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Four drill cores and a clay pit section have been examined in the southern part of the Körös plain to understand the history and controls on alluvial sedimentation for the last ~ 40 ka. Four facies groups were identified, such as channel, channel margin, floodplain and floodbasin with seven distinctive facies. Magnetic susceptibility and mineralogy have further characterized the sedimentary facies indicating shifts in humidity conditions, variations in sediment flux and pedogenesis. Detailed pollen analysis of a 7.5 m thick clayey succession indicated climatic variability within the MIS 3 period. The spatial distribution of the different facies allowed outlining alluvial architecture of the study area. Three depositional units composed of various facies were identified based on OSL and radiocarbon data. These packages correspond to three major phases of channel activity: (F-I) pre-LGM period (> 30 ka to 24 ka), (F-II) post-LGM interstadial (18–16 ka), and (F-III) Late Glacial < 15 ka to ~ 10 ka). The pre-LGM and post-LGM “interstadial” phases are characterized by meandering river patterns, while the Late Glacial fluvial activity is characterized by a braided system in the area. Higher sediment supply feeding this braided river was probably caused by neotectonic uplift of the southern margin of the basin, documented by a significant stratigraphic gap between 25 and 14 ka.  相似文献   

The Bose Paleolithic industry in the Bose Basin, Guangxi, South China is well known in the international scientific community for its bearing handaxes dated back to 803 ka. Seven terraces were developed in the basin and terrace 4 is the most important because handaxes and tektites were recovered from this terrace. Since the first site was discovered in 1973, additional sites of the Bose Paleolithic industry have been investigated and excavated, most of which are located on terrace 4. The previous studies concluded that there is only one phase within this industry and its age is 803 ka. However, before 2013, no attempt had been made to dig down to the basal gravels from the top of terrace 4 in archaeological excavations. Therefore, the stratigraphy and the layers from which the stone artifacts derive of terrace 4 are not clear. In 2013–2014, we conducted an excavation of 200 m2 at the Gaolingpo site, which is one of the most important Paleolithic sites in the Bose Basin. We excavated to the basal gravel deposits from the top of this terrace, and a section of more than 7 meters thick deposit was exposed and clearly shows the stratigraphic layers of Pleistocene and Holocene deposits. Furthermore, features and about 800 stone artifacts including choppers, picks, scrapers, etc. were excavated from several stratigraphic layers, which are different in age and other aspects. Based on stratigraphy and the stone artifacts, three stages of Paleolithic cultural remains from the Gaolingpo site can be established. The first stage is in the age of at leat 803 ka. The second stage can be dated to 15 ka and the third stage to about 10 ka.  相似文献   

The three main Lena Delta terraces were formed during different stages of the late Quaternary. While only the first floodplain terrace is connected with active deltaic processes, the second and third terraces, which dominate the western part of the delta, are erosional remnants of arctic paleolandscapes affected by periglacial processes. The landscape dynamics of the second and the third terraces, and their relationship to each other, are of particular importance in any effort to elucidate the late Quaternary paleoenvironment of western Beringia.Multidisciplinary studies of permafrost deposits on the second terrace were carried out at several sites of the Arga Complex, named after the largest delta island, Arga–Muora–Sise. The frozen sediments predominantly consist of fluvial sands several tens of meters thick, radiocarbon-dated from > 52 to 16 kyr BP. These sands were deposited under changing fluvial conditions in a dynamic system of shifting river channels, and have been additionally modified by synsedimentary and postsedimentary cryogenesis. Later thermokarst processes affected this late Pleistocene fluvial landscape during the Lateglacial and the Holocene. In addition, eolian activity reworked the fluvial sands on exposed surfaces at least since the Lateglacial, resulting in dune formation in some areas. Contrary to the Arga Complex, the third terrace is mainly composed of polygenetic alluvial and proluvial ice-rich permafrost sequences (Ice Complex deposits) radiocarbon-dated from 50 to 17 kyr BP which cover older fluvial sand units luminescence-dated to about 100–50 kyr BP. Paleoecological records reflect tundra-steppe conditions that varied locally, depending on landscape dynamics, during the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 4 and 3 periods, and a persistent change to shrub and arctic tundra during Lateglacial and Holocene periods.The study results indicate a continuous fluvial sedimentation environment for the Laptev Sea shelf in the region of the second Lena Delta terrace during the late Pleistocene, and confirm the presence of a dynamic channel system of the paleo-Lena River that flowed at the same time as the nearby subaerial Ice Complex deposits were being formed.  相似文献   

