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This article investigates generalist kindergarten teachers’ academic music training based on data collected from students undertaking an undergraduate degree in preschool (kindergarten) education (students aged 4–6 years) in Greece. The study was carried out through a questionnaire survey that addressed students’ aspirations when entering the university and the real learning outcomes by the end of their studies. This article seeks to find relationships between students’ academic experiences and their level of confidence and enthusiasm to teach music in kindergarten. The findings suggest that higher education provides students with most of the learning outcomes that they anticipate. However, students lack adequate practical experiences in terms of observing lessons in real educational settings, which can significantly affect their confidence levels. Finally, the author explores some implications for higher education policy and teaching practice.  相似文献   

This study is focused on the development, implementation and evaluation of an environmental education programme for secondary education students. The programme was entitled ‘Τhe effects of fire on the soil system’ and it was implemented during the school period of 2008. Twenty-four (24) students (aged from 15 to 20) coming from Lidoriki Secondary School (Central Greece) participated in the programme, which was based on Project Method. The programme consisted of one theoretical part (achievement of cognitive and affective goals) and one experimental part (achievement of cognitive and psychomotor goals). Initial, formative and summative assessments were implemented during the course of the programme, by means of questionnaires, observation of students’ teamwork and examination of their work sheets. The questionnaire analysis highlighted students’ misconceptions regarding the subject, revealed positive changes in students’ attitudes as a result of their participation in the programme, as well as satisfactory results concerning the acquired knowledge and skills. The experimental results were of significant scientific and educational value.  相似文献   

This study examined what worldviews are present among Dutch students and teachers and how the students cope with scientific knowledge acquired in the biology classroom. Furthermore, we investigated what learning and teaching strategies teachers adopt when they teach about evolution and worldviews. For this survey, 10 schools for higher general secondary education or pre-university level were selected. The data showed that most teachers did not have an articulated learning and teaching strategy. Controversial topics and discussions with students about their own worldviews were ignored in the classroom. Furthermore, the data revealed that students and teachers have a large variety of different worldviews. Some students acknowledged having difficulties coping with the knowledge gained from the classroom, because it contradicted their own worldviews. These results support our hypothesis that there is need for an explicit learning and teaching strategy that supports both teachers and students to teach and learn about evolution in multiple contexts.  相似文献   

Education for sustainability (EfS) in higher education is an emerging specialisation within the general field of EfS. EfS encompasses cognitive, affective and behavioural aspects, and aims at enhancing a variety of learning outcomes in these domains and reaching students from all programmes. One of the main challenges for higher education educators is to design courses in a way that will effectively promote the various learning outcomes of EfS. A central question is how sustainability should be integrated into the curriculum; which topics should be taught and which pedagogies ought to be applied to improve students’ knowledge, skills and motivation to promote sustainable living. The present study aimed to contribute to the knowledge about students’ learning outcomes yielded by different designs of EfS courses. This multiple-case study of three courses used a mixed-methods design. For each course, we identified its characteristics and analysed students’ self-reported learning outcomes. We found that: (1) a course with a higher degree of participatory learning, employing a system approach, promoted the highest and most varied learning outcomes; (2) the lecture-based course yielded the fewest learning outcomes; and (3) field trips promoted learning outcomes only when accompanied by more advanced pedagogies.  相似文献   

This article analyzes Dutch consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for the welfare of broiler chickens and the consequences for nonhuman animal welfare policies. Using data from a discrete-choice experiment and a random parameter logit model, this study showed that consumers particularly value opportunities for outdoor access and the method used for anesthesia before slaughter. The WTP was also positively related to the number of consumers buying the same product, indicating that they experience the public-good dilemma. Moreover, the WTP was higher if consumers knew that animal welfare practices were subject to public or collective supervision. Women, people with more education, those with higher income, and nonreligious people had relatively high WTP values. For 87.5% of the respondents, the WTP exceeded the price difference between a broiler with a higher level of animal welfare and a regular chicken. The findings suggest that the Dutch market for broiler chickens can be improved by raising consumer confidence in the labeling system.  相似文献   

