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Existing and alternative policy towards the Arabs in Israel*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Definitions of racial harassment adopting symmetrical and asymmetrical perspectives are reviewed, and the term ‘racist harassment’ is proposed. The Glasgow study of harassment adopted a combined statistical and case‐study approach. Black experiences of racist harassment in Glasgow in 1988 are documented through the presentation of survey results. The Housing Department recognized harassment, but its active response was confused. Transfer of victims and action against perpetrators are discussed. None of three case‐studies extracted from Housing Department files was satisfactorily resolved. Other cities show alternative, effective responses. Racism in Scotland, both interpersonal and institutional, is examined. In Glasgow, we conclude, racism creates interpersonal harassment and an institutional failure to respond.  相似文献   

Research in the United States and Europe has focused on the prejudice of majority groups towards minority groups, the implication somehow being that majority groups were more prejudiced than minority groups. In the former Soviet Union, ethnic environments were more complex; the same ethnic group could be a majority in one region but a minority in others. Using a sample of 1,459 first‐ and fourth‐year university students from eight regions of the former USSR, this study focuses on Russian, Tatar and Ukrainian respondents (n = 821) to test the hypothesis that the status of an ethnic group (majority/minority) or in‐group bias explains members’ prejudice. According to in‐group bias, all ethnic groups are equally prejudiced, minority and majority alike, whereas group status posits that groups in a majority position are more prejudiced. Findings show that group status has greater impact on prejudice than does in‐group bias. This applies, however, only to Russians. Interpretations of the findings rest on Soviet history and the rise of nationalism during the breakup of the Soviet Union.  相似文献   

Is discrimination based on caste equivalent to racism? This paper explores the complex relationship between genetic, race and caste. It also discusses the debate over the exclusion of a discussion of caste‐based discrimination at the 2001 World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance held in Durban, South Africa.  相似文献   

The Danes have traditionally seen themselves as an enlightened and tolerant people, regarding with contempt those who, like many white Americans or South Africans, hold negative attitudes towards ethnic or racial minorities. This positive self‐image was confirmed during World War II when in an impressive rescue operation almost all Danish Jews (the only sizeable minority group in Denmark at the time) were helped to safety in neutral Sweden. During the 1960s and 1970s Danish society ‐ until then one of the most homogeneous societies in Europe ‐ became increasingly more heterogeneous through the influx of economic migrants ‐ ‘foreign workers’ ‐ mainly from Turkey, Pakistan and Yugoslavia. For the first time the Danes have had to deal with ethnic minorities whose culture, language, religion and physical appearance differ significantly from the majority's. On the basis of a comprehensive attitude survey, it appears that the Danes today are less tolerant towards ‘foreign workers’ than might have been expected on the basis of their past record. This article considers whether this intolerance can be explained in terms of (1) the structure of present‐day Danish society; (2) the general characteristics of the respondents (age, gender, etc.), or (3) the social and cultural characteristics of the new minorities. It is suggested that ethnic prejudice exists latently even in apparently tolerant societies and tends to surface when a ‘suitable’ target group becomes available.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) polymorphism was examined in three Russian populations from the European part of Russia (Stavropol krai, Orel oblast, and Saratov oblast). This analysis showed that mitochondrial gene pool of Russians was represented by the mtDNA types belonging to haplogroups H, V, HV*, J, T, U, K, I, W, and X. A mongoloid admixture (1.5%) was revealed in the form of mtDNA types of macrohaplogroup M. Comparative analysis of the mtDNA haplogroup frequency distribution patterns in six Russian populations from the European part of Russia indicated the absence of substantial genetic differences between them. However, in Russian populations from the southern and central regions the frequency of haplogroup V (average frequency 8%) was higher than in the populations from more northern regions. Based on the data on mtDNA HVS1 sequence variation, it was shown that the diversity of haplogroup V in Russians (h = 0.72) corresponded to the highest h values observed in Europe. The reasons for genetic differentiation of the Russian population (historical, ecological, and adaptive) are discussed.  相似文献   