In Korea, Quaternary deposits are characterized by marine and fluvial terrace deposits, commonly found in the coastal areas and at the sides of river valleys. The major terraces are classified into 5 different levels, i.e., alluvial plain (3-5 m asl), lower terrace (10-25 m asl), middle terrace (33-50 m asl), high terrace (55-85 m asl), and highest terrace (90-160 m asl). They were formed by the repetition of sedimentation and erosion due to sea level fluctuation and uplifting along the coastal areas during Quaternary period. The formation age of the lower marine terraces at the level of 10-20 m is interpreted to be the last interglacial (75-125 Ka, MIS = 5a-5e). The middle coastal terrace gravels distributed at the level of about 33-45 m above mean sea level and are to be formed before the last interglacial. Above coastal terrace deposits, slope deposits and paleosol layers are overlain and freezing and thawing crackings were developed in them. Major prehistory archaeological sites in the coastal areas are found in the slope deposits formed during last glaciations. The upper parts of the slope deposits are typified by paleosol layers with typical frost cracks (soil wedges) and frangipanes. As geochronological bases for subdividing Paleolithic cultures, two typical paleosol layers are useful because they are mostly found and imprinted with several horizons of frost cracks or soil wedges. The uppermost crack structures were formed under the boreal-periglacial climatic regime during the last glacial period of extremely cold-dry climate in Korea. The upper pedogenetic sediments containing frost cracks or soil wedges were formed between 24 and 17 Ka in many Paleolithic profiles. The lowermost paleosol layer with frost cracks (soil wedge), strongly attacked into hillslope sediments or last interglacial saprolite layers on the weathered basement rocks, were detected at least as old as 59-74,000 Ka. Lastly upper Paleolithic cultural layers were found in the young fluvial deposits, which had been formed since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Some of them were particularly continued as late as the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition Period.  相似文献   

The study of Quaternary sediments covering the last 550 kyr from the borehole GDEC-4-2, East-Corsica basin, was performed through the study of benthic meiofaunal assemblages (ostracoda and benthic foraminifera) whose distribution responds to climate changes, and glacial–interglacial variability in particular. The interglacial ostracod group is mainly composed of the Argilloecia acuminata, Cytheropteron alatum, Henryhowella sp., Polycope sp. and Cytherella sp., which indicate an enhanced surface productivity and possibly high bottom water temperature during these warm intervals. Benthic foraminifera, such as Hoeglundina elegans, Sigmoilopsis schlumbergeri, Bigenerina nodosaria and Hyalinea balthica are predominant during interglacial periods and also show an increasing surface productivity associated to warm intervals. Increase in surface productivity would contribute to an enhanced export of organic matter to sea floor at the GDEC-4-2 site during interglacial periods. The bottom temperature drop coupled with the important sedimentary inputs (associated to a significant quantity of refractory organic matter) during glacial periods was highlighted by the predominance of ostracoda, such as Paradoxostoma sp., Cytheropteron testudo, Bathycythere vanstraateni, Macrocypris sp., Echinocythereis echinata and benthic foraminifera as Bolivina spathulata, Bulimina costata, and Bulimina marginata. The distribution of some benthic foraminifera species describing a turnover system allowed the characterization of the last three climate cycles (MIS 8–9, MIS 6–7, MIS 1–5) probably marked by changes of bottom water paleoceanographic conditions in terms of temperature, salinity, bottom current intensity and surface productivity. The cyclic variations of the allochthonous group recorded over the last 550 kyr suggest a major role played by the eustatic factor, with the latter possibly favouring down slope transport. The distribution of this group allowed thus establishing a link between shelf-basin sediment transfer and climate, with enhanced shelf-basin sediment transfer during glacial low stands.  相似文献   

In the western Arabian Sea (WAS), the highest seasonal sea surface temperature (SST) difference presently occurs between May and August. In order to gain an understanding on how monsoonal upwelling modulates the SST difference between these two months, we have computed SST for the months of May and August based on census counts of planktonic foraminifers by using the artificial neural network (ANN) technique. The SST difference between May and August exhibits three distinct phases: i) a moderate SST difference in the late Holocene (0–3.5 ka) is attributable to intense upwelling during August, ii) a minimum SST difference from 4 to 12 ka is due to weak upwelling during the month of August, and iii) the highest SST difference during the last glacial interval (19 to 22 ka) with high Globigerina bulloides % could have been caused by the occurrence of a prolonged upwelling season (from May through July) and maximum difference in the incoming solar radiation between May and August. Overall, variations in the SST difference between May and August show that the timing of intense upwelling in the Western Arabian Sea over the last 22 kyr has been variable over the months of June, July and August.  相似文献   

