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Black Feminist Thought is an iconic book. The fact that it is still in print twenty-five years after its initial publication is testament to the value of the arguments and the quality of the analysis. It has been both a scholarly beacon for researchers working through shared ideas and experiences, and an intellectual grounding from which further critical work has been enabled and more voices brought into conversation. Its influence ranges across disciplinary and geographical boundaries and dismantles conventional hierarchies in the process. The production of knowledge is always for some purpose and, as scholars, it is imperative that we are as straightforward and honest about those purposes as is Patricia Hill Collins. We must hope that we can be as effective as her in our own work in terms of communicating its purpose, politics and, crucially, its analytical import.  相似文献   

Research on black authenticity identifies “oppressive othering” and “white standards of beauty”, particularly lighter skin tone, as key components. Few studies disentangle which of these two theoretical components matter the most for a particular outcome. Rap music, whose lyrics are often categorized as authentic expressions of blackness, offers an intriguing case to compare the effects of “oppressive othering” (as alcohol and drug lyrics) and “white standards of beauty” (as the rap artist’s skin tone) on national music charts. Analysing artists’ skin tone and lyrical content of songs ranked on Billboard Rap Year-End Charts from 2007 to 2011, results show that lighter skin tone is significantly and positively related to higher chart rankings. Alcohol and drug lyrics, however, had a non-significant effect. Implications are discussed in relation to the effects of the commodified imagery of “authentic” blackness in the new digital era of music.  相似文献   

In the context of development and changes in two small-boat fisheries on the eastern Black Sea coast of Turkey, this article discusses how institutions are embedded in tradition, and what is “traditional” in “traditional knowledge”. Taking new institutional economics’ focus on institutions and approaches to traditional ecological knowledge as vantage points for discussion I compare systems of informal management in one discontinued and one new fishery to address questions such as: What kinds of knowledges and rules are involved in these kinds of fishing? What constitutes a tradition of knowledge? What is the role of tradition in working out new rules? I couple theories of situated knowledge (Ingold) and embeddedness of rules (Varela), both of which are inspired by Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenological approach, to show how institutions and traditional ecological knowledge are embedded and come together in practice.  相似文献   

黑鹳(Ciconia nigra)属国家Ⅰ级保护野生动物.2010至2018年,通过样线、样带和固定样点调查的方法对张掖黑河湿地国家级自然保护区的黑鹳种群进行了监测,黑鹳最大种群数量均出现在每年的9月下旬,数量120~430只不等,年均308只.春季迁徙季节,黑鹳于3至4月到达保护区,部分个体会在此繁殖,其他个体会继续...  相似文献   

This paper is based on fieldwork done from 1996-1999 in different locations among village communities from Central Anatolia afflicted with the deadly malignancy of mesothelioma. Medical research has long established the relationship between mesothelioma and the environment; yet in earlier work correlations deduced through my genealogies provide evidence of a possible genetic cofactor causing these cancer deaths. This paper illustrates how medical research becomes an arena for local and global political interests and how the disruption of the doctor-cancer patient relationship impedes medical research. Methods include illness and clinical narratives, kinship charts and pedigrees, and observation of involved doctors and patients in multiple sites and geographical locations. Under focus are the anthropologist's involvement in global biomedical research and her interconnectedness with its political events.  相似文献   



This study explores the paleoepidemiology of the Black Death (1348–52 AD) mass graves from Hereford, England, via osteological analysis. Hereford plague mortality is evaluated in the local context of the medieval city and examined alongside other Black Death burials.


The Hereford Cathedral site includes mass graves relating to the Black Death and a 12th-16th century parish cemetery. In total, 177 adult skeletons were analyzed macroscopically: 73 from the mass graves and 104 from the parish cemetery. Skeletal age-at-death was assessed using transition analysis, and sex and stress markers were analyzed.


The age-at-death distributions for the mass graves and parish cemetery were significantly different (p = 0.0496). Within the mass graves, young adults (15–24 years) were substantially over-represented, and mortality peaked at 25–34 years. From 35 years of age onwards, there was little variation in the mortality profiles for the mass graves and parish cemetery. Males and females had similar representation across burial types. Linear enamel hypoplasia was more prevalent within the mass graves (p = 0.0340) whereas cribra orbitalia and tibial periostitis were underrepresented.


