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While there are now a number of theoretical models predicting how consistent individual differences in behaviour may be generated and maintained, so far, there are few empirical tests. The social niche specialization hypothesis predicts that repeated social interactions among individuals may generate among-individual differences and reinforce within-individual consistency through positive feedback mechanisms. Here, we test this hypothesis using groups of the social spider Stegodyphus mimosarum that differ in their level of familiarity. In support of the social niche specialization hypothesis, individuals in groups of spiders that were more familiar with each other showed greater repeatable among-individual variation in behaviour. Additionally, individuals that were more familiar with each other exhibited lower within-individual variation in behaviour, providing one of the first examples of how the social environment can influence behavioural consistency. Our study demonstrates the potential for the social environment to generate and reinforce consistent individual differences in behaviour and provides a potentially general mechanism to explain this type of behavioural variation in animals with stable social groups.  相似文献   

多度对寄生型网络嵌套结构的影响大于食草型网络 因为物种多度显著影响种间互作频率,分析食物网结构对物种多样性和稳定性影响时,应基于能够反映物种真实偏好的网络(即偏好网),而不是直接观察得到的网络(即观察网)。食草网络中(植物为低营养级)的植物资源多度大于寄生网络中(动物为低营养级)寄主资源多度,因此我们假设:寄生网络的结构比食草网络的结构更易受到多度效应的影响。为验证这一假设,我们从已发表的文献中收集了80 个定量观察网络(包括34个植物-食草昆虫网络和46个寄生网络),应用有效多度模型去除物种多度对观察网络的影响,从而得出偏好网络。然后,我们应用weighted NODF和spectral radius两个嵌套系数表征网络嵌套性,分析了观察网和偏好网的物种链接数分布、相互作用均匀度、加权连通度和稳健性的差异。结果表明,在偏好网中,寄生网络的嵌套程度要低于食草网络,这可能是因为去除多度影响增加了种间作用频率的均匀度。偏好网的加权连通度和稳健性显著高于相应的观察网,表明偏好网比观察网具有更高的网络稳定性。未来的食物网研究不仅应关注互惠和拮抗网络的结构差异,还应该关注食草和寄生等不同类型拮抗食物网的结构差异。  相似文献   

Vitamins maintain growth and development in humans, animals, and plants. Because plants serve as essential producers of vitamins, increasing the vitamin contents in plants has become a goal of crop breeding worldwide. Here, we begin with a summary of the functions of vitamins. We then review the achievements to date in elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying how vitamins are synthesized, transported, and regulated in plants. We also stress the exploration of variation in vitamins by the use of forward genetic approaches, such as quantitative trait locus mapping and genome-wide association studies. Overall, we conclude that exploring the diversity of vitamins could provide new insights into plant metabolism and crop breeding.  相似文献   

The auditory sensory epithelium is the specialized region of the cochlear epithelium that transduces sound. It is composed of a highly ordered, repeated array of mechanosensory hair cells and nonsensory supporting cells that run along the length of the cochlea. On the apical surface of the hair cells is a specialized structure called the hair bundle that deflects in response to sound vibration, resulting in depolarization of the hair cell and neurotransmitter release. Formation of the auditory sensory epithelium during embryogenesis involves strict control of both cell proliferation and cell patterning. Misregulation of these events can lead to congenital hearing loss, and damage to the auditory sensory epithelium during adult life can lead to adult-onset deafness. This paper reviews recent data on the formation of the auditory sensory epithelium during embryogenesis, the identification of components of the sound transduction apparatus, and advances in the treatment of hearing impairment.  相似文献   

FGFR1 is required for the development of the auditory sensory epithelium   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The mammalian auditory sensory epithelium, the organ of Corti, comprises the hair cells and supporting cells that are pivotal for hearing function. The origin and development of their precursors are poorly understood. Here we show that loss-of-function mutations in mouse fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (Fgfr1) cause a dose-dependent disruption of the organ of Corti. Full inactivation of Fgfr1 in the inner ear epithelium by Foxg1-Cre-mediated deletion leads to an 85% reduction in the number of auditory hair cells. The primary cause appears to be reduced precursor cell proliferation in the early cochlear duct. Thus, during development, FGFR1 is required for the generation of the precursor pool, which gives rise to the auditory sensory epithelium. Our data also suggest that FGFR1 might have a distinct later role in intercellular signaling within the differentiating auditory sensory epithelium.  相似文献   