The creationist movements in Brazil, although considered weak, are on the increase. The Brazilian legislation neither imposes any objection in teaching evolution nor obliges the teaching of creationism as an alternative to evolution in science classes. Furthermore, it allows the optional teaching of religion at schools. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the knowledge regarding biological evolution in freshman students from a Brazilian university. Such knowledge was related to sociocultural factors such as their parental education level, the type of high school the student graduated from (private or public school), their philosophical/religious position as well as the acceptance of creationism as an alternative to evolution. Among those factors, the latter two showed significant differences, in which the higher averages belonged both to the atheistic students and to those who do not accept creationism as an alternative to evolution.  相似文献   

Live animals and cadavers are integral to veterinary education. In the year of this survey (2008), and in at least the five preceding years, cadavers obtained by euthanasia of healthy pound dogs and ex-racing greyhounds were dissected by students, during their veterinary anatomy classes at the University of Queensland School of Veterinary Science. Students may have ethical concerns about this. An alternative approach was to use donated dog cadavers. These are owned pet dogs that have died of natural causes or have been euthanised for medical reasons, and have been donated by their owners for the purposes of veterinary education. Veterinary students at the School were surveyed in 2008, in order to determine their preferences for cadaver source. Data from 406 questionnaires were analysed. Third-year and fifth-year veterinary students were more likely than first-year students to prefer pound-dog/greyhound cadavers over donated cadavers for anatomy dissection (p ≤ 0.002). Between 32% and 45% of the students had no preference for either source of cadaver. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that veterinary students become more accepting of the euthanasia of unwanted healthy animals for education as they progress through the veterinary programme, in contexts such as the current study. This could occur due to increased acceptance of the euthanasia of healthy animals generally, a decline in moral development, desensitisation, and/or the belief that healthy animal cadavers offer a superior learning experience.  相似文献   

大学生创新能力的培养是高等教育的重要内容之一.我院开展了基于大学生科技创新项目的科研导师制,以培养学生的创新实践能力和科研的"工匠精神",并帮助学生进行学业规划.科研导师还将项目成果转化为教学案例引入课堂,扩大受益面.科研导师制的实施得到了学生的普遍认可,人才培养质量明显提高.本文还探讨了科研导师制实施中需要关注的问题...  相似文献   

In the field of education and children of immigrants we are confronted with a peculiar clash of opinions. Some believe that the differences in school attainment between indigenous children and children of immigrant families can be explained in terms of social class. Others seek the differences in terms of status groups. Empirical research was carried out in one of the bigger cities of The Netherlands, which attempted to further this theoretical debate. The results indicate that the influence of an immigrant background on school attainment is largely mediated by both social class and status. Ethnicity, however, also has a specific effect on education, independent of social class and status. It is argued that the characteristic of ethnicity is a sociological kind of motivation. The educational motivation of immigrant families can have a ‘positive’ effect in the sense that ‘black’ schools perform reasonably well, and a ‘negative’ effect in the sense that immigrant children at schools with a high level of aspiration perform less well than their indigenous Dutch schoolmates.  相似文献   

Diverse schools have become the norm throughout much of what is considered the West. Many urban classrooms feature few white European children but are located in nations dominated by Eurocentric epistemologies and discourses that oppress minority students by devaluing their cultures. Most European scholarship fails to analyse cultures of whiteness in educational settings. This paper addresses this gap by documenting cultural discourses of whiteness infusing a diverse primary school classroom in Amsterdam. Discourses reflecting white cultural norms of order, time, cleanliness, and Western and Christian superiority dominated a classroom containing only one white Dutch child. These discourses contribute to diverse students' explicit racialization while promoting the supremacy of white Dutch culture. They are both assimilationist and exclusionary, suggesting that many students, because of their backgrounds, will never be considered fully Dutch. Findings are of relevance to all nations dominated by white cultures with large populations of students of colour.  相似文献   

