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Strombidium sulcatum, the type species of the genus, is examined using silver-stained material made by Fauré-Fremiet in the 1950s and 1960s. We found that the stained specimens possessed a prominent protuberance, as previously described; the number of anterior polykinetids (APk) differed between the accounts (15 this study, 12 previous reports); although previously illustrated, no contractile vacuole was observed; and the macronuclear shape, position, and size differed from those previously reported. Our work provides the first detailed re-analysis of the silver-stained material of S. sulcatum. We use data on S. sulcatum to distinguish it from a morphologically similar species, Strombidium inclinatum. Type material for S. sulcatum has been deposited in the Natural History Museum, London.  相似文献   

This study analyses the morphological characters of Strombidium paracalkinsi, a species bearing thigmotactic membranelles, collected from Jangmok Bay at the southern coast of Korea. The small subunit ribosomal RNA gene of S. paracalkinsi was sequenced for the first time. By a combination of characters, the thigmotactic membranelles of S. paracalkinsi differ from the thigmotactic membranelles of other strombidiids. They are (1) positioned on dorsal side, (2) contiguous with three membranelles of the adoral zone, but separated by nonciliated portions of the polykinetids, and (3) composed of two rows of kinetids. Except for the thigmotactic membranelles, the morphology of S. paracalkinsi conforms to the diagnosis of the genus Strombidium. Our phylogenetic tree confirms the nonmonophyly of the genus Strombidium. The thigmotactic membranelles are a promising feature for a future split of the genus Strombidium, but require further studies, especially on Strombidium calkinsi Fauré‐Fremiet 1932.  相似文献   

Schizachyrium sulcatum, distributed in Brazil, Bolivia and Colombia, is described, illustrated, and reported for the first time from Peru and Venezuela. Synonymy, geographical distribution, ecology, and a list of representative specimens examined are provided. Characters of taxonomic value are established in order to differentiate this species fromS. brevifolium. A comparative study based on morphology, leaf anatomy, and micromorphological features of the spikelets and leaf blade are included. The multivariate analysis based on morphological variables allowsS. sulcatum to be distinguished clearly fromS. brevifolium.  相似文献   

Morphological data from life, protargol impregnation, and scanning electron microscopy were combined with genetic data not only to describe the marine plankton ciliates Pelagostrobilidium neptuni (Montagnes and Taylor, 1994) Petz, Song, and Wilbert, 1995 and Strombidium biarmatum nov. spec., but also to elucidate their phylogenetic relationships. Additionally, the ontogenesis of P. neptuni was studied and the diagnosis of the genus Pelagostrobilidium was improved due to further data from the newly affiliated species P. epacrum (Lynn and Montagnes, 1988) nov. comb. (basionym: Strobilidium epacrum Lynn and Montagnes, 1988). The phylogenetic analysis of the small subunit ribosomal RNA genes matched the morphologic and ontogenetic assigning of P. neptuni to the choreotrichid family Strobilidiidae. The considerable genetic distance of d = 0.074 between P. neptuni and Strobilidium caudatum corroborated the morphological differences and thus the maintenance of the genus Pelagostrobilidium. Strombidium biarmatum nov. spec. is a typical member of the genus, except for the two types of extrusomes ("trichites"): ~12 × 0.5 μm, needle-shaped ones attached anterior to the girdle kinety and ~6 × 0.5 μm, rod-shaped ones at the distal end of the intermembranellar ridges. Its flask-shaped resting cysts have several strong spines. In accordance with the morphologic data, S. biarmatum is placed within the order Oligotrichida by gene sequence analysis. The great genetic distances within the oligotrichids support the diversity found in morphologic and ontogenetic studies.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the morphology of three oligotrich (s.l.) ciliates, Strombidium guangdongense sp. nov., Cyrtostrombidium paralongisomum Tsai et al., 2015 and Strombidinopsis sinicum sp. nov. Strombidium guangdongense sp. nov. is characterized by its elongate obconical to obovoidal body shape and widely spaced dikinetids in the girdle and ventral kineties. Another new species, Strombidinopsis sinicum sp. nov. is diagnosed by its small size and semi-globular body shape without mineral envelopes. Some additional morphological data of the recently described species Cyrtostrombidium paralongisomum Tsai et al., 2015, such as the endoral membrane, are supplied based on our population. We also analysed the molecular phylogeny of each species based on small subunit rRNA (SSU rRNA) gene sequence data. The monophyly of Cyrtostrombidium is supported by our phylogenetic analyses, but the monophyly of Strombidinopsis and of the family Strombidinopsidae are both rejected by AU tests. In addition, Strombidium species have a tail branch separately from one another in phylogenetic trees, whereas strombidiids with a pigment spot group together, suggesting the latter character is a synapomorphy for this group of strombidiids.


