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Effects of plant community diversity on ecosystem processes have recently received major attention. In contrast, effects of species richness and functional richness on individual plant performance, and their magnitude relative to effects of community composition, have been largely neglected. Therefore, we examined height, aboveground biomass, and inflorescence production of individual plants of all species present in 82 large plots of the Jena Experiment, a large grassland biodiversity experiment in Germany. These plots differed in species richness (1–60), functional richness (1–4), and community composition. On average, in more species-rich communities, plant individuals grew taller, but weighed less, were less likely to flower, and had fewer inflorescences. In plots containing legumes, non-legumes were higher and weighed more than in plots without legumes. In plots containing grasses, non-grasses were less likely to flower than in plots without grasses. This indicates that legumes positively and grasses negatively affected the performance of other species. Species richness and functional richness effects differed systematically between functional groups. The magnitude of the increase in plant height with increasing species richness was greatest in grasses and was progressively smaller in legumes, small herbs, and tall herbs. Individual aboveground biomass responses to increasing species richness also differed among functional groups and were positive for legumes, less pronouncedly positive for grasses, negative for small herbs, and more pronouncedly negative for tall herbs. Moreover, these effects of species richness differed strongly between species within these functional groups. We conclude that individual plant performance largely depends on the diversity of the surrounding community, and that the direction and magnitude of the effects of species richness and functional richness differs largely between species. Our study suggests that diversity of the surrounding community needs to be taken into account when interpreting drivers of the performance of individual plants.  相似文献   

覃光莲  杜国祯 《生态学杂志》2005,24(11):1303-1307
通过对高寒草甸植物群落中采集的群落数据进行分析,探讨了物种构成的相似性、统计平均、种群变异性和净协方差等机制对形成高寒草甸植物群落中多样性与群落地上生物量变异性之间关系的影响。结果表明,地上生物量的年际变异性随着多样性的增加而减小。物种构成相似性是多样性一变异性负关系产生的原因之一,而相似性与多样性之间并无显著相关关系;统计平均效应是另一个多样性一变异性负关系的主要决定者;净协方差效应、种群变异性对多样性一变异性关系产生的影响不显著或非常有限。  相似文献   

In the rapidly growing field of association mapping in plants, the use of (marker) haplotypes rather than single markers can be an effective way of improving detection power. Here, we highlight the information that can be obtained from deducing the historical relationships between haplotypes. The ordering of haplotype classes according to deduced historical relationships should further enhance association detection power, but can also be used to predict the genotypic and phenotypic values of unobserved germplasm.  相似文献   

While the effects of cannabis use on retrospective memory have been extensively examined, only a limited number of studies have focused on the links between cannabis use and prospective memory. We conducted two studies to examine the links between cannabis use and both time-based and event-based prospective memory as well as potential mechanisms underlying these links. For the first study, 805 students completed an online survey designed to assess cannabis consumption, problems with cannabis use indicative of a disorder, and frequency of experiencing prospective memory failures. The results showed small to moderate sized correlations between cannabis consumption, problems with cannabis use, and prospective memory. However, a series of mediation analyses revealed that correlations between problems with cannabis use and prospective memory were driven by self-reported problems with retrospective memory. For the second study, 48 non-users (who had never used cannabis), 48 experimenters (who had used cannabis five or fewer times in their lives), and 48 chronic users (who had used cannabis at least three times a week for one year) were administered three objective prospective memory tests and three self-report measures of prospective memory. The results revealed no objective deficits in prospective memory associated with chronic cannabis use. In contrast, chronic cannabis users reported experiencing more internally-cued prospective memory failures. Subsequent analyses revealed that this effect was driven by self-reported problems with retrospective memory as well as by use of alcohol and other drugs. Although our samples were not fully characterized with respect to variables such as neurological disorders and family history of substance use disorders, leaving open the possibility that these variables may play a role in the detected relationships, the present findings indicate that cannabis use has a modest effect on self-reported problems with prospective memory, with a primary problem with retrospective memory appearing to underlie this relationship.  相似文献   

It is proposed that evaluations of disturbance effects upon community diversity will be influenced by two factors currently overlooked in models addressing disturbance-diversity relationships: (1) the spatial scale of inquiry, and (2) the level of the species abundance (dominance) hierarchy at which the search for diversity is done. We analyzed how two disturbance types—cattle grazing and large flooding—affected community diversity at two spatial scales (stand and patch) and three levels of species dominance in a grassland of the Flooding Pampa, Argentina. The effect of disturbance interaction was also examined. Species diversity at the stand scale was reduced by either grazing or flooding. Both disturbances decreased community spatial heterogeneity. At the patch scale, diversity declined with flooding but was enhanced by grazing. Flooding increased diversity under grazing conditions. However, stand diversity was highest in the undisturbed grassland; pattern diversity was the salient feature in this condition. The combination of disturbances yielded the highest patch-scale diversity; grazing increased richness whilst flooding enhanced evenness. Comparisons among grassland conditions appeared scale-dependent. Moreover the extent of disturbance effects varied with the level of dominance hierarchy considered. We point out the relevance of site history and initial conditions, encompassing the possibility of disturbances interaction, to the patters produced by disturbance events. Effects perceived at different spatial scales, or in species positioned at separate dominance levels, may parallel meaningful changes in the relative importance of factors controlling species coexistence and community organization.  相似文献   

