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The ability of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) to establish latent infections in cells has received renewed attention owing to the failure of highly active antiretroviral therapy to eradicate HIV-1 in vivo. Despite much study, the molecular bases of HIV-1 latency and reactivation are incompletely understood. Research on HIV-1 latency would benefit from a model system that is amenable to rapid and efficient analysis and through which compounds capable of regulating HIV-1 reactivation may be conveniently screened. We describe a novel reporter system that has several advantages over existing in vitro systems, which require elaborate, expensive, and time-consuming techniques to measure virus production. Two HIV-1 molecular clones (NL4-3 and 89.6) were engineered to express enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) under the control of the viral long terminal repeat without removing any viral sequences. By using these replication-competent viruses, latently infected T-cell (Jurkat) and monocyte/macrophage (THP-1) lines in which EGFP fluorescence and virus expression are tightly coupled were generated. Following reactivation with agents such as tumor necrosis factor alpha, virus expression and EGFP fluorescence peaked after 4 days and over the next 3 weeks each declined in a synchronized manner, recapitulating the establishment of latency. Using fluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry, or plate-based fluorometry, this system allows immediate, direct, and quantitative real-time analysis of these processes within single cells or in bulk populations of cells. Exploiting the single-cell analysis abilities of this system, we demonstrate that cellular activation and virus reactivation following stimulation with proinflammatory cytokines can be uncoupled.  相似文献   

The latex of Euphorbia obtusifolia var. obtusifolia yielded twelve new diterpene polyesters. Seven of them displayed the jatrophane framework and five were 4-deoxyphorbol esters. A further isolated tigliane diterpene, a derivative of 4-epi-4-deoxyphorbol, was most likely an artifact of the isolation procedure. All structures were established with the aid of spectroscopic methods.  相似文献   

Latex from E. lactea yielded three homogeneous proteases, euphorbains, 1a1, 1a2 and 1a3 with Mr of 66 k, 44 k and 33 k respectively. Euphorbains 1a1 and 1a3 had unique pIs of, in order, 7.0 and 4.5, while 1a2 comprised three charged forms with pIs ranging from 5.0 to 6.4. From the latex of E. lactea cristata a single proteolytic euphorbain 1c was isolated which had an Mr of 70 000 and five pIs between 5.0 and 8.0. Euphorbains 1a1 and 1c have similar substrate specificities which are different from those of 1a2 and 1a3. Euphorbains 1a1, 1a2 and 1c are serine-centred enzymes with vital histidine residues, and the latter protease is activated by Ca2+, Mg2+ and Mn2+.  相似文献   

Organization of immature human immunodeficiency virus type 1   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Immature retrovirus particles contain radially arranged Gag polyproteins in which the N termini lie at the membrane and the C termini extend toward the particle's center. We related image features to the polyprotein domain structure by combining mutagenesis with cryoelectron microscopy and image analysis. The matrix (MA) domain appears as a thin layer tightly associated with the inner face of the viral membrane, separated from the capsid (CA) layer by a low-density region corresponding to its C terminus. Deletion of the entire p6 domain has no effect on the width or spacing of the density layers, suggesting that p6 is not ordered in immature human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). In vitro assembly of a recombinant Gag polyprotein containing only capsid (CA) and nucleocapsid (NC) domains results in the formation of nonenveloped spherical particles which display two layers with density matching that of the CA-NC portion of immature HIV-1 Gag particles. Authentic, immature HIV-1 displays additional surface features and an increased density between the lipid bilayers which reflect the presence of gp41. The other internal features match those of virus-like particles.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) efficiently bind and transmit human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) to cocultured T cells and so may play an important role in HIV transmission. DC-SIGN, a novel C-type lectin that is expressed in DCs, has recently been shown to bind R5 HIV type 1 (HIV-1) strains and a laboratory-adapted X4 strain. To characterize the interaction of DC-SIGN with primate lentiviruses, we investigated the structural determinants of DC-SIGN required for virus binding and transmission to permissive cells. We constructed a panel of DC-SIGN mutants and established conditions which allowed comparable cell surface expression of all mutants. We found that R5, X4, and R5X4 HIV-1 isolates as well as simian immunodeficiency and HIV-2 strains bound to DC-SIGN and could be transmitted to CD4/coreceptor-positive cell types. DC-SIGN contains a single N-linked carbohydrate chain that is important for efficient cell surface expression but is not required for DC-SIGN-mediated virus binding and transmission. In contrast, C-terminal deletions removing either the lectin binding domain or the repeat region abrogated DC-SIGN function. Trypsin-EDTA treatment inhibited DC-SIGN mediated infection, indicating that virus was maintained at the surface of the DC-SIGN-expressing cells used in this study. Finally, quantitative fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis of AU1-tagged DC-SIGN revealed that the efficiency of virus transmission was strongly affected by variations in DC-SIGN expression levels. Thus, variations in DC-SIGN expression levels on DCs could greatly affect the susceptibility of human individuals to HIV infection.  相似文献   