http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:E9D4A497-DAD6-4AA0-A044-A5A1D2C1A057  相似文献   

New synonymy and distribution records for the genus Macromitrium Brid. in sub-Saharan Africa are presented. Seven names are placed in synonymy, reducing the number of accepted taxa for Macromitrium in sub-Saharan Africa to 33. Macromitrium anomodictyon Cardot was found to be conspecific with M. serpens (Bruch ex Hook. & Grev.) Brid.; M. mauritianum Schwägr. and M. sanctae-mariae Renauld & Cardot are placed in synonymy with M. subtortum (Hook. & Grev.) Schwägr. and M. belangeri Müll.Hal., M. seriatum Paris & Broth., M. bequaertii Thér. & Naveau and M. trollii Dixon in Herz. are all placed in synonymy with M. sulcatum (Hook.) Brid. subsp. sulcatum. The precise lectotypification is implemented for six species within the genus. Macromitrium chloromitrium (Besch.) Wilbraham and M. orthostichum Nees ex Schwägr. are reported new to Tanzania and M. chloromitrium new to continental Africa.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Five ciliate species collected from the Woods Hole area were examined by protargol silver impregnation and scanning electron microscopy. These ciliates have been shown to sequester and use chloroplasts obtained from flagellate prey. One new species, Strombidium chlorophilum, is described. Four other species, Strombidium capitatum (Leegaard, 1915) Kahl, 1932, Strombidium conicum (Lohmann, 1908) Wulff, 1919, Strombidium acutum (Leegaard, 1915) Kahl, 1932, and Laboea strobila Lohmann, 1908, are redescribed. Characters used in describing the Strombidiidae include cell size and shape, anterior and ventral polykinetids, macronuclear shape and size, the kinetid “girdle,” the ventral kinety, the trichites, and the paroral kinety. The rationale for using these characters as taxonomic criteria is discussed.  相似文献   

Cytological studies were carried out on four South Indian moss taxa. All four taxa, Macromitrium calymperoideum (n=12), M. moorcroftii (n=ll), M. perrottetii (n = 12) and M. sulcatum (n=11+ m) have received cytological attention for the first time. The largest bivalent in the chromosome complement of two taxa, i.e. Macromitrium perrottetii and M. sulcatum was found to be heteromorphic. An anaphase-II bridge (Macromitrium calymperoideum) and telophasic bridge (M. perrottetii) were also observed. A triad was found in Macromitrium sulcatum.  相似文献   

