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This article provides a historical and comparative analysis of post‐imperial migrations of ethnic unmixing. It examines the post‐Soviet migration of ethnic Russians to Russia in the light of the migrations of other once‐dominant ‘new minorities’ engendered by transitions from multinational empire to incipient nation‐states: Balkan Muslims during and after the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire, Hungarians after the collapse of the Habsburg Empire, and Germans after the collapse of the Habsburg Empire and the German Kaiserreich.  相似文献   

People of German‐speaking background have been permanent residents in Australia and Canada for an extensive period of time and are perceived favourably in these multicultural contexts. This has not always been the case. The event of war has the potential to influence the formation of self‐images and stereotypes of ‘others’ and hence to affect the cohesion of ethnic communities. It follows that altered perceptions of ethnicity are likely to alter the ways governments behave towards ethnic minorities. This, in turn, brings a modification in ethnic relations policy. The focus of this article is to examine official attitudes to Germans resident in these countries and external to them during the second world war and in the immediate post‐war period. A particular concern is that of internment. To look comparatively should develop a deeper understanding of its use in two similar (but also different) commonwealth countries.  相似文献   

Abstract. Vegetation survey programmes in Austria, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Germany are described. The aims of these programmes are discussed and their origin and motivation elucidated against the historical background of the development of phytosociology (as part of vegetation science) in particular countries. The Austrian, British and Dutch national vegetation surveys have been logistically supported by either basic-research (Austria) or nature-conservation (Great Britain and the Netherlands) funding organisations. They are either being published (British Plant Communities) or heading for publication of their first volumes within the next two years. The German vegetation survey is a voluntarily-based enterprise expected to complete its work by the end of this century. The experience gained by the management of these national surveys is of fundamental importance in launching the European Vegetation Survey (a project under preparation).  相似文献   


This article reviews the ways in which Britain and the USA classify and analyse the integration of immigrants and their descendants. While both societies recognize racial differences in their official statistics and in the academic analyses of change over time, the USA tends to classify immigrants and their descendants by immigrant generation much more than Britain does. The importance of the concept of generation in American immigration research is highlighted and it is suggested that studies built on the importance of generation can illuminate social processes of integration in Britain. The complexities of defining and measuring immigrant generation are reviewed, including new developments in the measurement of generation that take into account age at migration, and historical period and cohort effects. Racial and ethnic minority groups formed through immigration may have very different characteristics depending on the average distance of their members from immigration – including the possibility of ‘ethnic leakage’, as more assimilated, later-generation individuals no longer identify with the group.  相似文献   

Historians of the eugenics movement have long been ambivalent in their examination of the links between British hereditary researchers and Nazi Germany. While there is now a clear consensus that American eugenics provided significant material and ideological support for the Germans, the evidence remains less clear in the British case where comparatively few figures openly supported the Nazi regime and the left-wing critique of eugenics remained particularly strong. After the Second World War British eugenicists had to push back against the accusation that their science was intrinsically dictatorial or totalitarian and, as a result, many of their early perceptions of the Nazis were ignored or rationalised away. Further, historians in recent years have focused more directly on the social reformist elements of eugenics, discussing the links between hereditary science and the birth control and feminist movements in addition to others. While undoubtedly making valuable contributions to the scholarly understanding of the eugenic milieu in the interwar years, these studies have neglected to recontextualize the sentiments of British eugenicists who did indeed view the Nazi government positively in the early years of the 1930s. This article argues that there was a significant, though not numerically sizable, faction in the British eugenics movement, though mostly outside the Eugenics Society itself, in the early 1930s that viewed the Nazi Germany as an admirable state for its implementation of eugenic principles. One of these figures was later interned by his own government for being too closely aligned with the German regime, though he argued that this affinity was driven by the quest for scientific truth rather than politics. Eugenics in Britain thus contained a greater diversity of views toward Germany than scholars have previously assumed, warranting more research into the individuals and organizations harbouring these views.  相似文献   

