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Both human‐mediated introductions and climatic changes may promote the settlement of species in new areas outside of their natural geographical range. To investigate the settlement of recently established populations of the neogastropod Cyclope neritea, we developed eight microsatellite markers. Their usefulness was studied in two native populations previously found to be monomorphic with mitochondrial markers. The eight loci were found to be polymorphic in both populations, with two to 18 alleles per locus. This result shows promise for these loci in studies of recently founded populations of C. neritea.  相似文献   

Extensive population structuring is known to occur in Anopheles darlingi , the primary malaria vector of the Neotropics. We analysed the phylogeographic structure of the species using the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I marker. Diversity is divided into six main population groups in South America: Colombia, central Amazonia, southern Brazil, south-eastern Brazil, and two groups in north-east Brazil. The ancestral distribution of the taxon is hypothesized to be central Amazonia, and there is evidence of expansion from this region during the late Pleistocene. The expansion was not a homogeneous front, however, with at least four subgroups being formed due to geographic barriers. As the species spread, populations became isolated from each other by the Amazon River and the coastal mountain ranges of south-eastern Brazil and the Andes. Analyses incorporating distances around these barriers suggest that the entire South American range of An. darlingi is at mutation–dispersal–drift equilibrium. Because the species is distributed throughout such a broad area, the limited dispersal across some landscape types promotes differentiation between otherwise proximate populations. Moreover, samples from the An. darlingi holotype location in Rio de Janeiro State are substantially derived from all other populations, implying that there may be additional genetic differences of epidemiological relevance. The results obtained contribute to our understanding of gene flow in this species and allow the formulation of human mosquito health protocols in light of the potential population differences in vector capacity or tolerance to control strategies.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 854–866.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The bluetongue (BT) vector Culicoides imicola Kieffer (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) has undergone widespread range expansion across most of the Mediterranean basin, concomitant with the largest BT epizootic outbreaks on record. Knowledge of the substructure of this vector expansion would be useful for identifying specific source−expansion systems. To this end we analysed the haplotype diversity of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene in 273 C. imicola from 88 Mediterranean sites and outgroups. All the C. imicola haplotypes ( n  = 26) formed a single, distinct clade in comparison with haplotypes of four other species of the Imicola group from southern Africa, confirming C.   imicola as a single phylospecies. Haplotype distribution showed extreme differentiation across the Mediterranean basin, with four common haplotypes each predominating in different areas. Eastern and western areas characterized by distinct BT incursions accounted for most of the molecular variance in haplotype composition. Shared common haplotypes identified one area of incursion and expansion encompassing the western half of the Mediterranean basin, with evidence of population growth, and another system encompassing Anatolian Turkey, the Aegean Islands and mainland Greece. A third area of range expansion was identified in the central Mediterranean, with a possible source in Algeria and unsampled parts of central North Africa. We conclude that the expansion of C.   imicola in the Mediterranean basin consists of at least three incursions followed by expansions and that the western system experiences conditions promoting high population growth.  相似文献   

The Quaternary period was marked by considerable changes in climate. Such palaeoclimatic changes affected the population dynamics of many species, both in the Northern and in the Southern Hemisphere. However, the extent of these impacts on the demographic patterns of Neotropical species presenting different ecological requirements remains unclear. Drosophila maculifrons DUDA 1947 belongs to the guaramunu group of Drosophila and represents a potential indicator of the genetic consequences caused by the climatic fluctuations of the Quaternary, because it seems to be sensitive to temperature and humidity shifts. The aim of this study was to evaluate the evolutionary processes subjacent to the patterns of intraspecific diversity and structure of different populations of D. maculifrons. In total, 152 individuals were collected in the south and south‐east Brazil. Phylogenetic and phylogeographical analyses were performed based on sequences of COI and COII mitochondrial genes. In general, the results pointed to Brazilian populations of D. maculifrons being extremely impoverished in terms of mitochondrial diversity and population structure, which could be explained by a recent population expansion event dated to approximately 12 000 years ago. In fact, with the assistance of species palaeo‐distribution modelling strategies, it was possible to infer that most of the sampled region did not present the D. maculifrons environmental suitability requirements at least during the period of the Last Glacial Maximum. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 112 , 55–66.  相似文献   

