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Enjoying a surge of national pride, the German media celebrated the 2010 German World Cup team's success in South Africa. A dominant theme in this coverage was the ‘immigration background’ of 11 of the 23 players on the team and their claim to German identity despite their ethnic diversity. Amid debate over the changing nature of German citizenship, the national team's ‘multicultural kickers’ became the focal point for those who wished to re-frame German identity. This article examines German newspaper and magazine coverage of the national soccer team emphasizing the role that media played in constructing competing definitions of the German citizen and nation.  相似文献   


We briefly review the ethnic entrepreneurship paradigm, identifying the problems associated with an approach that emphasizes the salience of one social group, ethnicity, to the exclusion or downplaying of others, such as race, class, and gender. We introduce an intersectional approach to the study of (ethnic) enterprise, reviewing the literature and using the articles in this special issue to demonstrate the utility of this perspective. We close by encouraging the use of this approach in future research.  相似文献   


Ethnicity, like race, religion, and nationality, is a feature of group identity that is contested. There are literatures devoted to each, and in each there are those who see the origins of identity and affiliation in ancestry and deeply rooted affect and those who see these as socially constructed and instrumentally used by elites. Yet all recognize that the ancestral is socially constructed and that social constructions make use of existing cultural features, and that the vertical cleavages of race, religion, ethnicity, and nationality dominate the horizontal ones of class. This generates implications for institutional changes, for the pursuit of extraterritorial interests, for the selection of explanatory narratives for conflict when multiple attributions are possible, for intra-communal conflict, and for policies for ethnic conflict regulation.  相似文献   

Historical research on western racial theories has grown exponentially in the past few years. A number of scholars have also investigated various cases of ethnic prejudice beyond the western pale, for instance against Koreans in Japan or Muslims in India. Yet, little attention has been given to the modalities in which European nineteenth-century racial thought was adopted in other parts of the world. This article attempts to broach a discussion on this under-analysed aspect of race studies by reviewing one case, that of Arab-hatred in modern Iran. I argue that the intense hatred of Arabs in Iranian nationalist texts derives from a racialized vision of Iranian history born in nineteenth-century European texts. Racialized historiography was selectively imported by the ideologues of Iranian nationalism as it allowed them to explain Iran's weakness in terms of a loss of racial purity.  相似文献   