The prevalence of nine honey bee viruses in samples of dead adult bees from Apis mellifera colonies in the Netherlands and Germany infested with the parasitic mite Varroa jacobsoni was compared with virus incidence in uninfested colonies in Britain. In colonies with low mite populations the viruses present and their incidence during the year were similar to the results obtained from British colonies. However, in marked contrast with findings in Britain, acute paralysis virus (APV) was the primary cause of adult bee mortality in German honey bee colonies severely infested with V. jacobsoni. Dead brood from unsealed and sealed infested cells from German colonies with high mite populations also contained much APV. The evidence suggests that V. jacobsoni activates APV replication in adult bees by its feeding behaviour and transmits virus from adult honey bees to pupae. In addition, adult bees, in which APV is multiplying, transmit the virus to unsealed brood in the larval food.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein[a] polymorphism has been investigated by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide (5.37%) gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting using a standardized sample load in four ethnic groups: German, Ghanaian, Chinese, and San (Kalahari Bushmen). A total of 10 different apparent molecular weight (Mr) polymorphs, designated 1 to 10 with increasing Mr, were detected in greater than 99% of all individuals tested (German, 99%; Ghanaian, 99%; Chinese, 100%; San 100%). A null allele is therefore at most an infrequent variant in all populations. Polymorphs 6-10 were common to all four populations, while polymorphs 1-5 appeared to be relatively rare variants not universally detected in each group in the present study. The Chinese had the highest proportion of double-band phenotypes and the observed frequencies were not significantly different from those expected according to simple Mendelian inheritance, whereas the observed apo[a] phenotype distributions of the other three groups did not concur with those expected for Hardy Weinberg equilibrium. The German and Ghanaian groups displayed similar distributions of apo[a] phenotypes while the Chinese and San had significantly higher frequencies of polymorphs 9 and 10. Mean plasma Lp[a] concentrations in Ghanaians (36.2 +/- 31.5 mg/dl) were almost 2-fold greater than in Germans (18.7 +/- 23.1 mg/dl) and ca 1.65-fold greater than in either Chinese (22.9 +/- 18.3 mg/dl) or San (21.1 +/- 19.3 mg/dl). A strong inverse correlation was observed between apo[a] Mr and plasma Lp[a] concentration in Germans but this was much less pronounced in Ghanaians. While the mean plasma Lp[a] levels associated with polymorphs 1-6 were similar in both Germans (43.4 +/- 30.0 mg/dl) and Ghanaians (49.2 +/- 37.6 mg/dl), those Ghanaians with any combination of the polymorphs 9 and 10 had an almost 3-fold greater mean plasma Lp[a] level (20.6 +/- 11.3 mg/dl) than their German counterparts (7.8 +/- 5.7 mg/dl). It is therefore apparent that: 1) differences in apo[a] allele frequencies are not primarily responsible for differences in Lp[a] levels between populations; and 2) the greatest ethnic variation is observed in plasma Lp[a] concentrations associated with the high molecular weight apo[a] polymorphs.  相似文献   

The Black Supplementary School Movement has a fifty-year tradition of resisting racism in Britain. Central to the movement is a construction of African Diasporic Blackness that is marginalized in British scholarship. ‘Political blackness’, based on the unity ethnic minority groups, is an important frame of reference in Britain. This article will examine the limitations of ‘political blackness’ in relation to research carried out in the Black Supplementary School Movement that involved interviews with key activists and an archival analysis of documents at the George Padmore Institute. Political blackness is based on an inaccurate understanding of the relationship between multiculturalism and anti-racism; a misreading of the complex and global nature of racism and a non-strategic essentialism. The concept also creates a form non-whiteism, which disempowers ethnic minority communities and works to delegitimize African Diasporic Blackness, which has a tradition of resisting racist oppression.  相似文献   