Chromosomes are well-organized carriers of genetic information in eukaryotes and are usually quite long, carrying hundreds and thousands of genes. Intriguingly, a clade of single-celled ciliates, Spirotrichea, feature nanochromosomes—also called “gene-sized chromosomes”. These chromosomes predominantly carry only one gene, flanked by short telomere sequences. However, the organization and copy number variation of the chromosomes in these highly fragmented genomes remain unexplored in many groups of Spirotrichea, including the marine Strombidium. Using deep genome sequencing, we assembled the macronuclear genome of Strombidium stylifer into more than 18,000 nanochromosomes (~2.4 Kb long on average). Our results show that S. stylifer occupies an intermediate position during the evolutionary history of Strombidium lineage and experienced significant expansions in several gene families related to guanyl ribonucleotide binding. Based on the nucleotide distribution bias analysis and conserved motifs search in non-genic regions, we found that the subtelomeric regions have a conserved adenine-thymine (AT)-rich sequence motif. We also found that the copy number of nanochromosomes lacks precise regulation. This work sheds light on the unique features of chromosome structure in eukaryotes with highly fragmented genomes and reveals that a rather specialized evolutionary strategy at the genomic level has resulted in great diversity within the ciliated lineages.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses based on partial 18S rDNA sequences of polyonchoinean monogeneans were conducted in order to investigate the relationships between selected families and subfamilies of the Dactylogyrinea, mainly within the Dactylogyridae. We tested the status of the Ancyrocephalidae sensu Bychowsky & Nagibina (1978) and the Ancyrocephalinae sensu Kritsky & Boeger (1989). Within the Dactylogyrinea, the Diplectanidae and Dactylogyridae are well supported by maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony analyses, but their phylogenetic relationship with the Pseudomurraytrematidae remains unresolved. Phylogenetic relationships between the Pseudodactylogyrinae, Ancyrocephalinae, Ancylodiscoidinae and Dactylogyrinae indicate paraphyly of the Ancyrocephalidae sensu Bychowsky & Nagibina (1978). The group of species recently considered as the Dactylogyridae sensu Kritsky & Boeger (1989) comprises two sister groups. The first group includes the freshwater Ancyrocephalinae and the Ancylodiscoidinae. The second group includes the Pseudodactylogyrinae, Dactylogyrinae and the Ancyrocephalinae from the fish species Siganus doliatus and Tetraodon fluviatilis. The non-monophyly of the Ancyrocephalinae (i.e. the non-monophyly of the group of species recently considered as members of Ancyrocephalinae), previously suggested by Kritsky & Boeger (1989) using the morphological characters, indicates that classification of the Dactylogyridae needs to be revised.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) were raised against surface antigens from Pythium sulcatum. The immunogens were prepared from salt extractable cell wall protein to produce monoclonal antibodies. The MAbs showed high specificity to seven P. sulcatum isolates among 26 species of soil‐borne fungi. Weak cross‐reactivities were observed with Pythium aristosporum, Pythium myriotylum, and Pythium zingiberum in indirect enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), but no reaction was obtained in Western blot analysis. The MAbs recognized glycoproteins in cell wall. Pythium sulcatum was detected in naturally infected carrot tissues and soil using indirect competition ELISA.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The morphology and morphogenesis of some oligotrichs were investigated using protargol impregnation, silver carbonate impregnation and scanning electron microscopy. The somatic kineties of Strobilidium caudatum form a spiral at the posterior pole. Strobilidiids without such a spiral are transferred to the genus Rimostrombidium. Fourteen new combinations and a nomen novum, Strobilidium kahli, are necessary, Meseres corlissi n. sp. is characterized by eight somatic kineties composed of long cilia which are not fused to “bristles” as they are in Halteria. Strombidium oblongum shows similar characteristics and is thus combined with Meseres. Strombidium rehwaldi n. sp. has an anterior and an equatorial girdle of extrusomes. The morphogenesis of Meseres and Halteria is very similar, i.e. the entire somatic ciliature and the oral primordium originate apokinetally on the cell surface; the parental somatic ciliature is resorbed. In strobilidiids and tintinnids, the oral anlagen develop in a subsurface pouch and the parental somatic kineties, which are not resorbed, elongate by intrakinetal proliferation of basal bodies. In strombidiids, the oral primordium develops in an intracellular sac or tube. These morphogenetic peculiarities and distinct morphologic characters (e.g. arrangement of adoral membranelles) were applied in constructing a phylogenetic system for oligotrichs using hypotrichs as outgroup. This shows that halteriids are more closely related to hypotrichs than they are to other oligotrichs. The Halteriidae are thus raised to ordinal and subclass ranks, Halteriida n. ord., Halteriia n. subcl.  相似文献   

