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Claudins are a family of tetraspan transmembrane proteins that represent the major constituents of epithelial and endothelial tight junctions (TJs). They form TJ strands representing the major barrier regulating paracellular transport of solutes and water. Intracellularly, claudins are connected via a C-terminal PDZ-binding motif with several TJ-associated proteins containing PDZ domains. Although these interactions can provide a link to the actin cytoskeleton, they appear to be dispensable for the TJ localization of claudins. To identify TJ-targeting elements in the C-terminal cytoplasmic domains of the claudins 1 and 5, we generated a series of C-terminal deletion mutants and analyzed their distribution in polarized epithelial (MDCK) and endothelial (HMEC-1) cells. TJ localization was revealed by establishing an in vivo cross-linking approach that stabilized claudin-TJ interactions. We show that residues located C-terminal to the last transmembrane domain are required for the proper targeting to apical TJ.s. While claudin derivatives lacking only the very C-terminal PDZ-binding motif continue to localize to TJs, mutants lacking the entire C-terminal juxtamembrane sequence do not associate with TJs and accumulate in intracellular structures. This indicates that crucial determinants for stable TJ incorporation of claudins reside in a cytoplasmic C-terminal sequence which up to now has not been implicated in specific protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

HLA-DO is an intracellular non-classical class II major histocompatibility complex molecule expressed in the endocytic pathway of B lymphocytes, which regulates the loading of antigenic peptides onto classical class II molecules such as HLA-DR. The activity of HLA-DO is mediated through its interaction with the peptide editor HLA-DM. Here, our results demonstrate that although HLA-DO is absolutely dependent on its association with DM to egress the endoplasmic reticulum, the cytoplasmic portion of its beta chain encodes a functional lysosomal sorting signal. By confocal microscopy and flow cytometry analysis, we show that reporter transmembrane molecules fused to the cytoplasmic tail of HLA-DObeta accumulated in Lamp-1(+) vesicles of transfected HeLa cells. Mutagenesis of a leucine-leucine motif abrogated lysosomal accumulation and resulted in cell surface redistribution of reporter molecules. Finally, we show that mutation of the di-leucine sequence in DObeta did not alter its lysosomal sorting when associated with DM molecules. Taken together, these results demonstrate that lysosomal expression of the DO-DM complex is mediated primarily by the tyrosine-based motif of HLA-DM and suggest that the DObeta-encoded motif is involved in the fine-tuning of the intracellular sorting.  相似文献   

Membrane-type 1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP; MMP-14) drives fundamental physiological and pathological processes, due to its ability to process a broad spectrum of substrates. Because subtle changes in its activity can produce profound physiological effects, MT1-MMP is tightly regulated. Currently, many aspects of this regulation remain to be elucidated. It has recently been discovered that O-linked glycosylation defines the substrate spectrum of MT1-MMP. We hypothesized that a mutual interdependency exists between MT1-MMP trafficking and glycosylation. Lectin precipitation, metabolic labeling, enzymatic deglycosylation, and site-directed mutagenesis studies demonstrate that the LL(572) motif in the cytoplasmic tail of MT1-MMP influences the composition of the complex O-linked carbohydrates attached to the hinge region of the protein. This influence appears to be independent from major effects on cell surface trafficking. MT1-MMP undergoes extensive processing after its synthesis. The origins and the molecular characters of its multiple forms are incompletely understood. Here, we develop and present a model for the sequential, post-translational processing of MT1-MMP that defines stages in the post-synthetic pathway pursued by the protein.  相似文献   

The role of alphaherpesvirus membrane protein internalization during the course of viral infection remains a matter of speculation. To determine the role of internalization of the pseudorabies virus (PRV) gE and gI proteins, we constructed viral mutants encoding specific mutations in the cytoplasmic tail of the gE gene that inhibited internalization of the gE-gI complex. We used these mutants to assess the role of gE-gI endocytosis in incorporation of the proteins into the viral envelope and in gE-mediated spread or gE-promoted virulence. In addition, we report that another viral mutant, PRV 25, which encodes a gE protein defective in endocytosis, contains an additional, previously uncharacterized mutation in the gE gene. We compared PRV 25 to another viral mutant, PRV 107, that does not express the cytoplasmic tail of the gE protein. The gE protein encoded by PRV 107 is also defective in endocytosis. We conclude that efficient endocytosis of gE is not required for gE incorporation into virions, gE-mediated virulence, or spread of virus in the rat central nervous system. However, we do correlate the defect in endocytosis to a small-plaque phenotype in cultured cells.  相似文献   

Prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) is a transmembrane protein expressed at high levels in prostate cancer and in tumor-associated neovasculature. In this study, we report that PSMA is internalized via a clathrin-dependent endocytic mechanism and that internalization of PSMA is mediated by the five N-terminal amino acids (MWNLL) present in its cytoplasmic tail. Deletion of the cytoplasmic tail abolished PSMA internalization. Mutagenesis of N-terminal amino acid residues at position 2, 3, or 4 to alanine did not affect internalization of PSMA, whereas mutation of amino acid residues 1 or 5 to alanine strongly inhibited internalization. Using a chimeric protein composed of Tac antigen, the alpha-chain of interleukin 2-receptor, fused to the first five amino acids of PSMA (Tac-MWNLL), we found that this sequence is sufficient for PSMA internalization. In addition, inclusion of additional alanines into the MWNLL sequence either in the Tac chimera or the full-length PSMA strongly inhibited internalization. From these results, we suggest that a novel MXXXL motif in the cytoplasmic tail mediates PSMA internalization. We also show that dominant negative micro2 of the adaptor protein (AP)-2 complex strongly inhibits the internalization of PSMA, indicating that AP-2 is involved in the internalization of PSMA mediated by the MXXXL motif.  相似文献   

The three connexins expressed in the ocular lens each contain PDZ domain-binding motifs directing a physical association with the scaffolding protein ZO-1, but the significance of the interaction is unknown. We found that Cx50 with PDZ-binding motif mutations did not form gap junction plaques or induce cell-cell communication in HeLa cells, whereas the addition of a seven-amino acid PDZ-binding motif restored normal function to Cx50 lacking its entire C-terminal cytoplasmic domain. C-Terminal deletion had a similar although weaker effect on Cx46 but little if any effect on targeting and function of Cx43. Furthermore, small interfering RNA knockdown of ZO-1 completely inhibited the formation of gap junctions by wild-type Cx50 in HeLa cells. Thus both a PDZ-binding motif and ZO-1 are necessary for Cx50 intercellular channel formation in HeLa cells. Knock-in mice expressing Cx50 with a PDZ-binding motif mutation phenocopied Cx50 knockouts. Furthermore, differentiating lens fibers in the knock-in displayed extensive intracellular Cx50, whereas plaques in mature fibers contained only Cx46. Thus normal Cx50 function in vivo also requires an intact PDZ domain-binding motif. This is the first demonstration of a connexin-specific requirement for a connexin-interacting protein in gap junction assembly.  相似文献   

The cell surface proteoglycan, syndecan-1, is essential for normal epithelial morphology and function. Syndecan-1 is selectively localized to the basolateral domain of polarized epithelial cells and interacts with cytosolic PDZ (PSD-95, discs large, ZO-1) domain-containing proteins. Here, we show that the polarity of syndecan-1 is determined by its type II PDZ-binding motif. Mutations within the PDZ-binding motif lead to the mislocalization of syndecan-1 to the apical surface. In contrast to previous examples, however, PDZ-binding motif-dependent polarity is not determined by retention at the basolateral surface but rather by polarized sorting prior to syndecan-1's arrival at the plasma membrane. Although none of the four known PDZ-binding partners of syndecan-1 appears to control basolateral localization, our results show that the PDZ-binding motif of syndecan-1 is decoded along the biosynthetic pathway establishing a potential role for PDZ-mediated interactions in polarized sorting.  相似文献   

