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Although it is now evident that microRNAs (miRNAs) play a critical regulatory role in many, if not all, pathological and physiological processes, remarkably they have only formally been recognized for less than fifteen years. These endogenously produced short non-coding RNAs have created a new paradigm of gene control and have utility as both novel biomarkers of cancer and as potential therapeutics. In this review we consider the role of miRNAs in lymphoid biology both under physiological (i.e. lymphopoiesis) and malignant (i.e. lymphomagenesis) conditions. In addition to the functional significance of aberrant miRNA expression in lymphomas we discuss their use as novel biomarkers, both as a in situ tumour biomarker and as a non-invasive surrogate for the tumour by testing miRNAs in the blood of patients. Finally we consider the use of these molecules as potential therapeutic agents for lymphoma (and other cancer) patients and discuss some of the hurdles yet to be overcome in order to translate this potential into clinical practice  相似文献   

Neuroinflammation is a complex response to brain injury involving the activation of glia, release of inflammatory mediators within the brain, and recruitment of peripheral immune cells. Interestingly, memory deficits have been observed following many inflammatory states including infection, traumatic brain injury (TBI), normal aging, and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Prostaglandins (PGs), a class of lipid mediators which can have inflammatory actions, are upregulated by these inflammatory challenges and can impair memory. In this paper, we critically review the success of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which prevent the formation of PGs, in preventing neuroinflammation-induced memory deficits following lipopolysaccharide injection, TBI, aging, and experimental models of AD in rodents and propose a mechanism by which PGs could disrupt memory formation.  相似文献   

Microglia are cells of the myeloid lineage that reside in the central nervous system (CNS)1. These cells play an important role in pathologies of many diseases associated with neuroinflammation such as multiple sclerosis (MS)2. Microglia in a normal CNS express macrophage marker CD11b and exhibit a resting phenotype by expressing low levels of activation markers such as CD45. During pathological events in the CNS, microglia become activated as determined by upregulation of CD45 and other markers3. The factors that affect microglia phenotype and functions in the CNS are not well studied. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a growing family of conserved molecules (~22 nucleotides long) that are involved in many normal physiological processes such as cell growth and differentiation4 and pathologies such as inflammation5. MiRNAs downregulate the expression of certain target genes by binding complementary sequences of their mRNAs and play an important role in the activation of innate immune cells including macrophages6 and microglia7. In order to investigate miRNA-mediated pathways that define the microglial phenotype, biological function, and to distinguish microglia from other types of macrophages, it is important to quantitatively assess the expression of particular microRNAs in distinct subsets of CNS-resident microglia. Common methods for measuring the expression of miRNAs in the CNS include quantitative PCR from whole neuronal tissue and in situ hybridization. However, quantitative PCR from whole tissue homogenate does not allow the assessment of the expression of miRNA in microglia, which represent only 5-15% of the cells of neuronal tissue. Hybridization in situ allows the assessment of the expression of microRNA in specific cell types in the tissue sections, but this method is not entirely quantitative. In this report we describe a quantitative and sensitive method for the detection of miRNA by real-time PCR in microglia isolated from normal CNS or during neuroinflammation using experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), a mouse model for MS. The described method will be useful to measure the level of expression of microRNAs in microglia in normal CNS or during neuroinflammation associated with various pathologies including MS, stroke, traumatic injury, Alzheimer''s disease and brain tumors.  相似文献   

MicroRNA(miRNA)是一类小的(~20个核苷酸)、非编码的单链RNA分子,能够负调控基因表达,涉及多种信号途径和病理生理过程。缺血再灌注损伤(ischemia reperfusion injury,IRI)指组织器官缺血后重新获得血液的再灌注过程,灌注后组织、器官功能不能恢复,造成功能障碍和结构损伤的现象。IRI是影响多个组织与器官复杂的、系统的生理病理过程,并能够产生很多不可逆的损伤,导致级联的多器官功能障碍。现已发现多种miRNA在组织器官IRI中发生明显的变化,表明miRNA能够直接或者间接影响组织器官IRI。本文综述了miRNA的靶基因以及在心、脑、肝和肾IRI中的调控作用。miRNA 不仅参与了器官IR 损伤的病理生理过程,而且作为IR损伤的特定标志物在临床诊断和干预治疗中具有广阔的前景。  相似文献   

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) remains a significant clinical problem and contributes to one-third of all injury-related deaths. Activated microglia-mediated inflammatory response is a distinct characteristic underlying pathophysiology of TBI. Here, we evaluated the effect and possible mechanisms of the selective Sigma-1 receptor agonist 2-(4-morpholinethyl)-1-phenylcyclohexanecarboxylate (PRE-084) in mice TBI model. A single intraperitoneal injection 10 μg/g PRE-084, given 15 min after TBI significantly reduced lesion volume, lessened brain edema, attenuated modified neurological severity score, increased the latency time in wire hang test, and accelerated body weight recovery. Moreover, immunohistochemical analysis with Iba1 staining showed that PRE-084 lessened microglia activation. Meanwhile, PRE-084 reduced nitrosative and oxidative stress to proteins. Thus, Sigma-1 receptors play a major role in inflammatory response after TBI and may serve as useful target for TBI treatment in the future.  相似文献   

