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Maize(Zea mays L.) suspension-cultured cells with up to 70% less cellulose were obtained by stepwise habituation to dichlobenil(DCB), a cellulose biosynthesis inhibitor. Cellulose de ficiency was accompanied by marked changes in cell wall matrix polysaccharides and phenolics as revealed by Fourier transform infrared(FTIR) spectroscopy.Cell wall compositional analysis indicated that the cellulosede ficient cell walls showed an enhancement of highly branched and cross-linked arabinoxylans, as well as an increased content in ferulic acid, diferulates and p-coumaric acid, and the presence of a polymer that stained positive for phloroglucinol. In accordance with this, cellulose-de ficient cell walls showed a fivefold increase in Klason-type lignin.Thioacidolysis/GC-MS analysis of cellulose-de ficient cell walls indicated the presence of a lignin-like polymer with a Syringyl/Guaiacyl ratio of 1.45, which differed from the sensu stricto stress-related lignin that arose in response to shortterm DCB-treatments. Gene expression analysis of these cells indicated an overexpression of genes specific for the biosynthesis of monolignol units of lignin. A study of stress signaling pathways revealed an overexpression of some of the jasmonate signaling pathway genes, which might trigger ectopic lignification in response to cell wall integrity disruptions. In summary, the structural plasticity of primary cell walls is proven, since a lignification process is possible in response to cellulose impoverishment.  相似文献   

The rheological properties of corn (Zea mays L. cv. Garant) root elongation zones were investigated by means of a computer-controlled extensiometer. Creep closely followed a logarithmic time function, which was used to quantify creep activity. Pretreatment with auxin, which inhibits extension growth in roots, lowered the creep activity and the apparent plastic extensibility. While the time course of the inhibition of apparent plastic extensibility lagged behind the cessation of elongation growth, the drop in creep activity matched the growth inhibition more closely. Creep activity and apparent plastic extensibility were not significantly affected by pH. These data support the view that the auxin-induced cell wall stiffening (e.g. by cross-linking processes), while causal for the growth inhibition, is not brought about by a cell wall alkalinization. Received: 10 December 1996 / Accepted: 19 August 1997  相似文献   

Evidence from genetics, co-precipitation and bimolecular fluorescence complementation suggest that three CESAs implicated in making primary wall cellulose in Arabidopsis thaliana form a complex. This study shows the complex has a M(r) of approximately 840 kDa in detergent extracts and that it has undergone distinctive changes when extracts are prepared from some cellulose-deficient mutants. The mobility of CESAs 1, 3, and 6 in a Triton-soluble microsomal fraction subject to blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was consistent with a M(r) of about 840 kDa. An antibody specific to any one CESA pulled down all three CESAs consistent with their occupying the same 840 kDa complex. In rsw1, a CESA1 missense mutant, extracts of seedlings grown at the permissive temperature have an apparently normal CESA complex that was missing from extracts of seedlings grown at the restrictive temperature where CESAs precipitated independently. In prc1-19, with no CESA6, CESAs 1 and 3 were part of a 420 kDa complex in extracts of light-grown seedlings that was absent from extracts of dark-grown seedlings where the CESAs precipitated independently. Two CESA3 missense mutants retained apparently normal CESA complexes as did four cellulose-deficient mutants defective in proteins other than CESAs. The 840 kDa complex could contain six CESA subunits and, since loss of plasma membrane rosettes accompanies its loss in rsw1, the complex could form one of the six particles which electron microscopy reveals in rosettes.  相似文献   