FIELD, ALISON E, GRAHAM A COLDITZ, KAREN E PETERSON. Racial/ethnic and gender differences in concern with weight and in bulimic behaviors among adolescents. This study examined cross-sectional gender and racial/ethnic differences in bulimic behaviors among adolescents. Subjects were 704 male and 621 female students at a large urban public high school in the Northeast. Approximately 61% of the girls and 43% of the boys reported trying to lose weight or maintain their current weight; 2.0% of the students reported using laxatives or vomiting to control their weight. The use of these behaviors to control weight was only slightly more common among girls than boys (2.7% vs. 1.4%,p=0.1). Although more black than white girls used laxatives or vomiting to control weight (odds ratio [OR]=11.9, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.5–95.3), there were no racial/ethnic differences in these behaviors among boys. However, Hispanic boys were twice as likely as white boys to binge eat at least monthly (OR=2.0, 95% CI 1.1–3.6). Our results suggest that bulimic behaviors affect male and female adolescents from a variety of racial/ethnic backgrounds. In addition, in contrast to the large gender differences in the prevalence of dieting and binge eating, more modest differences were documented in the prevalence of using vomiting and laxatives to control weight.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate sexual dimorphism and race differences in fat distribution (android/gynoid) before and during puberty. Research Methods and Procedures: Fat distribution was measured by skinfold thickness and DXA in healthy African‐American, Asian, and white subjects (n = 920), divided into pre‐, early, and late pubertal groups. Results: Gynoid fat masses adjusted for covariates were lower in late pubertal compared with prepubertal boys, but were not consistently greater in late pubertal compared with prepubertal girls. Progression of sex‐specific fat distribution with increasing maturation was present in Asians only. Among African‐American and white subjects, early pubertal boys had greater gynoid fat mass compared with the prepubertal group, whereas early pubertal girls had less gynoid fat mass compared with the prepubertal group. Sexual dimorphism in fat distribution was present in all pubertal groups, except among whites at early puberty. Among girls, Asians had lower gynoid fat than whites and African Americans in all pubertal groups. Among boys, Asians had less gynoid fat by DXA in early puberty and late puberty. Discussion: Comparison among races demonstrated differences in sexual dimorphism and sex‐specific fat distribution with progression in pubertal group. However, in all race groups, the fat distribution of late pubertal boys was more “male” or “android” than prepubertal boys, but late pubertal girls did not differ consistently from prepubertal girls. These findings suggested that the greater sexual dimorphism of fat distribution in late puberty compared with prepuberty may be attributable to larger changes in boys with smaller changes in girls.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine whether regular aerobic exercise improves symptoms of sleep‐disordered breathing in overweight children, as has been shown in adults. Research Methods and Procedures: Healthy but overweight (BMI ≥85th percentile) 7‐ to 11‐year‐old children were recruited from public schools for a randomized controlled trial of exercise effects on diabetes risk. One hundred children (53% black, 41% male) were randomly assigned to a control group (n = 27), a low‐dose exercise group (n = 36), or a high‐dose exercise group (n = 37). Exercise groups underwent a 13 ± 1.5 week after‐school program that provided 20 or 40 minutes per day of aerobic exercise (average heart rate = 164 beats per minute). Group changes were compared on BMI z‐score and four Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire scales: Snoring, Sleepiness, Behavior, and a summary scale, Sleep‐Related Breathing Disorders. Analyses were adjusted for age. Results: Both the high‐dose and low‐dose exercise groups improved more than the control group on the Snoring scale. The high‐dose exercise group improved more than the low‐dose exercise and control groups on the summary scale. No group differences were found for changes on Sleepiness, Behavior, or BMI z‐score. At baseline, 25% screened positive for sleep‐disordered breathing; half improved to a negative screen after intervention. Discussion: Regular vigorous exercise can improve snoring, a symptom of sleep‐disordered breathing, in overweight children. Aerobic exercise programs may be valuable for prevention and treatment of sleep‐disordered breathing in overweight children.  相似文献   

Intersectionality, the theory named by Kimberlé Crenshaw, outlines how multiple elements of an individual's social identity overlap to create and preserve societal inequalities and discrimination. Recently bioarchaeology's engagement with intersectionality has become increasingly explicit, as the field recognizes the lived experience of multiple axes of an individual's identity. Evidence of trauma can remain observable in an individual's skeleton for years, making it an ideal subject of study for intersectional analyses in bioarchaeology. Using contrasting case studies of two individuals who died in hospitals and were unclaimed after death, we explore the theoretical and methodological application of intersectionality to investigations of accidental and interpersonal trauma. Differences in identities and structural inequalities affect bone quality and health outcomes. As we demonstrate, a broken bone is the intersecting result of biological, histomorphological, sociocultural, and behavioral factors. This approach allows for a better acknowledgement of the inherent complexity of past lives, elevating and amplifying previously silenced voices. In this way, intersectionality in bioarchaeology demands social justice.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of education for shaping individuals’ life chances, little research has examined trends and differences in educational attainment for detailed demographic subpopulations in the United States. We use labour market segmentation and cohort replacement theories, linear regression methods, and data from the National Health Interview Survey to understand educational attainment by race/ethnicity, nativity, birth cohort, and sex between 1989 and 2005 in the United States. There have been significant changes in educational attainment over time. In support of the cohort replacement theory, we find that across cohorts, females have enjoyed greater gains in education than men, and for some race/ethnic groups, recent cohorts of women average more years of education than comparable men. And in support of labour market segmentation theories, foreign-born Mexican Americans continue to possess relatively low levels of educational attainment. Our results can aid policymakers in identifying vulnerable populations, and form the base from which to better understand changing disparities in education.  相似文献   

