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Research designs to study alcohol use and abuse have included twin, adoption and family history/high risk studies. Results have consistently implied a genetic factor in the aetiology of alcohol abuse. However, less research has been conducted in search of environmental factors. This study uses kinship structure in a large national dataset (the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth) to estimate (using DeFries-Fulker analysis) the extent of the shared genetic, non-shared genetic, shared environmental and non-shared environmental influences on alcohol use. The NLSY kinship sample contained 3890 pairs of cousins, half-siblings, full-siblings and twins between the ages of 14 and 21 in the initial year of the survey (1979). Estimates of heritability (h2) and shared environment (c2) were small to moderate for the entire dataset for both light drinking and heavy drinking behaviour, with h2 estimates slightly higher in each case. Non-shared genetic measures of self-esteem and locus of control accounted for a significant portion of the remaining variance in heavy drinking behaviour. Race and gender patterns showed c2 and h2 estimates that were also small to moderate for both light and heavy drinking behaviour. Significant non-shared effects were found for the White group for heavy drinking behaviour, and for male pairs for both heavy and light drinking behaviour. Additionally, implications and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of p-chlorophenylalanine (p-CPA) pretreatment on barbital tolerance in the rat as measured by motor impairment on the moving belt test was examined in two separate studies. The first used a 2 X 2 design with doses of p-CPA (125 mg/kg) or water, and sodium barbital (300 mg/kg) or water. The treatments continued for 28 days with tests every 7 days. The p-CPA dose used was previously shown to produce and maintain greater than 95% depletion of brain serotonin (5-HT). Tolerance developed to the test doses, and even greater tolerance to the chronic treatment doses. In both cases the p-CPA slowed the development of tolerance without altering the acute response to the challenge dose of barbital. The second study involved only a p-CPA-barbital group and a water-barbital group. In this case treatment lasted for up to 8 days, with separate subgroups being tested only once each at 2-day intervals, in order to prevent the tests from affecting the rate of tolerance development. This experiment confirmed that p-CPA slowed the development of barbital tolerance. The present findings provide additional support for the possibility that 5-HT may be involved in the development of tolerance to sedatives (e.g., alcohol, pentobarbital).  相似文献   

Based on the ability of phytosiderophores to chelate other heavy metals besides iron (Fe), phytosiderophores were suggested to prevent graminaceous plants from cadmium (Cd) toxicity. To assess interactions between Cd and phytosiderophore-mediated Fe acquisition, maize (Zea mays) plants were grown hydroponically under limiting Fe supply. Exposure to Cd decreased uptake rates of 59Fe(III)-phytosiderophores and enhanced the expression of the Fe-phytosiderophore transporter gene ZmYS1 in roots as well as the release of the phytosiderophore 2'-deoxymugineic acid (DMA) from roots under Fe deficiency. However, DMA hardly mobilized Cd from soil or from a Cd-loaded resin in comparison to the synthetic chelators diaminetriaminepentaacetic acid and HEDTA. While nano-electrospray-high resolution mass spectrometry revealed the formation of an intact Cd(II)-DMA complex in aqueous solutions, competition studies with Fe(III) and zinc(II) showed that the formed Cd(II)-DMA complex was weak. Unlike HEDTA, DMA did not protect yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) cells from Cd toxicity but improved yeast growth in the presence of Cd when yeast cells expressed ZmYS1. When supplied with Fe-DMA as a Fe source, transgenic Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) plants expressing a cauliflower mosaic virus 35S-ZmYS1 gene construct showed less growth depression than wild-type plants in response to Cd. These results indicate that inhibition of ZmYS1-mediated Fe-DMA transport by Cd is not related to Cd-DMA complex formation and that Cd-induced phytosiderophore release cannot protect maize plants from Cd toxicity. Instead, phytosiderophore-mediated Fe acquisition can improve Fe uptake in the presence of Cd and thereby provides an advantage under Cd stress relative to Fe acquisition via ferrous Fe.  相似文献   