Simian immunodeficiency virus from rhesus macaques (SIVmac), like human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), encodes a transactivator (tat) which stimulates long terminal repeat (LTR)-directed gene expression. We performed cotransfection assays of SIVmac and HIV-1 tat constructs with LTR-CAT reporter plasmids. The primary effect of transactivation for both SIVmac and HIV-1 is an increase in LTR-directed mRNA accumulation. The SIVmac tat gene product partially transactivates an HIV-1 LTR, whereas the HIV-1 tat gene product fully transactivates an SIVmac LTR. Significant transactivation is achieved by the product of coding exon 1 of the HIV-1 tat gene; however, inclusion of coding exon 2 results in a further increase in mRNA accumulation. In contrast, coding exon 2 of the SIVmac tat gene is required for significant transactivation. These results imply that the tat proteins of SIVmac and HIV-1 are functionally similar but not interchangeable. In addition, an in vitro-generated mutation in SIVmac tat disrupts splicing at the normal splice acceptor site at the beginning of coding exon 2 and activates a site approximately 15 nucleotides downstream. The product of this splice variant stimulates LTR-directed gene expression. This alternative splice acceptor site is also used by a biologically active provirus with an efficiency of approximately 5% compared with the upstream site. These data suggest that a novel tat protein is encoded during the course of viral infection.  相似文献   

The effects of deletions within three functional regions of the long terminal repeat of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 upon the ability of the long terminal repeat to direct production of the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene product and upon the ability of viruses that carry the mutations to replicate in human cell lines was investigated. The results show that the enhancer and TATAA sequences were required for efficient virus replication. Deletion of the negative regulatory element (NRE) yielded a virus that replicated more rapidly than did an otherwise isogeneic NRE-positive virus. The suppressive effect of the NRE did not depend upon the negative regulatory gene (nef), as both NRE-positive and NRE-negative viruses were defective for nef. We conclude that factors specified by the cell interact with the NRE sequences to retard human immunodeficiency virus type 1 replication.  相似文献   

In contrast to infrequent and low-titer cross-neutralization of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) isolates by HIV-2- and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-positive sera, extensive cross-neutralization of HIV-2NIH-Z, SIVMAC251, and SIVAGM208K occurs with high titer, suggesting conservation of epitopes and mechanism(s) of neutralization. The V3 regions of HIV-2 and SIV isolates, minimally related to the HIV-1 homolog, share significant sequence homology and are immunogenic in monkeys as well as in humans. Whereas the crown of the V3 loop is cross-reactive among HIV-1 isolates and elicits neutralizing antibodies of broad specificity, the SIV and especially HIV-2 crown peptides were not well recognized by cross-neutralizing antisera. V3 loop peptides of HIV-2 isolates did not elicit neutralizing antibodies in mice, guinea pigs, or a goat and together with SIV V3 peptides did not inhibit serum neutralization of HIV-2 and SIV. Thus, the V3 loops of HIV-2 and SIV do not appear to constitute simple linear neutralizing epitopes. In view of the immunogenicity of V3 peptides, the failure of conserved crown peptides to react with natural sera implies a significant role of loop conformation in antibody recognition. Our studies suggest that in addition to their grouping by envelope genetic relatedness, HIV-2 and SIV are neutralized similarly to each other but differently from HIV-1. The use of linear peptides of HIV-2 and SIV as immunogens may require greater attention to microconformation, and alternate subunit approaches may be needed in exploiting these viruses as vaccine models. Such approaches may also be applicable to the HIV-1 system in which conformational epitopes, in addition to the V3 loop, participate in virus neutralization.  相似文献   

The correlation between virus load and specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) frequency during the chronic phase in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection has been found to be negative in cross-sectional studies. We report here that, in infection with the related retrovirus human T-cell leukaemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1), the correlation is positive in asymptomatic carriers and zero in patients with the associated inflammatory disease HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP). We demonstrate that the direction of the correlation may depend on the efficacy of the CTL response using mathematical models. We conclude that the CTL response is effective in asymptomatic carriers of HTLV-1, but ineffective in patients with HAM/TSP. Virus-mediated impairment of specific CTL production in HIV-1 infection can account for the negative correlation observed.  相似文献   