Morphological examination and a molecular phylogenetic analysis of leeches from Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Hawaii show that these specimens are members of a species in the South American Helobdella triserialis species complex. Though it has been seen before, this leech was not recognized as an invasive species. Rather, it was first described as Helobdella striata from Germany later renamed Helobdella europaea and then independently described as Helobdella papillornata from Australia. Because the appropriate name for this leech from its South American endemic locale, Helobdella (triserialis) lineata, is preoccupied by a North American species, we formally recognize H. europaea as the valid taxon name. Although this invader is not a bloodfeeder it may be expected to have an impact on native annelid and mollusk faunas.  相似文献   

Abstract Unambiguous and rapid sarcosaphagous insect species identification is an essential requirement for forensic investigations. Although some insect species are difficult to classify morphologically, they can be effectively identified using molecular methods based on similarity with abundant authenticated reference DNA sequences in local databases. However, local databases are still relatively incomplete in China because of the large land area with distinct regional conditions. In this study, 75 forensically important blow flies were collected from 23 locations in 16 Chinese provinces, and a 278‐bp segment of the cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene of all specimens was successfully sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequenced segments showed that all Calliphorid specimens were properly assigned into nine species with relatively strong supporting values, thus indicating that the 278‐bp cytochrome oxidase subunit one region is suitable for identification of Calliphorid species. The clear difference between intraspecific threshold and interspecific divergence confirmed the potential of this region for Calliphorid species identification, especially for distinguishing between morphologically similar species. Intraspecific geographic variations were observed in Lucilia sericata (Meigen, 1826) and Lucilia caesar (Linnaeus, 1758).  相似文献   

Right whales carry large populations of three 'whale lice' (Cyamus ovalis, Cyamus gracilis, Cyamus erraticus) that have no other hosts. We used sequence variation in the mitochondrial COI gene to ask (i) whether cyamid population structures might reveal associations among right whale individuals and subpopulations, (ii) whether the divergences of the three nominally conspecific cyamid species on North Atlantic, North Pacific, and southern right whales (Eubalaena glacialis, Eubalaena japonica, Eubalaena australis) might indicate their times of separation, and (iii) whether the shapes of cyamid gene trees might contain information about changes in the population sizes of right whales. We found high levels of nucleotide diversity but almost no population structure within oceans, indicating large effective population sizes and high rates of transfer between whales and subpopulations. North Atlantic and Southern Ocean populations of all three species are reciprocally monophyletic, and North Pacific C. erraticus is well separated from North Atlantic and southern C. erraticus. Mitochondrial clock calibrations suggest that these divergences occurred around 6 million years ago (Ma), and that the Eubalaena mitochondrial clock is very slow. North Pacific C. ovalis forms a clade inside the southern C. ovalis gene tree, implying that at least one right whale has crossed the equator in the Pacific Ocean within the last 1-2 million years (Myr). Low-frequency polymorphisms are more common than expected under neutrality for populations of constant size, but there is no obvious signal of rapid, interspecifically congruent expansion of the kind that would be expected if North Atlantic or southern right whales had experienced a prolonged population bottleneck within the last 0.5 Myr.  相似文献   

The phylogeography of Simulium siamense complex was inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences. A 586‐bp fragment of the cytochrome oxidase I was sequenced for 92 individuals from 13 populations throughout Thailand, representing five cytoforms (A, B, C, F and G). The cytoforms are not genetically different at the molecular level except for cytoform B, which is genetically distinct from the others. This might indicate that cytoform B is a distinct species. Further morphological and molecular work using other genes is needed to clarify this. Our results also argue for the need of integrated approach, both cytological and molecular studies to understanding biodiversity of black flies. The star‐like shape of the mtDNA genealogy is consistent with the sudden population expansion of the mismatch distribution analysis and large negative values of Fu's Fs and Tajima's D‐tests, indicating a population demographic expansion. The expansion time is estimated to be in the late Pleistocene (about 120 000 years ago). Therefore, the overall low level of genetic structure could be due to sharing a recent history. The ancestral haplotype was found in the mountainous area in northeastern Thailand, suggesting that this area could have been the refugium of the species complex during the Pleistocene glaciations. Our results are consistent with previous findings about population expansion in response to the Pleistocene climatic change, thus revealing the importance of this historical event in shaping the genetic structure and diversity of Southeast Asian mainland species.  相似文献   

