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A tobacco peroxidase isoenzyme (TP60) was down-regulated in tobacco using an antisense strategy, this affording transformants with lignin reductions of up to 40-50% of wild type (control) plants. Significantly, both guaiacyl and syringyl levels decreased in essentially a linear manner with the reductions in lignin amounts, as determined by both thioacidolysis and nitrobenzene oxidative analyses. These data provisionally suggest that a feedback mechanism is operative in lignifying cells, which prevents build-up of monolignols should oxidative capacity for their subsequent metabolism be reduced. Prior to this study, the only known rate-limiting processes in the monolignol/lignin pathways involved that of Phe supply and the relative activities of cinnamate-4-hydroxylase/p-coumarate-3-hydroxylase, respectively. These transformants thus provide an additional experimental means in which to further dissect and delineate the factors involved in monolignol targeting to precise regions in the cell wall, and of subsequent lignin assembly. Interestingly, the lignin down-regulated tobacco phenotypes displayed no readily observable differences in overall growth and development profiles, although the vascular apparatus was modified.  相似文献   

Transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), with a reduced chlorophyll content of up to less than 10% of the wild-type level due to a different expression of antisense RNA coding for glutamate 1-semialdehyde aminotransferase, were used to study the relationship between chlorophyll accumulation and changes in carotenoid composition in developing and mature leaves grown either under low (30 mol photons m-2 s-1) or high light (300 mol photons m-2 s-1). Regardless of the extent to which chlorophyll synthesis was reduced, under low light the ratios of total chlorophyll to carotenoids remained constant. In contrast, under high light the content of carotenoids was elevated relative to chlorophyll and increased further with progressive inhibition in chlorophyll synthesis. The xanthophyll-cycle pigment pool was most strongly increased (up to 18-fold) upon suppression of chlorophyll synthesis. Concurrently to the higher pool sizes a higher extent of violaxanthin was converted into antheraxanthin and zeaxanthin and this was found to be correlated with a decrease in the quantum yield of photosystem II photochemistry. While lutein increased (up to 3-fold) with decreasing chlorophyll contents in high light transformants, neoxanthin remained rather constant in all plants analysed. Based on the present results, two different levels for the regulation of carotenoid synthesis are proposed depending on (I) the chlorophyll synthesizing capacity, and (ii) the photosynthetic light utilization efficiency. The first point suggests a co-regulation between carotenoid and chlorophyll synthesis; the second emphasizes the special role of carotenoids for protection against light stress.  相似文献   

Several strategies involving the use of antisense and ribozyme constructs in different expression vectors were investigated as methods of suppressing gene expressionin planta. We had previously identified an efficiently cleaving ribozyme (Rz), with two catalytic units and 60 nucleotide (nt) of complementary sequence, to the ligninforming peroxidase of tobacco (TPX). This Rz was cloned behind the 35S CaMV (35S) and nopaline synthase (NOS) promoters, and into a vector utilising the tobacco tyrosine tRNA for expression. For comparison with more traditional antisense strategies, full-length TPX antisense (AS) constructs were also constructed behind the NOS and 35S promoters. Populations of transgenic tobacco containing these constructs were produced and compared to control plants transformed with the vector only. Significant suppression of peroxidase expression in the range of 40–80% was seen in the T0 and T1 populations carrying 35S-AS, 35S-Rz and tRNA-Rz constructs. Co-segregation of the suppressed peroxidase phenotype and the tRNA-Rz transgenes was demonstrated. Northern blot analysis indicated that levels of TPX mRNA were lower in the Rz plants. No evidence of mRNA cleavage was observed and thus it was unclear if the Rz constructs were acting as Rzsin vivo. Transgenic plants containing the tRNA-Rz construct had significantly lower levels of peroxidase than the other transgenic plants. There was no significant difference in levels of suppression of TPX between the short Rz in the 35S vector and the full-length AS constructs. Although peroxidase levels were significantly reduced in transgenic plants carrying 35S-AS, 35S-Rz and tRNA-Rz constructs, no significant difference in lignin levels was observed.  相似文献   