The submarine reef terraces (L1–L12) of the Maui Nui Complex (MNC—the islands of Lanai, Molokai, Maui and Kahoolawe) in Hawaii provide a unique opportunity to investigate the impact of climate and sea level change on coral reef growth by examining changes in reef development through the Mid-Pleistocene Transition (900–800 ka). We present an analysis of the biological and sedimentary composition of the reefs that builds directly on recently published chronological and morphological data. We define nine distinct limestone facies and place them in a spatial and stratigraphic context within 12 reef terraces using ROV and submersible observations. These include oolitic, two coral reef, two coralline algal nodule, algal crust, hemi-pelagic mud, bioclastic and peloidal mud facies. These facies characterise environments from high energy shallow water coral reef crests to low energy non-reefal deep-water settings. Combining the bottom observations and sedimentary facies data, we report a shift in the observed sedimentary facies across the submerged reefs of the MNC from dominant shallow coral reef facies on the deep reefs to coralline algae dominated exposed outcrop morphology on the shallower reefs. We argue that this shift is a reflection of the change in period and amplitude of glacioeustatic sea level cycles (41 kyr and 60–70 m to 100 kyr and 120 m) during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT, ~ 800 ka), coupled with a slowing in the subsidence rate of the complex. The growth of stratigraphically thick coral reef units on the deep Pre-MPT reefs was due to the rapid subsidence of the substrate and the shorter, smaller amplitude sea level cycles allowing re-occupation and coral growth on successive cycle low-stands. Longer, larger amplitude sea level cycles after the MPT combined with greater vertical stability at this time produced conditions conducive to deep-water coralline algae growth which veneered the shallower terraces. Additionally, we compare reef development both within the MNC, and between the MNC and Hawaii. Finally we suggest that climatic forcings such as sea-surface temperature and oceanographic currents may also have influenced the distribution of coral species within the sample suite, e.g., the disappearance of the Acropora genus from the Maui Nui Complex in the Middle Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The PP10 stalagmite from Poleva Cave provides a Late Pleistocene and Holocene isotopic record characteristic for the SW of Romania, a sub-Mediterranean climatic region. The speleothem was dated by eight TIMS and one alpha U-series dates which showed that it was precipitated between ∼ 75 ka and ∼ 2 ka with at least two hiatuses. The basal sector of the stalagmite showed a slow-growing regime of ∼ 0.26 cm/ka, while the upper one grew relatively fast with about 5 cm/ka. The temporal resolution for the isotopic sampling is thus ∼ 2 ka/sample for the lower sector, and ∼ 150 years/sample for the upper one. The relationship between δ18O and temperature was found positive. The isotopic record of the lower sector shows two marked cold intervals during ∼ 67 and 58 ka and ∼ 40–35 ka, respectively, which correlate well with the Villars and Soreq records. The upper sector record is so far the most detailed Holocene isotopic record in Romania and the only one available for the regions located at the exterior of the Carpathians Range. The signal shows a gradual warming after the GS1 event punctuated by several cold events at ∼ 8, 7.2 and 4.2 ka and also by warm oscillations centered at about 5.2 and 3.3 ka. The results seem to indicate that if the North-Atlantic first-order signals may extend well to the south-eastern Europe, their amplitude and general trend may be diminished by the interferences with the Mediterranean circulation.  相似文献   

