent eating behavior and child feeding practices, respectively. Parent BMI was calculated from self‐reported height and weight; children's measures included BMI and percentage fat assessed by DXA. Regression analyses were used to analyze relationships between parents’ BMI and questionnaire scores and children's weight status. Results : One hundred forty‐three mothers and 68 fathers returned questionnaires, representing parents of 148 children 3 to 5 years old (78 boys). Children's weight was related to mothers’ BMI, but not fathers’. Girls had a greater BMI if either parent reported being overweight as a child, and both girls and boys were likely to be overweight if their mothers believed they had risky eating habits (fussiness, eating too much, etc.). Girls with fathers who were more controlling had a higher percentage fat; these fathers were also more concerned about their daughters’ future health. Discussion : Mothers exert a strong influence over their children's weight and seem to be more concerned about their children's eating behaviors; however, fathers play a role in imposing child feeding practices. Gender bias may be present in child feeding, as suggested by dissimilar effects of parent practices on the weight status of girls vs. boys. Fathers should be included in future studies analyzing parent feeding practices and children's weight outcome.  相似文献   


Correlation between parents for a given characteristic substantively affects estimates of both genetic and environmental parameters. Spouse similarity for biological, adoptive, and nonadoptive parents was examined in a study using a full‐adoption design. With regard to isophormic comparisons, moderate assortment was found for age, educational attainment, performance on tests of verbal ability, family background, and habits such as alcohol and current smoking behavior. The effects of cross‐assortative mating on population covariance and cross‐correlation between relatives are discussed. Although of considerable theoretical interest, little cross‐trait assortative mating for personality and cognition was found in the present study, suggesting that its effects will not be large, at least for these variables. Because “assortative mating” may differ from “assortative marriage,” comparisons among estimates of homogamy for birth, adoptive, and nonadoptive parents were made. Results indicated differential assortment among the three types of parents for some of the variables examined.  相似文献   

Objective: To examine the relationship between children's overweight status and other cardiovascular risk fitness factors and academic performance among fifth‐grade students. Research Methods and Procedures: Using a sample of 968 fifth‐grade students (50.7% boys; mean age = 10.6 years), children's cardiovascular risks (BMI, blood pressure, acanthosis nigricans) and fitness measures were compared with their mean group performance scores across four subscales (mathematics, reading/language arts, science, and social studies) of a statewide standardized academic performance test. Results: Of this sample, 39% were either at risk for being overweight or were already overweight; slightly over one half were of normal weight. Initial findings revealed a significant relationship between children's weight category and their reading/language arts, mathematics, and science test scores even after controlling for a proxy of socioeconomic status. When additional cardiovascular risk and fitness measures were included in the model, however, children's BMI status had no association. Instead, a composite fitness index, children's blood pressure, sex, and proxy of socioeconomic status were significantly associated with children's academic test scores. Discussion: This study expanded our understanding of the connection between children's overweight risks and academic performance by examining the impact of other cardiovascular risk factors such as high blood pressure and measures of fitness. These findings support the development and implementation of childhood cardiovascular risk surveillance programs that evaluate not only children's overweight risks but also their fitness, risk for type 2 diabetes, and/or high blood pressure by showing a relationship between some of these risks and children's academic test performance.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the relationship between immigrant parent legal status and academic performance among U.S.-born children, ages 7–10. Building on previous research and a social ecological framework, the study further explored how social service use moderates the relationship between parent legal status and academic performance. Participants included 178 low-income, urban parent/child dyads; all parents were immigrants from Mexico, Central America, or the Dominican Republic and all children were U.S.-born citizens. Using a standardized academic assessment as the outcome, parent legal vulnerability was a significant negative predictor of children's academic performance on reading, spelling, and math subtests. Additionally, parent use of social services significantly and positively moderated the relationship between parent legal vulnerability and children's word reading and spelling skills, indicating that social service use can serve as a protective buffer against the negative associations between parental unauthorized status and child achievement.  相似文献   