Oxaziclomefone [OAC; IUPAC name 3-(1-(3,5-dichlorophenyl)-1-methylethyl)-3,4-dihydro-6-methyl-5-phenyl-2H-1,3-oxazin-4-one] is a new herbicide that inhibits cell expansion in grass roots. Its effects on cell cultures and mode of action were unknown. In principle, cell expansion could be inhibited by a decrease in either turgor pressure or wall extensibility. Cell expansion was estimated as settled cell volume; cell division was estimated by cell counting. Membrane permeability to water was measured by a novel method involving simultaneous assay of the efflux of (3)H(2)O and [(14)C]mannitol from a 'bed' of cultured cells. Osmotic potential was measured by depression of freezing point. OAC inhibited cell expansion in cultures of maize (Zea mays), spinach (Spinacia oleracea) and rose (Rosa sp.), with an ID(50) of 5, 30 and 250 nm, respectively. In maize cultures, OAC did not affect cell division for the first 40 h. It did not affect the osmotic potential of cell sap or culture medium, nor did it impede water transport across cell membranes. It did not affect cells' ability to acidify the apoplast (medium), which may be necessary for 'acid growth'. As OAC did not diminish turgor pressure, its ability to inhibit cell expansion must depend on changes in wall extensibility. It could be a valuable tool for studies on cell expansion.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of primary cultures of endometrial cells after treatment with diethystilbestrol, progesterone, and hydrocortisone was examined using the method of electronmicroscopic stereology. Cells treated with diethylstilbestrol had the appearance of a rapidly dividing culture having large euchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli with a cytoplasm containing many free ribosomes. Progesterone appeared to convert the cells to a more secretory type with large amounts of RER and smaller nucleoli. Mitochondrial enlargement was induced by sex hormones but not by hydrocortisone.  相似文献   

Various plant organs show a spontaneous curvature on a three-dimensional clinostat. Changes in the cell wall metabolism underlying the curvature were examined in maize shoots. In coleoptile nodes, no differences were detected in either the level or the composition of cell wall polysaccharides between the convex and the concave halves. However, the convex side showed a higher activity of (1 --> 3),(l --> 4)-beta-glucan breakdown, which appears to be associated with the curvature. In the elongating region of coleoptiles, the accumulation of wall polysaccharides occurred in the convex side. There was no significant difference in the glucanase activity between both sides. Thus, the spontaneous curvature in different regions of maize shoots may be brought about through different mechanisms under simulated microgravity conditions.  相似文献   

The fusarium mycotoxin zearalenone was transformed in cell suspension cultures of Zea mays giving α- and β-zearalenol and the β-D-glu cos ides of zearalenone and α- and β-zearalenol. The structure of zearalenone-4-β-D-glucopyranoside was determined by liquid — chromatography-mass spectrometry and specific hydrolysis with β-glucosidase. α- and β-zearalenol and their glucosides were identified by co chromatography using tic and HPLC and glucosidase — treatment Up to 50% of the mycotoxin added was bound to a non extractable or “bound” residue fraction. After treating this residue by a sequential cell wall fractionation procedure, zearalenone was found to be bound mainly to starch, hemicellulose, and lignin fractions.  相似文献   

Cell-suspension cultures(Zea mays L.,Black Mexican sweet corn) habituated to 2,6-dichlorobenzonitrile(DCB) survive with reduced cellulose owing to hemicellulose network modification. We aimed to de fine the hemicellulose metabolism modifications in DCB-habituated maize cells showing a mild reduction in cellulose at different stages in the culture cycle. Using pulse-chase radiolabeling, we fed habituated and non-habituated cultures with [3H]arabinose,and traced the distribution of 3H-pentose residues between xylans, xyloglucans and other polymers in several cellular compartments for 5 h. Habituated cells were slower taking up exogenous [3H]arabinose. Tritium was incorporated into polysaccharide-bound arabinose and xylose residues, but habituated cells diverted a higher proportion of their new [3H]xylose residues into(hetero) xylans at the expense of xyloglucan synthesis. During logarithmic growth, habituated cells showed slower vesicular traf ficking of polymers,especially xylans. Moreover, habituated cells showed a decrease in the strong wall-binding of all pentose-containing polysaccharides studied; correspondingly, especially in log phase cultures, habituation increased the proportion of 3H-hemicelluloses([3H]xylans and [3H]xyloglucan) sloughed into the medium. These findings could be related to the cel walls' cellulose-deficiency, and consequent reduction in binding sites for hemicelluloses; the data could also re fl ect the habituated cells' reduced capacity to integrate arabinox ylans by extra-protoplasmic phenolic cross-linking, as well as xyloglucans, during wall assembly.  相似文献   

Summary The conditions for obtaining representative, adult rat hepatocyte primary cell cultures were improved such that viable yields of 50% of the liver were produced which gave rise to cultures representing 30% of the liver. The survival of the cultures in various media was compared revealing that in complex media, particularly containing galactose, survival was improved. This study was supported by Contract No. N01-CP-55705 from the National Cancer Institute and Research Grant No. BC-133B from the American Cancer Society.  相似文献   