Radiometric age dating of reef cores acquired at the Dry Tortugas coral reef ecosystem (DTCRE) was merged with lidar topographic mapping to examine Holocene reef development linked to spatial variation in growth and erosion under the control of sea level. Analysis of variance of lidar topography confirmed the presence of three distinct terraces on all three major DTCRE banks (Loggerhead Bank, Garden Bank, and Pulaski Bank). Reef building on the middle terrace (T2) began atop Pleistocene edifices on Loggerhead Bank by 8.0 ka (thousands of years ago) and on Garden Bank by 7.2 ka at elevations of about −16.0 m and −11.9 m, respectively, relative to present mean sea level. Following this initiation at different elevations, T2 aggraded vertically on both banks at different rates during the early Holocene under foundering conditions until a highstand at 5.2 ka, resulting in a 2.21 m offset in present mean T2 elevation between these banks. Initiation of an upper terrace (T1) occurred on both Loggerhead Bank and Garden Bank in association with sea-level fall to a lowstand at near 4.8 ka. This upper terrace initiated on Garden Bank at about 5.0 ka and then grew upward at rate of 2.5 mm year−1 until approximately 3.8 ka. On Loggerhead Bank, the upper T1 terrace formed after 4.5 ka at a higher vertical aggradation rate of 4.1 mm year−1, but at a lower elevation than on Garden Bank. Terrace T1 aggraded on Loggerhead Bank below the elevation of lowstands during late Holocene sea-level oscillation, and consequently erosion on Loggerhead Bank was minimal and likely limited to the crest of the upper terrace. In contrast, after 3.8 ka terrace T1 on Garden Bank likely tracked sea level and consequently underwent erosion when sea level fell to second, third and fourth lowstands at 3.3, 1.1, and 0.3 ka.  相似文献   

A high resolution micropalaeontological study of the core MD 04-2797 CQ recovered in the Sicilian–Tunisian Strait provides insights into the paleoclimatic history of the Mediterranean Sea at the transition between the western and eastern basin over the last 30 ka. Using the analysis of dinoflagellate cyst and planktonic foraminiferal assemblages, we reconstruct the paleoenvironmental changes that took place in this region. High abundances of cold temperate dinocyst species (Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus, Spiniferites elongatus, Bitectatodinium tepikiense) and the polar planktonic foraminifera Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (left coiling) reveal three major cooling events synchronous with North Atlantic Henrich events 1 and 2 (H1 and H2) and the European and North Atlantic Younger Dryas event. During the Holocene, the presence of warm dinocyst species (Spiniferites mirabilis and Impagidinium aculeatum) and planktonic foraminifera (Globorotalia inflata and Globigerinoides ruber), reflects a significant increase of sea surface temperatures in the western Mediterranean basin, but a full warming was not recorded until 1500 years after the onset of the Holocene. Moreover, our results show that the Holocene was interrupted by at least four brief cooling events at ~ 9.2 ka, ~ 8 ka, ~ 7 ka and ~ 2.2 ka cal. BP, which may be correlated to climatic events recorded in Greenland ice cores and in the Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

At Lake Barrine (17°15′S, 145°38′E, 721 m a.s.l.) under water > 55 m deep, the uppermost sediment is composed of alternating detritus-poor and detritus-rich laminae. The former are interpreted as the continuous sedimentation (mostly plankton) from the undisturbed water body, the latter as redeposition during turbulent periods, induced by unusually cold winters, of material previously accumulated under shallower water. A continuous, 4.5 m long, stratigraphic record from beneath the deepest water (67 m) consists of about 3000 individual laminations, punctuated by characteristic, relatively thick, ‘marker bands’. Each lamina was measured and allocated to one of the two categories. A chronology based on 28 radiocarbon dates, monotonically decreasing in age with decreasing depth, established a span from 5 ka cal BP to 1987 AD, the collection year. The plot of the durations of detritus-poor laminations, hence the return times of laminating events, is divisible into 20 Sections. Laminating events are not annual but 80% of return times lie between 1 and 6 years. Apart from the lowermost three Sections (5 ka–3.9 ka) having a greater number of long return times than the rest, there is no systematic change in the modes or ranges of the relative frequencies of return times between Sections. Prediction of the characteristics of a Section from those of its predecessor is impossible, nor, within a Section, is any return time a good predictor of the subsequent one. Extreme events are indicated most obviously by the marker bands which represent periods of unusual turbulence in the water body, perhaps by the occurrence of several consecutive very cold winters or the passage of a cyclonic wind directly over the lake. Long placid periods, evidenced by thick detritus-poor laminae spanning > 10 years, are not systematically distributed through time except for their absence from 3.0 ka to 2.3 ka and their concentration from 5.0 ka to 4.4 ka. Uncertainties imposed by the methods used are discussed as are those relating to their palaeoclimatic application.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》2011,81(3-4):114-124
In the austral summer of 2006/7 the ANDRILL MIS (ANtarctic geological DRILLing-McMurdo Ice Shelf) project recovered a 1285 m sediment core from beneath the Ross Ice Shelf near Ross Island, Antarctica in a flexural moat associated with volcanic loading. The upper ~ 600 m of this core contain sediments recording 38 glacial/interglacial cycles of Early Pliocene to Pleistocene time, including 13 discrete diatomite units (DUs). The longest of these, DU XI, is ~ 76 m-thick, and has been assigned an Early to Mid-Pliocene age (5–3 Ma). A detailed record of the siliceous microfossil assemblages in DU XI is used in conjunction with geochemical and sedimentological data to subdivide DU XI into four discrete subunits of continuous sedimentation. Within each subunit, changes in diatom assemblages have been correlated with the δ18O record, providing a temporal resolution up to 600 yr, and allowing for the construction of a detailed age model and calculation of associated sediment accumulation rates within DU XI. Results indicate a productivity-dominated sedimentary record with greater proportions of hemipelagic mud accumulating during relatively cool periods. This implies that even during periods of substantial warmth, Milankovitch-paced changes in Antarctic ice volume can be linked to ecological changes recorded in diatom assemblages.  相似文献   