Several studies examined the fine-scale structure of human genetic variation in Europe. However, the European sets analyzed represent mainly northern, western, central, and southern Europe. Here, we report an analysis of approximately 166,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms in populations from eastern (northeastern) Europe: four Russian populations from European Russia, and three populations from the northernmost Finno-Ugric ethnicities (Veps and two contrast groups of Komi people). These were compared with several reference European samples, including Finns, Estonians, Latvians, Poles, Czechs, Germans, and Italians. The results obtained demonstrated genetic heterogeneity of populations living in the region studied. Russians from the central part of European Russia (Tver, Murom, and Kursk) exhibited similarities with populations from central–eastern Europe, and were distant from Russian sample from the northern Russia (Mezen district, Archangelsk region). Komi samples, especially Izhemski Komi, were significantly different from all other populations studied. These can be considered as a second pole of genetic diversity in northern Europe (in addition to the pole, occupied by Finns), as they had a distinct ancestry component. Russians from Mezen and the Finnic-speaking Veps were positioned between the two poles, but differed from each other in the proportions of Komi and Finnic ancestries. In general, our data provides a more complete genetic map of Europe accounting for the diversity in its most eastern (northeastern) populations.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine race/ethnic consciousness and its associations with experiences of racial discrimination and health in New Zealand. Racism is an important determinant of health and cause of ethnic inequities. However, conceptualising the mechanisms by which racism impacts on health requires racism to be contextualised within the broader social environment. Race/ethnic consciousness (how often people think about their race or ethnicity) is understood as part of a broader assessment of the ‘racial climate’. Higher race/ethnic consciousness has been demonstrated among non-dominant racial/ethnic groups and linked to adverse health outcomes in a limited number of studies. We analysed data from the 2006/07 New Zealand Health Survey, a national population-based survey of New Zealand adults, to examine the distribution of ethnic consciousness by ethnicity, and its association with individual experiences of racial discrimination and self-rated health. Findings showed that European respondents were least likely to report thinking about their ethnicity, with people from non-European ethnic groupings all reporting relatively higher ethnic consciousness. Higher ethnic consciousness was associated with an increased likelihood of reporting experience of racial discrimination for all ethnic groupings and was also associated with fair/poor self-rated health after adjusting for age, sex and ethnicity. However, this difference in health was no longer evident after further adjustment for socioeconomic position and individual experience of racial discrimination. Our study suggests different experiences of racialised social environments by ethnicity in New Zealand and that, at an individual level, ethnic consciousness is related to experiences of racial discrimination. However, the relationship with health is less clear and needs further investigation with research to better understand the racialised social relations that create and maintain ethnic inequities in health in attempts to better address the impacts of racism on health.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) polymorphism was examined in three Russian populations from the European part of Russia (Stavropol krai, Orel oblast, and Saratov oblast). This analysis showed that mitochondrial gene pool of Russians was represented by the mtDNA types belonging to haplogroups H, V, HV*, J, T, U, K, I, W, and X. A mongoloid admixture (1.5%) was revealed in the form of mtDNA types of macrohaplogroup M. Comparative analysis of the mtDNA haplogroup frequency distribution patterns in six Russian populations from the European part of Russia indicated the absence of substantial genetic differences between them. However, in Russian populations from the southern and central regions the frequency of haplogroup V (average frequency 8%) was higher than in the populations from more northern regions. Based on the data on mtDNA HVS1 sequence variation, it was shown that the diversity of haplogroup V in Russians (h= 0.742) corresponded to the highest h values observed in Europe. The reasons for genetic differentiation of the Russian population (historical, ecological, and adaptive) are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper uses semi-structured interviews with Ecuadorian “white mestizos” of the upper classes to provide insights into the nature of racism in Ecuador. Interview data illuminate the specifics of racism and discrimination suffered by some of those labelled as mestizos, demolishing anew the idea of a homogenous mestizaje. Longo and cholo emerge as specific ethnic terminology used to create a racial/class distinctions among mestizos struggling for ethnoracial capital in a newly defined plurinational and intercultural state. These findings are contrasted with recent progressive state policies that address the plight of groups historically marginalized or ignored by the Ecuadorian narrative of mestizaje, but fail to look within mestizaje to battle against the remnants of colonial constructions of power and difference.  相似文献   

