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The collagen framework of hyaline cartilages, including articular cartilage, consists largely of type II collagen that matures from a cross-linked heteropolymeric fibril template of types II, IX, and XI collagens. In the articular cartilages of adult joints, type III collagen makes an appearance in varying amounts superimposed on the original collagen fibril network. In a study to understand better the structural role of type III collagen in cartilage, we find that type III collagen molecules with unprocessed N-propeptides are present in the extracellular matrix of adult human and bovine articular cartilages as covalently cross-linked polymers extensively cross-linked to type II collagen. Cross-link analyses revealed that telopeptides from both N and C termini of type III collagen were linked in the tissue to helical cross-linking sites in type II collagen. Reciprocally, telopeptides from type II collagen were recovered cross-linked to helical sites in type III collagen. Cross-linked peptides were also identified in which a trifunctional pyridinoline linked both an α1(II) and an α1(III) telopeptide to the α1(III) helix. This can only have arisen from a cross-link between three different collagen molecules, types II and III in register staggered by 4D from another type III molecule. Type III collagen is known to be prominent at sites of healing and repair in skin and other tissues. The present findings emphasize the role of type III collagen, which is synthesized in mature articular cartilage, as a covalent modifier that may add cohesion to a weakened, existing collagen type II fibril network as part of a chondrocyte healing response to matrix damage.  相似文献   

Fibronectin-binding proteins (FnBPs) of Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes mediate invasion of human endothelial and epithelial cells in a process likely to aid the persistence and/or dissemination of infection. In addition to binding sites for the N-terminal domain (NTD) of fibronectin (Fn), a number of streptococcal FnBPs also contain an upstream region (UR) that is closely associated with an NTD-binding region; UR binds to the adjacent gelatin-binding domain (GBD) of Fn. Previously, UR was shown to be required for efficient streptococcal invasion of epithelial cells. Here we show, using a Streptococcus zooepidemicus FnBP, that the UR-binding site in GBD resides largely in the 8F19F1 module pair. We also show that UR inhibits binding of a peptide from the α1 chain of type I collagen to 8F19F1 and that UR binding to 8F1 is likely to occur through anti-parallel β-zipper formation. Thus, we propose that streptococcal proteins that contain adjacent NTD- and GBD-binding sites form a highly unusual extended tandem β-zipper that spans the two domains and mediates high affinity binding to Fn through a large intermolecular interface. The proximity of the UR- and NTD-binding sequences in streptococcal FnBPs is consistent with a non-linear arrangement of modules in the tertiary structure of the GBD of Fn.  相似文献   

Despite its biological importance, the interaction between fibronectin (FN) and collagen, two abundant and crucial tissue components, has not been well characterized on a structural level. Here, we analyzed the four interactions formed between epitopes of collagen type I and the collagen-binding fragment (gelatin-binding domain (GBD)) of human FN using solution NMR, fluorescence, and small angle x-ray scattering methods. Collagen association with FN modules 8–9FnI occurs through a conserved structural mechanism but exhibits a 400-fold disparity in affinity between collagen sites. This disparity is reduced in the full-length GBD, as 6FnI1–2FnII7FnI binds a specific collagen epitope next to the weakest 8–9FnI-binding site. The cooperative engagement of all GBD modules with collagen results in four broadly equipotent FN-collagen interaction sites. Collagen association stabilizes a distinct monomeric GBD conformation in solution, giving further evidence to the view that FN fragments form well defined functional and structural units.  相似文献   

miRNAs have been shown to be essential for normal cartilage development in the mouse. However, the role of specific miRNAs in cartilage function is unknown. Using rarely available healthy human chondrocytes (obtained from 8 to 50 year old patients), we detected a most highly abundant primary miRNA H19, whose expression was heavily dependent on cartilage master regulator SOX9. Across a range of murine tissues, expression of both H19- and H19-derived miR-675 mirrored that of cartilage-specific SOX9. miR-675 was shown to up-regulate the essential cartilage matrix component COL2A1, and overexpression of miR-675 rescued COL2A1 levels in H19- or SOX9-depleted cells. We thus provide evidence that SOX9 positively regulates COL2A1 in human articular chondrocytes via a previously unreported miR-675-dependent mechanism. This represents a novel pathway regulating cartilage matrix production and identifies miR-675 as a promising new target for cartilage repair.  相似文献   