One of the explicit objectives of Darwin's Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex was to explain cultural differences seen in human beings. Such an explanation, Darwin believed, was to rest upon an understanding of sexual selection. I examine the role that the beautiful plays within the mechanism of sexual selection as it works to differentiate isolated groups. It is suggested that an examination of the relationship between sexual selection and artificial selection--a relationship mediated by the beautiful--will illuminate key issues of the Descent as well as contemporary debates regarding the relationship between evolution and ethics. The beautiful, originally rooted in sexual selection, can become de-coupled from sexual selection and utilized in some selective process which is conscious.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯高原植物群落多样性时空变化特点   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
作者利用1999年和2000年野外植物群落调查资料,结合李博(1990)的植物群落调查结果,分析了鄂尔多斯高原植物群落多样性的时空变化特点。鄂尔多斯高原主要植物群落类型有23类,不同植被类型的群落多样性表现出一定的差异性,其中丰富度指数的差异不显著,而Simpson指数和Shannon-Wiener指数及群落盖度的差异明显。中东部典型草原表现为高多样性高盖度;西鄂尔多斯荒漠草原和草原化荒漠物种多样性较高,但盖度较低;毛乌素沙地植物群落物种多样性低,但盖度较高。从1986年到2000年,该地区典型草原群落、荒漠草原和沙地植被的群落多样性指数都有下降趋势;典型草原和草原化荒漠的群落盖度有所增加,荒漠草原有所下降。以上结果表明,沙地植被和草原化荒漠生物多样性已经得到了一定的保护,但还有待加强,而荒漠草原的保护亟待引起重视。  相似文献   

Bacterial species belonging to the genus Burkholderia have been repeatedly reported to be associated with fungi but the extent and specificity of these associations in soils remain undetermined. To assess whether associations between Burkholderia and fungi are widespread in soils, we performed a co-occurrence analysis in an intercontinental soil sample collection. This revealed that Burkholderia significantly co-occurred with a wide range of fungi. To analyse the molecular basis of the interaction, we selected two model fungi frequently co-occurring with Burkholderia, Alternaria alternata and Fusarium solani, and analysed the proteome changes caused by cultivation with either fungus in the widespread soil inhabitant B. glathei, whose genome we sequenced. Co-cultivation with both fungi led to very similar changes in the B. glathei proteome. Our results indicate that B. glathei significantly benefits from the interaction, which is exemplified by a lower abundance of several starvation factors that were highly expressed in pure culture. However, co-cultivation also gave rise to stress factors, as indicated by the increased expression of multidrug efflux pumps and proteins involved in oxidative stress response. Our data suggest that the ability of Burkholderia to establish a close association with fungi mainly lies in the capacities to utilize fungal-secreted metabolites and to overcome fungal defense mechanisms. This work indicates that beneficial interactions with fungi might contribute to the survival strategy of Burkholderia species in environments with sub-optimal conditions, including acidic soils.  相似文献   

徐冬怡  蒋佳利  方仁东 《微生物学报》2020,60(10):2111-2121
肺炎链球菌(Streptococcus pneumoniae)是一种定植于上呼吸道的革兰阳性胞外菌,是导致侵袭性肺炎的主要原因,所致疾病具有较高的发病率和死亡率。炎症小体(inflammasome)是胞浆内重要的蛋白复合体,在先天免疫应答过程中起着重要作用。大量研究表明,肺炎链球菌感染可诱导宿主炎症小体的激活、半胱天冬酶1的活化和促炎性细胞因子的分泌。在长期选择压力的作用下,肺炎链球菌的部分突变菌株可以逃避炎症小体的识别。本文就肺炎链球菌感染过程中炎症小体的激活、炎症小体在抗肺炎链球菌过程中的作用以及肺炎链球菌逃避宿主炎症小体识别的机制三方面对肺炎链球菌与炎症小体之间相互作用的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

