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Edward O. Wilson's forays into human sociobiology have been the target of persistent, vehement attack by his Harvard colleague in evolutionary biology, Richard C. Lewontin. Through examination of existing documents in the case, together with in-depth personal interviews of Wilson, Lewontin, and other biologists, the reasons for Wilson's stance and Lewontin's criticisms are uncovered. It is argued that the dispute is not primarily personally or politically motivated, but involves a conflict between long-term scientific-cum-moral agendas, with the reductionist program as a key issue. It is concluded that it is in the interest of both disputants to keep the controversy alive.  相似文献   

A model system has been designed which generates ‘case’ of vaginal discharge. Each such case is presented to a human for diagnosis, and this is then compared with a computer diagnosis using two forms of Bayes' theorem. Six subjects (2 medical; 4 non-medical) participated in the trial and each examined 100 successive ‘cases’. When the human had forewarning of the trial and full access to the knowledge-base their performance was superior to that of Bayes' theorem using positive features only and equivalent to that using both positive and negative features. When the trial was repeated without forewarning the human performance was markedly inferior to that of the machine. It is concluded: (1) that human and computer-aided diagnosis can be of approximately equal efficiency for complex and non-definitive data; (2) that the imperfections of human memory give an obvious potential advantage to the machine in this type of situation.  相似文献   

Summary Studies of four combinations of Nicotiana involving four species, N. langsdorffii (N. l.), N. alata (N. a.), N. glutinosa (N. g.) and N. tabacum (N. t.), have shown that parthenogenetic haploid and diploid maternal individuals may arise with the use of male gametes (pollen) treated with high doses of ionising radiation in plants, similar to that found in animals (Hertwig Effect). At lower doses (10–20 Kr) rapidly diminishing numbers of seedlings were produced and many of these died soon after germination or before reaching maturity. In the intraspecific combination N. l. × N. l., viable seeds were produced only at the lower doses of 10 and 15 Kr. In the interspecific combination N. l. × N. a., at lower doses, all plants that came to bloom showed variable hybrid morphology. There were no plants resembling the female parent. In the combination N.t. × N.a., at lower doses there were rare surviving plants which were maternal dihaploid (1 plant out of 4 at 15 Kr) or tetraploid N. tabacum (all 5 plants at 20 Kr). All surviving plants at higher doses (50 and 100 Kr) were maternal tetraploids. In the combination N.t.×N.g., plants produced at lower than 20 Kr were almost all either aneuploid or triploid hybrids. Dihaploid, maternal N. tabacum plants appeared at 20 Kr and higher doses. After 50 Kr the large proportion of plants produced were maternal dihaploid or tetraploid N. tabacum.  相似文献   

Using the example of a 2009 visa requirement imposed onto Mexican nationals travelling to Canada, this paper frames migrant illegalization as an assemblage that brings together transnational connections, discursive and affective productions, modes of racialization and migrant negotiations. More specifically, the paper maps the events leading to the crafting of the visa requirement and the ensemble of stakeholders – Canadian immigration officials, politicians and business representatives, the Mexican and American governments and Mexican migrants –who responded to it. Through that analysis, the paper argues that migrant illegalization is not always a consistent or predictable set of practices, processes and actors, but instead an often contradictory assemblage of actions and reactions dependent on the social and political context.  相似文献   

There are several organizations in the US with responsibilities for regulatory oversight of the planned introduction of recombinant DNA organisms into the environment. Equally, there are many kinds of projects which require assessment. The policies, recommendations and rulings of the various authorities have been integrated into a ‘Coordinated Framework’ which defines the operation of flexible case-by-case risk assessment. Additions to and revision of the guidelines are being made, a process which will continue in the light of new experience.  相似文献   

