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Joane Nagel 《Ethnic and racial studies》2013,36(2):242-269
Richard G. Fox (ed.), NATIONALIST IDEOLOGIES AND THE PRODUCTION OF NATIONAL CULTURE, Washington: American Anthropological Association, 1990, 177 pp., $17.00. Michael Watson (ed.), CONTEMPORARY MINORITY NATIONALISM, London: Routledge, 1990, 277 pp., £35.00. Christie Davies, ETHNIC HUMOR AROUND THE WORLD, A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS, Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1990, 404 pp., $39.95. Elizabeth Fox‐Genovese, WITHIN THE PLANTATION HOUSEHOLD: BLACK AND WHITE WOMEN OF THE OLD SOUTH, Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1988, 544 pp., $34.95 and $12.95 (paper). Darlene Clark Hine, BLACK WOMEN IN WHITE: RACIAL CONFLICT AND COOPERATION IN THE NURSING PROFESSION, 1890–1950, Btoomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1989, 264 pp., $35.00 and $12.95 (paper). Pnina Werbner, THE MIGRATION PROCESS, Oxford: Berg, 1989, 391 pp., $56.00. Elaine Pinderhughes, UNDERSTANDING RACE, ETHNICITY AND POWER: THE KEY TO EFFICACY IN CLINICAL PRACTICE, New York: The Free Press; London: Collier Macmillan, 1989, 269 pp., £20.00. Paul B. Pedersen, Juris G. Draguns, Walter J. Lonner, Joseph E. Trimble, COUNSELLING ACROSS CULTURES, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1989, (third edition), xii + 402 pp., £14.35 (paper). Roland Littlewood and Morris Lipsedge, ALIENS AND ALIENISTS: ETHNIC MINORITIES AND PSYCHIATRY, London: Unwin Hyman, 1989, (second edition), xvii + 334 pp., £32.00 and £10.95 (paper). H. Russell Bernard and Jesús Salinas Pedraza, NATIVE ETHNOGRAPHY; A MEXICAN INDIAN DESCRIBES HIS CULTURE, London: Sage Publications, 1989, 648 pp., £62.00 (Illustrated). 相似文献
Peter Wade 《Ethnic and racial studies》2013,36(5):845-865
The empirical intersection of ideas about race and nation are well-established, but theoretical explanations for this are less developed. Some ideas are advanced about how and why ideologies of race, nation, gender and sexuality intertwine. This leads on to a consideration of the tensions between sameness and difference that are argued to be constitutive of national identities. From here, an argument is developed about dynamics of appropriation and the maintenance of hegemony in racially diverse and multicultural nations. These theoretical ideas are illustrated with material from Latin America, particularly Colombia, with reference to Colombian popular music as an important cultural form in nationalist expression. 相似文献
Malcolm Cross 《Ethnic and racial studies》2013,36(1):37-59
This article explores Arab American "invisibility" as a central theme in the historical narrative of Arab immigrants and their descendants in North America. "Invisibility" is primarily addressed in terms of Arab Americans' paradoxical positioning within the US racial/ethnic classification system. The article argues that four central paradoxes shape Arab American identity. The first paradox is that Arab Americans are a complex, diverse community, but are represented as a monolith in popular North American media images. The second paradox is that Arab Americans are simultaneously racialized as whites and as non-whites. The third paradox is that Arab Americans are racialized according to religion (Islam) rather than biology (phenotype). The fourth paradox involves the intersection between religious forms of identity that Arab immigrants bring to the US and racial forms of identity that structure US society. Overall, the article claims that each paradox of Arab American identity reinforces the difficulties associated in classifying this population. 相似文献
M. K. Flynn 《Ethnic and racial studies》2013,36(5):703-718