The morphology and small subunit rRNA (SSrRNA) gene sequence of a marine oligotrich ciliate, Williophrya maedai gen. nov., sp. nov., are reported. The new genus Williophrya is characterized by the adoral zone with no differentiation of membranelles, and the reduced somatic ciliature which comprises a bipartite girdle kinety only. In addition, the in vivo morphologies of two other oligotrichs, namely Strombidium basimorphum Martin & Montagnes, 1993 and Pseudotontonia simplicidens (Lynn & Gilron, 1993 Lynn, D. H. and Gilron, G. L. 1993. Strombidiid ciliates from coastal waters near Kingston Harbour, Jamaica (Ciliophora, Oligotrichia, Strombidiidae). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 73: 4765. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]) Agatha, 2004, are reported for the first time based on Chinese populations. Improved diagnoses of both species are supplied. The phylogenetic position of Williophrya maedai is investigated based on SSrRNA gene sequence data. These show that: (1) Williophrya maedai is most closely related to Strombidium purpureum and S. apolatum; (2) Williophrya is assigned to the family Strombidiidae although it has some unique morphological features regarding its oral and somatic ciliatures.  相似文献   

In the current study, we used bootstrap analyses and the common principal component (CPC) method of Flury (1988) to estimate and compare the G ‐matrix of Scabiosa columbaria and S. canescens populations. We found three major patterns in the G ‐matrices: (i) the magnitude of the (co)variances was more variable among characters than among populations, (ii) different populations showed high (co)variance for different characters, and (iii) there was a tendency for S. canescens to have higher genetic (co)variances than S. columbaria. The hypothesis of equal G ‐matrices was rejected in all comparisons and there was no evidence that the matrices differed by a proportional constant in any of the analyses. The two ‘species matrices’ were found to be unrelated, both for raw data and data standardized over populations, and there was significant between‐population variation in the G ‐matrix in both species. Populations of S. canescens showed conservation of structure (principal components) in their G ‐matrices, contrasting with the lack of common structure among the S. columbaria matrices. Given these observations and the results from previous studies, we propose that selection may be responsible for some of the variation between the G ‐matrices, at least in S. columbaria and at the between‐species level.  相似文献   

Amphora angusta Gregory, Amphora ventricosa Gregory and Amphora macilenta Gregory have been misunderstood for the last 140 years. Gregory described these species from sublittoral sediments off the west coast of Scotland. Although the illustrations were excellent for their time (1857), it is impossible to be confident of identification using Gregory's paper, and subsequent authors have created such confusion that records of these taxa must be regarded as untrustworthy unless backed by photographic evidence. In this paper, the first to describe in detail the recently established genus Seminavis, we show that A. angusta is in fact a species of Amphora Ehrenberg, whereas A. ventricosa sensu Gregory represents two independent species of the genus Seminavis D. G. Mann, namely Seminavis ventricosa (Gregory) Garcia-Baptista (non S. ventricosa sensu Garcia-Baptista 1993) and Seminavis arranensis Danielidis & D. G. Mann, sp. nov. The form usually known as A. ventricosa is neither of these and requires a new name, Seminavis robusta Danielidis & D. G. Mann, sp. nov. The long forgotten and misclassified species A. macilenta Gregory is shown to be yet another Seminavis species, requiring a new combination as S. macilenta (Gregory) Danielidis & D. G. Mann, comb. nov.; contrary to previous claims, it is separate from A. ergadensis Gregory, which is a true Amphora. Valve and girdle ultrastructure, plastid arrangement and auxosporulation are described for Seminavis and resemble those in the Naviculaceae sensu stricto.  相似文献   

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