Parasitic protists are a major cause of diarrhoeal illnesses in humans globally. Collectively, enteric pathogens exceed all other forms of infectious disease, in terms of their estimated global prevalence and socioeconomic impact. They have a disproportionately high impact on children in impoverished communities, leading to acute (diarrhoea, vomiting, dehydration and death) and chronic disease (malabsorption, malnutrition, physical and cognitive stunting and predisposition to chronic, non-communicable disease) consequences. However, historically, investment in research and disease control measures has been disproportionately poor, leading to their current classification as neglected pathogens. A sound understanding of their biology is essential in underpinning detection, treatment and control efforts. One major tool in rapidly improving our knowledge of these parasites is the use of biological systems, including ‘omic’ technologies. In recent years, these tools have shown significant success when applied to enteric protists. This review summarises much of this knowledge and highlights the significant remaining knowledge gaps. A major focus of the present review was to provide a perspective on a way forward to address these gaps using advanced biotechnologies.  相似文献   

Several developments in science education aim to improve pupils' ability to ‘think scientifically’. This paper argues for the explicit teaching of the ideas that pupils need to ‘think about’ to do this; ideas related to the design of investigations and the collection, presentation, analysis, and evaluation of the resulting evidence — ideas which are important both for pupils who continue to study or work with biology and for all pupils to become biologically literate. This paper considers some of the concepts of evidence which are particularly important to biology, and discusses how and why the ideas could be taught.  相似文献   

Drawing on surveys from two Mexican immigrant sending communities, this paper comparatively examines the link between subnational policy structures in US destinations and immigrants' settlement and residency behaviour. It focuses in particular on attrition through enforcement policy at the local and state level that is formed to trigger the voluntary exit of undesirable immigrants. With a twofold comparison of immigrants in three cities and two states, the analysis indicates that immigrants do not alter the duration of time they spend in receiving locales or change their state of residence due to restrictive subnational policies. Rather, economic and social factors more prominently shape immigrants' settlement and residency patterns. The implications of this analysis are discussed with particular attention to the incorporation process for immigrants who remain in destinations with attrition through enforcement policy.  相似文献   

Organismal movement is an essential component of ecological processes and connectivity among ecosystems. However, estimating connectivity and identifying corridors of movement are challenging in oceanic organisms such as young turtles that disperse into the open sea and remain largely unobserved during a period known as ‘the lost years’. Using predictions of transport within an ocean circulation model and data from published genetic analysis, we present to our knowledge, the first basin-scale hypothesis of distribution and connectivity among major rookeries and foraging grounds (FGs) of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) during their ‘lost years’. Simulations indicate that transatlantic dispersal is likely to be common and that recurrent connectivity between the southwestern Indian Ocean and the South Atlantic is possible. The predicted distribution of pelagic juvenile turtles suggests that many ‘lost years hotspots’ are presently unstudied and located outside protected areas. These models, therefore, provide new information on possible dispersal pathways that link nesting beaches with FGs. These pathways may be of exceptional conservation concern owing to their importance for sea turtles during a critical developmental period.  相似文献   

Most cultivated apple cultivars are highly susceptible to fire blight, caused by Erwinia amylovora. However, differences in resistance levels are observed among cultivars and could be used in breeding. In this paper, we investigated the genetic basis of fire blight resistance of the cultivar ‘Enterprise’ and the advanced breeding selection X-6398. Genotyped pedigrees were used for validating and curating historic pedigree records. Various quantitative trait locus (QTL) discovery approaches were applied on the full-sib families ‘Gala’ × ‘Enterprise’ (GaEn) and X-6398 × X-6683 (IW) with the software FlexQTL? and MapQTL®. The paternal lineage of ‘Enterprise’ was reconstructed and showed to include ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’. The QTLs found varied with the software used. Using FlexQTL?, two were found on linkage groups (LGs) 7 and 13, favourable alleles inherited by Enterprise from ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ and ‘Golden Delicious’, respectively. The former was identical to the previously named FB_F7 allele from ‘Fiesta’, while the latter is new and has been named FB_13GD. X-6398 had a QTL at the same position as FB_F7. Its favourable allele was new, originating from the unknown grandfather of X-4598, and was named FB_7X-6398. Using MapQTL® on GaEn, FB_F7 was also identified. Performing the same analysis on the subset of offspring that carried the favourable allele of FB_F7, two putative QTLs on LG8 and on top of LG13 were identified, which showed interactions with FB_F7. Implication of the findings for breeding for fire blight-resistant apples is discussed. Single nucleotide polymorphism data on Enterprise and its ancestors are provided.  相似文献   