The collapse of the unitary Soviet state has plunged its former citizens into a profound identity crisis. Particularly hard hit are the twenty‐five million Russians living in the non‐Russian successor states. Formerly members of the dominant nationality of a multinational state they have been turned into a new Russian diaspora. Whether in time they should come to regard themselves as Latvians (Ukrainians, Georgians, etc.) of Russian extraction or as Russians who happen to be living in Latvia, Ukraine, Georgia, etc. will clearly influence political relations both within and among the Soviet successor states. Identity formation is a prolonged process and is influenced by a number of factors. The author attempts to outline a typology of possible identity trajectories of the Russian diaspora and discusses a number of influential factors which are deemed important to the identity formation. These factors work very differently in the various non‐Russian successor states, and there is therefore no reason to believe that all Russians living outside the Russian Federation will develop the same identity. There is, however, good reason to expect that in the final outcome a very large number of them will develop an identity which sets them apart from the Russian core group.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) polymorphism was examined in three Russian populations from the European part of Russia (Krasnodar Krai, Belgorod, and Nizhnii Novgorod oblast). This analysis revealed that mitochondrial gene pool of Russians was represented by the mtDNA types belonging to groups H, V, pre-V, HV*, J, T, U, K, I, W, and X. The major groups (average frequency over 5%) were H, V, J, T, and U. Mongoloid admixture in Russians, constituting only 1%, was revealed in the form of mtDNA types of groups C and D. Analysis of the frequency distribution of the mtDNA type groups indicated the absence of genetic differences between the Russian populations studied.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) polymorphism was examined in three Russian populations from the European part of Russia (Krasnodar Krai, Belgorod, and Nizhnii Novgorod oblast). This analysis revealed that mitochondrial gene pool of Russians was represented by the mtDNA types belonging to groups H, V, pre-V, HV*, J, T, U, K, I, W, and X. The major groups (average frequency over 5%) were H, V, J, T, and U. Mongoloid admixture in Russians, constituting only 1%, was revealed in the form of mtDNA types of groups C and D. Analysis of the frequency distribution of the mtDNA type groups indicated the absence of genetic differences between the Russian populations studied.  相似文献   

This article explores the role and influence of the elite US east coast organization, the Council on Foreign Relations [CFR], on the mobilization of Black Americans for aiding the Allied war effort in 1939–41. It examines the Council's wide-ranging campaign, arguing that the CFR, through two ad hoc organizations, the Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies and Fight For Freedom, mobilized blacks despite their political and economic marginality, because the rhetoric of freedom and democracy which characterized the war against Hitler brought into focus America's own racist practices. This denotes the first time that US elites recognised the foreign policy implications of domestic racism. Attempts were therefore made to mobilize blacks as part of a war campaign that also demanded domestic racial reform, prefiguring the Black-led ‘Double V’ programme of victory over racism at home and abroad.  相似文献   

With the aim of gaining insight into the genetic history of the Russians, we have studied mitochondrial DNA diversity among a number of modern Russian populations. Polymorphisms in mtDNA markers (HVS-I and restriction sites of the coding region) of populations from 14 regions within present-day European Russia were investigated. Based on analysis of the mitochondrial gene pool geographic structure, we have identified three different elements in it and a vast "intermediate" zone between them. The analysis of the genetic distances from these elements to the European ethnic groups revealed the main causes of the Russian mitochondrial gene pool differentiation. The investigation of this pattern in historic perspective showed that the structure of the mitochondrial gene pool of the present-day Russians largely conforms to the tribal structure of the medieval Slavs who laid the foundation of modern Russians. Our results indicate that the formation of the genetic diversity currently observed among Russians can be traced to the second half of the first millennium A.D., the time of the colonization of the East European Plain by the Slavic tribes. Patterns of diversity are explained by both the impact of the native population of the East European Plain and by genetic differences among the early Slavs.  相似文献   

