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SYNOPSIS. A Glugea xenoma sectioned and viewed with the electron microscope contained many spores with everting polar filaments. Several details not seen in previous studies of this species were observed. A specialized area with the appareance of a lattice was commonly present near the anterior end of the polaroplast. The external portion of a partially everted polar filament appeared to have about twice the diameter of the part remaining within the spore. No membrane was seen limiting the external surface of the everted portion. The everting filament had pushed thru the polar cap and the adjacent thin area of the spore wall, making the polar cap into a ring. The ring connected the proximal end of the everting filament to the inner spore membrane, thereby anchoring the filament to the spore. The electron density of some of the membranous organelles of the spore was enhanced by the use of ruthenium red.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Cell hypertrophy tumors (xenomas) associated with Glugea weissenbergi n. sp. frequently occur under the peritoneum (parietal or visceral) of Apeltes quadracus (Mitchell) near Solomons Island, Maryland. The microsporidan is similar to the type species, G. anomala (Moniez, 1887) Gurley, 1893, but has larger spores. Its fine structure corresponds with the basic pattern revealed by other authors in various species of Nosematidae. A concept of spore morphogenesis, in which the polar filament primordium is 1/2 of the nuclear isthmus present during division of the sporont, is elaborated and its implications discussed. The membrane systems of the Glugea and host cell components appear to be continuous with one another, this being an indication that the membranes are all furnished by the host cell. Lacking mitochondria and (apparently) a Golgi apparatus, Glugea is, when considered apart from the membrane system which is common to it and the host cell, a very simple organism, consisting of very little besides the genome. The simplicity of the Glugea, its very high degree of structural and physiological integration with the host cell, and the transformative development of the host cell all suggest an analogy with certain viruses.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A species of Nosema in the muscles of the North American white shrimp, generally known as Penaeus setiferus but also known as P. fluviatilis, appears identical with type specimens of N. nelsoni Sprague, 1950, in P. aztecus. Its Golgi apparatus, as seen in the sporoblast, is a complex system of cisternae, small vesicles and expanded sacs which plays a major role in spore morphogenesis. It transforms directly into the polaroplast complex, certain membranous investments of the polar filament, the polar sac and perhaps part of the posterior vacuolar system. Probably the polar sac contains the polar cap. The PAS-positive material in both the cap and the filament may be a component of the Golgi complex. This new concept of the Golgi complex supplements our earlier view of spore morphogenesis according to which the polar filament is of nuclear origin. It also reconciles the idea with Vávra's identification of Golgi vesicles associated with the developing polar filament.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Light and electron microscope observations on Dunaliella primolecta Butcher from logarithmic and stationary phases of batch cultures are correlated. Except for the lack of a cell wall the fine structure has typical volvocid features. The transition from logarithmic to stationary phase is marked by changes in content and size of cytoplasmic vacuoles, accumulation of cytoplasmic lipid, accumulation of starch in the plastid matrix, and by the formation of autophagosome-like bodies. The organelles in stationary-phase flagellates are closely packed together because of the cytoplasmic lipid and starch-distended chloroplast. Organisms from logarithmic phase have an abundant ribosome-packed groundplasm supporting the organelles. In the cytochemical demonstration of acid phosphatase activity, Golgi cisternae and smooth and coated Golgi vesicles contain Gomori reaction product. The possible roles of the Golgi apparatus in this flagellate are discussed.  相似文献   

Glugea hertwigi spores were activated to discharge sporoplasms in Medium 199 with 3% gelatin at pH 9.0; the liberated sporoplasms were transferred to a maintenance medium with 6% gelatin (pH 7.0) supplemented with 2 mM ATP and 10% (v/v) fetal calf scrum. The spherical sporoplasms (measuring 3.5-4 m?m in diameter) had single nuclei and had a cytoplasm rich in free ribosomes. Each G. hertwigi sporoplasm was initially bounded by an external (0.1-0.2 m?m) satellite body adjoining the plasma membrane. The satellites displayed ordered membrane and appeared to merge with the sporoplasm 15-30 min after spore discharge. The external location of the satellite (in reference to the discharged sporoplasm) seems to be part of the normal sequence of events under the in vitro conditions provided. The surface of G. hertwigi sporoplasms does not bear an obvious surface coat; however, our cytochemical observations indicate the plasma membrane of the sporoplasm was somewhat responsive to concanavalin A-peroxidase, colloidal iron, and native ferritin. During the short term incubations of sporoplasms with ferritin, the particles permeated membrane channels extending into the sporoplasm cytoplasm.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. This study augments our knowledge of several ultrastructural features of Encephalitozoon cuniculi and provides evidence that this species is disporous. We support Cali's view that Encephalitozoon is distinct from Nosema and should be treated as a valid genus. We compare these with 2 other disporous genera, Glugea and Perezia, and conclude that Glugea is also distinct but Perezia is a junior synonym of Nosema.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The ultrastructure of a microsporidan pansporoblast was observed with freeze-etching electron microscopy. The cross-fractured face of ovoid mature spores, with the upper part of the spore coat fractured off, revealed the spore membrane; the convex face had many small depressions and the concave face bore fine particles. In cross-section the spore-coat was highly laminated and about 0.5 μ in diameter.
In the cytoplasm of the pansporoblast, fluid-filled and finger-print-life profiles of vesicles were observed. The vesicles were approximately 180 nm in diameter and laminated, each lamella being about 15–18 nm thick. In addition to these vesicles, a population of elevations, each with an average diameter of 40 nm, was evenly distributed in the pansporoblast among the spores. No other cytoplasmic organelles were observed within the pansporoblast. The pansporoblast wall was about 15–19 nm thick with particles 15–18 nm in diameter on its outer surface.  相似文献   