Understanding the dynamics of the Late Quaternary Caribbean mammal extinction event is complicated by continuing uncertainty over the taxonomic status of many species. Hispaniola is one of the few Caribbean islands to retain native non-volant mammals; however, there has been little consensus over past or present levels of diversity in Hispaniolan hutias (Capromyidae: Plagiodontinae). Craniodental measurement data from modern hutia specimens, previously classified as both Plagiodontia aedium and P. hylaeum, display morphological differences between Hispaniola's northern and southern palaeo-islands using MANOVA and PCA. Although attempts to amplify mitochondrial DNA from the holotype of Paedium were unsuccessful, this specimen is morphometrically associated with southern palaeo-island specimens. The mandibular size distribution of recent Plagiodontia specimens is unimodal, but the Late Quaternary mandibular size distribution is multimodal and displays much broader measurement spread, representing multiple extinct species. Finite Mixture Analysis was used to assess the best fit of different taxonomic hypotheses to the fossil mandibular size distribution. All retained FMA models include living hutias and P. spelaeum as distinct taxa; PCA further demonstrates that levels of morphological variation between modern hutia populations are lower than levels between living hutias and P. spelaeum, so that living hutias are interpreted as the single species P. aedium. Taxonomic differentiation for larger-bodied hutias is less well defined, but most retained models show only one larger species, for which the only available name is P. velozi. ‘Plagiodontiaaraeum is morphologically distinct from other species and is reassigned to Hyperplagiodontia. Hispaniola's plagiodontine fauna has lost its largest and smallest representatives; similar trends of body size selectivity in extinction risk are shown more widely across the Caribbean mammal fauna, possibly due to different regional anthropogenic threats (invasive mammals, hunting) affecting small-bodied and large-bodied mammals during the recent past. This apparent pattern of extinction selectivity is named the ‘Goldilocks Hypothesis’.  相似文献   

Highlights? SFA can aid sustainable P management in response to P scarcity and pollution. ? 18 recent P SFAs are assessed at different scales to identify P ‘hotspots’. ? Context-specific analyses are important to quantify P flows in a given system. ? Regardless of scale, P is lost from all sectors between mine, field and fork. ? Losses in the mining/fertilizer and food processing sectors must not be overlooked. ? P use efficiency and recovery is needed in mining, agriculture, food, household and waste sectors.  相似文献   

The slaughter of animals is a fundamental aspect of the economic, social and spiritual life of many people in South Africa. Under apartheid, these events generally occurred in rural areas or urban townships designated for black people. Since the transition to democracy in the 1990s, increased suburban mixing has exposed established middle-class residents, notably white people, to cattle slaughter. The article explores the resulting public discourses on these events, such as condemnations, liberal appeals for tolerance and Africanist claims to citizenship and space. In addition, the article examines anxieties that some white people express in relation to the materiality of the slaughter of animals in residential areas. The article offers a multi-layered analysis of reactions to animal slaughter in relation to race, identity, difference, space and the place of animals and meat production in cities.  相似文献   

As a result of their intrinsic beauty and relative abundance in some Mesozoic deposits, ammonites have always attracted the attention of scholars and curious people, with written testimonies that can be traced back to Pliny's Naturalis Historiae of 75 ad. The mysterious and evocative charm enclosed behind these extinct cephalopod has made its influence felt on legends, myths, necromancy, medicine, religion and literature, attracting the literary interest of authors such as Goethe, Scott, Schiller and Salgari. Of particular interest is the evolution of scientific thought and interpretations that, over time, have groped to find a place for these ‘difficult fossils’, suspended between the organic world and the stone. In the present work, I briefly discuss the history of the study of ammonites in the Italian peninsula, during the period between the sixteenth and the late nineteenth centuries. Initially interpreted as petrified snakes, and believed for a long time to be ‘giant’ ancestors of living and extinct foraminifera, only in the nineteenth century, ammonites were definitively interpreted as extinct cephalopods, with the recognition of their crucial importance for biostratigraphy.  相似文献   