Human responses to alcohol—especially sensitivity and acute behavioral tolerance—are being studied within a behavioral genetic design involving comparisons of scores from monozygotic twins, dizygotic twins, nontwin siblings, and unrelated (adoptee) pairs reared in the same family from infancy. The planned genetic analyses must await completion of data collection. The present sample is, however, adequate for analyses of means and for some analyses of individual differences in responses. For most of the measures being used, we find the usual mean decrement in performance after alcohol dosing to 0.100 BAC, but individual differences in response to alcohol are large, and a few individuals actually improve in performance after dosing. Also, on two tests, Cancellation and Block Rotations, there is a significant mean improvement in performance immediately after dosing. As yet we do not have a satisfactory explanation for this phenomenon. On most but not all of the tests, performance improves after the initial decrement during a 3‐hour period in which blood alcohol levels are maintained by additional hourly doses. This improvement may be due in part to practice effects, as well as to the development of acute behavioral tolerance to ethanol (ABTE). We are still exploring ways in which these effects may be disentangled, using data from concurrent placebo control subjects and from pre‐dosing test sessions. It is already apparent, nevertheless, that most of the variability in sensitivity and ABTE is related to pre‐existing individual variability rather than to gender, age, height, weight, or drinking history. By mailing annual questionnaires to all participants, we hope to be able to test the hypothesis that those who were relatively insensitive to ethanol or who showed a relatively large amount of ABTE during the test sessions may be at increased risk for heavy alcohol consumption.  相似文献   

Tolerance to alcohol effects is one of the defining features of clinical alcohol dependence. Here, we hypothesized that the post-dependent state may include tolerance to sedative-hypnotic alcohol actions. To address this question, we used a recently developed animal model in which repeated cycles of alcohol intoxication and withdrawal trigger long-lasting behavioral plasticity. This animal model shares important features with the clinical condition. Animals were exposed to 7 weeks of intermittent alcohol vapor, allowed to recover for 3 weeks, and tested in protracted abstinence to exclude contributions from acute withdrawal. Post-dependent and control rats were injected with a hypnotic dose of alcohol (3 g/kg), and the loss of righting reflex (LORR) was recorded, blood alcohol levels were monitored, and the elimination rate was calculated. Post-dependent animals showed a decrease in LORR. Alcohol metabolism and elimination kinetics did not differ between groups. In conclusion, a history of alcohol dependence induces long-lasting hypnotic tolerance. This process may play an important role in maintaining the dependent state.  相似文献   

Selective breeding of Sprague-Dawley rats immunized with group A streptococcal vaccine (GASV) revealed genetic influences on the magnitude of the precipitin response to streptococcal group A carbohydrate (SACHO). After four brother-sister inbreedings, a family of low-precipitin responders (LPR) was segregated from a family of high-precipitin responders (HPR). Precipitin analysis of all four generations of rats bred for low-precipitin responses revealed an earlier influence of inbreeding on the secondary as compared to the primary precipitin response. Prolonged immunization and/or variation in the dose of antigen failed to enhance the magnitude of the precipitin response of LPR. Examination of anti-SACHO antisera for cross-specificity revealed A-variant carbohydrate precipitins in only 1%. This system may offer an opportunity to examine the clinical relevance of anti-SACHO antibodies to rheumatic heart disease.  相似文献   

S B Rosalki 《Enzyme》1988,39(2):95-109
Genetic factors which may influence the activity of diagnostic enzymes in plasma are reviewed. Examples are given of the effects of race, blood group, enzyme polymorphisms, genetic variants, inborn errors and inherited disease.  相似文献   

The relationship between genetic and the environment represents a pathway to better understand individual variations in nutrition intake and food preferences. However, the present literature is weakened somewhat by methodological flaws (e.g., overreliance on self-report questionnaires), discrepancies in statistical approaches, and inconsistent findings. Little research on this topic to date has included examination of micronutrient intake. The purpose of this study is to improve the existing literature on genetic and environmental influences on energy and nutrient intake by addressing these gaps. Twin pairs (N = 358; age 11–13 years) provided 3-day food intake diaries, which were assessed for intake of total energy, macronutrients, and micronutrients. Structural equation modeling revealed that genetic influences accounted for a significant portion of the total variance in total energy (48 %), macronutrients (35–45 %), minerals (45 %), and vitamins (21 %). Consistent with previous studies, the shared environment appeared to contribute little to nutritional intake. Findings on vitamin and mineral intake are novel and are particularly beneficial for further research on the contribution of micronutrients to individual physical health status. Better understanding of the linkage between genes, environment, and nutritional intake and deficiencies can clarify behavioral and physical outcomes, potentially informing risk reduction, primary prevention, and intervention strategies.  相似文献   