Longitudinal data were used to examine relationships among sibling variables, perceptions of family environments, and measures of educational attainment, occupational status, and occupational aspirations. The analyses involved 21-year-old Australians from Anglo-Australian, Greek, and Southern Italian families. Regression surfaces were plotted from models that included terms to test for possible linear, interaction, and curvilinear associations among the variables. The study indicated that sibsize and birth order continued to have many significant associations with young adults' status attainment even after taking into account the mediating influence of perceived family environments. Also, the investigation suggested that there are ethnic-group differences in relations among sibling variables, perceived parents' support for learning, and young adults' status attainment.  相似文献   

Conflicts among siblings are widespread and their resolution involves complex physical and communication tools. Observations in the barn owl Tyto alba showed that siblings vocally communicate in the absence of parents to negotiate priority of access to the impending food resources that parents will bring. In the present paper, we hypothesize and provide correlative evidence that after a parent brought a food item to their progeny, sibling competition involves vocal sib‐sib communication. A food item takes a long time to be entirely consumed, and hence siblings continue to compete over prey monopolization even after parents gave a food item to a single offspring. When physical competition is pronounced and thereby the risk of prey theft is high, the individual that received a prey item consumes it in a concealed place. Concomitantly, nestlings vocalize intensely probably to indicate their motivation to siblings to not share their food item, since this vocal behaviour was particularly frequent in younger individuals for which the risk of being robbed is higher than in their older siblings. Furthermore, nestlings consumed more rapidly a food item when their siblings vocalized intensely presumably because the intensity of siblings’ vocalizations is associated with a risk of prey theft. Our correlative study suggests that sibling competition favoured the evolution of sib‐sib communication under a wide range of situations.  相似文献   


This paper uses data drawn from the 1940 through 1980 Public Use Microdata Samples of the U.S. Census of Population to document sibling configurations from the child's perspective. Changes in four aspects of siblings are examined for five cohorts of white and black preschool‐aged children: number, birth order distributions, spacing intervals, and sex composition. Changes in fertility behavior of adults in the post‐war era had a profound effect on the structure of sibling systems experienced by children. Successive cohorts of preschool children show a rise in number of siblings through the early post‐war years before showing sharp declines in number of siblings through the 1960's and 1970's. These shifts in size of sibling sets are reflected in changes in the proportion of each cohorts who are first born and only children, both of which have increased substantially by the 1980 cohort. The 1940 and 1980 cohorts have similar proportions of children with short intervals. However, the middle cohorts show the effects of the quickened pace of fertility with substantial proportions of children with comparatively short birth intervals. Finally, substantial shifts across cohorts in several measures of sex composition of children are observed. Most significantly, there is a marked decline in the proportion of children experiencing an opposite‐sex older sibling.  相似文献   


Genealogical records containing birth and death dates for completed families have been analyzed to compare the longevity of twins, sibs and parents. The data are restricted to twins and sibs who survived to adulthood and married. The findings, similar to those found with respect to fertility (Wyshak and White, 1969), show that twins, especially male twins, are disadvantaged in comparison with their male sibs. Sib‐sib and parent‐offspring correlation analysis confirmed that there is a genetic component in the determination of life span, but environmental factors contribute more to the total variation. No evidence of a stronger maternal than paternal effect was found. Twin bearers also lived longer than nontwin bearers. Even among persons who survived to age SO or more, parents of twins had more children and lived slightly longer than their twin and nontwin offspring. Regression analysis for persons who survived to SO or longer indicated that, in addition to life span of parents, secularity (year of death) and fertility (number of children borne) were the best predictors of longevity, though only a small proportion of the variation could be accounted for by these and other demographic variables. Life span has shown a consistent increase over time from the seventeenth century through the nineteenth century, while fertility has tended to decline. However, among persons surviving to age SO, when the relation between secularity and fertility and secularity and longevity is controlled, a significant correlation between fertility and longevity remains. This relation, observed in populations that did not practice voluntary family size limitation, would not be found in contemporary data. Maternal mortality accounted for the shorter life span of women than for men; eliminating its effect gives women a slight advantage. The fertility and longevity experience of migrants who survived to age SO is more favorable than that of persons who did not migrate.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to determine how children's health conditions are related to their mothers’ risk of divorce or separation. The study is based on data from over 7,000 children born to once‐married mothers identified in the 1988 Child Health Supplement to the National Health Interview Survey. The effects of 15 childhood health conditions on the mothers’ risk of divorce are estimated with Cox's proportional hazard models. Controlling for demographic, marital, and reproductive measures, we find that mothers’ prospects for divorce are affected both positively or negatively by their children's health status, depending on the type of childhood condition and, in the case of low birth weight children, timing within the marriage. Women whose children have congenital heart disease, cerebral palsy, are blind, or had low birth weight appear to have higher risks of marital disruption than mothers of healthy children. In contrast, mothers whose children have migraines, learning disabilities, respiratory allergies, missing/deformed digits or limbs, or asthma have somewhat lower rates of divorce.  相似文献   