This article uses the Karhunen-Loève decomposition (KL) technique, also known as proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) or principal component analysis (PCA), to introduce the concept of gait mode, which can be used as a tool to identify gait differences among subjects or groups and to approximate gait curves. The KL is a statistical pattern analysis technique for finding dominant structures in an ensemble of data. This technique can be used to decompose a spatiotemporal signal into time-independent, orthogonal, spatial components and time-dependent amplitudes. This study demonstrates the existence of a common gait mode through the analysis of the kinematics of 57 young, healthy subjects, and how they can be used to identify different walking patterns, for instance differentiating male and female subjects.  相似文献   

The scarcity of experimental evidence for the persistence of predator–prey systems at the metapopulation level inspired us to develop a simple predator–prey experiment that could be used for testing several theoretical predictions concerning persistence and its causes. The experimental system used consisted of one or several islands with small bean plants, the phytophagous mite Tetranychus urticae and the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis. In the first experiment, one large system was used consisting of 90 small bean plants, prey and predators. The system persisted for only 120 days. Second, a system was used consisting of eight islands with ten plants each where the islands were connected by bridges. Two replicate experiments showed persistence for at least 393 days. The difference between the first and the second experiments suggests that the longer persistence is caused by a limited migration between the eight islands. Despite efforts to start both replicates of the second experiment with similar initial conditions, the dynamics of both replicates varied substantially. In one replicate the prey and predator numbers showed a trend through time, whereas the numbers fluctuated around a fixed value in the other replicate. A time series analysis of the data of the prey and predators showed the presence of periodicity with a lag of 8.5 weeks in one replicate, whereas such cyclic behaviour was not found in the other replicate. The differences between the two replicates suggest that it is difficult to perform experiments where one replicate is perturbed and the other serves as an undisturbed control. We suggest using a longer time series, where a system is disturbed only during the second half of the experiment. The data from the first and second halves can subsequently be used to estimate the effect of the perturbation. The advantages and disadvantages of this method are discussed. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Networking during the early stages of the Levantine Neolithic appears to have been encouraged by increasing demands for exotics, i.e. non-local commodities. The actual exchange of merchandise stimulated also transmission of knowledge, i.e. innovations. Together these were instrumental in affecting the social fabric of society. It appears that specific geographic settings as well as large-scale communal edifices played a pivotal role in sustaining and promoting Neolithic networking.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity within species may promote resilience to environmental change, yet little is known about how such variation is distributed at broad geographic scales. Here we develop a novel Bayesian methodology to analyse multi-species genetic diversity data in order to identify regions of high or low genetic diversity. We apply this method to co-distributed taxa from Australian marine waters. We extracted published summary statistics of population genetic diversity from 118 studies of 101 species and > 1000 populations from the Australian marine economic zone. We analysed these data using two approaches: a linear mixed model for standardised data, and a mixed beta-regression for unstandardised data, within a Bayesian framework. Our beta-regression approach performed better than models using standardised data, based on posterior predictive tests. The best model included region (Integrated Marine and Coastal Regionalisation of Australia (IMCRA) bioregions), latitude and latitude squared. Removing region as an explanatory variable greatly reduced model performance (delta DIC 23.4). Several bioregions were identified as possessing notably high genetic diversity. Genetic diversity increased towards the equator with a ‘hump’ in diversity across the range studied (−9.4 to −43.7°S). Our results suggest that factors correlated with both region and latitude play a role in shaping intra-specific genetic diversity, and that bioregion can be a useful management unit for intra-specific as well as species biodiversity. Our novel statistical model should prove useful for future analyses of within species genetic diversity at broad taxonomic and geographic scales.  相似文献   

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