A. M. Newman  R. F. Spengler 《CMAJ》1984,130(4):399-405
Ontario is home to a sizeable, recently established immigrant population whose cancer mortality has until now remained unexamined. The province''s six largest immigrant groups (British, Italian, German, Dutch, Polish and Soviet) were investigated to compare their cancer mortality experience with that prevailing in Ontario and in their countries of birth for the period 1969 through 1973. Standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) were computed from data from Statistics Canada and the World Health Organization (for 1971) for five sites of cancer. The rates of death from stomach cancer were significantly higher for the immigrant groups (except the Germans) than for the Canadian-born (SMRs 158.6 to 256.1) and were significantly lower for the immigrants (except the Dutch) than for the populations of their countries of birth (SMRs 26.5 to 72.9). The rates of death from colorectal cancer and cancer of the breast tended to be lower among the immigrants. Most male immigrants had high rates of death from lung cancer relative to the Canadian-born, whereas their female counterparts had relatively low rates. For most of the immigrant groups the rates of death from prostate cancer closely resembled those prevailing in the country of birth. Displacement of cancer mortality experience towards that in Ontario was most evident for Polish immigrants. It may have been too soon to see trends among the more recent immigrants (Italian, German and Dutch), who, for the most part, had not yet reached the age of highest cancer risk. Ontario should provide a valuable resource for further studies of lifestyle and environmental determinants of cancer.  相似文献   

Eugomontia sacculata, a shell-boring marine green alga, only once recorded in the literature, is reported for the first time from several shores in Britain and Canada. British material differs in culture from the original German material in that the sporangia do not produce exit-tubes and are occasionally liberated from the filament.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region were studied in Germans living in the Altai, Russia. Although this ethnic group has been living in Russia for a long time, the obtained data indicate that its mitochondrial gene pool retains the main characteristics of the Western and Central European gene pools. Regarding the mitochondrial gene pool, Russian Germans were more similar to Germans living in Germany than to Russians with regard to the frequency of the Cambridge nucleotide sequence, frequencies and composition of five European haplotypic groups (classification of Richards et al.), and average intra- and interpopulation pairwise nucleotide differences. However, the mitochondrial gene pool of Altaian Germans also differed from that of Western European populations. The gene pool of Altaian Germans contained the ancestral variants of the main haplotypic groups. To date, these variants have not been found in modern Western and Central European populations, which is apparently due to their lower frequencies. In addition, some previously unknown mtDNA variants with specific nucleotide substitutions were found in Altaian Germans. The obtained results suggest that the modern mitochondrial gene pool of Europeans, including Germans from Germany, was largely affected by the demographic processes that occurred in the past two centuries. The Germans that lived in Russia were relatively isolated and, hence, retained more characteristics of the ancestral gene pool.  相似文献   

In 1853, the young Thomas Henry Huxley published a long review of German cell theory in which he roundly criticized the basic tenets of the Schleiden-Schwann model of the cell. Although historians of cytology have dismissed Huxley’s criticism as based on an erroneous interpretation of cell physiology, the review is better understood as a contribution to embryology. “The Cell-theory” presents Huxley’s “epigenetic” interpretation of histological organization emerging from changes in the protoplasm to replace the “preformationist” cell theory of Schleiden and Schwann (as modified by Albert vonKölliker), which posited the nucleus as the seat of organic vitality. Huxley’s views influenced a number of British biologists, who continued to oppose German cell theory well into the twentieth century. Yet Huxley was pivotal in introducing the new German program of “scientific zoology” to Britain in the early 1850s,championing its empiricist methodology as a means to enact broad disciplinary and institutional reforms in British natural history.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the body height data of middle and low social classes of North and Central European populations from the early Middle Ages until the beginning of the 17th century. It is mainly based on anthropological data from the ancient Germans, but considers also some historical reports. From the data presented here it is seen that the initially rather considerable body heights in these two social groups are decreasing during the Middle Ages. This could be observed on population samples from the Central German Highlands and from Southern Germany as well as on samples from the utmost Western Teutonic settlement: Greenland. The reasons for these variations are most likely to be seen in nutritional changes, in increasing hard physical work due to the transition to predominating agriculture, in biological effects of birthrights, and in deteriorating hygienic conditions.  相似文献   