Common family environmental effect (γ2) and dominance effect (d2 ) are usually confounded; either or both may make the sib‐sib correlation larger than the parent‐child correlation. The classic three kinship correlations (parent‐parent, parent‐offspring, sib‐sib) can accommodate either dominance (Model D) or common family environment effects (Model C), but not both. The relationship between the various components of the three correlations of Models D and C are given. In order to include both dominance and common family environment effects, a fourth correlation, that between half‐sibs, is added to the system which enables us to separate the dominance effects from the common family environments effects. Half‐sibs may constitute a potentially new source material for study of quantitative inheritance. The principle of the constant heredity/environment ratio is discussed.  相似文献   


A comprehensive model of family influences on educational resemblance of siblings expands the traditional sibling pair model to a full sibship model in order to investigate how gender, gender composition of sibships, and a measure of ordinal position moderate the effect of social origins on educational attainments of siblings. One common family factor is sufficient to explain the variation of educational attainment among brothers and sisters. Although effects of social origin variables on brothers are larger than on sisters, the relative effects of measured social origins are virtually the same among sisters and brothers. The disparity between educational attainments of brothers and sisters persists across sex composition and family size. Ordinal position does not alter the effects of social origins on educational attainment nor does it directly affect educational attainment. Father's and mother's education are equally important for all siblings regardless of birth order, gender composition, and family size.  相似文献   

Senescence—the deterioration of survival and reproductive capacity with increasing age—is generally held to be an evolutionary consequence of the declining strength of natural selection with increasing age. The diversity in rates of aging observed in nature suggests that the rate at which age‐specific selection weakens is determined by species‐specific ecological factors. We propose that, in iteroparous species, relationships between parental age, offspring birth order, and environment may affect selection on senescence. Later‐born siblings have, on average, older parents than do first borns. Offspring born to older parents may experience different environments in terms of family support or inherited resources, factors often mediated by competition from siblings. Thus, age‐specific selection on parents may change if the environment produces birth‐order related gradients in reproductive success. We use an age‐and‐stage structured population model to investigate the impact of sibling environmental inequality on the expected evolution of senescence. We show that accelerated senescence evolves when later‐born siblings are likely to experience an environment detrimental to lifetime reproduction. In general, sibling inequality is likely to be of particular importance for the evolution of senescence in species such as humans, where family interactions and resource inheritance have important roles in determining lifetime reproduction.  相似文献   

This study examined associations between quality of social and physical environments in preschools and children's development of academic, language, and literacy skills, and the extent to which preschool quality moderated the associations between child risk and development. Participants were a diverse sample of 540 four-year-old children in Georgia who attended Head Start, the Georgia Pre-Kindergarten Program, or private preschools. Controlling for children's gender, family income, race/ethnicity, preschool program type, and pretest performance, high-quality social environments were positively associated with children's academic and literacy skills at the end of preschool. Quality of the physical environment was not associated with children's outcomes at the end of preschool; however, higher quality physical environments moderated the negative associations between income and academic development and between non-White race/ethnicity and literacy development.  相似文献   