Summary Schizosaccharomyces pombe has been grown in parasynchronous culture to study the synthesis of cell wall material. After a lag period of 2.5h following inoculation the cells began to grow, as measured by optical density, dry weight and cell size. The cell number remained constant until 4.5h after inoculation when approximately 70% of the population divided synchronously. Immunofluorescence studies of the growing cells have shown that new wall material is inserted at the cell apices from 2.5 h after inoculation; this result is supported by radio-isotope labelling data which indicated that synthesis of new cell wall material also commenced 2.5 h after inoculation. The incorporation experiments also demonstrated an interruption in cell wall synthesis during the cell separation stage. The composition of the cell wall material varied during the growth cycle, with maximum nitrogen levels at inoculation and following cell division. No serological differences could be detected in the cell walls during the growth cycle.  相似文献   

The physiological mechanisms underlying leaf growth inhibition under salt stress are not fully understood. Apoplastic pH is considered to play an important role in cell wall loosening and tissue growth and was demonstrated to be altered by several growth-limiting environmental conditions. In this study we have evaluated the possibility that inhibition of maize (Zea mays) leaf elongation by salinity is mediated by changes in growing cell wall acidification capacity. The kinetics of extended apoplast pH changes by leaf tissue of known expansion rates and extent of growth reduction under stress was investigated (in vivo) and was found similar for non-stressed and salt-stressed tissues at all examined apoplast salinity levels (0.1, 5, 10, or 25 mM NaCl). A similar rate of spontaneous acidification for the salt and control treatments was demonstrated also in in situ experiments. Unlike growing cells that acidified the external medium, mature nongrowing cells caused medium alkalinization. The kinetics of pH changes by mature tissue was also unchanged by salt stress. Fusicoccin, an enhancer of plasmalemma H(+)-ATPase activity level, greatly stimulated elongation growth and acidification rate to a similar extent in the control and salt treatments. That the ability of the growing tissue to acidify the apoplast did not change under same salt stress conditions that induced inhibition of tissue elongation rate suggests that salinity does not inhibit cell growth by impairing the acidification process or reducing the inherent capacity for cell wall acidification.  相似文献   

Although cell wall polymers play important roles in the tolerance of plants to abiotic stress, the effects of salinity on cell wall composition and metabolism in grasses remain largely unexplored. Here, we conducted an in-depth study of changes in cell wall composition and phenolic metabolism induced upon salinity in maize seedlings and plants. Cell wall characterization revealed that salt stress modulated the deposition of cellulose, matrix polysaccharides and lignin in seedling roots, plant roots and stems. The extraction and analysis of arabinoxylans by size-exclusion chromatography, 2D-NMR spectroscopy and carbohydrate gel electrophoresis showed a reduction of arabinoxylan content in salt-stressed roots. Saponification and mild acid hydrolysis revealed that salinity also reduced the feruloylation of arabinoxylans in roots of seedlings and plants. Determination of lignin content and composition by nitrobenzene oxidation and 2D-NMR confirmed the increased incorporation of syringyl units in lignin of maize roots. Salt stress also induced the expression of genes and the activity of enzymes enrolled in phenylpropanoid biosynthesis. The UHPLC–MS-based metabolite profiling confirmed the modulation of phenolic profiling by salinity and the accumulation of ferulate and its derivatives 3- and 4-O-feruloyl quinate. In conclusion, we present a model for explaining cell wall remodeling in response to salinity.  相似文献   

Hybrid aspen (Populus tremula x tremuloides) cell cultures were grown for 7, 14 and 21 days. The cell cultures formed primary cell walls but no secondary cell wall according to carbohydrate analysis and microscopic characterization. The primary walls were lignified, increasingly with age, according to Klason lignin analysis. Presence of lignin in the primary walls, with a higher content in 21-day old cells than in 7-day old cells, was further supported by phloroglucinol/HCl reagent test and confocal microscopy after both immunolocalization and staining with acriflavin. Both laccase and peroxidase activity were found in the cultures and the activity increased during lignin formation. The lignin from the cell culture material was compared to lignin from mature aspen wood, where most of the lignin originates in the secondary cell wall, and which served as our secondary cell wall control. Lignin from the cell walls was isolated and characterized by thioacidolysis followed by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. The lignin in the cell cultures differed from lignin of mature aspen wood in that it consisted exclusively of guaiacyl units, and had a more condensed structure. Five lignin structures were identified by mass spectrometry in the cell suspension cultures. The results indicate that the hybrid aspen cell culture used in this investigation may be a convenient experimental system for studies of primary cell wall lignin.  相似文献   