Opioids are extensively used for the management of both chronic malignant and non malignant pains. One major serious limitation associated with chronic use of opioids is the development of tolerance to its analgesic effect. The effect of Bacopa monnieri, a renowned ayurvedic medicine for acquisition and expression of morphine tolerance in mice, was investigated. Bacopa monnieri, n-Butanol fraction was analyzed on High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), for Bacopaside A major components i.e. Bacoside A3, Bacopaside ll and Bacosaponin C. Antinociceptive effect of n-Butanol extract of Bacopa monnieri (n Bt-ext BM) (5, 10 and 15 mg/kg) was assessed on hot plate. Effect of different doses of n Bt-ext BM on morphine antinociception was also assessed. n Bt-ext BM was also screened for development of tolerance to antinociceptive effect of Bacopa monnieri by administering 15 mg/kg n Bt-ext BM for seven days. Tolerance to morphine analgesia was induced in mice by administering intraperitoneally (I.P.) 20 mg/kg morphine twice daily for five days. Acute and Chronic administration of 5, 10 and 15 mg/kg n Bt-ext BM significantly reduced both expression and development of tolerance to morphine analgesia in mice. Additionally, Bacopa monnieri was found to enhance antinociceptive effect of morphine in intolerant animals. However, no tolerance to Bacopa monnieri antinociceptive effect was observed in seven days treatment schedule. These findings indicate effectiveness of Bacopa monnieri for management of morphine tolerance.  相似文献   

Steffen KL  Palta JP 《Plant physiology》1989,91(4):1558-1561
The influence of growth and development temperature on the relative tolerance of photosynthetic tissue to high light stress at chilling temperatures was investigated. Two tuber-bearing potato species, Solanum tuberosum L. cv Red Pontiac and Solanum commersonii were grown for 4 weeks, at either 12 or 24°C with 12 hours of about 375 micromoles per second per square meter of photosynthetically active radiation. Paired leaf discs were cut from directly across the midvein of leaflets of comparable developmental stage and light environment from each species at each growth temperature treatment. One disc of each pair was exposed to 1°C and about 1000 micromoles per second per square meter photosynthetically active radiation for 4 hours, and the other disc was held at 1°C in total darkness for the same duration. Photosynthetic tissue of S. tuberosum, developed at 12°C, was much more tolerant to high light and low temperature stress than tissue developed under 24°C conditions. Following the high light treatment, 24°C-grown S. tuberosum tissue demonstrated light-limited and light-saturated rates that were approximately 50% of their paired dark controls. In contrast, the 12°C-grown tissue from S. tuberosum that was subjected to the light stress showed only a 18 and 6% reduction in light-limited and light-saturated rates of photosynthetic oxygen evolution, respectively. Tissue from 24°C-grown S. commersonii was much less sensitive to the light stress than was tissue from S. tuberosum grown under the same conditions. The results presented here demonstrate that: (a) acclimation of S. tuberosum to lower temperature growth conditions with a constant light environment, results in the increased capacity of photosynthetic tissue to tolerate high light stress at chilling temperature and (b) following growth and development at relatively high temperatures S. commersonii, a frost- and heat-tolerant wild species, has a much greater tolerance to the high light stress at chilling temperature than does S. tuberosum cv Red Pontiac, a frost-sensitive cultivated species.  相似文献   



Plant tolerance to herbivory has often been linked to plant growth rate, with faster growing plants that present high tissue turnover rates expected to be more tolerant than slower-growing plants. We tested whether this relationship also holds for rootstock growth rate and tolerance to apple replant disease (ARD).


An ARD susceptible rootstock, M.26 and ARD tolerant rootstock, CG.6210 were grown in soil from an apple replant site (FS) and in pasteurized soil (PS) from the same site. Total below ground biomass production was determined by harvesting a subset of plants per soil treatment and rootstock at 11, 17, and 23 weeks after planting. Root samples were collected prior to each harvesting date to determine root respiration and total carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) content. Root dynamics were tracked during the growing season by digitally photographing root observation windows.


Total root biomass, first and second order roots, and second-to-first order root ratio were higher in CG.6210 than in M.26 in both soil treatments. Roots of CG.6210 were thinner and had lower N concentration than those of M.26. Roots of M.26 had longer lifespans than those of CG.6210, and the mortality risk of M.26 roots was 56 % that of CG.6210 roots.


Our study indicates that rootstocks with faster growing root systems can tolerate ARD infection by investing fewer resources in individual root construction that can be shed more readily.  相似文献   

Contingent negative variation (CNV) and reaction time were examined in four groups of eight young adult men: controls, witnesses, students in physical and athletic education, and sprinters. Subjects, except the control group, were asked to detect and respond quickly by pressing a button in the following experimental conditions: 1) simple auditory stimuli, 2) paired auditory stimuli, 3) mixed simple and paired auditory stimuli.- A higher CNV voltage and lower reaction time and reaction time variability were obvious in students in physical and athletic education and sprinters, compared to controls and witnesses. In all the groups CNV amplitude declined in the third condition, reaction time and reaction time variability augmented from condition 1 to condition 3. These results show that relationships couple attentiveness and motor activation processes. The motor activation differed for simple starter and presignalled starter conditions (conditions 1 and 2). An increase of discrimination difficulty diminished the performance.  相似文献   

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