Type 2-diabetic (T2D) disease has been reported to increase the incidence of liver cancer, however, the underlying pathophysiology is still not fully understood. Here, we aimed to reveal the underlying pathophysiology association between the T2D and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and, therefore, to find the possible therapeutic targets in the occurrence and development of HCC. The methylation microarray data of T2D and HCC were extracted from the Gene Expression Omnibus and The Cancer Genome Atlas. A total of 504 differentially methylated genes (DMGs) between T2D samples and the controls were identified, whereas 6269 DMGs were identified between HCC samples and the control groups. There were 336 DMGs coexisting in diabetes and HCC, among which 86 genes were comethylated genes. These genes were mostly enriched in pathways as glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis, fatty acid, and metabolic pathway as glycosaminoglycan degradation and thiamine, fructose and mannose. There were 250 DMGs that had differential methylation direction between T2D DMGs and HCC DMGs, and these genes were enriched in the Sphingolipid metabolism pathway and immune pathways through natural killer cell-mediated cytotoxicity and ak-STAT signaling pathway. Eight genes were found related to the occurrence and development of diabetes and HCC. Moreover, the result of protein-protein interaction network showed that CDKN1A gene was related to the prognosis of HCC. In summary, eight genes were found to be associated with the development of HCC and CDKN1A may serve as the potential prognostic gene for HCC.  相似文献   

The rates of temporal and spatial species turnover have been compared in different organisms and scales, revealing that both are not independent but, rather, associated. However, the knowledge is limited for the association between spatial turnover and temporal turnover. Here, we performed two investigations of the phytoplankton composition in the lakes of the Yangtze River catchment in China in the spring and summer of 2012, which covered regional spatial scale and two‐season temporal scale. We analysed the association between temporal and spatial species turnover in phytoplankton. The results showed that 1) the two‐season temporal turnover of phytoplankton varied based on the mean values and the coefficient of variance of environmental variables, and pH was the most important variable negatively affecting the temporal turnover; 2) the spatial beta diversity of phytoplankton in summer was higher than that in spring, and the distance decay pattern was significant in summer, but not in spring; 3) the variation in spatial turnover in spring and summer was attributed to the primary environmental variables (nitrogen, phosphorus and underwater available light) and broader‐scale spatial variables; 4) the proportion of jointly explained variation of spatial Bray–Curtis dissimilarity by the environment and space increased from ~38% (spring) to ~55% (summer), which was mainly due to the variation in spatially structured environmental variables during the two‐season temporal turnover, such as pH and ion concentrations; 5) the community compositions in summer were more similar between the lakes with similar two‐season temporal turnover. These results indicate that the spatial turnover of phytoplankton composition in summer was partially predetermined by the variation in environmental variables and phytoplankton composition during the process of two‐season temporal turnover, and highlight the understanding of temporal variations in spatial beta diversity as well as the underlying assembly mechanisms in phytoplankton.  相似文献   

Bench press throws are commonly used in the assessment of upper-body power and are often performed on a Smith machine that uses a counterbalance weight to reduce the net load on the barbell. The use of a counterbalanced Smith machine was recently shown to reduce performance measures, but the mechanisms for this reduction have not been established. The purpose of this study was to determine the underlying physiological and biomechanical causes of the reduced performance measures found when using a counterbalanced Smith machine. Twenty-four men (mean ± SE: age, 23 ± 1 years; weight, 91.0 ± 3.5 kg; height, 178.9 ± 1.2 cm) performed Smith machine bench press throws at 30% of 1-repetition maximum under 4 conditions: (a) rebound movement and counterbalance, (b) rebound movement and no counterbalance, (c) concentric-only movement and counterbalance, and (d) concentric-only movement and no counterbalance. Peak power, peak force, and peak concentric and eccentric velocities were measured using a linear accelerometer, and peak ground reaction force was measured using a force plate. The counterbalance condition produced significantly (p < 0.05) lower peak accelerometer-based force (-21.2 and -17.0% for rebound and concentric-only bench press throws, respectively) but increased peak ground reaction force (5.3 and 3.2%). The discrepancy between changes in peak accelerometer-based force and peak ground reaction force suggests that an increase in net external load occurred during the movement. For performance testing of explosive movements, the use of a counterbalance system results in an underestimation of performance capability, likely because of an increase in the net external load during the concentric phase. Therefore, a counterbalance system should not be used for explosive movement performance testing.  相似文献   

Dong He  Shekhar R. Biswas 《Oikos》2019,128(5):659-667
Species’ response to environmental site conditions and neighborhood interactions are among the important drivers of species’ spatial distributions and the resultant interspecies spatial association. The importance of competition to interspecies spatial association can be inferred from a high degree of trait dissimilarity of the associated species, and vice versa for environmental filtering. However, because the importance of environmental filtering and competition in structuring plant communities often vary with spatial scale and with plant life stage, the species’ spatial association–trait dissimilarity relationship should vary accordingly. We tested these assumptions in a fully mapped 50‐ha subtropical evergreen forest of China, where we assessed the degrees of interspecies spatial associations between adult trees and between saplings at two different spatial scales (10 m versus 40 m) and measured the degrees of trait dissimilarity of the associated species using six traits (leaf area, specific leaf area, leaf dry‐matter content, wood density, wood dry‐matter content and maximum height). Consistent across spatial scales and plant life stages, the degree of interspecies spatial association and the degree of overall trait dissimilarity (i.e. all six traits together) were negatively correlated, suggesting that environmental filtering might help assemble functionally similar species in the forest under study. However, when we looked into the spatial association–trait dissimilarity relationship for individual traits, we found that the relationships between interspecies spatial associations and the dissimilarity of wood density and dry‐matter content were significant for adults but not for saplings, suggesting the importance of wood traits in species’ survival during ontogeny. We conclude that processes shaping interspecies spatial association are spatial scale and plant life stage dependent, and that the distributions of functional traits offer useful insights into the processes underlying community spatial structure.  相似文献   