Among the various coats involved in vesicular transport, the clathrin associated coats that contain the adaptor complexes AP-1 and AP-2 are the most extensively characterized. The function of the recently described adaptor complex AP-3, which is similar to AP-1 and AP-2 in protein composition but does not associate with clathrin, is not known. By monitoring surface plasmon resonance we observed that AP-3 is able to interact with the tail of the lysosomal integral membrane protein LIMP-II and that this binding depends on a DEXXXLI sequence in the LIMP-II tail. Furthermore, AP-3 bound to the cytoplasmic tail of the melanosome-associated protein tyrosinase which contains a related EEXXXLL sequence. The tails of LIMP-II and tyrosinase either did not interact, or only interacted poorly, with AP-1 or AP-2. In contrast, the cytoplasmic tails of other membrane proteins containing di-leucine and/or tyrosine-based sorting signals did not bind AP-3, but AP-1 and/or AP-2. This points to a function of AP-3 in intracellular sorting to lysosomes and melanosomes of a subset of cargo proteins via di-leucine-based sorting motifs.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic tails of the envelope proteins from multiple viruses are known to contain determinants that affect their fusogenic capacities. Here we report that specific residues in the cytoplasmic tail of the Nipah virus fusion protein (NiV-F) modulate its fusogenic activity. Truncation of the cytoplasmic tail of NiV-F greatly inhibited cell-cell fusion. Deletion and alanine scan analysis identified a tribasic KKR motif in the membrane-adjacent region as important for modulating cell-cell fusion. The K1A mutation increased fusion 5.5-fold, while the K2A and R3A mutations decreased fusion 3- to 5-fold. These results were corroborated in a reverse-pseudotyped viral entry assay, where receptor-pseudotyped reporter virus was used to infect cells expressing wild-type or mutant NiV envelope glycoproteins. Differential monoclonal antibody binding data indicated that hyper- or hypofusogenic mutations in the KKR motif affected the ectodomain conformation of NiV-F, which in turn resulted in faster or slower six-helix bundle formation, respectively. However, we also present evidence that the hypofusogenic phenotypes of the K2A and R3A mutants were effected via distinct mechanisms. Interestingly, the K2A mutant was also markedly excluded from lipid rafts, where approximately 20% of wild-type F and the other mutants can be found. Finally, we found a strong negative correlation between the relative fusogenic capacities of these cytoplasmic-tail mutants and the avidities of NiV-F and NiV-G interactions (P = 0.007, r(2) = 0.82). In toto, our data suggest that inside-out signaling by specific residues in the cytoplasmic tail of NiV-F can modulate its fusogenicity by multiple distinct mechanisms.  相似文献   

Lamp1 is a type I transmembrane glycoprotein that is localized primarily in lysosomes and late endosomes. Newly synthesized molecules are mostly transported from the trans-Golgi network directly to endosomes and then to lysosomes. A minor pathway involves transport via the plasma membrane. The 11-amino acid cytoplasmic tail of lamp1 contains a tyrosine-based motif that has been previously shown to mediate sorting in the trans-Golgi network and rapid internalization at the plasma membrane. We studied whether this motif also mediates sorting in endosomes. We found that mutant forms of lamp1 in which all the amino acids of the cytoplasmic tail were modified except for the RKR membrane anchor and the YXXI sorting motif still localized to dense lysosomes, indicating that the YXXI motif is sufficient to confer proper intracellular targeting. However, when the spacing of the YXXI motif relative to the membrane was changed by deleting one amino acid or adding five amino acids, lysosomal targeting was almost completely abolished. Kinetic studies showed that these mutants were trapped in a recycling pathway, involving trafficking between the plasma membrane and early endocytic compartments. These findings indicate that the YXXI signal of lamp1 is recognized at several sorting sites, including the trans-Golgi network, the plasma membrane, and the early/sorting endosomes. Small changes in the spacing of this motif relative to the membrane dramatically impair sorting in the early/sorting endosomes but have only a modest effect on internalization at the plasma membrane. The spacing of sorting signals relative to the membrane may prove to be an important determinant in the functioning of these signals.  相似文献   