Matrilin-1 is expressed predominantly in cartilage and co-localizes with matrilin-3 with which it can form hetero-oligomers. We recently described novel structural and functional features of the matrilin-3 A-domain (M3A) and demonstrated that it bound with high affinity to type II and IX collagens. Interactions preferentially occurred in the presence of Zn2+ suggesting that matrilin-3 has acquired a requirement for specific metal ions for activation and/or molecular associations. To understand the interdependence of matrilin-1/-3 hetero-oligomers in extracellular matrix (ECM) interactions, we have extended these studies to include the two matrilin-1 A-domains (i.e. M1A1 and M1A2 respectively). In this study we have identified new characteristics of the matrilin-1 A-domains by describing their glycosylation state and the effect of N-glycan chains on their structure, thermal stability, and protein-protein interactions. Initial characterization revealed that N-glycosylation did not affect secretion of these two proteins, nor did it alter their folding characteristics. However, removal of the glycosylation decreased their thermal stability. We then compared the effect of different cations on binding between both M1A domains and type II and IX collagens and showed that Zn2+ also supports their interactions. Finally, we have demonstrated that both M1A1 domains and biglycan are essential for the association of the type II·VI collagen complex. We predict that a potential role of the matrilin-1/-3 hetero-oligomer might be to increase multivalency, and therefore the ability to connect various ECM components. Differing affinities could act to regulate the integrated network, thus coordinating the organization of the macromolecular structures in the cartilage ECM.  相似文献   

Type I collagen cleavage is crucial for tissue remodeling, but its homotrimeric isoform is resistant to all collagenases. The homotrimers occur in fetal tissues, fibrosis, and cancer, where their collagenase resistance may play an important physiological role. To understand the mechanism of this resistance, we studied interactions of α1(I)3 homotrimers and normal α1(I)2α2(I) heterotrimers with fibroblast collagenase (MMP-1). Similar MMP-1 binding to the two isoforms and similar cleavage efficiency of unwound α1(I) and α2(I) chains suggested increased stability and less efficient unwinding of the homotrimer triple helix at the collagenase cleavage site. The unwinding, necessary for placing individual chains inside the catalytic cleft of the enzyme, was the rate-limiting cleavage step for both collagen isoforms. Comparative analysis of the homo- and heterotrimer cleavage kinetics revealed that MMP-1 binding promotes stochastic helix unwinding, resolving the controversy between different models of collagenase action.  相似文献   

Interaction of collagen with fibronectin is important for extracellular matrix assembly and regulation of cellular processes. A fibronectin-binding region in collagen was identified using unfolded fragments, but it is not clear if the native protein binds fibronectin with the same primary sequence. A recombinant bacterial collagen is utilized to characterize the sequence requirement for fibronectin binding. Chimeric collagens were generated by inserting the putative fibronectin-binding region from human collagen into the bacterial collagen sequence. Insertion of a sufficient length of human sequence conferred fibronectin affinity. The minimum sequence requirement was identified as a 6-triplet sequence near the unique collagenase cleavage site and was the same in both triple-helix and denatured states. Denaturation of the chimeric collagen increased its affinity for fibronectin, as seen for mammalian collagens. The fibronectin binding recombinant collagen did not contain hydroxyproline, indicating hydroxyproline is not essential for binding. However, its absence may account, in part, for the higher affinity of the native chimeric protein and the lower affinity of the denatured protein compared with type II collagen. Megakaryocytes cultured on chimeric collagen with fibronectin affinity showed improved adhesion and differentiation, suggesting a strategy for generating bioactive materials in biomedical applications.  相似文献   

The mechanism of chain selection and trimerization of fibril-associated collagens with interrupted triple helices (FACITs) differs from that of fibrillar collagens that have special C-propeptides. We recently showed that the second carboxyl-terminal non-collagenous domain (NC2) of homotrimeric collagen XIX forms a stable trimer and substantially stabilizes a collagen triple helix attached to either end. We then hypothesized a general trimerizing role for the NC2 domain in other FACITs. Here we analyzed the NC2 domain of human heterotrimeric collagen IX, the only member of FACITs with all three chains encoded by distinct genes. Upon oxidative folding of equimolar amounts of the α1, α2, and α3 chains of NC2, a stable heterotrimer with a disulfide bridge between α1 and α3 chains is formed. Our experiments show that this heterotrimerization domain can stabilize a short triple helix attached at the carboxyl-terminal end and allows for the proper oxidation of the cystine knot of type III collagen after the short triple helix.  相似文献   