Plistophora ovariae undergoes schizogony and sporogony in developing ova of the golden shiner. Destruction of the ova greatly reduces fecundity and causes spawning failures. The incidence and intensity of infection is described in 49 commercial fish farms from 12 states. The parasite was found in fish from 45 of 49 sources and in a farm pond and creek from Oklahoma. Overall incidence of infection was 48% of 2759 fish. No significant difference was found in the incidence of disease from fish propagated by either intensive or extensive culture methods. There was a significant difference in incidence of infection with host age. Incidence increased from 30% in age class 0 to 75% in age class 4. Intensity of infection decreased with age and varied with season; it was greatest in May and June. Thus, the maximum number of spores and infected ova occurred during the spawning season of the host. Infected fish were generally larger and heavier than uninfected fish. Reduced egg production (partial parasitic castration) allowed nutrients and energy to be used for faster growth.  相似文献   

Young-of-the-year Pseudopleuronectes americanus were captured in Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey and maintained in aquaria at 16–19° C for 115 days in 1982 and 127 days in 1983. Half of them were experimentally exposed to Glugea stephani and the others were sham exposed. During the course of these experiments fish from both groups died as a result of G. stephani infection, demonstrating Glwgea -induced mortality in this species. Infections were found in both control and experimentally exposed fish. Mortality of Glwgea -infected fish in the exposed group was 63% while that in the controls was 28.5%.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Ichthyosporidium sp. Schwartz, 1963, apparently identical with the type species, I. giganteum (Thélohan, 1895) Swarczewsky, 1914, was studied with the electron microscope. Only late stages, a mature cyst containing sporulation stages and a cyst in the terminal (necrotic) stage were observed. The cyst, originating from host tissue, is a highly organized structure that is integrated with the surrounding connective tissue by means of numerous conspicuous processes. It is interpreted as essentially a manifestation of a defensive reaction of the host that is elicited by the parasite and then used to its advantage. Eventually the cyst dies and disintegrates. This type of cyst, peculiar among those associated with microsporidia, may be regarded as a distinctive character of the poorly defined genus Ichthyosporidium. Other observations let to an hypothesis which reconciles several different views regarding the identity of the Golgi complex. According to this new interpretation, these different views concern different aspects af the total complex. When all such views are integrated, a “classical Golgi” can be recognized in the presporoblastic stages and the “primitive Golgi” concept disappears. This “classical Golgi” then becomes highly modified during spore morphogenesis, giving rise to many of the internal organelles that are peculiar to the spore.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A new species of Microsporida, Burenella dimorpha sp. n., representing a new family, Burenellidae fam. n. and genus, is described on the basis of light- and electron-microscope observations. The family is characterized by 2 sequences of sporogony, each sequence having morphologically different sporonts and spores. The parasite infects the tropical fire ant, Solenopsis geminata (Fabricius), producing distinct pathologic manifestations (clearing of the cuticle and eye malformation) and death in the pupal stage of development. Transmission of the infection per os to healthy S. geminata, to the Southern fire ant, Solenopsis xyloni McCook, and to the red and black imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta Buren and Solenopsis richteri Forel, is reported.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. In the microsporidian, Thelohania bracteata, the polar filament, as it starts to develop in the sporoblast, apparently receives material synthesized by the granular endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi vesicles. In immature spores many dilated sacs are observed in areas where there is less endoplasmic reticulum. These sacs, that persist into the almost mature spore, are probably Golgi-type vesicles and may be related to the formation of the spore coat. The polar filament of the mature spore possesses 8 coils and in cross section or cross-fractured face the electron-dense central portion of the polar filament contains a tubular structure, ringed by 12–14 cylindrical structures. In thin sections, an electron-lucid zone is observed between the core and membrane of the polar filament. The polar filament runs through the highly laminated polaroplast which occupies the anterior portion of the spore. In cross-fractured face the lamellae of the polaroplast are arranged like the petals of a flower. The basal portion of the polar filament is enlarged, appearing arrow-shaped in thin sections and pear-shaped in frozen-etched preparations. Frozen-etched membranes differ in the size and distribution of the surface particles.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Plistophora cargoi n. sp., found in the muscles of Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, is described. Spores are ellipsoidal and about 3.3 by 5.1 μ when alive. The coiled polar filament is PAS positive. When extruded the filament appears thick throughout most of its length but has a short and fine terminal portion. The sporont gives rise to many (32 to more than 100) spores. P. sp. Sogandares-Bernal, 1962, found in the muscles of the fresh water crayfish Cambarellus puer Hobbs, is given the name P. sogandaresi n. sp.  相似文献   

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