This study focuses on three factors presumed to affect young children's development: their age, the quality of their home environments, and the child-pet relationship. Three sets of analyses are presented: effects associated with pet ownership (pet presence), effects associated with the strength of the child-pet relationship, and the combined effects of age, home environment, and the child-companion animal relationship. This study includes both a parent survey (n = 88) and in-home assessments (n = 44) of the three- to six-year-old children. The analyses support the hypothesis that normal preschool children's intellectual, motor, and social development is associated with the presence of a companion animal and increases with their age, the quality of their home environment, and their relationship with a companion animal. While the children's age and the quality of their home environments were associated with measures of the children's cognitive, motor, and social development, the companion animal effect was limited to the young children's social development including their empathy for other children.  相似文献   

Objective: To examine the association between children's overweight status in kindergarten and their academic achievement in kindergarten and first grade. Research Methods and Procedures: The data analyzed consisted of 11, 192 first time kindergartners from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, a nationally representative sample of kindergartners in the U.S. in 1998. Multivariate regression techniques were used to estimate the independent association of overweight status with children's math and reading standardized test scores in kindergarten and grade 1. We controlled for socioeconomic status, parent‐child interaction, birth weight, physical activity, and television watching. Results: Overweight children had significantly lower math and reading test scores compared with nonoverweight children in kindergarten. Both groups were gaining similarly on math and reading test scores, resulting in significantly lower test scores among overweight children at the end of grade 1. However, these differences, except for boys’ math scores at baseline (difference = 1.22 points, p = 0.001), became insignificant after including socioeconomic and behavioral variables, indicating that overweight is a marker but not a causal factor. Race/ethnicity and mother's education were stronger predictors of test score gains or levels than overweight status. Discussion: Significant differences in test scores by overweight status at the beginning of kindergarten and the end of grade 1 can be explained by other individual characteristics, including parental education and the home environment. However, overweight is more easily observable by other students compared with socioeconomic characteristics, and its significant (unadjusted) association with worse academic performance can contribute to the stigma of overweight as early as the first years of elementary school.  相似文献   

Although inbreeding is commonly known to depress individual fitness, the severity of inbreeding depression varies considerably across species. Among the factors contributing to this variation, family interactions, life stage and sex of offspring have been proposed, but their joint influence on inbreeding depression remains poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that these three factors jointly shape inbreeding depression in the European earwig, Forficula auricularia. Using a series of cross‐breeding, split‐clutch and brood size manipulation experiments conducted over two generations, we first showed that sib mating (leading to inbred offspring) did not influence the reproductive success of earwig parents. Second, the presence of tending mothers and the strength of sibling competition (i.e. brood size) did not influence the expression of inbreeding depression in the inbred offspring. By contrast, our results revealed that inbreeding dramatically depressed the reproductive success of inbred adult male offspring, but only had little effect on the reproductive success of inbred adult female offspring. Overall, this study demonstrates limited effects of family interactions on inbreeding depression in this species and emphasizes the importance of disentangling effects of sib mating early and late during development to better understand the evolution of mating systems and population dynamics.  相似文献   

Objective: Identifying parental behaviors that influence childhood obesity is critical for the development of effective prevention and treatment programs. Findings from a prior laboratory study suggest that parents who impose control over their children's eating may interfere with their children's ability to regulate intake, potentially resulting in overweight. These findings have been widely endorsed; however, the direct relationship between parental control of children's intake and their children's degree of overweight has not been shown in a generalized sample. Research Methods and Procedures: This study surveyed 792 third‐grade children with diverse ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds from 13 public elementary schools. Parental control over children's intake was assessed through telephone interviews using a state‐of‐the‐art instrument, and children were measured for height, weight, and triceps skinfold thickness. Results: Counter to the hypothesis, parental control over children's intake was inversely associated with overweight in girls, as measured by body mass index, r = ?0.12, p < 0.05, and triceps skinfolds, r = ?0.11, p < 0.05. This weak relationship became only marginally significant when controlling for parents’ perceptions of their own weight, level of household education, and children's age. No relationship between parental control of children's intake and their children's degree of overweight was found in boys. Discussion: Previous observations of the influence of parental control over children's intake in middle‐class white families did not generalize to 8‐ to 9‐year‐olds in families with diverse socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds. The present findings reveal a more complex relationship between parental behaviors and children's weight status.  相似文献   

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