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Peng QS  Zhou J  Shi XM  Hua GP  Hua TM 《动物学研究》2011,32(3):337-342
以前的电生理研究结果显示, 老年哺乳动物视皮层细胞的自发反应及对视觉刺激的诱发反应比青年动物的显著增加, 而对光栅刺激的方位和运动方向选择性却显著下降。然而, 这种视皮层细胞功能的老年性改变是否因青、老年猫细胞对不同麻醉水平的敏感性差异引起尚不清楚。为探讨该问题, 以常用的麻醉药——乌拉坦(Urethane)为实验对象, 通过改变其麻醉剂量分别记录青、老年猫初级视皮层细胞对不同方位和运动方向光栅刺激的调谐反应。研究结果显示, 在基础麻醉量的基础上, 累积增加 50 mg 和 100 mg 乌拉坦对青、老年猫视皮层细胞的自发反应和诱发反应以及对光栅刺激方位和运动方向的选择性不产生显著影响, 累积增加 150 mg 乌拉坦会导致青、老年猫视皮层细胞对视觉刺激的反应性下降, 但下降的幅度相似。以上研究结果表明, 不同剂量的乌拉坦对青、老年动物视皮层细胞的反应性具有相似的影响。  相似文献   

Zhou J  Shi XM  Peng QS  Hua GP  Hua TM 《动物学研究》2011,32(5):533-539
对人类和动物的心理学研究证实,老年个体的视觉对比敏感度相对青年个体显著下降。为揭示其可能的神经机制,采用在体细胞外单细胞记录技术研究青、老年猫(Felis catus)初级视皮层(primary visual cortex,V1)细胞对不同视觉刺激对比度的调谐反应。结果显示,老年猫V1细胞对视觉刺激反应的平均对比敏感度比青年猫显著下降,这与灵长类报道的研究结果相一致,表明衰老影响视皮层细胞对视觉刺激反应的对比敏感度是灵长类和非灵长类哺乳动物中普遍存在的现象,并可能是介导老年性视觉对比敏感度下降的神经基础。另外,与青年猫相比,老年猫初级视皮层细胞对视觉刺激的反应性显著增强,信噪比下降,感受野显著增大,表明衰老导致的初级视皮层细胞对视觉刺激反应的对比敏感度下降伴随着皮层内抑制性作用减弱。  相似文献   

The mouse is emerging as an important model for understanding how sensory neocortex extracts cues to guide behavior, yet little is known about how these cues are processed beyond primary cortical areas. Here, we used two-photon calcium imaging in awake mice to compare visual responses in primary visual cortex (V1) and in two downstream target areas, AL and PM. Neighboring V1 neurons had diverse stimulus preferences spanning five octaves in spatial and temporal frequency. By contrast, AL and PM neurons responded best to distinct ranges of stimulus parameters. Most strikingly, AL neurons preferred fast-moving stimuli while PM neurons preferred slow-moving stimuli. By contrast, neurons in V1, AL, and PM demonstrated similar selectivity for stimulus orientation but not for stimulus direction. Based on these findings, we predict that area AL helps guide behaviors involving fast-moving stimuli (e.g., optic flow), while area PM?helps guide behaviors involving slow-moving objects.  相似文献   

Poghosyan V  Ioannides AA 《Neuron》2008,58(5):802-813
A fundamental question about the neural correlates of attention concerns the earliest sensory processing stage that it can affect. We addressed this issue by recording magnetoencephalography (MEG) signals while subjects performed detection tasks, which required employment of spatial or nonspatial attention, in auditory or visual modality. Using distributed source analysis of MEG signals, we found that, contrary to previous studies that used equivalent current dipole (ECD) analysis, spatial attention enhanced the initial feedforward response in the primary visual cortex (V1) at 55-90 ms. We also found attentional modulation of the putative primary auditory cortex (A1) activity at 30-50 ms. Furthermore, we reproduced our findings using ECD modeling guided by the results of distributed source analysis and suggest a reason why earlier studies using ECD analysis failed to identify the modulation of earliest V1 activity.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the intensity function of 32 neurons in area 17 of the visual cortex to photic stimuli of optimal size, shape, and orientation flashing in the center of the receptive field was studied by the time slices method, with a step of 10 or 20 msec, in unanesthetized, curarized cats. All neurons tested showed instability of their intensity function reflected in characteristics of successive fragments of the response: It changed both in preferred intensity and in width of the intensity range within which the neuron generated an above-threshold response. In 72% of cases the preferred intensity for the neuron changed successively during the 4–200 msec after the beginning of stimulation by 4–36 dB from greater toward lesser brightnesses, but later it changed more rapidly (in 20–60 msec), rising again apparently in a jump. In four cases the response optimum was shifted up the intensity scale from its initial value by 10–20 dB. Analysis showed that the observed effects are the simple result of the shape of the relationship between temporal characteristics of the response (latent period, time taken to reach the maximum, and time of ending of the burst) to photic stimulus intensity. The possible functional role of these effects for dynamic time coding of information on brightness of photic stimuli by visual cortical neurons is discussed.  相似文献   