Mortality within the Hereford mass graves peaked at a slightly older age than is seen within plague burials from London, but the overall profiles are similar. This demonstrates that young adults were disproportionately at risk of dying from plague compared with other age groups. Our findings regarding stress markers may indicate that enamel hypoplasia is more strongly associated with vulnerability to plague than cribra orbitalia or tibial periostitis.  相似文献   

Participatory management approaches are increasingly recognized as an effective strategy for enabling the sustainable use of natural resources. The southeast coast of St. Lucia is one of the sites where a particular form of participatory management, a co-management regime, was recently developed to control the sea urchin fishery. The Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI), a NGO based in Vieux-Fort, St. Lucia, played a key role in the development of this co-management arrangement. This case study of the sea urchin fishery in Vieux-Fort examines the extent of the devolution of authority to locally-based sea urchin harvesters, explores the potential contribution of local knowledge to the understanding of sea urchin behavior, and points to elements of a strategy aimed at strengthening the organizational capacity of the core group of sea urchin harvesters. The study addresses both present practice and future possibilities in response to concrete questions raised by participants in the study.  相似文献   

李红  罗礼智 《昆虫学报》2007,50(8):840-849
寄生蝇是草地螟的重要寄生天敌之一,其寄生率多数情况下高于寄生蜂,表现出很大的控害潜力。本文通过对文献资料的分析,结合多年来对草地螟寄生蝇的研究结果,对草地螟的寄生蝇种类、寄生方式、优势种及其控制作用,保护利用进行了总结和评述。草地螟寄生蝇种类丰富,目前已知有22个种,在草地螟的主要发生为害区都有分布,其寄生方式多样,寄主范围广,很多种类为多主寄生。优势种有4种:伞裙追寄蝇Exorista civilis Rondani,双斑截尾寄蝇Nemorilla maculosa Meigen,黑袍卷须寄蝇Clemelis pullata Meigen和草地追寄蝇Exorista pratensis Robincau Uesvoidy。这些优势种对控制当代草地螟的作用有限,而对控制下一代草地螟的发生为害起着重要的作用。本文最后讨论了草地螟寄生蝇的保护和利用前景。  相似文献   

The population of Sooty Terns Onychoprion fuscata breeding on Ascension Island in the Atlantic Ocean was monitored over 17 years (1990–2007). This period spanned the programme of feral Domestic Cat Felis silvestris catus eradication from the island, which commenced in 2001 with the last Cat recorded in 2004. We report on the abundance of Sooty Terns and Black Rats Rattus rattus before and after Cat eradication. The Sooty Tern breeding population in the 1990s averaged 368 000 and Cats were killing Terns at an average rate of 33 adults per night. Following Cat eradication, adult Terns are no longer predated. However, egg predation by both Rats and Common Mynas Acridotheres tristis has continued with Mynas destroying more eggs than Rats. Unexpectedly, we observed a change in Rat predatory behaviour. Following Cat eradication, Rats have become a major predator of Sooty Tern chicks. Despite this change, the Tern population has shown a season-on-season increase since Cat eradication, 48.8% in 2005, 8.2% in 2006 and 6.1% in 2007, and the breeding population increased to 420 000 birds in 2007. Incubation success improved from 66.0 to 84.4% during Cat eradication, before dropping down again to 67.9% after Cats were eradicated and Rat control measures were introduced. Index traplines were set for Rats and Rat numbers fluctuated widely immediately after Cats were eradicated but there were no significant differences that could be attributed to changes in Cat numbers. Ascension Island Sooty Terns breed every 9.6 months and juveniles defer breeding for seven seasons. Hence 2008 is the first year in which an increase in the breeding Sooty Tern population directly attributable to Cat eradication is likely to be detected. We conclude that long-term monitoring is essential to guide conservation practice even in this relatively simple predator–prey system.  相似文献   

Abstract Multivariate methods for the detection of impacts on communities are: (i) explored in the context of a disturbance experiment at a site of previous uranium mining in Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory; and (ii) applied to the design of a monitoring programme for a proposed mining development at nearby Coronation Hill. The disturbance experiment in Rockhole Mine Creek used a gravity-fed redirection of polluted water from the mine adit to create a point-source pollutant. Weekly samples of the macroinvertebrate communities were taken both before and after disturbance at the control and‘impact’ site, as part of a multivariate BACIP (Before-After-Control-Impact-Pairs) design. The results of the experiment show that the multivariate approach provided high sensitivity in detecting impacts on the community, with little difference in sensitivity between species and family level analyses. A simple procedure for deleting those taxa that show poor discrimination between pristine and presently disturbed areas further increased the sensitivity of the tests. In addition to the BACIP analyses, robust ordination of the community data suggested a time/treatment interaction effect. Application of the multivariate BACIP approach also was explored using baseline data for benthic communities from the South Alligator River near Coronation Hill. The method provides high statistical power for monitoring; a relatively small change in community dissimilarity would be detectable in a programme with 5 years of observations before and after commencement of mining. A robust ordination of the yearly samples for the control and potential-impact sites showed that, although samples varied along identifiable gradients over time, the two areas changed in parallel so that the difference between the areas was approximately constant over years. This result demonstrates that the multivariate BACIP approach can provide relative constancy of pre-impact difference values, a key requirement of BACIP designs that is difficult to satisfy using abundance data for a single species.  相似文献   

