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本文考虑了多需求下的鱼池定价问题.假设有m个鱼池可供投放鱼类种群,n个顾客需要使用鱼池,每个顾客有多个鱼类种群需要投放到至多m个鱼池中去.鱼池所有者根据顾客的需求和报价进行重新定价和最终分配,在满足部分顾客的全部需求下最大化其收益.文中考虑了两种定价机制-单一定价和按比例定价.并结合背包算法,在按比例定价情形下设计了具有对数竞争比的算法,最大化鱼池所有者的收益.  相似文献   

证明了一类与传染病模型有关的积分方程解的唯一性,整体存在性和当t→∞时收敛到零的若干充分条件.利用Banach不动点定理证明了存在性结果,利用一个新的积分不等式证明了收敛性结果.  相似文献   

王天云 《生物学通报》2002,37(12):27-27
1 为什么越是罕见的常染色体隐性遗传病 ,近亲婚配时子代的发病风险比随机婚配越高我们知道 ,一级亲属 (父母与子女、兄妹等 )之间基因相同的可能性为 1/ 2 ,二级亲属 (祖孙、外祖孙、叔侄、舅甥等 )之间基因相同的可能性为 1/ 4 ,而三级亲属 (表兄妹、堂兄妹 )之间的可能性为 1/ 8。设在群体中某种常染色体隐性遗传病的发病率为10 -4。根据 Hardy- Weiberg定律的公式 :p2 + 2 pq+ q2 =1和 p+ q=1,则发病率 =p(aa) =q2 =10 -4,隐性致病基因的频率 p=q2 =0 .0 1,显性基因的频率 p=1- q=1-0 .0 1=0 .99;群体中携带者的频率 p(Aa) =2 pq=2×…  相似文献   

锦屏水电站植被数量分类与排序   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以锦屏梯级水电站大河湾段植被为研究对象,以河流流向为基础布置样方,将50个样方物种重要值及其环境因子进行TWINSPAN数量分类和DCA排序,结果显示:(1)由TWINSPAN数量分类将植被划分为7种类型,雅致雾水葛(Pouzolzia elegans)灌草群落为该区域的主要群落.(2)以TWINSPAN数量分类为基础的DCA二维排序图将样方分为6个生态类型,DCA 二维排序图横轴从左至右海拔高度逐渐降低;排序纵轴由下至上坡度逐渐升高.(3)以TWINSPAN数量分类在DCA排序图中有明确的分布范围和界限,DCA排序与TWINSPAN数量分类结合使用,能很好反映群落与环境因子间的生态关系.  相似文献   

格氏栲种群个体年龄与胸径的时间序列模型研究   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
本文提出格氏栲种群以年轮确定种群个体年龄并与胸径、树高确定种群个体年龄有机结合的时间序列预测个体年龄方法。通过时间序列分析,确定出格氏栲种群个体年龄与胸径关系的ARIMA(1,2,0)模型,经检验该模型的相似性系数为93.48%,即该模型预测胸径生长量是可靠的。同时,通过ARI-MA(1,2,0)模型预测结果与实际调查材料组合起来,建立较为准确反映个体年龄的组合模型:A=10.15451+1.113851D+0.04220049D2-0.000227303D3式中D为格氏栲种群个体胸径,A为格氏栲种群个体年龄,相关指数为0.9998。可见,组合模型的格氏栲种群个体胸径与年龄回归关系极显著,效果理想,为相应研究提供一个较为可靠的方法。  相似文献   

广西热带石灰岩季节雨林分类与排序   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用二歧指示种分析法TWINSPAN将广西热带石灰岩季节雨林的30个样地划分两大类共6个群落:洼地季节雨林(1)火焰花+萍婆群落; (2)海南风吹楠+人面果群落,石山季节雨林(1)东京桐+广西顶果豆群落; (2)假肥牛树+安南牡荆群落;(3)肥牛树群落; (4)肥牛树+蚬木群落。文章还利用无偏对应分析法DCA对群落进行了排序,指出由洼地至山坡水分条件由湿到干是影响群落变化的主导因素。环境的封闭程度对群落变化也有一定影响。  相似文献   