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is recognized as the disease with high morbidity and disability around world in spite of the work ongoing in neural protection. Due to heterogeneity among the patients, it''s still hard to acquire satisfying achievements in clinic. Neuroinflammation, which exists since primary injury occurs, with elusive duality, appear to be of significance from recovery of injury to neurogenesis. In recent years, studied have revealed that communication in neurogenic niche is more than “cell to cell” communication, and study on NSCs represent it as central role in the progress of neural regeneration. Hence, the neuroinflammation-affecting crosstalk after TBI, and clarifying definitive role of NSCs in the course of regeneration is a promising subject for researchers, for its great potential in overcoming the frustrating status quo in clinic, promoting welfare of TBI patient.  相似文献   

外泌体是细胞间重要的信息交流介质,包含多种活性分子,如蛋白质、脂类、DNA和微RNA(microRNA, miRNA)等,外泌体可从供体细胞分泌后直接或间接作用于受体细胞,进而影响细胞之间的生命活动。更有意义的是,外泌体内的miRNAs可在血液中稳定存在,且当肿瘤发生时出现异常表达,进而参与肿瘤的发生发展,影响肿瘤患者生存及预后。近年大量研究报道显示,外泌体内miRNAs可作为肝癌诊断的新生物标志物及治疗肝癌的潜在靶标。本文就近年来外泌体内miRNAs在肝癌中的表达及其临床应用进行综述。  相似文献   

Aging is a major risk factor for common neurodegenerative diseases. Although multiple molecular, cellular, structural, and functional changes occur in the brain during aging, the involvement of caveolin-2 (Cav-2) in brain ageing remains unknown. We investigated Cav-2 expression in brains of aged mice and its effects on endothelial cells. The human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) showed decreased THP-1 adhesion and infiltration when treated with Cav-2 siRNA compared to control siRNA. In contrast, Cav-2 overexpression increased THP-1 adhesion and infiltration in HUVECs. Increased expression of Cav-2 and iba-1 was observed in brains of old mice. Moreover, there were fewer iba-1–positive cells in the brains of aged Cav-2 knockout (KO) mice than of wild-type aged mice. The levels of several chemokines were higher in brains of aged wild-type mice than in young wild-type mice; moreover, chemokine levels were significantly lower in brains of young mice as well as aged Cav-2 KO mice than in their wild-type counterparts. Expression of PECAM1 and VE-cadherin proteins increased in brains of old wild-type mice but was barely detected in brains of young wild-type and Cav-2 KO mice. Collectively, our results suggest that Cav-2 expression increases in the endothelial cells of aged brain, and promotes leukocyte infiltration and age-associated neuroinflammation.  相似文献   

microRNA(miRNA)是一类长约22nt(19~23nt)在进化上非常保守的非编码RNA,其能够通过降解mRNA或抑制mRNA翻译来调控蛋白表达。研究证实miRNAs在包括胚胎干细胞分化、单核细胞和巨核细胞生成等血细胞形成过程中扮演重要的角色。而由巨核细胞生成的血小板内同样存在miRNAs,并且被证实参与到血小板活化和血小板生理病理状态改变等过程中。对miRNA调控血小板生成及功能的深入研究将有利于早期诊断治疗血液系统相关疾病。  相似文献   

脊髓损伤的治疗与康复一直是医学领域的重大难题,尤其是在改善损伤的神经功能方面进展甚微。继发性损伤是造成脊髓损伤后神经功能障碍的主要原因,炎症反应是继发性损伤阶段最重要的病理过程。急性期通过抑制神经炎症来减轻继发性损伤被认为可减轻神经功能损害而达到神经保护作用。炎性小体是一类蛋白质复合体,由模式识别受体中的NLRs家族和PHYIN家族的受体蛋白质作为主要框架组装并命名,常见的炎性小体包括NLRP1、NLRP3、NLRC4(IPAF)、AIM2等。在感染或受到损伤刺激时,炎性小体在细胞质内组装,并激活促炎症蛋白酶胱天蛋白酶1(caspase-1),活化的胱天蛋白酶1一方面促进促炎症细胞因子IL-1β和IL-18的前体成熟和分泌,另一方面介导细胞焦亡。细胞焦亡以细胞肿胀破裂并释放细胞内容物为特征,是在炎症和应激的病理条件下诱导的程序性细胞死亡方式。促炎症细胞因子和焦亡释放的胞内物质都可作为促炎信号引发炎症反应。近期发现,炎性小体通过诱导促炎因子释放以及介导细胞焦亡等途径, 参与激活脊髓损伤后的炎症级联反应,加重继发性神经炎症。靶向抑制炎性小体的激活可减轻炎症反应,促进神经细胞存活,达到神经保护作用。因此,炎性小体有望成为脊髓损伤治疗的新靶点。本文拟从炎性小体的结构及其在脊髓损伤中的作用、激活机制和治疗前景进行综述,以期为后续研究提供思路。  相似文献   

The blood-brain barrier (BBB) and the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier (BCSFB) are important for the maintenance of brain homeostasis. During sepsis, peripheral production of proinflammatory cytokines and reactive oxygen species are responsible for structural alterations in those brain barriers. Thus, an increasing permeability of these barriers can lead to the activation of glial cells such as microglia and the production of cytotoxic mediators which in turn act on the brain barriers, damaging them further. Thereby, in this review, we try to highlight how the brain barrier’s permeability is not only a cause but a consequence of brain injury in sepsis.  相似文献   

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