The content of the different ribonucleotides, nucleoside diphosphate sugars, NAD+ and NADP+ was determined in the leaves and roots of single plants of Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Samsun using a new procedure. The determination makes use of extraction with HClO4 followed by extract purification and separation by a combination of anion-exchange and reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography. The largest pools were the adenine nucleotides and the uracil nucleotides with nucleoside diphosphate sugars as the main fraction. Leaf senescence was accompanied by a strong reduction of the nucleotide content of the leaves, but the adenine nucleotide-derived energy charge remained at a high level and even increased at the later stages of senescence. This indicates a balanced metabolism also in the older leaves and excludes the possibility that leaf senescence is triggered by the energy charge.  相似文献   

Chloroplast replication was induced in mature tobacco leaf tissue (Nicotiana tabacum L.) by culturing leaf discs on a sterile medium composed of salts and sucrose. Chloroplast replicaton is greatly enhanced by the addition of kinetin to this medium. Kinetin also enhances cell enlargement, but cell division does not occur. Chloroplast replication is nonsynchronous and proceeds most rapidly when the cell enlargement rate decreases. Chloroplast replication is light-dependent, but cell enlargement occurs in both light and dark. Chloroplast replication resumes when discs cultured in the dark are returned to the light. It appears that chloroplast replication is related to cell expansion. The possibility of inducing synchronous replication of chloroplasts in tobacco cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Extractability and recovery of cellulose from cell walls influences many industrial processes and also the utilisation of biomass for energy purposes. The utility of genetic manipulation of lignin has proven potential for optimising such processes and is also advantageous for the environment. Hemicelluloses, particularly secondary wall xylans, also influence the extractability of cellulose. UDP-glucuronate decarboxylase produces UDP-xylose, the precursor for xylans and the effect of its down-regulation on cell wall structure and cellulose extractability in transgenic tobacco has been investigated. Since there are a number of potential UDP-glucuronate decarboxylase genes, a 490bp sequence of high similarity between members of the family, was chosen for general alteration of the expression of the gene family. Sense and antisense transgenic lines were analysed for enzyme activity using a modified and optimised electrophoretic assay, for enzyme levels by western blotting and for secondary cell wall composition. Some of the down-regulated antisense plants showed high glucose to xylose ratios in xylem walls due to less xylose-containing polymers, while arabinose and uronic acid contents, which could also have been affected by any change in UDP-xylose provision, were unchanged. The overall morphology and stem lignin content of the modified lines remained little changed compared with wild-type. However, there were some changes in vascular organisation and reduction of xylans in the secondary walls was confirmed by immunocytochemistry. Pulping analysis showed a decreased pulp yield and a higher Kappa number in some lines compared with controls, indicating that they were less delignified, although the level of residual alkali was reduced. Such traits probably indicate that lignin was less available for removal in a reduced background of xylans. However, the viscosity was higher in most antisense lines, meaning that the cellulose was less broken-down during the pulping process. This is one of the first studies of a directed manipulation of hemicellulose content on cellulose extractability and shows both positive and negative outcomes.  相似文献   

Partly dehydrated tobacco leaf tissue (Nicotiana rustica), stripped of the lower epidermis, was used to study the effect of kinetin on the rate of rehydration. Depending on the rate of rehydration in untreated tissue, kinetin either increased or decreased rehydration rates. The response to kinetin was very rapid and could be discerned in less than 2 minutes. On extensive dehydration, the tissue lost the capacity to respond to kinetin. Salinity stress, which decreases the endogenous level of cytokinins in the plant, conditions the leaf to stimulation of rehydration by kinetin.  相似文献   

Ethylene increases the pith peroxidase activity of intact tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum) but not of excised pith, either at atmospheric or reduced pressures. In the intact plant, the increased activity involves augmentation of the two constitutive anodic isoperoxidases. In the excised pith, ethylene strongly represses one injury-induced isoperoxidase, while not markedly affecting other isozymes known to be repressed by auxin. Thus, the previously described auxin-induced repression of peroxidase is not due mainly to auxin-induced ethylene formation.  相似文献   

Dehydration, water fluxes, and permeability of tobacco leaf tissue   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Removal of the lower epidermis from a tobacco leaf allows a faster and wider range of water fluxes, without damaging the mesophyll. It also permits a more direct examination of the photosynthetic potential of the tissue at various levels of hydration.  相似文献   