Focussed searches were made across New Zealand between 2013 and 2016, for endemic aphids from the Schizaphis (Rhopalosiphina) genus, which is currently represented by two putative, undescribed species from the endemic host plants Aciphylla and Dracophyllum. Cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene sequences (48 in total) from the Schizaphis were analysed together with those from a broader collection of New Zealand endemic aphids that has been assembled since the year 2000. The bulk of the Schizaphis belonged to two clusters corresponding to the host plant genera. Two aphids from central North Island Dracophyllum represented a much diverged lineage without clear affiliations to other New Zealand Schizaphis. Inter-population variation in the New Zealand Schizaphis was high compared with that seen in international studies of Aphidinae and among populations of other endemic New Zealand Aphidina. Within Schizaphis from Dracophyllum, geography played an apparent role in genetic structuring, with populations from Taranaki (North Island) and especially Mt Lyford (South Island) being divergent from those on the South Island main divide. Two distinct lineages of Schizaphis, which co-occurred at some sites, were found on Aciphylla. Our sequence comparisons, including GMYC analyses, indicated up to five New Zealand Schizaphis lineages, and two newly discovered endemic Aphis species from the host plants Clematis and Hebe.  相似文献   

Larvae of Elmidae from the Sanin District, Honshu, Japan, were classified into 14 types based on morphological features, of which 11 types were unidentified for species. Species or genus of the unidentified types were determined by comparing their mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene sequences with those of identified adult specimens. A new key to species/genera of elmid larvae was proposed.  相似文献   

Aims This study aimed to document and describe the current range expansion of the great‐tailed grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus Gmelin) into the USA. By examining the habitat associations and pattern of spread of this species, I intended to determine the factors responsible for this remarkable expansion by a tropical species into a temperate environment. Location This study focused on the spread of the great‐tailed grackle in the continental USA, Canada and Baja California. Methods I used published records, museum specimens, and egg collections to document this range expansion from 1880 through 2002. In addition I surveyed large portions of Arizona, Nevada, southern Utah and southern California for great‐tailed grackles during 2000 and 2001. The data gathered was used to create maps in order to quantify the rate of spread of this species. Results Between 1880 and 2000 the great‐tailed grackle expanded its breeding range in the USA from c. 64,000 km2 to more than 3,561,000 km2, an increase of 5530%. The average annual rate of increase is 3.4%, but has lessened during the past 20 years. Northward movement in the eastern portion of the range has slowed down, reflecting this decrease. However, in the central and western portion of the species range, the rate of northward movement is still accelerating. During this expansion, the average time between first sighting in a state and first breeding was 5.8 years. The species has become less migratory during its range expansion, wintering in 17 of the 20 states where it breeds. Main conclusions This range expansion has been marked by great‐tailed grackles preferring human‐modified environments as breeding grounds, especially in the western states. This association appears to benefit the species in two ways; nest predation is lessened in such areas compared with natural conditions, whereas human activities tend to generate an abundant and consistent food supply for feeding offspring. Wintering birds are often associated with cattle feed lots and large‐scale dairies, where abundant waste grain provides them with a reliable food supply. Given the continued human population increase throughout large areas of the western USA, the great‐tailed grackle will continue its range expansion.  相似文献   