Genealogy, or the study of one's ancestral patri-lineage, has a long and esteemed pedigree in French Canadian and Québécois history. From Cyprien Tanguay's late-nineteenth-century encyclopedias to René Jetté's updated versions more than a century later, genealogy has been an important component of French Canadian nationalisms. Tracing one's ancestry back to the early St. Lawrence settlement in the seventeenth century has provided Québécois subjects with opportune political and social capital with which to make territorial and national claims legitimate. Through a case study approach, I explain how genealogy provides the grounds upon which Québécois and French subjects remember a shared past. Specifically, I examine a variety of sites of memory in the French countryside, including a museum that relies on ‘genealogics’ to call the French Canadian Québécois back to its roots. As such, I demonstrate how the biological, read as a contemporary articulation of Balibar's notion of the racial supplément necessary to nation building, travels across the Atlantic.  相似文献   

Stimulated by a recent government ban on kosher slaughter (shechita), and a whale stranding involving Ngāti Toa near Wellington, the author compares the quests of Indigenous and minority groups for cultural rights in Aotearoa (New Zealand). Observing Māori and Jews navigating in the contexts of the Treaty of Waitangi and human rights legislation, this paper provides concrete ethnographic examples that highlight how such claims articulate with the political and legal contexts in this Antipodean nation.  相似文献   

The persistence of violence over the past several decades coupled with the explosive growth of intersectionality as a form of critical inquiry and praxis suggest that the connections between violence, intersecting power relations and political resistance remain highly salient. In this commentary, I ask, in what ways might continuing to focus on violence illuminate the connections between intersecting systems of power and on the contours of political resistance? To address this question, I revisit two themes in “The Tie That Binds: Race, Gender and US Violence”, namely, (1) how conceptualizing violence as a saturated site of intersecting power relations contributes to analyses of political domination and (2) how attending to the analyses and actions of African American women and similarly subordinated groups deepens understandings of flexible solidarity as a core feature of transversal politics.  相似文献   

The published literature on serum selenium levels in the US population describes studies on small samples that may not be representative of the US population. This analysis provides the first nationally representative serum selenium levels in the US population by age group, sex, race-ethnicity, poverty income ratio (PIR), geographic region, and urban status. The Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) is a national population-based cross-sectional survey with an in-person interview and serum selenium measurements. For the 18,597 persons for whom serum selenium values were available in NHANES III, the mean concentration was 1.58 μmol/L and the median concentration was 1.56 μmol/L. Mean serum selenium levels differed by age group, sex, race-ethnicity, PIR, and geographic region. The US population has slight differences in serum selenium levels by demographic factors.  相似文献   

The great diversity of sex determination mechanisms in animals and plants ranges from genetic sex determination (GSD, e.g. mammals, birds, and most dioecious plants) to environmental sex determination (ESD, e.g. many reptiles) and includes a mixture of both, for example when an individual’s genetically determined sex is environmentally reversed during ontogeny (ESR, environmental sex reversal, e.g. many fish and amphibia). ESD and ESR can lead to widely varying and unstable population sex ratios. Populations exposed to conditions such as endocrine‐active substances or temperature shifts may decline over time due to skewed sex ratios, a scenario that may become increasingly relevant with greater anthropogenic interference on watercourses. Continuous exposure of populations to factors causing ESR could lead to the extinction of genetic sex factors and may render a population dependent on the environmental factors that induce the sex change. However, ESR also presents opportunities for population management, especially if the Y or W chromosome is not, or not severely, degenerated. This seems to be the case in many amphibians and fish. Population growth or decline in such species can potentially be controlled through the introduction of so‐called Trojan sex genes carriers, individuals that possess sex chromosomes or genes opposite from what their phenotype predicts. Here, we review the conditions for ESR, its prevalence in natural populations, the resulting physiological and reproductive consequences, and how these may become instrumental for population management.  相似文献   