A major goal of current clinical research in Huntington's disease (HD) has been to identify preclinical and manifest disease biomarkers, as these may improve both diagnosis and the power for therapeutic trials. Although the underlying biochemical alterations and the mechanisms of neuronal degeneration remain unknown, energy metabolism defects in HD have been chronicled for many years. We report that the brain isoenzyme of creatine kinase (CK-BB), an enzyme important in buffering energy stores, was significantly reduced in presymptomatic and manifest disease in brain and blood buffy coat specimens in HD mice and HD patients. Brain CK-BB levels were significantly reduced in R6/2 mice by ~ 18% to ~ 68% from 21 to 91 days of age, while blood CK-BB levels were decreased by ~ 14% to ~ 44% during the same disease duration. Similar findings in CK-BB levels were observed in the 140 CAG mice from 4 to 12 months of age, but not at the earliest time point, 2 months of age. Consistent with the HD mice, there was a grade-dependent loss of brain CK-BB that worsened with disease severity in HD patients from ~ 28% to ~ 63%, as compared to non-diseased control patients. In addition, CK-BB blood buffy coat levels were significantly reduced in both premanifest and symptomatic HD patients by ~ 23% and ~ 39%, respectively. The correlation of CK-BB as a disease biomarker in both CNS and peripheral tissues from HD mice and HD patients may provide a powerful means to assess disease progression and to predict the potential magnitude of therapeutic benefit in this disorder.  相似文献   

The detailed palynofacies analysis of the late Holocene laminated succession of the San Nicolás terrace in the middle Cauca Valley, northern Colombia, is interpreted as the product of sedimentation in a lacustrine to fluvial dominated setting. Radiocarbon analyses reveal that the succession was deposited between ~ 3500 and a few hundreds of years with sedimentary rates in excess of ~ 600 cm/ka. The milimetric laminae and the high frequency fluctuations in the content of the palynodebris of terrestrial origin, i.e., the high altered ligno-cellulosic debris/amorphous organic matter ratio, together with diatoms typical of fluvial conditions, such as Aulacoseira granulata do suggest an intermittent and continuous hydrological and biological connectivity with the Cauca River, akin to a varzea lacustrine environment. Drier to wetter conditions appear to occur, moving upward in the succession. This might reflect regional precipitation conditions all along the Cauca Valley and the southern migration of the intertropical convergence zone.  相似文献   