The evolutionary history of the genus Megadontomys, a group of mice allopatrically distributed along the cool‐humid forest in the highlands of México, is controversial. In this study, we examined phylogenetic relationships within the genus using sequences data from the complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. This information also allowed us to corroborate species limits, geographic boundaries of taxonomic entities and assess genetic variation within each taxon. The results of the phylogenetic analyses based on maximum likelihood, Bayesian inference and maximum parsimony were largely congruent in that M. nelsoni and M. thomasi were more closely related relative to M. cryophilus. These results are concordant with previous studies based on morphology and allozyme variation. However, testing of the alternative hypothesis of a closer evolutionary affinity between M. nelsoni–M. cryophilus did not produce a significantly less likely tree. The lack of unambiguous support towards one of these previously proposed contending hypotheses is congruent with the alternative scenario of an almost simultaneous diversification of the three species. Application of the phylogenetic species concept and the genetic species concept supports the recognition of three distinct taxonomic entities at the specific level. M. nelsoni inhabits the Sierra Madre Oriental (Hidalgo, Veracruz, and Puebla) including the Sierra Mazateca (Oaxaca); M. cryophilus is restricted to the Sierra de Juárez (Oaxaca); and M. thomasi occurs in portions of the Sierra Madre del Sur (Guerrero) and the Sierra Mixteca (Oaxaca). Our data show that M. thomasi is formed by two genetically distinct lineages that potentially may represent distinct Evolutionary Significant Units.  相似文献   

Pisidium moitessierianum Paladilhe, 1866, a small pea clam native to Europe, was identified for the first time from the lower Great Lakes basin based on an examination of historical collections of Pisidium performed by V. Sterki in 1894 and 1903 and new material collected during 1997 and 1998. During recent surveys, P. moitessierianum individuals were found in the St. Clair River delta, Lake St. Clair and western Lake Erie, but were not detected in the Detroit River or western Lake Ontario. Pisidium moitessierianum was collected on sand, silty sand and mud substrata from water depths ranging between 0.6 and 5.4 m. Populations occurred at an average density of 51 ind. m–2 and included juveniles and adults. All individuals were less than 2.0 mm in length. We examined the structure of the umbos and hinge, surface sculpture and shape of the shell, and the anatomy of gills, mantle and nephridia in populations from the lower Great Lakes and Ukrainian inland basins (Dnieper River and Lake Beloye). The results indicated that the Great Lakes' pea clams match European specimens of P. moitessierianum in these conchological and anatomical characteristics. As with other nonindigenous sphaeriids in the Great Lakes, P. moitessierianum was likely introduced through shipping activities into the Great Lakes, possibly as early as the 1890s.  相似文献   

The Indonesian island of Sulawesi occupies a central position within the biogeographically complex region known as Wallacea. Its fauna is characterised by a high rate of endemism and a patchwork distribution of taxa within the island. The grasshopper genus Chitaura is a good example having at least ten endemic species with predominantly parapatric distributions. It can be used as a model for determining the origins of Sulawesi taxa and the within-island evolution that has led to the present patterns of distribution. Here we present a phylogenetic hypothesis for 28 individuals within the genus, including individuals of one species from Java and two from the Moluccas, based on DNA sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 gene. Frequent sequence heteroplasmy was observed. The phylogenetic hypothesis is consistent with recent interpretations of the geological history of Sulawesi suggesting separate evolution on the island for 7–14 Myr, possibly since South Sulawesi was connected to Borneo. Within the island, the pattern of genetic divergence is dominated by a strong correlation with geographic distance, with exceptions indicating past or present barriers to dispersal. Colonisation of the Moluccas from North or Central Sulawesi is implied. Levels of genetic divergence are compared with distribution patterns of colour morphs and with possible effects of tectonic movements in the Cenozoic, or Pleistocene climatic, vegetational and sea-level changes.  相似文献   