We report here for the first time that Zn2+ is an effective inhibitor of renin and the protease from HIV-1, two aspartyl proteinases of considerable physiological importance. Inhibition of renin is noncompetitive and is accompanied by binding of 1 mol of Zn2+/mol of enzyme. Depending on the substrate, inhibition of the HIV protease by Zn2+ can be either competitive or noncompetitive, but in neither case is loss of activity due to disruption of the protease dimer. Inhibition of both enzymes is first order with respect to Zn2+ and is rapidly reversed by addition of EDTA. Ki values are strongly pH dependent and optimal in the range of 20 microM at or above pH 7. All of the data in hand suggest that the inhibitory effect of Zn2+ is a consequence of its binding at, or near, the active-site carboxyl groups of these aspartyl proteinases. This inhibition of the viral enzyme may help to explain some of the beneficial effects seen in AIDS patients who have received Zn2+ therapy.  相似文献   

RNA virus population dynamics are complex, and sophisticated approaches are needed in many cases for therapeutic intervention. One such approach, termed lethal mutagenesis, is directed at targeting the virus population structure for extinction or error catastrophe. Previous studies have demonstrated the concept of this approach with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) by use of chemical mutagens [i.e., 5-azacytidine (5-AZC)] as well as by host factors with mutagenic properties (i.e., APOBEC3G). In this study, these two unrelated mutagenic agents were used concomitantly to investigate the interplay of these distinct mutagenic mechanisms. Specifically, an HIV-1 was produced from APOBEC3G (A3G)-expressing cells and used to infect permissive target cells treated with 5-AZC. Reduced viral infectivity and increased viral mutagenesis were observed with both the viral mutagen (i.e., G-to-C mutations) and the host restriction factor (i.e., G-to-A mutations); however, when combined, they had complex interactions. Intriguingly, nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that concomitant HIV-1 exposure to both 5-AZC and A3G resulted in an increase in G-to-A viral mutagenesis at the expense of G-to-C mutagenesis. A3G catalytic activity was required for the diminution in G-to-C mutagenesis. Taken together, our findings provide the first demonstration for potentiation of the mutagenic effect of a cytosine analog by A3G expression, resulting in concomitant HIV-1 lethal mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin is important for the release of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and several other retroviruses, but the functional significance of Gag ubiquitination is unknown. To address this problem, we decided to analyze Gag ubiquitination in detail. A low percentage of the HIV-1 p6 protein has previously been shown to be ubiquitinated, and published mutagenesis data suggested that Gag ubiquitination is largely lost upon mutation of the two lysine residues in p6. In this study, we show that Gag proteins lacking the p6 domain or the two lysine residues within p6 are ubiquitinated at levels comparable to those of the wild-type Gag protein. We detected monoubiquitinated forms of the matrix (MA), capsid (CA), and nucleocapsid (NC) proteins in mature virus preparations. Protease digestion of Gag polyproteins extracted from immature virions indicated that ubiquitinated MA, CA, and possibly NC are as abundant as ubiquitinated p6. The HIV-1 late-domain motifs PTAP and LRSLF were not required for Gag ubiquitination, and mutation of the PTAP motif even resulted in an increase in the amount of Gag-Ub conjugates detected. Finally, at steady state, ubiquitinated Gag proteins were not enriched in either membrane-associated or virus-derived Gag fractions. In summary, these results indicate that HIV-1 Gag can be monoubiquitinated in all domains and that ubiquitination of lysine residues outside p6 may thus contribute to viral release and/or infectivity.  相似文献   

The alpha-chemokine SDF-1 binds CXCR4, a coreceptor for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), and inhibits viral entry mediated by this receptor. Since chemokines are potent chemoattractants and activators of leukocytes, we examined whether the stimulation of HIV target cells by SDF-1 affects the replication of virus with different tropisms. We observed that SDF-1 inhibited the entry of X4 strains and increased the infectivity of particles bearing either a CCR5-tropic HIV-1 envelope or a vesicular stomatitis virus G envelope. In contrast to the inhibitory effect of SDF-1 on X4 strains, which is at the level of entry, the stimulatory effect does not involve envelope-receptor interactions or proviral DNA synthesis. Rather, we observed an increased ability of Tat to transactivate the HIV-1 long terminal repeat in the presence of the chemokine. Therefore, the effects of SDF-1 on the HIV-1 life cycle can be multiple and opposite, including both an inhibition of viral entry and a stimulation of proviral gene expression.  相似文献   

Two chimeric mutant genes derived from rev of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and rex of human T-cell leukemia virus type I were constructed to investigate the functions of the nucleolar-targeting signals (NOS) in Rev and Rex proteins. A chimeric Rex protein whose NOS region was substituted with the NOS of Rev was located predominantly in the cell nucleolus and functioned like the wild-type protein in the Rex assay system. However, a chimeric Rev with the NOS of Rex abolished Rev function despite its nucleolar localization. This nonfunctional nucleolar-targeting chimeric protein inhibited the function of both Rex and Rev. In the same experimental conditions, this mutant interfered with the localization of the functional Rex in the nucleolus.  相似文献   

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