Attitudes toward predictive testing programs, in individuals who choose not to undertake the test (i.e., nonparticipants), may be influenced by fears of an unfavorable result. The reasons not to participate in predictive testing programs for Huntington disease (HD) were studied in members of the Dutch Huntington Association who were at 50% risk. They had completed the same baseline psychological questionnaires as had the participants in the Dutch DNA-testing program. The group of 34 nonparticipants was similar to the tested participants in the Dutch predictive testing program, with respect to average age (31.1 years), male:female ratio (1:2), the frequency of a stable relationship (70%), and level of education (67% had high school education or higher). Testing did not seem to be a realistic option for nonparticipants for improving their quality of life. In comparison with participants, nonparticipants had a significantly more pessimistic outlook on themselves and their futures. When asked to consider the possibility of an unfavorable result, nonparticipants expected more difficulties in their families; more problems for their children, their partners, and themselves; a lowered quality of life; and, more often, a depressive reaction. In their opinion, a favorable result would reduce the problems for their children but not for themselves, a result that was found more often in the nonparticipant than in the participant group. Nonparticipants learned about their being at risk for HD during adolescence (mean age 15.6 years), whereas participants did so in adulthood (mean age 22.7 years). The nonparticipants' attitude toward the test might be explained by the influence of HD in the adolescent's separation-individuation process and personality development. This finding could be relevant for future research and for the discussion about testing minors for delayed-onset disorders.  相似文献   

This article reports on data from a large-scale study investigating students’ mathematical transitions to higher education. Three hundred and seventy-one undergraduate bioscientists were surveyed in order to investigate their perceptions and experiences of studying post-compulsory mathematics, as preparation for the mathematics elements of their degree. A-level Mathematics was well-received, with more than three-quarters of participants describing the qualification as good preparation for their degree. Participants particularly valued the statistics units at A-level. However, A-level Further Mathematics was perceived to be less useful preparation, although participants reported that it was enjoyable and challenging. Ongoing qualification reform, as well as the proliferation of post-compulsory mathematics options, means that universities and schools would do well to consider how best to maximise bioscience students’ mathematical preparation prior to beginning their undergraduate studies.  相似文献   

South African higher education has faced much structural transformation since the dismantling of apartheid, and yet remains a racialized space. Despite a stated commitment to transformation in university policy nationally, lay discourses of transformation are highly contested. In these debates, black students are often represented in stigmatizing ways; which affect students’ self-esteem and academic performance. This paper explores black students’ experiences of transformation at the University of Cape Town (UCT), a previously “white only” university, based on the results of a photovoice project. The data analysed are drawn from focus groups, personal reflections, photographs and written stories exploring their experiences at UCT. The findings suggest that there is a failure of transformation at UCT, characterized by the dominance of whiteness in the institution. The paper also discusses how many students internalize the negative stereotypes they encounter whilst others use coping mechanisms and strategies to resist the discourse of black inferiority.  相似文献   

Gender differences were analyzed across countries of origin and continents, and across mother tongues and language families, using a large-scale database, containing information on 27,119 adult learners of Dutch as a second language. Female learners consistently outperformed male learners in speaking and writing proficiency in Dutch as a second language. This gender gap remained remarkably robust and constant when other learner characteristics were taken into account, such as education, age of arrival, length of residence and hours studying Dutch. For reading and listening skills in Dutch, no gender gap was found. In addition, we found a general gender by education effect for all four language skills in Dutch for speaking, writing, reading, and listening. Female language learners turned out to profit more from higher educational training than male learners do in adult second language acquisition. These findings do not seem to match nurture-oriented explanatory frameworks based for instance on a human capital approach or gender-specific acculturation processes. Rather, they seem to corroborate a nature-based, gene-environment correlational framework in which language proficiency being a genetically-influenced ability interacting with environmental factors such as motivation, orientation, education, and learner strategies that still mediate between endowment and acquiring language proficiency at an adult stage.  相似文献   

This study investigated beliefs about climate change among Swedish secondary school students at the end of their K-12 education. An embedded mixed method approach was used to analyse 51 secondary school students’ written responses to two questions: (1) What implies climate change? (2) What affects climate? A quantitative analysis of the responses revealed that ‘Earth’, ‘human’ and ‘greenhouse effect’ were frequent topics regarding the first question, and ‘pollution’, ‘atmosphere’ and ‘Earth’ were frequent regarding the second. A qualitative analysis, based on a ‘conceptual elements’ framework, focused on three elements within responses: atmosphere (causes and/or consequences), Earth (causes and consequences) and living beings (humans and/or animals and their impacts on climate change). It revealed a predominantly general or societal, rather than individual, perspective underlying students’ responses to the second question. The ability to connect general/societal issues with individual issues relating to climate change could prompt students to reflect on the contributions of individuals towards climate change mitigation, thereby constituting a basis for decision-making to promote a sustainable environment. Although the students did not discuss climate changes from an individual perspective, their statements revealed their understanding of climate change as a system comprising various components affecting the overall situation. They also revealed an understanding of the difference between weather and climate.  相似文献   