The cortical mechanisms of auditory sensory memory were investigated by analysis of neuromagnetic evoked responses. The major deflection of the auditory evoked field (N100m) appears to comprise an early posterior component (N100mP) and a late anterior component (N100mA) which is sensitive to temporal factors. When pairs of identical sounds are presented at intervals less than about 250 msec, the second sound evokes N100mA with enhanced amplitude at a latency of about 150 msec. We suggest that N100mA may index the activity of two distinct processes in auditory sensory memory. Its recovery cycle may reflect the activity of a memory trace which, according to previous studies, can retain processed information about an auditory sequence for about 10 sec. The enhancement effect may reflect the activity of a temporal integration process, whose time constant is such that sensation persists for 200–300 msec after stimulus offset, and so serves as a short memory store. Sound sequences falling within this window of integration seem to be coded holistically as unitary events.  相似文献   

The sensory and motor roles of auditory hair cells   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Cochlear hair cells respond with phenomenal speed and sensitivity to sound vibrations that cause submicron deflections of their hair bundle. Outer hair cells are not only detectors, but also generate force to augment auditory sensitivity and frequency selectivity. Two mechanisms of force production have been proposed: contractions of the cell body or active motion of the hair bundle. Here, we describe recently identified proteins involved in the sensory and motor functions of auditory hair cells and present evidence for each force generator. Both motor mechanisms are probably needed to provide the high sensitivity and frequency discrimination of the mammalian cochlea.  相似文献   

When we speak, we provide ourselves with auditory speech input. Efficient monitoring of speech is often hypothesized to depend on matching the predicted sensory consequences from internal motor commands (forward model) with actual sensory feedback. In this paper we tested the forward model hypothesis using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. We administered an overt picture naming task in which we parametrically reduced the quality of verbal feedback by noise masking. Presentation of the same auditory input in the absence of overt speech served as listening control condition. Our results suggest that a match between predicted and actual sensory feedback results in inhibition of cancellation of auditory activity because speaking with normal unmasked feedback reduced activity in the auditory cortex compared to listening control conditions. Moreover, during self-generated speech, activation in auditory cortex increased as the feedback quality of the self-generated speech decreased. We conclude that during speaking early auditory cortex is involved in matching external signals with an internally generated model or prediction of sensory consequences, the locus of which may reside in auditory or higher order brain areas. Matching at early auditory cortex may provide a very sensitive monitoring mechanism that highlights speech production errors at very early levels of processing and may efficiently determine the self-agency of speech input.  相似文献   

Both developmental and environmental factors shape investment in costly immune defences. Social insect workers have different selection pressures on their innate immune system compared to non-social insects because workers do not reproduce and their longevity affects the fitness of relatives. Furthermore, hygienic behavioural defences found in social insects can result in increased survival after fungal infection, although it is not known if there is modulation in physiological immune defence associated with group living vs. solitary living.Here we investigated whether physiological immune defence is affected by both age and the short-term presence or absence of nestmates in the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex octospinosus. We predicted that older ants would show immune senescence and that group living may result in prophylactic differences in immune defence compared to solitarily kept ants. We kept old and young workers alone or in nestmate groups for 48 h and assayed a key innate immune system enzyme, expressing phenoloxidase (PO) and its stored precursor (proPO), a defence that acts immediately, i.e. it is constitutive. Short-term solitary living did not affect PO or proPO levels relative to group living controls and we found no evidence for immunosenescence in proPO. However, we found a significant increase in active PO in older workers, which is consistent with two non-mutually exclusive explanations: it could be an adaptive response or indicative of immunosenescence. Our results suggest that future studies of immunosenescence should consider both active immune effectors in the body, such as PO, and the stored potential to express immune defences, such as proPO.  相似文献   

社会性玩耍、配偶联系和母子联系等亲密社会互作会激活中脑-边缘-皮质多巴胺(DA)系统(mesocorticolimbic dopamine system,MCLDS),促进DA传递。阿片肽、催产素(oxytocin,OT)和加压素(vasopressin,AVP)能够促进亲密的社会互作,并通过调制DA的活动,提高社会互作的奖赏价值。社会互作和滥用药物之间相互影响,阿片肽、OT和AVP系统是两者交互作用的重要枢纽。揭示两者交互作用的神经机制,对于开展精神疾病或成瘾戒断的治疗有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

It is well established that inflammatory changes contribute to brain ageing, and an increased concentration of proinflammatory cytokine, interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta), has been reported in the aged brain associated with a deficit in long-term potentiation (LTP) in rat hippocampus. The precise age at which changes are initiated is unclear. In this study, we investigate parallel changes in markers of inflammation and LTP in 3-, 9- and 15-month-old rats. We report evidence of increased hippocampal concentrations of the proinflammatory cytokines IL-1alpha, IL-18 and interferon-gamma (IFNgamma), which are accompanied by deficits in LTP in the older rats. We also show an increase in expression of markers of microglial activation, CD86, CD40 and intercellular adhesion molecules (ICAM). Associated with these changes, we observed a significant impairment of hippocampal LTP in the same rats. The importance of microglial activation in the attenuation of long-term potentiation (LTP) was demonstrated using an inhibitor of microglial activation, minocycline; partial restoration of LTP in 15-month-old rats was observed following administration of minocycline. We propose that signs of neuroinflammation are observed in middle age and that these changes, which are characterized by microglial activation, may be triggered by IL-18.  相似文献   