This paper aims to demonstrate how intersectionality provides an important conceptual tool to analyse practices of cultural production in ethnic minority media. In the context of the digital age, media are increasingly central as systems of representation of identity, culture and community. However, research examining how ethnic minority media become engaged in struggles of power is rare. Few works have paid attention to the ways in which race and gender operate in tandem to produce and maintain the unequal distribution of power in the mediascape of countries of post-colonial immigration. This paper juxtaposes gender studies and ethnic studies in order to analyse the representation of gender in ethnic media, with a particular focus on journalistic practices.  相似文献   

Objective: To assess the characteristics of children and adolescents who drop out of a clinical weight management program. Research Methods and Procedures: A retrospective survey of children and adolescents attending a pediatric weight management program [n = 518; mean ± SEM: age 10.4 ± 0.2 years, BMI z‐score 4.9 ± 0.1, 62% female, 41% African American and 57% white] was undertaken. Characteristics of children (age, relative weight, gender, and ethnicity) who dropped out of the program were compared with characteristics of those who continued beyond the initial assessment as a function of type of insurance. Results: The children who dropped out of the program after the initial assessment differed by ethnicity from those who continued in the program: 63% of white children returned for more than one visit, whereas only 35% of the African‐American children continued in the program. Indemnity insurance coverage was associated with more clinic visits, as compared with managed care insurance. The association between insurance type and clinic visit number was of borderline significance (p = 0.06), when ethnic group was added to this analysis. Discussion: Ethnicity is associated with attendance in a Pediatric Weight Management Program. Given the epidemic of obesity in children and adolescents, issues related to program compliance must be assessed to improve overall outcome. This is especially important given the high rate of obesity among African Americans and the low rate of ongoing attendance observed among African Americans in the Weight Management Program.  相似文献   

This volume explores music competitions, religious movements, fashion magazines, copyright policy and overseas university campuses, among others, as potential sites for the generation and spread of cosmopolitan ideas, competencies and projects. Our contributors focus on how and when that happens, in what combinations, and what difference it makes when aspects of cosmopolitanism are disseminated at music competitions, UNESCO World Heritage sites, or through membership in elite social clubs. They embed the production and dissemination of cosmopolitanism within cultural and institutional contexts, thereby bringing to light not just the classroom, editorial room and stage, but the complex, power-laden set of organizational arrangements that undergird them and the geopolitical context within which they take shape.  相似文献   

In a field experiment, we studied how levels of aggression in males and females in established pairs of the Banggai cardinalfish were influenced by the sex of an experimentally introduced individual larger and more attractive than its resident counterpart. Contrary to previous studies on other cardinalfish species, and contrary to expectations in a sex role reversed species, the male was the main aggressor towards an intruder. Moreover, residents were more aggressive towards an intruder of the same sex as themselves. Furthermore, even though females often courted introduced, larger males, no intruder managed to take over the partnership of any resident. We suggest that our findings imply relatively equal sex roles in the Banggai cardinalfish and we discuss the evolution of sex specific territory defence and its significance in the Banggai cardinalfish as well as the implications of such behaviour in the interpretations of sex roles in general.  相似文献   

At a time when the pace of global change has led to unprecedented shifts in, and unsettling of, identities, Brubaker brings “trans/gender” and “trans/racial” creatively into conversation to theorize the historical location of identity claims and to examine the question of whether identities are optional, self-consciously chosen and subject to political claims rather than biologically pre-given. His main argument is that the distinction between sex and gender allows us to construct gender identity as personal, individual and separate from the (biologically) sexed body. In contrast, other people always have a stake in allowing or challenging identity claims to racial identity. Brubaker’s argument is persuasive. However, he treats both race and sex/gender as solipsistic and neglects the wider social context that has produced the conditions of possibility for the entrenched differences he records. An intersectional approach would have deepened his discussion of the place of categories in “trans” arguments.  相似文献   

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