We used a molecular phylogenetic approach to investigate species delimitations and diversification in the mussel drills of the Ocinebrina edwardsii complex by means of a combination of nuclear (internal transcribed spacer 2, ITS2) and mitochondrial [cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and 16S] sequences. Our sample included 243 specimens ascribed to seven currently accepted species from 51 sites. Five of the samples were from either the type locality of a nominal species or a close nearby locality (O. edwardsii from Corsica, O. carmelae and O. piantonii from the Kerkennah Islands, O. hispidula from the Gulf of Gabès and O. leukos from the Canary Islands), one from the inferred original locality (O. ingloria from Venice Lagoon), and specimens assigned in the recent literature to O. nicolai. We used a combination of distance‐ and tree‐based species delimitation methods to identify Molecular Operational Taxonomic Units (MOTUs) to compare with the a priori species identifications. The consensus tree obtained by BEAST on the COI alignment allows the recognition of several distinct clades supported by the three species delimitation methods employed. The eight‐MOTUs scenario, shared by the Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery (ABGD) and Generalized Mixed Yule‐Coalescent (GMYC) methods, comprises the following major clades: clade A contains the south Tunisian species Ocinebrina piantonii Cecalupo, Buzzurro & Mariani from which the sympatric taxon O. carmelae Cecalupo, Buzzurro & Mariani (new synonym) cannot be separated; clades B and C bring together all populations from the Aegean Sea and some from the Ionian Sea, respectively; clade D groups, on the one hand, the south Tunisian samples morphologically assigned to O. hispidula Pallary and, on the other, Atlantic and Alboran Sea samples (including the Canarian taxon O. leukos Houart); clade E includes a sample from the type locality of O. edwardsii and several samples from the Tyrrhenian Sea; clades F and G correspond to a few samples from the Venice Lagoon and the Tyrrhenian Sea, respectively; clade H groups the bulk of samples from the Adriatic Sea, including samples from the Venice Lagoon morphologically identified as Ocinebrina ingloria (Crosse), and some from the Ionian Sea. No final conclusions could be reached to reconcile the currently recognized morphological taxa with the clades suggested by the COI data. The geographical structure proposed by the mitochondrial markers is similar to that found in other marine invertebrates and partially corresponds to the species defined by shell characters. We propose here a framework for the revision of the Ocinebrina edwardsii species complex, suggesting a geographical pattern for the diversification of this group in the studied area. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(2):540-545
With about 5000 known species, the Vespidae is a large family belongs to order Hymenoptera. The genus Vespa with 22 species is one of the four genera of the subfamily Vespinae. In Korea, 10 species and subspecies are recognized. Because of their social behavior, their treat to human health and their impact in apiculture, the reliable and sometimes automated identification of these insects to species level are important. To test the efficacy of DNA barcoding method for identification of species of the genus Vespa in Korea, 30 samples of eight Korean species of genus Vespa were collected and mitochondrial DNAs of 658 bp fragment cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (CO1) region were sequenced. A Bayesian Inference based on COI gene of the Korean Vespa species was constructed. The phylogenetic tree shoed that identification of all specimens is possible based on COI gene and we found strong relation between the sequences of the collected species from different localities in South Korea which clustered together with 100% support with sequences of the same species in GenBank. The results demonstrate that DNA barcoding is a useful technique for rapid and accurate species recognition in Korean Vespa species. The DNA barcode part of COI for V. binghami is provided for the first time that can help for identification of this species through DNA barcoding. Also, the genetic diversity among Korean Vespa velutina was zero suggests that the invasion might have occurred in a single event with small number of founders.  相似文献   

The whitefly Bemisia tabaci is vector of plant infecting viruses and it is considered as one of the most important agricultural pests around the Mediterranean basin. At present, five biotypes of B. tabaci have been reported in the Mediterranean Basin: B, Q, S, T and M. To establish the phylogeographic relationship of these Mediterranean biotypes with others, 54 samples collected in Europe and Africa were analysed by sequencing the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene (mtCOI). The phylogeny showed that Spanish samples corresponding to the biotype S were related to the haplotype Uganda 2 of the African clade, associated with recent epidemic upsurges of cassava mosaic virus (CMD) in that country. This phylogeographic relationship gave support to a distinct subgroup revealed within the African clade. Bemisia tabaci collected from Euphorbia plants in Italy (biotype T) formed one of the three distinct subgroups existing within the Southeast/Far East Asian clade, while samples from Turkey (biotype M) clustered together with reference mitochondrial sequences from whiteflies from Pakistan and Thailand. Recent reports indicate that Bemisia populations corresponding to the biotypes S and T are distributed in areas larger than those initially delimited. Other results indicated that samples collected in Sudan grouped within the Mediterranean–North Africa clade together with reference sequences of the biotype Q corresponding to insects collected in Spain and Morocco. Mitochondrial haplotypes of B. tabaci samples collected on sweet potato in Ghana clustered with reference sequences of samples from Cameroon corresponding to one of the five Sub-Saharan subgroups already described in the African clade. These data extends the phylogenetic information of the B. tabaci species complex and present new questions to be investigated.  相似文献   