It has recently been discovered that the beta blocker drug, propranolol, can potentially reduce implicit racial bias among its users. By acting upon the affective conditions associated with implicit racial bias functioning at the non-conscious and pre-conscious levels, researchers have expressed excitement about the potential of propranolol and similar drugs to decrease implicit racial attitudes, and, thus, potentially decrease racism. This study and others like it not only provide indications of an affective component to modern-day racism, but, more importantly, an epistemological shift in the meaning of racism within academia from a social and cultural problem to a medical problem. In this article, we examine this shift in academic discourse towards a pathologization of racism and the implications of this on the sociological study of race and racism.  相似文献   

From data collected in a North American Tay-Sachs disease (TSD) heterozygote screening program, the TSD carrier frequency among 46,304 Jewish individuals was found to be .0324 (1 in 31 individuals). This frequency is consistent with earlier estimates based on TSD incidence data. TSD carrier frequencies were then examined by single country and single region of origin in 28,029 Jews within this sample for whom such data were available for analysis. Jews with Polish and/or Russian ancestry constituted 88% of this sample and had a TSD carrier frequency of .0327. No TSD carriers were observed among the 166 Jews of Near Eastern origins. Relative to Jews of Polish and Russian origins, there was at least a twofold increase in the TSD carrier frequency in Jews of Austrian, Hungarian, and Czechoslovakian origins (P less than .005). These findings suggest that the TSD gene proliferated among the antecedents of modern Ashkenazi Jewry after the Second Diaspora (70 A.D.) and before their major migrations to regions of Poland and Russia (before 1100 A.D.).  相似文献   

Drawing from a variety of nineteenth-century French travel narratives on Russia, the paper “Image (and) Nation: The Russian Exotic in Nineteenth-Century French Travel Narratives” explores the idea of nation as a cultural construction and narrative. The paper attempts to address in particular the role of ``exotic othering' in creating French national identity in the decades following the Revolution. Where post-Revolutionary France discovered a formidable political and military enemy in tsarist Russia, the French likewise viewed the continued enslavement of the Russian peasants as the example par excellence of tyrannical government. Russia thus appeared in the eyes of many a French traveler as the diametrical opposite of post-Revolutionary France founded on liberal Enlightenment ideals. In bringing to light both widely-read and lesser-known French accounts of travel to Russia, this paper suggests how a developing French national identity coalesced in part around the articulation of cultural difference from the Russian Other. Evoking the critical work of Homi K. Bhaba, Edward Said, Benedict Anderson and Lisa Lowe, the paper describes tropes of the exotic as they appear in these nineteenth-century French travel narratives on Russia and suggests how such narrative depictions of the Russian landscape, the Russian woman, and Russians in general established and reaffirmed – through an implicit cultural comparison – the idea of the French nation. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Korzh VP 《Ontogenez》2001,32(3):234-237
Nadezhda Alexandrovna Dobrovolskaya-Zavadskaya was born in Kiev on September 13, 1878. She studied medicine in Saint Petersburg where in the early 1900s, Dobrovolskaya became one of the best known women surgeons. After the First World War started in 1914, she joined the Russian army and worked in military hospitals until 1917, when the revolution dramatically changed the fate of Russia and all Russians. At the end of civil war she was working in the hospital in the army of General Wrangel. After the defeat of Wrangel in 1920, Dobrovolskaya left Russia and went into exile. Like many other Russian emigr[symbol: see text]s, she came to Paris after fleeing Crimea via Turkey and Egypt. (Unfortunately, this period of the life of Nadezhda Dobrovolskaya is completely unknown to me.)  相似文献   

This article highlights the importance of humour and laughter in analyses of ethnicity and race in everyday life, and contributes to the growing anthropological engagement with the role of the ludic in social life. Focusing on pupil interaction in an ethnically and racially diverse London school, it argues that while peer classification practices can lead to reification of ethnic and racial differences, ludic interactions have cross-cutting, counter-balancing or liquefying effects. In interactions of humour, ethnic and racial differences can become the very material from which banter and laughter are created, constituting a convivial sociality that manifests closeness at the same time as difference. Such interactions enable peers to address their racial and ethnic differences, and a wider context of prejudice and racism, lightly, ‘making fun out of’ what could potentially divide and distance them.  相似文献   

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