The C-terminal end of collagen XV, restin, has been the focus of several studies, but the functions of full-length collagen XV have remained unknown. We describe here studies on the production, purification, and function of collagen XV and the production of a monoclonal N-terminal antibody to it. Full-length human collagen XV was produced in insect cells using baculoviruses and purified from the cell culture medium. The yield was 15 mg/liter of cell culture medium. The collagen XV was shown to be trimeric, with disulfide bonds in the collagenous region. Rotary shadowing electron microscopy revealed rod-like molecules with a mean length of 241.8 nm and with a globular domain at one end. The globular domain was verified to be the N-terminal end by N-terminal antibody binding. The molecules show flexibility in their conformation, presumably due to the many interruptions in their collagenous domains. The ability of collagen XV to serve as a substrate for cells was tested in cell adhesion assays, and it was shown that cells did not bind to collagen XV-coated surfaces. When added to the culture medium of fibroblasts and fibrosarcoma cells, however, collagen XV rapidly bound to their fibronectin network. Solid phase assays showed that collagen XV binds to fibronectin, laminin, and vitronectin and that it binds to the collagen/gelatin-binding domain of fibronectin. No binding was detected to fibrillar collagens, fibril-associated collagens, or decorin. Interestingly, collagen XV was found to inhibit the adhesion and migration of fibrosarcoma cells when present in fibronectin-containing matrices.  相似文献   

Precise mapping and unraveling the mechanism of interaction or degradation of a certain type of collagen triple helix requires the generation of short and stable collagenous fragments. This is a great challenge especially for hetero-trimeric collagens, where chain composition and register (stagger) are important factors. No system has been reported that can be efficiently used to generate a natural collagenous fragment with exact chain composition and desired chain register. The NC2 domain (only 35–50 residues) of FACIT collagens is a potent trimerization domain. In the case of type IX collagen it provides the efficient selection and hetero-trimerization of three distinct chains. The ability of the NC2 domain to determine the chain register of the triple helix is studied. We generated three possible sequence combinations (α1α1α2, α1α2α1, α2α1α1) of a type I collagen fragment (the binding region for the von Willebrand factor A3 domain) attached to the NC2 domain. In addition, two control combinations were produced that constitute homo-trimers of (α1)3 or (α2)3. For the hetero-trimeric constructs, α1α1α2 demonstrated a higher melting temperature than the other two. Binding experiments with the von Willebrand factor A3 domain revealed the homo-trimer of (α1)3 as the strongest binding construct, whereas the homo-trimer of (α2)3 showed no binding. For hetero-trimers, α1α1α2 was found to be the strongest binding construct. Differences in thermal stability and binding to the A3 domain unambiguously demonstrate that the NC2 domain of type IX collagen determines not only the chain composition but also the chain register of the adjacent triple helix.  相似文献   

Fibrotic disorders are the end point of many chronic diseases in different tissues, where an accumulation of the extracellular matrix occurs, mainly because of the action of the connective tissue growth factor (CTGF/CCN2). Little is known about how this growth factor activity is regulated. We found that decorin null myoblasts are more sensitive to CTGF than wild type myoblasts, as evaluated by the accumulation of fibronectin or collagen III. Decorin added exogenously negatively regulated CTGF pro-fibrotic activity and the induction of actin stress fibers. Using co-immunoprecipitation and in vitro interaction assays, decorin and CTGF were shown to interact in a saturable manner with a K(d) of 4.4 nM. This interaction requires the core protein of decorin. Experiments using the deletion mutant decorin indicated that the leucine-rich repeats (LRR) 10-12 are important for the interaction with CTGF and the negative regulation of the cytokine activity, moreover, a peptide derived from the LRR12 was able to inhibit CTGF-decorin complex formation and CTGF activity. Finally, we showed that CTGF specifically induced the synthesis of decorin, suggesting a mechanism of autoregulation. These results suggest that decorin interacts with CTGF and regulates its biological activity.  相似文献   