Orientation selectivity of 24 neurons in area 17 of the visual cortex at different intensities of test bars of light, flashing against a constant light background in the center of the receptive field, was investigated in acute experiments on immobilized cats. Five neurons were invariant in orientation tuning to stimulus intensity (contrast): Although the magnitude of the response and acuteness of orientation selectivity were modified, preferential orientation was unchanged. More than half of the cells studied (13) were classed as noninvariant, for their preferential orientation was significantly shifted by 22–90° with a change in contrast. Small shifts of the peak of orientation selectivity, not statistically significant, were observed for the other neurons. Invariant neurons, unlike noninvariant, were characterized by preferential horizontal and vertical orientation, a lower frequency of spontaneous and evoked discharges, and the more frequent presence of receptive fields of simple type. The mechanisms of the change of orientation selectivity during contrast variation and also the different use of the two types of cells in orientation detection operations are discussed.  相似文献   

Single cortical columns of areas 17, 18 in the cat were microiontophoretically injected with horseradish peroxidase. Spatial and laminar distributions of retrogradell labelled cells in both areas were investigated. Following injections in area 17 or in area 18 the labelled cells' region in area 17 was elongated (in a tangential plane) along the representation of visual field horizontal meridian. However the labelled cells' region in area 18 was elongated along the representation of vertical meridian. Such projection patterns appear to be common in these cortical areas throughout the central 10 degrees on various elevations (from -40 degrees to +10 degrees) of the visual field representation. Thus the spatial arrangement of intrinsic and extrinsic connections in each area coincides, at the same time in area 17 they are orthogonal to area 18. The following visual information exchange scheme may be suggested. Area 17 may supply the area 18 with more detailed information on the horizontal component of the visual image, and in the opposite direction the information on the vertical component of the same image may be supplied.  相似文献   

Unit activity in the caudate nucleus evoked by paired stimulation of the anterior sigmoid and middle suprasylvian gyri was studied in acute experiments on cats. Responses in most neurons to testing stimulation of the anterior sigmoid gyrus during the period of inhibition of spontaneous activity evoked by conditioning stimulation of the suprasylvian gyrus were preserved, but in isolated cases they were actually facilitated. Meanwhile conditioning stimulation of the anterior sigmoid gyrus in the period of inhibition depressed responses to testing stimulation of the suprasylvian gyrus. Similar results were obtained in experiments on animals with deep transcortical sections between the sensomotor and parietal regions, ruling out the possibility of interaction between the stimulated zones at the cortical level.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 142–148, March–April, 1981.  相似文献   

The primary visual cortex (V1) is the first cortical area to receive visual input, and inferior temporal (IT) areas are among the last along the ventral visual pathway. We recorded, in area V1 of anaesthetized cats and area IT of awake macaque monkeys, responses of neurons to videos of natural scenes. Responses were analysed to test various hypotheses concerning the nature of neural coding in these two regions. A variety of spike-train statistics were measured including spike-count distributions, interspike interval distributions, coefficients of variation, power spectra, Fano factors and different sparseness measures. All statistics showed non-Poisson characteristics and several revealed self-similarity of the spike trains. Spike-count distributions were approximately exponential in both visual areas for eight different videos and for counting windows ranging from 50 ms to 5 seconds. The results suggest that the neurons maximize their information carrying capacity while maintaining a fixed long-term-average firing rate, or equivalently, minimize their average firing rate for a fixed information carrying capacity.  相似文献   

Dependence of response characteristics of 70 visual cortical neurons on intensity of photic stimuli (bars) of optimal shape, size, orientation, location, and duration, presented under conditions of photopic light adaptation, were studied in curarized cats. Intensity functions were used to estimate response thresholds of the neuron, its differential sensitivity, the optimal intensity and the band width of brightnesses which the neuron could effectively code. Most of the neurons tested (70%) had nonmonotonous intensity functions with marked inhibitory distortion of gradual dependence in the middle part of the brightness range studied. Threshold of neuronal responses to light differed by 5 or 6 orders of magnitude. The threshold of the response and its minimal latent period were directly connected: Neurons with the lowest response threshold mainly responded after the shortest latent period. The maximal discharge frequency and differential sensitivity of the cell also correlated directly. The range of intensities within which the neuron exhibited maximal differential sensitivity, i.e., was able to code the strength of the light most effectively, lay between 0 and –20 dB. A sharp increase in differential sensitivity of the cortical neurons was found under light adaptation conditions compared with dark adaptation. Differences in characteristics of cortical neurons with their receptive field in the central and peripheral parts of the visual field were found.Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 211–217, May–June, 1983.  相似文献   

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