研究生教育作为我国高等教育体制中最高层次的教育,是培养具有高素质、创新型人才的核心环节。医学院校研究生的素 质教育与创新能力是决定其基础医学研究能力和临床专业技能的重要因素,而研究生课程体系的建设是决定研究生培养过程中 重要的一环。为了提高研究生的创新能力,我校对研究生课程体系进行了一系列的改革。通过总结国内外10 所知名院校生物学 专业研究生课程体系的特点,对比分析我校在此方面存在的不足,进一步明确生物学专业研究生培养的目标,并有针对性的提出 课程体系改革的措施,为后续研究生教育改革奠定基础。  相似文献   

Social inequality in Israel's education system has often been analysed with top-down structural models. This study inquires, instead, how students understand their position in the stratified structure of opportunities at school. Our quantitative and qualitative data, gathered in Jewish high schools in Israel, indicate that, despite clear ethno-class distribution in academic tracking, students reject the logic of identity politics and consider ‘free will’ to be the main factor determining tracking. In light of the Jewish-Israeli national identity, which rejects class and ethnic divides, the reference point for the system of classification at school shifts to the autonomous individual. Our findings show that students use consumerist and psychological discourses to dismantle ethno-class identities and depoliticize the classification system at school.  相似文献   

Karin van Nieuwkerk 《Ethnos》2013,78(2):229-246
The present discourse on Islam can be regarded as a cultural racist discourse. The construction of Muslims as the ‘Other’ necessarily implies constructing a ‘Self’. This article deals with the dialectical process of reification by studying Dutch female converts to Islam. Ruptures in the relationships between converts and their relatives can illuminate Dutch national and cultural identity. Converts change important markers of identity such as name and appearance. They also trespass Dutch values connected to cultural practice such as food, feasting and funerals. The most important construction of Dutch national and cultural identity vis-à-vis converts is related to sex and gender. Veiled Muslimas in particular express that they cannot longer be ‘real Dutch’. Veiling is subordination and oppressed women are the ‘ultimate others’ of Dutch self-perception.  相似文献   

A course in medical genetics for first-year medical students was developed with the use of alternative methods of instruction, including audiovisual materials and computer-assisted instruction. The use of this methodology enabled students to consider many significant areas of medical genetics, without a dependency on the traditional lecture-based instructional format. Seventy-eight percent of the students identified the alternative instructional methods as an enhancement to their education. These students performed a mean of 6% better on class examinations.  相似文献   

Humane education is a long-standing field of education that endeavors to nurture kindness, compassion, and concern for nonhuman animals, people, and the environment. Despite its long history, however, few randomized control studies have evaluated its effectiveness to promote the development of relevant outcomes. The current study sought to address this dearth by investigating the effects of a humane education program on not only participating students’ attitudes, but also their behaviors. Classes of under-served, fourth-grade students in two major US cities were randomly assigned to participate in either a school-based humane education program or a chess club (the control group); all students participated in their respective activity during the same period once a week for 11 weeks. Data were collected on the attitudes (n = 236) and behaviors (n = 167) of participating students exactly one week before and exactly one week after these programs were conducted. Students self-reported their attitudes about the treatment of animals and the environment via the Intermediate Attitude Scale. Teachers rated each students’ prosocial and disruptive behaviors through sub-scales of the Teacher Observation of Classroom Adaptation– Checklist. Nested multilevel models of change found that the development of prosocial behaviors and self-reported attitudes significantly interacted with group assignment: Students who participated in the humane education program showed stronger growth in both of these outcomes compared with students in the control group. Changes in disruptive behaviors, how-ever, were not found to differ between groups. The results support the effectiveness of a humane education program to teach a relatively large and diverse group of upper elementary students to learn about animal welfare issues and to improve their prosocial behaviors. Effects appeared strongest on attitudes; behavioral effects were found to be largely limited to behaviors directly addressed by the humane education program.  相似文献   

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