In tobacco plants, wounding induces production of a set of defense-related proteins such as basic pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins and proteinase inhibitors (PIs) via the jasmonate/ethylene pathway. Although class III plant peroxidase (POX) is also wound-inducible, the regulatory mechanism for its wound-induced expression is not fully understood. Here, we describe that a tobacco POX gene (tpoxN1), which is constitutively expressed in roots, is induced locally 30 min after wounding and then systemically in tobacco plants. Infection of necrotizing virus also induced tpoxN1 gene. The wound-induced expression was not enhanced by known wound-signal compounds such as methyl jasmonate (MeJA) and ethephon in contrast to other wound-inducible genes such as basic PR-1 and PI-II genes. And treatment with MeJA and coronatine, biological analogs of jasmonate, rather suppressed the tpoxN1 expression. Salicylic acid, an antagonist of jasmonate-based wound signaling, did not suppress the wound-induced expression of tpoxN1. Only spermine, which is reported as an endogenous inducer for acidic PR genes in tobacco mosaic virus-infected tobacco leaves, could induce tpoxN1 gene expression. These results suggest that wound-induced expression of the tpoxN1 gene is regulated differently from that of the basic PR and PI-II genes.  相似文献   

The relationship between photochemical quantum yield (s) and fluorescence yield have been investigated in leaf tissue from Nicotiana tabacum using CO2 exchange and a modulated fluorescence measuring system. The quantum yield of CO2 fixation at 1.6% (v/v) O2 and limiting irradiance was reduced 20% by increasing the mean H2O vapor pressure deficit (VPD) from 9.2 to 18.6 mbars. As [CO2] and irradiance were varied, the intrinsic quantum yield of open photosystem II units (s/qQ where qQ is the photochemical fluorescence quenching coefficient) declined linearly with the degree of nonphotochemical fluorescence quenching. The slope and y-intercept values for this function were significantly reduced when the mean VPD was 18.4 millibars relative to 8.9 millibars. Susceptibility of the leaf tissue to photoinhibition was unaffected by VPD. Elevated O2 concentrations (20.5% v/v) reduced the intrinsic quantum yield of net CO2 uptake due to the occurrence of O2-reducing processes. However, the relative effect of high VPD compared to low VPD on intrinsic quantum yield was not dependent on the O2 level. This suggests that the Mehler reaction does not mediate the response of quantum yield to elevated VPD. The results are discussed with regard to the possible role of transpiration stress in regulating dissipation of excitation by electron transport pathways other than noncyclic electron flow supporting reduction of CO2 and/or O2.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis plants were transformed with acyl carrier protein (ACP)-4 in antisense conformation driven by the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. It was hypothesized that reduction of ACP4 in leaf tissue would result in a reduction in lipid biosynthesis and, in addition, affect fatty acid composition and leaf physiology. Several transgenic lines have been generated with reduced ACP4 protein in leaf tissue. Dramatic reductions in ACP4 resulted in a reduction of leaf lipid content (22%-60%) based on fresh leaf weight and a bleached appearance and reduced photosynthetic efficiency. In addition, a decrease in 16:3 as a percentage of the total fatty acid composition was noted. There were no changes in leaf lipid class distribution; however, there was a decrease in the relative amount of 16:3 in monogalactosyldiacylglycerol. These results suggest that ACP4 plays a major role in the biosynthesis of fatty acids for chloroplast membrane development. Alterations in the ACP isoform profile of Arabidopsis leaf also appear to alter the flow of fatty acids between the prokaryotic and eukaryotic pathways for assembly of galactolipids. However, it has not yet been determined if the changes in fatty acid composition are due to changes in the profile of ACP isoforms, or if they are actually a reaction to a reduction in fatty acid precursors.  相似文献   

Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, hydroxyethyl cellulose, and hydroxybutyl methylcellulose stabilized light emission in a boronic acid-enhanced chemiluminescent assay for horseradish peroxidase. The stabilization of light emission was concentration-dependent and more effective with substituted boronic acid enhancers (e.g. 4-iodophenylboronic acid) than with substituted phenol enhancers (e.g. 4-iodophenol). Hydroxybutyl methylcellulose improved the linearity of the dose–response curve in a peroxidase-based antioxidant assay and stabilized light emission post-consumption of the antioxidant (Trolox). This polymer had no effect on the signal from a peroxidase label immobilized on a membrane (dot blot) or on the inside surface of a microwell in an enzyme immunoassay for thyrotropin.  相似文献   

Inhibition of specific lignin biosynthetic steps by antisense strategy has previously been shown to alter lignin content and/or structure. In this work, homozygous tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) lines transformed with cinnamoyl-coenzyme A reductase (CCR) or caffeic acid/5-hydroxy ferulic acid-O-methyltransferase I (COMT I) antisense sequences have been crossed and enzyme activities, lignin synthesis, and cell wall structure of the progeny have been analyzed. In single transformed parents, CCR inhibition did not affect COMT I expression, whereas marked increases in CCR activity were observed in COMT I antisense plants, suggesting potential cross talk between some genes of the pathway. In the progeny, both CCR and COMT I activities were shown to be markedly decreased due to the simultaneous repression of the two genes. In these double transformants, the lignin profiles were dependent on the relative extent of down-regulation of each individual enzyme. For the siblings issued from a strongly repressed antisense CCR parent, the lignin patterns mimicked the patterns obtained in single transformants with a reduced CCR activity. In contrast, the specific lignin profile of COMT I repression could not be detected in double transformed siblings. By transmission electron microscopy some cell wall loosening was detected in the antisense CCR parent but not in the antisense COMT I parent. In double transformants, immunolabeling of non-condensed guaiacyl-syringyl units was weaker and revealed changes in epitope distribution that specifically affected vessels. Our results more widely highlight the impact of culture conditions on phenotypes and gene expression of transformed plants.  相似文献   

To evaluate the physiological importance of cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase (APX) in the reactive oxygen species (ROS)-scavenging system, a full-length cDNA clone, named LmAPX, encoding a cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase was isolated from Lycium chinense Mill. using homologous cloning, then the expression of LmAPX under salt stress was investigated. After sequencing and related analysis, the LmAPX cDNA sequence was 965 bp in length and had an open reading frame (ORF) of 750 bp coding for 250 amino acids. Furthermore, the LmAPX sequence was sub-cloned into prokaryotic expression vector pET28a and the recombinant proteins had a high expression level in Escherichia coli. Results from a southern blot analysis indicated that three inserts of this gene existed in the tobacco genome encoding LmAPX. Compared with the control plants (wild-type and empty vector control), the transgenic plants expressing the LmAPX gene exhibited lower amount of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and relatively higher values of ascorbate peroxidase activity, proline content, and net photosynthetic rate (Pn) under the same salt stress. These results suggested that overexpression of the LmAPX gene could decrease ROS production caused by salt stress and protect plants from oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Choosing a suitable mating partner is crucial for the fitness of an individual, whereby mating with siblings often results in inbreeding depression. We studied consequences of mating with siblings versus nonsiblings in the mustard leaf beetle, Phaedon cochleariae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), on lifetime reproductive traits. Furthermore, we analyzed whether cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) profiles are family specific and could potentially influence the mating behavior of young adults. We hypothesized a reduced reproductive success of females mated with siblings and a more rapid mating of males with nonsiblings. The hatching rate from eggs of sibling pairs was lower compared to that of nonsibling pairs, pointing to inbreeding depression. Furthermore, the number of eggs laid by females decreased over time in both sibling and nonsibling pairs. Interestingly, the CHC profiles and the body mass differed between families. However, the beetles did not avoid siblings and accepted them as readily as nonsiblings for mating in no‐choice tests. In summary, although it had negative consequences to mate a sibling and although siblings could potentially be recognized by their CHC profiles, the beetles did not show a delayed mating with siblings. Our results indicate that P. cochleariae beetles have not developed a precopulatory mechanism to avoid inbreeding, at least under the test conditions applied here. We predict that instead a polyandrous mating system and/or postcopulatory mechanisms might have evolved in this species by which inbreeding costs can be reduced.  相似文献   

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