The trafficking of varicella-zoster virus (VZV) gH was investigated under both infection and transfection conditions. In initial endocytosis assays performed in infected cells, the three glycoproteins gE, gI, and gB served as positive controls for internalization from the plasma membrane. Subsequently, we discovered that gH in VZV-infected cells was also internalized and followed a similar trafficking pattern. This observation was unexpected because all herpesvirus gH homologues have short endodomains not known to contain trafficking motifs. Further investigation demonstrated that VZV gH, when expressed alone with its chaperone gL, was capable of endocytosis in a clathrin-dependent manner, independent of gE, gI, or gB. Upon inspection of the short gH cytoplasmic tail, we discovered a putative tyrosine-based endocytosis motif (YNKI). When the tyrosine was replaced with an alanine, endocytosis of gH was blocked. Utilizing an endocytosis assay dependent on biotin labeling, we further documented that endocytosis of VZV gH was antibody independent. In control experiments, we showed that gE, gI, and gB also internalized in an antibody-independent manner. Alignment analysis of the VZV gH cytoplasmic tail to other herpesvirus gH homologues revealed two important findings: (i) herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2 homologues lacked an endocytosis motif, while all other alphaherpesvirus gH homologues contained a potential motif, and (ii) the VZV gH and simian varicella virus gH cytoplasmic tails were likely longer in length (18 amino acids) than predicted in the original sequence analyses (12 and 16 amino acids, respectively). The longer tails provided the proper context for a functional endocytosis motif.  相似文献   

Notch signaling is activated in a subset of non-small cell lung cancer cells because of overexpression of Notch3, but the role of Notch ligands has not been fully defined. On the basis of gene expression profiling of a panel of non-small cell lung cancer cell lines, we found that the predominant Notch ligands were JAG1, JAG2, DLL1, and DLL3. Given that Notch ligands reportedly have overlapping receptor binding specificities, we postulated that they have redundant biological roles. Arguing against this hypothesis, we found that JAG1 and JAG2 were differentially regulated; JAG1 expression was dependent upon epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) activation in HCC827 cells, which require EGFR for survival, whereas JAG2 expression was EGFR-independent in these cells. Furthermore, HCC827 cells underwent apoptosis following depletion of JAG1 but not JAG2, whereas co-culture experiments revealed that depletion of JAG2, but not JAG1, enhanced the ability of HCC827 cells to chemoattract THP-1 human monocytes. JAG2-depleted HCC827 cells expressed high levels of inflammation-related genes, including interleukin 1 (IL1) and a broad range of IL1-regulated cytokines, which was attenuated by inhibition of IL1 receptor (IL1R). Our findings suggest that JAG1 and JAG2 have distinct biological roles including a previously undiscovered role for JAG2 in regulating the expression of cytokines that can promote antitumor immunity.  相似文献   

MUC1, an integral membrane mucin associated with the metastatic phenotype, is overexpressed by most human carcinoma cells. The MUC1 cytoplasmic tail (CT) is postulated to function in morphogenetic signal transduction via interactions with Grb2/Sos, c-Src, and beta-catenin. We investigated intracellular trafficking of the MUC1 CT, using epitope-tagged constructs that were overexpressed in human pancreatic cancer cell lines S2-013 and Panc-1. The MUC1 CT was detected at the inner cell surface, in the cytosol, and in the nucleus of cells overexpressing MUC1. Fragments of the MUC1 CT were associated with beta-catenin in both cytoplasm and nuclei. Overexpression of MUC1 increased steady state levels of nuclear beta-catenin but decreased nuclear levels of plakoglobin (gamma-catenin). There was no detectable association between plakoglobin and the MUC1 CT. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments revealed that the cytoplasmic and nuclear association of MUC1 CT and beta-catenin was not affected by disruption of Ca2+-dependent intercellular cadherin interactions. These results demonstrate nuclear localization of fragments of MUC1 CT in association with beta-catenin and raise the possibility that overexpression of the MUC1 CT stabilizes beta-catenin and enhances levels of nuclear beta-catenin during disruption of cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion.  相似文献   

By nature of their segmented RNA genome, influenza A viruses (IAVs) have the potential to generate variants through a reassortment process. The influenza nonstructural (NS) gene is critical for a virus to counteract the antiviral responses of the host. Therefore, a newly acquired NS segment potentially determines the replication efficiency of the reassortant virus in a range of different hosts. In addition, the C-terminal PDZ-binding motif (PBM) has been suggested as a pathogenic determinant of IAVs. To gauge the pandemic potential from human and avian IAV reassortment, we assessed the replication properties of NS-reassorted viruses in cultured cells and in the lungs of mice and determined their transmissibility in guinea pigs. Compared with the recombinant A/Korea/01/2009 virus (rK09; 2009 pandemic H1N1 strain), the rK09/VN:NS virus, in which the NS gene was adopted from the A/Vietnam/1203/2004 virus (a human isolate of the highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus strains), exhibited attenuated virulence and reduced transmissibility. However, the rK09/VN:NS-PBM virus, harboring the PBM in the C-terminus of the NS1 protein, recovered the attenuated virulence of the rK09/VN:NS virus. In a guinea pig model, the rK09/VN:NS-PBM virus showed even greater transmission efficiency than the rK/09 virus. These results suggest that the PBM in the NS1 protein may determine viral persistence in the human and avian IAV interface.  相似文献   