The category of Iberian identity includes national identities within Spain, Portugal and Latin America. The case of Spain and Spanish national identity has been particularly neglected in academic literature, although this situation has been changing since the mid-1990s, in comparison with analyses of alternative national identities within the Spanish state. This is related the discrediting of Spanish nationalism during the Francoist dictatorship later democratic devolution which encouraged an analogous diversification in the study of national identities within Spain. Since the asymmetric of Spain, Spanish interpretations of nationhood have reflected the premise of the 1978 Constitution that the nation's unity is complemented and strengthened by its national and regional diversity. Variety within broad category of Iberian identities is augmented by the incidence of labour migration into Spain and Portugal and development of popular culture, this case music, in Latin America and specifically Colombia. 相似文献
This essay sketches the ambivalent relationship of Hebraism and Hellenism from ancient times to the foundation of modern Israel. It analyses classical Greek influence on the Jewish Enlightenment (the Haskalah) and modern Jewish nationalism, particularly as reflected in Hebrew literature. Greece's successful struggle for independence from Ottoman Turkey in the 1820s showed the early Zionists that an ancient nation could be resurrected. Also, the ancient Greek ideal of physical education, revived in nineteenth-century Europe, radically transformed both Christian and Jewish attitudes to the body, giving rise to two related movements, "muscular Christianity" and "muscular Judaism". As the assimilationist attempts of the Haskalah broke down in the late nineteenth century under the burden of anti-Semitism and European racial nationalism, "muscular Judaism" was incorporated into Zionism. Jewish nationalists largely rejected rabbinic spirituality, non-belligerence and the disdain for athleticism which had dominated Jewish life after Rome destroyed the Jewish state in 70 CE. 相似文献
P. HANSEN 《Bioacoustics.》2013,22(3):229-265
The vocal repertoire of the Asiatic Black Bear (Ursus thibetanus) has been poorly studied and until recently only two call types (chuffing and humming) have been described. Here I investigate the vocalizations of three wild orphaned cubs (two males and one female) reared by two observers in natural conditions in the Russian Far East. I grouped the calls into structural types, and then compared them with existing literature data on vocalizations of the same, as well as other species of the Ursidae family. In total, 1302 calls were classified visually from spectrograms into seven call types: whine, moan, yelp, grunt, snort, chuffing and humming. Classification results were verified with discriminant function analysis and randomization. I also fixed the presence of nonlinear phenomena (NLP) and articulation effects in calls. Whine was the most frequently recorded, as well as the most structurally variable call type due to a high rate of NLP. These results indicate that the vocal repertoire of the Asiatic Black Bear cubs is graded, but includes at least two discrete sound types. This work needs to be continued with further studies of vocalizations of cubs and adults of this species to verify the results of this preliminary study. 相似文献
Moshe Shokeid 《Ethnic and racial studies》2013,36(2):198-212
Panethnicity ‐ the development of bridging organizations and the generalization of solidarity among ethnic subgroups ‐ is important theoretically because it focuses attention on ethnic change, and allows one to assess the relative importance of structural and cultural factors. In this article we present a framework for the study of panethnicity, generate research questions from this framework, and then test these questions by examining panethnicity within four broad racial/ethnic groupings: Asian Americans, Native Americans, Indo Americans and Latinos in the United States. A review of these four cases demonstrates that those groups with the greatest cross‐subgroup structural similarity (Asian Americans and Indo Americans) also display the greatest panethnic development and potential, despite their considerable cultural diversity. This suggests that structural factors are more important for understanding the development of panethnicity and, by extension, for understanding ethnic change generally. 相似文献
随着传统义利观在中国传统文化中的不断丰富和发展,深深地影响着人们的价值观,并在人们的心中形成一种道德自律和民族自觉,对人们的行为发挥着重要的指导作用。在对医学生的培养教育中,往往只注重科学教育,缺乏包括义利观教育等在内的人文教育成为医学生培养系统亟待解决的问题。作为医学院校应当明确当代医患矛盾频出的关键所在,强调医学生建立"重义轻利"的人文理念,不断提高医疗服务道德水平。 相似文献