It has been established that living things are sensitive to extremely low-frequency magnetic fields at vanishingly small intensities, on the order of tens of nT. We hypothesize, as a consequence of this sensitivity, that some fraction of an individual’s central nervous system activity can be magnetically detected by nearby individuals. Even if we restrict the information content of such processes to merely simple magnetic cues that are unconsciously received by individuals undergoing close-knit continuing exposure to these cues, it is likely that they will tend to associate these cues with the transmitting individual, no less than would occur if such signals were visual or auditory. Furthermore, following what happens when one experiences prolonged exposure to visual and like sensory inputs, it can be anticipated that such association occurring magnetically will eventually also enable the receiving individual to bond to the transmitting individual. One can readily extrapolate from single individuals to groups, finding reasonable explanations for group behavior in a number of social situations, including those occurring in families, animal packs, gatherings as found in concerts, movie theaters and sports arenas, riots and selected predatory/prey situations. The argument developed here not only is consistent with the notion of a magnetic sense in humans, but also provides a new approach to electromagnetic hypersensitivity, suggesting that it may simply result from sensory overload.  相似文献   

The relationship between foraging demand and social behavior was experimentally studied in a laboratory group of bonnet macaques. Fourteen adult animals were housed in a large outdoor enclosure containing three shallow gravelfilled circular containers that served as the foraging sites. During the experimental foraging sessions raisins were placed in the containers and the social and foraging behaviors of the group were observed for 50 min following the distribution of raisins. Three types of foraging conditions were inter-spersed with one another on different test days: (1) surface load— raisins placed on top of the gravel; (2) buried load— raisins hidden underneath the gravel; and (3) sham load— no raisins placed at the foraging sites. Three basic foraging patterns, defined along a temporal dimension, were seen. One group of animals completed 50% of their total foraging by the end of the first 15 min. A second group foraged more steadily through the session. A third group foraged late, completing 50% of their foraging during the last half of the session. The foraging patterns were similar in the buried and surface condition, although the patterns were more compressed during the surface condition. More aggression and more avoidance of other animals occurred in the buried condition than in the surface condition. Very little foraging occurred during the sham condition. There was no clear relationship between the patterns of interaction during foraging and nonforaging observation sessions. The results suggest the value of manipulative laboratory studies in examining the relationship between ecological variables and social behavior in nonhuman primates.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1987,35(1):255-262
Honey bees, Apis mellifera L., are polyandrous and several males simultaneously father offspring within a single colony. The relatedness of female colony members therefore varies with their paternity: workers encounter both patrilineal full sister (=0·75) and non-patrilineal half-sister (=0·25) nestmates. The impact of this intra-colony genetic variation on social grooming and trophallaxis (liquid food exchange) among workers in colonies consisting of two phenotypically-distinct worker patrilines was examined. Workers in these colonies groomed and fed a disproportionately large number of full sisters despite a tendency to encounter a disproportionately large number of half-sisters. Thus, workers actively discriminated between full and half-sisters. This patrilineal discrimination occurred both in colonies with laying queens and in a queenless colony rearing replacement queens. These results suggest that intracolony genetic variation may have a major effect on colony social organization.  相似文献   

Behaviors, such as those that establish dominant and subordinate social status, are thought to be driven by various neuromodulators and hormones. In crustaceans, the level of serotonin (5-HT) in the hemolymph is correlated with degree of aggressiveness. The crustacean heart is neurogenic and is modulated by neural secretion of 5-HT in the hemolymph, which bathes the cardiac tissue. We discuss and present the results of measuring heart rate (HR) of crayfish during interactions, as an indication of their state of excitability. HR is the result of multiple influences: a cocktail of hormones and modulators. HR was monitored during the periods in which crayfish established aggressive and submissive social status, during sham injections, and following injections of various doses of 5-HT. Crayfish, during an interaction to establish social status, can increase HR. Both the aggressive and submissive crayfish can dampen their HR within seconds during a pause in the interaction, while still posturing in an aggressive or submissive state. Injections of 5-HT to obtain systemic levels of approximately 100 nM-10 microM increase HR substantially for hours. This suggests that aggressive interactions and the establishment of a dominant posture may not be related to large increases in the free concentrations of 5-HT within the circulating hemolymph, since a sustained HR is not observed in aggressive animals. Instead, the results may demonstrate that inhibitory cardiac regulation is present in the aggressors during interactions and that a regulator is possibly 5-HT.  相似文献   

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