生物统计学在遗传学发展中的作用如何?概率论在遗传教学中是怎样应用的?这是中学生物教学常遇到的问题。本文对此谈一些看法。  相似文献   

多样性排序:方法与实例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
多样性已经成为生态学理论与实践中的一个很重要的概念 ,很多多样性指数被引进或设计出来 ,并被广泛地应用于生态系统管理以及环境监测与评价之中。然而 ,很多学者对其也提出了疑议 ,因为当用不同的多样性指数对一组群落进行比较时会得出不同的顺序。Patil和Taillie等人提出用含有一个参数的多样性指数族可以潜在地解决这个问题。本文对这个类型的 1 4种方法做了评述 ,并将其分为 4组。证明了组内各方法间是等价的 ,而不同组的各方法间是不等价的。并认为在进行多样性排序时 ,Patil和Taillie的“右尾和”方法应属首选 ,因为只需计算有限个数值 ,并且该方法判断了群落内多样性的高低。其次 ,Hulbert_Smith_Grassle的方法也值得推荐 ,因为该方法有直观而明确的意义 ,它是一个随机样本中期望包含的物种数目。作为实例 ,还将这些方法应用于北京东灵山地区的 3个森林群落多样性的比较  相似文献   

昆虫种群的一类时空动态模型研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
昆虫种群的时空动态包括种群的数量变化和空间分布变化.根据密度制约性原理, F推导出描述昆虫种群时空动态的非线性偏微分方程模型.该模型由扩散、迁移、出生及死亡等成分组成.建立了模型的差分解法,也给出模型参数的拟合方法.模型的初始分布确定为二项分布,Poisson分布,以及负二项分布.给出产生3种空间分布的计算方法.给定初始分布类型及参数,由各算法组装的计算机模型可得到初始分布,田间各点各时刻的昆虫数量 ,以及该时刻的空间分布类型和聚集性.  相似文献   

汾河河口湿地植被数量分类与排序   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在群落样方调查基础上,采用双向指示种分析(TWINSPAN)和除趋势对应分析(DCA)对汾河入河口湿地植被群落进行了数量分类和排序。TWINSPAN将78个样方分为18个群丛,并论述了各群丛的群落学特征。DCA排序结果反映了植物群落类型与环境梯度水分之间的关系,表明影响群丛分布格局的主导生态因子为土壤水分。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with a computer algorithm for searching optimal block designs. The algorithm uses a technique called simulated annealing. Exchange and interchange steps are defined in a way similar to JONES and ECCLESTON (1980). Two examples are used to show the performance of the algorithm.  相似文献   

In the recent years, there has been a growing interest in inferring the total order of genes or markers on a chromosome, since current genetic mapping efforts might only suffice to produce a partial order. Many interesting optimization problems were thus formulated in the framework of genome rearrangement. As an important one among them, the minimum breakpoint linearization (MBL) problem is to find the total order of a partially ordered genome that minimizes its breakpoint distance to a reference genome whose genes are already totally ordered. It was previously shown to be NP-hard, and the algorithms proposed so far are all heuristic. In this paper, we present an {m^2+mover 2}-approximation algorithm for the MBL problem, where m is the number of gene maps that are combined together to form a partial order of the genome under investigation.  相似文献   

污染环境中可再生资源的最优收获问题   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
探讨了污染环境下双种群的最优收获问题.利用Pontryagin极大值原理得到一种最优分配方案——处理资源种群体内毒素的努力度与收获资源种群的努力度的分配方案,使经营者的经济收入达到最大,同时也得到次最优均衡解。  相似文献   