Annual sickness absence rates in Great Britain since 1950 have been compared with similar measurements obtained from eight other countries. Frequency has tended to rise more than severity, indicating a shortening of the average length of a spell. The rise in British rates is not unique, and has been exceeded in Sweden, Holland, Italy, and West Germany. From the Swedish experience with self-certification some caution is necessary before recommending its adoption in Britain.  相似文献   

Three scientific societies devoted to the study of reproduction were established in Britain, France and USA in the middle of the twentieth century by clinical, veterinary and agricultural scientists. The principal motivation for their establishment had been the study of sterility and fertility of people and livestock. There was also a wider perspective embracing other biologists interested in reproduction more generally. Knowledge disseminated through the societies' scientific meetings and publications would bear upon human and animal population problems as well as basic reproductive physiology and its applications. New journals dealing with reproductive physiology, having worldwide appeal, were established in Britain and USA. The financial resources of at least one of the societies and its journal are directed towards charitable functions, including financial support for travel to scientific meetings, for visits to particular laboratories, and for research in the short term, including that of undergraduates. Perhaps the example of the British society has given rise to others having a more specialised focus, as well as to the formation of the European Society for the Study of Human Reproduction and Embryology.  相似文献   

The arrival patterns of summer visitors to Britain and Ireland were monitored from 2002 to 2004 using large numbers of birdwatching lists collected by Migration Watch, an Internet-based survey. Records were only accepted from registered observers, and procedures for data validation were implemented. We show here how data on the frequency of occurrence from birdwatching lists can be analysed to estimate the timing and duration of the migration period. Aerial insectivores showed clear species-specific arrival patterns, with sand martins arriving first, followed in succession by swallows, house martins and finally swifts. Wheatears showed two peaks of arrivals, one for the British population and one for passage migrants from Greenland. The progression of arrivals from south to north and variation in arrival timing between years were also demonstrated. The method offers considerable potential for studying migration phenology at large spatial scales, and within Britain and Ireland it is now being applied throughout the year within the BTO/RSPB/BWI BirdTrack project. It could potentially be implemented at a continental scale, at which it would provide an important tool for measuring the growing impacts of global climate change on bird populations.  相似文献   

The incidence of malaria in Britain as reported to the Malaria Reference Laboratory during the past decade has increased by 51%, from 1529 to 2309 cases, and infection with Plasmodium falciparum has increased from one fifth to one third of all cases. The case fatality rate for P falciparum infections declined from 2·7% to 0·5%. Of the 67 persons who died, 54 were of British origin, nine of Asian descent, and four African. Sixteen had taken chemoprophylaxis; of these, nine had taken pyrimethamine alone.The pattern of infection shows that resident ethnic minority groups, temporary residents from west Africa, and tourists who visit Kenya are particularly at high risk. The calculated attack rates suggest that men, children, and young adults are at greater risk of malaria than women and older people. Rates are highest in immigrants who have settled in Britain who visit relatives: 316 and 331 per 100 000 for Africa and Asia respectively, 120 and 39 in tourists to those same regions, and 228 and 38 in business travellers to those regions.  相似文献   

YORAM YOM-TOV 《Ibis》1992,134(1):52-55
The hypothesis that polygynous species start breeding later in the season than monogamous ones was examined using two data sets, each with both monogamous and polygynous species—the eight species of wrens which breed in the USA, and five genera (15 species) of British passerines. Comparisons were made within each of 16 states in the USA from which data were available and for each genus in Britain. The hypothesis is supported for most subsets of data, but in some cases polygynous and monogamous species start breeding at the same time (but in no case do polygynous breed earlier than monogamous species). The late breeding of the polygynous species is probably an outcome of the fact that polygynous males tend to participate less in nest activities than monogamous ones.  相似文献   

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