Physical size has been critical in the evolutionary success of the genus Homo over the past 2.4 million-years. An acceleration in the expansion of savannah grasslands in Africa from 1.6 Ma to 1.2 Ma witnessed concomitant increases in physical stature (150–170 cm), weight (50–70 kg), and brain size (750–900 cm3). With the onset of 100,000 year Middle Pleistocene glacial cycles (“ice ages”) some 780,000 years ago, large-bodied Homo groups had reached modern size and had successfully dispersed from equatorial Africa, Central, and Southeast Asia to high-latitude localities in Atlantic Europe and North East Asia. While there is support for incursions of multiple Homo lineages to West Asia and Continental Europe at this time, data does not favour a persistence of Homo erectus beyond ~400,000 years ago in Africa, west and Central Asia, and Europe. Novel Middle Pleistocene Homo forms (780,000–400,000 years) may not have been substantially taller (150–170 cm) than earlier Homo (1.6 Ma–800,000 years), yet brain size exceeded 1000 cm3 and body mass approached 80 kg in some males. Later Pleistocene Homo (400,000–138,000 years) were ‘massive’ in their height (160–190 cm) and mass (70–90 kg) and consistently exceed recent humans. Relative brain size exceeds earlier Homo, yet is substantially lower than in final glacial H. sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis. A final leap in absolute and relative brain size in Homo (300,000–138,000 years) occurred independent of any observed increase in body mass and implies a different selective mediator to that operating on brain size increases observed in earlier Homo.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》2011,80(3-4):67-79
The last 220 ka of the MD03-2705 (18° 05.81′ N–21° 09.19′ W) sedimentary sequence, retrieved off the Cape Verde islands, was investigated using a multiproxy approach. Planktonic foraminifera assemblage analyses, coupled with isotopic measurements (δ18O) from benthic (Planulina wuellerstorfi) and planktonic (Globigerinoides ruber) foraminifera monospecific samples were conducted along the topmost 11 m of the sequence. High resolution X-ray fluorescence measurements (0.5 cm resolution), giving access to major element ratio, have completed the geochemical analyses along the core. Seasonal and annual past sea surface temperatures (SST) were quantitatively reconstructed. Local sea-surface salinity (SSS) changes were then estimated by coupling SST with planktonic δ18O data. Our data provide a set of both oceanic and continental markers of environmental changes along the north-western African margin. The major changes detected in our record are discussed in the light of the regional paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic history of the last 220 ka. Coupled oceanographic and atmospheric processes portray the climatic evolution of the area, and show strong links among the regional oceanography (water mass advection), the upwelling dynamics and the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) migration. An increased upwelling activity (or influence of upwelling filaments) is noted at the end of the two last glacial periods, probably in response to a more southerly position of the ITCZ. Higher SSS are recorded over the area during arid intervals and were tentatively interpreted as signing a southward shift of the Cape Verde Frontal Zone. A detailed coupling between dust advection and SSS values over the site of study was noted during MIS6.5.  相似文献   

We present a new high resolution speleothem stable isotope record from the Villars Cave (SW-France) that covers part of marine isotope stage (MIS) 3. The Vil14 stalagmite grew between ~ 52 and 29 ka. The δ13C profile is used as a palaeoclimate proxy and clearly shows the interstadial substages 13, 12 and 11. The new results complement and corroborate previously published stalagmite records Vil9 and Vil27 from the same site. The Vil14 stalagmite chronology is based on 12 Th-U dating by MC-ICP-MS and 3 by TIMS. A correction for detrital contamination was done using the 230Th/232Th activity ratio measured on clay collected in Villars Cave. The Vil14 results reveal that the onset of Dansgaard–Oeschger (DO) events 13 and 12 occurred at ~ 49.8 ka and ~ 47.8 ka, respectively. Within uncertainties, this is coherent with the latest NorthGRIP time scale (GICC05-60 ka) and with speleothem records from Central Alps. Our data show an abrupt δ13C increase at the end of DO events 14 to 12 which coincides with a petrographical discontinuity probably due to a rapid cooling. As observed for Vil9 and Vil27, Vil14 growth significantly slowed down after ~ 42 ka and finally stopped ~ 29 ka ago where the δ13C increase suggests a strong climate deterioration that coincides with both North Atlantic sea level and sea surface temperature drop.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the toxicity of 12 heavy metals (i.e., HM), namely Hg, Cd, Co, Ni, Cr, Cu, Ag, Mo, Zn, Pb, Li and Na on bacterial isolates from the rumen of sheep, cattle and buffaloes. Rumen samples were collected immediately after slaughter during the dry season. Ruminal bacterial isolates, 59, were obtained from two sheep, five cows and nine buffaloes. Sensitivity of ruminal bacterial isolates to each HM was determined by the clearance zone (CZ) using the Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion susceptibility test. Bacterial populations isolated from the rumens of sheep and buffalo had a lower resistance (P<0.001) to HM toxicity than did cattle. Regardless of ruminant species, bacterial isolates revealed a higher tolerance (P<0.001) to Li and Na, whereas Hg and Cd were the most toxic HM for all isolates. We conclude that inhibition of these HM to the isolated microbial population of sheep, cattle and buffalo is ranked: Hg (most toxic) > Cd > Co  Ag  Cu  Cr  Ni > Mo  Zn  Pb > Li  Na. Further research is required to explain the mechanism of toxicity of these HM, and also to explore the variation among ruminant species.  相似文献   

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