The Us9 gene is conserved among most alphaherpesviruses. In pseudorabies virus (PRV), the Us9 protein is a 98-amino-acid, type II membrane protein found in the virion envelope. It localizes to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) region in infected and transfected cells and is maintained in this compartment by endocytosis from the plasma membrane. Viruses with Us9 deleted have no observable defects in tissue culture yet have reduced virulence and restricted spread to retinorecipient neurons in the rodent brain. In this report, we demonstrate that Us9-promoted transneuronal spread in vivo is dependent on a conserved acidic motif previously shown to be essential for the maintenance of Us9 in the TGN region and recycling from the plasma membrane. Mutant viruses with the acidic motif deleted have an anterograde spread defect indistinguishable from that of Us9 null viruses. Transneuronal spread, however, is not dependent on a dileucine endocytosis motif in the Us9 cytoplasmic tail. Through alanine scanning mutagenesis of the acidic motif, we have identified two conserved tyrosine residues that are essential for Us9-mediated spread as well as two serine residues, comprising putative consensus casein kinase II sites, that modulate the rate of PRV transneuronal spread in vivo.  相似文献   

The NPXY sequence is highly conserved among integrin beta subunit cytoplasmic tails, suggesting that it plays a fundamental role in regulating integrin-mediated function. Evidence is provided that the NPXY structural motif within the beta 3 subunit, comprising residues 744-747, is essential for cell morphological and migratory responses mediated by integrin alpha v beta 3 in vitro and in vivo. Transfection of CS-1 melanoma cells with a cDNA encoding the wild-type integrin beta 3 subunit, results in de novo alpha v beta 3 expression and cell attachment, spreading, and migration on vitronectin. CS-1 cells expressing alpha v beta 3 with mutations that disrupt the NPXY sequence interact with soluble vitronectin or an RGD peptide, yet fail to attach, spread, or migrate on immobilized ligand. The biological consequences of these observations are underscored by the finding that CS-1 cells expressing wild-type alpha v beta 3 acquire the capacity to form spontaneous pulmonary metastases in the chick embryo when grown on the chorioallantoic membrane. However, migration-deficient CS-1 cells expressing alpha v beta 3 with mutations in the NPXY sequence lose this ability to metastasize. These findings demonstrate that the NPXY motif within the integrin beta 3 cytoplasmic tail is essential for alpha v beta 3-dependent post-ligand binding events involved in cell migration and the metastatic phenotype of melanoma cells.  相似文献   

In this study, we describe a new post-translational modification at position -1 of the PDZ-binding motif in the mutated in colorectal cancer (MCC) protein and its role in lamellipodia formation. Serine 828 at position -1 of this motif is phosphorylated, which is predicted to increase MCC binding affinity with the polarity protein Scrib. We show that endogenous MCC localizes at the active migratory edge of cells, where it interacts with Scrib and the non-muscle motor protein Myosin-IIB. Expression of MCC harboring a phosphomimetic mutation MCC-S828D strongly impaired lamellipodia formation and resulted in accumulation of Myosin-IIB in the membrane cortex fraction. We propose that MCC regulates lamellipodia formation by binding to Scrib and its downstream partner Myosin-IIB in a multiprotein complex. Importantly, we propose that the function of this complex is under the regulation of a newly described phosphorylation of the PDZ-binding motif at position -1.  相似文献   

Axon guidance: the cytoplasmic tail   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Recent advances in the study of axon guidance have begun to clarify the intricate signalling mechanisms utilised by receptors that mediate path-finding. Many of these axon guidance receptors, including Plexin B, EphA, ephrin B and Robo, regulate the Rho family of GTPases, to effect changes in motility. Recent studies demonstrate a critical role for the cytoplasmic tails of guidance receptors in signalling and also reveal the potential for a great deal of crosstalk between the various receptor-signalling pathways.  相似文献   

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