The tensile strength of fibrillar collagens depends on stable intermolecular cross-links formed through the lysyl oxidase mechanism. Such cross-links based on hydroxylysine aldehydes are particularly important in cartilage, bone, and other skeletal tissues. In adult cartilages, the mature cross-linking structures are trivalent pyridinolines, which form spontaneously from the initial divalent ketoimines. We examined whether this was the complete story or whether other ketoimine maturation products also form, as the latter are known to disappear almost completely from mature tissues. Denatured, insoluble, bovine articular cartilage collagen was digested with trypsin, and cross-linked peptides were isolated by copper chelation chromatography, which selects for their histidine-containing sequence motifs. The results showed that in addition to the naturally fluorescent pyridinoline peptides, a second set of cross-linked peptides was recoverable at a high yield from mature articular cartilage. Sequencing and mass spectral analysis identified their origin from the same molecular sites as the initial ketoimine cross-links, but the latter peptides did not fluoresce and were nonreducible with NaBH4. On the basis of their mass spectra, they were identical to their precursor ketoimine cross-linked peptides, but the cross-linking residue had an M+188 adduct. Considering the properties of an analogous adduct of identical added mass on a glycated lysine-containing peptide from type II collagen, we predicted that similar dihydroxyimidazolidine structures would form from their ketoimine groups by spontaneous oxidation and free arginine addition. We proposed the trivial name arginoline for the ketoimine cross-link derivative. Mature bovine articular cartilage contains about equimolar amounts of arginoline and hydroxylysyl pyridinoline based on peptide yields.  相似文献   

We have determined the structure of the human integrin α1I domain bound to a triple-helical collagen peptide. The structure of the α1I-peptide complex was investigated using data from NMR, small angle x-ray scattering, and size exclusion chromatography that were used to generate and validate a model of the complex using the data-driven docking program, HADDOCK (High Ambiguity Driven Biomolecular Docking). The structure revealed that the α1I domain undergoes a major conformational change upon binding of the collagen peptide. This involves a large movement in the C-terminal helix of the αI domain that has been suggested to be the mechanism by which signals are propagated in the intact integrin receptor. The structure suggests a basis for the different binding selectivity observed for the α1I and α2I domains. Mutational data identify residues that contribute to the conformational change observed. Furthermore, small angle x-ray scattering data suggest that at low collagen peptide concentrations the complex exists in equilibrium between a 1:1 and 2:1 α1I-peptide complex.  相似文献   

Pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) is a collagen-binding protein that is abundantly distributed in various tissues, including the eye. It exhibits various biological functions, such as anti-angiogenic, neurotrophic, and neuroprotective activities. PEDF also interacts with extracellular matrix components such as collagen, heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs), and hyaluronan. The collagen-binding property has been elucidated to be important for the anti-angiogenic activity in vivo (Hosomichi, J., Yasui, N., Koide, T., Soma, K., and Morita, I. (2005) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 335, 756-761). Here, we investigated the collagen recognition mechanism by PEDF. We first narrowed down candidate PEDF-binding sequences by taking advantage of previously reported structural requirements in collagen. Subsequent searches for PEDF-binding sequences employing synthetic collagen-like peptides resulted in the identification of one of the critical binding sites for PEDF, human α1(I)(929-938) (IKGHRGFSGL). Further analysis revealed that the collagen recognition by PEDF is sequence- and conformation-specific, and the high affinity binding motif is KGXRGFXGL in the triple helix. The PEDF-binding motif significantly overlapped with the heparin/HSPG-binding motif, KGHRG(F/Y). The interaction of PEDF with collagen I was specifically competed with by heparin but not by chondroitin sulfate-C or hyaluronan. The binding sequences for PEDF and heparin/HSPG also overlapped with the covalent cross-linking sites between collagen molecules. These findings imply a functional relationship between PEDF and HSPGs during angiogenesis, and the interaction of these molecules is regulated by collagen modifications.  相似文献   

We examined the interaction of ECM1 (extracellular matrix protein 1) using yeast two-hybrid screening and identified the type II transmembrane protein, PLSCR1 (phospholipid scramblase 1), as a binding partner. This interaction was then confirmed by in vitro and in vivo co-immunoprecipitation experiments, and additional pull-down experiments with GST-tagged ECM1a fragments localized this interaction to occur within the tandem repeat region of ECM1a. Furthermore, immunohistochemical staining revealed a partial overlap of ECM1 and PLSCR1 in human skin at the basal epidermal cell layer. Moreover, in human skin equivalents, both proteins are expressed at the basal membrane in a dermal fibroblast-dependent manner. Next, immunogold electron microscopy of ultrathin human skin sections showed that ECM1 and PLSCR1 co-localize in the extracellular matrix, and using antibodies against ECM1 or PLSCR1 cross-linked to magnetic immunobeads, we were able to demonstrate PLSCR1-ECM1 interaction in human skin extracts. Furthermore, whereas ECM1 is secreted by the endoplasmic/Golgi-dependent pathway, PLSCR1 release from HaCaT keratinocytes occurs via a lipid raft-dependent mechanism, and is deposited in the extracellular matrix. In summary, we here demonstrate that PLSCR1 interacts with the tandem repeat region of ECM1a in the dermal epidermal junction zone of human skin and provide for the first time experimental evidence that PLSCR1 is secreted by an unconventional secretion pathway. These data suggest that PLSCR1 is a multifunctional protein that can function both inside and outside of the cell and together with ECM1 may play a regulatory role in human skin.  相似文献   

Vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) type IV is the most severe form of EDS. In many cases the disease is caused by a point mutation of Gly in type III collagen. A slower folding of the collagen helix is a potential cause for over-modifications. However, little is known about the rate of folding of type III collagen in patients with EDS. To understand the molecular mechanism of the effect of mutations, a system was developed for bacterial production of homotrimeric model polypeptides. The C-terminal quarter, 252 residues, of the natural human type III collagen was attached to (GPP)7 with the type XIX collagen trimerization domain (NC2). The natural collagen domain forms a triple helical structure without 4-hydroxylation of proline at a low temperature. At 33 °C, the natural collagenous part is denatured, but the C-terminal (GPP)7-NC2 remains intact. Switching to a low temperature triggers the folding of the type III collagen domain in a zipper-like fashion that resembles the natural process. We used this system for the two known EDS mutations (Gly-to-Val) in the middle at Gly-910 and at the C terminus at Gly-1018. In addition, wild-type and Gly-to-Ala mutants were made. The mutations significantly slow down the overall rate of triple helix formation. The effect of the Gly-to-Val mutation is much more severe compared with Gly-to-Ala. This is the first report on the folding of collagen with EDS mutations, which demonstrates local delays in the triple helix propagation around the mutated residue.  相似文献   

Collagen IX containing the N-terminal noncollagenous domain 4 (NC4) is unique to cartilage and a member of the family of fibril-associated collagens with both collagenous and noncollagenous domains. Collagen IX is located at the surface of fibrils formed by collagen II and a minor proportion of collagen XI, playing roles in tissue stability and integrity. The NC4 domain projects out from the fibril surface and provides sites for interaction with other matrix components such as cartilage oligomeric matrix protein, matrilins, fibromodulin, and osteoadherin. Fragmentation of collagen IX and loss of the NC4 domain are early events in cartilage degradation in joint diseases that precedes major damage of collagen II fibrils. Our results demonstrate that NC4 can function as a novel inhibitor of the complement system able to bind C4, C3, and C9 and to directly inhibit C9 polymerization and assembly of the lytic membrane attack complex. NC4 also binds the complement inhibitors C4b-binding protein and factor H and enhances their cofactor activity in degradation of activated complement components C4b and C3b. NC4 interactions with fibromodulin and osteoadherin inhibited binding to C1q and complement activation by these proteins. Taken together, our results suggest that collagen IX and its interactions with matrix components are important parts of a machinery that protects the cartilage from complement activation and chronic inflammation seen in diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   

Diastrophic dysplasia (DTD) is an incurable recessive chondrodysplasia caused by mutations in the SLC26A2 transporter responsible for sulfate uptake by chondrocytes. The mutations cause undersulfation of glycosaminoglycans in cartilage. Studies of dtd mice with a knock-in Slc26a2 mutation showed an unusual progression of the disorder: net undersulfation is mild and normalizing with age, but the articular cartilage degrades with age and bones develop abnormally. To understand underlying mechanisms, we studied newborn dtd mice. We developed, verified and used high-definition infrared hyperspectral imaging of cartilage sections at physiological conditions, to quantify collagen and its orientation, noncollagenous proteins, and chondroitin chains, and their sulfation with 6-μm spatial resolution and without labeling. We found that chondroitin sulfation across the proximal femur cartilage varied dramatically in dtd, but not in the wild type. Corresponding undersulfation of dtd was mild in most regions, but strong in narrow articular and growth plate regions crucial for bone development. This undersulfation correlated with the chondroitin synthesis rate measured via radioactive sulfate incorporation, explaining the sulfation normalization with age. Collagen orientation was reduced, and the reduction correlated with chondroitin undersulfation. Such disorientation involved the layer of collagen covering the articular surface and protecting cartilage from degradation. Malformation of this layer may contribute to the degradation progression with age and to collagen and proteoglycan depletion from the articular region, which we observed in mice already at birth. The results provide clues to in vivo sulfation, DTD treatment, and cartilage growth.  相似文献   

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