Two phenolic acids isolated from colourless cell cultures of Lithospermum erythrorhizon were identified as rosmarinic acid and lithospermic acid. However, these compounds were not detected in pigmented cell cultures producing shikonin derivatives.  相似文献   

The effects of auxin and osmotic stress on elongation growth of maize (Zea mays L.) coleoptile segments are accompanied by characteristic changes in the extensibility of the growth-limiting cell walls. At full turgor auxin causes growth by an increase in wall extensibility (wall looseining). Growth can be stopped by an osmotically produced step-down in turgor of 0.45 MPa. Under these conditions auxin causes the accumulation of a potential for future wall extension which is released after restoration of full turgor. Turgor reduction causes a reversible decrease in wall extensibility (wall stiffening) both in the presence and absence of auxin. These changes in vivo are correlated with corresponding changes in the rheological properties of the cell walls in vitro which can be traced back to specific modifications in the shape of the hysteretic stress-strain relationship. The longitudinally load-bearing walls of the coleoptile demonstrate almost perfect viscoelasticity as documented by a nearly closed hysteresis loop. Auxin-mediated wall loosening causes an increase of loop width and thus affects primarily the amount of hysteresis in the isolated wall. In contrast, turgor reduction by osmotic stress reduces loop length and thus affects primarily the amount of viscoelastic wall extensibility. Pretreatment of segments with anoxia and H2O2 modify the hysteresis loop in agreement with the conclusion that the wall-stiffening reaction visualized under osmotic stress in vivo is an O2-dependent process in which O2 can be substituted by H2O2. Cycloheximide specifically inhibits auxin-mediated wall loosening without affecting wall stiffening, and this is mirrored in specific changes of the hysteresis loop. Corroborating a previous in vivo study (Hohl et al. 1995, Physiol. Plant. 94: 491–498) these results show that cell wall stiffening in vivo can also be demonstrated by Theological measurements with the isolated cell wall and that this process can be separated from cell wall loosening by specific changes in the shape of the hysteresis loop.  相似文献   

N J Lewis  A Y Ketenzian  C Arsenis 《Cytobios》1978,23(91-92):149-167
The cartilage from a non-immobilized fracture undergoes a series of morphological and biochemical changes resembling the in vivo differentiation and calcification in the epiphyseal plate. The studies reported here demonstrate that a homogeneous population of chondrocytes isolated from fracture callus fibrocartilage undergoes the same changes in vitro. Chondrocyte primary cultures were grown for 28 days during which time the morphological, histological and histochemical properties of the cultures were studied. Demonstrated by various histological procedures, chondrocytes synthesized the characteristic cartilage matrix, and progressively calcified with increased culture age. This system can be used to elucidate the cellular and molecular mechanisms of calcification.  相似文献   

The use of cell walls to produce cellulosic ethanol from sugarcane bagasse is a new challenge. A better knowledge of proteins involved in cell wall remodelling is essential to improve the saccharification processes. Cell suspension cultures were used for this first cell wall proteomics study of sugarcane. Proteins extracted from cell walls were identified using an adapted protocol. They were extracted using 0.2 M CaCl2 and 2 M LiCl after purification of cell walls. The proteins were then identified by the innovative nanoACQUITY UPLC MS/MS technology and bioinformatics using the translated SUCEST EST cluster database of sugarcane. The experiments were reproduced three times. Since Sorghum bicolor is the closest plant with a fully sequenced genome, homologous proteins were searched for to complete the annotation of proteins, that is, prediction of subcellular localization and functional domains. Altogether, 69 different proteins predicted to be secreted were identified among 377 proteins. The reproducibility of the experiments is discussed. These proteins were distributed into eight functional classes. Oxidoreductases such as peroxidases were well represented, whereas glycoside hydrolases were scarce. This work provides information about the proteins that could be manipulated through genetic transformation, to increase second‐generation ethanol production.  相似文献   

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