基于混沌优化算法的MUSIC脑磁图源定位方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
如何利用实验测得的脑磁图数据准确定位脑磁图源的真实活动位置是脑功能研究和临床应用中的一个关键问题.在脑磁活动源定位问题中,多信号分类算法是被广泛研究和采用的一类方法.为了克服多信号分类算法及其改进算法--递归多信号分类算法全局扫描时速度太慢的缺点,提出了一种基于混沌优化算法的脑磁图源定位新方法.该方法利用混沌运动遍历性的特点估计目标函数的全局最大值,进行初步的脑磁图源定位;然后,在小范围内结合网格的方法,进一步进行精确的定位.实验结果表明,此方法可实现多个脑磁图源的定位,并且定位速度大大加快,同时又能达到所要求的定位精度.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a route optimization method to improve the performance of route selection in Vehicle Ad-hoc Network (VANET). A novel bionic swarm intelligence algorithm, which is called ant colony algorithm, was introduced into a traditional ad-hoc route algorithm named AODV. Based on the analysis of movement characteristics of vehicles and according to the spatial relationship between the vehicles and the roadside units, the parameters in ant colony system were modified to enhance the performance of the route selection probability rules. When the vehicle moves into the range of several different roadsides, it could build the route by sending some route testing packets as ants, so that the route table can be built by the reply information of test ants, and then the node can establish the optimization path to send the application packets. The simulation results indicate that the proposed algorithm has better performance than the traditional AODV algorithm, especially when the vehicle is in higher speed or the number of nodes increases.  相似文献   

关于农药消解模型参数拟合优化算法的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
参数拟合是数学建模的重要方面.本文对农药消解模型参数拟合的算法进行优化,用麦夸方法最优拟合消解方程y=c0e~-kt,给出参数和半衰期的数值解.理论和实例计算均表明:用麦夸方法得到的消解模型的预测值与实测值拟合度优于其他方法.优化的麦夸算法简便实用,且具有普遍适用性.  相似文献   

Hominins are smaller, slower, and weaker than most large mammals, yet they have been eating meat from freshly killed large mammals since before the invention of sophisticated weaponry. It is thought that they could have achieved this seemingly impossible feat through persistence hunting, a practice powered by endurance running. Essentially, one or more hunters pursue a prey animal in the heat of the day until it reaches the point of hyperthermia. This allows a hunter to safely kill the weakened animal at close range using methods such as beating, strangling, or spearing. The energy balance of this approach to getting food is controversial and has not been calculated previously. We examined the energy costs and gains of persistence hunting through several energy returned on investment (EROI) calculations based on synthesizing available field and laboratory data on the energy used by the hunters and the energy returned from the greater kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros). We estimate that the EROI of these hunter-gatherers hunting a kudu ranged from 26:1 to 69:1. The net energy gained from such an effort would sustain an average sized !Kung family for 6.7 to 11.2 days. The “profit” energy within these ranges would have supported the early human societies that practiced persistence hunting, contributing to the often-noted “leisure” characterizing many foraging societies (Sahlins 1974).  相似文献   

广义Logistic模型的捕获优化问题   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
李清  王克  范猛 《生物数学学报》2000,15(4):408-412
以王寿松所提出的广义Logistic模型为基础,讨论单种群生物资源的捕获优化问题,分析了被开发生物种群的动力学性质。在单位捕获努力量假定下,以最大可持续捕获量为管理目标,确定了线性捕获下的最优捕获策略,得到了最优捕获努力量,最大可持续收获及相应的最优种群水平的显式表达式,包括著名的Schaefer模型作为特例,推广了相应的结果。  相似文献   

An Improved Artificial Immune Algorithm with a Dynamic Threshold   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An improved artificial immune algorithm with a dynamic threshold is presented. The calculation for the affinity function in the real-valued coding artificial immune algorithm is modified through considering the antibody's fitness and setting the dynamic threshold value. Numerical experiments show that compared with the genetic algorithm and the originally real-valued coding artificial immune algorithm, the improved algorithm possesses high speed of convergence and good performance for preventing premature convergence.  相似文献   

Cluster analysis aims at finding subsets (clusters) of a given set of entities, which are homogeneous and/or well separated.  相似文献   

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