Relationships within Chilopoda (centipedes) are assessed based on 222 morphological characters, complete 18S rRNA sequences for 70 chilopod terminals, the D3 region of 28S rRNA for 65 terminals, 16S rRNA sequences for 54 terminals and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I sequences for 45 terminals. Morphological and molecular data for seven orders of Diplopoda are used to root cladograms for Chilopoda. Analyses use direct character optimization for 15 gap and substitution models. The Pleurostigmophora and Epimorpha s.l. hypotheses are largely stable to parameter variation for the combined data; the latter clade is formalized as the new taxon Phylactometria. The combined data include parameter sets that support either the monophyly of Epimorpha s.str. (=Scolopendromorpha + Geophilomorpha) or Craterostigmus + Geophilomorpha; the former derives its support from morphology and the nuclear ribosomal genes. Monophyly of Lithobiomorpha and the sister group relationship between Lithobiidae and Henicopidae are stable for morphological and combined data, and are also resolved for the molecular data for 14 of 15 parameter sets. The fundamental split in Scolopendromorpha is between Cryptopidae and Scolopendridae sensu Attems. Blind scolopendromorphs unite as a clade in most molecular and combined analyses, including those that minimize incongruence between data partitions. Geophilomorpha divides into Placodesmata and Adesmata under nine of 15 explored parameter sets.  相似文献   

对21种帘蛤科贝类线粒体细胞色素c氧化酶亚基Ⅰ(cytochrome c oxidase subunit I,COI)基因核苷酸序列进行了分析,以探讨这一序列在种质鉴定、分子系统发生研究中的应用价值。测序结果表明,所有物种扩增片段长度均为707 bp(含引物),序列A+T含量(62.4%—67.8%)明显高于G+C含量。物种间共有变异位点379个,其中简约信息位点334个;此区段共编码235个氨基酸,种间共有氨基酸变异位点100个。以COI基因片段序列为标记,用中国蛤蜊(Mactra chinensis)作外群,构建了35种帘蛤科贝类(其中14种贝类COI序列从GenBank下载)的系统发生树,结合拓扑结构分析和序列比对分析,结果表明:支持将短文蛤(Meretrix petechinalis)和丽文蛤(M.lusoria)订为文蛤(M.meretrix)的同物异名的观点,建议将丽文蛤和短文蛤订为文蛤的地理亚种;支持将薄片镜蛤(Dosinia corrugata)和D.angulosa订为2个独立种的观点;认为将波纹巴非蛤(Paphia undulata)和织锦巴非蛤(P.textile)订为2个独立种是合适的。COI基因序列含有丰富的遗传信息,适合作为帘蛤科贝类种群遗传结构和系统发生研究的分子标记。  相似文献   

The capuchinos are a group of birds in the genus Sporophila that has apparently radiated recently, as evidenced by their lack of mitochondrial genetic diversity. We obtained cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) sequences (or DNA barcodes) for the 11 species of the group and various outgroups. We compared the patterns of COI variability of the capuchinos with those of the largest barcode data set from neotropical birds currently available (500 species representing 51% of avian richness in Argentina), and subjected COI sequences to neighbour-joining, maximum parsimony and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses as well as statistical parsimony network analysis. A clade within the capuchinos, the southern capuchinos, showed higher intraspecific and lower interspecific divergence than the remaining Argentine species. As most of the southern capuchinos shared COI haplotypes and pairwise distances within species were in many cases higher than distances between them, the phylogenetic affinities within the group remained unresolved. The observed genetic pattern is consistent with both incomplete lineage sorting and gene flow between species. The southern capuchinos constitute the only large group of species among the neotropical birds barcoded so far that are inseparable when using DNA barcodes, and one of few multispecies avian groups known to lack reciprocal monophyly. Extending the analysis to rapidly evolving nuclear and mitochondrial markers will be crucial to understanding this radiation. Apart from giving insights into the evolution of the capuchinos, this study shows how DNA barcoding can rapidly flag species or groups of species worthy of deeper study.  相似文献   

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