Do host invaders and their associated symbiont co-invaders have different genetic responses to the same invasion process? To answer this question, we compared genetic patterns of native and exotic populations of an invasive symbiont-host association. This is an approach applied by very few studies, of which most are based on parasites with complex life cycles. We used the mitochondrial genetic marker cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) to investigate a non-parasitic freshwater ectosymbiont with direct life-cycle, low host specificity and well-documented invasion history. The study system was the crayfish Procambarus clarkii and its commensal ostracod Ankylocythere sinuosa, sampled in native (N American) and exotic (European) ranges. Results of analyses indicated: (1) higher genetic diversity in the symbiont than its host; (2) genetic diversity loss in the exotic range for both species, but less pronounced in the symbiont; (3) native populations genetically structured in space, with stronger patterns in the symbiont and (4) loss of spatial genetic structure in the exotic range in both species. The combination of historical, demographic and genetic data supports a higher genetic diversity of source populations and a higher propagule size that allowed the symbiont to overcome founder effects better than its host co-invader. Thus, the symbiont might be endowed with a higher adaptive potential to new hosts or off-host environmental pressures expected in the invasive range. We highlight the usefulness of this relatively unexplored kind of symbiont-host systems in the invasion context to test important ecological and evolutionary questions.  相似文献   

Questions: 1. Is there any post‐dispersal positive effect of the exotic shrub Pyracantha angustifolia on the success of Ligustrum lucidum seedlings, as compared to the effect of the native Condalia montana or the open herbaceous patches between shrubs? 2. Is the possible facilitation by Pyracantha and/or Condalia related to differential emergence, growth, or survival of Ligustrum seedlings under their canopies? Location: Córdoba, central Argentina. Methods: We designed three treatments, in which ten mature individuals of Pyracantha, ten of the dominant native shrub Condalia montana, and ten patches without shrub cover were involved. In each treatment we planted seeds and saplings of Ligustrum collected from nearby natural populations. Seedlings emerging from the planted seeds were harvested after one year to measure growth. Survival of the transplanted saplings was recorded every two month during a year. Half of the planted seeds and transplanted saplings were cage‐protected from rodents. Results: Ligustrum seedling emergence did not differ among treatments while growth was significantly higher in the absence of shrub cover. Sapling survival was significantly higher under the canopy of Pyracantha, intermediate under Condalia, and lowest in the absence of shrub cover. Caging did not affect growth but enhanced seedling emergence and sapling survival. Conclusion: The differential sapling survival in the shrub canopy treatments is consistent with natural sapling distribution. Pyracantha and, less so, Condalia, has a nurse‐plant effect on Ligustrum. This results from contrasting effects of the shrubs on different stages of the life cycle of Ligustrum: no effect on seedling emergence, negative on seedling growth, and positive on sapling survival. This suggests that efforts to control the expansion of Ligustrum over the landscape should tackle Pyracantha as well.  相似文献   

The community of an individual: implications for the community concept   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
V. Thomas Parker 《Oikos》2004,104(1):27-34
The concept of the ecological community is examined from the perspective of its criteria and domain. The multiple definitions and uses of this concept indicate a variety of scales and approaches. In this paper, a core definition of the minimal criteria and domain is proposed. Using those criteria, a model of the ecological community is developed based on a focal individual and its interactions with other individuals. In order to increase the scale of the domain of this approach, additional criteria are required. This model is used to explore characteristics of the minimum domain and larger scales of the community concept. The structure that emerges emphasizes context dependency and the potential for indeterminacy for most types of interactions. A prominent historical argument, the nature of boundaries between communities, has no relevance in this model.  相似文献   

短命植物是早春多雨、夏季干热环境而形成的特殊植物类型,古尔班通古特沙漠南部是短命植物集中分布区,对保持沙漠稳定、防风固沙起到重要作用.目前对短命植物群落多样性、生态功能以及空间分布等研究较少.本研究采用分层抽样方法,调查分析了古尔班通古特沙漠南部35个样点3.86×104m2的短命植物多样性特征.共发现93个物种,分属...  相似文献   

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