McNally R 《Proteomics》2008,8(2):222-224
On 23 and 24 July, 2007, the Centre for Economic and Social Aspects of Genomics (CESAGen) held its first sociomics workshop at the Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, UK. The topic was transformation of knowledge production. Participants included social scientists together with those working on different elements of the proteomics knowledge production-line, including core facilities, data repositories, large-scale projects, MS, search engines, reference databases, standardisation and public funding. Recurrent motifs included gear-heads, black boxes, uncertainty and getting back to biology.  相似文献   

After the first successful transfer of mammalian embryos in 1890, it was approximately 60 years before significant progress was reported in the basic technology of embryo transfer (ET) in cattle. Starting in the early 1970s, technology had progressed sufficiently to support the founding of commercial ET programs in several countries. Today, well-established and reliable techniques involving superovulation, embryo recovery and transfer, cryopreservation, and IVF are utilized worldwide in hundreds, if not thousands, of commercial businesses located in many countries. The mean number of embryos produced via superovulation has changed little in 40 years, but there have been improvements in synchrony and hormonal protocols. Cryopreservation of in vivo-derived embryos is a reliable procedure, but improvements are needed for biopsied and in vitro-derived embryos. High pregnancy rates are achieved when good quality embryos are transferred into suitable recipients and low pregnancy rates are often owing to problems in recipient management and not technology per se. In the future, unanticipated disease outbreaks and the ever-changing economics of cattle and milk prices will continue to influence the ET industry. The issue of abnormal pregnancies involving in vitro embryos has not been satisfactorily resolved and the involvement of abnormal epigenetics associate with this technology merits continued research. Last, genomic testing of bovine embryos is likely to be available in the foreseeable future. This may markedly decrease the number of embryos that are actually transferred and stimulate the evolution of more sophisticated ET businesses.  相似文献   

郭二辉  方晓  马丽  杨小燕  杨喜田 《生态学报》2020,40(11):3785-3794
弃耕地撂荒是土壤与植被向自然方向进行的次生演替,研究河岸带土壤撂荒后碳氮磷生态化学计量特征,是恢复和重建由农田干扰导致的退化河岸带生态系统的重要科学基础之一。以河岸带农地为对照,不同撂荒年限(撂荒2年、撂荒8年、撂荒10年)的土壤为研究对象,探索不同撂荒年限对土壤碳、氮、磷含量及相互关系的影响。结果表明:(1)土壤有机碳、氮的含量均呈现撂荒10年>撂荒8年>农田>撂荒2年;土壤中磷含量呈现撂荒10年>撂荒8年>撂荒2年>农田;农田和各撂荒年限的土壤碳、氮、磷含量,均随着土层深度的增加而呈降低的规律,但土壤碳和氮差异的显著性比磷明显。(2)河岸带土壤中C/N、C/P的均值均呈现:撂荒10年>农田>撂荒8年>撂荒2年趋势。N/P的均值呈现:撂荒10年(0.78)>农田(0.77)>撂荒8年(0.77)>撂荒2年(0.67),表明N是本研究区河岸带植被恢复的限制性营养元素。(3)河岸带农田和不同撂荒年限土壤碳、氮含量均存在极显著的耦合线性关系,而碳与磷、氮与磷之间的线性拟合程度相对较低。(4)在农田撂荒演替的初期阶段(2...  相似文献   

The purpose of this review is to offer a panorama on 10 years of nutrition research using in vivo brain imaging in the pig model. First, we will review some work describing the brain responses to food signals, including basic tastants such as sweet and bitter at both oral and visceral levels, as well as conditioned preferred and aversive flavours. Second, we will have a look at the impact of weight gain and obesity on brain metabolism and functional responses, drawing the parallel with obese human patients. Third, we will evoke the concept of the developmental origins of health and diseases, and how the pig model can shed light on the importance of maternal nutrition during gestation and lactation for the development of the gut–brain axis and adaptation abilities of the progeny to nutritional environments. Finally, three examples of preventive or therapeutic strategies will be introduced: the use of sensory food ingredients or pre-, pro-, and postbiotics to improve metabolic and cognitive functions; the implementation of chronic vagus nerve stimulation to prevent weight gain and glucose metabolism alterations; and the development of bariatric surgery in the pig model for the understanding of its complex mechanisms at the gut–brain level. A critical conclusion will brush the limitations of neurocognitive studies in the pig model and put in perspective the rationale and ethical concerns underlying the use of pig experimentation in nutrition and neurosciences.  相似文献   

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